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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PHILLIPS CME CHURCH SENIOR USHERS SPONSOR SPANISH DINNER Senior Ushers of the Phillips CME Church sponsored a Spanish dinner at the home of Mrs. Leberta Ray, 2322 W. Washington. Shown are Mesdames Ray, Carrie Wade, Mr. A. B. Bennett, Pauline Stoglin and Lilly Allen. ‘ TUCSON - Eighteen cases of “The ability to produce every necessary of life renders us independent in war as well as in peace,*' —Millard Fillmore j‘Trtrvvv^ru-irunrirLrinj-u-irrvvvv‘i-‘ , ‘-r‘r‘*~- . I O.D. SAYS.... WE DO NOT CUT [ | PRICES -- NEITHER ;! ;' W&* DO WE CUT ;! *■"*- QUALITY! ! ’ 4 Sunday Hours at South Plaza office ! ;HHHk J*\ 1 mlO a.m. to 2 p.m. COIN PRICE ECONOMY We do the work...cleaned, spotted, wrinkle-free :j ECONOMY-DRY CLEANING 8 LBS. $2 - Free Pick-up and Delivery [ On CLEANERS SINCE 1924 I MAIN OFFICE 1220 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE 1 I OTEY DERTING branch south plaza P ”°. NE 1 MANAGER AL 3-eaSS ( | The cook’s best friend is her kitchen phone! infectious mononucleosis, some times known as the kissing dis ease, have been reported this year among students at the Uni versity of Arizona. A kitchen extension phone brings your calls where you’re cooking. Saves you time and steps. Up-and-out-of-the-way location conserves scarce counter space. Take your choice of colors: sunny yel low, white, beige or pink. To add the beauty and usefulness of a wall phone to your kitchen, just call our business office or ask your telephone serviceman. MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE (^) EBONY FASHION FAIR SALES GOOD Mrs. Mary Bradford - EBONY FASHION FAIR’S LOCAL publi city chairman says, “The men are buying more tickets to EBONY FASHION FAIR this year.” Wonder if they are really going to see the fashions, or the pretty models. Mrs. Elois Hill, president of Alpha Gama Rho Chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority is leav ing no stone unturned to make this first Phoenix showing of the EBONY FASHION FAIR a great success. The EBONY FASHION FAIR is sponsored by Johnson Publishing Company of Chicago, and it trav els from coast to coast each year. It is sponsored by local organi zations for worthy causes re gardless of race color or creed. The EBONY FASHION FAIR will be held at Phoenix North High School, 1101 East Thomas Road, Thursday November 29, at 8:00 p.m. Advance tickets on sale at your local beautician, $3.50 and $5.00 reserve. Each ticket includes a one year sub scription to EBONY, or a 6 months subscription to JET. 4 WOMEN CHARGED WITH WELFARE FRAUD Four women who allegedly re ceived more than $14,000 worth of welfare assistance they weren’t entitled to were charged in criminal complaints. Accused in multiple misde meanor complaints before Justice of the Peace A1 J. Flood were: Amelia Ruiz, 43, of 522 W. Romley. She collected $7,274 without reporting that she had an able-bodied breadwinner. Elvia Daniels, 419 N. Pasa dena, Mesa. Welfare people said she was overpaid $4,999 while her husband, Theodore, was em ployed full time and the couple said he was unemployed. Rose Boyd, 1504 W. Sherman allegedly was overpaid $1,490 and failed to report her husband was working and providing for the children. Elizabeth Duryea, 808 E.Palm Lane. Welfare people said she was overpaid $515 disability as sistance while earning SBO a month and board and room as a babysitter. ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOV. 9,1962, PHOENICIANS BID RESIDENT GOODBY AS SHE HEADS TO EUROPE ■ A „ ■HP f Pictured above are some of those attending the farewell party honoring Mrs. Urbana Miller last Saturday night. Shown are Mr. William Hopper, Mrs. Esther Ford, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Evelyn Hopper. Standing are Mrs. James Chambers, Mmes. Jackie Pinkney, Bertha Jackson, Carolyn Holly, Mr. Ira Hopper, and Mrs. Amelia Tanner. Wishing Mrs. Miller a fond farewell last Saturday night were Mr. Albert McGhee, Miss Sharon Thompson, Mr. Quincy Hopper, Messrs. Griffin Jackson, Herman Mosley, Mrs. William Thomp son and Mr. Thompson. FIRST... TjUff IUI Htto! [Webb, Williams \t%d Insurance Agency security.. J, " VIRGIL J. BERRY ! I , r as defined by Webster: 1) a feeling of being free J | I from fear, danger, etc. 2) freedom from doubt; ;!' certainty. 3) protection; safeguard. Good Insurance affords the security that WEBB, WILLIAMS & BERRY gives to all. Come in and find out for yourself. i BR 6-5568 2017 E, Broadway HA VE YOUR gg" tv n REPAIRED NOW! | I NOTHING DOWN-UP TO ONE YEAR |rf>-| TO PAY Pm^Tl NOW 2 LOCATIONS 4426 So. Central - 6-6292 Ip J I 3188 E.lndian School -AM 4-2800pA i I If your repairs should be S2O or over... take /pjA I advantage of our budget plant Requirements Ku f j.rl two good credit references. 4426 S. CENTRAL %BARATTA M RADIO-TV SALES-SERVICE / \ . P.7