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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1963. Steve Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Banks, 1935 E. Wler, seems to be detained from the rest of the party. He Is In the pillory at Legend City's Frontier Fort. Two real live Indian braves make sure he's in for keeps. Second photo—Steve takes over the wheel In the horseless car riage drive while his brother Mike watches the road. His sister Frankie, and friend, Virginia keep his mother, Mrs. Fred Banks company in the back seat. IV PETER A. ROOSEN ■ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ML 510 E. SOUTHERN A VE. • PHOENIX. 40 , ARIZONA CUSTOM DESIGNER AND BUILDER FREE PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS - FINANCING . PHONE 276-6723 or 276-5778 I O.D. SAYS.... | '! I we * ,ik ® the ea f ie, » wer * | §j| born to be free. Yet we are obliged, in order to live j' yfl at all, to make a cage of £ laws for our * clves and t 0 I " I I COIN PRICE ECONOMY £ % WE DO THE WORK.. .CLEANED £ 4 WRINKLE - FREE 4 Jf. . V ■ ■ ■— ■— l 1 / jj ECONOMY DRY CLEANING 8 lbs. $2.00 % Each additional lb. 25c . NO LIMIT Jr 0" I) CLEANERS | SINCE 1924 */ MAIN OFFICE 1220 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE /' / ** y BRANCH SOUTH PLAZA >, % OTEY DERT,NG FREE pickup PHONE /' y f MANAGER & DEL | V ERY AL 3-6869 % BUY NOW EVERYBODY ** NEW 3 BEDROOM HOMES * J' Ms . in beautiful PARK SOUTH 18th St. and Roeser No Down Payment NO CLOSING COST or TITLE FEE YOUR SIGNATURE MOVES YOU IN IMMEDIATELY!!! Monthly Payments cheaper than rent Call WEBB, WILLIAMS & BERRY, Inc. BR 6-5568, BR 6-1912, all IODM BR 6-8421, BR 6-3847 evenings P.6 ELKS CORNER Charlesetta McC LAM MY—REPORTER Dt. Mozell Childress ex presses her appreciation to all who sent condolences during the loss of her son, John O. Scott. He died May 26 In the U. S. Public Service Hospital at San Francisco. Dt. Gertrude Albert and Bro. Riston Diggs are In the county hospital. Dt. Glodlne Patterson needs blood donors. She lives at 918 S. 16 Ave. #458. The Pacific States Association of Elks will hold Its annual meet ing in our city in 1964. ••••***• Again Arizona was well repre sented at the PSA convention held at Bakersfield. The conven tion theme was "Let My People, Go, Go, Go! Bee Hive Lodge and Tlmpano gus Temple of Salt Lake City, were awarded the trophies for outstanding Elkdom work. Edna Elgin of California was named Daughter of the Year and Ernest Turner, of Calif., was Brother Elk of the Year. Our own Dt. Mary Thompson was pianist for the necrology services last Thursday. The chimes rang for Dt. Susie Oby, of Grand Canyon Temple, 437, Phoenix; Dt. Annie E. Kelly, of Yuma, and Dts. Juanita Arnold and Clara Bishop. ••*•••** The Civil Liberties program and banquet were held Wednes day night in the Fiesta Room of the Hacienda Motel. Atty. Gabe Solomon, of Bakers field, and a former SIOOO Elks oratorical contest scholarship winner was the guest speaker. Others present were GER Hob son Reynolds, and his wife; Em mett Harris, state pres., and Bessie I. Smith, state dt. pres. ROGENA HAS I2TH YEAR PARTY With knife poised Rogena Owens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Owens, 2535 E. Tamarisk, prepares to divide her birthday cake. A party honoring her twelfth year was held Saturday night. From left in top picture are Gary Davis, Barbara Bowen, Rogena, Christine Burt, Gloria Lacy, Michael Dasher, Charles Bowen, An thony Davis, and Larry Works. Others pictured around the phonograph are Rene Davis, Deborah Mingo, Charlotte Powell, Ronnie Mingo, Ollie Broussard, Curtis Owens, Cora Lacy, Veoria Smith, Leigh Corum, Ernestine McCor vey, Teresa Owens, Ronald Davis, Marizetta Owens, Robert Haw kins, Rita and Emma McCorvey. ♦★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★if | PAYLESS J (MEN'S SOXS t { 10 P*. - SI.OO } 1 1607 S.I 16 ST. t ELKS CORNER CONTINUED Arizona daughters receiving their past state president honors were Dts. Esther Me Elroy, Eth elene Lacy, Mary Thompson, and Beulah Sanders. Elizabeth Woo of Los Angeles, a Chinese student won first place in the district oratorical con test. Second place was won by Richard Barron, of Phoenix from So. Mountain High. PSA education department also presented the Nettie Carter Jack son Scholarship award of SIOO to Sharon Smith of Bakersfield. This will be an annual award. Miss Ellta Wilson, of Phoenix, was crowned Junior Queen by the State Dt. Pres. Bessie I. Smith. She rode in die grand parade. Dt. Ruby Blackshear was nom inated as outer guard. Arizona now has three officers in the women's division of PSA. Others serving are Dts. Maple L. Pratt, trustee and Beulah Sanders, 2nd vice pres. The colorful parade was led by Maj. Gen. Lipscomb of the Antler Guards. I wish to thank Grand Canyon Temple 437 for letting me rep resent you. I was placed on the credentials and registration committee, and I am honored. A closed joint social affair for Elks members only is to be held at the lodge Sat., July 6. Charlesetta McClammy Elks Reporter