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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1963, PAGE 6 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED BY CASSANDA SUNDAY AFTERNOON Birthdays should be happy affairs, but sometimes a tear or two is shed before the cake is cut. Cassanda Blount, prepares to eat a piece of her cake after the party got quiet. Posing with the honoree are Lisa Lang, Terry Battiest, Lisa Blackshear and Vic Bonner. The party was held at the home of Cassanda's grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Tayes, 1430 E. Adams. WEBBER'S JrwEastlake Plan Our Traditions.... /Illlmlll !■ WSHi Require that Sincerity 111 111 HI vSw an( * Honest y guide our service to the public. . JOHN H. WEBBER, MGR. AL 4-8734 ROSE E. WEBBER, ASST. j ~u~u~u~u~u~v^i —u ——. —y—r—t—• —«*.*|* HAVE YOUR TV 1 ! REPAIRED NOW! I; NOTHING DOWN . jj UP TO ONE YEAR TO PAY Now 2 Locations ! 4426 So. Central BR 6-6292 Xj J:| 3188 E. Indian School AM 4-2800 j | If your repairs should be S2O or over...take - *J advantage of our budget plan! Requirements 4/** '' ! two good credit references. *V/ V | 4426 So. Central hh ♦^barattaW RAPIO-TV SAIIS-SERVICE j «* ft rn • *Vf Ip*!!! HI f WPublic \ ■ I L I _ m I m&m. NM V Service J COMPANY y (?! OFFICES 1 CLOSED | Monday, Nov. 11, vl in observance of 'A VETERANS' DAY Vy For holiday or week-end emergency service, \\ consult your telephone directory. \\ NEW YORK - Negro students studying at Interracial colleges are performing above the national average stated the National Ser vice and Scholarship in its fif teenth annual report. More than 9,000 Negroes have been aided by the fund which awarded $4,300,000 In scholar ship grants. Including $686,580 this year. The report found more than five per cent of the students aver aged a or a minus, while 50 per cent more scoredbplus-bminus. Honors earned by fund students were 1 Rhodes Scholarship, one Fulbright Award, one Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, several Phi Beta Kappa electees and many cum laude, magna and summa cum laude degrees from 8 schools. The report continued stating fewer than five per cent of the Negro students assisted by the fund withdrew from college while the national average was 40 per cent. . FOLLEY IN TOP BOXING LIST World Boxing Association rankings list two Arizona fighters in the top 10 of their divisions. • Zora Folley of Chandler is rated fifth among challengers for Champion Sonny Liston’s crown. Ahead of Folley are Cassius Clay, Ooug Jones, Cleveland Williams and Ernie Terrell. Manny Elias is listed ninth on the list of bantamweights seeking to lift the crown from Eder Jofre of Brazil. Only other Am erican on the list is Ronnie Jones, of Chicago, ranked sixth. GOOD GUYS GIVE UNITED [ "J IS YOUR VACUUM SICK? I Lost its power? - Fails to if pick up as it used to? 1 Dirt in the motor or a C faulty hose Is probably the I reason. \ HOSES TO FIT i Bring it in for a 1 FREE SERVICE \ INSPECTION C ELECTROLUX - HOOVER J COMPACTS I ) New & Used Cleanefis 1 STEPHEN'S VACUUM i CLEANER SERVICES \ 722 N. 7th ST. \ / OPEN WED. & FRI. EVES / I / NEW *•*, I I *o* GAYLORD ABC HOMES I I model - 22nd at E. Vineyard I I** NOTHING DOWN NO CLOSING COSTSI I Ready to occupy in 2 weeks I I 3 Bedrooms- Biltin Range & Oven - Carport I sold exclusively by I WEBB, WILLIAMS & BERRY I I 2017 E. Broadway I ■ bR^-SSM^^^^vosJRJWMTI te;enagers of jack and jill HOLD LUAU AT YMCA SATURDAY The Jack and Jill Club of America, Phoenix teenage group hosted a Hawaiian luau at the YMCA, 350 N. First Ave., Sat.,Oct. 26 This was the group’s monthly activity and many of the members and their friends are pictured above. The theme for 1963-64 Is "Challenging the Future.” Further social, cultural and civic projects will enable the teenage group to complete its annual program. Shown are Carla Flipper, Elnofti Ward, Philomena Kuykendall, Evangeline Monteilh, Mary Perry, Dene Bennett, Cherie Manns, Sylvia Reddick, Dorothy Griffin, Fern Crosby and Ora Griffin. Others in island dress were Harold Sublett, Garland Chester, Alyce Holmens, Linda Boykins, Bill Smith, Bryan and John Webber, Alexander Wright, Jr., Annette Smith, Beverly Graves, Lynette Bryant, Pearl Childress, Randy Boykins, David Banks, Althea Chester Janet Smith, Lillie Jones, Joann Sublett, Carol Chester, Rickie and Diane Hicks, Sandra Vann, Wonda Davis, Celia Anthony, Her man Hicks, Betty Miller and Marilyn Strickland '■' ‘ & I I ty&Utt ~ Sayk I I Exterminating Service § § COMPLETE CONTROL f | STOP ROACHES f f BUGS, ANTS AND MOTHS | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f 8 REASONABLE PRICES f I CALL 252-8527 H.L. GARNER?