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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1963, LINKS SPONSOR MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA SUNDAY AT YWCA SOCIAL ROOM Every two years the Phoenix Chapter of Links, Inc., present a Cotillion Ball featuring debutantes. This fall’s planning activities centered around the participants including the young girls and their mothers. Shown above are members of the Links who attended tea held at die YWCA Sunday afternoon. From left are Mesdames Maude Dunne, Louise Phillips, Me Fraddie Martin, W. D. Swindall, Clarence Jackson, Geraldine Solo mon, Aubrey Aldridge, Joseph Flipper, Charles Wheeler, Curtis Greenfield, Fred Williams and J. S. Jones. Enjoying die beautiful surroundings at the YWCA tea sponsored by the Links are Mrs. Charles Wheeler, Miss JoEtta Griffin, Mrs. Cora Griffin, Miss Evelyn Watkins, Miss Bumadene Jacks and Mrs, Jackson. Others attending the Mothers-Daughters Tea held at the YWCA Sunday afternoon were Miss Harriet Johnson, .Mrs. Eddie Mae Johnson, Mrs. Lawrence Perry, Mrs. Florence Griffin; standing were Misses Marilyn Boyer, Vendrella Mims, Mrs. L. Mims, Mrs. James Hill* Miss Delores Randolph, Mrs. J. H. Boykins, Mrs. R. L. Sublett, Sr. and Mrs. Ida B. Colbert. Second photo shows Misses Legusat Moss, Judith Luckey, Wilm Eccles and Mocha Lackey. Standing are Mesdames Will Callaway, Carl Battle, Arlessie Johnson, and Lillie Jones. Evangline Monteilh, Dorothy Griffin, Mary Perry, Brenda Wood, Carla Flipper and Elizabeth Wood. i(vWvV>AVWWVVvW7VVV^ ; i \ ATTENTION ALL HOMEMAKERS! j "l e t’s Talk Turkey” j <\A AAAAa \> | | |||||i Xs . Ipii .^g. p| | ||§ ” jWByV . ;■ >• Holiday Cooking is the star of the show ... at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, f T | how to prepare it, how to cook it and at the Gas Appliance Showcase Ij® how to serve it. Learn from the in Chris-Town. Mm&gm ’ experience of Arizona Public Service BH| Home Service Advisors. They’ll show Admission Free •• • UK you how it’s done to perfection . »H with the least fuss and bother. Other Door Prizes • • • aHH • topics, too: Tips on holiday menus, Nothing to Buy serving and table setting suggestions. I Plan to Attend! Ariioaa Public Seaaica Co s CHRIS-TOWN / PHONE: 265-1513 \ H| P.4 MAN KILLED IN GUN DUEL Albert T. Evans, 61, 1517 E. Yavapai, was killed by six bul lets fired from an automatic pis tol held by Lonnie Lee Landrum, 49, 722 S. Third Ave. Police investigators said Evans and Landrum were argu ing over a campfire near 1317. W. Buckeye. Both men drew guns and fired. Landrum is in serious condi tion at Memorial Hospital with a bullet wound in the chest. MIXED COUPLE MOVES TO PARIS Tempest Storm, one of the highest paid strip artist and her husband. Herb Jefferies, have moved to Europe. They said they were bitter about the treatment they received because of their interracial marriage. Herb Jef feries is a well known Negro singer. They have one child. -PENNEY’S - 5t10P ..... DOWNTOWN SAVE! f WOMEN'S JTRSTCH HOSE ARE SEAMLESS 2188' one would guess he tiny price Pen ley’s is asking for his fine quality lose. Seamless tretchables with a econd skin fit that 'ou’ll like. Suntan md pebble. MAIN FLOOR Pre Christmas sss Days WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Felt slippers at a budget price. In jm blue and wine in sizes 5 to 9. This C is a real value! VISUAL BACKED SLIPPERS Men’s or women’s soft slippers for CoB an added little gift. So appreci ated. S.M.L. Assorted colors. SECOND FLOOR ■ MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS Sporty short sleeve sweat shirts are warm for this time of year. ■ S'zes S.M.L. WOMEN S HOUSE SLIPPERS Felt slippers at a budget price. In blue and wine in sizes 5 to 9. This BB C is a. real value! VISUAL BACKED SLtPPERS Men’s or women’s soft slippers for an added little gift. So appreci ated. S.M.L. Assorted colors. SECOND FLOOR M WEBBER'S iastloke Plan Our Traditions.... Require that Sincerity and Honesty guide our service to the public. . JOHN H. WEBBER, MGR. AL 4-8734 ROSE E. WEBBER, ASST.