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Newspaper Page Text
vcu , 0OUGLAS CVVY AND TRKADWKLL, ALASKA. NOVEMBER 23, 1898. NO. 1. Jl III HI III III >11 III III III Ml Ml Ml r . . ... ? ^ Boo^s, Shoe.% Rubber (.loods Ladles and (lcntiemcn s 5 and OH Clothing Furnishing (ioods. Frank Bach, I ; , , Dealer in j GEHEBHL KBMIKE MINERS' SUPPLIES, ETC. v\\\w LIES' CLOAKS IB MPS LIES' IS : FRONT STREET, - DOUGLAS CITY, ALASKA. F. M. JAMES, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WWW DOUGLAS C ITY, is the place to buy your Dry Goods and Groceries that is, if you are in the market for u j?oo?l article. -W I am not selling below cost, but selling as low as any one can and make an honest living. rimers' Outfits a Specialty. DOUGLAS CITY, .... ALASKA. #P. H. FOX, DEALER IX REHEBAL MERCHANDISE x. STAPLt and FANCY GROCERIES. Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware. Complete Yukon Outfits. ' First-class Bakery in connection with the store. 1 DOUGLAS CITY, ALASKA. L A ALASKA MEAT MARKET I D. SVlcKAY, Proprietor A full line of Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats constantly on W* hand. / \ r\ Poultry and Game Huuter Jfloc^c, Douglas City, Alaska, in Season. /TELEPHONE NO. 8. '?s \ ( c \ -i V I \ Ill 1 BILL MINES.! I A News Man Spends a Few Hours Sight Seeing. Going Down the Shaft. The Tunnel. ???? FOREMAN HUNTER AS GUIDE. Who lias not hoard of the wonderful; Trcadwell mines? The greatest, mine? the largest stamp mill in the world. Ono pf the first things the News man j thought of after locating at Douglas j City was a trip to Treadwell, not to go and look at the buildings and see the ! stamps pound the ore so fine that it j looks like buckwheat flour, but to go down into the bowols of old mother j earth and follow the ore until it passes through the various stages and becomes; a thing of real value. Our wishes were made known to Foreman Hunter and in part our desire was realized 011 last Saturduy; leaving ; a portion of our sight seeing for some future time. Wo met Mr. Qonter at. the shaft about ten oclock in the fore- | . ii 1 _r ii.? 1 i noon ana me engineer ui rue uui?ui j engines stopped one of the skips and : wo climbed on. We stood on the edge ! of the box and were let down so easily I ! and gently that it remiudcd us of a I ; beautiful dream. Wo made our land ! ing on the first level, which is down i 110 feet below the surface. We were j ; each provided with a candle, for the' electric light is not in all parts of the j many tunnels through which we | passed. At tho place where we landed are tiu- j 1 merous iron tracks on which the ore is conveyed on cars to a bin some fifty j feet in depth and. which holds 200 tons ! of ore. We started out toward tho l end of the tunnel, which has a high! ceiling and is wide enough for a team and wagon to travel on. Along either 1 j side are numerous chutes that are! ; filled with ore, and Manager Hunter, iuformed us that if tho blasting were J | stopped, the ore constantly on hand j would be sufficient to run the mill for at least three months. Wo soon reach ed two men who were running a drill with compressed air. They had a wall | pretty well peforated. but were still j i drilling in more holes. Two feet was j the depth of the holes they made. .. J "How much ore will you blow our of i that place?" asked the scribe, j "About thirty tons," was the reply, j "And how far do you go away when ; the discharge takes place?" asked the j News man. "Oh, around the corner a little ways," was the reply. Our judgment was that we would j prefer to be away a half a mile and we haven't changed our mind yet on the | subject. We followed that tunnel some four i hundred feet until wo came to a hole j that Manager Hunter told us was 100 I feet deep. It extended clear across the tunnel and we had no desire to go any ; further, and Mr. Hunter no doubt ; viewed the situation in the same light: 1 we did, for we turned and cut across \ into another tunnel that is still longer and where the cross sections are as nu- i merous. We traveled over 1100 feet j through the tunnel, and think of it, from the surface down hundreds ot feet through solid ore. This vein is more than 400 feet wide, but just how far it extends in downward course, no | one knows, bnt for more than 500 feet: is known to a certainty. Six or seven little cars are constantly I running from the chutes down to where the ore is hauled up to the crusher, which we will see later on. The load- j ing of these cars is done by a man who raises tho trap door to the mouth of I tho chute. The cars are at present run by hand to the place where the ore is ; dumped into the big bin before men-; tioned, but the company is arranging to run these cars by electricity. Here : the man oowor stops short. From ; there the ore is all handled by ma- i chinery, and how much do you think | the stamps will use in a day? 250 tons, i i Just think of it, 250 tons of ore is; I 1 J mined, crushed and ground as fine as : Hour every twenty-four hours. i We wandered around the caverns for j some time and returned to the shaft: i I : and soon we were up in the hoisting; engine rooms and from there we climbed > up flights of stairs until we reached j the room in which two crushers get in their awful work. We expected to find a mill, a great big strong iron mill! built on the same principle of those , i i little domestic machines we grind, or used to grind coffee in, and we thought the teeth would be even larg er than a Tacoma girl's foot, but the crusher is a most harmless looking ma chine, and just the opposite of what we expected to see. In the center of the room are two concave disks or hoppers we should probably cell them. The ore comos down an incline chute from the hoisting boxes where thoy are automatically emptied. In the center of the disk is a round opening some three feet wide, and in the center of this opening, a little lower down is a round cylinder two or three feet long that revolves and moves laterally at the same time. The ore falls between this disk and the basin iu which it is set and tho disk just crushes it into small pieces, and when broken to a cer tain size it drops down into a bin below. Two men are in tho crusher room to keep tho large pieces of ore from clog ging the hopper. The ore as it comes down the chute is sometimes in large pieces and those employed at the crusher are constantly on the watch to keep out of the course of the heavy We next go down several flights of 6tairs into the room whero the stamps are running. Have you ever been in a stamp mill ? If you haven't, you never beard any noise. You may think you havo but my friend you are mistaken. This mill has 240 stamps, all going at the same time. Talking in there is never thought of. Stampmill language is by means of signs. We were only too glad when Fore man Hunter conducted us into a side room, whero we could think and talk. It proved to be the office of Mr. Win. M.Hale, foreman of the stamp mill, who is a genial, pleasant geutloman. Wo were also pleased to moet Mr. Nick King who is employed in the amalga mating department. Here wo bade Foreman Hunter goodbye for the duy. There is much to be seen and a great deal to be said as we follow the course of the precious metal at the Tread well and a future issue will contain more upon this subject. Saturday was a cold dreary day and our stay at the mines was limited. The new stamp mill which is neariug completion is larger than the one we visited and will contain 300stamps, but we did not go into the building. We also made no mention of the tunnels one hundred feet below the one we wore in, the "glory hole" and the many other places of interest. When ono considers the magnitude of the Treadwell mines, ono naturally wonders what master mind is superin tendent of this groat plant and others, as well as the writer, will be surprised to know that a young man, less than forty years of age, has charge of these works and successfully conducts them ?an enterprise that employs some 700 men?included in which is also ono of the greatest general stores in Alaska, and equal to those on the Pacific coast. The name of this man is J. P. Corbus. piCWUO UL U1U. From the crusher room we go just below, where we see a train of small cars backing up under the chute that holds the crushed ore. Thore are five or six of the cars to which is attached the cutest little engine you ever saw. It is a little bit of a thing, not over three or four feet high, and is minus a cab and tender. One man runs this little locomotive. The diminutive size of the machine makes the man that runs it look several sizes larger than the ordinary man, in fact we thought he must bo betwoon sevou and ten feot tall. We didn't get the best kind of a look at him, but we thought he rode the engine liko the girls did the old gray mare, when the writer was a boy, ?a-straddlo, but we might have been mistaken. When the cars are loaded the litilo engine pulls them into the mill where they empty into bins far above the stamps,into which it is fed automati cally. A Good Chicken Story. A story is going the rounds of the papers about a man who tried the ex periment of mixing sawdust with his chicken feed. The results were so sat isfactory that he discontinued the uso of meal altogether and fed his chickens entirely on sawdust. Soon after adopt ing the scheme he set a hen with fif teen eggs. She brought off thirteen chicks. Twelve of them had wooden legs and the thirteenth was e wood pecker. Subscribe for the News. / m 11 NEI GOLD FIELDS. ? ? ? A Trip into the Atlin and Pine Creek Country, by a Douglas City Man ? f MR. P. H. McGUIRE TALKS, Mr. P. H. McGuire, of Douglas City, accompanied by a man named G. W. Mathews, left this city sometimo du ring the latter part of last February on a prospecting tour, into the Lake Teslin country. Before returning, the party went down the lakes and wore within thirty miles of Pino Creek which has since that time become fa mous as a new mining region. A trail into these new gold fields has been I found and improved, by way of Doug las City and Juneau, and from the fact that the McGuire party passed over a greater portion of this new inlet, the i News man concluded that a few items 1 of interest concerning the trail nnd country could be gained for our read | ers by looking up the prospector and . interviewing him. "I understand you have once been, very near the Pine Creek placer miues," ! said the News mau, "and we would bo j 1 pleased to have you give the readers of the News some information concerning it." "Yes, Mr. G. W. Mathews and myself | left this place the latter part of Fobru , ary of this year. Of course we knew ; nothing concerning the strike at Pine : Creek and wore simply out prospecting. We first headed for Lake Teslin, and the first forty miles is made in a boat, going down the Gastrinoaux channel to Bishop's point, thence up the Taku inlet 28 miles, which lauds us at the mouth of the Tuku rivor on the ice. The mouth of this river is about three | miles wide. We wont up the river to ; tho head waters of the Taku. a distance of about fifty miles, to the confluence ; of the Inkliu and Knacunaw rivers : where the Tuku river boffins. We then ; followed up the Knacunaw to the Sil ! ver Salmon which was about twenty-six 1 miles. From the Silver Salmon to Lake Tesliu is a distance of about 8ix ty miles and is a low and practically level country. We each had a four I dog team and carried in all twenty eight hundred pounds to tho lake. Tho i most difficult part of the trail we en countered thus far was in going around the Sinwauklin mountains, which took | two or three days of our time. From Lake Teslin we returned to the Silver , Salmon over the samo route wo had previously traveled. Wo went up tho Silver Salmon river into the Atliu lake j country where we were within about ' thirty miles of Pino Creek." "What can you say as to tho practi ? cability of this routo you traveled over as a summer routo to Pino Creek ?" was asked. "Well, 1 think the route to be practi cable. The packing part of the routo ? in the summer would bo about fifty miles. There is plenty of good feed along tho way and horses aud cattle could 1x3 used. Tho soil is principally I of a gravelly nature and very firm. A survey has recently been made which j confirms my judgment. For winter travel it is good, all one could reason ably ask for." "How did your prospocting tour pau out?" j "Wo found colors on three of the riv era wo were on and also aovoral crooks, but did not go to bed rock. I shall re i turn, however, after tho holidays and more thoroughly prospect tho stream*, i I Know the gold is there and expect to find it. Wo were probably the first per sons who over prospected on the rivers I have mentioned." Mr. McGuire further said that he thought small river steamers could go up the Taku river as far as the Inklin , during tho high water season, and pack ing can be easily done from there into the Atlin lake country. Mr. McGuire has been in Alaska for tho last two years and at presont is em ployed at tho Troadwell mines, lie u a man of intelligence and education, j a close obsorver and posessed of a good memory, a good talker and wo boliovo his description of the route over which I he traveled is truthful. His appear - j ance denotes a man of abundance of | nerve and wo sincerely trust that hie | second trip up the Taku may prove ' more than successful, yes that he will Hud more gold t han he and his four dog team may be able to pull out into civilization. * \ ?' -