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Douglas Island News?Supplement. Vol.. I. !>;in;L.\S iTIT .WD TKKA DWELL. ALASKA, WKDNKSDAY. JAXUAKY IS. 1SW. Xo. J?. .1. (i. McDonald and ('. If. Steven made us a visit last Saturday. 'klt i pleasant tor brethren to dwell toijethe in unity." Murine tin1 recent storm the attend anee at the puhlie school near the Mex icau mill dwindled down to three pu pils. The tuichee was in a state of su pr? me disgust. Mr. Insley of Juneau litis hpen oil cairetl to assist inclosing out the Fran! iiach stock of general merchandise lie i> a competent man and goes at things in a very business like manner Kc\. Loyal L. W irt's Defense. \- previously announced. 1 lie Kev. Mr \\ iii delivered ;i sermon al the I'onp'e national church last Sunday evening' diirinu the course of' which, lit' replied lot he frit if isius t hat some of t he mem hereof the church iiid iilur*k?l in apt ins t him. His remarks upon this part of the discourse were clothed in diplomatic laupiaue. in a vein that indicated that t lie speaker felt deeply wronged Iiy a few of the )members who should have I teen loyal to him. That he had made some mistakes, he did not deny, but claimed that theelmreh members are by duty IhMind to condone slight errors and give him credit for purity of motive. To extend tohim this much charity, was in his case a christian duty. His invo cation.- were lull of fervor and he did not forget to pray for those whom he thought had so thoughtlessly done him a great wrong. We think Pro. Wirt made a very good defense and that the ??*rmou of last Sunday night will bring forth good fruit. The (iuild. St. Luke's (Juild held the lirst meet ing of the year at Mrs. Pentley's, last Thursday afternoon. Jan. l'J. Klect ion of officers was held, and the following members were elected to office: Pres., Mrs. Pent ley: Vice Pres., Mrs. Palcon ?*r: Sec'y.. Mrs. Shepard: Treasurer, Mrs. Johnson. Py-law Xo.was elimi nated from the rules and regulations. Hereafter absent members will not be tilled. The Guild has been quite sue eessful since its organization and starts in the new year with a good balance in the treasury. The patronage and kind ly feeling extended to them has been most heartily appreciated by the mem ber.-, and they all hope for another suc eessful year. Candy. Nuts and Fruits, and tin* best cigars in town at Fastberg A* John sou's. THE; .11'NHA 1.1 COURT MOUSE. \\ ill Be Completed h\ la) and the Nevl Term o| Court Will be Meld in the N'e\s Building. Tlu? new Juneau court house is to U? linished by the tirst of next .May. The government appropriated s|t>.chh> for the building and s'o.(KK) for a tire proof vault, which amount ought to put up a decent buildinc. Public buildings are generally constructed under the super vision of the supervising arcliitect at Washington, and when such is the case, it takes all the way from live to forty years to secure the construction and completion of most any kind of a structure, but au exception is made in t lie Juneau court house and its con struction is placed in charge of the At torney (ieneral of the Cnited States. \? i' i. /? i.. .. .:..i ..*? .>1 r. r ran k 'irygiii. it >j>eei<ti rt^nn <>i the general land office. has been sent to Juneau to put lip the court house and work on the same will not drag, hut it will be pushed to an early completion, so that it may be occupied at the next term of court. I'resh meat always on hand at Kast berg A: Johnson's. An original [Htem and much local matter is unavoidably crowded out. this week. s They Ate iind Were Horry. s The Misses (rprtnido and Catherine Spear. 1 hi? popular school teachers of Douglas Island, nave a dinner to some . of t heir pupils at the residence of the . former near the Mexican stamp mill. . last Sunday. The invited uuests were . Anna MeCormick, Lizzie Mc.Kenna, May Hampton and Ksther Crofts. fresh a specialty at fast berg A: v Johnson's. A (irund hull. Prof. Miller, of Pou^las City, will oive a ^ra11<i I>alI in (Hunan's hall n?'\f Wednesday owning, ami it will bo ? the "swell" party of the now year. Professors Mil lor. Fnlmor and Fremont ? will furnish the music. If you want an evenings real genuineou.joymont. you better jjo. Soothe hand bills and the furt her notice in our next issue. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF ALASKA. mi: tiii: mstuict or u.aska. (iovernor?John (i. Hrady: private secretary. Mrs. Cert rude Knapp. IT. S. Judge?C. S. Johnson. C. S. Attorney?Koliert .\. Cried rich. Assistant District Attorney?Alfred ?J. Daly. District Clerk?Albert I). Klliott. Deputy Clerk?Joseph J. Rogers. C. S. Marshal?J. M. Slioup. Surveyor (?eneral?\V. L. Distin. Register?John W. Dudley. I Receiver?Roswel I Shelly. Court Interpreter?Ceorge Ko>tro met inotl. Commissioners?(\ \V. Tuttle. Sitk:i: John V.< )strander. Jnneaii: Fred I'.Tns tin. Fort Wranpd: L. K. Woodward. Cnalaska; Phillip (Jallatrlier. Kodiak; John I*. Sinit h. Dyea; \V. J. Jones. ('ir (do City: Chas. II. Isham, Fnpa. Deputy .Marshals?W. If. .MeNair. Sitka: Kdward S. Staler, Junean; \V. D. t Irani, Fort Wraiiirrl; Kdward C. Hasev. Kadiak; Lewis L. I lowers, Cnjra: J. C. lilnine. Fnalaska: F. M. Canton. Circle City: .losias Al. Tanner. Dyea: John MoKl hcny. Donjjlas Cit v: Neil C. Vawter. St. .M iehaels. Deputy Internal Ixevenne Collector W. C. Pedlar. Ldueat ional A^rent?Sheidon Jackson Assistant Airent?William Hamilton. Vln lit lit \\ \ 1 v * ? 1 I \ (TSTOMS DKFICKKS. ('ol lector?J. \V. Ivey. Special Deputy?\V. I*. McHride. Deputy au?i Inspector?Win. Mill more and ('. L. Andrews. Deputy Collectors?.Joseph Artnciif, Fort Wrangel; K. M. VanSlyek. Mary Island; W. <?. Thomas, Kodiak; (?. \V. Catou, Cook's Inlet; T. I!. Holmes, Ka riuk; F. Sinnot. Fnga; .1. 1*. Word. Cnalaska; K. T. Hatch. St. Michaels; ('lias. Smith.Circle City; John C. Ten ny. Juneau. Inspectors at Juneau?Coring K. Ad ams. Harry Mintoand John K. Auld'u. Inspectors at Fort Wrangel. Kdward Ilot'stad. S. \j. Adams. < Jeo, J. Smit h. H. L. Hunter. Win. I >enny. Inspectors Atloat?J. S. Slater. S. K. Hodges. L. H. Lovejoy. Kdgar<trim. When you do your trading ask the merchant it'he advertises in the News, and it he don't and refuses to, don't co t liorr sixain. Mr. P. K. Motiuir*? leaves to Way or tomorrow for tla? Porcupine minim; country. Douglas City Barber Shop. I'KAXK VKSTAL. Prop.