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ARE YOU GOING TO If you are, figure with us on Your Outfit. We carry the Largest Stock in Alaska, and it will pay you to get our prices. The Koehler-James Mercantile Co. S. BLUM, Manager. JUNEAU, .... ALASKA, FREE DELIVERY TO THE FERRY. | We cordially thank the public of Douglas for their most liberal pat ronage during the past year. Our well t'stutilishorf reputation for Kiiir I Valine. Ih^li Staioluril of (ommIh, Low Prices, jiikI Complete Assort niolit in every depnrtment of the bouse will bo maintained during lS'.'O. Our policy of oxpaiisiou and improvement will continue to In* in line wit(j I lie i lines Kaufman Bros., i THE WHITE FRONT. JUNEAU, ALASKA. The Douglas Island News. Juneau Ferry and Navigation Co. TIME CARD. !j Steamer, I.ONK FISHERMAN; TIB BETS. Captain. LEAVES JCNEAC: LEAVES TREADWELL! f D:00 a. m. 0:50 a. m. 11:00 a. in. 12:50 p. m. 2:00 p. in. 2:50 p. in. 4:30 p. in. 0:50 p. in. 9:00 p. m. 9:25 p. in. SHEEP CREEK TRIPS. LEAVES JUNEAU! LEAVES SlIEEP CREEK: j ' 11 a. in.. 4:30 p. in. | 12:15 and 6:15 p. m.;' AMUSEflENTS. Louvre Theatre--A {rood entertainment ev ery nitrht of the week. A speciul Benefit Performance next Sutur- , day evening. A fumily entertainment is {riven every Kri day evening:. The ferry boat makes a late ; run for the accommodation of those attend ing from Douglas City. THE LOCAL FIELD. Items of Interest Dished L'p in Brief for the Ben efit of Our Renders. Hood's Cook Book and Calendar free of charge at the Occidental Pharmacy, Junoau. Got your prescriptions and family Recipes put up at the Occidental Phar macy. Juneau. Special Bargains in Dress goods, j Cloaks, Capes, Men's and Boy's suits.j See them at Bach's. People need only be iuformed that j P. H. Fox has just received a flue stock of Furniture, they know the prices are right. McKay is fixed. He completed his i new steel smoke house yesterday and ; hereafter he will have homo made and home smoked sausages and bacon. Fine sugar cured bacon will hereafter be a specialty. That ache in your wife's back or! stitch in her side can be completely J cured by buying one of those nice rock-1 ing chairs at P. H. Fox's. Violin, Guitar, Mandolin, and Banjo j Strings at the Douglas City Pharmacy. ? Prescriptions filled at all hours, day i 11~* f?AnWo Doner- ! Or Ulgm. ..N lgQl CUii?> aiu ~ ~ las City Pharmacy. It wont happen again, such chances to save money in purchases as you now have at Bach's. Remember, this is absolutely a clos- j ing out sale. Frank Bach retires from Mercantile business and everything will be sold as rapidly as low prices will accomplish it. Try some of that Oriental Cream for j rough hands and face. A fine cream j to use after shaving. For sale at the I Douglas City Pharmacy. SAID ON THE QUIET. t A Few Gentle Hints Given to the News Representative that are not Generally Known. That Emery Elliott got very sea sick ! coming from Juneau recently and Jack I *?* T?? Beard was excessively tmcicsB in taa- | ing care of him. That Tom Purdy hasn't tried to light a stick of candy, supposing it to be a; cigar, since Christmas. That Judge Schell's nurse is as good j as she is handsome. Mr. J. G. Zimmerman, Miss Ida So enson, Mr. Tibbetts, Frank Brusket, and Peter and Mrs. Hahn of Juneau, at tended the party at Oilman's hall last Saturday eronicg. ' ! A TRIP TO FORT WRANGEL. The Editor of the News Visits his Former home The News man boarded the Cottage j City last week for a trip to Fort \Vrun gel our former home. The run down ! was without incident except only, that we were for five or six hours a short [ distance this side of the narrows. The night was dark, the fog heavy and there was quite a sea running. There being a fair wind, when the captain concluded to lay too, he turiKKl the vessel's head to the wind and in making the turn, the huge boat gave several of those in describable lateral rolls that shook up the dishes in great shape. Everybody} was in bed and there was no seasick ness, for anybody with a spark of sense !n 1 4 '"liilo IfitllT dou'll Will UOl mu n niiiiv tuf, v. v. .. ... The Cottage City is a very nice boat, i roomy aud comfortable, and she carries a great big, red cheeked, handsome stewardess that is however, the nicest thing on the vessel. At Wrangelour stay was short, but we did have time to see a few of the boys. 4%Dad" St rouse looks as natural as an old slipper and he is as jolly and good naturod as ever. Duucan McKin non still possesses the ability of telling a good story, aud his three clerks. Jack Collins, Donald Siuclaire, and Eugene Haw, wait on the customers the same as of old. Reid and Sylvester, two of the best meu that ever lived, are still having a good trade at the old : stand. J. E. Sales looks happy, but don't want to fool around with giant powder any more. Mr. Whitney, the clerk, is all right and swears by Wrau ("inn?? TtlonmImrdt is as iollv and fid. uvv?bv ? , pood natured as ever, except when you talk about his Juneau lawyer. Capt. Eldridge, who wanted to join his regi meut at Manila, is still 011 duty, and now that the war is closed, is reasona bly happy. Judge Tustiu was seen at his office, but was not dispensing jus tice while we were in the city. He is the best Commissioner in all Alaska. Deputy Marshal Grant, the best satis fied man in the city, has his charming wife and children with him in his fine residence 011 the hill. Judge Sund macher was warming his shins at Dr. Campbell's stove when we saw him. Ho ought to be happy for he, Tustin, Clark and Iugersoll are the only att'ys left. Mr. James Ker of the Troup wharf is as genial and pleasant as ever. Our friend Komer of the McKinnon wharf is still in evidence. He goes along about his business in a quiet way, but at the same time, he is one of the braiuiest men in all Alaska. Yes, we saw a few of the boys and they are a jolly let of fellows, but our space will not permit naming all we met. We returned 011 the Dirigo. You have all htard of the Takii wind. Well, we struck it, or rather it struck the boat. The Dirigo didn't roll sideways, it was the other way. We didn't get seasick !>ccause the vessel quit lunging three minutes before our turn came. You ought to have seen them skedaddling to their state rooms. One of the lady passengers didn't have time to get to her room so she made au awful rush for the side door. She leaned over the railing and in less than three-quarters of a second she got rid of a dinner that it had taken her three-quarters of an hour to store away. She reminded us of the woman, who, in describing a sim ilar experience, said that she knew she had a strong stomach because she could throw it as far as any of them. After we passed the mouth of the Taku the sea was calm and the passengers got to gether again and laughed over their ex periences. y ( ? Glad to pet home? Why, of course, "There's no place like home.*' Wran- : T pel is a nice little town, quiet now, but it will come out all right in the spring when the ground settles. We regret that we could not visit our friend Wil ton of the Journal. We looked in and said "ve gates lontsman,M and intended to return and read some of his proofs or pi some type, but our time did not permit of it. See 1'*. M. James* general ad on the p editorial page. c I | lktrgaius! bargains! Bargains in foot wear, Clothing, Cloaks, Dress goods. . Provisions.und everything comprised " ' ? -1 i; ? I.Vont n in ueuerai iHtTiiiniiuisr, ???? ? ....... Bach's. (iood Home cooking at the Charles Coffee House oil Front street. Co there and get a square meal. : v SHH KIS5KD THE CAPTAIN. 1 II A Hobson in Our -Will It Become d Epidemic. t Last Friday evening the Lone Fish- 4 erman pulled up to the Douglas City s wharf with Capt. Bell at tlie wheel. ^ Several passengers, of both sexes.board- 1 ed the saucy little craft, after which she started for Juneau. The little en- j * gine was merrily pull ing away and the * Lone Fisherman was rocking to and * fro. but cutting t he water with ease and ; J rushing along as though a torpodo a boat was in pursuit. The sea was rath er heavy, but uot dangerously rough, v however, and when a short distance i j from the wharf she had just left, the rudder went to pieces and the little n craft paid no further attention to the r .?;,.Ai.nne iif t iu? wheel. Tlie boat > V/UO v\?4 *.*? V..V. j "took to the woods" on the opposite j u side of the channel, or rather she drift- \ ed off in that direction which frightened J sonio of the passengers noarly to death. ; A young lady from this city was near- i I ly paralyzed with fear, regardless of 1 , the assurances of kind hearted Capt. j 1 ! Bell. There are a few old "sea dogs" j who can run a boat without a rudder, j1 j there are not many that can do it, but [ j I Capt. Bell is one of them, and what did (1 he do? Why, he just took the Lone j< j Fisherman up to the Juneau landing j and saw all the passengers safely on the s wharf. The young lady referred to was a overjoyed when she saw the boat tied 1 up to the wharf and she made one grand I rush for Capt. Boll and she didnt do a ' i I thing to him but kiss him, yes, she ' 1 kissed him good and hard, in a regular j \ a la Ilobson manner. The Captain,? blushed, in fact he turned all kinds of colors. The News man spoke to him j ] about the matter, but all ho said was .> j "yum yum." i Wo hate to do it but we must. Every-1 ? thing goes at cost or under at Frank :1 ! Bach's. J See F. M. James' geueral advertise ment on the editorial page. _ .} Notice to Creditors. ( : Before K. M. Jackson, United Stuten Com- J . - * * * i ] missioner lor tne mstrici oi nms?\:?. uum- - ing court at Fort Wrangel, Alaska. In the matter of the estate of Shustaek, an ] Indian, formerly called Hish-ta-doy, de ceased. ? Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, ^ administrator of the estate of Shustaek, an Indian, formerly called Hish-ta-day, deceased * J to the creditors of, and all persons having I claims against the said deceased, to present 1 j and exhibit them together with the necessary ^ ' vouchers within six months after the fifth I publication of this notice, to the undersigned I administrator at the office of Henry Drum ! <ft Co.. in tho town of Fort Wrangel, in the ( j District of Alaska, the same l)eiug the place * I for the transaction of the business of the , ' said estate iiisaid town of Fort Wrangel. ( | First publication Jan. 18th 1899. Dated at Fort Wrangel, Alaska, this 12th j day of Octolicr, 1898. ?. C. H. SUNDM ACHER, |* Administrator of the estate of Shustaek. ? i an Indian, formerly callod Hish-ta-day, i THE HATS THEY WEAR. ' n N he News Man Rounds lip Some Prominent ' Douglas Island and Juneau Men. Mead and Other Peculiarities. Man is a peculiar Mng. fearfully and v. wonderfully made. Ilohas his peruli rities as well as sterling qualities, flion correctly balanced, he is a good t) no, otherwise you will find wheels in n is head. He runs to fads, but few of s know that such is the case. If we ? assessed sufficient knowledge, wo otild read a man by his hat or his ress as surely as the disposition of a j 'Oman can he read by her nose. We j re weak vessels at lx?st, but we can nly realize this when we compare our ( nowledge with the Infinite. ^ Pope said: tl.nn ll.vullr Iirf'sllIllC ll'lt (mm! V to scan, The proper study of niuiiUind is man." N\ We would 1h?, much Iwttcr, much a ,iscr if we took Pope's advice, or even 1: f we studied ourselves more than we e lo our acquaintances. We must :iko humauity as we find it. Hut the ? sows man is diverging?we want to say e oniething about "The huts they wear." )ur comments must be limited?it is a >roper that they should bo so. v H. F. Robinson wears a 7U- Fedora 1 v mt. Sometimes it is brushed, some- il imes it isn't. Now you couldn't g? f 1 dm to wear a Derby or silk hat uo way 'ou could fix it. Von don't ku-?w why, > md the News man wont toll yon. t Jack Heard wears a 71*. white soft hat nth a crease in the top. He is very v >articular to keep it well brushed. K. 1>. Taylor's head fits very nicely in i number 7lg hat. He prefers a narrow ' 'im, black colored soft hat. H. K. Elliott's size is a number 7. soft '' ind generally black color. lie always 1 rears his hat when he goes to church <?r Sunday school. Mr. A. B. Klaeboe wears a 7 \; black c ?olored stitr hat, when he wears one. t is well taken care of and is kept well 1 jrushed. !i n r.Nii??stedt(U* wears a brown Deri>y. I lumber 67?. and a necktie to corros- v >oud. The manner in which h? wears lis hat is a good character study, but ' mly the expert will "catch on." * J. F. Eichery wears n number 7 black. ! stiff hat and a red necktie. Tf you ? vould know how to wear a hat observe 1 lis style. Judge Winn wears a 7Vj black Fedo- I ?a and a bright red necktie. The * lat is kept in the best of condition and *s jives the Judge a Hobson-Iike appear- :i mce. George Rice generally wears a brown * Derby, number 7; sometimes he wears a * <oft hut. It is generally free from (hist ' ind is always in style. Ed. Casebolt, one of the best looking 1 lien m town, wears a 7'Y black Derby. ^ He ranks with Blum and Summertield ;n t ho neatness of his head gear. J. J. Thornton wears a 7'Y Fedora, 1 .vliea he wears one at all, which is not : * ifton. ( It. L. Ball wears a 67R' Fedora. He } prefers that, stylo to all others. * John G. Ileid, the lawyer, wears a ?Uiw.L- TP/ TTnrhv. which is his most con- ^ ' -i ? "V , riant companion. He puts it on he- 1 .'ore ho takes his hath in the morning, r tnd takes it off after ho goes to hod at ( light. IIo is not very particular as to I vhether it is kept brushed. W. X. Matlock wears a number ' ;ap which is generally worn tilted on 1 ;he right side. Ho swipes t ho dust otr *' iccasionly with his coat sleeve. 11 T. J. Douahoe, the lawyer, wears a ,inall rim, stiff, black colored hat which i: lots straight on his head. r Harbor tho in*ur??ne?? man. wears a r umlxT ?") Derby. Ho wouldn't toll tho ows man tho correct nunilior and wo re giving tho size according to our est judgment. (*oo. A. Knight, tho fnrnituro man, oars a dark colored numljor ??JH cap hioh always looks noat. and tasty. Hal Holfinan woars a hrown Dorby n tho right side of his head and a umbor 7. Mr. L.(I. Kaufman woars a T';, stilT at which with a rod noektio gives him very charming nppeurnnoo. C. M. Summerfiold. the cashier of tho 'irst National Manic woars a white soft at with a doop oroaso in tho top and is liwmlior 7'.;. In noatnoss it is a closo econd to Mr. Blum's. Ho brushes it hoop t iillos a day. 17. It. .Jaeger wears a 7'H soft hat. xv<> wmild mil a slouch hat. Ilo ashes and irons it but once a year nd it don't look near as nice as the unidry work ho dors for his many ustomors. Alice M. Jordison wears a beautiful mile and i .the b? ~t teacher of string <1 instruments *!i all Alaska. Mr. S. Blum wears a "?? soft hat with crease in the renter. Sometimes ho ,-i11 put on a Derby, but not often. Jishat is always brushed and looks us F he was wearing it for the first time, fe wears it straight on his head. W. \Y. Hart wears a 7":; Derby. Why, on couldn't get hiui to wear a soft ini. ile goie-.-.d.v wears it straight oil lis head, but sometimes tilts it back .liieh denotes a certain trail of ehur etor. Mr. B. M. Behrends wears a Derby size and pr efers any color t ?? black, lo wears his hut straight on his head nd when lie looks into a glass, it is w if U lii< liat on. Ho icver loaves his home for dovui town without his hat. in fact hi* li;it is a onstant cum pan ion. Alport P. Kiiiott ui'.irs a Derby and ?refers a black color. although lie don't I1ways wear it. He uses a number 7. lo spends much time before the glass vith his hat 011. Marshal Shoup looks well in any kind tf an "old thing." lie wears either h it iff hat or a I'Vdoru. He is not very >articular which. The number is 7^,. Jome one. besides the Marshal, keeps it etisonably welt brushed. J. P. Corbus will only wear a black 'Vdora which is number 7'4. Sometimes ie "yanks" it onto his head from tho ides which Rives it an eloquent appear nice. It is always well brushed. Judge Johnson wears a black stilt* iat which is number 7'.,. It is not on lie righl or the left side, but perfectly dumb. He keeps it welt groomed. Ho ion't wear his hat as mueh as home neu do. but like Mr.Hohrer.ds, he never joes downtown without it. Jack McDonald wears a soft slouch iat. (?encrally one size too small and s a nuinlier 731;'. He brushes it onee ?very New Yours day. He yanks it ' ? ?" 1 ? ? .I -.I.i.i-.l -in.! tiirlif tlllit |I)W 11 Ull lil.1 IIV'iKI OW . - t lops down like a mule's ear in fly ime. P. II. Fox wears a small rimmed Mack Wit. He is generally too busy to brush t. If is a number 7'H. When he thinks eal hard or is sotting up a good joke )U some of his friends, it is always ml led down in front. Judge Delaney wears a large sized Jjf'y soft, and wide rimmed with ail al eged crease in the top and it gives the ludge a "never touched me" appear ince. By patronizing the Occidental Phar nacy, Junonu, you are sure to get the ight stufF ?1 the right prices. Always ipen d?v and nighf