Newspaper Page Text
j, f. Mcdonald, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Tobacco and Cigars. GOODS SOLD AT SEATTLE PRICES ?****? *** SNUFF*** Douglas City, - Alasku. THE DOUGLAS CITY O ? SrCrKkO <^00 O B 4 MUSIC HALL ? o o o AND BAR 4 4 4 ?to 00464000 44.44 4 FIRST CLASS LIQUORS AND CIGARS. | "*? m ? Douglas andJuueau Peer always on tap EMERY ELLIOTT, Prop. Front Street, ? Douglas City. The KLONDIKE of douglas city. Is a Gentlemen's Resort ? S. CilUS. Proprietor. Choice Wines, Liquors, and Citrars. Winter Clearance In order to REDUCE our large stock of Men's, Boys', and Children's Ciothingv* ?e will give 20 per cent on the dollar Discount on the former low* prices on our clothing. SEE WHAT YOU CAN SAVE: A $22.50 Suit for $18.00 A 20.00 Suit for 16.00 A 17.50 Suit for 14.00 A 15.00 Suit for 12.00 A 12.50 Suit for 10.00 A 10.00 Suit tor 8.00 Etc. These ure seasonable floods. Jnst what yon want. Avail yourself of the opportunity, it will only last to February 1st. Indies' Angora Gaiters in stock. Lindstrom Bros. Front Street. - - Douglas City. ...THE... Charles Coffee House, DOUGLAS CITY. CHARLES WORTMAN, Proprietor. tJBT Best Lunch iu the City fjSST At Reasonable Rates J?! A larjce stock of choice Confectionery aJwuy oti hand. Alex. Smallwood, BEACH TRADER. ?^*"Carries at all times a complete ?3#rStock of Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables, Fruit, Candies, Etc. Proprietor of Miners' and Mechanics' ^?Beach BoaringHouse?^ Rooms and Hunk House in connection with Table Bourrl. A First-class Boot and Shoe Shop Is maintained. Repair Work promptly, neatly and substantially done. Years of ex perience in Miner's repair work enables us to properly do your work. Give us a call. On the Beach, - Bet. Tread well <k Douglas. ERNST BEIHL [ DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Bakery in connection where the Best Fresh Bread may be had. A Fresh Line of Cakes and Cookies always on Hand^^v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Douglas City.. - - Alaska. SAM GLOVER Wm. HICKS j ^w^wvvwwwwwv* t Seattle Billiard t | f ...Hall... ? iHICKS & GLOVER, PropsS Jwv^v^wv^wwww5 | The Ouly Billiard Tables in the City. | Front Street, - - Douglas City, Alaska, j I THE iSTAR BREWERY, DOUGLAS CITY, www JOHN EGAN. Proprietor. -www ! w : THE NEW BREWERY BUILD ING IS COMPLETED AND OCCUPIED j OUR FAC 1 LITTES FOR BREW-" ING FIRST-CLASS BEER ARE NOT EXCELLED IN ALASKA I kkk THE STAR BREWERY! Prescriptions Filled Day and Night at... I 15 Douglas Pharmacy. i ! A Full Line of Toilet Articles,! Perfumes, Soaps, ' ^ Brushes, Etc., Etc Hunter Bld'o .'Id St., Douglas City. : Notice. I In the United Stutes Commissioner'# Court for the District of Alaska, ??t Jtineuu, in pro bate. ? In the matter of the estate i of > Citation, j Victor Peterson, deceased. ) [The United States of America, 1 To Peterson, and to all other unknown heirs. Greeting:? ? j By order of this court, you, the said 1 Peterson, and all other unknown ' , heirs of the above entitled estate are hereby cited to be and appear before Honorable I Norman E.Malcolm. United States Commis- ] ; sioner and ex-officio Judpe of the Probate j I Court of the town of Juneau, District of, Alaska, on the 1st day of February, A. D, 1899, j , at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, to then and j there show cause, if any you have, why the , I petition of Antone Llylestrand,administrator i of said estate, praying for an order of said court to sell lot si.\(0). in block six (6), of Ju ' neau. Alasku, should not bo granted. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have here I unto affixed my hand and seal this 20th day of December. A. D, 1898. NORMAN E. MALCOLM, (seat,] u.s. Commissioner, and ex-olficio Probate Jwdpre. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ' has been duly appointed by the Probate Court for the District of Alaska, at Juneau, administrator of the estate of Nathan G. ; Heffren, deceased. ! All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, properly verified, either at my office iu Douglas City, Alaska, or at the law j office of J no. II. Winn, in Juneau, Alaska, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 10th day of January, 1899. P. H. FOX, Administrator of the estate of Nathan G. Heffren, deceased. JNO. ft. WINN, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication January 11th. 1S99. Dissolution Notice. I The firm of J. P. Smith A Co., of Douglas City, has been dissolved by the withdrawel ; of J. P. Smith from the firm. Seberg East j burg and G. L. Johnson will continue the 1 business under the firm name of Eastburg & Johnson. All accounts of the firm of J. P. j Smith & Co. will be collected by Eastburg & Johnson. i Dated at Douglas City, Alaska, this 4th day of January, 1899. J. P. Smith, S. Eastburg, of J. P. Smith & Co. The Douglas Island News. I! Additional Locals and items of Interest. | _ _ ___ ^ j Angus McKay, of Treadwell was on ( the sick list last week. The Frank J Bach surprise party clone him up. Wo regret to say that Mrs. Frank ! Bach was on the sick list last week. | Tho surprise party at the Bach resi- ' clence the week before was tho direct cause. Mr. William Hicks, of this city, is an j: old tinier, having been in Alaska for j' twenty-four years. He is one of the I old Cas6iar miners and is chock full of early reminiscences. Free mending at tho Douglas Steam ! ;? Laundry. Laundrying in all its | j: branches. Flannels a specialty. Work j:: called for and delivered. Rates guar- i - ? I ?? anteed satisfactory. Patronize your j :: homo Laundry. Weesner &, jouusou. i . Ernst Beihl, tho popular grocer, and William Schick, have just completed their large new brewery building near j J Oilman's Hall. They expect to com-1 < mence tho manufacture of beer about j the first of March. This plant is one j | of the very best in all Alaska, and we < bespeak for the proprietors a good bus-! \ iness. Mr. Schick is a practical brewer I ^ and a good one too. Mr. Beihl is one; of our best business men and knows ! | that any investment in Douglas City is all right. Mr. James Winters and wife, Miss Louise Weudall and Joseph Woudall, brother and sister of Mrs. Wiuters, were passengers for Skaguay on the Dirigo. They are on their way to Dawson City and will make tho trip in as soon as possible. The parTy has an I eight dog team with which to make the trip. Mr. Winters is a Seattle man with i whom the writer has been acquainted j for a number of years. Mr. Winters I % ^ * 1.1 lias some valuable properties in uic Klondike country. People in Douglas are not lacking in j public spiritedness, and when called on for anything for the. good of the town are quick to respond, generally, but there are some who have not caught the Alaska spirit of enterprise. Every one should labor for the good of the town even though intending to remain but a few weeks or months, for, as Rev. Wirt said some months ago in a sermon at Juneau, the most of you are here for gold, perhaps to beautify some home, or to make u new one back in the states: that is all right too, but you should re alize the fact that some of you will bo here five years from now, some of you ten years from now, some of you will die here. Hence everyone should help ' improve and beautify and in every way make this town a desirable place in j which to live. The man who comes! here for a day may become a porina-1 i 1 1 nout settler, and the man who comes I to locate may move away to-morrow.! ' Make yourself at homo and perform j your share of the public duties, bo they social, educational, municipal or rolig- 1 ious. Wants a Wife. While at Wrangel last week we were j asked if there were any marriageable | young girls in Douglas City, by a good looking young niau who is in search of a wife. Of course our reply was that we are well supplied with beautiful; , young girls, but1 whether or not they', wish to get married wo were una bio to \ say. We would like some information !5 on this subject. Anna Mabel's Dress. Little Anna Mabel O'Brien gave a I Calico ball at the Opera House iu Ju- i J neau last Wednesday evening, which | J was well attended. Anna Mabel is a J prime favorite in Juneau. Everybody j J was supposed to wear a calico dress,! 1 but thero were some failures in that re-!; spect. Anna is but thirteen years old j and she made her own dross, but we do j J think she is a better singer and jig dan- ! cer than a dress maker. J ? I . ?%? 1 Mitt r\^,.rrfnc fltV i A r'laninj; iiuu ivi uum.?.. w.v. . , . 1! The Kerry Lumber Co. of this city J< will put up a building 24x40 feet on the J water front near the Star brewery as ! soon as the work can be done, and ! J which will be used by the company for j a planing mill and the manufacture of J moulding. Genoral shop work will al- j so be done. It was the intention of the ! J company to llrst. put up a saw mill, j j | but this has been put off until after the J planing mill is in running order. Mr. j Kerry went to Seattle to buy the nec- J essary machinery for this new enter- j prise. This enterprising company will J also put in a first-class wood yard in j connection with the planing mill and J will furnish a better grade of fuel than ! j has ever before been sold in this-city. J j t Fresh Eastern Oysters. ' J 1 < Just received, the very best Eastern j Oysters, at Charley's Coffee House. < Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Co. DOUGLAS ISLAND, ALASKA, U. S. A. STORE DEPARTMENT Outfits for the Gold Fields. 9 OUTFITTERS A k ESTIMATES QUICKEST?^ # fa ^ FURNISHED* KNOW HOW II ON OUTFITS ALL 'ROUND f OF ANY SIZE Wi> um Experienced Outfitters. Lotus figure with you on any und by dealing with us you will kind of a proposition to ?ell good* not load yourself with useless for cash in nny quantity, large goods. or snmll, Alaska Trcadwell Gold Mining Co., DOUGLAS ISLAND. ALASKA. < i P. H. FOX, DKAI.KK IN I _ SIAFLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware. Complete Yukon Outfits. First-class Bakery in connection with the store. DOUGLAS CITY, ALASKA. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. Thif company's New, I*arjf?, Kn*t and Kle _ (rant Stenmcn. leave and arrive n? folio w* : ! Bb?T$y TFAV1--XOKTll ?orxi>. LEAVE?SOUTH BOFND. Stoamers City Topoka Cottage City Al-Ki City Topeka Cottage City Al-ki City Top<*ka Cottage City Al-ki i San | I Fran ' ] ; cisco j 1 Jan. 6 J i " 11 ?' 16 " Sll ?. 2rt; " 31 I Fob. 5: " 10| ?? 15) Puiret . Sound 'nn. 10 t " ir?i " 20 j " 2.V ? ao'i roh. 41 " 9 " M " IP in- !i ncauj I an. 14 J " 19! " 25 J " 29! Fob. 3iF yj " 13 " l.S " 24: Dyea | >ka^- i uuv ! an. l'i, " 20. " 26 , " s> 'db. 4'1 ? J" : " 19 " 1 Sitka J fan. 21 r?!? S K I 2(j' Duo Sitka Fan. 21 J Feb. 51 20 Djrea Sknjj- J?: nny nil. 16 !Jn ?> * 27i " 31 ?r rh. 41 ' " "! * " 15, " :: $:: i I nr?nu, n. 17 ? ? 22 ? 28.1 h. 1 ?>; ' 12, : Si ' *1' Puprt Sound F Ian. 21 4 " 26'F Kf?b. I " 5 " 10 " 161 " ao! " 25 .V Mar. Xj i . t Dtir San rran'o an. 27 Vb. 1 ft " II " 1ft ? 2| " 2ft lar. .t " 8 i.?-"T The ubove dates are only approximate. For further informal ion ooiam lunirr. The Company reserves the ripht to change, without previous notiee.Stenmer's sailing 3utes, and hour of sailing. H. F. ROBINSON, Alaska Supt., Juneau Alnskn, Sitka, Ed. DeGrokf; Skaguay, K. A. Twitchkll; Portland, Ore., N. Poatkk,: J. F. Tuow biiidgk, P. S. Supt. Seattle Wash. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., SM&S1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 ^ Genuine Closing Out Sale | FRANK BACH j w ill rrtiro from the Mercantile bunincKK nuil w ill xrll his entire *tock of ^ General Merchandise | BELOW COST | Hear in mind this is no "Clearance Sale" to allure trade by offer Z ing a few so.called bargains but an Actual Closing Out of his j Large and well selected stock, olforiug Bargains in Every Line which Z ? % "? *? i - .1 - % cannot OO duplicated eisewnore. ^ Breakfast Bacon 10c. per pouud. ^ Dry Salt Pork Gc. 44 ^ Coffee, Baking Powder. ^ ^ Full line Groceries and Evaporated Vegetables. ^ Fine line Ladies' Men's, and Children's Shoes, ? Rubber Boots, Overshoes, Oil Clothing, Outfitting supplies o! all kinds. ^ Large line Dress Goods, Cloaks and Capes, ? Men and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, ^ Hardware, Drugs, ^ and miscellaneous articles which cannot l>e enumerated or priced here. Everything at cost or under. Special attention is called to tho largo ~ line of Dress Goods, Cloaks, and Capos, Men and Boy's Suits, in which ^ great bargains will be given. - The Old Stand on Front St. DOUGLAS CITY, ALASKA. - - ' " "I ill 111 in in Hi ill ill in in Hi JiUilJUiUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUP