* 1 " " " 1 ' ? 1 "" THE DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS. A. O. flcllHH)!; an J CHARLES A. MOJ'P Editors and Publishers. PUS LIS wr ."> ?:V!:PY Wednesday TiiRAiS: lit Vivjunce. One Year - jiS.UO : Six Month* - - 1.50 i Three Months - 1.011 j Single Copies - - - .10 Foreign Po?rttt^'intixt he prepaid. Toe Nev.s at Juneau. The .Sou s is on sale at the PostofBcc News Stand. At Dou^iar. City. < This paper is on sale at McDonald's Cigar , Store ami at the office of the News. Advertising Rates. Cards. one in"h or less, per month - SI 50 Display ailverging. i**r in. per inonvii J.UC Local notices per line, per issue - - .III These rates will be strictly adhered t.^. We treat nil ourpatrons alike. Wednesday. Feckcary I, 1899. fzditors Kat. We were pleased to accept an invita tion to dine v.itii Chief Steward San ders on theCity of Topeka while she lay nt the wharf in Juneau last Monday, evening. Our 15ro. Beddoe was also present to partake of the many good thing- that were spread before us, and which has made that boat and her, steward so popular in all Alaskan wa ters. We have often wondered where the editor of tin Miner got his strength to write those heavv editorials and we discovered the secret. It is by and through his appetite, upon which he he stows much time. The Taku Trail. A number of parties have rocentlv t * i gone in to Atlin over the new Taku trail and returned by the same route, and they pronounce it the best and mo*t convenient way of getting into the new placer grounds. That this new route, when U-tter known, will become the favorite wrv of reaching the new gold digging- there is no question. Of course Sknguav and the Seattle papers will continue to l>nnm tin- old trail, but as time advances the truth will become knows j. The Sound cities cannot hold the outfitting trade against the Alaska merchants much longer. The loss of outfits by the sinking of boats between this and Seattle has lx>eu heavy, aud it is about time that those going iuto tlx* interior should learn that they can outfit as cheap at Douglas Island or Jumau as in tin Sound cities. A 1rcmcndous Spread. Judge J\??i-??>*. tin' pnptiiur lawyer at Juneau. is the secret ur;. of tin* Alaska RarAKsociatioii.au organization com prised of Alaska lawyers. The mem bers of the as-tx'iatioii meet amiuully and the result is a rattling good time with oh't'ty t?? i at. and were P not for the prohibition laws no tloubt there would be plenty to drink. The grand est irathei i: g of the lawyers was held iu IKK. and Judge Keisey lias permitted us to take a copy of the menu for that occasion which was photographed and is as follow^: I'NITKP STATES ?.)P AMERICA. , TERRITORY of ALASKA. / SS; TOWN OK Jl'NEAU. > He it remembered that the liar Association of Alaska tenders to the Hon. Arthur K. Delaury. Judge of the* District Court of the I*. S. for the District of Alaska, u compiimen tary dinner to he given at the Nevada Res taurant in the tow u ufo'-esaid on Saturday. March 2>th P'.Kh at S o'clock j>. rn.. whereof the Menu is in the words and figures follow ing. to wit: Huitrcs en (%>?iuilk*. Tariiues juil;rP(l larjrelv by his printed stationery, especially bv stran^?Ts; ami creneralb corwtly. Tin* man who omits the caiTful selectiofi of his print iu;r is iy aoria'..* him* of the essential elements of sin ecss iroin his hiisine.s plan. Neat and Artistic Printing costs no more than Poor Work. uu THE NEWS a 0 0? JOB ? ? ? / I DEPARTMENT WW is prepared to print anything in the Job Printing line, and in the latent and most approved style. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, # Business Cards, ^ $ Professional Cards, r ? Society and Wed-5 > ding Stationery^ r Dodgers, J ? Pamphlets, 5 j ^ Lega 1 Blanks, ? ? And Everything j ? In the Job $ Printing Lice. > ^SZJk Caterers to Family Trade EASTBURO& JOHNSON Groceries Meats Vegetables Fruits Fresh Moat Supplies rccciivcd 0:1 every in coming Pacific Coast Steamer. Putter ami uf first-class j^rade always oil hand. Douglas Cit.f, - - Alaska., DELMONICO KOTEL ; AND RESTAURANT. ALEX. LA MOTTE. Proprietor. Board by the Day, 64 Week, or Month " * Rates Reasonable Mrf MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ?5gT" The table First-class and will satisfy the most fastidious. Our Coffee cannot l>e pxrellwi. Agent f??r Alaska Steam Laundry. Leave Bundles here Douglas City, Alaska. Notice to Creditors. Before K. M. Jackson. United States Com missioner for the District of Alaska, hold ing court at Fort Wrnngel, Alaska, la the matter of the estate of Shustuck. an Indian, formerly called Hish-tu-day, de ceased. t Notice is hereby griven by the undersigned,, administrator of the estate of Shustuck, an Indian, formerly called Hish-tu-day,deceased to the creditors of. and nil persons having claims against the said deceased. to present and exhibit them together with the necessary vouchers within six months after the fifth publication of this notice, to the undersigned ; administrator ut the office of Henry Drum A Co.. in the town of Fort Wrnngel, in the District of Alaska, the sumo being the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate in said town of Fort Wrnngel. First publication Jan. 18th 1899. i Dated at Fort Wrnngel, Alaska, this 12th day of October. 1S9S. C. H. SUNDMACHER, Administrator of tho estate of Shustuck, an Indian, formerly called Hish-ta-day, deceased. vwv\wwwwwwv\^\^vvwwivwvwv\v\v\v\w\w^wj | While in Juneau \l | Look for the Big Sign a?*s0L j; BROWNVILLE WOOLEN I MILLS < IUNE-AU ALASKA \ ssszr Ai! Wooi I ecialty. The Finest Jirands of Liquors and Cigars al ways on hand. K,iF~ A First-class Lunch Coun ter has recently been added. THE FINEST EQUIPPED RESTAURANT IX ALASKA. Wine and Spirit Merchant. Catering in al! its branches The Nevada Cafe7 GEO. L. RICE. Private rooms while waiting for the ferry Ixmt will I*' found one of the many conveniences at the Nevada. JUNEAU. ALASKA. Comet.... SAMPLE ROOM Headquarters for Tourists and Vnkoners "There's nothing too good for The Hows." ^ e ^ ED. CASEBOLT, Proprietor. Occident?i Hotel. JL'NKAl', ALASKA. ooooooocoooooooooooooooooo o ? 0 W?* liavp Jiini Rpcpivi'il ?? HOLIDAY I 1 AND HAND- rAAnc :??!? GOODS***** | ? KVKtt SHOWN IN ALASKA. ? ? O ? * ? 0 ^ ^ Come and See (hem. ^ O O 0 Our Pripw? nro Kijfht. too ^ t THE ALASKA DRUG CO., ? ? ? ? IMlESClilP- Front A Sowartl St#., ? ? TIONS A ? O SPKCIA1.TY. 4UNKAU. ? ? ? ?CPOO?00?0???00???0??????? ALASKA MEAT MARKET D. McKAY, Proprietor. \nc \ JSi A full line of Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats constantly on hand. Poultry and Game Hunter Hlock, Dou^la* City, Aianka. in Season. TELEPHONE NO. 8. ' : "" " w "" i : F. M.JAMES. j To Prospectors: I have a few suitable articles which I will close out AT COST, viz: All Wool Blankets - $8.00 ! Were Sl'J.tX), weight 10k. pounds. U- Picks were 1.75 now 1.25 *j I | SSiovels 1.50 " 1.00 Also Evaporated Potatoes, Onions, and Soup Vegetables. Magellan clothing,etc.,Cost F. M. JAMES. 1 DOUCJLAS crrv, .... alabka.