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I ARE YOU GOING TO I i i .. i 1 if you are, figure with us on Your Outfit. | % We carry the Largest Stock in Alaska, and ? 2 r?c? '-"r- v-i ?BBUMoauwinMrjuiMi (Jfl li it will pay you to get our prices. I 1? X i || The Koehler-James Mercantile Co. | il S. BLUIV1, !Vi ANAGEFS. | II JUNEAU, = ALASKA, ? I FREE DELIVERY TO THE FERRY. The Douglas Island News. JUNEAU FERRY & NAVIGATION CO. Steamer. LONE FISHERMAN: TTHKETS. Cai>tuiti. TIME CARD. LEAVES JTXKAl*: LEAVES TREADWELLI t*:00 h. m. %. m. 11:00 u.m. 12:50 p.m. ^) p. in. 2:50 p. m. 4:2o p. m. t>:50 p. m. 0:00 p. ni. 0:25 p. m. SHEEP CREEK TR.ITS. LEAVES JUNEAU! LEAVES SHEE? CREEK.* I 11:00 a. ru_ 4:00 p. m. 12:15 and 6:15 p. m. THi- LOCAL FIELD. Items of Interest Dished L'p io Brief for the Ben efit oJ Our Readers. Dr. Harrison is the busiest mini iu town. The Al-Ki brought a heavy mail for . Douglas City on her last trip. The sidewalk between this city and ? Treadwell is iu bad shape. The expense of fuel is no small mat ter on Douglas Island with coal at; twelve dollars j?er ton. Tb^ Alaska Furniture Co., of Juneau. l>eats all of them for prices. Seward street between Front and Second. .Mr. (i. Koene. our very popular ham ware man. has added a complete black smithing ouitit to his establishment. By patronizing the Occidental Phar macy, Juneau, yon are sure to get the right stuff at the right prices. Always open day and night. The proper way to retaliate 011 the ?Canadians is to close all ports of entry except the Yukon and St lie ecu rivers. That would fix them pleuty. Where did you get that cold? Why don't you cure it? Laxative Bromo Quinine will do it in twenty fourhours. For sale at the Douglas City Pharmacy. It will not l*1 long until enough placer grounds will have been discov ered on the American side to give our lx>ys a cJhance. Every few weeks re cords some now strike. Yes, yon have quite a bad col<L 11 may develop consumption. Syrup of ? White Pirn* is an excellent remedy for all throat mid chest troubles. For sale day and night at the Douglas City Pharmacy. Free mending at the Douglas Steam Laundry. Laundrying in all its branches. Flannels a specialty. Work ?called for and delivered. Kates guar-; anteed satisfactory- Patronize your home Laundry. WeesnerJk Johnson. Mrs. Bach received a letter from her husband under date of the 20th of Jan uary written at Lake .Marsh, which is this side of White Horse rapids. He stated that his dog team was doing tine and that he felt ail right. Vol. L No. 1 of the Seattle Mining Record was received this week. It is edited by Chas. A. Dinsmore. It is an eight page four column paper and beau tifully gotten up. It deserves success ?it will have it. Col. Lewis is holding his own iu: Washiugrou. The people of that state will regret his defeat before two years roll around, and then he will be re turned. Oh! no. he is not dead, "but sleepeth/' Mrs. Mink and her sister Mrs. J. M. Hall made the News office a pleasant call last Friday. We are pleased to state that Mr. Hall and his estimable wife have moved from below the Mexi can to Douglas City. They are living intheirovn residence on Third street. Mrs. Tilton and her daughter (Veil were in the city Saturday. Hood's Cook Hook and Calendar free of charge at the Occidental Pharmacy, Juneau. Misses Shoes, sizes!) t o 2, at ?">() cents per pair at Koehler-James Mercantile Co., Juneau. Mr. 1). J. Milan, who has been in Se attle. Wash., returned to this city on the AI-Ki lust Saturday night. Mr. George DeKoche returned on the last Al-Ki from Seattle. He reports Seattle dull, and indignation over the British Columbia exclusion act. high. J. P. Smith returned from Seattle1 last Saturday night and it was a pleas ure to see him oil our streets Sunday shaking hands with the boys. J. I*, is all right. Druggist Elliott went down to the j wharf Saturday morning, took a look ut the Lone Fisherman and returned to his store convinced that Douglas Cits is the best town in Alaska. The new Northern Light Prosbyte- , nan church. of Juneau, was dedicated last Sunday. The anthems by the choir and a solo by Miss Larson were reported to us as having been excep tionally flue. Miss Annie Thurlow. the artistic and popular dressmaker of Juneau, paid Tread ".ell and Douglas City a visit last week. She has numerous customers on the island but would bo glad to have more. She is located at Third and, Gold streets in the Kllinger building. The old reliable and popular Bach ! store is doing a rushing business and goods are going out at a great rate. Mrs. Bach is ill charge in the absence of Frank, and she understands the rules of trade as well as any of them. The store has had an overhauling and the goods are there to 1*> sold. Miss Winnie Bell, daughter of Cant. Boll of the Lone Fisherman, arrived in Juneau on the hist trip of the Al-KL Mi ss Winnie is a beautiful and accom plished girl of whom Juneau society may justly be proud. "Dad" Boll < was more than delighted to see her. We don't blame him. A hard-tines Isill will bo given in Juneau to-night which a number of our i y<King people will attend. Any old thing in the line of apjtarel will lie more appropriate for 1 his than a dress suit. Wilson ana many others will 110 doubt be therc smiling with a sweater OEL A mail who claimed to be an authori ty on grip or influenza, claimed that any person who would keep his feet diy would not suffer from the disease. A correspondent of the same* paper in which this advice appeared knocked his argument info a cocked hat by stat iug that he had two wooden legs and had the grip for tire successive years. A Chicago general passenger agent is said to have received the following frank letter from an Arkansas editor: ' ?l^ear Sir: I wish you would send , ine a pass from Little Rock to Chicago and return. I've got to go to Chicago and I can't do it unless you do. My paper goes almost everywhere in this section, and I'm having mighty hard work to keep it from going to h?I. Auction Sale. A Great Auction Sale will be held at Frank Bach's Store next Saturday afternoon aud evening. $20,000.00 worth of goods to be sold. Bro. Rrhell lias bad a relapse. He is having a hard tussle wit h the grip. Chief clerk Bertram of Treadwell was down to the metropolis Monday. The new Juneau-Douglas City ferry boat, "Flossie," will start north in a few ? days. When you need anything in the Fur niture line don't forget to give I\ II. Fox a will. (let your prescriptions and family Recipes put up at the Occidental Phar macy, Juneau. Steamers all call for outfits pur ebased at the Treadwell store and no wharfage is charged. Mr. Fox failed to lead the grand i march last Wednesday evening. He will please stand up and explain. Received new invoice of Cents* and Ladies* watches. Call and see them. Jos. Schell, Jeweler. A dance will bo given after the show tomorrow evening at Oilman's Hall. That will strike the dancing portion of our population all right. Watches and jewelry promptly re paired, having an experienced work man in connection with myself. Jos. Sohell. the Jeweler. The Juneau Library Association, of Juneau, wave a reception to the sup porters of that organization last Mon day night in Congregational hall. Jack Johnson of the Standard is back again at the old stand. The boys are : all glad to see Jack back again. He is one of tin* best boys in Alaska. Having extra help. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry re-: pairing on short notice. All work war ranted. Jos. Scholl. Jeweler. f Women's Shoes, sizes 2 to 4. some of which sold at S5.1X): to close them out. 8LOO pcm pair at Kochler-James Mer cantile Co.. Juneau. Closing Out Sale of broken lots; iu Children's Shoes, sizes 2 to 7. at 25 cts. per pair at Koehler-James Mercantile Co.. Juneau. The ucy. drayman's horse fell down in front of the Xews office last Monday morning. The Juneau mission girls should have been here. They laughed themselves nearly to death because a man fell down in Juneau, but what j would have beeu the result if they had seen a great big. ponderous horse pros trate on the ground. We wen* pleased to meet Mrs. Haven ii of Seattle who is tlie successor of Mrs. Svaysc as stewardess on the Topeka. She is a most estimable woman and a worthy successor to one of the best ; women that ever lived. One more ? change has taken place. Mr. McAvoy has become second steward. If he proves to be as rood as he is pood look ing he will l>e all right. The Xews job department is petting out invitations for a Masque Kail to l>e j given by the Douglas Island Social Club, at Oilman's Hall. Feb. 13, 1SU0. This promises to !jc the event of the season, and complete arrangements arc being perfected. which includes a late i boat for the accommodation of Juneau people. Three prizes are to be given | for excellence in costumes, etc. The invitation committee cousists of H. Mc Kae, R. (t. Troll and II. E. Willsou. Just Received. Fresh Meats, Cranberries, and Cab bage just received at East berg & John sot's . LATEST OFFERING OF Kaufman Bros. \V CLEARANCE.REMNANT SALE i ? n prs. Ladies' French Kid Button Shoes vrMthc*irA*&e U)3]-j Old price $5.00 Reduced to $1.50 on account of this lotconsisting of small ami broken siz**-*. tlw? first co*+t prior lms Imm m overlooked. If you ran fltid a til. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. hi all Departmerits you trill sre Ihiraains of a Similar (Intruder. We ure determined to elean out all short lengths in Hece <?o?>ds and Odd* and Muds in other linos. KAUFMAN BROS., THE WHITE FRONT. JUNEAU. ALASKA. 1 SAID ON THE QUIET. That Wilson's smile is paralytic; with a sweater on. That Burgess gets there, while dnne jug, with both feet. That Jack Kgan had a lietter time than anybody at the party. That one of Kaufman's popular clerks was sick last Wednesday evening and could not attend the party. That Jimmie Cristo's good looks will get him in trouble. That Smithy was conspicuous by his absence from the dance, and Malt man. where was he? That Blunchard would have frozen before saying goodbye Thursday morn ing, but for "Doc's" overcoat. That. Courseu's little daucing das is getting on finely. That the Osluud hoarding house ot Juneau was well represented at the party last Wednesday evening. That Jack Beard hasn't struck a cjise of "mistaken identity" for several weeks. That Sain Straighter has again as sumed his usual composure. That the News couldn't exist without such friends as Elliott, the druggist. That pills are the correct thing for the blues. That Salesman .Vlaltby at the Bohr ends store is one of the best fellows in Juneau. A Mouse Warminu A public reception in honor of llu> subscribers to the building fund will be held in the new Congregational church on Friday evening of this week. The furnishings of the new building are now completed and the doors will Ix1 thrown opeu on that evening to ibe general public who are cordially invi ted to inspect thecommodious sanctu ary from tower to basement. This re ception will partake of the nature of a house-warming, and a cordial invitation is extended to all residents of IXouglas and Tread well to sj>end a pleasant evening as guests of the pastor and members of the church. The reception committee will endeavor to provide against the social, intellectual, musical and gastronomic requirements of the hour and a general good time may he anticipated. It. is understood that a number of speeches may l*e expected from visiting "Knights of the plat form." For the South. tliineuu Miner. : Mrs. J. II. McBride, wife of 'our ener getic friend, the editor of the Douglas Island News, uas a passenger going south on the Cottage City. A Show For Dooj^is CJt>. I A family show will be given in Ob man's Hall tomorrow (Thursday) night. It is not often that the people of this ! city are jiermitted to attend a t boater, and we hope there will be a large turn out aud give the management a good | house. The entertainment will be first-: class. For Sale. Tho John Guffin Saloon, in this city, is for sale. The fixtures are new and in line condition. First-class Hams only 10 "cents per pound at Fox's, Advertised Letters. Lift ?>f letters nut mining uncalled for in t he 1 )oucrlfts post office Feb. 1st l sr>:?. Albert 1\ Anderson John Anderson Anton Anderson C. L. Anderson P. A. Audrmon A.<*. Anderson Cus Atkinson Fdward A r.stic Thomas Birch .Tos. Bottelier Wtii. Uracil I*'. it. Branded Kiiut Bartello 1>. ! Jut tor Frank Hurley I". L. Burgess J,is. BarMett T. M. Bart ram (.'lias. Campbell Cray!on Carlton C. II. Contralto Pietro Cameron Simon Ca-eovas Nicholas Cook Allie Carl Geo. Croiuiuist Chamberlain Mrs. Cunningham .1. W, Coulee F rank Cart nay Daniel Christman Clias. Chiistiansou A. ('jikuIi Noliak Cot covaiu itch Arto Davis Mrs. L. Durks Malph Daiwn Wm. Dennis .1. \V. DellouUiniie (Jiovani Krk'kson Henry hYosf.y 0. I'isk Winthrop Giaeometti P. Gillespie K. <iregoroo Mrs. II. Govett Win. Garret Mrs. M.J. George Anton Gwinn J.W. (JantJin Mrs. J no. Haudclaud John Huffman <too. A. Hahnenntn C. V. Haniiv Johu lliuchmun lion. \\*. Hutcljiuson Jas. Mart Albert Hansen Tobias Hanson Sybil Hutcbins Orlando Hendy Adam liadclt August Jennings Jno. Jolinsou H. Johnson I Jessie Jol-mon H. A. Johnson Andrew Jobiison Milmer Jones 1*'. M. Jones W. H. Joijorkoii' Paul 1>. Joiin (loo. .Jackson Iv I >. Jackson Ijoni* Jaeobson A. P. Jnoskow Paul Khtii Jas. Keesling too. Kirebner Peter Kriutson ('has. King Kd. Kopp Jennie Klepser Derimcd KindJor lCrnest Koliy Dan Kaunijaincn Kustaa Krtstianson Martin Kaleiiski Anton Karebiuoir Peter Miller SksmI Morrison Frank MatthcwsnnMrs. J. McMurrin Thou J. McCrosio Hugh Mason I). ]J. MnllovS. J. McKay Rngeno Nixon WW. Nicholson Donald Peterson John Ponttu Zsnk V. Peters Geo. Pauieoski Petro Pinfeet Alphonso tvbiarbein C. (). Kauiuo John Kosovak Nick Kobbim Mrs. M. A. Radauovich Milan Katrovich Maick Kerns ka Matti Radanovich Tonio Ktrid Jas. Strom Andrew Schtdenzi Audro Samarridi Sara Scott A. Smith Knima Spnblor Ben Soaman Mrs. Anna Salman Clias. (?. Stounis Bert Stron*. Mrs. Solia Sutherland D. A. Stiepcich T. Staebly I/jnaei* Samaraie David X. Torrell Allcrt Teed Howard M. Tat-e Mn^SopLo Tienw Robt. Thibert Gilberto Thorienski Pietro T2ist7iiaM*!bi Tomaso Yautier Geo. \Vwlt? Gas. Wait-field A Young Wikland J?o. Wiltaneu Mrs. M. Young W. S. Young Henry Ytmcick Yasv Yieueorick Pietro Yaxrst7i Tonio Yasclsoritcli A. K. 1). T-.Yt.OK. P. M. The Talk of the Two. Hi#* dismantled bark Colorado brought 17(0 tons of Com ax coal to tho island last week and it Las becu passed around, ?nd now it is tho talk of tho town. Co where you will and you will hear ntxmt that coal. It has becu pretty cold for several days and the confounded stutf wont burn miles* you coax it with extra dry wood or well seasoned shingles. It is almost as hard as granite and verifies the old say ing that you cuu't always judge by ap pearances, for it is a fine looker. Men and brethren, that coal is here, there is no other, and it must lie used up at from twelve to fourteen dollars per ton, and there is no use of kicking or squealing, but while we are doiug it let us pray for some good old Ameri can coal. Kcetou, remomboriug that the printer enjoys a luscious luxury, brought us in a generous sample of McKay's now homo smoked kicon.