Newspaper Page Text
THE DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS. A. a. ncBRIDE and CHARLES A. HOPP Editors and Publishers. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY TERMS:?In Advance. One Year - - $3.00 Six Months ------- 1.30 Three Months - - - - - - 1.00 Single Copies ------ .11) Foreifrn Postage must lie prepaid. The New* at Juneau. Tlie News is on sale at the Postoftice News Stand. Advertising: Rates. Cards, one inch or less, per month - $1.50 Display advertising, l>er in. per month 1JM) Local notices per line, per issue - - .10 These rates will be strictly adhered to. We treat all our patrons ulike. TELEPHONE 105. Wednesday, March 29,1899. THE ALASKA LIQUOR LAWS.' Elsewhere in this issue of the News will be found that part of the Alaska Sbgislatiou which prescribes the amount of the liceuse tax those doing business iu this district must pay to the govern ment and we are much surprised to ob serve that the preacher, the lawyer and She newspaper men have escaped aud the only reason apparent to us for this inexcusable omission is that Governor Brady, Juneau's representative at Washington belongs to the two former j professions aud is closely related by marriage to the latter. Gov. Brady was asked by the commit tee if the provisiou relating to the sale of liquors would bo satisfactory and probably practical, but the Juneau rep resentative ashied" around the inter- i rogatory, but admitted that of the 408 places in Alaska in which liquor is; sold only 20b would take out licenses,; Sfo?> which we infer that at least one- j half of those engaged iu the liquori traffic, in the opinion of the Governor, j will be so badly disappointed that they will, for various reasons, abandon the business iu this district. We can say to Gov. Brady that the liquor law is not satisfactory and that it will not be practical, either, and we sauuot refrain from also saying that while iu Washington as the representa tive of our sister city across the chan-! liel he was derelict in the discbarge of his duties iu failiug to say so to the committee when asked to express his opiiiiou upon the subject. Aiarong the few objections to the law . are: That the license is too high. That) the court should have been given the power to graut a license with out the option features. That to require an applicant for a li cense to do business in a buildiug that h?6 not cost less than $500 is unjust. That the applicant for a liceuse, be sides paying, a large amount of money to the government, will also be com-! pelted to pay out a great deal of rnouey So- secure men to canvass for signers to ' the* petition. That in Douglas City an applicant! will be compelled to secure the signa tures of a majority of the white popu lation over IS years of age in Juneaui and Trcadvrell, they being less than two? miles from the place where the bus iness is to be conducted. ? That besides paying expenses, the ap pli?ant must also pay an additional iu feraal revenue tax. That it drives a poor man out of bus iness. That with only one court in Alaska, the presentation of proof of applicant's petition of St. Michaels and the upper Yukou will iuvolve an additional ex pense of hundreds of dollars. The fact is, there is hardly a limit* to the objections that can justly be urged against the law. It would have been much better for Alaska if congress had failed to give us any legislation. Truly, it Is a case of -man's inhumanity to manJ" WHAT THEY WILL PAY. Schedule of License Fees Recently Passed By Act of Congress. The fist of lines of business licensed and the amount per annum each shall pay is as follows: Abstract offices $ 50 Banks 250 Boarding houses having accommo dations for 10 or more guests... 25 Brokers (mouey, bill, note and stock) 100 Billiard rooms per table 25 Bowling alleys 25 Breweries 500 Bottliug works 200 Cigar manufacturers 25 Cigar store?or stand 25 Drug stores 50 Public docks, wharves and ware houses 100 Electric light plants, furnishing light or i?ower for sale 300 Fisheries?Salmon canneries, 4c. per case; salmon salteries, 10c. per bbl; fish oil works, 10c. per bbl; fertilizer works, 20c.per ton Freight and passenger transporta tion lines, propelled by mechan ical power, on inlaud waters, per ton per annum, customs honse measurement, of each vessel 1 Oas plants, for heat or light for sale 300 Hotels 50 Halls, public...': 10 Insurance agents and brokers 25 Jewelers . 25 Mines?Quartz mills, per stamp per year 3 Mercantile establishments?Doing a busiuese of SIOOJOOO, $500; $75, 000, $350; $50,000, $250; $25,000, $125; $10,000, $50; under $10,000, $50, and under $4,000 10 Meat markets 2p Manufactories not enumerated herein, same classification and license charges as mercantile es tablishments. Physicians, itinerant 50 Planing mills, when not part of a wrrnlH 50 | Peddlers 25 Pawnbrokers 300 J Patent medicine venders, not reg ular druggists 50' Railroads, ou each mile operated. 100 ; Restaurants 25 i Real estate dealers and brokers... 50 Ships and shipping?Ocean and coastwise vessels doing local busiuess for lii''e plying in Alas kan waters, per ton on net ton nage, customs house measure ment, of each vessel 1 Sawmills, 10c. per 1,000 feet ou the lumber sawed. Steam ferries 100 Toll road or trail 200 Tobacconists 25 Tramways, for each mile or frac tion thereof 10 Transfer companies 50 Taxidermists 20 Theatres 100 I Water works, furnishing water for sale ! : 50 THE ALASKA LIQl'OK LAW. Wholesale license, $2,000 per annnin; barroom or retail license in towns or, settlements of 1,500 population or np ward, $1,500; in towns, camps or settle ments of more than 1,000 and less than j 1,500 population, $1,000; in towns,camps or settlements of less than 1,000 popu lation, $500. A large number of passengers on the Cottage City left the boat last Tbnrs-! day evening and went to Jnneau on the Flosie from Treadwell. The eugiueer ou the ferry boat gave the lever an ex-j tra pnll aud how sho did fly. Mauy of the passenger had not seen the Flosie before, but the praise she received was profuse aud richly deserved. | Does Quality T% j I Count with You ? > ? T \ We want to tell you about our Prup: C r Store, r \ We have the largest line of Drugs and ) / Druggist Sundries in Alaska. The / ) best that money can buy, and we sell ) S them at RIGHT prices. S i Come and nee us niul be convinced. t ) THE ALASKA DRUG CO., ) i j Front & Seward StB., JUNEAU. } A School Shoe RIGHT. Tho Little Ssmson is the ideal school shoe for boys and girls who are hard on ordinary shoe leather. It is made from tough butsoftand pliable leather, especial ly selected; has sole leather tip and double strengthened back. It is built upon prin ciples of comfort, strength and good looks, a combination hard to beat. The ??Little Samson" has more good solid wear in it than any other school shoe made. 43rScc that 70a get the genuine Tittfe Sam son." The al>ovc Trade-Mark is stamped ou tho sole of every shoc??3r Tho "Little Samson" school 6hocs arc made by the Friedman Bros. Shoe Co., of St. Louis, one of the largest shoe houses in the World. They stand behind every pair that leaves their factory. That's the reason wo can sell them to 70a with aa exceptionally strong guarantee. We carry a full line of "Little Samson" school shoes in all sizes at popular prices. P. H. FOX, Douglas City, Alaska. ? i ? Cook Inlet and 'Copper River Mail Route... The U. S. Mail Steamer I DORA Will sail from Juneau on the 9th and 23rd of each month, commencing; April 9th. i calling' at SITKA, YAKUTAT, ORCA, VALDES, TYOONK, and ! KODIAK. j 1 MB* For passenger and freight rates call on h. f. robinson, agt, jdneau. tTt ?i , ?- I II1 ...THE... Charles Coffee House, ' i DOUGLAS CITY. CHARLES WORTMAN, Proprietor. ?tF~ Best Lunch in the City J/CM At Reasonable Rates JtGM Lnrtye stock of choice Confectionery nlwuy 1 on hand. ? _? i The KLONDIKE of douglas city. ? 1 Is a Gentlemen's Resort ; - ?f S. GIUS, Proprietor. Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. the u. s. ?l? Hail I steamer Wolcott -> From JUNEAU TO SKAGUAY > ' Calls When Sufficient Business War rants at Douglas City Seward City and Haines Mission LEAVES JUNEAU at 6 P. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. LEAVES SKAGUAY, returning, at 3 P. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. EW For Freight and Passenger rates see or telephone. H. F. ROBINSON, Agt. Junean. f Caterers to Family Trade EASTBERQ& JOHNSON Groceries r Meats , Vegetables Fruits Fre*h Meat Supplies received on every ii? Paciiic Coast Steamer. Butter and Ejrgs of lirxf-?ruaw grade always on hand. Douglas City, - - Alaska. * THE STAR BREWERY, DOUGLAS CITY. WWW JOHN EGAN, Proprietor. WWW w THE NEW BREWERY BUILD ING IS COMPLETED AND OCCUPIED ^OtoTACII^^ ING FIRST-CLASS BEER ARE NOT EXCELLED IN ALASKA THE STAR BREWERY ' VVVVVVVVV\\VVVVVVVVVVVVVVViVVVVVi\\VVVV\\VVVVVVVVVi/ ;! While in Juneau ;! !> Look for the Big e:r" !; j mm BROWNSVILLE iiill WOOLEN i! 8888 MILLS - .;! < ....JUNEAU ALASKA | BLANKETS and All 11/ I jj J UNDERWEAR All W00I j! j! Suits Made to Order !> <> Ji^fc__No Deposit Required j| \ l20aiS L. BUtiffiENTHRL ji $ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWVWWWVVVVVWW WW J / JOHNSON SCOTTRELL, PROPRIETORS. THE Douglas City, ? Alaska. STANDARD *3??0PEN ALL NIGHT.$$$e i^/1 II ^ I fi tJF Hot and Mixed Drinks a A | B AG" Tbe Finest Brands of P""| JL& I I Liquors and Cigars al I 111 L? Im ways on hand. tJBF A First-class Lunch Coun ter has recently boon added Prescriptions Filled Day and Night at... 25 Douglas Pharmacy. A Full Line of Toilet Articles, ! Perfumes, Soaps, ' Brushes, Etc., Etc Hunter Bld'g .'Jd St., Douglas City. Douglas City Barber Shop. Hair Cutting \tr Shampooing Shaving 4V Baths VESTAL, & EDMONDS, Props. DEUONICO HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ALEX. LA MOTTE, Proprietor. v Board by the Day, 4 6 Week, or Month ? * f'nt' ? T1 n ? W MEALS AT ALL HOURS, w EMT The table First-class and will satisfy the mast fastidious. Our Coffee cannot be excelled. W Agent for Alaska Steam Laundry. Leave Bundles here Douglas City, Alaska. I 3 | F. M. JAMES | % General ^ | Merchant J w#w ^ SH F. M. James begs to thank his patrons for their cus fc torn and say that he is still doing business on business principles and not cutting on any one particular 21 thing and patting a bigger per centage on another. ^ * lie has just received a very nice line of NEW PAT ^ TERN LACES, INDIA LINENS, VICTORIA 3 SI LAWNS, and SILKILINES at very reasonable prices. 2 | ? ? i Douglas City, - - Alaska. ^ mmmmm mm mm m 111 mre Alaska ' N ? ? Heat D. McKAY, Proprietor. Harket nc A FULL LINE OF j j K Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats CONSTANTLY ON HAND J Poultry and Game Hunter Block, Douglas City, Alaska, in Season. TELEPHONE NO. 8. , * v ?