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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any u? proportional thought his act. He thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. The friends thou hast, aiul their adoption tried. Grapple them to thy soul with hoops oC steel: lint do not dull thy palm with entertain ment of each new-hatched, unfledged com rade. ? Shaksvkbe. This must be the heated term. \ Xewkote Varnish Stain at Jensen's. Paiuts, brushes and glass, sash and doors at John Feusi's. E. Ferguson and wife arrived in the city on the Humboldt. Plated ware ? the best made ? at the Kemmis Jewelry Store. Up to date the Fuuter Bay cannery has packed 58,000 cases. Seattle has a totem pole factory which is doing a thriving business. McConnaughey's Copper Paint, the best boat paint made, at. Jensen's. Vic Spaulding and Perry Wiley are back from a trip to the high hills. What has become of the man who said that it always raius in Alaska? The city council has decided to paint the city hall building. It needs it. Hon. T. S. Xowell plans to operate coal properties on Admiralty Island. j Just as represented? is the warrant! of the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Douglas. The appearance of the front of the Graud Kestauraut has been improved, j When you go to Juueau, stop in at Spickett's Smoke House and get a tine cigar. It wont leak ? colored building paper ? Dice for cabius ? Feusi's Hardware Store. Largest stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at the Treadwell Store. Miss Alice Coggius has accepted the position of assistant in the Douglas postotfice. What lias become of tho promised j excursions to near by points of interest by a local steamboat? AShortOrder ? Picture frames made from any piece of a large stock of mouldiugs, at Feusi's. Rainier Mixed Paints, for inside and outside work, all ready to use, for sale at Jensen's, Secoud street. The new Remingtou Automatic Shot Guus aud Rifles ? ammunition, shells] and cartridges at Feusi's. C. W. Young Co. are making a very j liberal discouut ou Wall Paper. See notice of their special sale. Mrs. Peter Orlando has returned from Tacoma and she aud Peter have taken the Fox cottage on H. street. Try a pair of Amazon Crack Proof or Red Sole Gum Boots, sold with a guarantee at the Treawell store. Georgo irviug, the political bubble of the Revillagigedo district, has been pricked by the Juueau Dispatch. Iroonite Floor Paints, as firm as irou aud easily applied. For sale at Jen sen's Hardware store, Secoud St. If you are going to set up house keeping, remember that Feu si has a big stock of Furniture of all kinds. Northwestern Freight Ageut Piuneo, of the Pacific Coast Steamship Compa ny, was a visitor iu Douglas Monday. The Douglas City Meat Market has been overhauled and improved, and an ice machine will be added to the equip ment. Mayor Hudson informs us that oper ations at Nevada creek will start soon. ; He is out this week with a small force ; getting ready. Prices that compare with Kastern prices, and goods that are the very best at the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Front street, Douglas. Its easy toiook well if you have good clothes, aud it's easy to get good clothes of Smallwood, at the Beach Store near the 300 Mill. The latest in Juneau is a "Goat'' club. No doubt there will be Billy Goats and Nanny Goats, and perhaps after while a little Goatee. The Douglas lodge of Knights of Pythias is planning a farewell party iu honor of Dr. A. Byron Geho, to be giv en a week from Thursday night. Smokers will be delighted with tho Cigars and Tobaccos at Chas. M. Ross wog's place. Pool and Billiards. Hun ter Hotel building, Front St., Douglas. Joe' Miller's Tailor-Made Clothes look well, wear well and always tit. We guarantee it. Spring goods just arrived. Frout street. Louis building, Juneau. When in doubt as to where to buy watches or jewelry, plated or solid sil verware, alarm or parlor clocks, just step in to the Kemmis Jewelry Store and see if you can not be pleased with the goods there displayed. Among the improvements on St. Ann ''avenue is a little chapel built near the j i hospital. Harry G. Slater is expected home j from Katalla on the next boat from the ! Westward. x ? i Alaska's delegate, to congress, the ; Hon. Tom Cale, was a passenger ou the Humboldt for the north. The cottage near the saw mill, occu- j pied by Alex. Nelson, is being im- i proved by a small addition. Mr. and Mrs. Ninnis and children ! j have again taken up their residence in ! Douglas, at the Clark cottage ou North j ! Secoud Street. Hugh Tracy, Tom Tracy and John j Egau have returned from the Eudicott | river, where they have a line showing [ of copper- bearing rock. The Str. City of Seattle went South | ; Monday. Her passengers from Doug- j las were Miss Annie Museth, Miss lies- i sie Johnson, and Mi s Marian Soren- ! ? son. The two daughters of \V. H. McBlaiu j arrived from the South last Saturday I ; and will make their home in this city. They will be welcomed by the young people. Mr. T. R. Sewell, who has been iu charge of Britt's Pharmacy at Skagway, returned to Douglas last week and took his former position with Dr. J. Heubuur. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Keid, the former being Y.M.C.A. Secretary for Alaska aud Yukon, aro ou their way down the river on their auuual trip ou the little lauuch Helen Gould. The Str. Jefferson with a big crowd j of excursionists, went south yesterday Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Kewley, the "Fern" children, aud Mr.->. Ida Sarvela were j passengers from Douglas. Mr. Henry Brie came back from ! Haines last week. Mrs. Brie remaiued to gather the luscious harvest of cur rants that grows on their property there. Mrs. A. lvengyel accompanies [ her. Geu. Atkinson and wife, and Col. j Darrow aud wife, are expected to ar- ! rive ou au early boat from tue South. The gentlemen are interested iu the Bach properties at Limestoue and Ta ku Harbor. Because of oue of the mistakes that will happen in the best regulated fam ilies, aud can never be accounted for, i the name of Airs. Anna Barquist, Past Noble Grand, was omitted from the' list of the officers of the Rebekah Lodge, published last week. The first guu of the great battle of 1U0S, for political supremacy in the United States, will be tired by the re- j publicans of Alaska, who will meet in Juneau in November to elect six dele gates aud six alternates to attend the next republican national convention. Ou last Sunday afternoon, at the Episcopal church, Rev. Jenkins offici- : atiug, the ceremony of christening Harry Frederick, the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pace Ha 1 sou, took place. John Hcnsou, the grandfather, and James Christoe, the uncle, were : godfathers, and Mrs. James Christoe, the aunt, godmother. lu the Interior country political matters are more actively discussed and attract more attention than at Ju neau, the capital of the district. Tele grams are flashiug up and down the ' Vukou. An independent nou-partisan territorial government convention, to j be held at Juneau on October 15, is pro posed. Friends of J. P. Clnm ha/e al ready launched his boom for delegate to congress, to ^succeed Tom Cale at i the expiration of his term. On last Saturday eveniag a surprise j party was given for Mrs. John Stoft at her pleasant home in the Sans Souci. A party of lady friends armed with a generous supply of delicacies for a tasty lunch, were given a hearty wel- j come by the thoroughly surprised host- j ess, and the evening passed was a most j pleasant oue. The guests were Mrs. H. j G. Slater, Mr?. J. G. Zimmerman, Mrs. D. B. Hutsell, Miss Mildred Powell, Miss Annie Museth, Mrs. Museth and Mrs. C. M. Harrison. If the report be true that, upon the arrival of Governor Hoggatt at Fair- j banks, both the papers of that city seized upon the opportunity to "roast" ! him, the editors of those papers lack not only judgment aud discretion, but common sense. Abuse is not ar gument, an<d there are times when even argument is out of season. When the j governor of a state visits any part of j the state ou official business, an insult to that governor is an insult to the state, and should and will be resented j as such by the people of the state. If the papers of Juneau had not greeted i Gov. Brady -with glaring headlines, j "Siwash Brady is in Town," the people of Alaska would now have more respect for the papors of that city and the | think tanks of the men who run them. SL 7RA0C MARK FOLDING GO-CART % Just the thing to put the Baby in. P. H. FOX, D0OGLAS' Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE TREADWELL TOPICS, j Tbo Misses Mary and Nettie Mc- ; Blaine were Treadwell arrivals last week. Tbo Monterey unloaded her 18,000 barrel cargo in about twelve hours, i leaving bore Sunday. Mrs. H. P. Stow, Miss Elliott and i Miss Sexton are enjoying tbe trip to White Horse this week. Mrs. .James Daniels aud son returned on the City of Seattle from an extended visit with relatives in California. Pipes are being laid across the plaza, connecting with the main line, in order j to supply the assay office with fuel oil. A meeting of the Treadwell Fire De- j partuient was held Monday eveniug to discuss arrangements for the Annual Ball. Quite the most enjoyable events tak- j ing place these days are the little oven- 1 ing parties given by the Treadwell Dan cing Club. There will be another of : them this evening. * Mr. P. Mutty and Master Louis Mut- ; ty. of Port Townsend, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. JJ. Veasie, j were southbound passengers on the Jefferson Tuesday morning. The long looked for drop curtain for the auditorium stage is at last here and has been put in place. The curtain was painted in San Francisco, and is a very splendid example of the sceue painter's First Cong. Church Service on Sunday evening, August 4th, at 8 o'clock. Subject, "The Cripple on Crutches, a Beggar at the King's Table." | For the song service, well known sacred songs will be selected, in which the en tire congregation inay heartily take i part. The little tots Lillian Pasquan, Alvira and Molly Wheatman and Flor ence Holford will sing their favorite j song, "No, Not One." Alice Holford will ! preside at the piano. You are invited and will be made welcome to this servico. Rev. D. Holford, B. D. Pastor. | . A Surprise Party. The members of Northern Light Re- ! bekah Lodge gave a surprise party last night to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McBlain, at the Odd Fellows Hall. On this occasion the members of the order expressed their good will and ad miration for Mr. McBlain (who occu pies the exalted position of District Deputy Grand Sire) and his wife, by presenting them with three beautiful pieces of cut glass and a pair of silver sugar tongs, as wedding presents. The ladies had also prepared a generous supply of good things to eat, which added to the pleasures of tho occasion. St. Luke's Church Sunday School is held every Sunday at eleven o'clock. Service will be held at tho present as announced from time to time. Thomas Jenkins, Priest-iu-chargo | Douglas City ileat Market > * meals of Jill Kinds tfc? * ' ? ' > FISH AND GAME IN SEASON rP ? I D STREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA g The Wooing The iMujor ? Miss Alaska, I can no louder remain silent. I have loved you ever since I first beheld your gold en locks and snowy features, and feel that I cannot live without you. Alaska, will you be mine? Miss Alaska ? O, go on, Maje, and tell j your troubles to your Uuclc Samuel; 1 he put you up to this. ? Yukon Valley News. I It is impossible to chronicle all the j numerous fishing parties that are each 1 day going and coming, so we will re- 1 serve our comment until some one gets 1 snake bit ? though generally adequate 1 preparations are made for such an j emergency. Treadwell Firemen's Annual Ball At a meeting of the Treadwell Fire Department held last Monday evening the following committees were ap pointed to have charge of the Annual ! Ball, the date of which has not yet been decided: Arrangements ? J. F. Tompkins, J. A. j Norris, J. McCormick, M. Smith, and ; J. N. Stoody. Invitations ? D. J. Kinzie, J. Christoe. ! and C. Blain. ? Reception? J. H. Duckworth, D. Webster, J. Daniels, John Duncan, R. | A. Kinzie, H. P. Stow, Mark Tatom, ; Jerry Cashen, Nols. G. Johnson, D. B. ! Veasie, E. J. N. Ott, James Christoe , and R. McCormick. Floor? Carl Johnson, A. E. Andrew, A. Waltersdorph, C. E. Bennett, Hugh McRae, M. J. Kelly, Peter Gravrock, Leo Demitt, and Ed. McCormick. Music? W. W. Shorthill, J. Daniels, and F. P. Henson. Decorations ? F. Heb^rt, R G. Way land, R. Walsh, L. S. Ferris, C. G. Mc Kinnon, Jack Cilligan, W. H. McBlain. Printiug? D. Judson, II. Crofts, and H. Wood. Refreshments ? T. Tubbs, Geo. Drew, and Geo. Beare. Bath Tub Enamel makes old new. Sold by Jensen, the Hardware man. Bonita Sewing machines at the Treadwell Store. ...Elaska flyers... Q9Q Between Seattle, Ketchikan, Doug las, Juneau and Skagway. Due to arrive at Douglas : JP--C- ? JuLy 14th, 26th ElrFERSON august 7th Pfc-. ninni JULY Oth, 20th and XJ O L P H I N August 1st Excursions via Sitka Steamers and sailing dates subject to change without noticQ. This is the only line of steamers calling recru hirly at Douglas both North and South bpund. Alaska S, S. Co. Agents G12 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Elmer E. Smith, Agent, Douglas, Alaska * > Foreign and Domestic {* Woolens in Stock F. WOLLAND MERCHANT TAILOR JUNEAU, ALASKA FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE SUNBURNS, TANS AND INSECT BITES 0 lover Robertine Elliotts Almond M ASSAGE Simon And Other Creams ELLIOTT & SMITH'S I ?WW WW WW WWW WWW 9 FRONT STREET