Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. >> j Marv had a swarm of bees. And they, to save their lives. Must go wherever Mary went? 'Cause Mary had the hive*. Four Track News. Newkote Varnish Stain at Jensen's. I Shaw and Kussell ate paintiugtheSt. Ann Hospital. The Seattle whistled into Treadwell at 1 p. m. today. Bonita Sewing machines at the Treadwell Store. Paints, brushes and glass, sash and doors at John Feusi's. There was a lively dance at Crystal Falls Park last night. Plated ware ? the best made ? at the Kemmis Jewelry Store. Charlie Fenster has treated his home % to a ne\* coat of paint. Mike O'Connor will soon have a farm stumped out on the hill. Born. ? To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Price, on Monday, July 5th, a sou. Albin Baritillo left this morning on the Georgia, for a visit to Sitka. liath Tub Enamel makes old new. Sold by Jenseu, the Hardware man. Born ? To Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sumer vich, on Monday, August 5th, a girl. Just as represented? is the warrant 1 of the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Douglas. M. G. Rogers is laid up for a few days tryiug to get the rheumatism out of his feet. Elliott & Smith have decorated the ! front of their store with a new drug sign. When you go to Juneau, stop in at : Spickett's Smoke House and get a fine , cigar. It wont leak? colored building paper ? uice for cabius? Feusi's Hardware Store. Largest stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at the Treadwell Store. Knights of Pythias social tomorrow night. All knights and families of knights are iuvited. A Short Order ? Picture frames made from any piece of a large stock of ; mouldings, at Feusi's. Mayor Hudson came in from Nevada creek, to attend the meeting of the city council Monday night. Raiuier Mixed Paints, for inside and outside work, all ready to use, for sale at Jensen's. Secoud street. The Rebekah picuic is beiug held to day over at Sheep Creek. The early morning ferry was loaded. The Geo. E. James Co. saw mill has been out of logs since Monday noon. A raft is expected hourly. The heart of the News man has been gladdened this week by numerous con tributions to the meal tub. The continued dry, warm weather causes the remark, frequently heard, that the climate is changing. Try a pair of Amazon Crack Proof or Red Sole Gum Boots, sold with a guarantee at the Treawell store. lronnite Floor Paints, as firm as Iron and easily applied. For sale at Jen sen's Hardware store, Second St. - The old houses of Douglas that had been allowed to ruu down at the heel, are all being fixed up this summer. If you are going to set up house keeping, remember that Feusi has a big stock of Furniture of all kinds. For Sale. ? An established business In Douglas. A good chance for the right man. Inquire at the News office. McKanna Brothers' dray team made things rattle on Third street last Mon day morning, by running away. No body hurt. Prices that compare with Eastern prices, aud goods that are the very best at the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Front street, Douglas. Charlie Rudy, assistant at the Tread well assay office, who is taking a vaca tion, left last week for the big wild strawberry patch, at Strawberry point. Smokers will be delighted with the Cigars and Tobaccos at Chas. M. Ross wog's place. Pool and Billiards. Hun ter Hotel building, Front St., Douglas. Joe Miller's Tailor-Mado Clothes look well, wear well and always fit. We guarantee it. Spring goods just arrived. Front street. Louis building, Juneau. Charlie Adams and family have mov ed to Juneau. Charlie is now iu the employ of the Juneau Ferry & Naviga tion Company. The Jefferson will probably arrive from the South early tomorrow morn ing. She has a large crowd of excur sionists aboard. TREADWELL TOPICS. ; Ed Dilsaver, a former Douglas Is lander, returned to Treadwell last week after au absence of many moons | Walter Kellog of minstrel fame was a j Treadwell passenger on the last Cot tage City. Ed. Haley, whose face was familiar hereabouts eight years ago, is again oue of the landmarks. , J. C. McKay, oue of the oldtimers who left here about seven years ago, returned from Seattle on the Cottage City and has gone to work on the car- J penter force. S. Eastburg is back again at Tread well after quite a long period of resi ; dence in the States. The chrouicling of a list of events like the above is apt to make oue feel i that good old Douglas Islaud is not j so bad after all. Steady work and moderate living expenses don't grow j on every bush the world around. The Al-Ki stopped in Sunday to un load a cargo of powder. The Humboldt brought 80 tons of ; freight for Treadwell on her north ' bouud trip, duly discharging same on Monday forenoon. The steamer Rainier ' stopped at i Treadwell Tuesday evening to get a supply of fuel oil for carrying her to Katalla. Mrs. Bedford of Tacoma has beeu the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Short hill for several days past. Mr. Bed ford who had stopped over at I Ketchikan arrived today on tho City of Seattle. Tbe office force has received a new recruit in the person of H. J. Hayward, recently of Florida. Mrs. H. P. Stow aud friends, Misses Sexton aud Elliott, returned Mouday from the trip to Whitehorse, B. C. A most pleasant surprise was perpe trated on Mr. aud Mrs. D. B. Veasie on Tuesday evening in honor of their , twentieth wedding anniversary. Re- ; turning from a launch ride to the end of the Islaud with Mr. and Mrs. Ben nett, the worthy couple walked unsus pectingly into their home which had meanwhile been taken possession of by about forty of their neighbors and friends, from Treadwell and Douglas. The surprise was complete, and afford ed pleasure to both the conspirators; and the victims. On the diniug room table a dozen decorated llaviland bread and butter plates, a cup and saucer, aud a haud-painted lemonade pitcher were rather more sileut expres- i sions of the audible felicitations ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. Veasie ou the event of their China wedding. Re- ? freshments iu the shape of saudwiches, cake aud coffee were also forthcoming. The prevailing sentiment of au alto- j gether delightful eveuing was the hope that iu twenty years from now the : event could be repeated in detail, j Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kin- 1 zie, Stow, Tatom, Stoody, Shorthill, Tubbs, Christoe, Bennett, Kuhn, Smith, Carpenter, Hubbard, Richards, Mes dames McKanna, Mackie, Rogers, Ott, ; Hall, Bedford, A. E. Christoe, Mr. Webster, Miss Elliott and Miss Sexton. Mr. F. W. Bradley, consulting engi neer for the Treadwell group of mines, j arrived this morning on the City of Se attle, for his aunual visit of inspection. ; AT THE CLUB. Committee meetings were held Mon day evening regarding preparations for the big event of the season ? the Fire- 1 men's Annual Ball, which will be held on Monday evening, Aug. 12. This ball, while given under the direction of the Fire Department, is designed to in clude every member of tbe Club ? one of the foundation principles of this in stitution being that all its privileges are extended equally to all members in all matters. Expectations for the usual good time are the order of the day. The directors of the Club met Mou day evening aud transacted routine business. The Club Band practice on Monday I evening was enjoyed by outsiders as well as direct participants. A new wafer tank has been recently placed in the Club, for especial use in fire emergencies. The number of volumes in the -Club library is constantly ou the increase. A look over the shelves makes evident the fact that a splendid library is being gradually builC up, and that it is ap preciated may be inferred from the number of books in coustant use. The Treadwell Dancing Club will suspend operations until after the big annual ball. ? - . ? Tbe Whitehorse Star asserts that a timber fii;e near there was started by the wind rubbing the branches of the trees together, producing fire in the i old-fashioned way. Host flarvelous Values in TRUNKS and SUIT CASES o Cfl X c _ 3 Q. H cs *a U ^ o v- H o T3 C fcfi c > ^ II (1) <+? OJ 3 cn X3 S ^ prt q S3 tf) 0. CA <D C3 O 4-? *3 5*0 'C ? vn( ca o* cS -a T5 C <UBrt c8 Bovver & Kennedy, a Juneau grocery j firm, went up the flue last week, with liabilities that far exceeded the visible assets. Dr. A. Byron Geho loft Monday morn ing, ou the Dolphin, for Reno, Nevada. He had not intended to start until the 10th, but received a telegram which has tened hia departure. William Maki and Hilda Lahikainin were married Saturday evening at the Presbyterian manse, Rev. Alexander Priogle officiating. They will reside in Douglas.? Juneau Record Minor. When in doubt as to whore to buy ; watches or jewelry, plated or solid sil- j verware, alarm or parlor clocks, just i step in to the Kemmis Jewelry Store and see if you can not be pleased with the goods the e displayed. Fred Garner, city assessor, has com-j pleted his work and turned in the as sessment books to the city council Monday night. The council has not yet given out what the tax rate for 1007 will be, but it is probable that the rate of previous years will be doubled, and this year's rate will be one per cent. Dr. Harry C. Do Vighne arrived in j the city, via the Humboldt, Sunday j night, and is established iu the rooms ovor Elliot & Smith's Pharmacy, for- j merly occupied by Dr. Geho. Dr. De Vighne has lived at Wrangell for the j past three years, so li? is already au Al askan. Rev. J. A. Levin, pastor of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church, will leave Douglas about the first of next month. Rev. Levin combines the qualities of a good pastor aud an industrious worker, and his services will always bo in de- [ maud. The most of the labor ou the church building he did with his own hands, otherwise it had never been | built, Anton Krasel, the tailor who has a shop on Second street, carefully cleans and presses clothes so that they look like new again. His work speaks for itself, and Anton speaks several differ ent languages himself. He is always at his post, and always working, so he ac complishes a great deal. \ ou may need something in his line. If so, you will find him next door to Henry Berry's ci gar factory, on Second street. A card from Chas. A. Fox bears the intelligence that he has decided to gir$ j Alaska the shake, and will engage in the general merchandise business at Hartford, Wash. Charlie has been in Douglas so long that we had really formed the idea that he was a fixture ? a part of the country, just like the landscape or the mountains. Hut. all i the same, we wish for him a large meas I ure of success in his new home. Last Monday Dr. McCallie performed a very successful operation, at his office in the Sans Souci,in removing a section of necrossed bone from the mouth of Mr. Dan McDonald, the blacksmith at the Treadwell mine. Mr. McDonald suffered from time to time from this trouble for the past five years, having it lanced on a number of different oc casions, but Dr. McCallie cut away th6 dead bone, and now as the cause of the trouble is removed, a speedy recovery is expected. The next morning Dan said he felt better. &? ? * *'? +$r+~???V?1ft^'1i> ??????????% * - s I Douglas City ileal Market FISH AND GAME IN SEASON DOUGLAS, ALASKA & D STREET *?? AN INVITATION. Treadwell, Alaska, Aug. G, 1907. To the Editor of the Douglas Island News, Douglas City, Alaska. Dear Sir: ? The Treadwell Fire De partment wishes to extend through the columns of your paper, a general invi tation to all members of the Juneau and Douglas Fire Departments and to all members of the Treadwell Club, in- ; eluding ladies, to the Third Annual Ball, to bo given by the Treadwell Fire Department, at the Treadwell Club, Monday evening, August 12th, 1907. D. J. Kinkie, J. C. CHRISTOE, ! C. M. Blain, I Invitation Committee. Special Meeting. The officers and members of the Ladies' League iu connection with the j First Congregational church, are re quested to meet in the school room of the church, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when the annual election of officers will take place and other mat ters of interest be discussed. Mrs. Ida Whipple, Secretary. | Douglas Firemen to Meet A General meeting of all the com panies of the Douglas Fire Department will be held at the City Hall on Fri ; day evening, August 9th. J. F. McDonald, Chief. Martin Olson and family returned last week from a month's outing at ! Snettisham. This is one of the most pleasant camping spots on the coast, and they enjoyed it hugely. A pupil in a school near Chatham Square, New York City, thus defined the word "spine:" "A spine is a lo6g I timber boue; your head sets on one 1 end, and you set on the other." ? Lip j piucott's Magaziue. The large increase in the number of excursionists this year, is perhaps due to the fact that stopovers are now al lowed. A great many people have taken advantage of this concession to make a visit of some length to different places. This is the best thing ever done by the steamboat companies for South eastern Alaska, as it will en'able the visitors to not only see Alaska, but to learn something about it by actual ob servation. ...jfflasRa flyers... Between Seattle, Ketchikan, Doug las, Juneau and Skagway. Due to arrive at Douglas : 5 3.. JuLy 14th, 26th JEr f IERSQN August 7th n,/M pm .... July Oth, 20th and UOLPHISNI August 1st Excursions via Sitka Steamers and sailing dates snl>jeet to change without notice. This is the only line of steamers calling rejrn Jarly at Douglas both North and South bound. Alaska S. S. Co. Agents Gl'J First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Elmer H. Smith, Agent, Douglas, Alaska Foreign and Domestic ?J$ Woolens In Stock "* 1 || | F. WOLLAND f I > <f MERCHANT ? !? ? TAILOR 3 ! I ? JUNEAU, ALASKA 4* ?V^WV^WV^V^'WVVWWWVVC ^ FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE S ? SUNBURNS, TANS AND INSECT BITES ? * 0 LOVER Robertine Elliotts Almond M ASSAGE Simon And Other Creams ELLIOTT & SMITH'S FRONT STREET ? ??????* ?