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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. NEW YEAR'S DAY. This is a dixy, in days of yore, Our fathers never saw* before; This is a day, 'tis one to ten. Our sons will never see again. ?Fielding. A Happy New Year. Make your good resolutions today. See the nice sleds at Feusi's. ludiau grave fences are now in de mand. You can get any size window gla9S at Jensen's. Try a Universal Bread Mixer, sold by Jeusen. El Perco Clear Havana Cigars, at all first-class dealers. You can get El Perco cigars at Charlie Rosswog's. Plated ware ? the best made ? at the Kemmis Jewelry Store. Jack Connors blew iuto town th? other day from Amalga. As the day begins to lengthen, the cold begius to strengthen. M. G. Rogers and family have moved to "The Pines," Treadwell. Jensen carries a big stock of cookiug utensils? worth goiug to see. Call and see the new toys and holi- j day goods at the Treadwell Store. This is a good time to subscribe for the Douglas Island News, ain't it? Miss Jarta Gauttln will return to her home at Petersburg on the Jefferson. Universal Coffee Percolator, makes perfect coffee ? sold by Jules Jeusen. Large assortment of uew toys and holiday goods at the Tread weJl Store. Just as represented? is the warrant of the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Douglas. When you go to Juneau, stop in at Spickett's Smoke House and get a due cigar. If U don't LT Auto. "U-all-No" After dinner Miut ? l-.lac ? at Charlie Ross wog's. The Tread weil Store has just received a large line of New Clothiug for Men and Boys. P. H. Fox offers special reductions in Men's and Boys Clothing. See ad ou this page. The "El Perco'' is a Clear llavaua Cigar and they are sold by all first class dealers. The engagement of Gov. W. B. Hog gatt to Miss Clarrissa Eames, of Utica, N. V., anuouuced. Geo. E. James will be a pa^seuger on ? the Str. Portland for the Westward, where he goes ou business. Preparations are under way for the proper celebration of "Slavoniou Christmas," on Jauuary Tth. Turner (Juneau, Alaska) has fresh cream for sale at 73 cents per quart. Also plenty of tine Ice Cream. Dr. Shurrick, of Wrangell, who is visiting in the city with Dr. DeVighne, will return to his home on the Str. Jefferson. The Alaska Furniture aud Under taking Co.? L. G. Thomas, manager? Is now settled in its new quarters, at the corner of Third and D. Northern Light Rebekah Lodge, Xo. 1, will entertain the Odd Fellows, their wives and families, aud a few specially invited guests at Odd Fellows Hall, tonight. Rev. Holford of the Congregational church has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church in Juneau. His time here expires in February. If you are in need of a range or a Heating Stove, go to Jules Jensen's, where you will get a Square Deal. Dan dy Banquet ami Perfect Wonder Ranges in stock. Any lady purchasing a 15 cent pat tern may, upon payment of 20 cents additional, secure McCalls Magazine for an entire year by calling at our pat tern counter for it. P. H. Fox, Douglas. Evert Nymanover, the expert piano tuner is in town. Now is your time to have your pianos tuned up and repair ed, voiced and pitched. Charges moderate. Leave orders at Heubner'3 ^ Alusio Store. The Cottage City, northbound, broke her shaft at the Gulf of Georgia and was towed back to the Sound. The Cottage was just out of the ship hos pital and was supposed to be in per fect trim. The Seattle will take her place on the run. [ On Christmas Eve. the building next to the Beach store was found to be on fire. Hose company No. 3 responded to the alarm and with the help of the rSt. Ann pipe line soon quenched the fire. The damage was confined to the room where the fire started. TREADWELL TOPICS. Mr. Thomas Douaghey is out of tho hospital after a severe siege of illness, j The foundry boys had a gorgeous Christinas tree among themselves last ; Tuesday morning. When the crowd came to work in the morning the tree was all trimmed and ready, with i candles and all other Christmas paraphernalia. There were presents for everyoue in the bunch, some funny iand some 'really truly' ones, and altogether it was a very jolly occasion. The bumper at the end of the 300 mill was broken off by a refractory | train of ore cars last Monday morning and the contents of tho cars overturn ed. There was fortunately no accident to the engineer or any parties con cerned. The Meteor took out a full cargo of concentrate last Friday. She also carried mail. Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Brown expect] to be in their new home within two or three weeks. Marshal Torn pkius and his brother, I H. Tompkius returned Monday from a : pleasant outing of several days at Hawk Inlet where they hied themselves ! on hunting bent. Game wa9 scarce and shy, but they captured a good time. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Treadwell a week ago laft Sunday aftor noou by Bishop P. T. Rowe, the con tracting parties being Mr. Lyman S. Ferris and Miss Clara Levin both well knowu and popular youug people of Douglas Island. Mr. Ferris has occu pied a position as steward of the Mexi i can boarding house for tho past year or more, tho bride being the daughter : of Rev. J. A. Levin, teceutly . of the Luthern chnrch of Douglas. The cere mony was witnessed by only a few iutimate friends and relatives. Mr. aud Mrs. Ferris will make their home at Tread well. They huvo the hearty good wishes of the community for a long and pleasant journey over the matrimonial sea. The New Years Ball given by the Treadwell Fire Department at the Club last evening was a highly successful eveut in every way. A large uuuiber of folks from Douglas and Treadwell, 1 as well as some from Juneau, tripped the light fautastic from one year into tho next. The lights and music, the gay uniforms and pretty gowns made the sceue a very cheery and animated one. Light refreshments were served. Music was furnished by the Juneau orchestra. The butcher shop looks resplendent with a new tloor coveriug of liuoleum. The new Heine boiler, recently in stalled at the 700 ft. claim, was put into commission at six o'clock yester day. Mr. George Wayland of the survey or's office, will leave about the fifteenth inst. for his home at Seattle, where he ' will resume hi9 6tudios at the Univer ; sity. The Treadwell Club Band assisted at the funeral of Richard Harris in Ju neau on Sunday afternoon. A number of Treadwell people attended the cere mony. Nick Uren, Jr. is now a member of j the machine shop force, having begun work this morning. Mr. M. Q. Rogers ?nd family are busy getting settled in their new home, having "juat moved up to Treadweli. Now that the holiday rush is over the pleatant face of Miss Carpenter will be seen no more at the postolfice window. The Christmas dinner served at the 1 Troadwoll boarding house was well ? up to the usual standard, judging by the menu. Here it is: Oyster Soup, Toke Point Celery Young Turkey with Dressing More Turkey with Cranberry Sauce Green Onoins Olives Tenderloin of Beef Browu Gravy | Saratoga Chip9, Sugar Corn, Spinach Waldorph Salad Boiled Ham Champagne Sauce Sweet Potatoes Southern style Lemon Pie Mince Pie Fruit Cake, Jelly Roll, Lady Fingers Black Coffee Strawberry Ice Cream Oranges Apples Assorted Nuts Vanilla Ice Cream Cheese and Hard Tack. The little New Year souvenirs turned out by the foundry this year are very neat and appropriate ? a key and horse shoe bearing the inscription "Tread well 1908, A Happy New Year." And so may it be. Its easy to look well if you have good clothes, and it's easy to get good slothes of Smallwood, at the Beach Store near the 300 Mill. Special Bargain Sale BEFORE STOCK TAKING % I f 20 percent. Reduction On all Men's and Boys Clothing, Underwear, Overshirts, Mats and Caps and all Gents' Furnishing Goods 5 per cent off on SHOES P. fi. f OX, ? Douglas New Officers Installed i Last Friday afternoon, St. John's Day, Gastlneaux Lodge No. 1'24, F. and A. M., installed officers for the ensuing term, as follows: James N. Stoody \V. M. John II. Christoe S. W. I Wm. Stubbins J. W. j Daniel Webster Treasurer A. E. Andrews Secretary Jamos Christoe. S. D. Arthur W. Kennett J. D. W. H. McBlain Chaplain John Duncan Pianist Wm. Hood S. S. Ed. Lumkin J. S. j Frauk Bach Tyler. Iu the evening the members, their wives and families, assembled at the I hall aud celebrated the occasion in a j social way. On last Monday evening Mrs. T. J. j Carmony entertained at Ohmau's Ilall, with a dancing party, in honor of the sixteenth birthday anniversary of her son, Fred. Good music, and a carefully ; prepared luncheon combined to make the oacasiou a very pleasant one. An attempt to revivo the howl about 5 the Hiudus meets with but little encouragement. There are only four of them left, and they, having found ! that jobs as bank presidents are scarce, have got down to chopping wood, and peace, happiness and plenty crown j their efforts. The funeral of Richard Harris, the Juneau pioneer, was held in that city Sunday, under the direction of the '87 Pioneers Association aud with the assistance of Gastiueau Lodge No. 124, F. & A. M., of Douglas, of which organ ization deceased was a member. The ; service was largely attended from both sides of the channel. The '87 S. E. Alaska Pioneers desire : to express their sincere thanks to ail | those who assisted at the funeral of our late frieud and neighbor, Richard T. Harris, and especially do we desire to thank little Klonda Olds and Miss i Cecilia Tibbetts, Mr. J. A. Helenthal and the Male Quartette. And we feel i j that we owe a debt of gratitude to the ! ! Treadwell band for tbo excellent and beautiful music which they furnished for the occasion, and we extend our j grateful thanks to each and every one of them. For the kiud assistance | rendered by Superintendent Robert A. j Kinzie we will ever hold him in grateful rememberance and to him we especially : extend our thinks. The '87 S. E. Alaska Pioneers. E. Valentine, John Olds, Secretary. Chairman. Juneau, Alaska, December 20th, 1907. j Property For Sale Alex. Smallwood's property and business in Douglas are for sale at a bargain. The property list includes | the store building on the beach, the j two-story building on Front street, formerly occupied by the Douglas Iron Works, and a number of cabins. Must; all be sold at once. For further par ticulars, call at the Beach Store, Doug las, Alaska. [ASIA FURNITURE IIP UNDERTAKING CO. LOUIS G. THOMAS, Manager. <* I Manufactures and | Caskets I I all kinds of. OUT OF YELLOW CEDAR Special Articles of Furniture Made and Guaranteed. ^ Gravrock-fohnson The wedding of Mr. Carl Johnson and Miss Laura Gravrock took place at the Congregational church on Christ mas Eve., Rev. Holford officiating. The wedding supper was served at the Owl Restaurant. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gravrock, pioneer residents of Douglas, and has grown to womanhood surrounded by a circle of friends, who wish her much joy. The groom is a worthy employee at Treadwell, who has shown himself to be made of the right kind of material, j lie is industrious, steady and depend- j able in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson begin house keeping in a pleasant little cottage on St. Ann avenue. First Congregational Church Service on Sunday evening January; 5th, at 8 o'clock. Subject: Significant j Speech. This will bo a New Year ser 1 mon and helpful to all who hear it Prof. Evert Nymanover of Minne- ? apolis, Minnesota, will give a piano selection President McKinley's Funeral i March in G-Minor during the offeratory. j i'ou are cordially and earnestly in- j vited to be present to worship with us, aud share in the musical treat awaiting i us. A hearty welcome will be given , you. Rev. D. Holford, 13. D., Pastor, i Why not start the New Year by sub- \ scribing for the Douglas Island News. Prices that compare with Eastern j prices, and goods that are the very best ' at the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Front j street, Douglas. The Deacon Was Right A minister of the Gospel one Sabbath announced to his' flock that he would havo to lep.^e them, aa he was called to another field. "How much moro salary do ycu ex pect to get there than here?" asked one of the deacons. "Three hundred dollars," remarked the minister with some hesitation. "I don't blame you for goin'," re marked the deacon, who had been a worldly man in his time, "but you j should be more exact in your language. 1 That isn't a 'call'; its a 'raise'." ...Jflaska flyers... ??? Between Seattle, Ketchikan, Doug las, Juneau and Skagway. Due to arrive al Douglas : Jefferson \ November 3, 14 and 26 Dec. 8, 20, and Jan. 1, '08 Steamers and sailing dates subjp"t to change without notice. Thisistht f only line of steamers calli-ig reirr Jurly at Douglas both North and B South bound. AJaska S. S, Co. Agents G12 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Eimer FT. Smith, Agent, Douglas, Alaska r Do You Want a Christmas Present? Feusi, the Front street Hardware Man, has many articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, such as Pocket Knives, Hand Sleds, Safety Razors, Axes, Saws, and all kinds of Tools, Picture Frames all sizes mado to order, and a vwry complete line of Curios, thai1: F.'-*ays make nice presents. JOHN FEUSI, Front Street - - - Douglas The Douglas Postoffice Postmaster Hubbard desires to tliank the patrons of the Dougla.> Post office lor their kind indulgence during the busy Holiday season; nud announc es that, the office will again be open each evening in the week until 8 o'clock. ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Douglas, Alaska, on Dec. 28, 1907. Parties wishing any of them should call for ''advertised letters" and give date of list. R. R. Hubbard, P. M. Anderson, Gust (2)Calucero. Jovo N. Dane, Kitty Dobsot), William Gray, Fred G. Hoffman, leak Gustafsop, Matts Hunter, Jim Jeams, Miss S. Yelieh, Stane Yelicb, Gavrilo Ohizich, Savo Ilioh, Milvajlo Johnson, Judith Koo9eav\r, Mary (2) Pavloviob, Krsto Powers, Robert P> Olaen, OsraM Aucb, Jooh Radonjich, Kreto Radulovich, Nova Rusk, M rs. Mary Sanford, T. W. (4) Thorn, Mra. Tusup, Todor J. Young, John (2)