Newspaper Page Text
I* - The Douglas Island News. Kate red at Douglas Post-offloe at Second Class Mail Matter. TERMS:? In Advance. One Year - - $3.00 Six Months ------- 1.50 Three Months ------ 75 Single Copies ------ 10 'PHONE NO. 12. Wednesday, February 5, 1908. ? ? ? ? ? ? CHARLES A. HOPP Editor end Proprietor. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Id case of war with any cation of the Orient the gold fields of Alaska would be at the mercy of the enemy. Alaska has a very long coast line without a single fortified harbor. There are a few military posts in Alaska, bnt each of these comprises only one or two companies of soldiers. These soldiers belong to the infantry and doubtless are stationed in Alaska for the purpose of being on hand in case of auy local emergency or contingency requiring the use of troops. Southern Alaska is potentially a very rich country. It has i wealth in gold, copper, coal and fish, and is destined to astouinh the world. And the United States government should be forehanded enough to es tablish a military base in this part of the territory. In course of time this will be done. But it should be done without unnecessary delay. Such ac tion by the government would accel erate the development of this part of the territory. ' It would give a feWing of security to both prospector and capitalist who are pioneering in' this region, and doiug the preliminary work which shall make a very important addition to the world's wealth. ? Alaska Yukon Magazine. A di?patch to the Record from Fair- j banks says: The Tanaua has settled into a period of long depression, and it looks as if the country will be in worse shape than it has been hereto fore. The demands of the Western Federation of Miners, as announced through the men handling the strike, are oat of reason and will not be granted. Miners say the matter has been passed on at Denver aud will be fought out to a finish. The mine own ers seem ?nclined to refuse to accept the federation's scale aud no work to speak of will be done in this section unless conditions are changed speedily. Many of the property owners are in i favor of making a stand against the federation eud fighting out the strike on Us merits. This may yet be done, as a meeting has been called to con sider the matter. The Juneau Rfccord-Transcript eays: "This prating about governing our selves is a bub'o'e." One is led to be lio?e that tho spirit of Americanism is woefully lacking in the men who wrote that sentence. However, as the same paper ha.s repeatedly urged the enlarg ing of the powers of the town councils of Alaska, we are at a loss to know what to believe. The Kildall case, in the U. S. Dist rict court atJuueau, has been peace fully settled. For a time this case promised to be almost famous, in many ways. Kildall has paid the tax, which, it appears, he was willing to pay all the time. Her Recipe. A lady famed for her skill in cooking was entertaining a number of her friends at tea. Everything on the table was much admired, but the ex cellence of the ^pongo cake was especially the subject of remark. "Oh!" exclaimed one of the guests, "it is so beautifully soft and light! Do tell me where you got the recipe." "I am very glad ,n replied the hostess, "that you fl nd it so soft and light. I nnde it nut of my own head."? Illus trated Bite. Among the things that are past find ing out is the oapors of a gasoline boat. When they work they are fine, but when they buck, look out. A man left Douglas with one of them, bound for j Prince Rupert. When he had been on i the road three woeks he was just three J miles further away from the place of i his foud desire than when he started. The Juneau Record has begun to j make its comments on the light service ! in black face type. In Honor of Mrs. Bethel. In honor of Mrs. Richard Bethel, who left for the East Wednesday morning, on her way to Englaud, a number of affairs were given by Weet Seattle host esses. Mrs. Bethel is one of the many charming English women who form a colony in Wes't Seattle, and her depart. : ure is looked upon with regret, although she expects to return in a year's time. Mrs. G. B. Nicoll entertained in formally at tea Friday, and Mrs. Stew art Smith was hostess of a small affair Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Marr was hostess of an informal afternoon Tues day.? Seattle P.- 1. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Notice is hereby given that the regis tration books of the City of Douglas, Alaska are opeu at the office of the City Clerk, on Front street, aud said registration books will remain open for sixty days from this date, and j every legally qualified voter at the next municipal election will, upop registering be issued a certificate of registration. JOHN HENSON, Registration Officer. Douglas, Alaska, February 4th, 1908. ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters remaiuing unclaimed in the Poetoffice at Douglas, Alaska, on Jan. 31, 1908. Parties wishing any of them should call for "advertised letters" and give date of list. R. R. Hubbard, P. M. Anderson, Mary Jusic, Frank Begenisic, Mirko Larson, Julius (2) Bucin, Jovau McLennon, Alex Burich, Filip Matovich, Sam Deretich, Ignat Mason, Mrs Mary 2 Coroett, Mfs. W. J. Milovicb, Bogdan Hornet, Miss Sadie Radmilovich, Risto Ililbtrom, John Waguor, Joe Howard, Kitty Wirtanen, Oskar Howett, Celie Vucurovich, Bozo Jonbon,Jon Vucurovich, Mico JUNEAU FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO. FERRY TIME CARD Douglas Island Time. LEAV2 JUNEAU For Douglas and Treadwell: 8:00 a. in. 3:00 p. ni. 9:30 a. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 7:00 p. in. 1:00 p. m . 9:00 p. m. L~AVE DOUGLAS For Treadwell: For Juneau: 8:15 a. in. S;80 a. in. 9:45 a. m 10:05 n. in. 11:15 a. in. 12:05 a. m. 1:15 p. ui. 1:45 p. m. 3:15 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:85 p. m. 7:15 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 9:15 p. m. 9:30 p. m. LEAVE TREAOWELL For Douglas and Juneau: 8:25 a. m. 3:25 p. in. 10:00 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 12:00 a. m. 7;25 p. m. 1:40 p. m. 9:25 p. m. ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Boat leaves Juneaa for Douglas and Tread well at 12 midnicht. Juneau Steamship COMPANY U. s. MAIL STEAMER ! Georgia Electric Lighted Steam Heatsd Leaver JUNEAU, at 8 a. m. I FOR SITKA ; FEBRUARY" 3, 9,' 15, 21, 27 ! ! MARCH 4,10,16,22,28 mmmmmm?mmrnmm 9 Leaves JUNEAU, at 8 a. m. FOR SKAGWAY i FEBRUARV 1,7,13,19,25 MAKCH 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 WILLIS E. R0WELL,JHgr. | 88: Notice of Marshal's Sale. UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, ( Distkict of Alaska Public notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, dated Feb ruary 4th. A. D. 1908, issued out of the Dis trict Court, of the United States for Envision No. 1, District of Alaska on a judgment rendered in said Court, on the First (lay of February, A. D. 1908, in favor of P. H. Fox and against George Huffman and in which said judgment I was ordered to sell Lot No. 4 in block No. 18, situated in the City of Doug las, Alaska, on the corner of Third and G streets, in said City of Douglas, and being SO feet by 200 feet in area, the property of said George HufFnmn, heretofore at tached in the cause wherein said judg ment was rendered and entered, and to satisfy the said judgment out of the said property, together with costs and accru ing costs, and that I will, accordingly, offer said lot or real estate for sale, at pub lic vendue to the highest and best bidder, for ca?>h, on the 5th day of March/ A. 1). 1908, at 2 o'clock p. in., in the said City of Douglas, A lash a, at the front door of the postoffice in said City of Douglas. Dated Feb'y.4th, A. D. 1908. JAMES M. SHOUP, U. S. Marshal, Hexp & Love, Div. No. 1, District of Plaintiffs Attorney. Alaska. By H. L. Faulknek, Deputy. First Pub. 2-5. Last Pub. 3-4. Notice of Marshal's Sale ? ; United States ok America i > ss. Distkict ok Alaska > Public nbtice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of Fieri Facias [or execution] and order of sale, dated Jau'y 14. A. J)., 1908, issued out of the District Court, of the Dis trict of Alaska, Div. No. 1, on a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 14 day of Jan'.v, A. D., 190S, in favor of Thomas O'Don nell and against L. (J. Bach, ordering and i adjudging the sale of the following described J real estate, situate in the Dist. of Alaska, Ju- ! nean Recording Dist., to wit: The Defendant's one-half interest in the Arizona, 'Montezuma. Aztec and Mexico Lode Claims, all of said claims being and forming one entire property or group of claims and I being contiguous to one another. I will, ac cordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at imhlic vendue to the highest and best bidder, tor cash, on the 20th day of Feb'y, A. D. 1908, j at 10 o'clock A. M., at Douglas City, Alaska,! in front of the Post-office door of Douglas, ' Alaska. Dated, Juneau, Alaska. Jan'y 14, A. D. 1908. : JAMES M. SHOUP, ; U. S. Marshal, E. M. Haknes, Div. No. 1, District of Plaintiff's Attorney. Alaska. By H. L. Faulkner, Office Deputy. | 1st pub 1-15, last 2-12-'08. Summons. LJ. S. Commissioner's ex*ofBcio Justices' ? Court in and for the District of Alaska Division Number 1, Juneau Precinct. Iules Jknskn vs C. S. Wells. C. S. Wells, defendant aforesaid, the name af this court i-. the U. S. Commissioner's ex- ' jflicio Justices Court in and for the District jf Alaska Division Number 1. Juneau Pre ?inct: the title of the cause is Jules Jensen vs 3. S. Wells, a succinct statement of the relief lematided is: the plaintiff demands judg ment against j*ou in the sum of $57.67 togetn jp with his costs and disbursements herein for goods. wares and merchandise sold and lelivered you at the Dist. of Alaska at your special instance and request, the order for service of publication is dated January 14, I90S, this summons will be published once a; iveek for six weeks, the date of the first and ast publication appears below and you are required to appear and answer within thirty lays after the completion of such period of publication. Dated January 14, 1908. H. H. FOLSOM, U. S. Commissioner and ex- j officio Justice of the Peace. E. M. BakNES, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication January l.*>th, 1!MW% Last Publication February 26, 190.S. Notice of Hearing Final Ac- 1 count In the Commissioner's Couht von Juneau Phecinct, Div. No, l, District of Alaska. In the matter of the Estate of Jotm Dwyer, deceased . Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the above entitled jstate has rendered and presented his final account of his administration of said estate 1 for settlement- in the above entitled Court, md that Saturday the 15th day of February, 1908, at ten o'clock a. m., in the forenoon of mid day, at the eourt-room of said Court, it Juneau, Alaska, has been duly appointed t?y said Court, for the settlement of said ? iiccount. and the distribution of the residue :>f said estate, at which time and place any i person interested in said estate may r.ppear ! and lile his objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 150th day of November, 1907. P. M. MULLEN, As administrator of the 10-t above entitled estato. Date of first publication, December 4, 1907, Notice of Final Settlement In the United States Commissioner's Court, for Juneau Precinct, Division No. 1, Dis trict of Alaska. In the matter of the Estate of < Frederick Schuler, deceased ) 1,1 1 rotate. Notice is hereby given that Charles Rudy., the administrator of the estate of Frederick \ Schuler, deceased, has rendered and pre- | sen ted for settlement, and filed in said court, his final account and report of his adminis tration of said estate; and that on Saturday the 28th day of March, 1908, at eleven o'clock, ' a Ail. at the court room of said Court, at the Court House, in the city of Juneau, Alaska, j has been duly appointed by the said Court, : for the settlement of the said account, nt \ which time and place any person interested in the estate may appear and file exceptions j in writing to the said account, and contest the same. Dated January 18th, 19GS. Charles E. Rudy, Administrator of the above entitled estate. ' First publication January 22 1908. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE sent free. Oldest agency for /ecurine patenia. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. ^gest clr MUNN &Co.36,B">adway*New York Brauch Ofllce, 625 F St. Washington, D. C. Bargains in i Sweaters M ,, ,, , ir^n^uTTiTrMTTnTiTr? r? ?* I have just bought an Agent's Sample line of Sweaters at a big discount. They are in wool and wool mixed, High Neck, V shaped and button front Just the thing for this raw weather. Prices 75c to $6.00 FACTORY PRICES / i Wm. Stubbins THE Treadwell Market Is a Market for all of these things Fresh fat Turkeys, Spring Chickens and Hens, Cranberries, Celery Hothouse I Lettuce, Parsley, {free n Onions. Cu cumbers, Cabbage, Car r o t s. S q u a s h, Pumpkins, Turnips, green and red Pep pers, Tomatoes, Beets Garlic, Onions, Par snips, Sweet Potato ? Scotch Kale, Red Cabbage. Fresh Fish Shrimp, Rauch Eggs and Eastern Eggs, Star and Premium Hams and Bacon Fresh and Pickled Tongues, Bologna and Summer Sau sage, Fresh Smoked anu Salt Herring, Smoked Beef sliced, Boiled Ham sliced. Sour pickles and Dill Pickles, Pickled Olives, Beets and Saur Kraut. Ooliaran Spiced Russian Cav iar and Sardines, An chovies Cod Fish and Suimou Bellies, Cheese of all kinds, Imported Swiss, Ro chefort, Edam, Im Serial, Bro akfast ream, Li m burger, Honey in glass jaos, Fresh Apple Cider and Vinegar, Fresh Meats and Game at Wholesale and Re tail. | Douglas City Heat Market \ ?> ??' ?* meats of nil Kinds *i FISH AND GAME IN 'SEASON & D STREET ' DOUGLAS, ALASKA 3 < ?x y? xi >j r^yVV^ jvr ji ^ Tyr_ ^ ^ __ tbe Slavonian Saloon [ i 5 *? ^ ^ Pktkb Gilovich, Proprietor 4 Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars a ' Special Attention Given to Family Trade ^ ^ FRONT STREET 'PHONE 3-9 DOUGLAS f T. C. PRICE PLUMBER # AND SHEET METAL WORKER On Q?\ of Headachos are caused VJU y(j by Eye strain; can be car ed permanently by proper fitted glasses I. J. SHARICK, optician JUNEAU