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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
> Porelf^n and Domestic & Woolen* hi 5tock : | F. WOLLAND 5 MERCHANT i TAILOR jj? JUNEAU, ALASKA -g HARDWARE STOVES FURNITURE JULIUS CORNER 2d AND D STREET i DOUGLAS | r& DIEDRICK & ERICSON $ Proprietors ^ ALL KINDS of SOFT DRINKS | nineral Waters, Syphons Agentsfor RAINIER BEER 'Phone i JUNEAU. ALASKA City Bakery BREAD, CAKES & PES CAREFUL ATTENTION TO .SPECIAL ORDERS GEORGE RJEDI, PROPRIETOR DOUGLAS ALASKA j JUNEAU FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO. FERRY TIME CARD Douglas Island Time. t LEAVE JUNEAU For Douglas and Treadwell: S:00 a. ra. 8:00 p. m. 9:30 a. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p. m. 9:00 p. in. LEAVE DOUGLAS For Treadwell: For Juneau: 8:15 a. m. 8:S0 a. in. 9:45 a. ra 10:05 a. ra. 11:15 n. in. 12:05?a. ra. 1:15 p. ra. 1:45 p. m. 8:15 p. etj. 8:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:35 p. ra. 7:15 p. ra. 7:30 p. ra. 9:15 p.m. 9:30 p.m. LEAVE TREADWELL For Douglas and Juneau ! 8:25 a. m. 8:25 p.m. 10:00 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 12:00 a. m. , 7:25 p. m. 1:40 p. m. 9:25 p. m. ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Boat leaves Juneau for Douglas and Tread well at 12 midnight. Juneau Steamship COMPANY U. s. MAIL STEAMER eorp Electric Lighted Steam IIeated Leaves JUNEAU, at 8'a. m. FOR SITKA MAY" 7, 15, 19, 27 JUNE 3, 8, 13, 24 Leaves JUNEAU for Killisnoo and Sitka direct. MAY 1, 12, 22 JUNE 11, 21 FOR SKAGWAY Wednesdays at G:30 p. m. Satur days at 8:00 a. m. WILLIS E. NOWELL, Mgr. no merchant in Alaska has ever before carried such an assortment of FLOOR COVERINGS as we now have in stock. We have New Rugs New flattings New Linoleums There is a strong feeling just now, in favor of cov ering floors with rugs instead of carpets, we have anticipated a big demand for them, by buying a big stock. They come in all the popular qualities, Body Brus sclls, Tapestry Brussells, Axminsters, Wilton Velvets, etc. and sizes 7x9, 8-3x10-6, 9x1 0-6 and 9x12 sizes to fit any room. For the bedroom we can offer you Japanese Straw Mattings, American Fibre Mattings, Fibre Rugs and Crex Rugs. For your Kitchen we can show you a stock of Lin oleums, 6 feet wide and 12 feet wide, in printed, inlaid and granite patterns, that is unsurpassed by any one. A. MURRAY * \ AGENT FOR THE ?[ j STANDARD \\ !? GASOLINE ENGINE K i'i r j ?wwww ww >rw^ Noblest Work or cod Bat a well dressed MAN looks better for the Good Clothes. "SMALIWOOD" is the agrent to r The Great Western Tailoring Company and will provide you with custom made clothing of the latest styles, best material and workmanship. PRICES REASONABLE i T. C. PRICE PLUMBER AND SHEET METAL WORKER \ / \ S C\C\ Oh ^ea(^acbe8 ar? caased KfU j(j by Eye strain; can be car ed permanently by proper fitted glasses I. J. SHARICK, optician JUNEAU 0 ? Douglas RIPlHlIi VAODIEmk SHOW EVERY EVENING CLARET WINE, BOTTLfcD BEER, BOTTLED PORTER, ALL KINDS OF THE BEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK. HOT AND MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. PACIFIC COAST ^ STEAMSHIP CO. PIONEER ALASKA LINE Safe, Fast, Punctual, Luxurious, Courteous Treatment, Splendid Me a) Steamers of this Company are doe to arrive at Douglas From Seattle and Puget Sound Points HUMBOLDT April 16, 26. May 6, 16, 26 COTTAGE CITY April 9, 22 CITY OF SEATTLE April 30. May 10, 20 Cottage City via Sitka and Kiilisnoo. Making Regular S. E. Alaska Ports of Call Above sailing dates subject to change without notice The company reserves right to ohnnge steamers, sailing dates and hours of Suillng without previous notice. For information regarding passenger and freight rates, apply to R. R. HUBBARD, Agent. w San Franclaco Ticket Office, 4 New Montgomery Street. C. D. DUN ANN, General Passenger Agent, :o Market Street MB wo? W ? !?><.. VJp? . ??* ^ WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS AGTS FOR Olyttipia Brewing Company I * No Provision F or Poor This ideal paternal govern ment in Alaska makes no provision for the oare of the indigent Hick, and none for the burial of pauper dead. Men in Alaska as elsewhere, through misfQr tune or improvidence become ill or crippled or cease to live, without a dol lar to provide for themselves or their remains, and the burden falls upon the nearest charitable persons. Congress has never had time to amend the lame Alaska code so as to make provision for the poor because it has beeu too busy passing laws to ex empt the salmon packers from tax ation. Congress and the executive arm of the government are spending a good deal of money trying to main tain a bastard republic in Cuba and helping Pierpont Morgau build a rail road in the Philippines aud they have to retrench somewhero. It is clear of course that men have no right to go broke in Alaska and that it is largely the incapable, im provident and dissipated that commit that offense, but what ate you going to do about it? Admitting that a help less sick man or a pauper's corpse de- i serves no sympathy, are not the living entitled to some consideration? Such men^will get sick in hotels aud lodging houses or while^warming^chairs iu a saloon. Is the proprietor to throw them into the.. street like old shoes? Or if a man dies is the corpse to be pitched into the street? A heavy burden is imposed4(on the doctors and^hospitala by this barbar ous system of government; or more properly speaking misgovernment, in Alaska. A doctor caunot refuse to atteud a sick man, aud ho often finds a corpse on his hands which he must bury because nobody will take it off his hands. # A philosopher like Mr. Dooley and two or three Chinamen could in a 1 weeklfrume a better system of laws j for Alaska than the federal govern ? ment has devised in 24 years of casual legislation. ? Valdez Prospector. The stern wheel steamer Julia B.f which was launched several weeks ago I at Ballard, is haviug her machinery installed at. the city dock in Ballard. The vessel is 160 feet long, 38 feet beam, and will draw 22 inches of water. Il was built for use ou the Yukon river in Alaska aud is the property of I the Yukon River Trading and Trans | portation Company, and will make i headquarters at St.#. Michael. It was ^ i built by Cook.and Lake. The.'.enginea | will be 800-horse power and the vessal : will be rated at 511 tons net. On the j upper deck are twelve staterooms, with accomodations for forty passen gers. The steamer will cost $75,000 completed and will go to Alaska under its own steam in a couple of weeks. It will tow up two large barges, built by Cook & Lake, each 140x38 feet, with tonnage of 322 tons each. ? P. I. Before leaving Seattle for Ketchikan, N where he was given tbe nomination for congross by one branch of the , republican party, Johu W. Corson made the following statement: "By tbe ordinance of 1787 all of the West ern territories of that time without legislative assemblies were not only guaranteed a full territorial form 5f government, but were promised event ual statehood upou showing a popula tion of 5,000 people. This ordinance has been followed by the government without fail until the question of insu lar possessions came up several years ago, when it was decided that non contiguous territory could not obtain statehood. Inasmuch as tbe congress has given Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine islands self-government, there is no good reason why Alaska, which is populated entirely by Ameri I cau citizene, should not have a local legislature. Surely a' man has not got to bear arms against a government to be extended the highest franchise within the gift of that government, ast, v is the case with the Philippine island ers." Imported Beer $4.00 per case at the Log Cabin. Prices that compare with Eastern prices, and goods that are the very best at the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Front street, Douglas. F. Wolland, the Juneau tailor, is re ceiving shipments on almost every boat of the latest weaves for spring and summer wear. If you are looking for a folding bed, Jensen the Second street hardware man, has three different kinds. Look at them right away. If you play Pool? the best tables in Alaska are at Chas. Rosswog's, Hunter Block, Front streot, Douglas.