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The Douglas Island News. TME LOCAL FIBLD. The Dolphin will be due Saturday. U-ALL-NO After Dinner Mints at ROBBWOg'g. The Jefferson went north early Mon day morning. Imported Beer 15 cents a bottle at the Log Cabin. A fancy writing desk made of Alaska woods, at Jensen's. The City bakery will move into new quarters next week. Plated ware ? the best made ? at the Kemmis Jewelry Store. Pipe it off ? Good pipes at Rosswog's. Just the kind you are looking for. Imported Beer $3.00 per case at the Log Cabin. 'Phone No. 22. John Feusi came home from Skag way on the Seattle, by way of Sitka. Just as represented?is the warrant of the Kejnmis Jewelry Store, Douglas. Ex-mayor M. S. Hudson came home from Seattle on the steamer Jefferson. Mayor O'Connor will add a family of goats to his Irish estate on the hill- ^ side. Vic Spaulding and Perry Wiley came Id yesterday from a month's stay la the bills. Charlie Fox will he a passenger for the Westward as far aa Valdez on the Bertha. The Cottage City was late in sailing and will probably reach this port on j Friday. The Treadwell Store has just received a large Hue of New Clothing for Men and Boys. Mayor O'Connor, Elmer E. Smith and Albin Baritello were out in the hills yesterday. Mr. George Bach took his family down to Limestone last week for a few weeks outing. Mrs. A. E. Andrew retarned last * week from a visit with her parents at Ballard, Wash. Call Phone 3-2-3 Juneau. For Ice Cream and Candies. Turner's Ice Cream Parlor. Peter Gllovich came down on the Georgia from Skagway where ho has ? been attending court. Dawson Mayer, managing editor of ; the Jewish Times, San Francisco, re- i cently visited Douglas. The Treadwell Market receives a ' fresh supply of green vegetables on every P. C. Co. steamer. Two oottage organs for sale at a bargain. See Julius JeDsen, the Sec ond street hardware man. Some nice, new kitchen cupboards, : mirror backs, at Julius Jensen's Hard ware store on Second street. Just received a big shipment of Imperial Candles ou the Dolphin. Call at the City Hakery. 'Phooe 4-6 Mist Leta Young, of Auburn, Wash., arrived in the city on the Str. Jeffer son for a visit with Mrs. Chad. A. Fox. Anton Krasel ? shop on Second street ? cleans and repairs clothes with neat- ! ness and dispatch. Prices very reason a Die. The New Size Louis IX Moa arch, the largest and best 2 for 25c cigar on the market, for sale all the time at Ross wog's. Miss Jessie Dewell, of San Disgo, Calif., arrived io the city on the Jeffer son for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. P. M. Simpson. Prices that compare with Eastern prices, and goods that are the very best at the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Front street, Douglas. F. Wolland, the Juneau tailor, la re ceiving shipments on almost every boat of the latest weaves for spring and summer wear. Postmaster Hubbard will be a pas senger for the Sound on the next Seattle for a short trip in whiob he will combine business and pleasure. Mr. John Leadbetter, an old resi dent of Douglas, came back from the States last week, and is busy shaking bands with old frisnds and acquaint ances. - Postmaster Hubbard is distributing i among the patrons of the offloe pam phlets containing valuable information for the publio concerning the U. 8. postal service. Dwcssmakinq? Mrs. C, M. Thomdyke wishes to inform her Douglas and Treadwell patrons that she is now lo oated in room 4, Lewis blook, opposite Haraden's. None but the best work < done. Judge Frank Bach and Riohard Mo Cormiok, both old line democrats, left Sunday on the launch Lady for an ex tended trip along the outlying oampa in the interest of Candidate John Ron an. TREADWELL TOPICS. The Alki after discharging tho larg j e?t cargo of powder ever brought by her toTroadwell, reloaded with concen trates from here and the Perseverance mioe in Juneau and left early Monday morning for the Sound. The Tyee Jr. oallod in at Treadwell on Monday for a supply of fuel oil. A sulphuret storage bin is being con structed on the wharf for the purpose ! of giving steamers quicker dispatch in i loading. I Work will commence immediately on an extension to the face of the wharf, j The face will be carried oat twenty feet farther, whioh will allow deep draught steamers to dook at the lowest i tide. Mr. Ed. Webster, of Juneau, has been busy for the past week with his pile driver putting in piles for the j foundation of the new Mexican board iug house. The tunnel whioh is being driven ' through the hill near the assay office to the 240 mill is almost oompleted. Work Is progressing rapidly on the construction of the experimental cyanide plant. The preliminary clear ing and grading has been done and foundations are now beiug laid. The first log of the new Ready Bul lion dam was laid last week, and the construction of the dam proper has now begun in earnest. Mr. John Leadbetter returned re cently from a sojourn in the States. Mr. O. P. Osterberg and son were Treadwell arrivals ou the Seattle. Mr. Osterberg has resumed his duties as engineer at the 700 mill. Mr. Dave Brown, foreman of the 300 mill, will move his family about Aug ust first into the house formerly occu pied by W. W. Shorthill. The launch Grace E. with Mrs. C. E. j Bennett as captain made an excursion ! Sunday to Mendenhall glacier with the following party: Mesdames Brown, Veasie, Hergert, Mutty, Tutibs, Bayne, ! Brie, Osgood, Hubbard, Simpson, De ; Vighne, Datson, Atkinson, Misses Adams. Sorenson, Coggins, McCor- j mick, Messrs. Veasie, McOormlck,Cog gins. The day was perfect and a most enjoyable time is reported. Supt. and Mrs. Kinzie and the Misses Keenan were guests of Governor and Mrs. Hoggatt at dinner on Saturday evening. M rs. Frank Hergert of Seattle, and ! Mrs. i*. Mutty of Fort Townsend, who have been the guests of Mrs. Veasic for the past month will return to their homes on the outgoing Jefferson. Dar ing their stay the ladies have made friends who will be glad to see them I visit Alaska again in the future. Inhouorofthe Misses Kennan, of Sau Francisco, Mrs. Robert Alleu Kinzle entertained at "500" on Friday afternoon last. The rooms were beautifully decorated with a profusion of the wild white orchids which grow on the prairies and with othsrs of the pretty wild flowers. Dainty refresh ments were served. Mrs. O.E. Bennett carried off first prize at cards, with M rs. Tubbs second. Mrs. Mutty drew the consolation prize for which all cat. Those present besides ihe hostess and guests of honor wero: Mesdamee Smith, Hubbard, Atkinson, Tubbs, Kuhn, Christoe, Veasie, Her gert, Mutty, Maokle, Richards and Bennett. Mr. F. W. Bradley, consulting engi neer of the Treadwell companies arriv ed yesterday afternoon on the Port land for his annual trip of inspection. At an enthusiastio meeting of the fire department held latt Monday evening the following were named as a committee to make arrangements for the fourth annual ball to be given some time next month: J. F. Tomp kins, L. S. Ferris, Joe Dickey, Mark Smith, James Daniels, Jas. N. Stoody, Jack McCormick, E. A. MoHamllton. The Puzzle Contest for July at the Smith Drag Store closes today. The answers, names of winners and the new Pnszler will be oat next week. Uncle George Rledl will leave the last of the week for a visit to his min log claims over on Admiralty island. Daring his absence Lloyd Rltter will be In charge at tke City Bakery. At Skagway Dean the pepper thrower was given a sentence of twelve years. Olaf Lystad got two years and a half. Mike Sullivan's trial will begin tomor~ row. The officers of Northern Light Re bekah Lodge were installed last Sat urday evening. Mrs. Whipple, a past Noble Grand, who is going away was presented with an emblematic jewel by the members of the order. These Shoes Must Go At Cost We offer Douglas Island an opportunity to buy good shoes for Fall and Winter at the big shoe sale Men's Shoes and Ties WE are overstocked on this line and will sacrifice to reduce our stock. These shoes are all sizes, makes and materials aud represent as fashionable display in footwear as can be seen West of Chicago Sale prices ranging from Ladies' Tan Ties SIZES from V/% to 7. Fine stock, good make and material, and tbo latest toe and boel. Must be closed out at reduced prices. Every one a bargain. Sale prices ranging from Kid Shoes for Misses THESE are th* best mnkee, very f?ty lt?h with the military or CnbKQ heel, size* 2 y2 to 7, ail width, long or short rump*, lace or blucher. Must be closed out in ten days at big reduotiou. Sale price $2.50 to $5.00 $2.00 to $4.00 $2.00 tO $5.00 B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 3 lbs. of Alaska Gold Rings at BELTZHOOVBK'S Jewelry Store Front Street, Douglas, first door east of the Log Cabin Saloon. The largest stock ever shown In Southeastern Al aska. This does not include Htone-aet, diamond and other rings. He Will Need It Then "Also, the man ou the Douglas Is land News who has to take a trunk strap for a belt had had no bralu storm for the past week." ? Juneau Record. Also, when the Blaok and Tan editor j of the Record gets to be "boss" wo will ? lend him oar trunk strap for a hat band. Knfghts of Pythias Install District Deputy McCormick installed the officers of North Star Lodge, No. 2, K. of P., last Thursday evening. R. A. Schmidt C. C. August Anderson V. C. Nels G. Johnsou Prelate V. B. Jehnke M. of W. Chas. A. Hopp K. of R.<fc S. Richard McCormick. M. of F. John Feusl M. of E. L. S. Ferris M. at A. Ed. Lumpkin I. G. John McCormick O. G. On every trip tho City of Seattle will bring to the Douglas Oity Market a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, as the season advances. The Jefferson came in at noon with the following Douglas Island people who have been attending court at Skagway: Ed. Andrews, M. G. Rogers, J. O. Finney, W. D. McMillan, and Mr. and Mrs. MoArthur. Archie McDonald departed on the Seattle for his home in Portland. He had intended to spend the fall and per haps the winter in Alaska, but suffered an attack of rheumatism and conclude ed to take the b ack traok. Attorney H. E. Edmonds and bride, of New Westminster, B. O., were round trip passengers on the Seattle on their wedding lour. While the ship was at this port they visited with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Oolin M. Blain. Mr. David Lappalainen and Miss Lizzie Luoma, both of Douglas, were married last Sunday evening at the residence of Rev. J. H. Warmanen. Only the nearest friendB of the young couple witnessed the ceremony. The Skagway grand jury returned a true bill against Sevald Torkolson, formerly secretary of the Douglas branch of the Western Federation of Miners. The complaint was brought by Qeorge Jaceglav, treasurer of the organization named. < 4 J Fresh Drugs \ It's a great satisfaction to be sare that things you buy at the Drug Store are fresh and not leftovers from old stock. A big basiness keeps Oar stock con stantly freshened up. ELIDED E. SMITH FRONT STREET DRUGGIST STILSON KELLOfifi i SHOES Sasassa ?OR miners and work ing men are cracker jacks. We guarantee satisfaction* We also make highgrade Goodyear welts. Connect with our . live wire. < The News, $3.00 Women's Furnishings We wish to call your attention to our stock of Hosiery, new shipment, including Fancy Plaids, Lace Lisle and Embrodered, also White Lawns J and colors. Neckwear we have the newest things on the market. Belts, large assortment. I The special feature of our waist stock is oar $3.59 waist, exceptional good value. We are agents for The Gage Hats The Palmer Garments Special Prices on our flillinery ? ' ' ? ? ? i Men's furnishings, new skirts, hats, collars, ties. A full assortment of underwear. Suit cases and hand bags. C. B. Haraden ?PHONE 2-8 >: JUNEAU