Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. Entered at Douglas Post-office as Second { Class Mail Matter. TERMS:? In Advance. One Year - - - - ? $3.00 Six Months ------- 1.50 Three Months ------ 75 Slnjrle Copies ------ 10 'PHONE NO. 12." Wednesday, September .'JO, 1908. CHARLES A. HOPP Editor and Proprietor. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY i If there is any lesson to be learned | from the wreck of the Star of Bengal it is that not one out of ten of the cap tains or masters of vessels has a bit of nerve when he gets in a tight place. Wheu skies areclearand winds are fair, they are calm and dignified, but when trouble overtakes them they lose their heads and the loss of life is appalling. The panic which starts with the captain soon spreads to tfie crew, and what I wonder is it that the passeugers, crazed with fear, go down to their death like so mauy sheep to slaughter? But a few i years ago a ship, coming across the Taku in a severe s'orm, touched an ice berg. lu a few minutes the petty of ficers, the purser, cooky, waiters and fiuukeys were chasing each other arouud the ship, rigged out with from one to three life-preservers each, be moauing their fate. But the captain j kept his head and in plaiu terms or- i dered the timorous creatures to take off those things and gut where they be longed. Discipline was restored, much to the relief of the haudful of passen gers who were grouped quietly in oue corner of the social hall. That was one case, but mauy others are told in the lists of the dead aud the bodies washed up on the beach. The positiou of a commander of a ship is by no means an enviable oue, but they who accept the responsibility .should be men whose souls fear not danger. There appears to be something touchy about the steamship business of late. S The Humboldt touched day before yes terday in Active Pass. The old reliable Cottage City touched mud twice In a month, and Capt. Jensen has been given a twenty day vacation. Auother touch- i ing report ? unofficial, however? is that the Pacific Coast S. S. Co. has issued a ; mandatethat all Americau captaius and j officers are to be displaced by Can adians and Englishmen. A Juneau paper notes that one of thej largest timber dealers of the Sound has recently visited this part of Alaska, presumably with the intentiou of making shipments from the district of the product of the Alaska forests. Per- j haps it was a joke. Either because or in spite of the . in fluence of its three newspapers, the City of Juneau is splite from center to circumference by contending factions, each after the other's hide. School Report The piano, which held its vacation at the home of Mrs. C. A. Fox, returned to the school last Tuesday. The High school and grammar school grades have a 15-minute music period every morning under the instruction of Miss Devereaux. The pupils are working hard to per fect the fire drills. All grades are im proving in them. In last week's report a mistake was made in the staff of officers who con- | duct the ,4Gastineau" society. Rose Penglase is vice president instead of Agnes Museth. Our first program is to be given next Friday in the assembly room. The boys and girls of the High school and the 8th grades are each going to or ganize a basket ball team. The pupils of Miss Smith'e room have reorganized their literary society, the "Potlatch." They have their firet pro gram in two weeks. The Glee Club will be reorganized Wednesday evening. Wjlfred Leivebs, Reporter. The New Size Louis IX Monarch, the largest and best 2 for 25c cigar on the market^ for sale all the time at Ross wog's* Preserving the Proprieties A traveler in the mountains of Ten nessee had been stowed away iu the best bed tht^ cottage afforded. Late iu the night, says Success Magazine, he awakened by the voice of the pater- J familias addressed to the daughter, who was entertaining company by the tire side. "Alandy," growled the old mau, "is that youug man there yit?" "Yee, pap." "Is he got his arm arm around your waist?" "Yes, pap." "You-all tell him to take't away." "Aw, ye tell him yerself, pap," replied the girl with a dull, lifeless voice. "He air a plum stranger to me." A Little Joke Between Them An American on a visit to London took a bus to the city every morning, where he had business with an Anglo- I American firm. He always sat behind the driver. On the first journey he no ticed that on arriviug at a certain cor- ! uer the driver took out his big silver watch, dangled it to aud fro a few times and winked jovially at an iudi vidual who stood at the door of a shop, j "Why do you do that?" the American i asked. "Well," eaid the drivor, taking his pipe from his mouth, "that's a little joke we 'as between us, beiu' as we are old friends. You see, 'is father was 'auged." ? Philadelphia Record. The Ashcroft moving picture show at , the Natatorium last Friday night j brought out a respectable crowd of j white people and some Indians ? we j don't know whether they were reepect able or not. The management apolo- j gized for poor lights and an indifferent performance, but promised to do better next time, which he will. At any rate the womeu and children enjoyed them t-elves aud it was better for the men to be there than to always sit around and suck their thumbs. And the women were in better business than talking about their neighbors. And the chil dren were better there than running the streets. A little girl's mother attended a num ber of card- parties, leaving the child at home with the nurse. On one ? uch oc casion the child's atteutiou was at tracted by the plaintive cries of a young calf. Running to the window she ex claimed, "Poor little calfey! has your mamma goue to the card-party aud left you, too?" Just as represented? is the warrant of the Kemmis Jewelry Store, Douglas. % SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Services: Sundays at 7:30 p. m and Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Joiix H. Warmanex, Pastor. ! "SITKA HOT SPRINGS." Accom modations, American or Europeau ? plan. For terms apply to Doctors Goddard and Brooks, Sanitarium, Alaska. Anton Krasel ? shop on Second street ? cleans and repairs clothes with ueat uess aud dispatch. Prices very reason able. T. C. PRICE PLUMBER AND SHEET METAL WORKER SOMETHING substantial to fall back on when bus iness doesn't go just right. Land owners in the Pajora Valley are the most independ ent people in the world. Ap ples net the owner 5100 to $300 per acre. Strawberries range as high as 8500. Sugar Beets 360 an acre. You can always sell all you grow.% Full information write Drs. J. H. MoCallie arid I). L. Mc Cavv wish to anuounce that they aro prepared to do all kinds of high grade deutistry at most reasonable prices. Artistic gold lillings, expert crown and j bridge work a specialty. No students i employed. Dr. McCallie has 30 years 1 and Dr. McCaw has had 20 years ex- j perience. Don't experiment with your , teeth, go where you get the best, they are too valuable to put into the hands of the uuexperieuced. Call at the Dougias iJakery for your fresh candies. YVe just received a bi^ shipment on the last steamer. DIRECTORY OF ALASKA District Government Governor, Wilford H. Hoggatt, Juneau. Secretary to the Governor, Win. H. Loller, J utieuti. Ex-officio Secretary of Alaska, William L. Distiii, J iitieau. U. S. Surveyor General's Office Juneau.? William L. Distin, surveyor-geti oral: George Stowell, chief clerk; Martin , George, chief draftsman; John J. Clurk, ] stenographer ami type writer; William F. Jeffreys, transcribing clerk; William Rugg, 1 draftsman; Laurence Delmore, copying ' clerk; Henry Andrews, messenger. U. S. Land Office, (Juneau) John W. Dudley, register; P. M. Mullen, receiver; H. K. Love, special agent. Department of Agriculture C. C. Georgeson, Sitka, special ii{?ent in charge of Aluska investigations. Bureau of Education Wilford B. Hoggatt, ex-officio superintend ent of public instruction, Juneau; Harlan Updegraff, agent, Washington, I). C. Immigration Inspector Kazis Krauczunas. Ketchikan. U. S. Customs Collector, Clarence L. Hobart, Juueau. U. S. Courts , Division No. 1. Royal A. Gunnison, judge; C. C. Page, clerk of court; Harold Lull, court stenographer; John J. iioyce, U.S. district attorney; James M. Shoup, U. S. Marshal, ' Division No. 2. ?Alfred S. Moore, jutl?re; John H. Dunn, clerk of court; Henry M Hoyt, U. S. district attorney; Thomas Cader Powell, U. S. marshal. Division No. 3.-'Sihis H. Reid, judge; Kd ward J. Stier. clerk of court; George A. Jeffries, court stenographer: J. J. Crossley, U. S. district attorney; George C. Perry, U. S. marshal. U. S. Marine Inspectors Frank H. Newhall, inspector of boilers, .George 11. Whitney, inspector of hulls; con stituting local board of inspectors of steam vessels. Internal Revenue John Cameron, deputy collector. Fair hanks; D. H. Terxvilliger, deputy collector J u nea 11. IN THE I>fsTRlCT COURT FOR THE DIS TRICT OP ALASKA. Division No. One. At Juneau. Juliu* Heubner, Plaintiff. ! No. 688-A vs. / Alexunder Small wood, SUMMONS Defendant J To Alexander Small wood. Greeting: In The Name of The United States Ok America: You are hereby commanded to be and appear in the above entitled court, holden at Juneau, in said Division of said District, and answer the complaint llled against you in the above entitled action within thirty days from the date of the last publication of this summons, as the same is ! set forth, hereinafter, on this summons, and if you fiiil so to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum specified in said 1 complaint, to- wit, $750.00, with interest, costs i and attorneys fees, and will apply to the Court for the further relief demanded in ! snid complaint. I The said action is brought to obtain a de cree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage described in the com plaint. and executed by the snid Alexander Smallwood, on the 15th day of May, 190G, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, dated May 15th, 19M, made, executed and delivered by the said Alexander Small wood to the said Julius Heubner, by the terms of which said note said Alexander Smallwood promises* to pay to the said .Jul ius Heubner. the plaintiff herein, the sum of Twelve hundred dollars, two years after date, with interest from date until paid, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which said note has become due and remains un paid, except as specified in the complaint, and the sum of $750.00, with interest on the ! principal of said note at ten per cent per an I num from May 15th, 1906, still remains due i and unpaid, and that the leasehold premises covered by the said mortgage may be sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the pay ment of said note to the said Julius Heub ner, and in case such proceeds are not suf ficient to pay the same, then to obtain an execution against the said Alexander Small wood for the balance remaining due, and also that the said defendants, and all persons claiming by, through or undeJ him may be I barred and foreclosed of ail title, right I claim, lien, equity of redemption and inter j est in and to the said mortgaged premises, : and for other and further relief as specified ! in said complaint. And you, the United States Marshal of Division No. One, District of Alaska, or any deputy, are hereby required to make service of this summons upon the said defendant as required by law, and you will make due re | turn hereof to the Clerk of the Court within forty days from the date of the delivery to youwith the endorsement hereon of your do ings in the premises. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the above entitled Court this the 29th day of August, 1908. C. C. PAGE, t court I Clerk, i seal i Date of Order for Service by publication of Summons is August 81st, 1908. First publication, September 2d, 1908. Last publication, October 7th, 190S. The above named defendant is required to , appear and answer the complaint in the ' above entitled action within thirty days from | the date of the last publication of this Sum mons as hereon specified. [order signed] ROYAL A. GUNNISON. Judge. [endorsed on mack of summons ]v Filed August 31st, 1908, C. C. Pago, Clerk, by A. W, Fox, Deputy, in Cause No. 688-A, entitled Julius Heubner,' Plaintiff, vs. Alexander Smallwood, Defendant. Co ibc OF DOUGLAS ISLAND I have just received the largest and best selected stock of V WINTER WEIGHT WAISTS and SKIRTS ever brought to Alaska. CIk Banner Brand THE WORLD'S SEST CUaisis Flannelette, Hadras, Silk, Cashmere and Lace $2.00 10 $15.00 SUirts..... Mohair, Worsted, Serge, Voile and Broadcloth $3.50 tO $15.00 Wm. Stubbins JREADWELL MARKET WHOLESALE and RETAIL Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry Ham, Bacon and Lard Fish and game in season T readwell, Alaska Douglas City Heat Market ? meats of Ell Rinds * FISH AND GAME IN SEASON D ctREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA ? Island Hotel Pkter Gilovich. Proprietor i Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars Special Attention Given to Family Trade FRONT STREET 'PHONE 3-9 DOUGLAS * the Canteen * ? WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS agts for oiytttpia Brewing Company 1