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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. A Thanksgiving Lord, I am Rind for the great gift of living? Glad for Thy days of sun and of rain; Grateful for joy, with an endless thanksgiv ing. Grateful for laughter? and grateful for l>ain. Lord. I am glad for the young April's won der. Glad for the fulness of long summer days; And now when the sprint; and my heart are assunder. Lord, 1 give thanks for the dark autumn ways. Sun, bloom and blossom, 0 Lord, 1 remember. The dream 6f the spring and its joy I recall; But now in the silence and pain of November, Lord, I give thanks to Thee. Giver of ull!j ?Charles Hanson Towne, in Har?>er's Hazar. lu case of tire call 3-0, fire. Try a Monarch at Rosswog's. Remember the Thanksgiving ball. A fancy writing desk made of Alaska woods, at Jenseu's. Old reliable prescription clerk at Heubner's Drugstore. The City Bakery will have Ice Cream oUNThauksgiving Day. $1,000.00 stock select perfumes at ; Ueubuer's Drugstore. Fresh Cream and Ice Cream? all the ' time at Turner's, Juneau. What is a Mouaruh? Best 2 for 25c Cigar in town ? at Rosswog's. New style Edison aud Victor foldiug horns at Heubner's Drugstore. The Jefferson arrived from the south ? yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. All the new style Edison Amberal i Records at Heubner's Drugstore. Hand-paiuted Chinaware, genuiue j Havilaud,at Heubner's Drugstore. Steve Ring, janitor at the school j - house, was takeu sick this morning. For Sale: Five-room cottage, and lot, on Third street. Inquire at this office, j Postmaster Hubbard came back on j the Jetfersou from a hunt at Peters- , burg. Roscoe, son of Mrs. Gertrude Laugh- 1 lin, arrived ou the Jefferson from Ta- ! coma. Victor and Edisou Machines sold ou the easy payment plan at Heubner's Drugstore. The Tread well Store has just received ; a large line of New Clothing for Men and Boys. All of Harry Lauders', the great Scotch comedian, records at Heubner's Drugstore. P. S. Early left Monday for Yankee Cove, after a week's visit iu Douglas and Juneau. Call Phone .'5-2-3 Juuean. For Ice j Cream and Candies. Turner's Ice \ Cream Parlor. Ed Lumpkin-departed last Thursday j for Sitka Hot Springs. He expects to J be absent a nonth. Homer Donaghey came back last j week, after a two-years' sojourn in the country to the westward. Some nice, new kitchen cupboards, j mirror backs, at Julius Jensen's Hard- ! ware store on Second street. Charley Fox was among the passen- { gers on the Jefferson when she arrived , from the south yesterday morning. Anton Krasel ? shop on Second street ? cleans and repairs clothes with neat ness and dispatch. Prices very reason- j able. The New Size Louis IX Monarch, the j largest and best 2 for 25c cigar on the market, for sale ail the time at Ross wog's. The new style Edison machines and attachments pliys the Amberal and old style records, at Heubner's Drug store. Make your furniture look nice for Christmas with a bottle of Liquid Veneer, for sale at the Douglas News Depot. We make a specialty compounding prescriptions of reliable physicians from every civilized nation at Heub ner's Drugstore. Roy Walker was taken in charge last week by Deputy Marshal MacMillan \ and the judge gave him six months for selling whisky to Indians. Mrs. A. E. Andrew received word last week of the death of her mother at Bal- j lard, Wash., and she and Mr. Andrew took the first boat, the Dolphin, tor the south. In order to increase the efficiency of the department, the firemen have in stalled a telephone at headquarters, and alarms may now be sent in quickly from all parts of the city. The sale of the stock of goods of the California Clothing Co began last night and will continue the balance of this week. The stock comprises many good servicable articles, such as- are needed every day, and everything is being sold at half price. ; TREADWELL TOPICS. [ Mr. Alfred Johnson is again at liis post In the butcher shop, after a stay of a few weeks in the Paget sound coun try. I Miss Carrie Risedorph was able to re sume her work iu the school last Fri- j day and the usual routine is now in \ i progress. A surveying party went out for sev eral days' work at Kake Turner the lat ter end of the week. I Trap shooting is the latest sport at j Treadwell. A number of enthusiasts j have fitted up a trap near the Mexicau I and the clay pigeons will have need to ! j to be wary if all the plans for their j demolition are carried out. ! The 15 horse power engine from the Grace E. has been transferred to the launch Mabel. This will considerably j increase the speed of the Mabel. A | larger engine will be installed in the 1 Grace E. During the coming summer | Master Mechanic Bennett plans to ; | build a now launch which will be a top notcher. I There is talk among the sportsmen of organizing a Rod and Gun club. TheTampico brought mail and freight for Tread well aud will carry concen trates for the return trip. The railing has been continued to the end of the sidewalk on Treadwell Heights, to be in readiuess for the slip pery days to come. Mr. D. J. Kiuzie expects to have a two-months? leave of absence soon for a j visit to Florida. He will leave about j the first of tho month. Mr. Oscar Johnson was a southbound passenger on the Dolphin for a short visit in the States. I Treadwell has only a few trifles such as peace and prosperity to be thankful for this year, but there will be good turkey dinners in most of the homes just the same. AT THE CLUB Friday eveuing's entertaiument was well attended as usual. There was a good farce, "The Book Agent," by Messrs. Earle, Hall and Purintou, and a song by Mr. Purinton, in addition to some moving pictures. Election of officers for the fire de partment occurred on Monday evening with a jolly good time thrown in. Of ficers for the coming year are as fol lows: President, J. N. Stoody; vice president, Jas. Dauiels; treasurer, John Duncan; secretary, F. E. Laube; chief, J. F. Tompkius, assistant chief, John McCormick. Cigars were in free cir- j culation. A boxing match between John Museth and Jack Hensou, songs by Messrs. Harry Earle and Ed Chris- I toe and some sand dancing and similar ' stunts by Mr. Earle helped to liven things up. There were also some mov ing pictures and a repetition of the farce ?of Friday evening, "The Book | Agent," with Messrs. Tompkins, Purin- ; ton and Earle in the cast. The whole evening was enjoyed from start to finish. r On Saturday evening the entertain ment, which is open to the public, will include a farce, "Duffy's Daughter, Kate," with a cast of five performers, an illustrated song, "We Are Pals," by Mrs. Spores and moving pictures. Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Friends church tomorrow. There will be two services, one begin ing at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, and the second at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. A general invitation is extended to the i people of the Island to attend both of | these services. I This is what I say to you when I sell you a Royal Suit*=== I guarantee that your suit will have j in it all the style and refinement that you can get from any great metro politan tailor. I guarantee that it will fit, not merely because it won't fall off your body, but because it will follow every line and curve and angle of your figure. I guaranteee that this fit will last not for a day or a month, but until the suit is completely worn out, and I give you this guarantee in written, signed, legal form, to stand good in any court in the land. Do you wonder I am getting the } largest tailoring business in town? P. H. FOX Dealer in Royal All Pure Wool Tailoring : : : Overcoats Also I B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Messrs. Fox, Stubbins and O'Connor have bought the George Jaceglav store, known as the California Clothing Co., and will close it out where it is just as fast as cut prices will do it. Just as the curfew bell was sounding in Douglas last night, the whistles at Treadwell gave the alarm of fire. The blaze proved to be in one of the small cabins opposite the Treadwell Club, and wan quickly subdued. The alarm was sounded in Douglas and three hose teams headed down St. Ann avenue at a lively gait. The first to arrive at the Three Hundred was the No. \ cart, fol lowed by Nos. 2 and 3 in the order named. The boys were, feeling good last night and enjoyed the run. Rev. R. B. Hassell, of Everott, Wash., arrived on the Santa Clara, Saturday I night. He was for seven years pastor of the Congregational church in Everett, but is now doing general work among the churches. He is expected to supply the field here and hold serv ices every Suuday evening at 8 o'clock iu the Congregational church until a permanent pastor can r>e secured. Next Sunday evening a Thanksgiving service will be held with special music. The sermon will be "God's Mercy." Every one will be welcomedr At 2 o'clock ou Sunday the Sunday school will be re opened. Teachers and pupils are re- ' quested to be there promptly. Gifts That Please FOR , "CHRISTMAS.. For HER i A WATCH NECKLACE CHAIN OPERA CHAIN BROOCH RINQ MANICURE SET TOILET SET JEWEL BOX PUFF BOX This little list is only a hint of the variety of livable things in Stock. HIM WATCH LOCKET CHAIN . RING SHAVING SET SCARF PIN FOUNTAIN PEN CUFF BUTTONS &c. THEM CUT GLASS, SILVER WARE, TABLE FLAT WARE, PARLOR CLOCKS, CARVINQ SETS, &c., <Scc. At KEMMIS' Next door to the Post Office DOUGLAS Hlot more goods arrived on the LAST BOAT, Consisting of Ladies' and gents' Gold and Tilled CUatcbes 3C Ladies' Deck, Lorgnette AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF CHAINS Ictas of HI! Hinds ? AT THE LITTLE STORE I WITH A BIG STOCK M. Q. BELTZHOOVER, ST^LTs As our stock of Women's Trimmed , Hats is much larger than we care to have it at this time of the year, we have decided to make a big reduction in the price of all our Hats now in stock. We have not taken th? cost of these into consideration, but marked them at a price regardless of original cost that will clean them * out quick, as we don't want to carry any of them over to next season. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Women's Non-Shrink able Ribbed Underwear in White, S1.75 values, per garment, now ? $1. Women's Black Cash mere and Fleeced Hose, *35c values, now C. B: HARADEN Successor to Ross-Higgins PHONE 2-8 JUNEAU