Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. Kutered at Douglas Post-otKoe at Second Class Mail Matter. TERMS:? In Advance. One Year - Six Months ------ Three Months - - - - - Single Copies ----- 'PHONE NO. 12. Wednesday, December 9, 1008. CHARLES A. HOPP Editor and Proprietor. $3.00 1.50 - 75 10 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 Two Views Tbe tenth birthday of the News has called forth numerous comments by the press of Alaska. Here are two of them which don't seem to agree: The Douglas Island News says that ; it is teu years old. There must be some mistake. Most of the stuff that appears in it is older than that. ? Juneau Daily Record. The Douglas Island News with its is- j sue of last week completed its tenth year of labor in its Held. Iu making brief commeut upou it the News speaks of certain proportions of success and ; failure, of happiness aud of Sorrow,; triumphs and mistakes that make up the record of that labor. Because of standards, ideals aud ambitions which each man establishes for himself in life, and because results may not measure up at all times to these in his eyes? things which other meu who have only the outward view know nothing of ? these are features of the life of every man that strives. But to those of the the outward view there has been noth- j ing but success and good works in the story of the Douglas News. Aud this is a good deal to say with sincei ity. ! Good luck and loug life to it. ? Skag way Daily Alaskau. President Roosevelt's message to j congress makes no mention of terri- ! torial government for Alaska. What j will Billy do? School Notes The school boys and girls are all looking forward to the Christmas vaca cation. Last Thursday the Gastineau society J held a meeting for the purpose of elect- j ing new officers for the coming term. The election resulted as follows: Rosa Penglase, president; Wilfred Leivers, vice president; Hilary McKanna, secre tary; Edwin Fox, treasurer; Agnes Aluseth, reporter. The meeting then adjourned to meet the following Fri- j day, when they will render the follow- 1 ing program: Debate ? "Resolved, That Man Has a Greater Intellect Than Woman" ! Alice Bach, Mae McCormick and Frauk Caraway, affirmative; Hil ary McKanna, Wilfred Leivers, Enid Richards, negative. Extemporaneous Talk Edwin Fox u u .Claude Penglase "Telling a Story" Rosa Penglase Recitation .Margaret James Current E?euts Ella Grundler Recitation Ilmi Aalto Telling a Story Isabel Coggins Miss Devereau has organized au elo cution club in which mauy are taking part. This club is to better the read ing and speaking of each member. The first selection for study is "Old Iron- ! sides." The botany class has received covers j for its botanical work which is to be sent to the fair. Mrs. Hart visited the school Thurs day forenoon and gave a spiendid talk to the ptipils concerning the fair. The pupils all seemed much interested and volunteered to send pressed wild flowers and help in any way possible. The primary room is continually be coming more home-like and cozy. The two primary rooms are intending to give their Christmas programs to gether. The fifth and sixth grades, with Mr. 1 Ring's help, have sandpapered and var nished their desks, which is a great im provement to their room. The music has arrived f%r the girls' ehorus. Agnes Museth, Reporter. . Bay your Christmas presents at Heobner's. We can pack for mailing or shipping for you. Ladies' Auxiliary of Douglas Island. , Treadwell, Alaska, Dec. 4, 1908. The women of Douglas Island met" with Mrs. Mary E. Hart, special agent, i women's work, art and education, Alas I kan exhibit, at the Treadwell Club this I afternoon to organize a Woman's Aux iliary of the A.-Y.-P. exposition. The meetiDg was called to order by i by Mrs. Hart, who gave an address on exposition work and her clear descrip tion of the Alaska exhibit building and her report ou the character aud scope of the exhibit expected from the dif ferent portions of Alaska was received with interest and surprise on the part Of those present at the variety of this exhibit. The following are the charter mem bers of the club: Mesdames R.R.Hub bard, P. H. Fox, A. C. McHamiltou, Mark Smith, Anna Knutson, Thos. C. Price, Chai. Price, J. N. Stoody, L. D. Carpenter, Elmer E.Smith, Adam Hopp, Alice Henson Cristoe, Verua Tubbs, J. F. Tompkins, E.J. Gordon, T. N. Vedder, Johu Richards, Tbora A. Ben net, J. F. McDonald, Caroline J. Edwards, N. King, T. Cashen, F. Wasterlain, M. G. Rogers; Misses lone McDonald, Alice King, Robin Conu, Elna Olson, Thora Smith, Lois Clark, Caroline W. Rise dorph, Ellen Divereauz, Evelyn Peter sou, Linda Smith, Mae McCormick, lsabell Coggins, Adele J. Pickel and others. Mrs. J. Tompkins, of Treadwell, was elected president of the Woman's Aux iliary; Mrs. P. H. Fox, first vice presi dent for Douglas; Mrs. John Richards, first vice president for Treadwell; Mrs. Vedder, second vice president for Dong- \ las; Mrs. J. X. Stoody, second vice pres- 1 ident for Treadwell; Miss Thora Smith, secretary; Mrs. Carpeuter, assistant secretary, Mrs. T. A. Tubbs, treasurer. Educational section? Chairman for Douglas, Miss Adele J. Pickel; chair man for Treadwell, Miss Caroline Rise dorph; assistants. Misses Ellen Dev ereaux, Lois Clark, Thora Smith, Elua Ol.-on aud Kobiu Coun. Catholic department of education, Sister Mary Edith, chairmau. Religious sectiou ? Congregational church, Mrs. Gordon, chairmau; Cath olic church, Miss Ellen Devereaux chairman; Episcopal church, Mrs. Elmer E. Smith, chairman; Swedish church, Mrs. Petersou, chairman; Meth odist church, Mrs. Charles Hopp, chair man; Friends' church, Mrs. Perry Had ley, Chairmau; Greek church, decided later. Art section? -President, secretary aud treasurer of the auxiliary were elected as committee on art. Fancy work ? Chairmau for Douglas, Mrs. Hubbard; chairraau for Treadwell, Mrs. Tubbs. Native art aud ethnological section ? Cbairmau for Treadwell, Miss Caroline Risedorpb; chairman for Douglas-, Miss Adele J. Pickel. Literary section ? Chairman for Treadwell, Mrs. James Christoe; chair man for Douglas, Mrs. Henry Hall. Motiou carried that the literary com mittee act also iu the section of his tory. Botauical section? Chairmau, Miss Lois Clark; assistant, Miss Mae Mc Cormick. Photographic section? Chairman for Treadwell, Mrs. McHamiltou; chairman for Douglas, Mrs. Thomas Price. Industrial section ? Chairman for Treadwell, Miss Risedorph; chairmau for Douglas, Miss A. J. Pickel. Rebecca lodge ? Mrs. Knutaon, chair man. Ladies' League ? Mrs. Vedder, chair man. Swedish Church Aid society ? Mrs. Warmanen, chairman. Catholic Auxiliary? Mrs. Rosswog, chairmau. Catholic hospital ? Dr. and'.jVlrs. Kuhn. Transportation section ? Mrs. E. E. Smith, Mrs. R. R. Hubbard, Mrs. James Christoe. After the election, the president, Mrs. Tompkins* was conducted to the chair by Mr3. Hart, and urged the members to diligent, earnest work for the good of Douglas Island. Saturday, Deceml>er 12th, was ap pointed for next meeting at Treadwell school at 2:30 p. m. (Signed) A. J. Pickel, Secretary pro fcem. All of our box stationery goes at half price for tbe next few days. We have an enormous stock, great variety, new designs, and must dispose of at sacri fice to make room for large shipment coming. Good opportunity to buy nice box paper and envelopes at less than cost, at Heubner's Drug store. Andrews & Evans have a beautiful line of the latest style of Holiday Mounts and Enclosures for Portraits and are now in a position to turn out high work on short notice. / Stubbins has a big line of handker chiefs. All the double-face, new style Victor 10 and 12:inch Records in stock at Heubner's Drag store. Many thousand eastern people use | Viuol, the greatest 'of all tonics. Buy ? at Heubner's Drugstore. Anton Krasel ? shop on Second streel. j ? cleans and repairs clothes with neat j Hess and dispatch. Prices very reason ( able. It's coming the time of the year to I begin to think about Christmas and | Christmas presents. The Douglas j News Deport has already received sev- ! eral shipments of toys and dolls, steam engines and 9team boats, zithers, pianos and violins, checkers aud checker j boards, doll furniture and miniature ; garden tools, doll trunks, Christmas : tree ornaments and candles, etc., etc., j etc. Look at them now, for they will soon be of vital interest to everybody, j i Buy your Victor and Edison goods 1 from experienced and reliable dealers. Takes years to learn all the details of i the Talking Machine business. We ! have handled every line of Talking 1 ! Machines for the past eight years and j have an experienced man in each store to look after these departments. New dealers sometime get secoud-hand ma chines aud records worked off on them, as we have had on several occasions I eight years past when we were new iu ! the business. We have in stock every thing late in Victor and Edisou Rec ords, tne Victor Double-face and Edison Standard 2-Minute, Amberol 4-Miu.ute Records. New style Edison Machines, ' ?12.50 to $75 iu price; Victors, 812, 817, ! $22.50, 825, 830, 810, 850, 8100, 8200 and j $500. It pays to buy these goods from i experienced dealers. We ship to all S. E. Alaska points and guarantee ? every iustrument and record we sell to 1 be absolutely new. Sold on the easy, pavmeut plan. At Heubner's Drug i store. 1 ! SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school every Sunday at, .10 a ! m. Sei vices, Sundays at 8 p. 111. Joiin H. Warmanex, Pastor. : Ordinance No. 41 DEPARTMENT OF VITAL STATISTICS. Providing for the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriagks. i The City of Douglas docs ordain as follows: Sf.c. 1. It shall be the duty of the Clerk ! of the City of Douglas to keep a permanent record of all Births, Deaths and Marriaares i on Douglas Island, in a book of record* pro- j vided by the City for that purpose, and also 1 to issue to all undertakers and others who j shall have charge of the interment or trans portation of a body, and who shall have com- ! plied with the provisions of this ordinance, j i a burial permit. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of all physi- ! , clans, doctors, professional nurses, mid- j ( wives, and accoucheurs attendant at a birth j of a child, in or upon the Island of Douglas, j I to make a return of such birth to the Clerk , j of the City of Douglas. ,on a printed form < , i provided by the City for this purpose, with- ; in four days from the time of the oocurrem e j J j of such birth. j Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of all physi- i ( j cians, inedidal practitioners, coroners and j ( 1 undertakers, who, in their official capacity, j ; ; shall have knowledge of the occurrence of a death, of either a man, woman or child, on | I Douglas Island, to report and make return ' \ of the same to the Clerk of the City of Doug- '? \ las, on a printed form provided by the City \ for that purpose, within, twenty-four hours j \ after the occurrence of such death. j \ | Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all priests, 1 clergymen, ministers, missionaries, commis- 1 I sioners, justices of the peace, and all others j | qualified. under the laws of Alaska to per- 1 ! form the marriage ceremony, within the ' | limits of Douglas Island, upon the perform- < ance or solemnization of such ceremony, to 1 make a return of the same to the Clerk of ' the City of Douglas, upon a printed form | supplied by the City for such purpose, with- 1 ' in 48 hours after the performance of such ! < ceremony. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of all cemetery I keepers, sextons and grave diggers, before i : the interment of a body in any cemetery, ! churchyard or other public burial place, to ! ask for, and demand from the undertaker, h or others having: the body in charge and ; seeking interment of the same, a Burial 1 Permit, such permit to havo been issued i from the Clerk's office, and without such j , permit it shall be unlawful for all persons ! named above to permit the interment of a body in anv public burial place in or upon ' i Douglas Island. ! Sec. 6. All persons named above, who . i shall violate any of the provisions, or wil- I ' ! fully neglect or refuse to perform any of the 1 j obligations contained in this ordinance, i shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, I and shall, upon conviction thereof by the i Municipal Magistrate of the town of Doug las, be punished by a fine of not exceeding ( $25.00 or be imprisoned In the Municipal jail for a period not exceeding 10 days, in the i discretion of the Municipal Magistrate. Sec. 7. This ordinanoe shall be published on the 9th and 16th days of December in the Douglas Island News, a newspaper published in the Town of Douglas, and shall be in force and take effect ontne first day of January, , A. D. 1909. | M. J. O'CONNOR, President of the Common Council and ex-officio Mayor of the Town Attest: of Douglas. JOHN HENSON, Clerk of the Town of Douglas. T. C. PRICE PLUMBER AND SHEET METAL WORKER m * Christmas * \w We have a full supply of goods suitable for Christmas Trade. Cadies' Goods Waists Skirts Underwear Umbrellas Lunch Cloths and Scarfs Hand Bags Belts Bed Spreads Pillow Tops Curtains and Combs Gentlemen's Goods Shirts Collars Ties, fine line Mufflers Hosiery Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Suits Belts Suspenders ******** me are not selling out, but will sell at as close a figure as possible and make a living. ALL NEW GOODS. Wm. Stubbins FRONT STREEX Kemmis Block DOUGLAS l?l ? * 1 * * * m * ' S i 1 I* TREadwell market ; WHOLESALE and RETAIL ? Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry &i Ham, Bacon and Lard S ? ;?i j! ? ' Fish and game in season j k ? * ? I ? J 'PHONE AUTO 1-8 Treadwell, Alaska $ ;4fc' ' I* ? > t ? if t I? \t fr M | Douglas City Heat Market i S> K h meats of Jill KM 4 | 1 r 2 { FISH AND GAME IN SEASON | I ? ?#. D STREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA <?> <1 ] Iihi Island Hotel' 4 i ? ? jf Peter Gilovioh. Proprietor ^ j 4 ^ Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars t ( Special Attention Given to Family Trade 0* WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS agts for Olympia Brewing Company