Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. Entered at Douglas Post-otflce as Second Class Mail Matter. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY TERMS:? hi Advance. Otie Year - Six Months - Three Months - Single Copies - Wednesday, March 3, 1909. #8.00 1.50 75 10 CHARLKS A. HOPP Editor and Proprietor. 'PHONE NO. 12. Of all the people iu the world, the newspaper men and the printers should be endowed with enough brains to stand together. But it is not so. The quarrels of the fraternity have fur nished fuu for the whole country. Now comes the Skagway Interloper and , pokes fuu at Mr. Keller, proprietor of ; the Skagway Daily Alaskau, because he asi'ires to the U. S. marshalsbip of j this district. Mr. Keller may not have any gi>o>l chauce of t ho appointment, but b?- rau feel certain of oue thing ? au yttacK i?t > evidently iii-pired by jealousy as that made ou him by the the Inter loper will not. hurt him iu the eyes of the intelligent people of Alaska, and we don't suppose that he cares very much for the rest of them. A correspondent asks what are the eight points of the law. They are these: First, a good cau?e; secoud, a good purse; third, an houest, skillful lawyer; fourth, good evidence; fifth, able counsel; sixth, an upright, judge; seveuth, an intelligent jury; eighth, goodj luck. If you have all these in your favor you have a sportiug chance or winning your case. The school children will debate the question of territorial government at Natatorium hall this Friday evening. The men folks of Douglas should make it a point to attend, because they may learu something. Territorial govern ment is a subject that should interest every citizen of Alaska. "Out of the mouths of babes " The Juneau Daily Dispatchsays rhHt representatives of capitalists who rep- : resent milliods of dollars are expected to arrive in this city betweeu uow aud the first of April. Their mission here will be for the purpose of acquiring mining property for which they have been negotiating for the past year. Joe Diggs, a former Juueauite, has been made post master at Cordova. The Juueau Record asserts that there were several applicants for the place. But Mr. Diggs won out, in spite of the fact that he was endorsed by Natioual Com mitteeman Shackleford aud Governor Hoggatt. The Methodist Leaguer, published monthly for the last year at Juneau, died this mouth. The main reason for its demise is, probably, that the editor in-chief contemplates matrimony, aud, after that event he anticipates that he will be too busy to edit a monthly paper. Juneau children have a streak of curiosity. Last week one of them drank a bottle of cologne, and this week another swallowed a safety pin. ( . The News has no desire to enter iuto ! I a controversy as to the mechanical ability of anybody, but "facts is facts" nevertheless. As a popular pastime, draw poker is fast asurpiug the place held by the staid and sober game of solo. The report reaches us that the Ju neau Transcript is about to blossom out into a daily. The average dog is a sample of how faithful a nuisance can be. When a man marries he halves his rights and doubles his duties. Juneau fans are agitating the ques tion of baseball. School Notes The Gastineau met last Friday for the purpose of electing officers for the next two and a half months. The fol lowing were elected: Wilfred Leivers, president; Enid Richards, vice presi dent; Claude Penglase, secretary; Mar garet Jame>, treasurer; llmi Aalto, re ; porter. Ed win Fox and Agnes Museth were appointed on t he program com : mit tee. The following program will be giveu next. Friday evening at Natatorium j hall: Piano solo? "The Flower Song" Edith Jackson Chorus ? "The Bridge". Girls' Glee Club Recitatiou ? "Searching for t he Slaiu" Mae McCoim ick Duet ? "Harp of the Winds." .Alice Bach aud Ague* Aluaeth Trio ? "Annie Laurie" Mis. Main, Mrs. Christoe, Mi.>s Pickel Piauo solo ? "Meditation" ...... , .... Wilfred Leiveis Recitation ? "Mandy's Organ" Miss Ellen L)evereHUX Solo ? Selected . . .Mrs. James Cnristoe I Viol in Obligate. .. Miss Sarah E. Kahau (Accompanist, Mrs. Fred Hebert) Debate ? Question: "Resolved That Territorial Government Would lie Beneficial to Alaska and Its Inhab itants aud Develop Its Resources". . . Affirmative: Enid Richards, Mar garet James, Hillary McKauua. Negative: Gertrude Heid, Helen Denny, Bessie Symonds Chorus ? "Sailiug" Boys' Glee Club Decision of judges. There will be a late ferry for accom modation of Juneau people. An ad mission of, '25c will be charged to help defray the expense of the hall and late ferry. The botauy class went down to the beach last Thursday for the purpose of I gathering fucus, better kuown to the public as sea-weed. The eleventh grade has. taken up s ol id geometry. Ilmi Aalto, '12, Reporter. | Bounding Alaska "Johnny." said the teacher, "can you tell us how Alaska is bouuded?" "Please, ma'am," *?id Johnny, "it's J snowbound. *#* "Darling," he said, "1 would gladly die for you." "How kiud of you," said the undertaker's daughter, "Popper say? busiuess is awful bad aud I need a new hat." # * * "Ah," said the conceited young par- J son, "I have beeu preaching to a con- : gregation of asses." "Was that the reason you called them childreu," inquired a strong-minded lady. Pure and Sweet The >teamer Jefferson brought for ! Mr. George Riedi,of the Douglas City Bakeiy, a shipment of Ice Cream from Puget sound. This Ice Cream is made of pure cream, the product of one of the largest and best dairies in the Souud couutry. This is the first of a series of regular shipments that will enable Mr. Riedi to supply his cus tomers with a spleudid quality of Ice Cream in any quantity and at any time. Served to customers every day at the City Bakery. Advertised Letters Liat of letters remaining unclaimed io the postoffice at Douglas, Alaska, on Feb. 27, 1909: Beaurman, Johu Arthau, Chris D. (2) Browo, Hazel (2; George, Harry Lawsou, David Nilson, Albert Pejvich, Radvon Peterson, N. G. (2) Seorest, Cassie(2) Vukadinovic, Ilija Walton, Tom Watson, Hugh Parties wishing any of them should call for "advertised letters" and give date of list. R. R. Hubbard, P. M. Au act (H. R. 21957) relating to af fairs in the territories recently passed both houses of congress, and among its provisions are found a number of things that materially affect Alaska. Among them is a provision flxlug the license for the sale of liquors in Alaska at SI, 000 per auuurn, except in the cases of roadhouses, where it will be $500. It also contains a provision for the li censing of medical practitioners in Alaska, and makes selling liquor to In dians a crime subject to a penalty of a fine not less than $100 or more than $500 or imprisonment in the penitentiary not exceeding two years. Old reliable prescription clerk at Heubner's Drug store. AU kinds of string instruments at Heubner's Drug store. Notice To whom it may concern:? All persons are hereby warned not to give credit to my w if*-, Mr.*. Estelle M. i Fenster, on my account,*- 1 will t>ot be responsible for debts incurred by her. J Dated at Douglas, Alaska, this 15th ' day of February, 11)09. Chas. Fenster. ; I DIRECTORY OF ALASKA ! District Government I I Governor. Wilford B. Hoggatt, Juneau. Secretary to the Governor, Wm. H. Loller, ; Junea.i. Lx-otticio Secretary of Alaska. William L ? I Distin, Juneau. U. S. Surveyor General'> ( )ffice Juneau.? William L. Di&tin, surveyor-gen- \ eral; George Stowell, chief clerk; Martin j | George, chief draftsman; John J. Clark, 1 stenographer and type writer; William P. , Jeffreys, transcribing clerk ; William Itugg, i draftsman; Laurence Delmore, copying clerk; Henry Andrews, messenger. U. S. Land t )ffice, (Juneau) John W. Dudley, register; P. M. Mullen, receiver; H. K. Love, special agent. Department of Agriculture C. C. Georgeson, Sitka, special agent in charge of Alt ska investigations. Bureau of Education Wilford B. Hoggatt, ex-officio superintend- j ent of public instruction, Juneau; Hurlan j Updegraff, agent, Washington, D. C. Immigration Inspector Kazis Krauczunas. Ketchikan. ! U. S. Customs I Collector, Clarence L. Hobart, Juneau. U. S. Courts Division No. 1.? Royal A. Gunnison, judge; C. C. Page, clerk of court; Harold Lull, j court stenographer ; John .J. Boj'ce, U.S. district attorney; James M. Shoup, U. S. | Marshal, Division No. 2. ? Alfred S. Moore, judge; ' John H. Dunn, clerk of court: Henry M Hoyt, U. S. district attorney; Thomas Cader Powell, U. S. marshal. Division No. 3.? Silas H. Keid, judge; Ed- 1 ward J. Stler, clerk of court; George A. I Jeffries, court stenographer; J. J. Crossley, U. S. district attorney; George C. Perry, U. S. marshal. U. S. Marine Inspectors Frank H. Newhall, inspector of boilers, George H. Whitney, inspector of hulls; con- i stituting local board of inspectors of steam i vessels. Internal Revenue John Cameron, deputy collector. Fair banks; I). H. Terwilliger, deputy collector , Juneau. NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE United States of Americu, Div. No. 1, District j of Alasku, ss: Public notice is hereby given, that by vir- j tue of a writ of Fieri Facias (or execution) duted January 11th, A. D. 19U9, issued out of the District Court of the United Mutes for j the First Division, District of Alaska, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 6th day of January, A. I). 1909, in favor of John P. Corcoran and against George Kostro metinoff, I have, on this 23rd day of January, A. I). 191)9, levied upon the following de- j scribed real estate, situated i . t the precinct I of Sitka, Territory of Alaska, to-wit: That certain lot of land adjoining the town of Sitka, Alusku, situated as follows:. Com- j mencing on the southeasterly or easterly ! side of the cemetery attached to the Russian j Trinity church and running on a course about 40 degrees east of north 373 feet to the road leading to the old grave yard about 50 degrees west of north; then ulong said course 237 feet; then by sides parallel to the said lines so as to form a rectangular lot or plat of ground, and generally known as the Kostrometinoff lot us recorded December first, 1879, on page 193 book "D" Sitka Records, and that 1 will, accordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on the the 8th day of March. A. D. 19(19. at 2 o'clock p. m., in front of the Post Offce at Sitka, Alaska. Dated at Sitka, Alaska, February 3rd,/A. D. 1909. JAMES M. Shoup, U.S. Marshal. Div. No. 1, District of Alaska. By. A. (J. Shoui*. Deputy. E. M. Barnes. Plaintiff's Attorney. ICE Cream AND ICE CREAM SODAS EVERY DAY AT The CITY BAKERY DOUGLAS POOL ROOM Coaghlln & McKanna, Proprietors CIGARS, . TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS A pleasant pluco to spend an evening? The boys are always weloome. WAISTS & SKIRTS LATEST STYLES Waists that were $10.00 now $7.50 44 44 44 Skirts 44 44 44 44 44 44 5.00 " 3.75 4-00 " 3.00 2.00 " I.50 i5-?o " 11. 25 12.00 " 9.OO 10.00 " 7.50 8.00 " 6.00 6.00 " 4.50 5-00 " 3.75 4.00 44 3.00 GOT TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK Wm. Stubbins FRONT STREET Kemmis Block DOUGLAS TREAPWELL MARKET WHOLESALE and RETAIL Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry Ham, Bacon and Lard Fish and game in season 'PHONE AUTO J -8 Treadwell, Alaska Douglas City fleat Market * meats of Ell Kinds ? FISH AND GAME IN SEASON q STREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA * the Canteen * WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS agts for Olympic Brewing Company Cbe Island fioteh* ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades Klines, Liquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS