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* I I J I ? II I The Douglas Island News. lot* red at Doug? las Post-office as Secoxui Class Mail Matter. IHMUSHCD KXS.RV WEOMSDM TER?Sc hi Advance. pi\t> Year - - - - fix Months - ? ? ? - 'Jhrec Months - ? - - Single Copies - - - - - Wednesday, 0?tober 6, 1900'. CHARLES A. HOPF EiMor am)1 THGNE NO. 12. *SJX) JJ5U 7? It) T emperature and Barometer For week ending September 29, 1909r. Date Hferoroeter Temperature Sept.30* 53 Oct. 1 291:6.5-... M 2 2&I.5.. -?S ^ 2k _.29>&2.. ?* 4 42 ! M 5 29tfi):9?. u 6 2&S-.5. Readings at 8- a. tu. by Beltzhoover,. tfbe jeweler. i PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES; Last Wednesday affceraaon the chap man of the girls* society called ? special meeting in ordier fco elect officers 3 ud to bear the report of the commit *ee on fcy laws. A uarne, appropriate for tbi9 society srcmlc* a?t be decided upon, .so,. with the exception of the ffrst article* the constitution wa*. sic oepted. Ella (Srandler was elected president;. Mae ;\lcCormickv vice presi dent; Agues Alusethr secretary; Cassie King, treasurer.. The president then appointed Rose Pengtase- audi Enid Kichai d-s t<? act on ttoe pi vgrxu c&Bfc mittee. Their first program* svill ta&e place Friday;.aud ewryou?-w welcome. The Peary society ^vhioh. is composed of boys only,.bekfca meeting last Wed- . nesday after .-?h>olJ<aad attended to all their necessary business,. such as adopting the constitution hji<1 decidaug on a date for their first program,, which will also be gken on the coning Friday aud all outsider^ rwe at>!ied> tu ^ttjead. The German class ifl ao* readiag LMriabbia-ta and I ik?- iX cyiite well. The botany Glass took their first walk last week and returned- with quite :i? collection of specimens.. The- physics- class uow enjoys two hfcors of laboratory ou Tuesdays- and Wednesdaysre2feperi*usut;ing and keep k?g note books. The total enrollment for the first month is 120, and the per cent qL at tendance, 97. Last week the- tea?fcei*s speofc a very pleasant evening^ obtaining the works underground in the Tread<?ell mine. They reowt a- good time and haTriag. seen many interesting sights. AIak.E. MGCoR>ncE,Repooter_ Gourt haeadjpuxuetL 'JJha jjud^e hae gone duck hunting. audi the 3riminali libel crowd is stjil at large. natatorium Wednesday and' Thm*sdtey evenings ? Oct. 6th and 7th TWO NIGHTS- OMiLY ? TWO Cbe DanR=D?rwoo(r ?o. DANTE American and Orieaftal Bfagis PEARL ARDYNE America's Fa mo as Danger BABY PANSY Chinese and0 Japanese* Son g? in Native Cbstume THE SHADOWGRAPH The Great Laugh Producer SIMLA. SEANCE Must Be Seen to Be Believed and Than* You Can't Believe It NEW MOVING PICTURES ?ntire change of program each nighS. Tickets at Smiths Drug Store. J&eserved seats 75c. General Admis sion GOc, Children 2ac. FRFENDS CHURCH SERVICES Regular Souday services: Sunday school at 950 o'clock a. m. Preaching at S o'clock p. m. J. P. Hadley, P&stor. i I SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Sonday seboo-1 every Sunday at It) a db. Services, Sundays at $ p. nu JotfCT EI. Wabmaiset*, Pastor. SALE OF TEMPER.? Ketchrkart, Afftskn,. ; ' September-) 1909; Seated bills market! outside "Bids Timber Safe? application September 1, I KMUk 'Jb\>u?;tvsH Natitxiikfi Kofcst" and address- . i f?it do W. A. LangiBe, Ketchikan, Alaska, will 4e race Wed tip tttund inclndiug the 30th (toy ; October, KH'9, for all or any part of the | timber designated for cutting' t*y the- Forest *>flleerv.?iid availkrbfr for hand or steam lV^tr- 1 ~ring ?ui an approximate area of 1000 a#cr?? on the- Son th Arm a?.'d Middle .Arm of Kelp* Bay, l&aranof EslhrnL Alaska .and wirthiu the 7oti-i gas? National Forest ? esti-mutted to be 60,000 Uaieikr foetr oflgreeu Spruce and Hemlock prl ! aig. No bids for !*?>*? tlmn one-half 0-e) cent ; jer linear foot S?c piling up fro fifty (i30) feet in tength, itnd three-iemwters ($-10 of a cent yerlineuo: foot for puling from fifty- (50) fro eighty (SO) S?et in teDgtih auid one (lc) cent per I Suear foot for pHing twer eighty (#0) fieet ni I Qength,.wfll be conskleret?^ and a deposit of I $11)0.00 must be sent fro- W.. A. Langille, Special. (Plscol Ageitt. Forest Service, KetchK j iau, Alaska, for each bid" submitted to the Supervisor. The right to? reject naiy mid all Ikids is *e??er*eiL Timber upon vitEkF e fori in a ?xempted front. saJe. For further i-nforma tx?n and. reg'-ftJaUtion* governing sales. wHresw. , the tuulecsignedl, W_A. Laugrlle, Ketchikan. I ^ruokn. V. A. LANGLLJLE, Forest Supesrvi'saar.. First p<ubilcatixMi Sept. 29v. 1909L 1 Lust publication (itefr. 2.7,. 1009.. j I j XL S. GCVDSOK A1BX T. 350LS03: j ! I THE DOUGLAS HOTEL1 EEtTDtSCXS Jc Pl ots' IXJO^liASv ALASKA Rooms by tJV Vby? Week or i^omrtb. Stone* filecfcrrc Ugh#* Bar in Connection ?SPECIAL BRANDS? Sttkll of Kentucky Bbudter? Whrsfcey. ? JB&ircIlay 'TSS Maryhttid Rye_ CkreJnt attontftea f?rven tio> all' orwtorp.. RJchf snd on the Columbia THERE MA 3" ML' another district that possesses as Many ide^l' ceteris i itiae tor peaces sfaJi sprigaAieu as does I RFCtt LAND= ON-THE-COLUMBIA I But we db aot ftnow off one: Having1 ! ooe off the best gravity systems ki the ^ciffic Northwest, with, a^ wa>tetf right j nearly twenty years old,, a plentiful | 8ttpt>fy of water fe- ass erred for all' time. Ask any of RSchlacd's growers jf they experienced any shortage this seaeotv and fciey will tell yon. that t&ey had water t? waste. iThaest Ptuifc Lands 3$5D.0v?)? per acre, including perpetual water right; terms one- fourthi cash; balance- in ffive ecjciaJ annual payments; 7* per cent interest. For foil LnJfcwmatiDtt writ* p. J. QOSS 400 Arcade Annex* Seattle.. The CITY BAKERY We haw tHe repwtatioo of pro dscitig the best bread in Douglae SarH&sry Bakery Methods FREE D4SUVERY Parties supplied) witb made-to* order dainties. Toot Patronage Solicited r*wwwv%wwv*wv\ww HARDWARE STOVES FURNITURE \ ? JULIUS JENSEN j CORNER 2d AND D STREET ? DOUGLAS \ PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL WORK ? Job5-fi*?rr art Itrmls of Kepitfr ?ikT Ma 5 ehine Workr Phoii?>KF?ph*?iMl So^vinsr / ^ Machines Repaired. } '? OAS ENGINE REPAIRING ? ; Frout Street, near HaB Park, Douglas ^ i VVV%\WVWVVWWV\1VWV\W Jttneau Sieam$bfp Co, U. S- MAIL STEAMER Georgia Eiectjmc LDaEninni S "3? AJt I i hated L&AVES juineaif jpor Sitka and Way Ports Wednesdays at 8 a, m. Skagway and Way Ports Mondays at 2 p. m. WILtJS E.NOWEULBgr. Notice ol Forfeiture "?o H. K. Osboriurr You-ave hereby n-otfierf tfft#* JfVe jrndirsr signed' has expended tbe sum of four lnm <irec&(!*)l?urs (S-UXUK)) in labor and improve ments, on that certain- lodie miuiiie claim sit uated^ rut Nevada creek, on ftougl'as Island, in the Harris* Mining district, rn the District of! 4vlo*t!&a>,. and kiK&wii as the Sleepy Kitten; lode uiia.ii.uc ?rlu.rni ? the M/w^ice of the location o9 which chu?ra lbe-ini}* tiled ftvr record and | NCMfded! i<n Kaok 10 ?-f L?de? ?n pagre 23(1, of . mid hook,. in the office of the secwdtr art Ja- , ae;ui, Alaska, said sum foeiner expended in avrder that the owners theue?5 miirht h?ftl the saul premises- and) niimiai? c Fa tat wader the Kwovrsio?? of th* Law* of the CliitedlStntes^sucb xmauat herny *he mm recBWiirwdj by such lawst?* entitle said owners ' l>?h?M sach claim ???* th* year*1905, 190 1907 and 1908. And off, within aiiutty (10)! days afteir the pn?iyricaitiMMt ?<3 this- notice., yoli fail! and! re fills? to contribute your proportion ?? such expenditure as a cw-clarmant or co-owner in the saad) claim, yoanr uiteaest in sairi de scribed property wiHl Ihecoine forfeited and thereby become 3he property ?I the sub- j serilacr to- this Notice of Forfeiture,. pur suant t?rthe laiw*.??3 the United Strates RORBRT THOMPSON. Date of first pabJiicatiou, Jane W? 1909. Date o5 Lust paW.i?at>?a.Wct?lher S?J909. mm FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO b'UBKI TLMK CARD LEAVE JUNEAU For Dr*??las and T*Hkdw?U: ?J9 a>a. MWp. m. 9nii0 a. ia- 4:30 p. m. 15:00 a. a*. S?:'J0 p. m. 1:00 pv m. 8<00'p.m. p-, ?. LEAVE DOUOLAS For Tread-weH: for Juneau: a. m . 8:30 a. m. 9:4f> a. m Wt05 a. x? . 11:15 a. m. 3i:0& a. it?. l':Kr pv rav J :.?? p. nr. 2<V5- pv nr_ 3:30 p. n?. M p.m. 5:03>p.m. 6f:4C p. m. 7:0$ p. n*. 8:15 p. m. 8:30 p.m. 9n50 p. m'_ JOrJO rx m*. LEAVE treadwell For Douglas antd* Jnnenu r 8:25 a. m. * 3T25 p. m. lOtflO ?. nr. 5:00 p. m. W:00 a. m* 7:<W p. m. Jr46 p. m. 8:25 p. n>. TO. -00 p. xtr. ?hnday9 8:00 a, m. trip9 omitted Headaches are caused jU by Eye strain; can be car ed permanently by proper fitted glasses LXSHARICK* ottlcias JUNEAU JUST RECEIVED A BIO LINE OF THE famous Banner Brand Klaists, Kimonas, Skirts Cotton Fleece, Linen, Voile, Cassimere, Velvet, Silk, Net Lace, etc., = 1.25 to $1.50 Skirts, = = 6.00 to $15.00 Kimonas, - 2.00 to $8.00 Dressing Saques, .75 to $4.00 Wm. Stubbins FRONT STREET Kemmis Block DOUGLAS 1 r a ? ?? I TREADWELL MARKET I WHOLESALE and RETAIL ? * * t Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry ;> Ham, Bacon and Lard J Fish and game in season t ? &] ffl 'PHONE AUTO J-8 Treadwell, Alaska ft H W | Douglas City Heat Market s V* ^ Mflfl fiiitds *f p m ;p FISH AND GAME IN SEASON D STREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA 4 Che Meet) WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS AGTsroB oiympta Brewing Company maamaaam the Island fioteh* ALBPN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades mines, Eiquors, and Cigars NO fNFERrOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS ? !