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We are proud to call the public attention to the advantages of fered by our store: Our stock of men's and women's furnishings, always the largest, has been greatly increased, changes in the store have given us better facilities, and, though our sales have been larger than ever, our stock is still complete. No matter what you want, we have it. Our aim has always been to deal in the best qualities, but we are also strong in medium priced goods. o * & ? flr-a *WO ? GO ? $?*? 9 <* ? ? BEST GLASS OF * I Rainier Beer on Douglas Island o a <* DL.O i v/r 5 ?5 J <? 5 ^ ^ - B ** s X o at o ? g Douglas Opera House J ? $ ?f ?i I WINES -:- IQUORS -:- CIGARS $ ? STEAMERS FOR Seattle, Tacoma Victoria, Vancouver, Ar.acortes, Bellingham Everett, Olyinpia, Port Townsend, South Bellingham, ' Eureka, Santa Barbara, Mexico San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego C \V. ANDREWS, G. A. P. D. C. D. DUNANN, G. P. A. 1 13 James St., Seattle 1 12 Market St., San Francisco Right reserved to change this Schedule NEXT SAILINGS WILL BE COTTAGE CITY Northbound, January 12, 24; February 5, 18 Southbound, January 13, 25; February 6, 19 For information resrardinsr passengrer and freight rates, apply to R. R. HUBBARD, Agent. ALASKA FURNITURE ID U?H CO LOUIS G. THOMAS, Manager, 4444* ?c 1 Manufactures all kinds of.. furniture ***** S and Caskets S fr fmwm out of yellow cedar Special Articles of Furniture Made and Guaranteed. f\Ck Q?\ ?' headaches are caused /v/ by Eye strain; can be cur ed permanently by proper fitted glasses L J. SHARICK, OPTICIAM JUNEAU Anton Krasel ? shop on Second street ! ? cleans and repairs clothes with neat- j ness and dispatch. Prices very reason ' able. Every night you can see the moving pictures at the Douglas Opera House, and it is free to all. New films each , week. ...Jflaska fivers... ??? Between Seattle, Ketchikan, Dong las, Juneau and Skagway. Due to arrive at Douglas : Jefferson Northbound, Jan. 5, 17, 29 Southbound, Jan. 6, 18, 30 Steamers and sailing dates subject to change without notice. This is the only line of steamers calling rearu hirly at Douglas both North and South hound Elmer E. Smith, Ajjent, Douglas, Alaska I A.MURRAY ? ;j AGENT FOR THE js 3 STANDARD \ ^ GASOLINE ENGINE { * ????????????????????9??? * r* *b rf? Foreign and Domestic ** Woolens in 5tock F. WOLLAND | MERCHANT ?? TAILOR | ? ? JUNEAU, ALASKA * * The snow plow operating on the Cop per River &, Northwestern railroad flew the track Sunday la9t. The road bed for several miles is under water aud traffic over the road ia at a standstill. The Jionanza outfit, which contem plated going in via Copper river, was compelled to go to Valdez and start from that point.? Seward Gateway. The Skagway Alaskan ? Dr. L. S. Keller's paper ? says of the libel cases* The results of the libel iudictments brought by the last grand jury are just what might have been expected. It is doubtful if any oue of tho articles which the grand jury perused consti tuted crimiual libel. To say the least, the grand jury acted with unwarranted zeal. The government was put to heavy expense in prosecuting the trials and all the individuals indicted are out for attorney tees and other expenses. The wholo affair would be farcical were it ? not that a tfrave injustice has been per petrated upon thfj men who were in i dieted. Gathering Roses ! I've gathered roses and the like, in many glad and golden Juues; but now. as down the world 1 hike, my weary hands are filled with prunes. I've gat hored roses o'er and o'er, and some were white, and some were red; but when I took them to the store, the grocer wanted eggs instead. I gathered ! roses long ago, in other days, in other scene.-; and people said. "You ought to go aud dig the woeds out of your beans."" > A million roses bloomed aud died, a million more will die today; that man j is wise who lets them slide, and gathers up the bales of bay. ? Walt Mason. NOTICE OF HEARING OP FINAL ACCOUNT In t lie Commissioner's Court for Juneau Precinct, Div. No, 1, District of Alaska. In the matter of the estate of Perko Zeca vieh, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of Perko Zeeavich. deceased, has rendered and pre sented his Final Account and report of his administration of said estate for settlement in the above entitled Court, and that Satur day, the 2<!th day of March, 1910. at ten o'clock a. m., in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said Court, at Juneau. Alaska, has been duly appointed by said Court for the settlement of said account, and the distribution of the residue of said estate, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 20th day of January, 1910. JOHN HENSON, Administrator of the ahove entitled estate. VIVVVWUUWVVWWUVVV^ E. M.Peters I a* ?A J U 5 W V.V4A;, X ; 3 J.'; ' -.V ... PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL WORK Jobbing, all kinds of Repair and Ma chine Work, Phonographs and Sewing Machines Repaired. OAS ENGINE REPAIRING Front Street, near Ball Park, Douglas The CITY BAKERY GEO. RIEDI & SON, Props. We have the reputation of pro ducing the best bread in Douglas I < Sanitary Bakery Methods FREE DELIVERY Parties supplied with made-to order dainties. Your Patronage Solicited JUNEAU FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO FERRY TIME CARD LEAVE JUNEAU For Douglas and Treadwell: 8:00 a. m. S:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. S:00 p. m. Sundays only 9:00 p. m. LEAVE DOUGLAS For Treadwell: For Juneau: 8:15 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 9:15 a. m 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a.m. 12:05 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 3:15 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:05 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Sundays 9:30 p.m. leave treadwell For Douglas and Juneau: 8:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 10:35 a. m. 4:55 p. m. 12:00 a. m. 635 p. m. 1:40 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 9:23 p. m. Sundays Trip made to Nevada Creek ? Mondays and Thursdays, leaving Juneau at 9:00 a. m. Sundays 8:00 a. ui. trips omitted Vivisection Douglas, Alaska, Jan. 22, 1910. V At the public school yesterday after noon, the- literary exercises included two debates, one of which was on the_ topic given above: "Resolved, That Vivisection is not Justifiable. It was a very interesting debate. A visitor that was a juryman at the Capital City said that Juneau lawyers could not excel those young ladies in argument. Vivisection is a subject that should interest, everyone, as it concerns the life and suffering of sentient beings, Webster's definition of vivisection is: "The dissection of an animal while alive, for the purpose of making physi ological investigations.*1 But now th6 word is used in a broader sense, it in cludes experimenting with animals. Nc enlightened person objects to restricted vivisection that does not include tor ture. But "in many states there is nc regulation of vivisection whatever; no requirement for the use of anaes thetics. The animals are not required, to be humanely killed and not left to suffer long torture. There is no official and professional test demanded of the vivisector." They are given immunity from the penalty of the law. They claim the right to inflict any amount <j? pain, on any amount of auimals, iu the interest of scieuce. Millions of ani mals are tortured in the so-called chris tian nations every year. About a year ago this occurred: "Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 15. ? Two hundred medical students in the Grand Rapids veterinary college are today facing sprioue charges in the local po lice courts, because it is alleged they saw fit last week to perform six opera tions simultaneously on an old blind horse without giviug an anaesthetic. A ^ newspaperman, who is one of the wit nesses against the students, testified that during the operations the beast became maddened with pain and broke away. When it was recaptured the students were asked why they did not give an anaesthetic and the answer they are said to have given was: 'It isn't necessary for such eld skates.' " The following is another case at the same college: "Conditions at the veter inary college were exposed by persons who witnessed the cutting up of a horse which had uoteven beeu given un anaesthetic. Dr. L. L. Conkey is pro prietor of the college/' That such horrible crimes as those are committed (and I have the record of scores of worse) no one can refute. Strange it is that nations that profess the religion of aCrucified Savior, whose life and teachings wore oelf-sacrifice, should excel savages in cruelty. Vivi seetorssay "dominion, therefore right.'' ' But the right to use and to abuse are two different things. AH that a just God can give is that which is consistent with justice. All that a God of mercy cau give is that which is consistent with mercy. Power aud responsibility keep pace. Just government is government in the iuterest of the governed. A just God caunot sanction the torture of the weak by the stroug. The nations are morally color* bliud, aud call the product of moral degradation gaiu. The desire of profit at the expense of an other's sutferiug is the instinct of the murderer. Thanking the editor of the News, 1 will close. James C. Huffman. J. Heubner, agent for the Humboldt S. S. Co., received word last week that steamor Humboldt, which is being overhauled aud new machinery being installed at San Francisco would not have the work completed until latter part of January, and then will sail for S. E. Alaska ports from Seattle on or about February 5th, 1310. M. S. HUDSON ALEX T. X EL SOS" THE DOUGLAS HOTEL ' HUDSON & NELSON, Prop'rs DOUGLAS, ALASKA | Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. Steam Heat. Electric Lights Bar in Connection ?SPECIAL BRANDS? Seal of Kentucky Bonded Whiskey, Barclay 7G. Maryland Rye. i Careful attention given to all orders.