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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Mow oft is virtue seen to feel The woful turn of Fortune's wheel. While she with jrolden stores awaits The wicked, in their very grates? ?William Combe. The Cottage is duo Friday. See the moving pictures at the Opera House. Mariou Titteringjton went Sonth on the Jefferson. Arctic Brother*? Special meeting Saturday night. Mr. George E. James went to Seattle via the Jefferson. Ladies* and geutlemen's Chamois Vests at Heubner's. Dan Popovich leturned from the States on the Jefferson. The Humboldt is expected from the South Sunday or Monday. U.J. Kinzie's boy baby ha9 been ill, but is reported better today. Singing, talking and moviug pictures at t lie Log Cabin every night. Postmaster Hubbard is planning a to the Sates after the first. Mrs. K. L. Turner is not so well this week and may go to the Juneau hospi tal. Dr. (I. C. Maule returned Monday from a month's visit to Puget Sound points. Mrs. Alex T. Nelson, who has beeu ill for the past week, is recovering nicely. . 1 per cent discount on electric flash light at the Little Store with the Big Slock iu Douglas. Miss Auele Pickel entertained a laige number of iailv friends at her room9 Saturday afternoon. LJokn ? A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hiie on Tuesday, February 15th, weight 3)^ pounds. Arthur B. Callaham is back on the Island, after an enforced vacation spent in a Juneau hospital. Mrs. James Cottreil came up on tne Jett'ersou and she aud Mr. Cottreil re turued to the Sound on the same boat. The Juneau Dispatch admits that Lawrence Ericksou, of the Douglas baseball team, is the best shortstop in Alaska. The valentine dance at the Xata torium was not largely attended, but the music was tiue aud a jolly time is reported. A meetiug of the baseball fans of , Douglas lslaud will be held tomorrow, Thursday, uight at the residence of Wm. I). McMillan. A line of beef teas, clam bouillon and other condiments for hot drinks ariived ou the last boat for the Doug las Candy Kitchen. The federal graud jury returned a true bill against Beli Eucich, a former porter at the Island hotel, who is chaiged with robbing his employer. Have you seen the large variety of hot water bottles and fountain syiiuges at Heubuer's Drug Store. You should call aud see before buying elsewhere. IS sizes and styles in Victor and Ed ison machines. All the latest types. No other house in Alaska carries in stock the variety as the Heubner Drug Store. Mrs. Elmer E. Smith and Mrs. M. J. O'Connor returned Friday ou the Jef ferson. Mrs. A. E. Downing, of Ken ton, Wn?b., accompauied them for a ' visit iu Douglas. The Red Men will celebrate wasn ington's birthday by a gathering of the members and their wives and sweet hearts at Odd Fellows' hall. An iuter estiug program has been prepared. Before sending your money to a cat alogue house, kiudly call at the Little Store with the Big Stock. We are here to make good. The catalogue house ; has your money and you have the goods what they were pleased to send you. Victor, Edison and Columbia Talking Machines aud Records. 1 am the only authorized dealer in Alaska for the three machines. This gives you an ex cellent opportunity to get ju9t what you want, aud on your own terms, from Elmer E. Smith, the Front Street Druggist. Jim McKanna received a telegram today from his brother Phil, stating that he and associates arrived at their destination on Inklin river on Dec. 10. 1 The boys are all well, but have not been successful in locating any bonan za mines as yet. The McDonald Novelty House wishes to announce that it received on the last boat a line of Key West, Havana and Domestic Cigars, made by ginger colored Cubans wearing silk hats, 8tand-up collars, kid gloves and swal ]ow-tailed coats. Our 5o cigar is a world- beater. TREAD WELL TOPICS It. is reported that a number of pros perous young men of Treadwell are go ing to form a compauy and start an j up-to-date steam laundry iu Treadwell a3 soon as the necessary permit is ob- j taiued from the Treadwell company. With fifteen hundred men and about fifty families at Treadwell, it should prove a good investment. They figure ' on getting au experienced mau from 'Frisco to take the management, and machinery of the very latest models will be iustalled. Several Treadwell men report having ? seeu the comet, but we aro from Mis , soun? you have to show us. Mrs. James Daniels is seriously ill. The show at the Club was largely at tended and Manager Laffey says if many more people attend that an ad dition will have to be made to the building. The duet by Miss Pickel and Mrs. C. lilain received well merited ap plause, as did the' illustrated song by Mrs. Blaiti. Frank Pettigrove pleased the young folks with his comic song and the farce, "Dr. Snowball," with Osterberg, Pettygrove and Dickey in the cast, was very good, but a couple of good rehearsals would help some of them to remember their parts without the aid of prompters who could be heard all over the hall. In spite of every drawback the show was one of the most successful put on this winter. The new pictures were also very tine. This week the play, "Frank Glenn's Wife," will bo repeated for tho beuefit of the shift who could not hear it last time. Have the bowlers all got cold feet feet again siuce the foundry "brought home the bacon?" Mrs. A. E. Christoe has recovered from an attack of the grip. Miss Pearl Mackie bad au operation performed on her throat last week and has returned to her work in tho Doug las postotfice. The .surveyors are busy surveying a tramway to run along the water's edge , to carry sulphurets to the new cyanide plant near the Mexican. The company expects to have the plant in working order soon. The Tread well Ore department held a rousiug business meeting la^t Wed- ( uesday and business of importance was transacted. The machinery of the uew power] plant was in operation the other day aud steam has beeu kept up all week to ? enable the workmen to wrap the pipes. ; To wrap them correctly, the pipes must be warm. Last week was ladies' week at the Tread well store. During the sale the; store was crowded with ladies, in fact, some ladies were on hand at 7 o'clock in the morning the first day of the sale. It put you iu mind of a sale at the Bon Marche in Seattle to see them crowding and pushing each other around ij their efforts to secure bar- j gains? and man, poor man, had to foot the bills. Fred Lang, of the machine shop crew left for Tacoma on the Jefferson. He; expects to be gone about a month or six weeks. Orders for Ice Cream or Fresh Cream | left with the Douglas Candy Kitchen delivered any place on the Island, j Home-made candy a specialty. Phone 4-7 Sweet Tulip Cones. St. Luke's church ? On uext Suuday, Fob. 20th, Archdeacon Jenkius will be here and services will be at the follow- ! ing hours: 10 a. m., Litany, Eucharist and sermon; 4 p. m., Vespers and ad- ; dress to the children. Our splendid line of spring samples ' just arrived. We handle only pure woolen materials, aud we know how to fit aud please you, having 20 years practical experience in tailoring. Prices from $20 to $40. The Oliver Tailoring ; Co., corner City Wharf, Douglas. The barge Oregon, in tow of the tug Escort, swung too far iushore coming up the channel Sunday night and grounded at Nevada creek. She was gotten off next day at high tide. She was loaded with coal, a part of which was unloaded at the Douglas wharf. Steamer Humboldt leaves Seattle Thursday morning, Feb. 17, after a thorough overhauling and the installa tion of new machinery, making her the fastest boat on the S. E. Alaska run ? coming independent and regular for the year. J. Heubner, Douglas Agent, j Last Thursday evening a number of friends and neighbors of James Huff man descended on his quiet cabin for j an unexpected visit. The ladies brought cakes and other samples of the culi nary art and the gentlemen brought a book as a prized addition to the library of the host. Those composing the party were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. J. Gal was and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McWilliams and children, John Mc Williams, Dave Conklin and A.Murrry. ?tt' Y | Mallory Hals HATS ^ND CAPS SS ? * /t\ You are not too dig nified for a HEID CAP. The best dressers in the country, young and old, are wearing HEIDCAPS. It is the gentleman's cap. 75c, $1, 1.25 Each Held Caps are the only 'reaP caps for shapeliness, style, and workmanship. One look through our line will easily convince you of that fact. Our line of Mallory Cravenette Hats also ought to have your attention An elegant range of MEN'S RUBBER am CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS PRICES $5, $10 and $15 The vogue in out door headwear ? HEIDCAP. Far, far ahead of the ordi nary cap ? the HEIDCAP has style and verve. Made of ex clusive English cap cloths it is a fine cap and it niakes a man look fine. I I w * P. H .FOX, DOUGLAS * W >*? j*< >r- ?-?? ?$&" t?--?v -*?**&? -?a? | . . . _ . "-? ..^. .r^- . f >m N^- X" B. M. BEH RENDS, BANKER, JUPnIEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS This is the time of the year that Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Oil, NyaPs I Eraulsiou of Cod Liver Oil, or Vino', would be of great benefit to you. They : are excellent for lung and throat af fections, they enrich the bl?iod and build up the flesh. You can get them at Smith's, the Front Street Druggist. Died ? At Douglas, Alaska, Wednes-i day, February 9, 1910, Tyyne, beloved j daughter of August and Katie William son, aged 4 years, 3 months and three days, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the Evangelical Lutheran church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon,; Rev. J. II. Warmanen officiating. In terment af- the Douglas cemetery. Last Sunday afternoon a li>horni?n ; named Henry Rabe, at work on a sloop anchored in the channel, fell against a loaded shotgun, both barrels of which i discharged their contents into his right hip. He was taken to .Juneau on the feiry and given medical attention4 j but died at 7 o'clock that eveuiug. De ceased was about 35 years of age and a German by birth. Take Notice, A. A special meeting of Camp Treadwcil | No. 14, A. B., will be held at Fraternal , hall on Saturday evening, Februaiy 19tb. A chechaeo will pass over the trail. Members are requested to be present. Visiting brothers are invited. | There will be no meeting of the camp on Tuesday, Feb. 22, that being a hoi i- < day. Temperature and Barometer For week ending February 3, 1010: Date Barometer Temperature Feb. 10 30:2.0 1 1 30:3.0. . 1 2 30:2.8.. 1 3 30:0.9.. 1 4 30:1.1.. 1 5 .v... 30:2.8.. 10 30:0.0. Readings at 8 a. m. by Beltzhoover, the jeweler. ,36 .35 .25 .28 .29 .23 07 4L PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL WORK Jobbing1, all kinds of Repair and Ma chine Work, Phonographs and Sewing Machines Repaired. GAS ENGINE REPAIRING Front Street, near Ball Park, Douglas I < Julius Jensen, Agt : 1 Great Western Stove Co. ; CORrJER 2d AND D STREET DOUGLAS -i TO NEVADA CREEK Beginning Feb. 1 st a "THE STORH KING" Will leave the City Dock at 9 a, m. and 4 p. m., calling at Treadwell, Sheep Creek und Nevada Creek. Returning it will leave Nevada Creek at 10 a. m. and 5 p. in. For further information, apply to CAPT. E. F. MILLER, Hgr. Douglas City Ferry Co. ?wv*v*v*wwvwvwwww? H.V.SULLY I Undertaker and Manu- 5 facturer of Furniture { ? CARPENTERING, JOBBINO 5 ? and UPHOLSTERING ? Shop Third Street, opp. Baseball Park DOUGLAS, ALASKA ?VWtWWVVW**V**VWW%%9 * Feust & f V BSoedhorn j( * ? JEWELERS Jy WATCHMAKERS Nugget Jewelry and ? ? Watches ? J5 ?ut 0a$$ * Plow ware and * flat ware v t 2 The Celebrated Community Silver ^ We are experts in Watch yt und Jewelry Repairing and * always study to please. H 5* J Feusi & Bioedhorn \ i Successors to L. P. Kem mis 1 ^ RONT ST. : : : DOUGLAS ^ HARDWARE FURNITURE STOVES Etc. Your attention is called to our complete stock in the above lines, also to the numerous ar ticles which are a daily neces sity in every household. You can find what you want at our store at prices that are right. TINNING, PLUMBING AND REPAIRING JOHN FEUSI Front Street, Douglas, Alaska