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SPEAKING OF ENAMELED WARE We have just received a very large iine of the best Blue and White Ware, triple plated acid proof AT POPULAR PRICES BEFORE YOU 00 OUT HUNTING CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF Amunition and Sporting Goods It is the best to be had and we have lots of it Tli a Tf. * I % BEST GLASS OF I ? Rainier Beer on Douglas Island a s at.? * Douglas Opera House o & s g WIIVES <- LIGUORS -> CfGARS * 8 Sk??Q CKt$ <?0 O0>O ?C^? 0 & <> O & ? ? 0 ^ 3 *> <> 3 * <> ?3 <* ? 0 0<ir0 Ot STEAMERS FOR ia acoeita Victoria, Vancouver, Anacortes, Bellingham Everett, Olympia, Port Townsenck South 3eliinghani, * Eureka, Sauta Barbae Mexico San Francesco,, Los Angeles, San Diego G. W. ANDREWS, G. A. P. D. C. L>. D'JNANN, G. P. A. 1 1 3 James St., Seattle ? 1 2 Market St, Saa Francisco Rls?ht reserved to chjnjo tW* Schedu!?i NEXT SAILINGS WILL SE COTTAGE CITY Northbound, March 2, 14, 26; April 6, 17, 28 Southbound, March 3* 15> 27: April 7, 18, 29 For information retrardintr passenger and freight rates, apply to R. R, HUBBARD, Agent. AM RUE D UilJIC CO. 1 LOUIS G. THOiM ^S, Manger, ? I Manufactures an(j ! I all kinds oL Jrftf HiliaiU Caskets | OUT OF YELLOW CEDAR Special Articles of Furniture Made and Guaranteed. furniture i FRIENDS CHURCH SERVICES Regular Sunday services: Sunday school at 0:50 o'clock a. m. breaching at S o'clock p. m. LP. Had ley, Pastor. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. j m. Services,. Sundays at 8- p. m. J oils LL. Wabmaseij, Paster.. >? .JSMa flyers., ?8? Hietweeu Seattle, Ketchikan, Doug las, Juneaa. and Skagway. Due to arrive al Douglas : Jefferson Northbound, Feb* 10, 23,* March 7 , \9> 3 U April Y2 Steamers ami sailing dates subject to eh an pre without notice. This is the only line ?>f steamers calling reiru bwly at Douglas both North and South bound Elme: E. Smith, Agent, Douglas, Alaska I The CITY BAKERY GEO. KIEDI & SON, Props. We bare the reputation of pro ducing the best, bread in Douglas ] Sanitary Bakery Methods FREE DELIVERY j Parties supplied with wade-to order daiuties. Your Patronage Solicited JUNEAU FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO FERRY TIME CARD LEAVE JUNEAU For Douglas tunl Tretulwell: 8:00 u. in. 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1 :00 p. in . S:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. . 3:00 p. ia>. Sundays- only 9:00 p. in. LEAVE DOUGLAS Kor Treadwelh 8:15 a. m* 9:15 a. m 11:15 a. m. 1:15 p. in. 3:15 p. nv. 4:45 p. m. 6:45 p. in. 8:15 p. m. fc'or Juneau-: 8:30 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 1*2:05 a. m. 1 :45 p. in. 3:30 p. tn. 5:05 p. m. 7:05 p. in. 8:30 p. m. 9:1G p, m. Sundays- 9:30 p. ro? leave treadwell For Douglas and Juneau: a. m. 10:35 a. m. 12:00 a. m. p. m. 3 :<jd p. m. 4: 53 p. m. 6.55 p. m. 8:25 p. m. 9:25 p. m. Sundays Trip made to Nevada Creole? Mondays and Thursdays, leaving: Juneau at 9:00 a. m. S'jjada^?4 SlOO vu m. trips omitted Home Rule Again After giving a brief outline of tbe ! history of Alaska since its purchase by i tbe United States in 1867, Pierre Mar- 1 chon, writing in the February number of the Alaska-Yukon magazine says: There are but two objections to full J territorial government for Alaska. One is lack of permanent population, and the other is tho immense area of the I territory in which it is claimed there j are necessarily adverse and conflicting ' interests. In reference to the first ob jection there is in Alaska today nearly i forty-five thousand people. Five thous and persons came out at the close of navigation last fall. Many of them are bona fide residents of Alaska that come outside to escape the rigors of the winter, just as a well-to do citizen of the United States might go to Florida or California to spend the winter. But even admitting that ten per cent ol Alaska's population is not permanent, certainly the oth<jr ninety per cent have some rights, and all qnestions of vital importance to them deserve due consideration. Alaska is truly a large country. It. is bigger than all the states of the Union t hit border the, Pacific occan, but Alaska has many rivers, and every river is a highway. Our idea of distance is to a great ex tent a master of education. In the pro- 1 vincial East it is as far from the farm to the market place as it is in Alaska from the towns to the mining camps. I There may be a great difference in miles, and it may require a long time j to make the journey in Alaska, but in that country of vast proportions aud great distances a jo-urney of a few hun dred miles is a mere incident in (he or- ; dinary affairs of life. With the prog ress made in aviation in the last few years it soon may be possible for resi dents of Point Barrow to make a flight to Juneau as quickly as we can journey from Seattle to Chicago. In view of these facts here sub- 1 milted L believe that Alaska ought to have full territorial government. 1 be lieve it is entitled to territorial govern ment, and ought to have it- quickly be caur-e it will not be many years before j Alaska will be knocking at the doors of congress and asking for admission to statehood. There is another phase of this question that 1 have not discussed, and that is the possible attitude of j Alaska corporation interests toward home rule, i am not going to discuss it, because I don't believe we aie going to adopt the methods of Russia when it turned Alaska over to ttui Russian b'u-r company. Knew the Company Rogers, t be poet, used to relate that Samuel b'ootc^the dramatist, being one day taken into White's by a friend who wanted to write a note, and being left standing in a room full of persons of quality who were strangers to him, might be supposed to feel not quite at bis ease. Lord Carmarthen, wishing to relieve the actor^ presumed embaiass mentv earn*; up to speak to him; but, being himself rather shy, could think of nothing better to say than, "-Mr. Foote, your handkerchief is hanging i out of you pocket;." upon which, Foote, looking suspiciously around, and bur riedly thrusting the handkerchief back into his pocket, gravely replied: "Thank you, my lord:, you know the company better than ldo.'? Notice of Registration Notice is hereby given that, the Reg istration books of the City of Douglas for the year 1910, for the registration of voters, will be open at the office of the City Clerk on Thursday,. February 3, 1910, aud for sixty (GO) days there after. Each legal and qualified voter at the next municipal election to be held in this city on the first Tuesday iu April next, will upon registering be is sued a certificate of registration. JOHN Hexson, Registration Officer. of Headaches are caused j 90 % by Eye strain; can be cur ed permanently by proper fitted glasses t. J. SHAR1CK, optician JUNEAU >> Foreign and Domestic Woolens in Slock F. WOLLAND J MERCHANT | TAILOR ? s jw JUNEAU, ALASKA ? y v T ake Notice of Alaska Though the constitution seems not to have followed the flag to Alaska, public attention has followed the mtickrakers, and Alaska is getting more advertising than ever in its his tory. This time it is the kind that will result in permanent good because the United States is learning that Alaska contains something besides placer gold, salmon, ice and snow, says the Valdez Prospector. Much of the information dispensed has been inaccurate and much of it has been misinformation. The muckrakers have hit no facts except that Alaska ha9 the greatest coal deposits in the country outside of Pennsylvania, and perhaps greater than that state con tains. But muckrakera have started the metropolitan newspapers to dig ging Into government reports made by men who have been on the ground and the news and editorial writers have learned that Alaska has not ouly miu eral resources and fisheries of fabulous value but agricultural possibilities as well, and that its climate is uo colder than that of the northern states. Some of them have thrown away the cut of a polar bear sliding down a glacier iuto the sea, which they have been running occasionally as a typical Alaska scene. it is true, as the corporation agents reiterate, that Alaska^ white popula tion has not increased greatly during the decade now closing, and the federal census will show it, but the population of the territory outride of t he placer camps will show a percentage of in crease greater than any state. The placer camp population has declined because no new bonanza camps have been discovered in the past half a dozen years, while the old ones are de clining, but the southern coast and coal and copper districts have just begun to be peopled. Watch these districts grow daring the next ten years with the newspapers and magazines of the land advertising them free of charge. Klondike has been roused to a storm of protest over interviews given the press of Canada and the United States recently I ?y Albert J. Beaudette, for merly employed in the miuiug depart ment of the government of the Yukon, in which be is quoted as saying pros pecting is a thing of the past in Yukon, the prospector is a rare bird in Yukon, and the Yukon Gold company is the only outfit washing gold. See the moving pictures at the Opera House. I Juneau Steamship Co* U. S. MAIL STEAMER I Georgia s Electric Lighted Steam Heated LEAVES JUNEAU i For Funter, Hoonah, Gypsum, Teimkee, Jiillisnoo Chatham and Sitka at S a. m. January 2, 8. 14. 20, 2t? : Feb. 1, 7, 13, 19,25; March 9, l.r>, 21, 27. For Killisnoo and Sitka di:iooj Jan. 12, 21; Feb. 5, 18 ; March 14, 2ft For Tyco and Boranofi January 8, 20; February 1, 13? March 9) 21. For Sanitarium (Sitka Hot Springs): J.aii. 2, 14; Feb. '1, 13; March 3, 15 For Skagway ;uid way ports: January 6, 12, lis 24, 80; Fel.vruary, r>, 11, 17, 2X; March 1, 7, 13, 19. 25, 81. Sailing1 dates subject to change without notice | WILLIS E. NOWELL, Mgr. M. s. HUDSON ALEX T. NELSON THE DOUGLAS HOTEL HUDSON & NELSON, Propers DOUGLAS, ALASKA Rooms by thn Day, Week or Month. Steam Heat. Electric Lights Bar in Connection ?SPECIAL BRANDS? Seal of Kentucky Bonded Whiskey. Barclay '7G. Maryland Rye. Careful attention given to all ordsis*