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Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas island News. [ Entered at Douglas Post-office a? Second Class MaU Matter. PU8USHED 5 VERY WEDNESDAY TERMS: -In Advance ? i>Bio Year - - - - - *3.00 Hx Months -------- fcJH) ?hree Months ------ 73 Single Copies ------ 16 CHARLES A. HOPP Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday, Jvlx 20,. 1910. 'PHONE NO. 12. Political Pot Pie As a candidate for congressional/ delegate or as a citi'jen of one has as yet said anything against ?d S. Orr, escept that he is tied up >n some way with Shack le?ord and that has not been proven. . 1 Wickersham is campaigning in his home territory and among the people : who kuow him. best. He should poll 2. large vote in the Tanana^ A large number of campaign buttons have been distributed on Douglas Isl- 1 and. The? boar a likeness o? ?d SJ Orr, republican candidate for delegate. ^lany of them are being worn* ? ? ? . Both of the Juneau papers are qoite positive in aunouncemeuts oS condi tions iu Alaska, ihey do not attempt ; reconcile the reports meetings which tell ditlei enJt stoiies. Of course do onedoobts that tbsy ase perfsctLy reliable. It is nearly time for democracy to. apen itsmouilxon Alaska politics.. XhQ rwyort lhat special seciot service men in the smploy o? Uncle Sam wvlij "spot" the delegate election in Alaska next mouth is probably circulated lor j a purpo.-*\ Knowledge ot AJaska may bt> spread ing, but accurate information in re gard to the territory seems to be very scarce. Mining Science,, reliable in most thiugs, says:. "In bleakvdesolate* Alaska^there are, we understand, so m,e 350,000 residents.'*" The Big Ball The sixth annual ball of the Tuead -,vell Fire Department was given last aight at the Treadwell Club. An invi tation was extended to all members of ( the Club (which includes all the em ployees of Tread we 11):, an iuvitation Mas also given, to tUe Douglas V.olunteer Fire Department. Besides this some two or. three hundred- other guests were "ovitsd. From the extent oi the invi? tations-it is easy, to judgo that the af feir was a big event on Douglas Island. The attendance last night was per haps several hundred in excess of that ofcany previous occasion. The large ball was simply packed. The music *vas furnished by Prof. Wasterlain s or chestra. Supper, was served at the Tread well boarding house, where the big dining. room is capable of seating 312 persons. However, on this occasion it was not large enough for the crowd and a part wore served at a. second sitting. The Treadweli* Fire Department is a volunteer organization and the big ; dance i* given, by. the Treadwell com- j pany each y.ear as a. tokeu of. its ap- j preciation o?the interest taken by its- ( amployees in the protection of prop arty. The Treadwell fire boys- are proud of their big dance,.andwell they j may be,.for nothing, attempted in the Northland can compare with it. ~ The officers of ths Treadwell Fire De partment are: President, ?ras. Daniels,, vice president, Joe Dickey ;. secretary, ! 'Fred Henson; treasurer, John S: Dun can; chief, J. F. Tompkins; assistant chief, George Beare.. _ _ There are SVe companies, which with their location and the officers in- com mand, are as follows: No. lr Ready Bullion mine aud mill;. captain, JoG'Dic!5ey;ass't,Nels Johnson. No. 2, Mexican mine and mill;.capT tain, James Daniels; ass t, L. S. terris. No. 3, 700 mill and foundry; captain, Mark Smith; ass't, Chas. Johnson. No. 4, machine shop, 300- mill and. store;- captain, Ed- McCormick; ass tr Chas. Price* No. Treadweli mine and 240 mill; oastain, E. A. Mcllamilton; ass't, Thos.. HnaheD-. Great things for Douglas The eit iaeus of Douglas propose toi extend the City dock to Mayflower j island, hitherto kuown as Jluueau isl and. The extension will be a sixteen foot driveway and wiil circle tke island,, giviug the citizens a promenade of one mile along the water's edge. On the ssmmit, which will be reached by a winding path?will be erected a dancing pavilion and club house costing $10, OCKX On the lee side a monster float will be constructed for the use of tishermen. and small craft, where boats cau safely tie up in any storm. The little island thai has for so long \ withheld its fragrant beauty and use fulness from the citizens of Douglas will at last be utilized,, and the only thing you can hear in Douglas nowa days is,. "Are you. going to the Island?" When Superintendent R. A. Kinzie was toid of the proposed scheme to connect and. improve the island,. making Knights of Pythias District Deputy Supreme Chancellor Eld Andrews installed the officers of North Star Lodge No. 2?K.ofP., fos the ensuing term last Thursday even ing, as follows:. A. B. Jeuke __.C. C. C. M. Spores . . .V. C. V. ?L Kubin _ Prelate L. S. Ferris AL of W. Chad. A. Hopp K. of E. A S. j Win. Uillman .. M. at A. j FL McCormick M. of F. J John Feusi M. of EJ Chas. A. Wagner 1. G. i E. Krann Schoonover (X G. Odd Fellows The officers of Alaska Lodga No. l. O. O- F.? for the ensuing term were installed last Wednesday evening* by D. D. G. AL David Brown, after which refreshments were serwd and the re mainder of the eveniug passed, in. social enjoyment. The new officers are; Noble Grand L. W. Kilburn Vice Grand E. A. W. Juhliii Secretary J-ohn Livie Fin. Sec'y Wm. Duncan Treasurer Wm?Stui>bins Warden .T. Di Gillis Conductor Jfchu Gillam Chaplain Emil Youngstrom. R. S. X. G Chas., Fenster L.S. K. G John Hull! R. S. Y. G.. Monte Benson ] Ll S. V. G. Denny (LVfauos R.S.S. Gusti Lund-ell j L. S. S. Chas^Stitesj L G Qscar Month O. CL. Carl Weiss "HOPS ON'* OPPOSITE HUNTER HOTEL Fresh Fsuvls Fcesfc Vegetables C< SHIPnENTS 0N EVERY BOAT Evory,thi;ig that is on tha MUxke* ALL THE TflVTE Ffesh Batten Fresh ?ggs Orders Delivered Promptly to any Part o! the City PHONE - - 53; &nripnnnrrannr^^ ?FtLL YOUR OW?V TEETH** FILL-O STOPS. TOOTHACHE A good temporary filling for chil dren, nervous jteople and any one with tooth trouble. If your drug gist does not keep it, mail 2Dc to fiir=0 Manufacturing Co. ?3SI Ejnpire Bldg.^S&attlo a reoreatiou ground for the citizeos of Douglas, he heartily approved of it and j said, "Put me down for S500, and if you i are shori come again." Mayflower island has many attrac- j feions, which,, when brought within j reach by the proposed plan, will make < it a joy forever to the people of Doug- ; las Island. Besides this, however,, there 1 1 is a very practical side to thepropo-M sition which appeals to the people gen erally and the business interests es- j pecially, and that is the providing of a I convenient and safe anchorage for all kinds of small craft. No matter how the Taku may howl, within this little harbo-r boats may lie in perfect safety. The liberality or Mr. Kiniie has given | the project a good start and as the scheme gets a good word from every body it is safe to assert that the thing is iust a.9 good as do?.e. Watch Douglas grow. Have you seen the large variety of j hot water bottles and fountain syringes | at lleiibuerS Drug Store. Vou should call and see before buying elsewhere, j i I Sn th? Prota*te Court for the District o? j Aiaska. Division No. 1 Sitka Cora mis si oue?'s (Veciuot. Estate of Za-hojika, Yahu-ash-wliey. Det-easwl. Notice is hereby priveiilw the undersigned, W. G. Beattie, administrator of the estate of : Za-honka Y?hn-**4?-wh#y,. deceased,, to Sbe creditors of, ;uid ?Jl persons having claims against, said deceased., to exhibit them with the necessary 'touchers, within six mouths after tbe ticst publication of this notice, to stud adminititsutor at his place of rcsi(Vcivc? at SiitUa., Alaska* the same being the place ( lor the transaction of the business of said es- , tate in the District of Alaska* Division No. 1 ? ! Sitka Precinct, Dated at Sitka* Alaska* June 9th, 1910. W. G. liEATT IE,. Administrator. Fii/st pub. June 2'i, 1910. Last pub. July 20 1910. "Rogers" MEN'S; GOODS ) \ v*w GOOD READY-MADE] St ITS $10? v%w Rogers City Wharf Corner I BARGAINS IN 4fi 2.' July Outfits Just received a line of Baltimore-made, all-wool Siiits- -beats any $20.00 Suit in the district $15.00 A full line of the Gitchfe rf* / M Famous r A s?ror $Z.3u Ties, Suspenders, Handf chiefs, Shirts, Sox, Garters, Belts, Underwear, etc. Wm. Stubbins FRONT STREET Kemmis Block DOUGLAS J * *' frJ I! TREADWELL MARKET ? IS l? WHOLESALE and RETAIL SI |J Ji Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry j $ |4}i ? Ham, Bacon and Lard jjjj 3 I *7 < * J Fish and game in season \P\ > | ? $ 'PHONE AUTO 1-8 T readwell, Alaska i* | Douglas City fleat Market 1 i 5 $ IHeais of Jill Kinds *i FISH AND GAME IN SEASON f O STREET DOUGLAS, ALASKA 4k t * Ch.e Island Ijoteh* ALB1N BABITELLO, Proprietor Best grades Klines, Ciquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trado Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS EM S. S. HUMBOLDT Due at Douglas:- Northbcitmd ? July 13 ? Southbound luly J 4 ? Sailing Date Subject to Change Without Notiee ^"ve^waf . M. J. O'Connor, Agt. WW