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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Right Away When'er your town You cease to like The thing for you To do is hike! Budweiser at the Log Cabin. Tents and camp stoves at Jeusen's. The Lutheran parsonage is enclosed. Perry Wiley is down from Auk bay. For a furnished or unfurnished house see Jensen. Frank Shotter was over from Hoo nah last week. Paiuters have beguu operations on Fraternal hall. V. C. Spaulding returned yesterday from Auk bay. Nat Rogers has embarked in the chicken business. Mrs. Fred Tatom will go to theSound on the Jefferson. The Grand restaurant is making some improvements. August Olson's new cottage is nearly ready for occupancy. C. G. Johuson returned to Douglas Island on the Seattle. Call for the famous Budweiser Beer at the Log Cabin saloon. Airs. A. E. Christoe is recovering from an attack of shingles. John Gravrock came in from Gypsum this morniug on the Georgia. The Jefferson will sail south tomor row night or Friday morning. Mr. John Powell has been laid up for several days with a lame back. Mr. and Mrs. Floriu will be south bound passengers on the Jetferson. Travel on the Humboldt? the people's boat. Get your tickets from O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Spores have moved iuto the Hall cottage on Third street. Hugh and Tom Tracy went south ou tho City of Seattle for a visit in the States. John W. Arctander, an attorney from Ketchikan, was visiting in Douglas this morning. Miss Barker, of Prince Rupert, is visitiog Mrs. ?. A. McHamtlton at Tread well. Mrs. G. Brunner and Jay Sey were Douglas arrivals on the Jefferson Tues day morning. Range*? Everything from a small family range to a big hotel range may be had at Jensen's. Martin Olson came back last week from a two-weeks' visit to the Crystal mine at Snettish&m. Travel on the fastest and best boat on the ran? the Humboldt. Get your tickets from O'Connor. Max ti eld, line man for the telephone company, fell from a ladder a few days ago and broke his ankle. Another liue of Art Pictures on dis play in the music parlors at Smith's Drug Store, Front Street Lock Mulligan, who has been on a visit to his home at Goldendale, Wash., has returned to Treadwell. Ladies1 and Children's Bags, a new line just in from the East, at Smith's Drug Store, Front Street Bring your old safety razor blades to the McDonald Novelty House. We will give you sharp ones for dull ones. Mr. aud Mrs. C. M. Spores will leave Saturday on the Georgia for a two months' stay at Tenakee hot springs. Bo r.y ? A fine 10-pound boy was born to Mrs. Nels Rustand last Friday after noou, Dr. A. R. Sargeant in attendance. The Douglas Red Men, Auk Tribe No. 7, are happy over a present of a large robe from Mr. George Kyrage, of Ju neau. Mr. F. W. Bradley, who has been at Treadwell for the past fortnight, left for the south on the City of Seattle yesterday. An exchange is trying to make it ap pear that Indian town in Douglas is the toughest ever. Read the govern ment reports. Alex T. Nelson returned on the Seat tle from a bref visit to the Sound, Since his return he has been laid up with a severe cold. Mrs. Clemo, of California, is visiting at Treadwell with her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. E. Christoe. She expects to remain in Alaska about two months. The Humboldt is due from the South today and will go back tomorrow. She will carry a big list .from Douglas and Juneau on her southbound trip. Angus Mackay, for many years a res ident of Douglas Island, came up tc Juneau last week, accompanied by hit wife. He will have charge of the in stallation of the 200-stamp mill on th( Ebner property. J August Records for the Victor, Co lumbia and Edison phonographs are : now ready for your inspection at Smith's Drug Store, Front Street. The McDonald Novelty House re ceives fresh carnations on every boat. Orders given special attention. We don't keep good cigars, we sell them. Mrs. Egau arrived on the Seattle for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. i Kern. Mrs. Egan formerly lived in Douglas. She was accompanied by her j little daughter. Watch this column. In the near I future you will be told something that : will gladdeu the hearts of all jewelry i lovers by the little store with the big stock. Beltzhoover. Orders for Ice Cream or Fresh Cream left with the Douglas Caudy Kitchen ! delivered auy place on the Island. Home-made candy a specialty. Phone i- 1 Sweet Tulip Cones. If you want to help make Mayflower island a Douglas plsyground, hand your subscription to Mayor O'Connor, P. H. Fox, Henry Brie or the News ! Man. Every little bit helps. A republican rally will be held in ? Douglas next Saturday evening at Nat- ! atorium hall. Judge Goodell and | Judge John R. Winn will address the people on the issues of the day. . . . The Douglas cow man was orougnu up before the municipal magistrate yesterday and given a severe repri manp for violations of the city ordin ances. He promised to be good. The position of marshal at Treadwell, made vacant by the resignation of J. F. Tompkins, has been filled by the ap pointment of Mr. M. B. Archer, a j pioneer citizen of Douglas Islaud. Services of the Friends' church are j | as follows: Sabbath school, 10:50 a. m. I Evening service, S o'clock; Wednesday evening, prayer and praise service with brief Bible study. All are cordially j I welcome. Frances Liter, pastor. Miss May McCormick expects to de- J part on the Jefferson for Seattle, where j she will re-embark for San Francisco. I At the latter city she will visit with her | sister, Miss Annie, and attend the | | Marsh-Gallagher busiuess college. The left over sports from the Fourth I 1 of July were pulled off at the ball park Sunday afternoon. They consisted largely in children's races and a ball game between the juvenile teams of Douglas and Treadwell. Treedwell won by a score of 6 to 4. Apple Lands ? 5 or 10 acres of our Columbia River fruit land will make i you rich. Gravity Flow ? Perpetual water right. No expensive machinery ! to break dowu. For pamphlet and full particulars write P. J. Uoss, 18 Downs Block, Seattle, Wash. j Making Douglas Beautiful. In^the | spriug campaign of cleanliness, you will need ready mixed house paints,* I floor paint, Jap-alac, lead aud oil, 1 brushes of all kiuds, or it may be a can of Black Diamond Roof and Boat paint Jensen, the Secoud street hardware man, can supply them all. Notwithstanding the lowering clouds a large part of the population of Doug las Island spent Sunday at the neigh boring pleasure resorts. An hour's ran carried them out of the rain. Some visited Limestone, Pat's Garden, Hilda creek, Young's bay and the bar, while others went to Bear creek for bear. Attorney General Wickersham and j Secretary of Commerce and Labor j Nagle visited Douglas yesterday after : noon. They are very pleasant gentle men and very quick to appreciate local conditions. We judge this by a remark of Mr. Nagle, who said: "Everybody seems happy over here." Further thau being toted around town by Mayor O'Connor there was no public demon stration over the visit of the two dis tinguished gentlemen. As far as the people of Douglas were concerned tbey might have been mine promoters or land agents from Seattle. This, how ! ever, was in acoord with their wishes, as ; the mayor offered to meet them with a brass band and a ready made speech of welcome, but they preferred the less ostentatious plan. At any rate Doug las appreciates the honor of the visit Notice to Owners of Dogs All dogs upon which the tax has not been paid found running at large in the City of Douglas on and after tbe first day of August, 1910, will be shot By order of The Coioiosr Gocxctl. Frank Swanton, formerly postmaster at Nome, paid out 32,250 for extra clerk hire without authority from the gov ernment. The latter instituted suit, got judgment, but compromised upon Swanton putting up one-balf the amount. i i Stranger? -"Rastus, do the people who ' live aoross the road from you keep ? chickens?" Rastus? "Dey keeps some of 'air. sab."? The Housekeeper* s A CLEAN-OIT SALE LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS $1.00 Shirt Waists Now 75c $1.50 Shirt Waists Now $1.15 $2.00 Shirt Waists Now $1.50 P.H.FOX Douglas J i i M/ I I B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska 8NTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Notice of Election To the Electors of the Town of Doug las, Division No. One, Territory of Alaska. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an Act of Congress, entitled, "An Act providing for the election of a Delegate to the House of Representa i tives from the Territory of Alaska," a general election for the purpose of i electing a Delegate to the House of | Representatives from the Territory of | Alaska for the full term of the noxt j Congress, as provided in said Act, will ; i be held on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1010, be- j I tween the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and j 7 o'clock p. m. of said day. The Common Council or uougias | having heretofore, by ordinance, duly ! designated the voting precincts of said | town and the polling places in each , thereof, the electors are hereby notified; That ail duly qualified voters resid ! ing within the boundaries of Voting Precinct No. 1 of said Town of Douglas, which are aa follows: All that portion of the Town of Douglas lying west of Kiuzie Street will vote at City Ilall building, located on Second street, in and upon Lot 2 of Elock 7, which is ! owned by the City of Douglas and oc i cupied by tho owners, the same beiDg I the duly designated polling place in ? and for Precinct No. 1, Town of Doug ! las, Alaska. That all duly qualified voters resid ing within the boundaries of Voting , Precinct No. 2ofeaid Town of Douglas, I which are as follows: All that portion of the City of Douglas, lying east of Kinzie street will rote at Natatorium building, located on St. Ann street, in and upon Let A of Block Mill Site, which is owned by the Alaska Tread well Gold Mining Company and occu pied by the City of Douglas, the same being the duly designated polling plaee in and for Precinct No. 2 , Town of Douglas, Alaska. Dated this 3th day of July, 1910. (Signed} THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF DOUGLAS. By Jons Hensou, Clerk. Temperature and Barometer Date Barometer Temperature July 28 30:1.1.. 69 " 29 ..30:0.9 .... .60 " 30 30:0.4 5S " 31 30:0.2 . .... .57 Aug. 1 * 29:9,6 ...51 " 2 30:1.5 53 u 3 30:0.6 54 Readings at 8 a. m. by Beltzhoover the jeweler. I.J.Sharick WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY JUNEAU : ALASKA Ivwwvv^wwwwwwvwi^ Your Life and homo should be insured, your savings safely invested, your property cared for, and trans fered, rents nnd accounts col lected. traveling tickets purchased through k John Henson & Co. . J INSURANCE and FINANCIAL AGENTS, i f NOTARY PUBLIC. Douglas, Alaska cv^wv^vwvwwwwwwvvi | Foreign and Domestic 4; ^ Woolwis ia Stock ? 3 F. WOLLAND 4C s MERCHANT ? TAILOR if * JUNEAU, ALASKA 4b Hardware, Stoves ra Furniture, Quns H and Amunition a q3J W CPORTING Q00D8 W I | TINNING and PLUMBING LSI 1? 51 ia A COnPLETE STOCK OF {AS BOAT SDFPLIES Batteries, &c. til | BICYCLES Gj| FOR SALE OR RENT W ? ? ? =?? pi iSl m IS 51 S JOHN FEUSI Front St. Douglas < * 2 Feusi & Bloedhorn WATCHMAKERS L ^ JEWELERS 3 ? | Nugget Jewelry and ? Watches 3 * ?ut 0a$$ |fc follow ware and X flat ware Tiie Celebrated Community Silver We are experts in Watch and Jewelry Repairing: and always study to please. j Feusi & Bloedhorn \ Successors to L. P. Kemmis J FRONT ST. : : ; DOUGLAS T ?v^vvwv^wwwwvwvwvvet H.V.5ULLY * Undertaker and Manu facturer of Furniture CARPENTERING, JOBBING and UPHOLSTERING Shop Third Street, opp. Baseball Park DOUGLAS, ALASKA mwvkwwwwwvwvwwi vvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL WORK Jobbing, all kinds of Repair and Ma chine Work, Phonographs and Sewing: Machines Repaired. GAS ENGINE REPAIRING Front Street, near Ball Park, Dougla ? Wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv**vv