Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas isJand News. ' - * ... I' intersd ait Douiflo* Po?t-offlce aa Second Class Mail Mattar. TERMS:? In Advance. 0*ie Year - ? $8.00 54.x Months - - - - - - 1.50 3hreeMonth? ------ 18 Single Copies ------ 10 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY CHARLKS A. HOPP Editor aad Proprietor. Wednesday, Max 24, 1911. 'PHONE NO. JZ Pretty soon the day will be here when Douglas Island will be asked to buy tags. These tags are to be sold for ttie benefit of Mayflower Island. They will be one dollar each. -It is really a ?ice thing to be able to say tiat every man, wom&ti and child on the Island can afford to buy one of these tags. By this we mewi that there are no people living on the Island who a: a teally af flicted by poverty. And theu we also mean that the dollar wilfc be well in Tested-. Never was there a ufcjer spot for a park, t baa Mayflower islaud. If you dou-bt this statemeut jast visit the island some nice day, and you will find that there the sky is brighter, the sun shine is warmer and the grass is greeuer than any other spot. It is a blessing from the giver of all good gifts for the people of this Islaud. A little isla:?d where the iriner, breathing all day the powder smoke and foul gases of the mine,, may escape for an hour Into an atmosphere charged with only the purest air;. & place where the tired housewife may take the children ? no ! dange; from Hohi? ? and enjoy the sun ahine au?l tiowei>;. in fact,, where every body may get away from work and care So enjoy the beauties of nature. Mayflower island does not beloug to j the town of Pnuglao. The council has j not ?peut oue oci.i of city money on it. It belongs to the people of Douglas Island ? all of them. By voluntary sub scription they have paid for all the work that has been done. A large part of the money subscribed came from business men. Tag Day offers an I opportunity for each and every one to help a little and to show their interest in a practical manner. So when you 1 are asked to bay a tag on June 3rd, don't turn away from it, but buy oue, tie it in your button hole, and thus en courage others to do likewise. The Burned District A little over two months have elapsed since the Are on Front street,.aud today improvements are under way or com- | p let ad i#u every lot but one. The Little Douglas stands where the Fraternal ball crumbled to ashes. Wm. Stubbing and M. G. Rogers both are occupying their t:ew .-tor-is and doing business;. Anton Jlaik* is digging a foundation and will erect a two story building; the Island hotel, Kauu's building, is up two stories high and will soon be ready ;3or the roof;. Hugh Day's two-etory building is almost as ?ar ahead, as the Island; M. S. Hudson has a force of men setting foundation posts and put ting on caps. J. J. Penglase has the foundation ready for a double store,, and John Henson & Co. have men at I work clearing away the charred tim bers for a flue two-story building. That is what the boy oalie "going some." The U. S- senate has passed- a bill providing for the care ot indigent Alas kans by still further dividing up the money derived from the occupation tax. which Alaskan industries- are called upon to* pay. We consider this a case of most nobte generosity. No preparations haw been made fou! the observance of Memorial Day in Douglas. It is too bad to allow other j things to crowd oat this important matter and we hope something may yet be done. Julius Jensen has caug&t the build ing fever and will begin at once the ; erection o?a store building? 28x60 feet ? on his lot next to the Douglas Opera House. Mr. G. Roene will have charge of the construction work. The entire I building will be covered with iron, and the interior will be finished with Beaver I \oatd, I Baseball The first game of the annual series played by the baseball teams of Doug las Island and Juueau took place on the Douglas field Sunday. Each year j when the roar of the Taku wind begins j to abate and the hope of summer is re vived agaiur the baseball players gather j first around the stoves in cigar htoiee, and later in halls or offices lo a i range I for a team for the sea^ou and to devi.-e j schemes to raise the necessary fuuds. : By the time the snow is off the streets j the balls and gloves come forth and the prospective players begin to limber ; up their arm and figure on their chances to "make the team." By the time the , grounds are dry enough to play all the "fans'* are filled with excitement? and ; almost everyone on the shores of Gas tineau is a fan. So Sunday,, the day au- 1 uounced for the fir~t game, saw a fine crowd gather at the Dougla9 park, al though the day was cold aud rain threatened. The Juueau team appealed ou the field in brand new suits, across the breast o i each was, the name- of the brand of cigars, known as "Pel Puente." Some wag immediately dubbed them as "The Wooden Indians-" The Doug las team is not so fortunate as to uew suits, but we think all .of them have j fresh socks this year. Well,. the game was called aiiout two ?"block by Umpira John Stoft. Juneau was first to bat,, and it made us all feel : about a year younger to hear the famil iar voice of Capt. Dolly Gray sing out, ttCoom,uow."' The first batter up for Juneau was Hurlbut. The tirst ball pitched by Chambers tailed toward the plate and Htx I but bent his back and swatted it an awful ?wat. it went through s>hoi tstop and center field and when the excitement quieted down Harlbut was oj? second. He got to third on a wild pitch and scored on 1 an error,, making not ouly the first run of the season, but the only one that day for Juneau. Mannets, first man at bat for Dougla?, also scored in the first ; ou. The PO A E 1 1- 2 2 10 6 1 1 ?10 0 0 10 5 3 1 '2 11 1 o o : 3 3 3 21 11 & FO A E 1 2. 0 3 10 2 0 0. 0 0 Oi 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 1 16 0 0 0 2 1 27 7 3 J 0 0 ? 1 ; 0 *?7 [Struck out ? By Chambers 13; by Owens 3, Gormely 3. Bases on balls, by Chambers 4, Owens 3, Gormely 3. Bit by pitcher, Manners. Left ou [ bases, Juneau 8, Douglas 7. Chimney Blocks made in Seattle of clinkers and cement. Much superior j to brick or coucrete chimneys. The only block approved by the insurance j companies at Seattle aud other coast , towus. For further information and j price, write or call at the Juneau j Marble Works. James Hogau. j I inning, *and the battie was srorei Juueau? AB R H Hurl bat,. 88 ..3 1 1 Bay less, 2b 5 0 1 Baggs, lb 4. 0 0 Gormely, cp 4 0 2 Gray,. If 3 0 0 Ureu, 3b 4 0 0 Peteisou, cf 3 0 0 Russell^ rf 3 0 0 Owens, p c 3 0 1 Total 32 1 5 Douglas ? AB R 11 Maimers, 2b 3 1 1 Breakirou, cf 3 .0 0 Erickson, 3b 5 2 0 Browu, If 3 1 1 Coughlin, ss 4 1 0 Johnsou, rf 3 0 1 Foreman, lb 2 1 0 Doremus,. lb 1 0 0 Carpenter, c.; 4 1 1 Chambers,, p 4 0 1 Total 32 7 5 Score by innings: Juneau... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Douglas...! 2 10 2 0 gJrajsTrBI THE ? "FEUS I" DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS $25.00 Sawiag nachlnes For Rent THE "YOST" Gearless Motor Washer C Scid on Guarantee -A COMPLETE LINE" New Furniture worthy of insjeclion*^ BEATING STOVES and RANGES TINWARE AND GRANITEWARE ?At Reduced Prices JOHN FEUSI Front St. Douglas l^j iaiwKsfrSl TatsT MSSMHSMi School Notes Kegene Miller, Reporter The eighth grade graduating class is preparing for tho graduating exercises which will be held the second week of June. The High school play is quite well under way, holding daily practice?. Watch for the date advertised! Th^ eleventh grade has completed reading and studying Burked speech | oil "?ReoonciliaMon." Now that spring has a p pea red,, the storm windows have disappeared and the High school room has more light and t-onshine. A fire alarm is gladly heard these suusjiiny day.-, especially by the High school pupils who a:e denied recess usually. SALE OF TIMBER. Ketchikan. Alaska, ; April 22, 1911. Sealed bids marked outside "Kid Timber Salo General, Tongass,"and ad dressed to tho Forest Supervisor, Ketchikan, I Alaska. wiLl l>e received up to and including I the 3d da J' of June, 1911, for all or any part of tho live timber marked or otherwise des ignated for cutting by the Forest officer, and uvuilable for steam lodging on an area of 57 j acres, beginning at a point from which the ' N. \V_end of Emmons Island bears South; thence E. 1200 feet . thence S. 792 feet; thence ; E. 713 feet; thence S. 1331 feet; thence wost erly and northerly along the beach line to j i,.lace of bpgiuuing, situ ited ott th.o Chicha gof Island shores of Hooniah Sound, and within the Tongoss National Forest, Alaska, estimated to be 2,700,000 feet B. M. of green spruce and hemlock s&wtimber, and 195,000 linear feet of green hemlock oiling, more or ! less. No bid of less than one ($1.00) dollar per M. feet B. M. for sowtiuibor and Uc i>er linear took for piling up to 51) feet ; in length; %c per Linear foot for piling from SO to SO feet in length ; and 1c per linear foot for piling over [ 80 feet in length will he considered, and a ; deposit of $300.00 must be sent to W. A. Lau eriLle, Special Fiscal Agent., Forest Service,. Ketchikan, Alaska, for each bid submitted fro She Supervisor. Timber upon valid claims is exempted from sale. The right to reject any and alls bids is reserved. For fur- ! ther information and regulations governing sules, address the Forest Supervisor,. Ketchi- , kun, Alaska. 1st pub, Ap.26y last May 31. Notice of Forieiture To S. J. Anderson: You ure hereby notified thut we have ex pended during the years 1900, 1901, 1902, 19011, 1904, 1905, 1900, 1907, 190?, 1909 and 1910, oisc hundred dollars in labor and improvements j on each o? the following named lode claims* to-wit: The Cross Bay lodeelaim and the i Expector lode claim, both situated on Gas?- I tineaii channel, in the Harris Alinim; Dist riot j Alaska, and as the sauie are recorded in the office of the recorder for the Juneau record ing district, AlusUa. in Book L, puge 327 of said records, in order to hold both of said lode claims, under the provisions, of Sec. 2324 of the Revised Statute* of tjlie United States approved January 22. ISSo. concerning annual | labor upon mining claims, being the amount ! required to hold each of lode claims for : the period ending on the 81st day of Decern- | her, of each of said years. And if, within 90 j days after tho publication of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such ex|>enditurev as a co-owner, which amounts to five hundred and fifty dollars ($r>50.00), your interest in t he said claims will | become the property of the subscribers, your '? co-owners, who have made the required ex penditure. by the terms of said section. L. G. iiACB, AKTONE LILhIESTBAND. First pub. March 8,1911. Last |)ub June 7. 1911. I.J.Sharick WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY JUNEAU ALASKA f P * JEWELER fc AND ^ WATCHMAKER jf DOUGLAS - ALASKA ^ Waltham, Elgin and ? Hamilton Watches f Jewelry in Solid Gold k and Gold Filled j* A fine selection in Nag- y get Jewelry, Alaska Jv Rings and Souuenir ? Spoons P CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE Just Received? Rogers' 1847 KNIVES, FORKS & SPOONS Repairing a Specialty UNDER GUARANTEE w * * 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs .... Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Murm & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Scientific Jftnerican, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, fli Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broa<,wa" New York Stanch Oillce* <?& IT SU. Washington., D_CL HOME AGAIN I am now back at the old stand and ready for business, and cordially invite my friends and patrons to call and inspect my NEW STO RE risen from the ashes of the old one. I am still very busy and will be for some time unpacking and opening NEW GOODS that are arriving on every boat. When I get things straightened out a bit, I will have some FINE BARGAINS in slightly damaged goods to offer you. Wm. Stubbins FRONT STREET DOUGLAS I* | TREADWELL iHARKET l WHOLESALE and RETAIL # ft X I Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry jj ^&| { Ham, Bacon and Lard *1 * 9 Fish and game in season * S ?>. ? ? H i*| THONE AUTO 1-3 Treadwell, Alaska | fft m * 2 * l?f '-81 I a ^ 9 M ?} "? - >-? ? ? J W M U J 9 4 O V 2 4 " ? r* ?f ft " ? ? & 9 ?aa -j . . & TTTSB W ? JJ A S | Douglas City Heat Market i* ft ft ft cats of Jill Rinds * | FISH AND GAME IN SEASON z J D STREET * DOUGLAS, ALASKA s Cbe Island Roteh* ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades mines, Ciquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS ~1 I INDEPENDENT S. S. HUMBOLDT Due at Doughs: Northbound. -May 7, 17 and 29 Southbound May 8, 18 and 30 * Sailing Date Subject to Change Without Notice SEATTLE OFFICE 103 Yesler Way III. J. O'Connor, Agt. (