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The Douglas Is VqL l3 DOUGLAS CITY AND TREADWELL, ALASKA, 1 * * | Going to Make Xmas Gifts? ? e <\v\} sltowmg aai abundance of jfl-etty articles for =5 Embroidering. Pillow Tops, Dresser and Table ^ Scarfs, Piano Scarfs, Laundry Bags, Work Bags, 3 Tie Hacks, Stamped Pillow Cases, Stamped 5 Towels, etc., vie., for making .acceptable gifts. ^ | Royal Society Package Goods | These packages contain Tie Racks, Shaving Pads, ^ Baby Pillows, Laundry Bags, Linen Shopping 5 Bags, Pillow Tops, Dresser Scarfs*, Collar Bags, ^ ^ Shirts Bags, and numerous other articles, com- v? ^ plete with Royal Society Floss for finishing. ^ ^ Priced from 35c. to $1.25. Stamped Voile W aists 3 ?= with floss loa* making, complete, $J.Q0. ^ ^ Stamped Towels 3 gl All Linen Huck Towels, stamped, also hemstitched ^ ^ and stamped, at 50 and 75 cents. ^ I B. n. Behrends Co., Inc. J ^ 'Phone 5 JUNEAU. ALASKA ^ LODGE DIRECTORY. K. of P. Thr North Star Lodge, No. 2, K, of P., ine-t?ts every i# THURSDAY EVENING a^S o'clock in Odd Fellows Hull a M. SPORES, C. C. CH AS. A. HOPP. K. of R. AS.| Suiting: Knights invited. Douglas Aerie, No. 117, F. 0. E. Meets seoond.*.* fourth Wednesday Eveniups of each nioirth All visiting Brothers invited tot?t*ei:d. II. S. -HUDSON, W. P, JOHN STOFT. Secretary. <iasti fieaux Lodge No. 124 F. & A. M. l>odtrp nKHTCs seooitci and tfourth Tuesdays cff each monvl. JAMES CHR1STOE, "W. ?. 4. N. STOOBY, Secy. Alaska Lodge No. I, I. 0. 0. F, i Wcffta every 'WeftiiMdaj' weni?i?r i?? Odd ' Fellows Htill Visiting1 brothers always welcome. JKilHN LI^IE. N. ?C. UONTJl B&NSON. Rpc, Setfy. Aurora Encampment No. i meets at Odd Follows' hall ?'fcrst and third Saturdays, at 8tp.un. Brothers eff the Rr>ytfIrPHrple are cortiiirity ?Invited. "L. W. -KICBUKN, C. P. j j. ?. Mcdonald, -scribe. Northern Light Rebekah Lodge No. i -meets at Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays. Visitors are cordially invited. ANNA ZIMMERMAN. N. G. IREKE 131LLAM. Hec. Sec*y. Auk Tribe No. 7, Imp. O. R. n. MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows' Hall Visiting Brothers Invited. SAM KELST, Sachem. "FR A NC IS CORN WEL.'L, C. of R. Tread well Camp No. 14, A. B. ARCTIC BROTHERS MEET SSCCND AND j FOU RTH TUESDAYS ai 8 p.m. at A.B. hall. C. E. BENNETT, Arctic Chief. -j R. McCORMICK. Arctic Recorder PRO FHSSIOINA.L, R. G. CLAY, D. D. S, DENTIST GOLD INLAYS A SPECIALTY OPEN EVENINGS Phone 3-8 - DOUGLAS Albert R. Sargeant, M. D. GENERAL PRACTICE Office? Third St., Opposite O'Connor's Sttyre Office Hours? "9 a. m. to'12 m.; 1 p. m. to 5 p. m.; 7 p. m. to 0 p. m. Telephones ? Office 5-2; Residence 5-2*r2 Byes Tested and Glasses Fitted Robert W. Jennings ATTORNEY- AT-LAW LEWIS BUILDING Juneau, - - Alaska The Northland The Latest News, from Reliable .Sources, Concerning the Great North. Condensed. Information for Everybody. Potatoes cost seven cents a pound at Chitina. Herman Barthel will start a brewery i at Ruby. A slight earth tremor was felt at Valdez on October I9tb. Four volcanos on Kenai peninsula are said to be in eruption. The latest addition to the Mst of Alaska newspapers is the Ruby Citizen. Twenty-six girls and forty-four boys are enrolled ?in the Skagway public school. Never iu the ibisltony df the North ; was the ice so late tin forming iu the tfufcon river. ^Government horses are being sold at public auction at Cbitina and bring from $10 to $25 each. A Fairbanks Indian, convicted df beating his wife, was giveu a sentence of nine months in jail. The winter exodus is affecting the town council at Iditarod. Two mem bers have quit the town. The Tanana Rifle Club has received a lot of rifles from the government arsenal at Rock Island, 111. Dawson Crawford, of Valdez, will | build an aeroplaue, which, he Bays, will be of practical use in Alaska. Or. .Brooks, chief geologist in the Geological survey, has beeu made the head of the Alaskan survey district. A St. Louis paper credits Jicu Wick ershnm with having said: "In Alaska everybody is hating everybody else." The charter of the steamship Dirigo, of the Alaska Steamship Co., has been taken by the Sound Packet Lines. Jaok Severs, a deckhand on the steamer Schwatka on her last trip up the Tanana, fell overboard and was drowned. Ju9t before navigation closed on the Upper Yukon, the White Pass cut the possenger rate from Dawson to White horse to ?5.00. The Yukon election resulted in the election of Dr. Alfred Thompson as member of Parliament to the House of Commous from the Yukon. An exchange says that John E. Lath rop, the newspaper correspondent, is an ex-preacher. No one srould accuse ?him of being a preacher now. The bandits who held up the Flat .Cite tramcar and carried away ?35,000 in gold dust are still at large, and their identity remaius a mystery. The gold was ail recovered. * WE ARE * 1 DOUGLAS AfiENTS | FOR fr * P.-I., Examiner, Chronicle, Star, Times and Oregonian 5 We also carryv the Leading Periodicals 4 Magazines For NICE TABLETS and fr FINE WRITING PAPER WE ARE IT! | Our line of | Cigars and Tobaccos Is the most complete in Aluska ? Our Candies are Always Fresh! ill! ? ... e j We carry a full line of Fruit! * 4i * rarrv a mil nnft ni rrmn <? (During the fruit season) ? ? * S All the LATEST 81.50 BOOKS! ? J Crepe, Tissue and Shelf Paper ! DOIAS NEWS DEPOT I ************************** The only magaziee published regu larly ir> Alaska is the "Alaskan Church- i man," which is issued quarterly in the | interests of the work of the Episcopal church in Alaska, by lvev. Charles E. j Bettichen, Jr., of Fairbanks. "I have uever seen 'a camp in the world that produced the gold Iditarod i did last year, where business coudi- ! tious were so bad," said Thomas J.; Nestor, president of the Miners and Merchants' bank, of Iditarod. The Iditarod Pioneer compliments the postal authorities ou the care taken of the mail. It says that papers mailed at Cordova last January reached Idita rod early *u September looking crisp and new as if they had just come from ?the press. Says the Chitina Leaders The real object of the invasion of Alaska at this time by Poiudexter, Piuchot and Lath -rop is -for the purpose of workiug up an insurgent movement against the administration, to be used as political , capital in the uext national campaign. At Holy Cross, the Jesuit mission ihas 43'ust completed a large modern | ?building to accommodate native pupils. The .mission operates a tfarm, stocked -with cattle, horses, hogs aud poultry, j j and harvested a spleudid crop of hay, oats, flax, potatoes, cabbage, tur nips, carrots, etc., this year. The ten per cent peualty on delin quent taxes imposed by town ordin ance in Valdez is illegal and cauuot be collected by law. Judge Cushman so decided in the district court in the case of Valdez against Oscar Kish. The decision also carrios with it the illegality of any interest on delinquent j taxes above the legal rate of 8 per cent. Peter S. Erichsen, one of the old timers of Valdez, has disposed of his copper property ou Glacier creek, 12 miles east of the Bonanza mine. The deal involves a large amount of money and the purchasers are Cappel, Rad clyffe & Co. The property is said to be the richest copper mine in Alaska, rivaling the famous Bonanza in rich ness of deposit. Nearly two years ago as shown by the Congressional Record, an appro priation of ?12.500 was secured by : Alaska's delegate in Congress for the specific purpose of erecting a deten tion hospital for the insane in the town of Fairbanks. This money was made available immediately, but up to the present not a dollar of the same has been expended for that purpose. ? Citizen. The white man's hygiene, introduced"* among the Indians north of the Arctic circle by the Alaska boundary survey party, saved a tribe of smallpox strick- j en Indians at Rampart House last sum- j mer and started them back on the road j to health. The requirements of sani tary science, which included a bath in the cool waters of the Porcupine river, were not accepted with enthusiasm by the hapless savages, but after being ? coaxed with chocolate and tea, or 'threatened with the white man's law, they accepted treatment. Out of sev enty-one cases of smallpox at Rampart there was xmly one ileath . f t I TO. J. O'Connor Uftolesale and Retail Dealer in ? j The Chitna Leader says: A bone beaded pucilanimous came into the Leader office the other day and after j ordering his paper stopped, offered to throw the editor into t lie street, but t after sizing up our hundred and eighty pounds of averdupois he changed his miud. This particularly near relative of a mule had hobnobbed with foup flusher Pinchot and muckraker Lath rop until he* absorbed some of their j surplus gall. He further promised us that if we printed anything else derog atory to the fair name of the four flusher Pinchot that we would be sum - ; marily annihilated. We tremble with fear at the very thought aud only answer meekly. To hell witn muck raker Piuchot and his hairbrained fol lowers. We are not a prize fighter, but we will coutinue to -print what seems : best to us, especially when we know it : to be the truth. We are goiug to staud up for Alaska as loug as the iuk holds oct. A young Eskimo loved a beautiful ?maiden, whose father's hut was near his own, but, as 13 so ofteu the case, her parents would not hear of the match. One night a great storm ripped ' up a crevasse iu the ice, and between the two huts there yawned an abyss bridged ouly by a 9lender stip of ice. Here was the chance which the young lover sought. He crossed the frail bridge in the dead of night and crept to the home of his sweetheart to steal her from her cruel father. The Eski mos sleep in bags of sealskin; and, i with bated breath and loud-beating heart, he hoisted on his back the oue in which his lady love slumbered. I With his precious burden he recrossed the strip of ice, and safe on the other side broke it down with a blow of his j axe so that no one could pursue him save by the aid of a boat. Regaining < his hut he opened the bag to gaze upon the fair one, when he staggered back dumb fouuded ? he had stolen her father. Nome, Sept. 18. ? Nome Democrats ! held primaries last night to elect dele gates and alternates to the territorial ' convention which will choose a candi date for delegate to Congress on the Democratic ticket. The proxies were handed to National Committeeman A. J. Daly, and he left with them on the steamship Senator, which sailed for Seattle at midnight. A reception that was marked -with significance was e?- ' tended to Major J. V\ A. Strong, who is a likely candidate for the delegate nomination. Major Strong is on his way to the Outside from the Iditarod, where he conducted the Iditarod Nag- 1 get during tho summer. The major j disclaims emphatically any intention to seek the office of delegate. His at titude in the matter is what disinter ested persons designated as coy: He believes the office should seek the man ! The address by Major Strong contain ed a vigorous condemnation of the 1 present delegate from Alaska. "The delegate," said the major, "has devoted the time in Washington to issues that are purely personal matters with him, instead of attouding to the business < for which the people seut him to Con .gress.and.for which he is .paid:" Jafet Lindebeng, one of the principal stockholders in the Pioneer Mining company, of Nome, was one of "thf passengers on the steamship Victoria. The Pioneer Mining company hac finished a successful season, as indi cated by a recent divideud of ?150,001}. Since the company began operations ffl Nome it has paid in dividends aboul 84,000,000. Mr. Lindeberg .is at the Hotel Washington. ? P.-L When Governor Clark returned tc, Seattle after inspecting the sanatorium where the Alaska insane patients are cared for, he said: "I looked carefully into every phase of the w.>rk at the sanatorium. I have not fiuished the inspection, but I found little to justify the complaints which have been made. There are 158 patients cared for under contract with the Federal governmeut at the sanatorium. 1 ate at the institu tiou and conversed with many of the inmates. The majority of the com plaints were that the patients were un justly held. This charge proved, groundless, it was not a pleasant ex perience, but I felt that J had a dut# to perform in looking into the matter There are several things which will be investigated by a government ea.pert. 7'his will take several weeks aud whet he reports to uie I shall be satisfied. So far as the investigation has gouq^ there is nothiug upou which to base the charges which have baen made.*5' Deputy Marshal W. B. Hastings, whc is the guardian of the peace aud dig nity of the vast region to the wes^, known as the Alaska peninsula, with headquarters at Unalaslqa, tells at re cent changes which have occurred, ic the topography of the isle known a< Bogoslor, iu Bering sea. It was while ecroute to Atka islaud, ou the revenue cutter Mauning, on September 10, that the marshal, accompanied by officers q! the ship, ventured ashore ou that fickle speck of laud. The islaud wasn't busiy when the party reached there, nor weiye thoy auxious to observe its manifesta tions. They v/ere content to view the scene while all was in repose. At tha(;. they were treading ou slippery groun<|, as there: is no telliug when an err.ption might occur. Bogoslov, known it Russian nomemclature as Johanc Bogoslov, or John, the Theologian'^ islaud, first raised its kaleidoscope head above the waters surrounding Oil May 18, 179G. Since that time, it has disappeared and reappeared, sometime emerging into several distinct isles. The isle is something in the nature qff a moving picture show, giving an al most continuous performance. La%t year thero was a boiling lake in the center of one large island. This yeaj\ by a strange caprice, one side of the laud which- formed the lake sunk be neath the waves, letting in the oceatj, or a part thereof. Nov/ there is a nic?., cosy bay, and the water, of course, i? cold. There are other variations in the physical appearance of the laud, wholly unfamiliar to those who had viewed it before. . Old Bogoslov is nothing mooe nor less than an active voloano. While in repose, it gathers force for the ecup - tiou soon to appear. When this jjfcpi vulsion comes, theu the chang^icttot island's phpsiognomy aro arAGMeway.