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Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Dauce touigbt at the Tread well Club.j Get your electric light globes at Jensou's. The Georgia went Skagway this morning. The next mail boat is the Curacao, due Friday. Fresh Bread, Pies and Doughnuts daily at Leiver's. G. Roeue is expected home from Seattle on the Curacao. For a good cannery site see Coffin & Williams, Douglas, Alaska. Borsf ? To Air. and Mrs. Carl H. Ericksou, on Monday, Feb. 5, a sou. Miss E. Jory left on tfce Jefferson for her old home in merry Eugland. Mrs. Arthur Beandeanx, of Juneau, gare birth to a daughter on the 5th instant. Mayor OTJouuor will leave iu July for a threo mouths' visit iu dear old Ireland. Born. ? A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hadley, ou Saturday, Feb ruary 3rd. Wake up.? Alarm Clocks, a big stock j ?50 cents to $1.75 at JeusonTs Hard ware store. The first s.larm of the annual base-, ball excitemeut ou Douglas Island was ' heard last week. Did you kuow that you get uew tires put ou old buggy wheels, at Jenseu's Hardware Store. For Sale. ? A National Cash Kegis ter ? new ? aud a typewriter. Call at the Douglas Steam Laundry. The Alaska Labor Union is growing rapidly. At the last meeting thirty new members* were admitted. Under the auspices of the Demo- ; cratic Club of Douglas Island, a rally will be held at the Lyric Saturday night. Aurora Eucampment No. 1, I. O. O. F., installed officers Saturday night. Chas. Stites is Chief Patriarch, and Hugh McRae, Scribe. Al. Stephens came up from the Sound last week. He will spend a few mouths iu Douglas, and then will go over to the Valdez country. John Laugsetb, who returned on the Jetferson from a visit to Seattle, re- '? ports a pleasaut vacation. John is back at his case in the News print shop. ? * Besides the two full reels that are to : be run at the Lyric Friday uight showing the Golden Jubilee of KiDg Nicholas, of Montenegro, there will be two other reels ruo. Mrs. Minnie Ross and daughter Rita came up from Vancouver last week on the Jetferson, and wont over to Hoc nah on the Georgia, for a visit with Mrs. ii aue aud family. The Juueau Dispatch says that Post master John T. Splckett, of the capital city, will resign. The Dispatch also nominates Purser Fred S. Cliff, of the steamer Georgia, as his successor. Douglas Democrats held a meeting at the home of Frank Bach last Thurs- \ day, evening. A campaigu club was organized with Frank Back, president; S. Brown, vice presideutjaud H. C. De Yighne, secretary. Loy Lan, a Chinese who is seeking a divorce in the courts of Seattle, claims that lie was married to a white woman in Douglas on October 8, 1900, but his wife, after making his life anythiDg but & dream of bliss, deserted him. A tire yesterday morning in the old A. "Small wood store building brought out the tire boys from both Treadwell and Douglas. The fire had a good start, but soon gave up to a stream of water from the St. Anu avenue pipe line. The safe deposit boxes, installed in the office of J ohu Heuson & Co.. are being taken rapidly, aud will fill a long felt waut in this community. Many have felt the need of a safe place to store valuables,, and these boxes are rented as low as 50 cents a month. Camp Treadwell, No. 14, Arctic Brotherhood, will hoJd a social session at A. L. U. hall* on Tuesday evening, JPebruary 27.thrto which the wives and families of the members will be in vited. Ed McCormick,. Alex T. Nelson and Hugh McRaa have been named as a committee to make the necessary preparations for the affair. All Brother Arctics should take notice. After enjoying a visit to California, where the orange blossoms blow, Andy G. Johnson has returned to Douglas with the determination of again casting his tot with Alaska. He ie again sole proprietor of the Douglas Steam Laun dry, having bought out his partner, L. & Ferris. Andy i 9 a hard worker and his success ie assured. This is cer tainly one of the home institutions that toerits the patronage of Douglas James II. Gibson, of Haines, writing i to the Sitka Thlioget, asks the mean ing of the word "Siwa?b," saying that ! be has a9ked the same question of : hundreds of people, without receiving a reply. A full-blood Chilkat told the editor of the news that the word sim ply means "slave." An order came from the postofflce at Washington last week for the consoli dation of the Treadwell with the Doug las office. The idea is distasteful to the Treadwell people, who will try to get the order revoked. The order is probably the outgrowth of a move for ! retrenchment, as it is reasonable that j it will cost less to maintain one office, than two, and the patrons would be i served just a9 well. TREADWELL TOPICS Everyone seems quite enthusiastic over the dauce to be given at the Club tonight. The music promises to be ex ceptionally good, as the orchestra has been strengthened by several new } players. The "Has Beeus" bowled with the j "Never Was" Friday uight, winniug by , 20 pius. The losing team paid for an oyster supper after the game. Bert Fry left on the -Jeffsrson for Portland, Oregon, where he has ac-j cepted employment with Jas. K. Woods, 1 'who has charge of some brauch in an | electrical department. Mr. Woods worked with the electricians at Tread well last summer. The friends of W. G. Padget. are glad ; to know that he is regaining his strength and able to be arouud. He has been iu the hospital for several mouths. T. E. P. Keegan, recently watchman i at the store, made a short stay in Treadwell last week while the Jefferson went north. Mr. Keegan is engaged iu j the caunery business at Shakan. Frank Pettygrove resigned his posi tion at the 240 mill and expects to eu- ; list on the revenue cutter Rush. Airs. G. A. Fleek and daughter de parted on the Jefferson for California,! where they will spent several months for the beueflt of Mrs. Fleek's health. JohnCasheu is in the hospital suffer ! ing from haviug his eyes iujuied last week. The Treadwell Club band came up to Douglas last night and for several hours discoursed sweet straius of soul stirring for the beueflt of the common herd. Open air concerts are always a j treat, but when you can have them in I winter time it brings thoughts of spring breezes fragrant with the odors of budding flowers. School Notes The manual traiuiug room is now I ready for use, and pupils aud teachers I agree that it is the pleasantest room in the building. The floor has been , oiled and beuches and tools are in place. Two classes have been formed , of eight boys each, and Miss M. P. Mc- , Gill will give instructions two hours per week to each class. This includes j boys from fifth to ninth grades, and ! other boys want to take the work. From the conception of the manual training idea for Douglas schools, citi- 1 zeus of the island have showed practi cal interest; and where there have been needs the James Lumber Co., the Alas ka Labor Union and the city couucil, as well as individual citizens, have given aid. Tag Day, too, was so patron ized that few on the Island failed to take stock in the venture. Though it is late in the term for beginning the manual work, a start at least will be well made, and another year the work can be a definite part of the Douglas school course. Lucile Fox, Reporter, Just Like Spring Last Saturday morning the City Rome left Douglas with a party of huuters lor Oliver inlet, over on Ad miralty island. The sun was shining brightly and the water was smooth. After two days spent on the beach, the party returned, and the weather was still fine. There would be nothing re markable about this kind of a trip in June, but this is only the first of Feb ruary. The party comprised Messrs. Baritello, liloedhorn, O'Connor, Stub bins, Mitchell, Peters and the News I man. Registration Officer Notice is hereby given that the un j dersigned has been appointed Registra I lion officer of the City of Douglas, Alaska, for the year 1912, and that the | registration books of said City will be open at the office of Jobu Henson & Co., I Front street, Douglas, ou Thursday, ; February 1st, 1912, and for sixty (60) i days thereafter. John Henson, Registration Officer. Here's a present for every man in this town RIGHT now you will have the advantage of the lowest prices we have ever quoted on fine clothes. You cannot think of a better purchase than one of these ? - Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits or overcoats. This season we're going to move the goods faster tKan ever, get them out of the way of spring clothes coming in soon. Here's the list of prices: Suits $35.00 values on sale for 32.50 30.00 28.00 25.00 22.50 20.00 J 7.50 15.00 U u u ?? u u u *4 U i* a Overcoats $35.00 values on sale for $24.00 30.00 " " " 22.50 25.00 " " " 18.75 20.00 " " " 15.00 15.00 " '? " 11.00 [ P. H. FOX V: Douglas, Alaska j B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, "ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS SWEDISH LUTHGRANjCHURCH Sunday School every Sunday at 10 h. m. Services 8 p. m. on every Sun day. The Ladies' Aid Society meets the first Weduesday of each^month in the homes of .the members at 2 o'clock iu he afternoon. J. H. Warmanen, Keep clean and you will be healhty.l The bath tubs at the Douglas Hand j Laundry are at your service. Try them for your annual bath. j I.J.Sharick! WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ' JUNEAU ALASKA ? JUUULQJLRJUUUUl# v? B. R. LEIVERS NOW HAS A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables And asks for a share of your patronage ALSO AGENT FOR SCHILLING'S BEST FRONT ST. DOUGLAS OPPOSITE HUNTER HOTEL PHONE - - 33 ?innrnnnnnrir air^?rnnrrBinnnnf? ?VWWVWVWVWWWWWWi > SCREENED Ladysmith COAL $9.00 Per Ton, Sacked AT THE City Dock >UUUU\%UUUUUUU| j IT IS HERE!! ? i COME IN AIND L.OOK OVER OUR J i HOLIDAY STOCK==EVERYTHINQ \ J DO IT NOW ! I i ALASKA JEWELRY CO. Douglas V Che Island Rote! * * ' v ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades mines, Ciquors, and ?igars | NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS ? THE? "FEU'S I" DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS $25,00 Sewing; riachines For Rent THE "YOST" Gearless Motor Washer Sold on Guarantee A COMPLETE LINE New Furniture worthy of inspection BEATING STOVES and RANGES TINWARE AND GRANITEWARE At.Rcduccd Prices JOHN FEUSI Front St. Douglas siWillEillEEl PJHiii Pit BLOEDHORN JEWELER ? AND WATCHMAKER DOUGLAS - ALASKA Waltham, Elgin and Hamilton Watches Jewelry in Solid. Gold and Gold Filled A fine selection in Nug get Jewelry# Alaska Rings and Souvenir Spoons CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE Just Received? Rogers' 1847 KNIVES, FORKS & SPOONS Repairing a Specialty under:guaranteb