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The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Oh! you great big, beautiful dinner pails at Jensen's. Board by the day, week or month at the Douglas Grill. Airs. Roy H. Walsh will leave on the Jefferson for a visit with relatives in i Seattle. Everybody doing it, doing what? j Buying a Bissell's Carpet Sweeper at Jensen's. Miss Gerda Gustafson, M. A. Gustaf son and O. Gustafson will return to , Tacoma ou the Jefferson. Jesse Mc Williams last week killed a fine big veuisou on Douglas Island, al most within sight of town. >lr9. A. L. Anderson, after a three mouths visit iu Seattle, is a returning passenger ou the Humboldt. Don't forget the Lyric Suuday night. Four good roels of pictures and music by the famous Lyric orchestra. At last it will be possible to get a cup of good coffee and a sandwich iu Doug las. Inquire at the Palace of Sweets. Mrs. Peter Rolando and mother will be south bouud passengers ou the Jef ferson tomorrow morning for Tacoma. The pictures at the Lyric last night were very good and were seen by a well ?filled house. Change of program to night. Wm. Holmes and family will depart tomorrow euroute to New Zealand, where they will make their future home. Mrs. C. M. Blaiu and children return ed ou the Princess Sophia this morn- ! ing from Victoria, after a year's ab- , sence. If your clothes need repairiug, clean- ; ing or pressing, call on Anton Krasel, j next door to the cable office, Second street. Just arrived ? a large stock of East mau Kodaks and supplier at Ed An drews' studio. Everything sold at cat- 1 alog prices. Alex Robinson left Mouday morniug for an outing at Warm Spriugs, and Harry Jordan is dispensing good cheer at the Phoenix. The Jefferson arrived from the south Mouday evening, and will sail south bouud tomorrow morning. She carried 49 round-trippers. In the eveut that it hasn't been no ticed it might truthfully be said that there seems to be no immiuent danger of drought in these parts. F. W. Carter returned ou the Mari posa, Mouday, from a six weeks' visit with relatives in Montaua. He says he is mighty glad to get back. Mrs. B. R. Leivers returned home Monday night from Seattle, greatly im proved in health and enthused over the receut Potlatch celebration. Miss I. S. Thursby, teacher of manuel ; traiuing of the native school of Doug- 1 las, is attending the summer school of the State University at Seattle. C. R. Eppens, James Paulson and John Ouch, who have been prospecting and miuiug in the Taku river country, returned to Douglas a few days ago. Dr. Clay will give personal atteutiou to Douglas Island patients and will be at the office of Dr. Fiuley in Douglas on Tuesday and Friday of each week. When in need of a good range or cook 9tove, heaters, or anything in the j stove line, give us a call. Julius Jen sen, agent for Great Western Stove Co. Improvements being made by the Alaska Electric Light <fc Power Co. at j Juneau will enable the plant to run continuously during the 24 hours of the day. Albin Baritello, faul tfloecmorn, l?. H. Keist aud Cbas. A. Uopp left on the City of Rome, Sunday morning on a hunting expedition of a few days on Admiralty island. Mrs. J. W. Stoft and son Wesley, who have been visiting at the home of H Museth for the last six weeks, will be passengers on the Jefferson, for their home at Petersburg. The Spokane arrived at Tread well Monday forenoon on her last exoursiou trip of the season, with a capacity j crowd of tourists. Among the notables was Wm. C. Brown, president of the New York Central Railroad system. A rousing meeting of the Arctic Brotherhood will be held at the next regular meetiug next Tuesday evening. There will be election of officers and a good deal of important business to transact. All A. B.'s are requested to attend. Southbound passengers on the State of California Monday morning were: Andrew Johnson and Albert Johnson for Prince Rupert; Sid Beauland, Van couver; Ed. Anderson, Nels Anderson, Miss Aeries Bevipj and three second class for Seattle. Our Road. Supt. Jack Hayes, of the Alaska road commission, has been busily engaged during the past few days, in letting contracts to local merchants for sup- 1 plies and making preliminary arrange ments for active construction on the ; wagon road from Douglas City to the Bar. The construction gang employed on the Juneau-Eagle river road has beeu transferred to the island, and their out fit reached here yesterday. Quarters for the crew are now being established at the Lawson creek pa vilion. About thirty-five men will be em ployed as long as the weather will per mit. TREADWELL TOPICS JLee Swihart, who has been employed at the cyanide plant for the past year, was a departure on the California for his home iu Seattle. Miss Teresa Keenan, who has been visiting at the Kinzie home fchis sum mer, was a southbound passenger on the Humboldt for San Francisco. Mr. aud Mrs. Ben Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rigliug, John Gerekus and John Muhlhaucer are off to Admiralty island on Rigliug's boat for a two weeks' vacation. The S. S. Lansiug, of *he Union Oil Co., arrived Thursday aud discharged a largo cargo of oil at the Bullion tank. George Welch came in on the Cali fornia from Seattle. Mr. Welch was an employee of the company about two years ago. Andrew Prejovieh and family are leaving Alaska ou the Jefferson to take up their residence in Jackson, Cal. Wm. Duncan, repair mau at the 300 mill, was au outgoing passenger on the 1 S. S. May for a month's vacation at Vic toria. F. W. Carter, of the 240, returned on ; the Mariposa, after a two months trip j to the States. Chas. Rudy was down from Nugget creek Monday ou a busiuess trip. Nels Auderson has goue to his old I home at Irou Mountain, Mich., on a visit. A number of ladies speut a very pleasant afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stoody yesterday. Paul Carpenter and Chas. Felshoff are out on a huutiug expedition, to be j gone for a week. This is the night of the big smoker J at the Treadwell Club, giveu by the firemen. An interesting program has been prepared aud the usual good time is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carpeuter, who have beeu visiting at the home of I. D. Carpeuter, are leaving ou the Princess Sophia, by way of Seattle aud San Francisco, enroute to their home in Texas. Special Announcement To our friends and patrons ? We wish to aunounce that we have : beeu successful in obtaining the famous REXALL Line known the world over for its superiority to other lines in quality. The manufacturers of this Hue do not make one article aud guarantee it to cure every ill known to the human j body, but they make one preparation j for each and every 111, and each oue ie accompanied by au individual guaran tee ? if it doesn't give satisfaction bring it back and get your mouey back, j What more can oue ask? If you will call at this store we will be glad to show you the line aud answer any ques tions you may wish to ask regarding this or any lines we carry. Come iu ask for a sample of Rexall I orderlies aud a booklet ? they are free. We also carry a complete line of their stationery, which cannot be du plicated auywhere at the same price, j Their toilet articles are superior to any j on the market and bear the same guar antee. Besides the Rexall Hue we carry the most complete line of Drugs, Drug Sundries, Stationery, School Supplies, Office Supplies, Cigars, Candies, Surgi j cal Dressings, Sick-room Supplies, Trusses, Pennants and Post Cards, in ! Southeastern Alaska. Our toilet de- j partment is complete. A large stock of ! imported toilet preparations always in stock. Prescriptions our specialty. If you can't find what you want, tell us i and we will order it for you. We are \ uow located in the Thomas Building, j Third and D streets. Come in and look j over our different lines and be con-! vinced. Yours for service, Phone 15. The Alaska Drug Co. I am leaving Douglas on Aug. 22. Any one having claims against me will please fresent tbeui. Andrew Paitce. P"WE L.BAD OTHERS FOLLOW" W . H. FOX DOUGLAS = ALASKA Friday Surprise Sale UMBRELLAS I UMBRELLAS! One Hundred Umbrellas, of the very best materials, the kind that sell for $2.00 and $3.00, P" A 9)1.50 on sale Friday only for The Name Pox Signifies Good Merchandise B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Died? At Douglas, Alaska, on Tues day, August 20, Mrs. Anna Bonino, a native of Italy, aged 27 years. The deceased leaves a husbaud and several children to mourn her death. Funeral services will be held at the Catholic church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Father Bruckert officiat ing. Interment will be at the Douglas Catholic cemetery. The Treadwell baseball boys will be the hosts at their annual ball which will be given at Natatorium hall to morrow night. The affair promises to be one of the social events of the sea- j son. The best of music has been en- j gaged and only up to date selections will be played. Everybody is going, so join the crowd. A late ferry leaving immediately after the dance has been I arranged for the Juneau folks. Magnus, Olof aud Miss Gerda Gus tafson arrived ou the State of Cali fornia *o attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Anna Sophia Gustafson, who died here suddenly ou August 10th. Funeral services were held at the Swedish Lutheran church on Sunday,! August 18, and were atteuded by a large number of friends and members of the Odd Fellows lodge, who accom $ pauied the remains to its temporary resting place at the Douglas cemetery. Final intermeut. will be made at Ta coma. F $ -OF UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY it i CAPITAL $50,000 a Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 16,000 ^ Individual Deposits 180,000 L ^ Government Deposits... 150,000 J 4 Y ^ Commercial Accounts Solicited ^ J Special Attention Given to f * Foreign Exchauge r ^ T. F. Kennedy, President ^ % A. A ? Gabbs, Cashier J ALASKA JEWELRY CO. Douglas f 3 For Watch and Jewelry Repairing g rzrtfzrrr <x Che Island fiotel ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades iUines, Ciquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS Get a Kodak at Andrews' studio and learn to take pictures. We will show PLUMBiNG STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL WORK Jobbing, all kinds of Repair and Ma- . chine Work, Phonographs and Sewing ? Machines Repaired. ^ GAS ENGINE REPAIRING i Front Street, near Ball Park, DougJu ~ UUVUUUVWUUU wwv% B. R. LEIVERS |now has a full line of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables And asks for a share of your patronage] ALSO AGENT FOR SCHILLING'S BEST FRONT ST. DOUGLAS OPPOSITE HUNTER HOTEL PHOl\l? - - 53 I. J.Sharick I WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY JUNEIU ALASKA THE Little Douglas Importers of the Famous Glendhue Scotch Whiskey Kentucky Bonded Goods Special Attention to Family Orders Orders Promptly ^Delivered ;iito all Parts of the City "THE UTILE DOUGLAS" HUDSON & NELSON : DOUGLAS, ALASKA