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The Douglas Island News. rhE LOCAL FIELD. "Life of Milton" at tbe Lyric touight. Miss Wiuu was a passenger south ou the Al Ki. We are to 4iave another election in J ?Alaska this year. Oh! you great big, beautiful dinner | ?pails at Jensen's. Board by the day, week or month at tbe Doo+tlas Grill. They come^iu every life-?' "Clouds and .Suushine" at the Lyric touight. Do you know that you can get irou ing aud sleeve boards at Jensen's. Mrs.-J.-N. Stoody is plauning a visit -with her mother back in Iowa this whi ter. Mr. Henry Brie was a .passenger on the Georgia, Sunday, for WarmSpriugs 'bay. Mr. aud Mrs. Roy Norlin departed ou the Al-Ki to make their home iu tbe States. Mrs. D. B. Veasie, of Tread well, is planning to spend the wiuter on the ; ?Sound. The State of California will be iu the <chaunel with a buuch of tourists to- 1 -morrow. Everybody doing it, doing what? -Buying a Bissell's Carpet Sweeper at ?Jeuseu's. Frank Caraway will leave soou to re sume hi? studies at the University of Washington. The steamer Dolphin went south last ?night on the last of her excursion trips for the season. Jim MeClot-key, of Juneau, is said to 'have cleaued up $G5,0Q0 this summer in the Atlin country. Ray &iohardsou is improving the ?ront of his residence property aud ad diug a neat porch. Kobert Patrick, a Seattle real estate expei t and an old-time iaskan, is | stopping in the city. J. VV. Armstroug, who has been visit ?iug his sou Ed in this cjty, left for the south on the steamer Al-Ki. F. E. Waruer, drug -clerk at the Alas- , ka Drug Company, will launch out for -himself at Juneau next month. The Douglas public school will open on Monday, Sept. "9th, wheuit is hoped everything will be iu apple-pie order. At last it will be possible ro get a cup -of good coffee and a sandwich in Doug las. inquire at the Palace of Sweets. Mr. Hugh Day went over to Tenakee on the Georgia, Suuday. He will open a. pool room at the hot water metrop olis. T. D. Gillii is at work tlxiug up one of the rooms iu the first floor of the Odd Fellows' biiilding for a banquet hall. Next Sunday at the Congregational ?chuicb, topic, at S p. m., "That Dog." Sunday school at 2 p. m. wiith adult ; Bible. If your clothes need repairing, clean sing or pressing, call ou Anton Krasel, uext door to the cable ofllce, Second street. Mrs. Rose florid an aud Mr. Frauk Varlj^n were married at the Catholic ?churcn Sunday, Kev. Father Bruckert officiating. Just ai i ived ? a large stock of East- 1 man Kodaks and supplies at. Ed An drews' studio. Everything sold at cat alog prices. Mrs. J. t\ tieuson aud daughter, Marie, aud Mrg. J.W. Dickinson Hre Al ?Ki i>Hs*Hiigers tor a visit at Port Towu send, Wash. Mrs. Lawrence Ericksou, who was -dangerously ill last week, is much iui proved aud well ou the road to health ?and strength. John J. Penglase has lauuched his new gasoline launch "Airaa" and the j -waters of Gastiueau will now be ser rated as never before. As the nights get shorter aud you ?begin to look for amusement indoors, remember a show every night at the JLjric. Splendid music. Dr. Clay will give personal attention to Douglas lslaud patients and will- be at the office of Dr. Finley in Douglas ?on Tuesday and Friday of each week. News comes that M. J. O'Counor . started west from the Emerald Isle on the 20th. It is expected that he will ar rive at the Douglas dock about the 15th prox. A Murray, the waterworks man of Douglas, is putting iu uew liues aud mains ou several of the streets. The new pipe is six iuch woodeu and wire wrapped. Mrs. A. L. Anderson returned on the Humboldt, Satuiday, from au extended "?visit to the Souud cities. She was very ill while iu Seattle, suffering from an sattack of erysipelas, but has recovered Cxer health. wr, iftdMUJI TREA0WELL TOPICS Mrs. Mark ?>mith and children onme home on the last trip of the City of Se attle, after enjoying a two months' visit, on the Sound. \ The Treadwell school will open about the ninth of September. Miss Werner, the teacher, is expected to return on an early steamer. Orin Porter, who was a guest of the Land*burgs for two weeks, took pas sage south on the Jefferson. Ole Swanson, who has been spending his vacation in Seattle, came north on the Humboldt., Saturday evening. The '240 mill was hung up for a few j days last week on account of repair | toork. Miss Laura Clemo, who has been speuding two months with her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Christoe, plans to leave early in September for Sau Jose, Cal., where she will resume her studies at the normal. Mrs. John Richards, Mit*s Enid and the two boys returned Sunday on the Dolphiu, after quite a lengthy stay in Ashlaud, Oregon. ?Dave Christoe returned home Sun day from St. Auu's hospital iu Juueau, where he has recently undergone an operation. A teu-pouud daughter arrived at the home of Mr. aud Airs. E. M. Molntyre , yesterday afternoou. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, who have been guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Salmou, left ou the A1 Ki for the Souud. Mrs. W. H. Kelly, Marian and tionora were among the Alameda arrivals. They , have spent the past two mouths in Se attle, Wo. ?Dorothy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, while-playing on Sunday, fell aud bruised her lace aud bead quite badly. Last week P. Martini began the erec tion of a two-story dwelling on u sight ly lot in the western pait of town, fac ing on what has been called MMacca roui avenue," alias Fifth street. Frank Lawrence, a Juneau pioneer, died at the St. Aun hospital in that city last Sunday. He was a uative of ! Massachusetts, aged 46 years. He was a musiciau by profession. The editor of the News, in company with A. Baritello, Paul Bloedhorn aud | L. H. Keist returned Sunday evening from a week's outing at Hawk inlet. The only thing we accumulated was a tremendous appetite. O. M. Harry, who has been clearing a tract of laud at the cemetery, came to town Monday and declared his iuten tion of cutting off his whiskers, taking a bath and thus reducing his weight about twenty pounds. A telegraui from the Governor to Secretary Shorthill auuounces rhe ill uess of Mrs Clark, and on that account they will shorten their visit in North ern Alaska aud sail for the south as soon as they reach St. Michael. William Britt, a Skagway druggist, has purchased the Purity Pharmacy at Juueau and annouuces his intention of making it the finest drugstore in the North. A well equipped drug store is i as necessary to a town as a postofflce. Attention is called to the card of Dr. C. C. Kin ley, dentist, in this issue. The doctor is a young man who has come to make his home in Douelas. His care ful, painstaking work is his best, recom mendation and his patients are well pleased. Those in need of dental work will find his methods are up to date. ? Mr. Webster, of the telephone com pany, has leased a building site uear the sawmill office and will build a cot tage 22x22 feet for the Douglas central. Mr. Webster promises many improve ments to the system, which is gradually becomiug more popular, and at the same time more profitable to the owuers. Mr. Odin Hewitt and Miss Dorothy Clarke were united iu the holy bonds of matrimouy by Rev. 0. B. Whitinore at the Congregational church last Suu day soon after the arrival of the steamer i Dolphin from the south. Tne bride is i an Oregon girl who came north to join the man of her choice. The groom was born on Douglas Island, but left some years ago to live iu Oregon with his parents. Several months ago he re turned to Douglas and buckled down to work with a will. The reason for his industry is now made plaiu to Douglas people. He is now employed in the Feusi Hardware store. The News joins with the many friends of the young couple in wishing them a loug and happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt will live iu the Norlin cot tage on .North Second street. P"WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW" ^ W . H. F O X DOUGLAS ?--?=? ALASKA j , J Friday Surprise Sale UMBRELLAS I UMBRELLA5I One Hundred Umbrellas, of the very best materials, the kind that sell for $2.00 and $3.00, ~ JI.5U on sale Friday only for The Name Pox Signifies Good Merchandise B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU., ALASKA I Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Stubbins' Babies Mayor Wm. Stubbins was very busy the first of the week fluding homes for the five little children left motherless by the death of Mrs. Mike Bonino last j week. Kind-hearted people have given j them shelter, and the mayor is kept i busy visiting his charges to seo how j they are getting along. Mike Bonino, ! the father, has promised to contribute ? I all that he possibly can for their sup- j port. Improvement Club Meeting | The regular monthly meeting of the Douglas Civic improvement Club will be held at the school house next Tues day evening. The dauciug party given at Nata- j torium hall last Thursday was a social | success. Those v.-ho attended say that j it wa^ one of the best of the yea?-. Financially it was some to the bad, but the boys and girls had a good time. The baseball team has disbanded fori the season or' 1912. DR. C. C. FIN LEY DENTIST Office in the O'Connor Building j Third Street Phone 5-2 Open Evenings. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CAPITAL $50,000 Surplus and Uudivided ^ Profits 8 1G,000 * ^ Individual Deposits 180,000 u ^ Government Deposits... 150,000 J a . V Commercial Accounts Solicited ^ J Special Attention Given to r Foreign Exchange r T? F* Kennedy, President ^ 7( A. A. Gabbs, Cashier ft * * 3 jj ALASKA JEWELRY CO. Douglas ? For Watch and Jewelry Repairing g iALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor M trades pne$, Ciquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trtirie Solicited?? -Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS *OI !??? 1 ?! ^BWILM ? I ?? ?? !!?? ?? MT^P? **^0? ? ? P?WUg-X? M>J? ? ?? ? ?A (it!t a Kodak at Andrews1 at.ndio and learn to take pictures. We will show i yon. ? VVVW ww V*. VWW^WV'VV*. J T-r A f PLUMBING STEAM FITTING $ SHEET METAL | WORK t i f Jobbing:, all kinds of Repair and Ma- \ chine Work. Phonographs and Sewing Machines Repaired. OAS ENGINE REPAIRING ?! Front Street, near Ball Park, Dougit ^ j i ?JLQJLQJLSJUULfi^ B. R. LEIVERS |now has a full line of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables And asks for a share of your patronage' ALSO AGENT FOR SCHILLING'S BEST FRONT ST. DOUGLAS OPPOSITE HUNTER HOTEL PHONE - - 53 LJ.Sharick WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY . JUNEAU ? ALASKA MM I M ? 1 I THE Little Douglas Importers of the Famous Glendbue Scotch Whiskey Kentucky Bonded Goods Special Attention to Family Orders Orders Promptly ^Delivered to all Parts of the City "i mill iiw HUDSON & NELSON DOUOl/AS. Al/AS'uVi