Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Island News. THE LOCAL FIELD. Stars You moaner beauties of the nipht. That poorly satisfied our eyes More by your number, than your llgrht; You eornraon people of the skies. What are you tvheu the moon shall rise? Sik Hx.vry Wottox. Jim MoKanna has moved to Juneau Oh! you great big, beautiful diuner pails sit Jensen's. Home-made Gaudies Saturday after noons at the Palace of Sweets. Do you know that you can get iron ing aud sleeve boards at Jeuseu's. See our big qc, 10c aud ioc bargaiu counter. Douglas Hardware store. One Alaska town couucil has passed ?au ordinance regulating the "Movies." Robert Cough liu was laid up for sev eral day? with au attack of ticdoulour oux. F.A.J. Galiwas, of the O'Connor store, is sick w?h something like the grip. Watch our windows for display of electrical goods. Douglas Hardware Store. Get a Kodak Andrew** studio aud learu to take pictures. W*e will show you. Everybody doing it, doiug what? Buying a Bissell's Carpet Sweeper at Jensen's. Ranges, stoves and heaters ? ail prices. Douglas Hardware Store. Phoue -55. The ladies ot the Lutheran church cleaued up about Slot) at their bacar last night. Mrs. Jos. Riedi and children will be passengers on the Humboldt for a visit at Seattle. The A. B. camp bad a lively meeting last night aud will have another next Tuesday uight. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Zimmermau and . son Chester departed last week for a visit to tire States. Charlie Mann and Johunie Duucau will furnish the music at the A.B. camp next Tuesday nighL "Dolly'" Gray, the whirlwind bail player and Juneau councilman, has re turned from a visit to the States. Just arrived ? a large stock of East-; ma?? Kodaks and supplies at Ed An drews' stadia Everything soid at cat alog prices. Next Saturday eveuing 19 tbo time for the regular mouthly meeting of the j Douglas Volunteer Kire Department.' Place? A. L. U. Hall. The new Grundler House is being, fitted out throughout with furniture of the latest style, a large shipment having arrived last week ou the Spokane. George E. Brown aud Ed. L. Arm strong have leased the Douglas Nata ' toriura aud will operate a skating rink, i The building is to be overhauled en tirely and several new features added. A. Baritello, August Anderson and daughter, Miss Lydia, and Mesdames Skillmau aud Cottrell returned safely Sundav from Pybus Bay, where they had t?e^u camping for a couple of weeks. During the past week a mantle of suow, beautiful snow baa covered the mountain tops, and its encroachment of the lower levels is daily expected. The flowers are still blooming in the gardens. Merchant Stubbins has a new elec tric .wigu, aud Merchant Rogers has added a border of lights to the orua meutatiou 'of his store front. Mer chant Fox has also added a uew light to the entrance to his store. Uno Bruvar, a resident of Southeast ern Alaska for the past eleveu years, committed suicide at Juneau last Wed nesday morning by shooting himself iu the temple with a 38 caliber pistol. A sufferer from stomach trouble, it is believed that his disorder affected hi9 brain. J. L. Byrnes, representing the John H. White Co., of Seattle, is having spleudid success in selling lots in the new South Fauntleroy addition to Se attle. S10 down and $5 a month secures a lot for a home or investment. Lots now selling at from $175 to $350. Par ties interested may call at Mr. Byrnes office at the Corbett House, or phone 4-3-2, Douglas. Don't miss looking in the Haber dashery window as you call for your mail, just opposite the post-ofiice. We have a fine line of Shoes, Hats, Under wear, Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, aud a good u.auy other things too uumerous to meution. If you don't see what you want iu the window, step right in aud we will show it to you. Why we say it, because others say it. Prices are right. The Haberdashery Store. TREAD WELL TOPICS Mia* Mary Kenuedy waa an arrival | ou the princess Sophia. Mr9. C. E. Bennett went south on tho Jefferson for a six weeks trip. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Luudell, of The Piues, last week. Pay day was a couple of days late this month, owiug to the late arrival of the Spokane. Boxen o? beautiful flowers were re ceived on the Seattle to be used ut. the i wedding today. N. J. Daviscourt the popular wrestler, returned to his home in Elleusburg, Wash., last week. Mr. aud Airs. P. Peterson of the . wPiuesM have goue to Tenakee Springs for a short ottting. Leo Demytt is slowly recovering from a badly poisoued hand, but is still un able to resume work. Miss Gamble pleased the Saturday night -Club audience with two excel lently rendered readings. A business meeting of the firemen ; will take place at the Club tonight, fol- j lowed by a few reels of pictures. ?en Stoltmann got a piece of steel iu his eye, while at his work, which is causing him a gre9t deal of pain. A. N. Bobletts of the carpenter force, had the misfortune to have his foot badly crushed by a falling timber. The interior of the little Treadwell New* Stand, near the poat-offlce, is being improved with beaver board. Guy Johnson returned fro? Nugget creek yesterday, where he has been working with the surveyors for the j past two weeks. Construction work is to be started immediately on tho new gymnasium building, which i? to be erected ou the i old fouudry bite. Matt lialm has moved his family from cottage No. 8, ou St. Ann avenue, to Jiving rooms finished off iu tfteir 1 new store building. Daniel Webster, under the doctor's careful attention, is quickly recovering j from a severe cold which had settied iu , the brouchial tubes. The Weduesday night ? Club dance | was quite a success, with representa- j tives from both sides of the channel 1 present, aud the usual good music. Mrs. R. A. Kinzie left for San Frau cisco last week to visit relatives aud to j be present at the wedding of her broth- ; er, which takes place in November Asst. Supt. Kennedy was a south bound passenger on the Spekr.ns en route to San Krauciaco, where he ex pects to wed Mis3 Teresa Keeuan, of that city. The electricians are busy putting up : new poles on the hill back of the Tread- i well power plant, to connect with I he new plant which has been installed at : >mgge t creek* ' j The water toumameut, which is al- 1 ways looked forward to, especially by j the swimmers of the Island, is to be held Thursday evening instead of Wed nesday, as was originally planned. The wedding of Miss Pearl Mackie to ( Mr. Elmer Ray James takes place this afternoon at & o'clock at the fcotBo of the bride's parents. From 8 to 10 this I ! evening a reception wil! be held to , which the many friends of tb.e popular j i young couple are invited. Mrs. O. A. Anderson returned last j : week, oa the Jefferson, from a Visit in the States. Full line of plumbing goods. Etetl- ! mates freo on all work. Douglas Hard1 ware Store. The socialists have named a ticket; 1 j for senator, Carl SwansOn and George Bland; for representative, Peter Twett, Geo. Stukey, John N eland and E. A.: Heath. Mrs. John Peusi arid daughters Sllifc- j abeth and Mamie will depart on the ! j Humboldt for Tacomn> where tbey are j called by the alarming Illness of Annie \ the eldest daughter. Mrs. B. R. Leivers will go down to ! the States ou the Humboldt with the little child she has been caring for so tenderly. She goes to obtain treatment for the child's eyes. Home people will anxiously hope for felicitous results. Prof. Beattie, of Juneau, occupied the pulpit at the Congregational church last Sunday evening, in the absence of j Pastor 0. B. Whitmore, who has gone ! to take in the sights at Sitka. The pas tor will be back by next Sunday, and | will hold services as usual. Willie Santanen, whose escapades and subsequent wallopings and wait ings have aroused the sympathy of the tender hearted for several months past, i has departed for Frisco, where his ! course in life will henceforth be direct ed by a man who is proud to style him i self an auarchist. Poor Willie. P" W'E LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW" bt .1 . H. F O X DOLGLAS => ALASKA j We have just received a large shipment of the XI RAG op D Brand of Clothes for Boys. They come in all sizes from the smallest to the largest and retail at the popular prices of $5.00 TO $12.00 We also have a fine line of WALKOVER SHOES for MEN and WOMEN? the shoes that cannot be beat for price, material or wear. EH 5 J JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska 2NTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS- . nunaruajn Dr. Martin D Amourette arrived this morning on the Humboldt. Jim Huffman went up to Eagle River ; this morning on the Georgia. BORN ? To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fras ier on Monday, October 21st, a girl. Mrs. Itoe Beutley tins been very sick* but is slightly improved at the present writing. Bert Loomis, head sawyer at thej James mill, left on ths Sampson for i the Stntes. Bishop Rowe, a ucted Alaskan mi - i ' slonary, held services at rhe Episcopal ; church Sunday. Big time Saturday night; at the meet ing of the fire department. Also hi yu muck-amuck. Johnnie Laughlin returned tc Hoo nah yesterday with George Skotter, Jr., who came over on the gas boat Sokol. The La Touche dumped 150 tons of j high grade Canadian coal into the ; bunkers at the City Douk <ast Satur day. The George E. James Co. saw mill closed down for the season, having completed the largest cut of logs in its history. ?f your clotkes need repairing, Clean ing or pressing, call on Anton Krasel, { next doer to the cable office, Second streots F. H. Foe has just received the agency ; for the Bon Ton and Royai Worcestor I corsets. They retail at from SLOG to $10.00 each. George Bach, Harold Miller and Cecil i Bach left iast week for the States. Ce- 1 cil v/i'l visit with his sister, Mrs. Wil tner Edwin, at Prestoc, Wash. When in need of a good range or j cook stove, heaters, or anything in the etove line, give us a call. Julius Jen sen, agent for Great Western Stove Co. Death of Stephen Ring Died, at Douglas, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. I9th, Stephen Ring, a native of Youghal, County of Cork, Ireland, aged 67 years. The fuueral was held from Our Lady of the Mines Catholic Church under the auspices of the Alaska Cath olic Club, at 9 o'clock a. tn., ou Mon day, Oct. 21, Rev. Father Bruckert offlc iating. Intermeut at the Douglas cem etery. Deceased was a pioneer of the Northwest and identified with the starting of many of the new towns of this section. He had no relatives in Douglas, but is mourned by all who knew him. To Whom It May Concern That we never received any money for care of Bonino child, that is in our care, from Baritello or any other source up to the present date. Mr. and Mrs. Lei vers. \ ALASKA JEWELRY CO. Douglas ? ^ Foj? Watch and Jewelry Repairing ? Cle 1$' ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor I Best Grades Wines, Liquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trncfe Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL . WORK Jobbitur, all kinds of Kepair and Ma chine Work, Phonographs and Sewing: ^ Machines Repaired. } GAS ENGINE REPAIRING ^ Front Street, near Hall Park, Dougrii ^ QSlJLSlSL^SlSLSLSlJLSLSJlSlSl SULSUUJiSiSi^ We have a silent salesman at our store that sells nothing1 but Sealshipt Oysters? the world's best. Come in and see how it's done, and ask for a recipe booklet. It's free. U\m$ $ &oudfclin j? |i J gharick |P2ji\ WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Wfe# JEWELRY '-"St JUNEAU ALASKA THE Importers of the Famous Glendhne Scotch Whiskey KentuckyjBonded Goods Special Attention to Family Orders Orders Promptly Delivered to all Parts of the City "I HIRE DIMS" M. S. HUDSON DOUGLAS, ALASKA