Newspaper Page Text
A The Douglas Island News Bntered at Douglas Post-office as Second Class Mail Matter. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY CHARLES A. HOPP .Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: One Year Six Month# - Three Months Siugle Copies - Wednesday, May 28. 1913 ?in Advance. - - #3.00 - - - - . - 1 .50 - . - - - 75 _ 10 Memorial Day Each year, as the !U)th day of May draws near, oar minds center on Me morial Day, in honor of the heroic dead. We publish below a true copy of Commander-in Chief John A. Login's order No. 2, issued May 5, 1368, which sets forth the noble purpose of that sacred obse; vance: "Headquarter:* Grand Army of the Re- ' public, Washington, D.C., May5,lS6S. "General Orders No. 2. UL The :*Oth day of May, 1868, is : designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves ot' Comrades who died iu de- j fense of their country during the late; rebellion, and those bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet ' churchyard in the laud. In this ob servance no form of ceremony is pre scribed, but Posts and Comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect, as circumstance* why permit. "We are organized. Comrades, as our regulation* tell us, for the purpose, among other things. l<>f neserving and strengthening tho*e kind :ind fraternal reeling* which hare bound together the soldiers, sailor^ and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion.* What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the mem ory of our heroic de^d, who made their breasts a barricade between our coun try and its foes? Their >o!dier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chaius, and their dtaths a tattoo of re bellious tyranny iu arms. We should j guard their graves with sacred vigil ance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security i* hut a fitting tribute to the memory of her slam de- ( fenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasaut paths invite the coming and going- of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no vandalism of avar ice or neglect, uo ravages of time,, tes j tify to the present or to the comiug generations t hat we haVfe forgotten as a people the cost of a> free and un divided republic. "If other eyes grow dull and other hands slack, and other hearts cold iu the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth'j of life remain to us. "Let us, then, at the time appoiuted,.i gather around their sacred remains and'! garlaud the passionless mounds above j them with the choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above theicthe dear old flag they saved from dishonor;;: let us in this solemn presence- renew our pledges to aid and1 assist those whom they have left among us, a sacred charge upnu the nation's gratitude? the soldier's and sailor's widow <\nd' orphan. "2. It is the purpose of the Com--; mauder in-Chief to inaugurate this ob servance with the hope that it will be kept from year to year, while a sur vivor of the war remaius- to houor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the publie press to call attention to this order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notice of comrades iu all parts of the country in time for simultaneous com pliance therewith. i "3. Department commaodenr will" use every effort to make this order ef fective. By command of "JoHit A. Logan j "Com mander-in-Chief. UN. P. Chifman, Adjutant General" Card of Thanks To the kind friends whose gentle ministrations and tender sympathy has helped as to bear oni harden of grief in the loss of oar loved one, we take this meaus of expressing our deep and lasting gratitude. Mbs. Gertrude Laughlin ant> fam ily and Mae. Roe Bentjley. Exercises Abandoned i We are giveu to understand that be- i t cause of the strict quarantine regula ; tions,the proposed Memorial Day exer cises which were to have been held ' under the directiou of the Civic Im I provement Club, have been abandoned.) However, this will not prevent those | who are so disposed from going to the cemetery at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, as ha* been planned, and covering the graves of loved ones with flowers. By legislative enactment Memorial Day has been declared a holiday in Alaska, and Douglas people, who have for many years observed the day, will not neglect it now. The graves of the soldiers will be decorated by tbe ladies of the club, and a neat cross bearing the name will be erected at each grave. i . . . I Played in the Mud The Douglas l>iaud ball team went over to Juneau Suuday, supported by a host of rooters and fans, and armed to conquer. However, upon arriving at the Capital City, it was found that on accouut of the wet climate which af j ilicts that locality, only a practice gam*} was possible. Fiv? innings were agreed upou, and aftnr slopping mound in the mud for tha*. period, the score stood 4 to & in favoi of Dou^la-. By ?bat time theplayeis* pretty suits were all cov ered with mud, and it appeared to be working through iu spots. The game ; uext Sunday will be on the Douglas grounds and promises to be a tryout for the best that is in both teams. Early last Thursday morning the City of Rome sailed with Messrs. Bar i tello, Brie, O'Connor, Stubbins and the News Mau on board. After a rough voyage South islaud was reached. Here a small cratt may tind shelter liom a, south wind and the huigry waves of Frederick souud by creepiug in close to a rocky point. While it is not au ideal harbor, as a i efuge from a storm it is sometimes veiy friendly. On the way home a .-'op was made at Doty's cove. Here th** single inhabitant, Charlie Doty, has lived for nine years. A veteran of the civil war, he bravely battles with the wilderness and stauds strong and firm in spite of his 76 years. A comfortable cabin, >t good supply of tire wood, a bubbling spring and a gar- ? den plot where the stiawberries ate already in bloom, add to the cheerful ness of the scene. An arm of the sea winds like a river for mile- inland, and aiong its banks bear and deer find juicy herbage. An ideal spot for huut j tafr Photographer Ed Andrews, who re cently visited the Taku glaciers, is ex- i hibiting some splendid views taken in dangeious proximity to the massive bodies of moving ice. Ed intrusted himself to the care of that intrepid young navigator, Abel Anderson, who ha> spent whole summers in the vicin ity of the glaciers and it was only be cause of his knowledge and skill that the near approach was made with j safety. 0^ Headaches are caused ! /O* by Eye strain;- can be cur efi- permanently by proper fitted glasses ? SilvVRITK-. optipiav .1 ON RA'U ?ric Theatre 1-4 Jf mRBHC N-1G4WS? ; WEDNESDAY, TMJRSDfctf,, FRIDAY, 4L 5 and 6 i&E. the musical sveitfl '*k<& season, the Jtrve n i 1 e* 'BO5T0NIANS' m ntrisie^ eorfredy and comic successes ?^A CtowrKweet* Ofl ZU Slvt^fiin Girls ZU Opening opera the tuneful Operetta, ? "THE DREAM GIRL" Satire change of opera each uight Prtces: Reserryed, $1.00. General admission, 50 cents. Seats on sale at Palace of Sweets ? JReady Monday morning. B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska INTEREST PAID OIM SAVINGS DEPOSITS Ordinance No. 45 I An Ordinance Governing the Disposition of i Garbage in the Town of Douglus: The Town of Douglas does ordain as fol dain as follows: Sec. 1. It shall he the duty of the head of; each and every family within the corporate limits of the Town of Douglas to maintain j on his or her premises a galvanized, covered, garbage can, the contents of which shall be I ? emoved atleast once a week, and (lumped i into Gastineau Channel l?olovv mean high | ; tide. Sec. 2. Any person failing to comply with ! the provisions of this ordinance shall be ; deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon I conviction thereof before the municipal magistrate, sjmll be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars (?100.00) ; or by imprisonment in the city jail not more ! than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and j imprisonment. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall be published i on the 21st and 28th days of May, 1913, in the Douglas Island News, a newspaper | published in the Town of Douglas, ana shall take effect and be in force from and after the date on which it is passed and approved. Passed and approved this 19th day of May, IMS. M. J O'CONNOR, I President of the Common Council j and ex-officio Mayor of t lie Town Attest: of Douglas* J. b\ 11UNSON, Acting Clerk of the Town ot Douglas. In the U- S-. Commissioner's Court atJu-j neau. for Alaska, Division No. 1; in Probate. In the matter of the Estate of O. H. Adsit, deceased. Notice is hereby driven that A.T. Nolson, the administrator de bonis uon of the ?state of O. H. Adsit, deceased, has. rendered and < presented for settlement, and filed in sai l court, his final report and uceou t of !tis ad- 1 ministration of the said estate; and that i Saturday, the r>tl? day of July, 19m, nt. li ! o'clock, at t!ie Court Kooin Of said court., in ' the City of Juneau, Alaska, 1 us be n duly appointed by said Court, for the settlement of sai<i account. \\2:ieh time arid place any i person interested in the said estate may ap- 1 pear and file his exceptions in writing to' rhe said account and contest the saim*. Dated April 29th. I9ltf. [sea. .] G. -C. WINN, U. S. Commissioner and ex-Oflicio. Probate Judge. u".i jy In the U.S. Commissioner's Court, at .Ju neau, for Alaska, Division No. 1; In Pro bate. In the matter of the Estate of < Paul Bach in, Deceased. i Notice is hereby given that .\1. J. O'Connor, the administrator of the estate of Paul liachia, deceased, has rendered and present ed for settlement, and filed in said Court, his final report and account of his adminis tration of said estate; and that Saturday, the 28th day oT June, 19IS, at 11 o'clock, at the Court Room of said Court, in the. City of Juneau. Alaska, has been duly appointed by said Court for the settlement of said ac count, at which rime and place any person interested in said e-tate may appear and file his exception*, in writing to the said ac count and content the same. Dated April 22nd, 1913. G. C, \V INN, U. S. Commissioner and ex-otfieio Probate J udire. April 2S-J line 2?. I.J.Sharick \ WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ; JEWfcLKV JUMEAU ALASKA ROBERT SIMPSON, OptD. Scientific Mractionist PERMANENT OFFICE JUNEAU OVER RAYMOND COMPANY Have Your Glasses Fitted by a Specialist Douglas S Treadwell by appointment PHONE 2-0-5 5 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY ^ CAPITAL $50,000 ? Surplus and Uudivided K Profits $ 16,000 ^ Iudividual Deposits 180,000 w Government Deposits... 150,000 k Commercial Accounts Solicited g Special Attention Given to ^ Foreign Exchange F T. F. Kennedy, President ^ A. A. Gabbs, Cashier p JUST RECEIVED THE NEW IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES ?&T \ A D VERY ! NAPES fcotli inmrnzd and imtfimmed, for Ladies and CktMten, on display at I Witt. Stubbins FRONT STREET DOUGLAS Fine, firm, tender Beef, Clean, sweet Pork, Lounge Lamb, Fresh Veal. Fish, Poultry and game in season We solicit your patronage. Phone 1-0. ! ? TREADWELL MARKET |! WHOLESALE and RETAIL m -Si * J Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry Ham, Bacon and Lard IS !jj Fish and game in season 'PHONE AUTO 1-8 Treadweil, Alaska I ? ' ' ' iffl |4t>!