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? r EVERVTH1NQ YOU NEED STEAMERS FOR Seattle, T acoma Victoria, Vancouver, Anacortes, Bellingham Everett, Olympia, Port Townsend, South Bellingham, Eureka, Santa Barbara, Mexico San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego G. W. ANDREWS, a A. P. D. C. D. DUNANN, P. T. M. 1 13 James St., Seattle 112 Market St., San Francisco Richt reserved to change this Schedule NEXT SAILINGS WILL BE Northbound? Aug. 23, Sept. 4, 16, 28 V-ilty 01 oCcittie Southbound? Auk. 26, Sept. 5,17,29 O . f _ . _ Northbound? September- 9, 21, Oct. 4 OpOKduC Southbound ? September 10,22, Oct. 5 For information regarding passenger and freight rat??, apply t R. R. HUBBARD, Agent. Cbe Canteen WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS AGTS FOR Olympia Brewing Company ALASKA FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING CO. LOUIS U. THOMAS, - - Manages" furniture ***** w ***** | Manufactures * all kinds of.. ********* OUT OF YELLOW CEDAR Special Articles of Furniture Made and Guaranteed. and | Caskets f (MM S. S. HUMBOLDT D?," Northbound Aug. 21, Sept. 2 Southbound... Aug. 22, Sept. 3 M. J. O'Connor, Agt. Sailing Date Snbject to CbaDge^Withoat Notice SEATTLE OFFICE 103 Yesler Way ...Alaska Tlym... ??? Between Seattle, Ketchikan, Doug* las, Juneau and Skagway. Due to arrive at Douglas : Jefferson North ? Aug. 1 3, 25, Sept. 7 South ? Aug. J 6, 28, Sept. 8 Dolphin North ? Aug. 19, 31 9Sept.X3 South ? Aug. 22, Sept. 3, 14 Steamers mid sailing dates subject to change without notice. This it the only line of steamers calling regu larly at Douglas both Nortn and South bound Elmer E. Smith, Agent. Douglas, Alaska Juneau Stcamsbip ?o. U. s. MAIL STEAMER Georgia Juneau-Sitka Route Leaves Juneau for Hoonah, Gypsum, Ton akee, Killisnoo, and Sitka April 22, 28, May 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, June 8, 9, IS, 21. 27, July 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, August 2, 8, 14, 20, 26. Leaves Juneau for Tyee, 8 a. m.? April 28, May 28, June 27, July 27, August 26, Sept. 25. Juneau - Skagway Route Leaves Juneau for Pearl Harbor, Eagle Kiver, Yankee Cove, Comet, Sentinel Light Station, Eldred Rock Light Station Haines and Skagway: 8 a. m. April 20, 26, May 2,8, 14,20,26, June 1, 7, 18, 19, 25, July 1, 7, 18, 19, 25, 31, August 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 Returning LenvesSkagway following day WILLIS E. NOWELL, Mgr. The CITY BAKERY JOSEPH RIEDi Prop. We hare the reputation of pro ducing the beet bread in Douglas Sanitary Bakery Methods FREE DELIVERY Parties supplied with made- to order dainties. ? Your Patronage Solicited Land Regulations The following iuformatiou oomes from the general land office and may be interesting to those contemplating , land eutrtes: The regulations approved January 13, 1904 (32 L. D. 424), pursuant to the re quirements of the act of May 14, 1898 (30 Stat., 409), as amended by the act of March 3, 1903 (32 Stnt., 1028), provided that "no entry of any kind in the dis trict of Alaska can, however, be allowed for land extending more thau one hun dred and sixty rods along the shore of any navigable water, which is twice the extent originally permitted by the act of 1898, and along such shore a space of at least eighty rods is reserved between all claims." In administering said acts in accord ance with such regulations and the in structions herein contained, no uuivey will be approved and no application, selection, filing or location will be al lowed under any law for such reserved areas others than for landings or wharves as provided in section 10 of the aforesaid act of May 14, 1898. The reservation between claims along navigable waters is absolute, except as , to landings and wharves, and precludes all forms of appropriation under any law, but the inhibition in the reserva tion between claims along "other waters" applies only to scrip, land war rants and soldiers' additional claims. In order to carry into effect the will of congress respecting the limitation of claims along the shore liue and the reservation of 80 rods between all such claims, it is directed that where any claim is so located as to approach within 80 rods of the actual shore line such claim will be considered as located on the shore for that purpose. The term "navigable waters" is con strued by the act of May 14, 1898, pupra ? * * * "to include all tidal waters up to the line of ordiuary high tide and all nontideal waters navigable in fact up to the line of ordinary high tide mark." The limitation along the shore line is, however, extended by the act of March 3, 1903, supra, to "along any navigable or other waters." It becomes, neces sary, therefore, to define what is in cluded in the expression "other waters." in the opinion of thin depart ment those words should be held to luclude all waters of sufficient magni tude to require meandering under the manual of surveys, or which are used as a passage way or for spawning pur- 1 poses by salmon or other sea-going fish. "Hoosit" A Chicago lady had a Swedish cook, aud she heaid this conveisation be tween her cook and the maid uext door, also a Swede: "How are you, Hilda?" "I well. I like my job. We got cre mated cellar, cemetery plumbing, elas tic lights and a hoosir." "What's a 'hoosit,' Hilda?" "Ob, a bell rings. You put a thing to your ear and say, 4Hello,' and some says 'Hello,' and you say 'Hoosit.' " ? Montreal Herald. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School every Sunday at 10 j a. n). Services 8 p. m. on every Sun day. The Ladies' Aid Society meets the first Wednesday of each month iu the j homes of the members at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. J. H. Warmanen, Pastor. ROBERT SIMPSON, Opt.D. Scientific Kefractionist PERMANENT OFFICE JUNEAU OVER RAYMOND COMPANY Have Your Glasses Fitted by a Specialist Douglas & Treadwell by appointment PHONE 2-0-5 ? -- iinitwwvwii ? ? - ? - ~ ? ?y for ?o?urinK patents. 1Kb Mann Co. reeeivf tptcial notice, without cbarRO, ia the Scientific American. A handsomely illwt rated Jreekly. Lnrywt elf. ^1UNN 4 Cc 36tBroadway- New Yorfr 1 Bnwch OBce. ? F Ft- WMbintfou. D.C. Students in Forestry at the Universi ty of Washington take a course in the diseases of trees. Tbf> course oonsists of ten lectures taking up the distribu tion of fungi, how they get into trees and what they do in them. The general causes aud nature of decay of trees is studied and tin general principles un derlying the treatment of diseased trees. Bering sea and Arctic ooean fur tra ders complain that the present will be a lean year for them, according !o re ports from Nome. They say it is open ing up more inauspiciously than last year did, and last yoar was the worst of many. The natives on tbe Siberian coaat were so hard pressed for food, say the traders who have returned to Nome, that mauy of them were com pelled to eat furs that they had gather ed during the winter. The American natives had an abundance of food, chiefly hair seal, but they fared little better than their Russian relatives when it came to socuring furs. Walrus are also reported as very scarce this year, aud, as a result, there will be a shortage of the ivory crop. To those going to the Shushanna, the Skagway Alaskan suggests one of these three routes: Coffee Creek Route?From White horse to Coffee Creek, by boat, 300 miles, thence by pack trail, easy grade, government road, to Canyon City, 115 miles, thence to diggiDgs 60 miles by trail. Kluane Lake Route ? Prom White* horse to Kluane Lake, over government road iu fine shape, 145 miles; down lake 40 miles; over good trail to Canyon City 85 miles aud into strike 60 miles. White River Route ? Whitehorse down Yukon to White River and up to Doojek river all way by steamer, ap proximately 350 miles, landing within 80 miles of the strike. Easy Money Champ Clark tell* of a Bowling Green, Missouri, youngster, who asked his mother for a nickel. "You should earn some of your spend ing money," reproved the mother, "and not always come to me for it." The boy went away. That afternoon his mother saw him on the street sur rounded by a crowd of boys. She went to him, aud tacked on a fence post be hind him was a card, ueatly printed, which bore this aunouucement: "Willie Jones will eat 1 small worm for. 1 cent 1 large worm for 2 cents 1 butterfly for 2 cents 1 caterpillar for 3 cents 1 hop toad for 5 cents" And the boy, his mother plainly saw, was doing a good business. Something new in life preservers at Jensen's. It takes the place of a cush ion and pillow, and passes inspection on all motor boats as a life preserver. Ask to see it wheu you pass by. WHEN IN JUNEAU TAKE IN THE ORPHEUM THEATRE JUNEAU FERRY AND NAVIGATION CO PKKKY TINECAKD LEAVE JUNEAU For Doug'.aaand Tread well: 6:30 a- m. 8:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 6:80 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 1:00 p.m. 9:S0 p. m. 2:00 p. in. 11:00 p. m LEAVE DOUGLAS For Treadwell: For Juneau: 6:45 a. m. 7 :13 a. in. 8:15 a. m. 8:80 a.m. 9:15 a. m 9:45 a. m. 11:15 a.m. 11:80 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:90 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 2:80 p.m. ?:15 p. m. 8:80 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:15 p.m. 8:80 p.m. 9:45 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 11:15 p.m. 11:80 a.m. leave treadwell For Douglas and Juneau t 7:10 a.m. 8:25 p.m. 8:25 a m. 5:40 p. m. 9:40 a. in. 6:56 p. m. 11:25 a.m. 8:25 p.m. 1:25 p. m. 9:55 p. m. 2:25 p.m. ll:25?m. SHEEP CREEK TRIP? Leave Douglas: Leave Sheep Creek t 6:45 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 9:15 a. m, 9:80 a. ro. 5:15 p. m. 5:80 p. m. On Saturday and Wednesdayrnlffbta 11 pt m. trlpa will go to Sheep Creek; leaving Treadwell for Joneau a 1 11 :40 p. m.: leaving Don srl a* for Juneau at ll:45p. m.