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The Douglas Island News, THE LOCAL FIBLD. Rogers Bros. 1847 Silverware. See Jensen's. Try Fleischmann's Yeast. Fresb ou every boat, at Fox's. Don't forget that Jensen has ice creepers for sale. Fine winter weather this. \es, I like anythiug but wind. George Bach returned from Lime stone last Saturday. Frank Cashen left last week for a visit back iu Michigan. Suow shovels, Yukon sleds, boys' coasters and ice skates at Jensen's. The First Territorial Bank of Alaska will not be open for business tomorrow The City of Rome left again a few days ago with a party of goat huuters. Born.? A son was born to Mr. aud Mrs. James Bowie, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Kodaks and Kodak Supplies of all kinds always on hand at Andrews' studio. Frank Tascher returned from a trip to the Westward last week on the Mar iposa. Mrs. H. E. Dahl returned on the Dolphin from a visit with relatives iu the east. A coal famiue is on in Juneau, but there is still plenty of whiskey, Bro. Howdeshell. The public school will extend its Thauksgiviug vacation over until Mou day morning. The Corwin from Nome passed Gas tineau channel points yesterday bound for Seattle. A Taku wind should remind you to go to Jensen's aud tit your home with j storm windows. Born. ? A daughter was born to Mr. j and Mrs. Robert Dennard on Tuesday, November 25th. Alaska Lodge, No. 1, 1. 0. 0. F., will entertain the Rebekahs at a social tc> be given tonight. Take a Kodak with you ou your next fishing trip, aud prove to your friends that you are not a liar. Fleischmann's Yeast produces good, wholesome, nutritious bread. Fresh on every boat, at P. H. Fox's. Musio lovers should not miss the treat at the Ljric Friday uight. The Filipino Stringed orchestra will play. Hazel Kirke, the famous old drama, will be bhowu Sunday night at the Lyric. Musio by the Lyrio orchestra. If your clothes need repairing, cleau ing or pressing, call on Anton Krasel, | next door to the cable office. Second ; ?treet. Universal percolators, aluminum tea balls, coal oil stoves, electric stoves, al cohol stoves. See Jeusen's window display. Jensen has on display some very uice hand-painted china in several designs j which make very appropriate presents to auy one. A couple of stalwart young Chech- j acos made their way over the trail at the meeting of the Arctio Brotherhood , last night. Julius Jensen is preparing to give someone a very nice Christmas present this year. When you call at the store, ask about it. Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, most of tbe ftorea in Douglas will close at doou aod remain closed for the bal ance of tbe day. Councilman Prank Oliver had the misfortnne last week to lose a finger, by getting it mixed up with the tnbe at tbe cyanide plant. Sammy Gauffiu, of Petersburg, who now sails under tbe title of captain, as master of a fine launch of bis own, visited Douglas last week. Found. ? A braided, hair watcbcbain, with F. O. E. oharm. Owuer may have same by calling at Henry Stevens' store wbiob is down on the beach. The strings of lights climbing the hill, both at Juneau and Sheep Creek might be the work of a Japanese dec orator. Tbe effect is startling. Tbe beautiful flowers of Alaska are now uuder tbe snow, but beautiful flowers shipped from Seattle may be annexed at two bits eaoh blossom. Mrs. R. K. Rockefeller and children went down to Ketchikan last week, where the husbaud and father is eugag ed in the moving picture business. ? We are informed that Mr. W. W. Beidleman has taken a three-year lease on the Board of Trade building and will open a saloon and lodging bouse. Wo. Ott, who left Douglas some* thing .like seven years ago, returned yesterday. He is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. John Feusi, and was formerly em ployed at the Feasi Hardware store. There is much interest in the Thanks* giving Dance to be given by Tread well Football Team tomorrow night at the Lyric. All of Douglas Island is in sympathy with the team and a big crowd is expected. Game Warden Adam Schneider has begun to stir things up in Juneau. He nipped a restaurant keeper who had accumulated too many duoks, and pinched another fellow for killing venison out of seasou. The improvements that have been made by the Light company and the Telephone compauy in the streets of Douglas, by cutting out needless poles and wires is marked. This together with the new lights is a source of de* light to the beholders. The very high tides just at this time might, raise havoc on Front street, if accompanied by a heavy wind. A sam ple of such a combination set things jingling in some of the stores built on piling, yesterday when the tide was in. John R. Langseth, of the News, goes this week to Beruer's bay, where he will spend the months of December and January doing assessment work on quartz claims. During his absence E. D. Beattie, of Juneau, will juggle the types around the News print shop. Charles Schramm, son of Mr. aDd Mrs. Beu Schramm of Douglas, arrived ; last week via the Humboldt from the Sound. Charles has recently complet ed a four years1 service in the United States navy, but is uow of the opinion j that the humble life of a laudsman will be good enough for him. New desks, missiou style, made by Mr. L. G. Thomas, have been installed in the Douglas high school. They were needed badly, and are recognized as a vast improvement over the assortment of remuauts before in use. Mr. Thom as made the school a present of two very hue teachers' desks, made up iu fine style of the native Alaska woods, j The Douglas city council has an or dinance uuder way, restricting the use and storage of gasoline within certaiu sections of the towu. The receut ex j perience of Juneau, where a gasoline explosion threatened with fire the very heart of the city, has served as an ob ject lesson which may not be forgot* ten. In such cases the iuterest of oue is the iuterest of all, and the council need not fear that it will lack the ap proval or support of every house holder. To bolster up the credit of the city of Juneau, which really needs no bolst ering, citizens have come forward pledging their personal credit iu amounts varying from one hundred to one thousaud dollars. The sudden iu* flux of population increased the ueo essary expenditures of the Capital City to a point beyoud that provided for in the act allowing the iucorpoiatiou of towus iu Alaska, but, really, the credit of a towu like Juneau could be stretch ed much more than the law allows. WHEN IN JUNEAU TAKE IN THE ORPHEUM THEATRE LEIVER5' PLACE F CHINA hand-painted ware Prices within reach of all. Also the Famous NURSERY LINE ODD FELLOWS' BLDQ. DOUGLAS * Ml* 60 YEARS' .\\ all mm ^ experience ATENTS T RAOC IV1 ARKS Designs Copyrights Ac. ?ent free, oldest agency for securing patent*. Patent* takou through Munn & Co. reoelTl tpfcial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I?an: eat cir culation of any sclenttOo Journal. Ternis, fo a f our niontbf, |L Sold by all newsdealers. ltfUNN?Co.36,BrMd"'-NewYgrf' Branca Office. ?5 F St, Washington. IX C. TREADWELL TOPICS S. B. Com best was in Tread well for a few days. G. W. Gastafson left for the south oo the Spokane. "Mayor" Plttman has gone to work at the machine shops. The banket ball committee has been arranging a schedule of games which wiii soon be announced. There will be a fire meeting at | Treadwell next Friday Nominations for company officers will be made. The Christmas stock has begun to arrive at the Treadwell store and that institution is taking on a holiday ap pearauoe. A breakdown at the central hoist caused the closing down of the 240 'and 300 mills for two days the early part of the week. A railing has been erected on the Treadwell float which not only insures the safety of the ferry passengers but adds to the appea< ance of the float. There is a card in the Club entrance announcing the fact that no Douglas womeu or children are allowed the privileges of the Club until further notice. The machine shop now boasts of a pair of boiler makers whose combined weight comes very near the 500 mark. Their names are Tom McDonald and! "Babe" Samples. The football team had their last hard practice yesterday afternoon and the boys are in fine shape for the Thanks- ; giviug game iu Juneau tomorrow. A petition to the manager of the Uni versity of Washington Daily has been sent by a number of former students asking for an early report of the Thauksgiviug game with Pullman. The big bowling tournament is on aud a great deal of interest is mani- j fested iu it. Tonight the Store aud Cyanide teams bowl. The six team* have bowled oue series each so far and all are coufldent from the showing made. Kalal, of the Cyanide team ha? made the highest score yet, 223. Dave Laudsberg, foreman of the Treadwell mine, received word yester ; day of the death of a brother at Seattle. Mr. Land* berg will go down oo the Dolphin. On December 3rd the race between Van den Weyer and Brahm, the Seattle boy, will take place at the Douglas Kink. 125 laps, aud the wiuner to take the Kate money. ? s H. A. Dahl I Successor to ? GougHlin Dahl Dealer In Fancy Groceries Vegetables and Fruits Front St. Douglas Builders' Hardware . Roofing jij Sash and Doors Carpenters' Tools Paints, Oils and Glass Ready -Mixed House Paints 151 m ii and Varnishes JOHNSON'S WOOD DYES Furniture Electrical! Goods Tinware, Graniteware Garden Tools JOHN FEUS1 Front St. Douglas > (UmiUjl jatsnaHsTrBi Hi The most perfect fitting Corset in the world. A New Line Just Received, by P. H. FOX Douglas, Alaska Come in and we will tell you all about it. As before said, I will give to my patrons this year SIX BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1st ? A Gold Handled Hull Umbrella 2d ? Silver Mounted T oilet Set ? Brush Comb and Mirror. 3d ? Eight-Inch Cut Glass Bowl ? 4th ? Alaska Gold Ring 5th ? Hand-Painted Nippon Plate 6th ? "Booby Prize" Souvenir Spoon Our Christmas Stock: Is now complete and this year we are ready with the finest selection of seasonable goods ever shown in Douglas CUT GLASS CHINA WARE, Hand-Painted China and Havilaud Dinner Ware COMMUNITY SILVER, Guaranteed by the makers for 50 years ROGERS 1847 Table Ware PIPES, A Nice Selection of Meerschaum aud Amber RAZORS Gillettes' Safety FANCY Pocket Knives Fountain Pens TOILET Articles MANICURE Seta Hand Bags Hand MIRRORS HAMMERED BRASS Field Glasses Magnifying Glasses Flash Lights, The "EVERREADY" Gold aud Silver UMBRELLAS Electric PERCOLATORS Electric CHAFING DISHES SILVERWARE, Quadruple Plated, Tea 9ets, Sugar and Creamer, Butter Dishes, Caster Sets CASSEROLES and Vegetable Dishes ALSO DIAMONDS, Loose Stones and Mounted ALASKA RINGS ALASKA GOLD JEWELRY SOUVENIR SPOONS WATCHES Howard, Elgin and Waltham Movements, in 14 karat Solid Gold Cases 25-yr. Gold Filled Cases and 20-yr. Gold Filled Cases iu LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S Sizes BRACELET Watches MANTEL CLOCKS WALL CLOCKS ALARM CLOCKS "Big Ben" aud "Baby Ben" Selections made early carefully stored until wanted Paul BMorn .IFWFI FR JEWELER Front St. Douglas Fry a Douglas Island News Christmas Ad