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The Douglas Island New9' Butered at Douglas Post-ofHoe at Second Class Mall Matter. TKRMS:? la Advance. One Tear - ? ft.OO 81* Months - - - - - - - 1.5<> Three Months - - 75 Single Copies ------ ^ PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY CHARLES A. HOPP bdltor .oJ Wednesday, January 21, 1914 News Notes of P. P. I. E. The world's first indoor flight whs made by Lincoln Beachy, the famous "upside down man," at the Panama Pacific International exhibition recent ly. Starting at one ei d of Machinery ball Beachy tote in the air to a height of thirty or forty f*et and actually flew a distance ol 200 yards at terrific ! speed. When forty tee t from the end of Machineiy jslaoe he csme to the ground and itied to stop hi> machine but Clashed through a cloth, batrit-r auu Ian into the end of the building which is 968 feet long. A proposal to remove the bones of Columbus ftom Santa Domingo to the Ex I option has received the approval of the Uomiuican government. Eveij visitor to th?? exposition will have au opportunity of actually driv iog an uutomobiie about the grouuds. A concession ha- been let to a Chicago 9rm to operate 200 tiny motor driven cars. Each one will seat two persons and oue of the persons must act a* chauffeur. The macbiues are propelled by elect rioity and have the ordinary motoi car steering system of the bar* haudle and are provided with brakes. As the speed of the machine is uoti high uo danger could possibly result from their use by auovice in the auto mobile game. In addition to its ex oeptional utility in traveling the 625 acres of the exposition site the motor ohair will be a novelty to hundreds of tbou'tnda ol visitors who will drive *their own cai*' fcr the Hrst time. Colouel Hamillou S. Wallace., chief quartet master of the Western Depart ment of the United States army, is preparing au exhaustive report on the probable amount of material need ed to caie for the ten thousand troops of foreign nations at the iuternatioual encampment at the Exposition. While the expense will be great Uncle Sam feels that he will be well repaid by the educational value to the A-merioan aoldlere. A corps of workmen are busily en gaged at the amusement concessions' district of the Panama Pacific inter ; national exposition site aud already two of tbe piincipal concessions are taking shape. These are the "Graud Canyon of Ai izoua, which is being in stalled by the Sauta Fe railroad, aud , **Toylaud Grown Up." "The Grand Canyou of Arizona" will be a reproduc tion of.this mast< i piece of nature and its cost will be $350,000. Three build-; lugs already have been erected over the ground to beocoupied by tbe "Toy land Grown Up" concession, which will be em* of the most elaborate extravag auzab ever presented. With tbe Seattle P.-l. preaching so persistently about "Ignorance About Alaska," it seems absurd that a great mining journal, published in the same oily, should calmy annouuce that the, greatest mine in Alaska, the oue that is best known wherever anything about mining is known, has beeu sold at marshal's sale for a sum that would not purchase the machinery in one of its great mills. It is leally pleasant news to learn that Stroller White, of the Whitehorse Star, is on his way back to his job. The Stroller is tbe Aurora Borealis of newspaperdom in the Northland. His scintillating flashes of homemade wit illaminate tbe horizon when news is scarce and come like a ray of hope to tbe distressed space filler. The vaca tion which is jqst coming to an end was taken by him upon the earnest ad- j rice of tbe old women of the town, who predicted for him a nervous break down.. It is a known faot that we walk nat urally in a curve. If yoo are in tbe woods with nothing to guide you, you will walk in a oirele and not find your way out. It you are on the plains and have neither ?un nor stars nor compass for a guide you will do the same thing ? walk in a circle and arrive nowhere. In tbe woods, however, a clever device to be reported to is thi?: Select three trees in a straight line and walk toward them. Wbeu^you reach the first one there are still two ahead which keep tbe straight line for you. Select a third tree In line with the other two and walk towurd them. Always keep the line of three trees ahead and you will never walk in a circle. ? American, Boy. This proposition comes fr^rn Ketcbi kan, the source of so many queer pillsr. "A reasonable poll tax should be levied on all JapH, Mexicans and Filipinos,, say about a dollar a day for the first week in Alaska, two dollars a day for the second week and three dollars a day for the third and if that w not sufficient double it.**" We wish again to call tha attention of onr patrons to the fact that boys in AJaaka are just, like ti e boys in other ! B. M. BEHRENDS, BANKER, JUNEAU, ALASKA Foreign Exchange Issued Oldest Bank in Alaska I INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. parte of the world and they will make a mistake ouoe in a while. If yon fail to get your News don't Ret mad and blame the poor printing man. He has not stopped your paper. In fact no resident of Douglas Island has ever been swiped off our lists, except at hia or her earnest solicitation ? which- of course happens sometimes, even to a religious family journal. John Feusi, the Front street hard ware man, being interviewed in regard to the movement to cioee at half past six o'block, says that his store will re main open evenings as usual. Mr. Feusi says that the best interests of the com m unity demand that the peo ple be given an opportunity to do their shopping in the evenings^and he for one is willing to accommodate them Furniture for New Year and for many year? after! That's the kind we sell exclusively. Look around1 your home aud see if there isn't some* thing lacking or some pieces that need replacing. Then come here and see it in the newest style and of a quality and price that must appeal to y<<ur judg ment . JULIUS JENSEN Second St. DOUGLAS ;; ALASKA JEWELRY CO., Douglas f ij For Watch and Jewelry Repairing j< Start That | Savings Account No time like the beginning of the year to make and KEEP a good resolution: DO IT NOW Deposits made on or before January JO draw interest from January 1st at compounded January and July 1st. 4% paid on TIME CERTIFICATES of DEPOSITS A savings account has started many a fortune T o MAKE money you must Have money; the only way to have money is to SAVE it This strong bank will help you save FIRST TERRITORIAL BANK OP ALASKA Under Territorial Supervision the Island Hotel * ALBIN BARITELLO, Proprietor Best Grades Klines, Liquors, and Cigars NO INFERIOR BRANDS Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery FRONT ST., DOUGLAS SHIP YOUR FURS TO JO YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRLCT with (be Urges! bouse In flic ' crM dialing exclusively In AMERICAN RAW FURS Get "More Money M for your FURS SIIIP YOUB FURS TO "SHURKRT" i reliable? responsible? safe? Fur House witll?an unblemished rep nation existing: for "more than a Quarterof a century," alon<rsuc ?esiful r*ord of sending Pur Shippers prompt? SATISFACTORY \ND PROFITABLE returns. Write for "CI yt jfcljtibm Shipper," he only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Writ? for It? NOW? If. FREE A, R QJ4ITRFPT 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. f\. P. OnUDLKl, IIIC. Dept. 6 t3 CHICAGO. U.S.A. LADIES' I CHILDREN'S * J X \ ? All Sizes All Grades J - ? j, AT50 CENT OFF Pr/cE I Grand CIean=Up Sale J of Sweaters J 250 Pairs of Shoes at $ J .50 $ Were from $2 to $5 * Wm. STUBBINS I \ $ DOUGLAS MARKET BUTCHERS Fine, firm, tender Beef, Clean, sweet Fork, Lounge Lamb, Fresh Veah Fish, Poultry and game in season We solicit your patronage. Phone 1-0. !* s i & jS I i i i TREADWELL MARKET WHOLESALE and RETAIL a Beef, Pork, Mutton and Poultry - Ham, Bacon and Lard Fish and game in season 'PHONE AUTO 1-8 T readwefl, Alaska ? ? ? Sf ? * M. G. ROGERS CO. v# L uinmii nmn^ nmm%mHiii