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The Douglas Island News. Hile 4k Keist, candy and ioe cream oiercbauts, will move to Juuean next week. Mrs. Bert Stedtnan and children will go to Ketcbikau on the Humboldt for a The birth of a son and heir to Mr. and Mrs. John Ue^ekus was reported last week. Alex T. Nelsou lias been employed by the government to carry the mails on the Island. broken jvipes repaired at Keist's Pool Koom. Ail work guaranteed.? Advertisement at Salmon creek in the employ of the Perseveiance company. John Stoft, a former resident of Dooglaa, has beeu elected a member of the town council at Petersburg. Marie, rbe little daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Peter Rolando, ban beeu sick the . past week, but id much improved. A war among Douglas draymen has resulted iu a cut iu pi ices. Ft eight and coal is now delivered as low a.^ 50 cents a ton. Dan Gore, formerly a hoist man at the Mexican, came up last week from bis home in Oregou for a visit with friends on the Island. If your clothes need repairing, clean ing or pressing, call ou Anton Krasel, next door to the cable o&oe, Second street.? Advertisement. rue local field James Hewitt ha* accepted a position Mr. Otto Widemaun is laying tbe foundation for bis uew home on fifth street. Construction work on a cottage 25x28 will begin in a few weeks. Smokers? All kiuds of Smoking To bacco iu pound Jars ? also Egyptian and Sweet Caporal Cigarettes at Heist's ! Pool Room, Hunter Block. ? Adv.. Towns-uian M. B. Archer has returned from Sir k a Hot Springs-. He is m .ch J improved iu health and speaks highly of tbe healiug properties of tbe spring water. Ed Fox has beeu elected as tbe Douglas agent for tlie Admiral line of steamers, which ?;ow make this city a port ot call both north ai d sonth* (XMUid. Frank P. McGuire, wiie and child ar rived Sunday on the Al-Ki from Bu coda, Wash., to make their home iu this city. Frank is a brother of our old frieud "Pat.? Tbe Ketcbikau term of coart be?ius Monday, A pi il 20. Tbe judge aud other court officials will leave Juuean on the steamer Humboldt, which sails south 1 Saturday ni&bt. Julius Rydeik, a native of Sweden, aged 40 years, fell from a Juneau dock last Saturday morning aud di owned. The coroirer's jury discovered that it was accidental. Joe Riedi, John Oesekas, Eaiil Gou bell and Messrs. Meyersand Ordelli re turned last uight from a bear hunt over ou Aimiralty island. The huntiug was good, but bears scarce. Manager Thane, of the fiagle River mines, reports that tbe ore shoot has beeu encountered at a depth of 700 feet aud promises that the 20 stamp mill will soon be running again. During the abseuce of Joe Robertson tbe dray busioetta will be in charge of i Pat MoGuire, who will guarautee prompt and efficient service iu aM matters entrusted to his care. The hustling manager of the Lyric theatre has secured the services of W. Prodsbam, late of the Sullivan Consi dine circuit, considered to be an expert in his line? trap drums aud xylophone. Capt. Alex Hart is back again from Tenakee and will be with as for some time. He will ginger up the city pile driver for the season, and his first job will be a few needed repairs to the city dock. Judge Jennings bas decided to grant a lioense to the Board of Trade saloon at Skagway, providing they move to a oew locatiou. The old staud was found to be within 400 feet of the Catholic church. Good progress is being made at the Nilson & Kelez yards, East Waterway, {Seattle, on the new ferry for the Juneau Ferry ?fc Navigation Co. Her frames ere all in place and ber inside plaukiug is well on towards completion. It is expected that she will be ready to be lauuehed by the eud of this month. ? (Railway and Marine News. The Douglas council met Monday night as a canvassing board, and fouud that the returns of the municipal elec tion tallied with the report -heretofore published. The old council was re flected with the exoeptfoo that Mr. Brie takes the place made vacant by the removal of Mr. Rogers from the <oity. Mr. King succeeds "himself on the ?obool board. The -grand stand at. the Douglas pleasure park has been greatly im proved in appeurauce by a coating ?rf oew lumber. Mr. T. & P. Keegau is having the work done, and will use the bright, clean surfaces tor advertising purposes. Among the improvements planned for Douglas during the cooiiug summer mouths we tuny count two large two story flat houses to l>e. built by A. Mur ray; one between First aud Second, hav iug a fr .ntage on Bradley street, and another on Fourth and U streets. Alex R )bertsou, Jos. Robertson, wife and children, aud Mrs. Jos. Rndi and children -will leave the laat of the week for a visit to Europe. The Robertsons will visit in Scotland aud Mrs. Riedi aud cbildreu in Germany. They wilt journey together as far as possible. Dieb. ? At Douglas, Alaska, on Wed* uesday, April 8, 1914, Giovauna Ciotte, a ualive of Felt re Vill&paiera, Italy, aged 21 years. Funeral services weie. held at the Catholic church on Friday, April 10th, at 2 o'clock p. in., Rev. Fatker Brnokert officiating. Interment at the Douglas cemetery. Johu Rustgaid, United States dis trict attorney for the Firs Judioial DivMou of Alaska, has suffered the aUuouucemeut to go forth that he will quit his job on June 1st, after which he will practise law in the Capital City. Well, the Juneau democrats made it pretty plain that his resignation would be accepted with thanks. Notice All property owners are requested to have their premises in a sanitary con dition by May 1st. On that date the marshal will inspect each and every property in the town of ljouglas and cause the arrest of any property owner failing to comply with the request. tty oider of the Mayor. Pictures of Scandinavia The J. Jansen Fubr Travel Festival, from Christiania, Norway, will be seen at the Lyric theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, April 21st and 22nd. On Tuesday night will be shown pic tures of Norway, covering 5,000 feet of til cx^, and on Wednesday night 6,000 feet showing Sweden and Denmark. If y<m were offered the opportunity to Visit Norway for a few cents oo doubt you woo Id grab the chance. Now this can bo doue With the!. Jan-en Puhr Ti-aVel Festival* Mr. J. Jarr^eti FHihrgoes a44 oVer Norway to show tfce either* rarity of landscapes au<8 waterways. Tbetottiistts taken over the railways and oft tourist steaajers. Long rides are t*fce?n by steamer through the fjords ai*! at wig tbe const '?by electi ic cars iuyA op ^aaa^t fSord steamers. He allow.* Cadi *fe"irrg (Lofot flsket?, Honing 8. -feiinc VStorsHdC.sfcet^ and the famovs 'fis'h tMntoe* <n Berge*. He shows the capfwo* canning of of the Norwegian Swr4ks?e?lt tfee fcjel lands factories, StaVaMflMv. Ail krauts of sport-, skiing, sfcatfng and Weighing. One series of lectures from Ohristtania, the Exposition City* X9II, is parrttoa iarly at tract ire. You may have seen pict-irnM of Norway before, bat yon have never seen these. A two hoor tri$> in moving picture, tihe best ever seen this couulry of Norway, the famous tourist's paradise. A -guaranteed en tertainment. Admission, chiMren,16cc; adults, 5Gi\, il I Does Your Watch Run? We now have move time to devote to our specialty ? the Ckajwng Regulating and Repairing of Watches. YOUR WATCH may run lor many years, but it needs clean ing now and then, for the lack of oil and the grind on the delicate bearings may ruin it in a month. Eight, Waltham. Hamilton Movement* The Home of the Rowanl Watch Beat if u I Cathedral Chime Clocks Paul Bloedhorn I TREADWELL TOPICS Joe Kyau, who has spent the past winter in the States, returned from the South on the Al*Ki. A crew of meu are at work tearing down the old office building, prepare* toiy to ereoting a n? w concrete build in# for office purposes. S. B. Combe? t, who recently has had cbaige of the refinery at the cyanide plant, has resigned and will leave for the States shortly. W. B. Ash by, bookkeeper at the cy anide plant, has moved his family from j Douglas and is now occupying the bouse recently made vacant by Frank McDonald aud family. The Treadwell fire department held au interesting meeting la.-t Friday evening. A committee was appointed to arrange the details for a baseball tuu nament to be played by the differ ent tire companies duriog the coming season. Ed Beal* and Bud Coryell left for Skagway on (he last trip of the Spo kane. They will wait at Whitehorse until the breakup aud then go dowu the river to Dawson. E. P. Rotman, stenographer in the Treadwell offloe, has resiirued aud will soon leave for the States. His positioo has beeu taken by VV. E. Daniels, who arrived on the Spokane. There will be a band rehearsal tomor* row night at the 'fire hall. The new baseball grounds are in such shape that light practice is being en gaged in regularly. On next Friday evening the lastchal lenge bowling game <>t the sear.ou will : take place on the Treadwell alleys. ^Boss" Bennett, the Christy Matthew i .*on of bowling circles, ha9 assembled a team aud challenged the world for a -upper. The team 9 liue up as follows: Bennett's Braves? C. E. Bennett, Win. McCorraick, Ed McCormick, Claude Peter.-* and Gabriel Paul. "The World" ? W. H. Metzner, Ohas. Thielicke, Joe Kalal, Clarence Moore and Guy Terry. Van J. Kubin has resigned bid posi tiou in the machine shop department with the intention of departing for the States. Baseball Benefit Dance Next Wednesday night, at the Dong las Natatorham., a dance will be given for t fro benefit of the Douglas Island Baseball <*kib. Everybody may not be wtife cwoagh to dance, but everybody cou 9r?toh e baseball garnet H,,d > ??i e ie an opportunity to contribute a few s&efceis to belp -maintain a li rwt class b*U team on Douglas Island. The ?f tfro island are to be asked to fOV-ea bet pin* by supplying cakes anl wishes, Trtiieh will be -served to 1 fee haugiy -dancers. Tickuta trill be -on ?sate to i sorrow at $1 eaoit. Splendid music is promised. ~SITKA HOT SPKINtiS." Accom ruodation-', American or European pl&n For terms apply to 5>r. L. P. Goddard, Sanitarium, Alaska.-? Advertisement. THE BEST BRITISH COLUMBIA 19: 00 PER TON AT THE CITY DOCK DOUGLAS, ALASKA ASSESS!!! H. A. Dahl Succeftsorrto o Coughlin & Dahl o Dealer In o e e Fancy Groceries 3 Vegetables and 0 1 5 Fruits Front St. Douglas are not made for any one class of men, though they are "classy" hats in every sense of that somewhat slangy term. You'll find the new Spring styles the "classi est" you've ever seen. They're "cravenette" too. Moisture can't soak through and doesn't injure the hat. We've a style for every head and taste. Stiff and Soft ? $3.50 and $4.00 P. H. FOX ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS WILL BE SOLD AT COST WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ENAMELED, GRANITE AND ALUMINUM WARES, ALSO FURNITURE, FIXTURES, MECHANICAL SUP PLIES, STOVES, PAINTS. GLASS, ETC. JOHN FEUSI FRONT STREET DOUGLAS WE INVITE YOU TO BANK WITH YOUR HOME BANK Deposit your money with as and keep it in the country. This helps yourself, your neighbor and the town.' Interest paid on time deposits Foreign Exchange issued on all parts of {he world at reduced cost. FIRST TERRITORIAL BANK OP ALASKA* Under Territorial (Supervision Tt. J. O'Connor, Pres. I T. F. Kennedy, Vice Prea. A. B. Gurr, Cashier DOUGLAS, ALASKA.