THE DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS ?X)UOLAS Es5Z FRIDAY, MARCH r?, NO 16 PLAN PREPARED BY SHIPPING BOARD Would Create a Territorial Shipping Fund to Insure Regnlar A lu of 13 a not Ion on all ships Alaska la proposed In a bill prepared Alaska, anil the member* of the Th? Measure will be Introduce.! early next week. It provide# that ! ? be fund thus erealed shall be used I <>rjr factor was considered . and I' enough Alanka buxlnesn lo gixe the and can adjust (tar acrvka as a mor beat paaaencer liners on the reftulu ran aware lb* Mint service lo all the principal towns la Alaska ttaa' l he Canadian lines have been i lo I be four principal towns in ? ear Alaaka out of the lam* towns to smaller routes which are now unprofitable mailt be provided with a direct eerv |w from the ouutde. "Tht* fund In the hand* of the territorial shipping board would pro vide the moat effectual control of . net*, such aa demurrage and marine .naurance. because the beat shlpa will be kept out of the moat danger oua water*, where moat of the ma rine loenea occur. Insurance rates American line now pays nearly $!.? 1 shall stabilize conditions. pool off ice department will get to gether and give Alaska adequate mall service. Instead of treating the no obligations on the part of the |i:r. the bills, should be permitted to handle their own problems. This RUSH STARTING TO PORTLAND CANAL atild Winter Brings the Hush to New Camp Sooner Than Expected Thin di?lrl.t In experiencing one jf the nicest winter* In the memory ?eal cold weather. Only about three the population t* In< reanlnc w tut [he trail* ar> well packed. A nlelnh SEEING THE SIGHTS Txunta with friend* tor the put ' rera! month* and had a moat en MAYOR BETTER Mayor Klmer E. Smith, who ha* almost two month*. waa able to take FORMER TREADWELL MAN teen-iuonth-old hoy were In Juneau futur*. Martin lived on Douidaa l?land for wrai> time before he was marrli'd and later went to Chlcha ?of. For the pnat two year* he ha* Hwn working In a Seattle ahlpy&rd. Rfi-oiui' a at o?'k holder In the Unit ed State* ? bay war-aa*lnga atamps. YUKON TO BE ABSOLUTELY DRY Plebiscite of February 25 in the Yukon Territory Makes That Part of Country Dry The vote polled on Wednesday In tion of a member of (he Yuko'i of liquor In Yukon Territory was ex iremely light on account of the ab outside. Whtl* there wan connldci able tqtoreat displayed In the prob able outcome the day pafewd off with ruary 27. In the Whltehorac division Ia>wc received 93 vote* and French SO. Two wrongly market) ballot* were thrown out There were 18 votei for a bar, 61 for a dUpcnoary. 14 for both bar and dlspeniwry. and 5S against both bar and dlap?uvary. bar 6, dispensary *. for both bar and illipenaary 6. against both bar and dispensary It. In Carmacka dlvlalon I -owe re in Selkirk dlvlalon Lowe received - ?> votea and French 1 1 The vote stood ( to 1 1 against both bar and A recapitulation or the total vote and 74 opposed to Its Kale In" any form, giving a majority of 43 to the Eleven elector* lout ihelr vole of the return of liquor. Complete night at the school house. The assembly room wan approprl The decorations rommltto conslst DOING WELL Ketchikan, where hp I* now located the bulldtnK Kamc. He haa aa.hti The two men have had nil thi I Ait fall have at all time* had a number of buildings under con' atrucllon. John Mrrormlck. who, Ketchikan. FEELS THE HONORS Head Jailer Frank Bach la all Rtnllea i on laat Friday afternoon. COAL FAMINE "BUSTED" Tin Mnsku Steatm.hlp Company'a port oftrjy Wednesday morning and unloaded u hundred torn of Lady smith coat at the city bunkers. *fh? ni I ot R. It. Young of the Pacific Const Coal Company. to whom the cargo was < unsigned. Mr. Young flrat at Douglas and discharge a hun dred ton*. aM the rity waa out of fuel. The eargo came at a vory op on th? vharf and a eold wind blow ?n Douglas Island. PARENT TEACHERS OF TREADWELL Hold Interesting Meeting at School House on Last Monday Evening One Of Ihe Interesting feature* of the m eating of the Treadwell I'aront Tearher Association that was held Monday evening waa the talk of Or. for the Troadwell Company here, ?pent four yen n in Europe aa a sur geon In the Hrltlsn army and had a lol of experience In the treatment Df th? wouniled from battle. Dr. Rutlo-rfird talked Interestingly on war surgery and of the life of the men during the great conflict. There waa n very g^>d sited crowd if luMMinl people i resent to hear , the program. which In detail waa as Mav llaiiMs> and David llamaay Klsif Kdmimon WATCH YOUR STEP h ux derlnred himself In on the mat lounl of hi* good nature he declare* ti hi tho boy* arc now Impoalng upon I. in. lie n>k? ii? to tell the young fellow* lo takv u tumble, got next Mr. Uraut liar Riven u? authority to nn thai Mime prominent young men of the town will very ahortly lie oerupylng r mm* In the village loek-up If they don't heed thin GONE AGAIN Hugh Tracy lit getting to ho Home Monilav nlRht he went to Kagle river time at the Mi'Kannn ranch at Eagle ZePyrol j A teaspoonfnl ill Rlaii of warm water. That clear, fori ing and aid to prevent infec tion. GREAT FOR SORE THROAT AND MOUTH WASH GET A BOTTLE NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Guy's Drug Store Third and D Douglas -r RUBY CAMP STILL ACTIVE SETTLEMENT Once Great Mining Camp. Althougl. Not So Large, Shows Signs of Life Notwithstanding the fact that many people have left the Kuby ills- I trlet during the post two or three i veaaons. a* a result of tho steadily i Increasing cost of mining operatic*, there Is still considerable activity on of Alaska, according to Information the last mall, says the N'enana Nowa. i On ton* creek, Gidlnnd ft Walker i itrn taking out a winter dump on the Mascot bench, where Xavler Diet* operated several seasons ago. Frank Johnson ft Co. are taking ? nut a dump on Birch creek, and | l,oiils 1 .arson ft Co. are ? Inter mln- i Ing on Trail creck. They expect to have out a dump of considerable site ' Bowers and Krcnch are hoisting pay on OreeuHtone and have work in sight also for next summer on that Gordon Bottle* anil associates art taking out n flump on Me-Keteh-Um creek. Morton & McDonald arc operating on Klat creek and will have a dump Billy Kerry and Barney Cannon have found quite a block of ground on lower I'oormun crock that will atliiK below the mouth or Solomn. Macey have a number of mon em ployed In taking out a winter dump, and near the mquth of the creek a block of pay ground ha* been devel oped by Loughren, Johnson & Co In addition to theae operations there la comlderahle procpecting In are proapectlng on Tamarack creek and above theiu, August Pllkv and partner are looking for pay on the creek, Abe Collin* la doing some proa done with a drill on Mickey during the early part of the winter. There are four store* In Ruby ducted by the Northern Commercial Lewis. Harry Clark ho* n rooming a dry gooda atore conducted by Mm Kddla Will la. Willis ha? a atore at LOCATE 'AT KETCHIKAN l?r. It. V. Kill* wan over on the lalnnd the middle of the week on a formerly a Douglna Island phyalcinn. haa been mine phyalcinn at 1'hleha to Juneau with William C. Krecbtirn, the auperlntendent of the mine, who place to locate at Ketchikan, where he will take over the practice of Dr. L. B. Myera. BACK TO MONTANA Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton and Hunter Hamilton left bore the drat of the week for their former Hamilton are brother* of Mr*. Felix Gray of thla city and accompanied Mr*. Gray to thla place several months ago when she returned bote from a visit to Montana. GONE BLIND Krom the W'hltehorae Star It la learned that James Barry, a former brakeman of the Whlto Pass ft Yu kon Railroad. Im* gone totally blind. Mr. Harry, who la known in Doug lax a* a member of the 8kagway baaeball team In the early day*, ha* been living In Seattle for several WENT THROUGH II. E. ("Jlmmle") Chamber* was a pa.saenger on* the Almneda Wed n end ay going to t'ordova. He haa; been at Cordova for a year or more and liaa now been outside on a vl*lt. Slri. Chambers la mill visiting lu the State*. WATCHING FOR SPARKS Kpeelal watchmen were on during the middle of the week to look out for sparks during the high wind that was blowing. BROKE INTO DWELLING Robert l.lndcman, a native. wax out of town for a month and return ed here liuit Monday. When he went [ to Ilia home on Thllnget avenue he | round that aomoone had been t<> ! I hat place and atolen goods and na tive Jewelry valued at about )26. Thoie doing the robblnn were very discriminating in the tart that ihey did not moleat other article* 'insisting of valuablo furs and other trtlclea. PRACTICALLY FINISHED I,. I, llnnllng haa practically fin ished inking the cenaua In the In corporated town of Douglaa and haa low none to Treadwell. where he will take the cenaua. Mr. Harding would like to hear from anyone who lina not been enumerated, and any inch may leave word at the Douglas ?oat office and they will be called PIONEER STORE SELLS HOLDINGS Petersburg Packing Company Sell* Commercial Buiinen to Co operative Concern It will be of Interest to many icopie here who are acquainted at Petersburg to read the details of the ?erent deal whereby the Petersburg Parking Company sold Its commer nl holdings to the Petersburg Trading Union. The story Is taken from the Pet ersburg Report: A deal has been concluded, with lie exception of minor details, vhereby the Petersburg Packing or|>or?tion will transfer to The Trading Union, Incorporated, a large jart of their property, Including the large store and store building, the vliarf, several warehouse buildings, ilx iota In block 2 of the town of Petersburg, two floats and water 'ront holdings In front of the pres et store building. The considera tion is understood to be between "Ighfy and one hundred ihousand lollari. according to the value of he goods in the store. This will give The Trading Union. * bidi (s h co-operative concern ormed with local stockholders, one )f the most valuable pieces of prop ?rty in Petersburg. The store has jecn closed for several days while in inventory I* being taken, and Im mediately following the final ar ?angemerls will be concluded. If >rcxcnt plans do not miscarry. The Trading Union, Incorporated, is cap ulized at one hundred thousand Ic : rs and at present has dose to in hundred stockholders. The first Imard of directors of the new con ?ern consists of Jack Hanseth. Jacob linos*. Erlck Ness. K. L. Skoog and K. L. Stcberg, who will serve until the first general olectlon to be belrt >11 July 1st. Itis expected that the new owners will take charge about 'lie first of April, but no announce ment has been made yet as to who will be manager of the store Nmd business for the Trading Union. HAVE TROUBLES The launch Cameo, which started for the Katalla oil field, returned home early this morning without having reached its destination. While opposite Whltshed It collided with the Myrtle H. and Its compass wax put out of commission. There was a high sea and considerable for. ami the Cameo drifted on a bar aff Egc Island. I^ater she was opposite Cape St. Kilns and finally found her way back to Cordova. M. E. Holbcn, one of llie passengers aboard, was badly blistered about the limbs and back by escaping distillate soaking thru his blankets while asleep. ? Cordova Times. ALL THERE There ni a dance given Wednes day evening by the Alaska Native llrotherhood In their hall op Thlln get Avenuo. Resides the many na tive people from both sides of the Channel that were present, there were a number of prominent white folks of the Island there stepping around. REGISTER FOR ELECTION The registration books for the Douglas city election are now open nt the office of Registration Officer 1/ \V. Kllburn at the city clerk's of fice on Front street In Douglas. The election will lie on the first Tuesday In April. 'As yet no one hns announced his candidacy for any of the city offices. INFLUENZA FINALLY HITS DOUGLAS After Having Been Free From the Epidemic, Dougla* Island Now Ha* Some Case* There are itometbfng over half a dozen cases of Influenza In Douglas at the present time. It waa not finally determined that there waa any Influents here until yesterday mornlrg, when physician* reported that there were tlx caaea. Those In part who are afflicted are the C. W Carlson family on Third street, several member* of the Charles Sey family and some mem bers of the John Marklund family. It Is said that none of the caaea are very serious. The city health board met laat night and decided not to put an ab solute ban on public placet or amusements and not to cloae the school at this time. They decided to test the willingness of the citi zens to cooperate with the health board in keeping the epidemic from spreading. Jack Phlpps was appointed quar antine officer to see that house* that hare influenza are properly quaran tined. The health board asks that people do not congregate any more than la absolutely neceaaary and to use com mon sense In regards to congregat ing where there may be any chance for contagion. DIG OUT CITY Through the courtesy of City Clerk L. W. Kllburn, we have bad nn opportunity to see a copy of the Worceratet (Mass.) Telegram, con taining the story of the bis ?torm that vlslttd the eastern part of the United early In February. The copy of the paper of Febru ary 12 contains a big "ad" aaklng for fifteen thousand volunteer* to bring their ubovels the following Saturday morning to dig out the city so that husineaa could be tram acted. The day was to be called "Shovel Day." and It waa said that such drastic measure* would have to be taken" so that It would be poa alble to distribute food and fuel to the people, (everything waa at a standstill ami tht city and vicinity completely snowbound. Mr. Kllburn% former home waa in Masarhusetts, and he waa raiaad not a great distance from Worcester. CLEAN SLATE By defeating the baaket ball team of the Alaska Native Brotherhood last night at the Natatprlum. the Douglas High 8chool baaket ball team finishes the aeason with a clean slate. They have not suffered defeat thia year. The score of laat night waa 26 to 13. The natlvca put up a scrappy game, hut were no match for their more scientific opponenta. The game of laat night will more than likely be the laat one played here thla season. The Metlakahtla team, which hnd wired asking for engagements on the Channel, haa not been heard from and It la likely that the local teams will disband for the season. BILLIE BACK W. H. McCormlek, after having been away from the old home town for several months, returned Monday morning. Blllle did not find condi tions in hli line of worl as machin ist very favorable at polnta o.. Puget sound nnd decided to return and stick around for a while. SENTENCED TOMORROW At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning Judge Robert W. Jennings will sen tence Ernest Stage and A. Weathers, the two boys who were convicted a short time ago In the district court on charges of having attempted to rob flsh traps. RID OF THEM Oliver L. Andenon. purser for tha Juneau Ferry & Navigation Com pany. ha* been In the hoapltal for several days suffering from bolls. He is back at work today. VISITING HERE i. Miss Kuby Johnson, teacher of the school at Cblchagof. was visiting In Juneau and on Oastlneau Chan nel this week.