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THE DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS DOUGLAS, ALASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER S, 19^0 ] NO 2 flANV WANT PLUMS; POLITICS SIMMERING Applicants in Drove* for Various Political Appointment* in the Territory With the launching of the boom Wnlnndiy at Ketchikan tor Judge Jam.-* Wukeriham for governor of Manila, one more hat ww toned In the ring to take IU place with the many other* that are being kicked about. George I*. Ilaxelet wsa the Hr?l one to have hla name mention ed for thin pool Hon and to receive the endorsement of republican clubs. The petition asking for the naming of Ju'Ue Wlrkcrshani waa first clr Judge Wlckervham seem* to be In a receptive mood and when told of by Mr. Cole, staled that he always ?lid and still does believe Mr. Cole and dcclared'that he did not endorse lieorge C. Hazelet ft?r governor. There are tkHk* of applicant* for all the other offices In the T*rri at Sitka QruriN Mock. of Juneau C. J lA>mvu of Nome: for 17. 8. LI MINE TO RESUME now in Atlin en route to hla mining title waa allowed to lapse and the rlalm waa re-st iked by James Alex ander. Alexander took as his part rlalm to the Kaitlneer itroup through will was eventually located and the dclphla. the result of an acrfdental discharge of a rifle which he was VISIT IN WASHINGTON Mr. and Mr?. ICuburt Loom i J left Beatrice en route to the Mate of Washington. where they will vtoU thmuithout the winter. They will In ?e?eral town* of the atate made their homo, and with many friends and Including Mr. LoomliT their daughter and her hi) TEACHES INJURED Mr*. Ella U. Cupples. formerly of Douglas. who has been teaching ihla torin at the U. S. government school at Circle. Alaska, was alight- i ly burned lu a (Ire that consumed the school house there about two: weeks ago. This nows was receive*! ; by W. T. L-opp. superintendent of the Bureau of Education, at his Se attle office recently. No detail* were received. Mrs. Cuppleti punned through the Channel late this summer en route to Circle to take the poaltlou. She had been living In Seattle for a year previously, after leaving Doug las. where she resided for some time. Her two daughters, both of whom ?\re married, are living at Seattle. GETS MUCH GAME ON ALASKA TRIP Sportsman Tells Home Folks About His Trip to the North After Trophies markable collation of wild garni pictures photographM In Alaska and bringing th? trophy heads of two of nioniaa Gilrrest returned to life ' omed hlni at a dinner party at lila George Blxby residence. Sunday ???ln*. Plentiful. mooH and sheep being hunting with a camera a* well ax The mouse saw Mr. Gilrrest. who ( lure* seen In Alaska. Had he over of the underbrush a light b? Ing large ones sway. The impart the Industrial development of the At Cordova there Is the Guggen BENNETT BACK O. E. Bennett, at one time city * lerk and magistrate in Douglas anil former newspaper man on the i he past soveral months. Mr Ben Slberlau-Ameriran Commercial Com pany. of which U C. Stringer, also Mr. Bennett haa not yet decided whether he will stay In the Nerth for a time or return to eflattle. DOUGLAS BOYS WIN; GIRLS LOSE GAME Local High School Boyi Had Tough Battle in Juneau Gym Last Friday Night For a time last Friday night lu the basketball came between the Juneau and Douglas High school teams It looked as if the Douglas boys would low their first game In two seasons, but a strong comeback lu the last half, together with a lot of fouls by the Juneau team, put over a w'ln for the locals by a 21-to 18 score. On the same floor the same night the girls' team of the high school lost to the Juneau girls by a score of 22 to 7. The boys started with a rush of -ough playing, with many personal ,'ouls being called, mostly on the Ju ttoau boys The team play of the Juneau boys had Improved, as had their mass plays, and they were tackling In buuehes. Britt and Fortney were especially effective un til they were put off the floor for fouling. Ten men were used alto gether by the Juneuu team, four of the regular players being put out of the game. Harold Gallwas starred for the Douglas High, his last two baskets coring the victory. Uangnur Kron qvlst. who went In lu the last half after Drown had been ruled out. played hit first regular game and mude good. The crowd around the walls and the smallneas of the play ing floor told heavily against the N'atatorium for play and practice. Ill the girls' game the two Juueau forwards. Lunstrom and Hcudrick forwards but were exceptionally The Line-up? Boy* .. Nelson .. M an lev I'aro. Vestal. Bussey and Janlksela For Douglas. M. Galfwas substi tuted for Garu. and Brown was put II Gallwas 2, M. Gallwas 2. Free 18. llcteree. A. B. Cole. Juneau. The Line-up ? Girli Juneau Pos. Douglas Hendrlckson F Aalto .. J.O FeuM ,G .. WllUnen Sey substituted for Wlltancn In last half and Mattson for Vesoja. Juneau ? Field goals. Lunstrom 6, Hendrlckson 6. Fouls 4. Douglas ? Field goals. Aalto 2, ("rowel. Free thows. Aalto 1. Fouls. Score ? First half. Juneau 8. Doug las 7; final score, Juneau 22, Doug lteferces. Saxon and l'ole. Scorer, G. C. Winn. Timekeepers, Phillips GETS JEWEL Joseph Patterson. P. G.. who Join ed (ilenwood I.odgc No. 107, I. 0. O. F., of Coupevlllo, Wash., on October 13. 1891 and has belonged to that order ever since, received recently n beautiful veterans' jewel given to members who have belonged con tinuously for twenty-flvo years. The jewel Is a very fine specimen of the goldsmith's art and has en graved on the back the Inscription, Joa. Patterson. P. <*>.. Olenwood l odge No. 107. L O. O. F.. Oct. 13. LAZY FIVE WALLOPED The aggregation of boys from tho i-radcs of the Douglas public school went over to Juneau on Tuesday evening and were walloped to the I tune of 17 to 12 In a game of bas ketball at the Parochial school gym. LARGE SHOWER One o( the largest showers (hat haw occurred on Douglas Island (U the one held Wednesday night at Eagles' Hall In honor of Miss Oertrude Johnson, who la Boon to becomo the bride of Claude II. Ilelge aen of Treadwetl. At leaat seventy Ave people were preaent, including both young and old frlenda of Mla< Johnson who have known her ever tince ahe waa a little girl. The flint part of the evening war devoted to whiat. I'rizea at thin were won by Mlaa Esther Cashen and J. C. Bland, flrat. and Mra. A. Shudshlft and Ted I lellent !>al, con solation. After the cards a very dainty lunch waa served, and then dancing waa enjoyed until a late hour. The gucata present unltol In pre senting Mlaa Johnaon some very pretty allverware that will shortly grace her now home In Tread well. CHIDREN'S PROGRAM PLEASES AUDIENCE Sum of Thirty-three Dollars Netted by Program Last Friday Evening Not only did everyone present have an exceedingly good time but thirty-three dollar* wna realized and placed In the fund to buy recre ation material a* the result of the Tread well Parent-Teacher program at the Tread well Club laat Friday evening. The opening number 011 the pro gram wan a song. "Thanksgiving Day," by the entire school. This was followed by a cute little Anger play by the twin daughter* of Mr and Mrs. I'. K. Rradley, Kuth anil Prances. After that the primary ??; "Thanksgiving." by nine first I.lttle Pilgrims" by the third grade giving Gifts" by Dannie Megget and "Outs, (leans and Uarley Grow." In The higher grade* gave several contributed by P. K. Bradley, the program concluded with Margaret Hell's "Our Flag." followed by the BROKEN LEG Mr*. J. M. Hannah, who Is at Ka talla. where her daughter, Verne. Ii teaching school, broke both bones of one of her legs a short time ago by falling. As there was no doctor there to set the bones, the tanker Margaret went from Cordova to that place to bring Mrs. Hannah to a hospital. The weather was so rough that the boat would not take her. so a man In Katalla set the bones. Mrs. Hannah will be dis abled for several months from the Injury. METLAKATLA COMING The Metlakatla basketball team Is expected on Gastlneau Channel abouth the l&lh of this month for a series of games with teams on the Channel. Some of the games will be played at Douglas In the Nata torlum and It Is wcpccted that at least one will be between tbe Doug las High school and Metlakatla. NOW! 18 THE TIME TO C!ET YOt'R 'XMAS CARDS, TAGS AND SEALS While the assortment It com plete ? and It's a fine one, loo. ' BOOKS AND TOYS (LOTS OF 'EM) Holiday Gifts for Everyone ? Large and Small Guy s Drug Store QUY L. SMITH. Prop. 3d and D St. Douglas, Alaska SPECIAL SERVICES FOR BISHOP ROWE The Twenty-fifth Anniveriary of His Coining to Alaska it Commemorated I.iiHt Tuesday, November 30, at Holy Trinity Cathedral In Juneau, the twenty-fifth annlvorsary of the conrex' ration of Bishop P. T. Rowe oil Uishop of Alaska, wna celebrated hy spri-inl services uml a talk by Dean Guy D. Christian. The bishop hail expected to be present, but was detained as a witness in a fisheries hearing now being held in Seattle. Many people from Douglas Island at tended the servit-os. Many letters were read from all purts of Alaska, from friends who had known the reverend gontlcman , and had boen benefitted by his work In the North. Peter Trimble Rowe was horn at Meadowvllle. Ontario, Canada, on November 26. 185G. On November 30, 1895. he was consecrated Bishop of Alaska (or the Episcopal church mil ever since that time lie has de voted his life to the work. He has been over practically every foot of the Territory and was for many years famed as one of Alaska's great est mushers. Most of the Episco pal missions In Alaska were started He was educated at Trinity Col lege. Ontario, made a 11. A. In 1878. an M. A. In 1880 and D. I). In 189S. He has been twice married, his first wife dying a number of years ago. He was married again in 1915. His first charge vus at Garden City. Canada, from 1876 to 1882, and the next from 1882 to 1895 at Coincident with the services In Miration of th" anniversary, a re port was made on the progress be ing made in Alaska towards the fund of llrto.ouo in memory of the ?vent. The interest from this fund, Kowe to help the missions estab lished by him in the North. Con Alaska and In the Statea. With about half of the Territory beard from, the following amounts Vnlder. 5.00 Skagway ... 1 Anchorage . Juneau 874.00 SECOND BOWLING MATCH Leo Higley broke the alley records In one of the games between the Treadwell and Ready Bullion teams. Steve Tenovlch rolled a total of 542 pins, which is high average so far. This was the second game In the firemen's tournament. The TREADWELL . 423 Steve Teriovlch 640 James Manning .. 418 Mike Oavrll ....... 474 2243 I READY BULLION Wm. Anderson . ..... 407 Sandy Stevens ..... .. Louis Knczich Leo Higley ... Total ... 2,181 CLUB MEETING The Douglas Island Woman's Club mot Wednesday aftcruoon at i tie home of Mrs. Jolin Itlehards nt Trwdwell. The usual pleasant and ::istructlvo time was enjoyed by the ladles present. Mrs. David H. I'hrlstoe contrib uted a paper on "The Woman and the Law," based on a recent maga zine story, and Mrs. Kgburt Looniis "re.vl a paper called "Her Dig Job." Refreshments were serred by the hostess. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. any Mrs. Peter Johnson, of Lead, S. D.. announce the engage ment of their daughter. Gertrude. to Mr. C. H. Helgosen. or Treadwell. The wedding Is to take place some time this month. DEAN CHRISTIAN LEAVES Dean Guy I). -Clirlstiun, for the past several year* In charge of Holy Trinity Cathedral at Juneau and of ficiating In St. Luke's Kplscopal church In thin city, left yesterday on the Princes* Heatrico for the south. Dunn Christian I* going to Richmond. Virginia, to visit with his mother, after havng sorvpd his five-year term of service at Juneau, before which time he was at Nome. Dean Christian may not return to the North. Mrs. Christian and her niece. Miss Rarkesdalc, accompanied the Dean to the south. As yet no one has been appointed to (III the vacancies in tho Douglas and Juneau churches. FIND NUGGETS IN PTARMIGAN Soldiers While Hunting Get Traces of What Might Be Big Moun tain of Qold I.ust Tuesdoy, Private Anrig ?ml k'olenchi. members of the local de .uhmciit of the 21st Infantry, de ided to climb Marathon Mountain ii Hearth of ptarmigan, lays the Seward (iateway. Equipped with ihotguns and plenty of ammunition liey started out and by evening had mi n-eded In potting eleven nice, fat specimens of the feathered tribe. Tired but happy they returned to luarters and persuaded the rook to Iress and prepare the birds for ? east. Now comes the most Inter ?stlng part of the story, which Is -ouched for and sworn to by the ook, the humeri and every other nember of the detachment. On Wednesday morning the cook. t. M. lirown, while preparing the >lrdi. was amazed to And a small (old nugget in the craw of one of he birds. When he had assured himself that the nugget was real [old he carefully inspected the re training contents of the eraw and ound two more of about the same die. Me Informed the roat of the oldlers of his extraordinary And. mil by so doing created a desire on ? he part of every member to go j Hinting. The nuggets were brought ! o town by Private Evans and shown ! 0 several expert mineralogists, imong whom were D. D. Stewart, nine inspector for Alaka, and T. 0. ila< Donald. of the Tread well Com >any. The gold was pronounced a ;ood quality of the placer kind. It ta* flat mid dull In color and the otnl value of the three nuggets was ilaced at approximately $4.00. Somewhere on Marathon mountain ir along Resurrection creek or one if the mnny creeks tributary to It ! lie ptarmigan that produced the Ind picked up the nuggets with ithcr gravel nnd pebbles. C.old nlors of the flour varletv have been ound on Resurrect Ion and other (reams in the vicinity, but nothing Ike the nuggets discovered in the lead bird have ever been discovered. I', snow In the gulches and on klarathon mountain at the present Ime make it Impossible for the lucky lunters to go prospecting, hut It is 1 cinch thnt If they are still In Sew ird next summer they will spend all >f their time in tho vicinity of vhere they shot the birds looking or the place where the ptarmigan >lrked up three valuable digestive >i Ms. In the meantime the nuggets are ?eing carefully guarded. One of the -Ichcst sapphire m'nes In Montana van discovered by a prospector who 'ound a polished stone In the craw >f a blue grouse which he had killed, 10 why not a placer mine from the ?intents of a ptarmigan's craw? BROTHERHOOD LOSES In their first basketball game of Iho season, the Douglas Native Brotherhood lost to the fast Thane team by a wore of 37 to 13 at the Douglas Natatorlum Wednesday night. Hodges, center, and llaglst. forward, for the Thane team, were the leaders in scoring, while 8teven* and Brady starred for the Brother hood. The Lineup. Thane Pos. Brotherhood Hodges ..C Rogers llaglst F .... Brady Bratton F Steven* Flanagan* G . Johnson Furbush (1 ... . ?Anleakell 'Annleskel put off the floor for fighting and Jackson substituted. Thane? Kleld goals, Hodges 7. Bratton 3. llaglst (; free throws. Hodges 3. Personal fouls, 8. Brotherhood -Kleld goals. Rogers 1, Stevens 1. Brady 4. Personal fouls, 8. Score ? First half, Thane 20, Brotherhood 8. Final score, Thane 37, Brotherhood 12. Referee. Le Roy Vestal. COLD STORAGE PLANT IN JUNEAU People Pledged to Raite $65,000 for the Project to Erect Big Freezer Much cnthiminxm has boon mani fested in Juneau thin week over a project to get a large cold storage plant (or the cltv. Kastcrn capital ist* have telegraphed their willing ness to Invest 1400,000 In a plant If tha citizens of the city donate a site and subscribe for ISO, 000 In the concern. A in ami meting wan held tnere on Tuesday night that wan presided over by Mayor R. K. Kob?rtion. and the project was explained to all the people. Kmery Valentine, principal promoter of the propoaltlon. explain ed the project, and Judge Wlcker aham told of the making out of the agreement safeguarding thoae who subscribe for stock. The meeting waa very enthusiastic and was at tended by about 350 people. About aeventeen thousand dollara of the money waa pledged at the meeting. Briefly atated, the project is the one that H. II. Snow worked on laat summer. An option waa taken on the Femmer & Hitter dock site on Willoughby avenue, for the sum of $15,000. Mapa and surveys were made of the property and Mr. Snow wont East to intereat capital. An nttorncy In Roston wired Kmery Val entine, who had been working with Mr. Snow on the project, that cer tain interests at Boston and New York were willing to erect a plant capable of freezing 6.000,000 pounds of fish and to expend on It $400,000 If the city of Juneau would donate a site and subscribe for 150,000 worth of stock. Mr. Valentine wired back that the offer was accepted and re ceived assurance that the deal was closed -ona that a representative leave immediately for Juneau. The payments on the atock and the purchase price of the site are to be made at set times to the B. M. Beli rends bank, which Is to act as depositary. Payments are to be made as actual construction Is car ried on. Stock Is to be issued for the $50,000, but the $16,000 for the site Is a donation. Most all of the business and pro fessional men of the community are taking an active part In raising the money, which must be pledged by December 16. From all reports. It is claimed tliat the people who are promoting the company have strong financial backing. It Is said that the capital Invested before the plant and dis tribution system Is complete will reach a million dollars. 1'p until yesterday afternoon the announced subscriptions amounted to $30,000, and the fund was grow ing fast, with a live committee working on the matter. II. H. Snow, who promoted the ileal, was the man who. with a sur veyor. spent some time In Douglaa last summer examining the water front. The city of Douglas secured options on a number of lots em braced In a block of waterfront. The city council bought the options. When Snow went Bast he had the ofTcr of this free site In his pocket and also the Juneau proposition. It seems that the men with the capital decided In favor of the Juneau pro ject. COUPLE MARRIED Miss Mamie Williamson and Donald Milne* were married Tuesday even ing by United State* Commissioner John Hcnson at hi* office* In thin city. Tho witnesses were J. M. Adamson and Tom Hill. The bride is a young lady who has lived most of her life on Douglas Island, and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill. The groom Is employed by the Douglas Island Packing Company. Mr. and Mrs. Milnes will live in one of the Heubnar cottages on E street. ROLL CALL ON The Red Crot* Roll Call Is still on and membership renewals and new members are coming In at a very flattering rate, and It Is likely that Douglas Island will again do Its part In this great work. Those who have not already Joined for 1921 can do so by paying their money and signing the list at any of tho following places: Guy's Drug Store, F. A. J. GGallwas' store. J. W. Martin's store. First Territorial Rank or Treadwell store. Have you answered the Roll Call for 1921? Do It now.