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DOUGLAS PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS-FROM GASTINEAU BREEZE UAS'dNKAr BREEZE Published by the Students of th? IHmela* UtRh School K1UTOKIAL STAKK Una Crowe Armx i.iI>> Kdltor Harold (iallwu Kxrhange . Nora Matt hum Pereonals Junior Senior Reporter Marjr Vcaoja Sophomore lleporter Myroa Miami Fmtinun Reporter Mamie Keual MIki Reeve Arthur Nclaon EDUCATION AND CIVILIZATON I'pon (rallied Intelligence, the lory haa the nml for devoted, eon run we the silver lining of Riorum (!) It results In safe and aanc LODGE DIRECTORY Alaska Lodge Mo. 1. I. 0. 0. F. l^Kige mi. i, i. v. v. t. llx'ti *??ry W?lniwl>r evening In V tailing brother* always welcome OLAF SWAN80N. N. C. Aurora Encampment Ho. 1 Mi< ? at Odd Follows Hall tlrst and Brother* of the Koyal Purple are HAS. W. CARTER. C. P. L. W Ktl.Bl'KN. Scribe. Nor"! em Light Bebekah Lodge No. 1 Heeti at Odd Krllows Hall Mcond KUIKDA SWAN90N. N. O. DOUGLAS AERIE NO. 117 F 0. E ||?'H Mir* Friday evening at 8 KOIIKKT FKASER. W. P. CARI. H. ERICK90N. S?-cy. ? .?*??** ??*! H ??1mm ?? MmI F. WOLLAND MERCHANT TAILOR JCNBAt. M 4"H* PIANO TUNER CEOKGE ANDERSON. Expert SO ynn riptrlwct. High Grad? Plare: s and Piano* for Sal# and Rant. Addreaa Box 991. Juneau. Korty m*?i pt*r cool of our Speak ers of the House; Thirty-six per cent of our mem ber* of Con*rees; Sixty-one par cent of our Secre taries of Stats; Sixty-seven per cent of our At torneys-General ; Sixty-nine per cent of our judge* of the Supreme Court. ? O. C. Mitchell. EXCHANGES ??Who's Who." Battle I'roek. Mich We were surprised to receive Your Uterary Department Is worthy Kor a monthly paper, yours Is very "McKlnley Trail." "The Central THE GRADES" CHRISTMAS PRO GRAM Gertrude Wlrtanen "Jolly Old St. Nichols" Klr?t Grade Soi>?. "Why l)o Bells for Chrlut JUN10R AND SENIOR NOTES oration*. "The bunker Hill Monu MEETING was elected our clam advisor. Elizabeth Ketisl was elected pres ident and Martin Gatlwas secretarjr Our class rolors. motto and pins were all talked about and we are now starting to make preparations for our Class Day exercise*. A Senior play was also discussed in tho meeting. ? Esther Cashen. ? ? GOSSIP ? <? ? Klka Nlrml joined the domestic science claim last month. What'* happening lately to the Latin class? Sessions after school al most every night look kind of sus The girls In the domestic aclence i law spent several days making mi inherit and letters for tho basket hall boys' Jerseys. They proved :> great success, through the help of Mlxs Thompson. llefore Christmas vacation Vivian l.lndstrom appeared In school with her hair bobbed. Now we arc afraid Vivian will never grow up. Una Crowe was absent several days as a result of the previous game of basketball lu which she was Injured. Our tall forward l? around again, but still she will be unable to' play. We certainly mis* her on One morning Mr. Mitchell sprung a surpriee on the 10th. 1 1th anil 12th grades In the form of tests These IB la tests showed the general knowl edge of the students. They caused more worry than thoy deserved and Amy Wilson was so sleepy that she was unable to stand up. We sym Art Nelson was badly battered up in the game with the All-Stars hut somehow he Is able to stand It. Ills chcerful grin Is never missing In Klka Nleml and Mary Vesoju We don't kuow whether sickness that's the style, then the boys have to U'raiigoll. Maybe some boy or all of them haw left their hearts Myrtia Illaml was unable to at Mr. Kilburn. a member of the son lately? He doesn't seem to get eneugh sleep, for wo found him Peter McEvoy must have made a New Year's resolution, for he seems to be on time lately. We hopo he Several posters of the Wrangell sembly hall. They are fine looking and receive much praise. before practicing In their gym. A very Interesting letter was re Hllo, Hawaii, and gives an unusual account of Hllo and the surrounding country. We were very pleased to !iear from Miss Muntz and we still of us. SOPHOMORE REPORT In Kngllsh the Sophomores are studying Julius Caesar. They find it very interesting and arc anxious to know the end of the story, as It In Modern History the student* are studying the beginning of In . vvntlons and In later years you might see some Inventions made by some one out of our Sophomore The Geometry Clans Is hard at work, but not too hard, working out . problems that look impossible. FACTS OF INTEREST IN THE GRADES ? -? Fir*t Grade (Minn Wlllmcrt) J0<1U<<011 Chrlatoe loft for 8???ttlc In tlio early part of December. where ?lie will atay until March. Junior Nichols entered the first grade. Ha erftered from the first grade in Juneau. The room was prettily decorated for the holidays with the children ? handwork of chalna. treea an other Christmas docoratlons. lhe A class has atarted reading In the First Header They finished two Primers before Christmas. Second and Third Grades (Miss I'leary > We hate atarted to rea<l the Oi hook* for opening exercises. We are reading, "The ixjet Prince of Oi" now. The attendance for the past month has been almost perfect. Our art work for December was all Christmas work. The room was beautifully decorated with many things that the chllren made Fourth and Fifth Qradei Report (Miss Stewart) Dale Kloek haa returned, after a Hernlce Herggreu wa* out with a ?tore throat for several weeke but Is now with us again. The 6th grade Is studying frac lions. They do not like- to reduce them to their lowest term*. Wo are reading "Billy W lilskers (or opening exercise* We have Sixth and Seventh Grade* (A llle Kronqvlst and Esther Wirtanen) abqut the Revolutionary War ami an Undine It very Interesting Kliabeth Koberlsou has been nb "The t'ourtahlp of Miles Standish" ?rade and we like It very much. The girls of the sixth and seventh luneau and Treadwoll. Miss Hopkins, a teacher from Or. (?on, visited the seventh grade Kng ha.l enjoyed the cla*.i' recltatlona. Eighth Grad? Report i Kmrna Gam ) all find very Interesting grade l?u*y In history. I* looking up in reference books of famous people and places. The hundred mark Is the point The girls In the domeatlc science rlasa served cookies and crullers for the I*. T. A. meeting January 10. itll their studle? for the examination* .1 the end of the llrat scmt*ter. STUDENT BODY MEETS On the sixth of January. 1921, the president ml lot! a meeting of the Student Body In order to sec how the basketball boy* ? who nmdc u games ?were paid. Before the boys made their trip Receipts from games played Total 318.24 Expense ? Ticket* 1147.20 Hotel 94.80 242.00 Balance Basketball suits 41.93 Balance In treasury 34.31 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Christmas program and tree, which was hold In the High School assembly room, was well attended by parent* and friends of tho students. The most Important features were the debates, which were well Riven and held the Interest of everyone. The program was as follows: IX'bate, "Resolved. That t'.ie Jury System Should bo Abolished".... Affirmative , Alfred Howltt and Rangnar Kronqvlst Negative. Selma Aalto and Martha 8c jr "Christmas Hymn" Una Crowo Debate, "Resolved, That Student Self-Government Should Bo Established" . Affirmative, Arno Vosoja ami Nelma Nlemcla Negative, George Valeaon and Amy Wilson (The negative won.) Debate. "Resolved That Capital Punishment Should Be Abol Affirmative, Klixabcth feus! Negative, Clifford Anderson (Affirmative won.) The program closed with * Jong entitled. "Holy Night." sung by the school. ?> ? ?> NORTHERN LIGHTS ? ?? . ? * 4- * 4 * O 4> * ? ?> 4 * Miss Thompson ? "On an avcVago. how mnny bushels can bo grown to an acrcT" Kathleen ? "It all dcponds on the slxo of the acre." Mr. Mitchell? "Why Is a whale like an orator?" Harold ? "They're both full of hot air." Martin ? "Hobort Drowning said : " 'Open my heart aud you will see Graved Inside of It Italy.' " Leslie ? "He must havo had a map there." Myrna ? "Caeacr's hair was In clined to be bald." Miss lloeve. In Latin I. having conjugation of verbs:? "You niuM learn to |iut the accont In the wrong place, Myrna." Miss Thompson "What Is a coll." Svlraa ? "A one-celled animal." Esther? "It doesn't seem like Christmas." Selma ? "No. I don't thluk so. either. It came so sudden." Peter ? "We are always a century ahead of time, aren't we?" "Miss Thompson ? "I wouldn't say you were." George, talking to the printer about the next basketball gamo ? "I bet a month's print of the Gastlneaii Breeze, that the Douglas boys win." Printer? "??Trl"! '>*? ? *'!T ? What do you think I am?" Two girls, talking about dinner: ! First girl? "What aro we going to have for dinner?" Second girl ? "Food." First girl ? "What did my teacher have on at the dance?" Second girl? "Drossps." Girl? "I must brush the cobwebs j from my brain." Boy? "Thon you ought to get vocctim cleaner." Arthur, selling tlckola for the! basketball game ?"Mlko buy a tick ] et." Mike ? "No, I don't want to go to | the game." Art ? "Come on, holp the school." j Mlko? "No." Art? "The girls arc going .Mlko ? "Gee, that's One! I'll buy] Bunch of boys fixing sleigh. Dick ? "Wo need another nut on tho back! of tho sled." Art N. ? "Hero I am!" George V. In Modern History- ' "Napoleon divided his army lnt>> corpses." She "Do you still love mo?" He "Yes. dear." She ? "And would you die for me?' He? "No, mine Is an undylnr Mr. Gallwas and friend discussing German mark: Mr. Gallwas ? "How much is a German mark worth in American money." Is a mark worth In Amortcan | Martin ? "I don't know." Mr. Gallwas? "What do I sondj you to school for?" Martin ? "Not those |tlnd or "Wool Is obtained from what?" Mr. Mitchell ? "A plant." Gus. ? "The leghorn Is a, what?" Albort Garn ? "A cow." Harold and Abble on tho La touchc Just after losing their din ners: Abble ? "Harold, you and I are land lovers, areu't we?" Harold ? "Put her here, Abble: wo surely arc." Art ? "No, you fellows arc land lubbers." FRESHMAN CLASS REPORT The Freshman Class Is still hard :it work ? studying hard. In General Science the boys and girls have gono through over half of the book, thanks to Mr. Nichols. Anclcnt Mlitory sometime* proves provoking, but still the Frcshles try hard to get they lire rending tho "Merchant of Venice" and have also been prepar ing some debates to give to the High School. Another Freshman girl has Joined tho domestic science clasa. The smocks and the rest of the thlnga that the girls havo been making were finished and put on an exhibit which was held the day before our Christmas vacation began. Rreakfast menu* and other preten tion* have been started in the cook ing class and soon the girts plan to give a breakfast for the High School faculty. Algebrn Is the best of all, oven though wo have some hard and long problems to do. "We'll stick to them till we get them" ia our Algebra Clasa motto. DOUGLAS UIOH FINISHES BASKETBALL SEASON Boy* Defeat All Channel Team* and Also Claim Championihip of Southeastern Alaska Ttic Douglas 1 1 l?li School llaskct- ; 1ml I Team has won the champion ihip of Gastlneau Channel by de feating all opposing teams, and hart ilso won from tho Wratigell High and tho American Legion team of Wrangcll. We huve also deflated Fort Seward. The American legion lian defeated Mctlakatla, Sitka, and other basketball teams of Alaska, .md as we have been victorious ovor i ho American Legion, we can practi cally claim tho championship o( Houthoustern Alaska. The flnal game of the interschool -cries of baxkotball games to bo played between the Douglas and Ju neau High 8chool teams resulted in Douglas winning by a score of 49 18 in a fast rame last Friday even ing at tho High School gymnasium in Juneau. Tho Douglas boys began the game with Homo snappy teamwork and up until the end of tho first half Ju neau was lost. The half ended with tho score of 33 to 3 in favor of Doug las. In the second half Juneau picked up and wns able to make 16 liolnts. Nelson and II. Gallwas wore both knockcd out In this game and show ed their "spunk" by getting up and shooting basket after basket. Nel son shot ten. Douglas Treads Upon Juneau in Third Game of Series In the third boys' game between the Douglas and Juneau High Schools i he Juneau team was carried off its feet. Tho minute the referee's whis tle was blown the Douglas boys started in to pllo up their score of ftO to 13. The gamo wyiH a very fast one and good sportsmanship was showlT'all around. The Juneau boys were bewildered t<T encounter such team work as was displayed by the Douglas boys. Mnrtln Gallwas and Arthur Nel Hon were responsible for most of the ?>S points made during the game, but nobody starred, as It was the team work of all the boys that piled up such a big score. Albert Gam. our substitute, play ed In the second half. Albert Is a nitre shot wheu ho gets tho oppor tunity.. The season Just past has lieen a most successful one for the Douglus High School basketball team. They have played nine games during the season without suffering a defeat. Four of these games wcro scheduled ones with the Junenu High School. while (ho other* were with four senior teams and the Wrangell IllKh School. The following are the score* for all the gamcH: Douglas II. 8.. 23; Thane A. C? 13. Douglas II. Si., 66; Juneau II. S. Douglas H. 8., 70; ft. Howard. 2. Douglas >1. 8., 21; Juneau H. 8. Douglas H. 8., 69; Juneau H. 8., 13. Douglas II. 8., 36; All-Star*. 22. Douglas II. S.. 38; Wrangell 11.8. 12. Douglas II. 8., 35; Wrangell Am erican Legion. 23. Douglaa H. 8., 49; Juneau H. 8., if ? Itangnar Kronqvlit. JUNEAU GIRLS WIN? 16-8 The fourth and laat game of the girls' Interscholastlc serle* was play ed lust Friday night In the Juneau High School gym. the capital city girls winning, 16-8. The Douglas girls made the first point on a foul, hut tho Juneau girls followed closely with two baskets, and at the end of the flrst half had ten points to our girls' six. Our girls fought hard In the sec ond half but were unable to forge ahead. It was felt that the absence of Una Crowe, one of our forwards, who was injured In the previous game, weakened the team consider ably. The score at the end of the second half stood 16-8. Selma Aalto was responsible for every point we made. She surely put up a strong Kven though our girls lost tljree out of four games, they thoroughly enjoyed them and are looking for ward to next season for more. A very exciting basketball was played in the Douglas Nat.. Dec. 10 between the Douglas and Juneau girls' teams which resulted In the home team winning by a score of 1 4-7. The first half was Juneau's, as It ended 6-4 in their favor. Uut In the second half nothing could stop the Douglas girls, although the (cam was weakened by Una Crowe being injure). The dual score was 14-7. Selma Aalto was responsible for 12 of the 14 points that Douglaa made a lot of credit Is- duo her for the strong light she put up. Our guards also did their very best dur ing the last half. Tho girls team played four games during the season, all with the Ju neau High School team. Tho Doug las girls were defeated In three of the games. The scores follow: Ifcfliglas II. 8., 8; Juneau H. 8., 12, D. H. 8.. 7; J. II. 8.. 22 I) II S . 14; J. H. 8.. 7. I). II. 8.. 8; J. H 8.. It. Three sailings a week from Seattle, San Kranclaco, Los Angeles and Sun Diego GUV Li. SMITH, Agent Douglas, Alaska Phono IS J. H. KLINE. Agent Juneau, Alaska Phone 4 ?f- ++ 4* 'H**!* ?{?++?!?+ ?H**} r B. M. BEHRENDS CO., * JUNEAU, ALASKA | WHOIESAI E : R E T A I L I FIVE BIG DEPARTMENTS to purchase from GROCERIES, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Dry Goods, Ready to Wear, Notions, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Shoes, Rubber Goods OUR MOTTO : Service, Superlativeness and Satisfaction PHONES: Groceries, 5 Dry Goods, 8 Office, 2 Rings on 5 f ~ I B. M. Behrends Company, Inc.