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POSTAL SAVINGS HAS MANY DEPOSITORS Po*tmiuter General Burleson in An nual Report to Congrts* Recorn comncnd* Higher Interest The Plitnl Stalin Postal Savins* on January I marked its tenth annlvrrsar* by i-wuln* ? new poat?l ravin** rard which will dis place the l<> >'?'?? postal saving* eard iablif-hment of the system on Janu Tbe new <ard will lie furnished po?>tal Mtitm have been af filed ll v>ill I.. ?. cvpuil al any de pository ..III. .? an a deposit of $1 or II mav be redevta .1 In cash. Th? outatandlnc (ml nr.- of (he now rar.l : la the translation In'o twenty-four ol' the a-atement that the ly pledged lo the payment of dr iiaa shown remarkable proKreaa Taught In Ihelr native .ountrlr* !?> look to tl?' ? eminent to safeguard avmg*. thev naturally expect tn>n. <? h newcomer a* he leave* I be port of entry, receive* a leaflet method* of operation of the I lilted urging u| ii hun the desirability of mcemary In the country be haa Just ?>f ibe m<?i potent factor* in further .ng the Americanization movement. Many banks, usually savings hanks, prior to thr . -tablishment of iii km syatem would b? a strong com petitor, but experience has shown that the postal savings system draws Ita patron* not front depositors In established and well conducted bank* but froui among those who otherwise would not place their money In any banking Inatltutlon whatever. The original act of Congress re stricted the total amount to be placed on 'deposit at f&OO ninj the deposit of tbla amount was limited to not more thai. $100 per month. Ltter the monthly limitation was entirely removed and the maximum amount Increased first to $1,000 and thru to the pre. rut sutn. $2,600. Postmaster General Uurlwon. In the annual report recently submitted to j Congress. recommends Increasing the rate of Interest to be paid de positor* and artion by I'ongrin will,' no doubt, be taken along these lines within the neur fuiure. FIBST SEM?STEB 0VEK The first semester of the Douglas public school is over and the latter part of last week and the llrst part 1 of this week the higher grade.* were occupied with taking tests. Very few of the scholars failed In their studies for the llrst half year .u. d the new term finds them ad vanced Into the higher work for the rest of the school year. The llrst part of the year has been uulto successful under the supervision of Gordon C. Mitchell and the Instructors under him anil the enrollment la larger than las' year. IN JUNEAU Mrs. George I.aRoche. mother oi Mrs. Kghuri Ixximis of this city, ar rived in Jureau on tho City of Seat tle Wednesday with the Intention of making here home there. She came from Seattle. .Mr. nnd Mrs. l,oomls are visiting In Washington and will not return North for several weeks. VACATION Oliver U Anderson, purser for the Juneau Kerry * Navigation Com pany. has been taking a vacation for the past few days and his place has been filled on the company's boats by Krank O'Brien, former Job Printing at the New* office. IM TREADWELL MARKET WE CARRY ALL KINDS OF First Class Fresh Heats Also a Great Variety of Smoked Heats and Sausages. The best grade* of HAMS AND BACONS Always on Hand FRESH VEGETABLES Fresh Salted and Smoked Fish Large Alaskan Crabs Fancy Cheese Assorted Pickles Cider and Vinegar in Bulk Our Market is Modern and Sanitary in Every Respect. Free Delivery at 10 a. m. every week day. Your patronage is appreciated Our prices Arc Right PHONi? Tre?dwell 18 THE ALASKA TREADWELL GOLD MINING GO. Officc Stationery of All Kinds at the News Print Shop Fifteen Rooms Nicely Fnroiihed HOTEL HUNTER EMILIO UBERTI. M.ugcr HMIBEK SUM" IX CONNECTION FRONT STREET DOUGLAS. ALASKA Tobacco* Pool and Phone 35 FOR PRINCE RUPERT. VANCOUVER. SEATTLE. ETC. PRINCESS MARY JANUARY 13 and 27 FEB. 10 ud 24 Partk-ulan and Reservation* from R. r. RU'll AKHSON. JI'NEAV. DAVE EVANS. Agent, Thano AMONG FLY WHEELS OF MOSQUITO FLEET ? Mining Now The navigators this week >11 put the bunts In their cradles and hiirr gone out dlRglug gold, stirred h they nover wore before by the announcement lu tho News that a biff gold strike had been made uear Douglas, where there would be u lot of plater ground to'bo worked, followed by plenty of quart*. They all put their parks on thalr buck and hit out for the diggings. That is. they did with their minds, while their bodies stayed warm and comfortable In tho close proximity of a Rood hot store. Many sluice boxes were put In place and the yellow metal was gar nered literally by the ton. The sound of the gravel rolling over the riffles for a time almost threatened to drown conversation. It was tho concensus of opinion that the days of old on Douglas Isl- 1 and were yet to be repeated and that there Is no reason in the world why Douglas should not yet be a flour ishing miulng cainp. If the exeltemont incidental to the newest gold strike continues to grow, there Is a possibility that some of l be most prominent of the local sen-going men will forget their years of affiliation with tho Jump s parks and make-and-breaks and go Into the mining game for suro. King Salmon It Is reported that the king salmon aro biting In Tenakee Inlet. Itobort K. Coughlln. formerly of thia city, who Is wintering at the hot springs, is said to be trolling for the fish and to have caught a number of them. Teddy Butted The boats of the Juneau Ferry ft Navigation Company aro landing at tho Douglas city wharf float pend ing repair work on tho ferry dock. The Teddy Is disabled with a broken tail shaft and the l<one Fisherman Is on the run steady. True to Her The saying that puppy love Is ffckle Is disproved by Incidents that have recently happenod. Some of the members of the Douglas basket ball team are (till writing letters to Wrangefl and at least one of the boys has declared that he will spend the coming summer at that place. Over the Top The war sure had a far-reaching effect, as can be proven by asking Superintendent Gordon C. Mitchell of the Douglas public school. Cooties whose ancestors no doubt came from the trenches and who may have en joyed the unique distinction of hop ping from whisker to whisker on the classic countenance of Marshal Foch himself, were discovered at tho school some time ago. A barrage was laid down and the parents of the afflicted ones "went over the top" with a little pursuer and sundry eradlcators. and the last one has been driven from his dug out. caught in the open, and now He with tho poppies waving over them. For a time there was a lierco com bat In "No Man's l.and" as tho enemy battled to hold every hair so vigorously won, but the light Is over and now the Douglas school la declared to bo "cootlelesa" and cleaff. necome a stockholder In the Unit ed States - buy war-savlngj stamps. HUSBAND'S STORY WILL AMAZE DOUGLAS He says: "Adler-l-ka helped my wife for Rax on the atomacb ami L'TES. It work* beyond greatest expectations." Adlcr-l-ka acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel remov ing foul matter which poisoned fttomach. Urlugs out all gaues anil sour. decaying food. EXCELLENT for chronic conallpatlon. Guards attainst appendicitis. Adler-l-ka re moves matter you never thought was In your system and which may have been poisoning you for months Guy L. Smith, druggist. Stiff Joints Sore Muscles Smoothed Out By Kamlln'a i Wizard Oil Soreness and stiffness resulting from unaccustomed use of muscles : or too much cxcrcise, Mich as ten nis, baseball. Rolf, hand-hall. etc., ? give way quickly to the soothing effect of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It I penetrates last, drives out the sore ness, and limbers up stiff, aching joints and musclcs. Hamlin* Wiunl oil la a food depend able preparation to have la the midit Ine ch??t for Brut al?| and when the din tor mnr be t*r away. It is nn absolutely reliable ? nt 1 pt 1 application for cut*, btsrn-. bltea ad ?tin*i grains and bmiaea h*,?l r?p*dty under It" sooth Inf. penetr t <; u.Ji tlo?. Ke*;? It on hand. Generous six* bottle 16c If you are troubled *l?k constipation or eick hea?la<b? try Hauilln s YVlaar ? Uver Whips. Just pleuaxat Utile pink plil? at Urucflata for NO MEETING There wo* n mooting of the Doug 1. 8 Island Republican Club schedul ed for last night, at which time ap plications (or reccommondatlou (or Territorial positions would be acted upon. The meeting was postponed until a later date owing to the fact (hat a number of members found It iiupoxrlble to be present. Quite a numbor of applications ure on file for various positions. COMING TO TOWN Mr .and Mr*. M. S. Hudson and little son are expected to arrive In town the latter part of this week or the Oral of next for a vlalt. They are coming on the Estebeth from ? lie Uypsum mlno. where Mr. Hud son Is foreman for the company. ENGINEERS COMING The engineers who arc to build the cold storage plant In Juneau were scheduled to leave the Bast yes terday en route to Juneau to look over the location and uiako plana for the erection of the building. NEW MINISTER Ilev. Charles E. Hire, who rame North about the time of the Klon dike rush and has occupied pulpits nil over Alaska, has arrived at Ju neau to take charge of Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral there and St. I.uke's church here, superseding Dean Guy l>. Christian, who left for Virginia shortly before Christmas. Ilev. Rice left the North eleven years ago and since that time has been In Washington and Colorado, coming North from Durango, Colo., where he wuk stationed for three vcara. Kev. Rice Is accompunled by his wifo and two sons. RECOVERED Mix* Trlna Mumlh, who has beuu nt St. Ann hospital. Juneau, recov i rliiit from an operation for oppon dlrltls. hut recovered so well that she will return to her home In tills city very fhortly. COMING HOME After having visited relatives in Missouri. Mrs. W. II. Irvine and two chlldreu arr now on their way to Se attle and will tome North on one of the llrst boats leaving that port. and Kentui-ky and stoppod off in Missouri sovortil weeks ago. WINTER RACING on at McCarthy Scotty Atkinson Win? Fir?t of Sea son's Races Over Twenty Five Mile Course Anionic the winter sports at Mc Carthy are dog races, and the first one of the senson was run early this month. The team driven by ttcotty Atkinson won the rare over a 25 mlle course. In fact time. The Mr f'arthv News describe* tha event as follow* ? From the (Jolyden hotel to Brown's roadhouse and bark, a distance of twenty-five miles, was the course or which the flrst of the season's dojt races toook place last Sunday amid much excitement. Krom start to flnlsh throngs of people were on the watch, and when Scotty Atkinson, driving the winning team, came Into sight on Sour dough hill he received quite an ova tion. He mndo a very spectacular finish. Over a thousand dollars changed hands on the race. Col. J. Stevenson's Tedle and Heaver, driven by Scotty Atkinson, carrying 48 pounds. Including har ness. started at 11 o'clock, light sonw falling and 9 below zero, fin ished at twenty-eight and a quarter minute* after two. Time, two hours, flfty-eight and a quarter minutes. George Anderson's Spot aud Wolf, driven by Charlie Lubbe. carrying 28 H pounds. Including harness, started at 12 noon, with a light snow falling and 8 below sero. finished at 4:50. Time, four hours and fifty minutes. Roy Snyder's Duck and Bob. driven by himself, carrying 30 pounds, In cluding harness, started at 12:30, light snow and 6 below zero, finish ed 4:01. Time, three hours and 31 minutes. STARTED PRACTICES The junior school orcheatra now meets for practice at 7:30 on Mon day-evening and the advanced or rhestra meets on the same evening ?t 8:30 o'clock. ^ FAMOUS MUSHER IS WRITTEN UP (Contlnu3d from page 1) vcloped n ferocious disposition and refused to travel. Tho disappointed owner gave him to Allan, Under whose spell HcMillian became a mar vel of spood. Allan Is the world's greatest au horlty on the training of racing am' led dog. "Dogs are the most Intui Ive creaturcs alive," he says. "The> take the disposition and feelings of '.heir driver. That is why I never let my dogs know I'm tired. At the end of the day when my heart has been High breaking with weariness. I sing to the little chaps, and whistle, so i hey always reach the end of the trail with their tallt up and wav ing." Through Allan's effort to Improve the brood. Nome dogs have become famous. Explorers depend upon him to select and train them for perious expeditions into the arctic and ant arctic regions. Tho record of tho Nome dogs In Prance during the war is a matter of history. Pour hun dred of these dumb knights of the trail won the Croix de Guerre for transporting ammunition under Are. The story of 8cotty Allan would not be complete without mention of his leader who brought the racing teams in to victory so many times, that super-dog, Baldy of Nomo, famed In rhyme and story for the last ten years. Up there they don't expect any leader to stand up under more than twp heart-breaking strug gles over that four-hundrod-mlle course. In the northern roadhouaes o' winter nights, when the ^ventur ers gathers about the roaring air tight stove while their shoe-pacs snd parkas dry out for the noxt day's travel, the talk will sooner or later drift round to Scotty and Baldy, and many and wonderful are the tales they tell of this heroic pailr. Baldy was too old to go to the war zone with his master but in the service flag presented to the old dog there are twenty-eight stars, one for ev ory son he sent. Baldy did his part by appearing at lectures and raising money for the Hod Cross. On state occasions he wears the cross pre sented to his sons by Prance. A scat In the Alaska Legislature, a successful business and some In ventions pertaining to sleds and arc tic travel, are minor Incidents In Allan's picturesque career. Ho lias a homo now in Berkeley, California, where his daughters and a stalwart son arc attending the University. With the whole-hearted hospitality of the trail he entortalus hosts or friends from the North. 80 many little Indian. Ksklmo and half-breed numeiiakea are mattered throughout Alaska that after the last census the number caused him some embar rassment. "1 suppose t ought to settle down -men do at my age." he said, In answer to a question. A wistful look came Into his poet's face, clean-cut and young-looking under a heavy thatch of hair as white as the snow on his own loved mountains. "But there's nothing to light down here. I long for a bliuard onco in a while. If only a heavy sea would storm in here and tear up the beach a hit!" He shrugged his powerful shoulders, the only mark about him of the lighter, and his blue eyes, full of dreams, fell affectionately on old Baldy, lying affectionately at his feet, dim eyes raised ever and anon to his master's face, a deaf old enr lifted to catch, perhaps, the call to the Trail. One thought of caged eagles. THANE WINS Thane ramo bark strong In the bowling match of laat Friday night when the team representing that town In the firemen's tournament defeated the Douglas firemen by a total of 2341 to 2106. The final re sults were as follows: THANK W.MeCormlck 125 158 tiamorra ...... 141 201 E. MrCormlrk 182 172 Danlelaon .... 121 150 Totals 747 805 DOUGLAS Hubert son ... 143 169 K. MrCormlrk 131 154 lirnwn 118 131 ('ashen 185 146 Totals .. .723 738 FIRE MEETING ThcVe Is to be a meeting of Hose Companies No. 1 and 2 of the Doug las fire department on next Monday evening. SKATE ON An old-fashioned skating party was staged by the young folks of houglas at the Natatorlum hall on Wednesday evening. Roller skating was enjoyed for several hours. 155 ?438 199 ?541 169 ?471 117 ? 471 j 149 ? 42t) 789?2341 | 138 ?421 147 ?459 103 ?388 138 ?387 119 ?450 I 645? 210C NOW EDITOR MIm M. Anno Makens. who was at one time a resident of DouglM Inland, where she taught a term in the Treadwell school, I* now In (he newspaper business and has the po sition of city editor of the I'barr, Texas, Clarion. The Clarion Is a weekly paper. ? Copies of the Clarion which hare ecently reached this city, show that ,11m Makens la able to gather quite budget of local new? during the WALLOPED AGAIN The Lazy Five basketball nam of the Douglas school got walloped again when they mot the Alaska Na ive Brotherhood sccond team at tho N'alatoriuni last Friday evening. Tho icore was 20 to 14. For a time It was said that the :ame was an cxclttng one and sev ?ral tlm<s the score was tied, Anally oelng won by tho native boys when ?hey took a suddon spurt near the finish and mado three baskets In aipld succession. FROM KETCHIKAN Mr. and Mr*. Hubert Vamlcn Wyer arrived here on (he Alamoda Mon day morning from Ketchikan. They will reside on Oniitlnoaii Channel for the next several month* at least. Mr*. Vtnden Wyer was formerly Miss t'assle Kins of this city. The dishes which are used In the banquet ball of the Old Kcl lows' building have become scatteroil, so as to rausc a seri ous shortage r.t social gathor | illRS. If the housewives of Douglas will carefully look through their dishes and return any be longing to tho lull, they will confer a very (treat favor. Carl Jacobson JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING ST. ANN /VE. DOUGLAS NOTICE TIUIBTKES. ? ? Job Printing al the Nown offlca. TOBACCO ?CIGARS We carry the largest itock of Smokers' Sundries on the Island. A larro Itock of Juno B?ir erane and other aoft drlnka always on hand. BUTTE POOL ROOM HIKE IM'HICH. Proprietor Front Street Douglaa CUT YOUR OWN HAIR EASIER THAN SHAVINO! Price to Introduce Only $2.00 You do not need any cxperl rare or practice to use the DUI'I.KX AUTOMATIC HAIR CUTTKIl. It 'omen to you ready for Instant uac. and five niinutm after you receive It, you can have your lialr cut better than II was ever cut be fore. THE DUPLEX Will rut us cioscly or trim ua Ions n? you wish It to. No clipper* or scissors are ne?d?l with tbc DUPLEX ; It flnlahM the work rotnplctely. It cut* th<3 front hair Ionic and tbc back hair short. Trims arouud the cars, etc. Cat thii ad. out and tend it with only $2.00 and we will send you postpaid the DUPLEX AUTOMATIC HAIR CUTTER. Ready for Instant use. Comfort Speed Economy AG K NTS WANTED FivED JOSEPH DISTRIBUTOR 1721 Trinity St. Lot Angeles Calif. ++++-H Are You on a Cash Basis? Do you pay all your bills with cash, and perhaps pay them twice? Do you argue and dispute over the amounts? Do you try to keep all such records in your mind? A checking account with this bank will eliminate all such troubles. Deposit your money here? pay your bills by check?that is the safest way? the modern way of doing business. Come in and let us start you. It's easy. THE FIRST TERRITORIAL BANK OF ALASKA U. S. DEPOSITARY? POSTAL SAVINGS SpecialSale OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S ! Underwear ! F. A. J. GALLWAS GROCERIES. FURNISHINGS, NOTIONS, FISHERMEN'S SUPPLIES