Win* From Joe Collier Near End ol
Fifth Round at Elks' Smoker
Saturday Night
H> putt Ins (he kayo on Joe Col
lier i?' the ? ml of tin' fifth* round
I*" Hlxltfjr of Treadvtrll retained his
before inor live hundred box
In tl.i :ira( two rtuinkv Collier
V i i>n waved lllglt'v bucl( and ?ho flr?? i n? ?f the Royic
I iir* blon.- that buU A' Will al
?> . !i I ilol. ' .irt re?-elv?l th<
rim<-k. a native boy, and Onborn
pounds each. Chuck look-*! like I
million dollars In the first rouni
or the iMinil met him in hi* owi
corner with an awful wallop ho be
Kan to weaken and fom then on I
waa Ihs beginning of th? end. lie
quit at the end ot the third, after
he had badly sprained hi* right
| ham: lull a d?> > - 1 <>ti up to that tlni"1
??ulil h.V' h. -i n In favur of 0;t'?>rn.
The advertlaed bout between Earl
p Keuler of Ketchikan and Kay High
lower o( San Francisco did not ma
terialize. an both men withdrew Juat
before the time (or It to start.
Wilson. of Treadwell. referee; Tom
Mad>onald and H. V. Hendrlckaoi,
Judge*, and Frank Motiulf, an
nl with snugs ami music and Juat
before the main event the Muncys.
Beside the mauy people from
The whote smoker waa a clean ru'
ii?, with a lot of good sportsmanship
Two of Three Escaped Pmonen
Have,. Been Captured by 0. S.
Deputy Marshals
1 thr- ? prlaonera. Frank Net' I. Walter
doom. The sawing was done with
Brown hail not a* yet been taken i
I L. A. Slanc, owner of n number of
t house* in tbis elty. hn? started tear
i inn them down and and will ?hlp
- the material to Juneau for re-er*e
t tlon.
Arrangements Hade for Sale of
Property on Which Tax Is Not
Paid, April 4
At tho nicotine of the Douglas
city council last Monday night It
wan ordered that the delinquent lax
list for the (ear I91l> be published
In the Douglas Island News and that
(he sale of that property upon which
the taxes remain unpaid be held on
It was found that thore remains
thirty-one place* of Douglas real es
tate upon which tho tax has not
taxes, penalty and coats on all prop
Deeds to property sold at the tax
The matter of Charles Unison,
who It was reported was <11 and
of the council and It was decided to
take every precaution to prevent any
h?nd those who have been doing the
The nicotinic of Horn (jompanles
N<>. 1 unci 2 of the ltouiclaa fire de
partment, held on Manila)' evening,
wan a moHt Interesting one and a
large number of tho members were
mean* to raise the sum of Ihoney
needed it waa decided that It would
again this year whlrh It Is hoped
sidcrablc more baseball material here
elected to the position after having
Thomas Klgps. after having secured
an opinion from the attorney gen
etor of the Douglas dairy and a prop
erty holder in Douglas, returned
Mrs. McEvoy announces that she
For further information apply at
' our any day excepting Saturday or
The trial scheduled for last Wed
nesday in the U. S. Commissioner's
ourt of Louis Oufek agaln?t John
anil Britta Haho has been postponed
!>y request of Ilellenthal & Hellen*
thai, attorney* for the Haho*. The
>ge* for a couple of picture frames.
Next Sunday itftcrnoon at the of
flee of P. It. Urudley at Tread wel
there will be m oieetinK held for th<
purpose of promotinK nn Indoo
field meet to be held In the I)ouk
Ins Natatorlum at noma time in thi
u'oar future. Those present will bi
teachers and other Interested par
Tentative outlines of about thirtj
five events have been drawn np am
It Is hoped to Interest not oirfy tin
phyalial direltors of both the Ikiug
Ins and Juneau schools but senloi
organisations on the Channel.
The event*, it Is thought, will b<
divided Into classes for high school
grammar school and adults, and wll
comprise all the sports that It will
be possible to hold In the hall, in
eluding running, Jumping. wal
scaling and many others.
Miss Theresa Reeve, teacher In
the Douglas High School, resigned
her position In that Institution last
Tuesday and left for her home In
western Wednesday night. Being s?
lute in the school year It may not be
possible to got a substitute from the
south to teach the remainder of the
The resignation of Miss Keeve was
caused by continual differences be
lllgla school that finally culminated
last Monday In almost open rebel
lion and caused her to offer her res
ignation. which was accepted.
The Juneau Camp of the Alaaka
Native Brotherhood haa purchased
hall. aituate<l on the walk between
Treailwell Company. anil will move
It to a position on Wlllouffhbjr ave
nue III Juneau ahortly.
Tonight they are Riving a hi*
tl a lire and entertainment In the
hall to rbrinten It anil many native*
be prevent at the festltltlea.
According to legal publication In
election to be helil on Tueaday April
and MagiMratc U W. Kilbtim will
but It la thought that there will !><?
Mr. and Mr*. Egburt Loomls or
the mourner Alameda today. after
in k spent In Bucoda, Wash., with
relatives. Mr. Ix>omls 1* the sawyer
for the Juneau Lumber Company
St. I.uke's Guild of the Episcopal
rhurrh Is having a goody sale in the
League rooms of the Congregational
church this afternoon. To enable
every one to meet the new pastor of
St. I.uke'a church. Re*. C. K. Rice,
anil Mrs. Rice, a silver tea Is also
being held this afternoon at the
same place.
Fresh Milk and Cream
Ferry Ticket*
Steamship Ticket*
(Admiral Lloc)
Cut Flower*
Potted Plant*
Electric Light Globe*
Ice Cream and Candy
Magazine* and Newspapers
Fountain Pen*
Fiction and other book*
Camera* and Film*
in addition to the best lines
of merchandise regularly car
? led lu any first-class drug
Guy's Drug Store
3d and D St. Douglas, Alaska
The Fifth Session of Territorial
Bod if s Starts in Juneau Next
Monday Morning
The flfth biennial session of the
I Territorial legislature will convent'
' In the Garside building. Third street
Juneau, next Monday morning and
r the lust of the lawmaker* for the ses
hIou arrived on tho Alamedu today.
The prcaont legislature will be
overwhelmingly republican In Us
1 makeup, the only democrats being
' those who happen to be hold-overs
from 191#.
' In the Kirn l division the senators
are William K. Uritt of Juneau, a
holdover and a democrat. . He is a
druggist. Forest J. Hunt of Ketch
ikan Is u republican and a business
man of the First City.
Thoso it* the lower house of the
legislature from the First division
arc: rush Cole, transfer man and
agent for tho American ftailway Ex
press Company of Juneau: George
Getchell is outside foreman at the
Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Com
pany and an ex-servlco man; Earl
L. Hunter is n former postmaster of
Juneau and more recently has been
captain of u gas boat; H. T. Tripp
Is a mining engineer. All livo at
Juneau and all arc republicans.
In the Second division the sen
ators are James Frawley and John
Sundback. both of Nome and both
republicans. Senator Frawley it a
lawyer and Hundback Is a mining
The three members of the lower
house from the Second division are
Charles W. Urown, Orviile D. Coch
rane nnd K. L. Holt. The fourth
nictnher from (hero wag K. D. Bur
roughs. who died In Seattle early
thin wifk. Cochrane la a lawyer
and Holt In it hardwaro merchant
All arc republican!.
The senator* front the Third di
vision arc Thomas C. Price of An
chorage and E. B. Chamberlain 'of
Seward. Chatubcrlnln ia In Ll>?
hotel business, while Price Is a plum
ber. The former I* a republican and
l he latter a democrat.
Third :ire Arthur Frame of Anchor
age; J. II. Murray of McCarthy. H.
K. Klsncr and Capt. A. K. I.ath rop
of Cordova. The first two mre law
yers. Capt. Lathrop Is the owner of
picture show house* and Klsncr Is
an employee of the Copper Klvcr &
Northwestern Railway.
The two senators from the Fourth
L C. Hess of Fairbanks. Senator
Collins Is a mining man and Hess Is
Tltr representatives from the
Fourth are Andrew Xerland. II. II.
Koss. P. J. Hlckert and Theo. Ket
tleson. The first three arc from
Fairbanks and the lattor from
Brooks. Mr. Ncrland is a business
man, as Is Mr. Koss. Mr. Rirkert is
a farmer of the Tnnana valley, while
Mr. Kettlcson Is a mining man in
the Tolovana country.
William T. Burns of Fairbanks,
three times a member of the Terri
torial legislature, died at Fairbanks
on February 24 from acute uppen
dl rills. He was about 40 years of
age and leaves a wife and three
Mr. Burns was a member of the
first and two subsequent. legisla
tures and was a candidate for senator
from the Fourth division against E.
B. Collins, the present incumbent.
Whllo atendlng to hit duties as
a lawmaker at Juneau. Mr. Burns
made many friends on the Channel
who regret to hear of his death.
members of the Douglax High School
basketball team at dinner at the
home of his mother In this city on
Monday evening. Besides the team,
Mr. Nichols, Mr. Mltchcll and Miss
Thompson of Uto faculty were pres
ent. What Is said to have been a
flue repast was erved.
Tho condition of John Harrett.
"Cordwood Jack." who Is at St. Ann
. hospital. Is said to be very serious.
According to the physicians and
nurses In charge of his ease he ran
not long snrvlve.
He la an oldtimer of Douglas who
was taken to the hospital several
weeks ago suffering from cancer of
the stomach.
N. Tobnr and Tony Porter pleaded
guilty to n violation of the Alaska
llone Dry law before U. S. Commis
Hloncr John Henson and were each
lined 9 2C and costs last night.
The men were arrested by l)op
uty U. 8. Marahal A. K. Lucy, who
had been watching the house In
which they wero living on tho Itoug
laa beach, and on laat Monday nlKbt
he iuiw them giving liquor to two
native womon. He afterwards found
the wotten drunk In tho cabin.
Selling some liquor that he found
there, he had It analyzed and found
It to contain 4.6 per rent alcohol.
It was regular "white oitile" with a
lame leg and not a very powerful
kick. There was a barrel of it and
the ingredients an said to be pota
toes. molasses and several other(
things. Tho men were picked up
yesterday after the analysis had been
Claiming to have no money with
which to pay thcl( fines, the men
will serve out their sentences In the,
federal Jail at Juneau.
?The trial for damages of Mrs. Kos
kl vs. tlio Alaska Juneau Gold Mln
Iiik Company mill occupies tho at
tention of the dlitlrlct court. Tltc
plaintiff put witnesses on the stand
for several days this week and the
delTnse is now Introducing testi
The oTldonce Riven by the plain
tiffs' witnesses had mostly to do with
the condition of the flume and the
Kround surrounding It on the day
of tho slide, January 2, 1920. An
attempt Is being made to prove that
it was on account of an overflow of
the flume that the slido occurred.
The defense Is by expert testi
mony and oldlimo residents of Ju
neau trying to establish tho fact
that owing In tho condition of the
ground and what Is said to have been
the excessive rainfall at that time.
I he sllrio was a pure accident that
would have occurred If the Alaska
Juneau Uold Mining property had
never been there.
The case will undoubtedly occupy
the rest of the present week.
Many passengers on the stc?m<r
Alameda, now on tho Channel, have
signified their Intcntlois of staying
over at Juneau until that vessel
goes to 3l:<gway and return on the
present trl;>. On the boat are nil of
the remainder of the members of the
Territorial legislature, many people
en route to western Alaaka and a
number of other people for points
on the Channel. There Is a dance
tonight at the Klks hall In Juneau
to give the passengers who arc slop
ping over a chance to meet the peo
ple of Juneau and to Introduce the
members of the legislature. The
Alameda was sold out leaving Seat
tle, having a total of 288 passengers
on board.
In none of the games of the inter
city bowling tournament of las)
night was there as high as a 2300
score made, and all the scores were
very even. The Brunswick* won
from Treadwell on the Treadwell al
leys by a very small margin and the
Klks beat Thane on the Brunswick
alleys by only a few pins.
The relative positions of the teams
with tho Klks several hundred pins
in the lead, remains the samo as last
It. F. Richardson. general agent
for the Canadian Pacific Hallway
( ompany, la quite III at St. Ann hos
pital In Juneau as the result of a
severe cold contracted while on a
long trip to Quebec. Canada, to at
tend a meeting of the general agents
of the company.
Returning hero early last month
Mr. Itlchardfcon has not been able
since that time to visit his office.
He Is vory well known and liked
by many people on Douglas Island.
Staff Captain Janes of the Salva
tion Army, who visited with the lo
cal branch of the army for several
days, left for Ilia headquarters at
Ketchikan 'on the Northwestern
Wednesday night.
The Douglas Island Woman's Club
met on Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Jack Wilson at Tread
well. There was a good attendance
; and an interesting session was held.
Charles W. Hawkeiworth, Who
Started the Agitation, Declare*
the Incident Closed
Charles W. Hawkesworth, district
superintendent of the liurcau of Ed
ucation. whose statement that he
would more than likely recommend
'he aholfHhnient of the Wrangell gov
rnment Rrhool at the end of the
present school year and that It
| would be likely that other govern
ment schools would be abolished,
tarted the agitation that has been
ruing the rounds In many of the pa
pers In regard Jo the co-education of
white and native children, said to
<lay that as far as he Is concerned
the whole thing Is a closed Incident,
lie has not yet mnde such a recom
mendation and In view of the agi
tation raised and the statements
made by Secretary of the Interior
John llarion Payne and W. T. U>pp,
cjilef of the bureau for Alaska, that
there was no contemplated change In
view In the educational situation In
tlic Territory, It Is very probable
that ho will not make such a rec
.Mr. iiawKeswortn mm ncen max
Inn the round* of (he cooperative
Mori's operated by the native* under
bureau supervision at Metlakatla,
Hydaburg, Hay View and Kake. ac
companying J. 0. Williams on hi*
annual audit, and has been away
from his headquarter* at Juneau for
the past two months, but has written
letters :o the members of the Wran
gell school board telling them that
there Is not much probability of the
government school being abolished,
and It would seem that the Incident
Is, to all practical purposes, closcd.
8pcaklng of business conditions as
he found them at the various co
operative stores on his visit, he said
that notwithstanding the falling
market and the poor season of last
year In regard to the Ashing busi
ness, the store* have done very well.
They have not done a* well a* In
some of the years gone by but they
have done bttcr than was expected.
Me also stated that hi* chief, W.
T. l?opp. would arrive noon from Se
attle for a conference with the gov
ernor of Alaska and L. D. Hender
son. Territorial commissioner of ed
ucation. 011 school matters in Alaska.
Krank Shotter, formerly of this
city, ha* been in Juneaa for the post
week receiving medical attention to
attempt to overcome threatened deaf
ness. He has lived at Hoonah for
the past several years where he I*
In the mercantile establishment of L.
Kane and" is assistant postmaster.
He is Interested In a minir.g prop
erty at Uslanskl with William H.
Dodge and Dr. W. A. Rorlnnd, also
of Hoonah, and several others, and
they contemplate to do considerable
development work on the property
thi* *eason.
Mr. Shotter visited in Douglas one
day during his stay on the Channel.
Mrs. Georgia Stanton, shot thru
the right arm and right lung a few
weeks ago by Delbert Roper at Ju
neau. has left St. Ann hospital and
is staying with relative* In this city.
The grand Jury brought a true
bill against Roper for the crime of
shooting with Intent to kill and he
pleaded not guilty through his at
torney. H. I.. Faulkner, yesterday
morning. He will have his trial at
this term of court on some date not
yet fixed.
The differences between the city
round 1 of Skaxway and the Home
Power Company of that city have
been adjusted and the city ha* had
Its street IlKhta on for some time
now. The Home Power Company
has made a contract to lifclit tho
city with but a few changes for the
sum of 11,250 a year.
Rex E?rly and Arthur Olaon of
thin city left Wednesday mornln* on
the Kaaboat Anita Phillips for Speel
Klvor, where they will be employed
by the Alaska Pulp & Paper Com
Mrs. William Spain entertain a
number of her lady friends at a sew
I lift party at her home at Treadwell
on last Saturday afternoon.