0mbtamt VOET-IIT. NO. 49. TOMBSTONE. COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA, JUNE 17, 1882. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. . hx. WEEKLY EPITAPH. TJUD3TOXB. AHIZONA, JUNE 17, 18SJ. IX- Till) FItOXT 1I.M(, Although ono of tha earliest ex- Jored portions of the North Amen- can continent, Arizona is even yet one of the least known. Before the opening of tho Southern Paoilic railroad, its capabilities and its re sources wo'ro but imperfectly under stood by tho outside world. That it contained the richest mines of any section of the United States, and somo'of the finest grazing lands, wn3 the popular belief. But, although tradition and story had thrown ju-okjid thisM'sy.pto region- Uiolam or of golden fancies, it remained to be practically demonstrated whother this reputed wealth really had an existence. Tho bullion out put for tho past two years has set tled the question of theoxtont and wonderful richness of Arizona's mines, and moro than fulfilled tho expectations of her most sanguine friends. '- It has been shown that the whole Territory is ono vast minora! field, unequaled, perhips, on the globe.1 Tt has been proven that its ore bod ies are of a higher grade than any jet discovered. The popular opin ion which once obtained among Pacifio coast opprators, that the mines of Arizona were mero surface deposits, has been proven to bo fal lacious. Whfcrever depth has been reached, the mines have shown a steady improvement, both in size of . vein and quality of ore. Arizona is destined, and that with in a few years, to become tho great bullion producer of the Union. Her climate, natural facilities for ore re duction, and all the adjuncts which jnako mining a success, are here in abundance, 'i he cost of extraction is nominal, and no expensive outlay of large and costly machinery, is ne cessary. Vast deposits of mineral are found on tho surface, and the great expense of deep mining will not interfere with successful prose cution of the business in this Terri tory for years to cone. There is to day no 'portion of the great mning 'belt of the Union which presents so many advantages to the investor as Arizona. It is almost a virgin field, And thote who are fortunate enough 'to secure an interest in it, will yet glean a golden harvest. We are leceiving almost daily communications from tho eastern states, asking information of the grazing resources of this section of tho country. It is tho intention of 'the editor of the EriTAni to shortly make a trip over all portions of Co- chiso county, when a series of artioles will be written showing its existing wonderful facilities for stook grow- ers. That portion of tho county ly ing east of Tombstone is universally conceded to bo more prolific in mi tricious. grasses than any other soc "tion of the Territory. Vast plains and immense traots of rolling coun try are literally covered, as far as the eye can reach, and there is an abund ance of water. In tho low valleys along tho streams, alfalfa grows so rapidly that several crops cari be cut each year. These valleys present unrivaled facilities for the estab lishment of dairies, and tho growth of vegetables. Tho rnany mining oamps now -existing and springing up in all portions of tho county fur nish certain -markets for cattle and the products of farms and dairies. In the prespnt freedom, from Indian and other troubles, there can bo no better field for stock-raisers and small farmors than Cochise county, and in tho close future our grazing lesources will breed an era of pros perity that will inuro to tho benefit of all classes of business. Pbofessok Church is exerting Himself very actively in behalf of Arizona's exhibit at the Denver Ex position. His exact knowledgo of minerals and tho science of mining, together with his eminent business qualifications, enables him to estab lish a perfect system of classification and method of procedure, while his energy will undoubtedly secure full representation from all the counties. The Territory may consider itself fortunate that Professor Church has consented to act in the premises, for his aotual worth and reputation as a mineralogist and geologian will se cure the mineral products of Arizona an attention and consideration few other gentlemen could obtain for them. It is to be hoped nil sections of the Territory will co operate with and aid the Commissioner earnestly and. heartily. Tin: jiki;tixj. The meeting last night, which ro-. suited in the election of Hon. Patrick Hamilton to represent Cochiso coun ty nt the Denver Exposition, was an enthusiastic one. Tho grcntleman chosen has too good a record to need much comment, and his abilities as a writer and a miner insure a first class exhibit and interpretation of the mineral resources of the county. Selected by the last legislative as sembly to write up the resources of Arizona, he produced a pamphlet that has beon audj's being quoted in tho loading journals of the country as ono of the most exhaustive brief reviews over written. The leading mining journal of Denver but re c itly published eight columns of the "Resources of Arizona," and paid Mr. Hamilton an exceedingly, high compliment upon the 'production of his pen. He is well known to all tho mining men of Colorado, and will bo eceived at Denver with' tho most considerate attention. Ho served a long apprenticeship at mining, work ing for years as a prospector and an underground minor, and using his intelligence, in tho study Of ores and geological indications. Thero is hardly a miner in" tho Territory who does not know Pat Hamilton. Al ways an advocato of a uniform rato of wages, ho has over held the high est place in tho esteem of the Miner's Union. Certainly Coohiso county cannot bo better represented than by Hon. Patrick Hamilton, nor tho dis trict of Tombstone by ono more fit than Thcs. It. Sorin. In this issue of the EpiTArn is published tho grand jury report. It would liavo appeared sooner, but, owing to . variety of circumstances, it cojild not. In tho first place it was not read in open court or ordered published, as is done in all other courts. Secondly, owing to losses in collections since tho fire, this office has been hardly aUe to charge itself with muoh extra expense. As it is wo procured the report by a payment of five dollars to the clerk's office over the instructions' of the clerk to his deputj' that "ho did, not propose, to allow any favors to the Epitaph office." As tho papers of tho court aro public records, we hardly realize what favors this offico can nee'd from their custodian. The resolutions passed by the Re publican convention in Maine, make exceedingly comical reading in the light of recent facts. They pledge the party in that state against tho importation of foreign labor, and yet ovory Maine benator and Represent ative in the present Congress, fought and voted against the Chinese bill. There is als.) a clause advocating a constitutional amendment prohibit ing tho sale of liquor. Should tho latter Republican suggestion pro-, vail, the consequent droughth would be moro appalling than the seven years famino in Egypt. Evidently the Republicana of Maine are feeling their oats to a remarkablo degree. A? tho Epitaph was mentioned on several occasions last night, it is in order to stato that this journal had nothing whatever to do with tho call for tho meeting, and the editor thero of did not know thero was to bo a meeting until his return from Tuo son after tho announcement had been made.. All tho same, wo aro particu larly glad that Mr. Hamilton was de clared tlio ohoico of the people to represont Coohiso county at the Den ver Exposition, for tho reason that wo consider him an eminently fit man for the position. 'It will be seen also that the miners will cheerfully contribute towards tho expenses of his trip. The Democrats of Cochise yes terday laid the foundation foi a thorough organization of the party in this county. Primary elections wore held in overy precinct and a full representation is assured in the convention which meets on tho 24th of Juno. Only by discipline and perfect organization can wo make as surance of success doubly sure. Let tho good work go on in every poll ing place in the county, and let us present a solid and united front next November. So far Cochise appears to bo the only county in the Territory that has taken any action looking to rep resentation at tho Denver Exposi tion. Arizona can make a grand dis play at the fair if proper efforts are put forth. Wanted by tho Republican part' of Arizona, an issue toprcsont to tho voters of the Territory. TELEGRAPHIC. A Merlons Jllot. Alexandria, June 7.-Serious riots occurred to-day between natives and Europeans, and several persons were killed and wounded and in addition u numbor of housos wore destroyed. The police at first remained inactive iu regard to the riotous demonstra tions. Tho latter took place before tho French consulate, to which sever al of those mortally wounded wero carried. The disturbances contin ued somo time before the" authorities took any steps to suppress them. Tho Eiiglish consul was severely hurt, receiving a gunshot wound,-and an engineer of the British man-of-war Superb was killed. Tho disturb ance was continued five hours.' when the militaay appeared and dispersed tho rioters. v LATER. Alexandria, June 11. In the riots tho Greek and Italian consuls were severely wounded. Tho British man-of-war Superb will 'arrive in' port during the night and w)ll pro tect the British coneulate, and boats will be sc'nt to take off all British subjects who desire to leave Alexan dria. It is estimated that twenty persons were killed in the riots, but exaot particulars are unattainable. So far as ascertained the rioting com menced on the "street. Tho immedi ate causo was the stabbing of Mat tes. A mob of natives collected on the streets with stioks and made their way into tho groat square where they demolished music pavilions and the furniture in adjoining cafes. Euro pean subjects (left the square and took refuge for some time at the French consulate'. Tho soldiers were called out but they looked on with out interfering during the work of demolition and bloodshed. The mob saoked the shops of Europeans. Egyptian troops occupy all parts of tho city. Katherno des Sours, in habited, chiefly by Europeans, was completely wrecked. Europeans fired from the windows, killing many Arabs. Tho latter made terrible havoc among Europeans in- the streets. , London, Juno 12. A telegram puhlished here -says the official re port of tho riot in Alexandria gives the number of Europeans killed as sixty-seven. further details. London, Juno 12. Advices from, Alexandria late last night stato that the disturbances commenced simul taneously at three diffetsnt points. Tho object of the rioters, in a great measure, appears to hive been pil lage, in which Levantines as well as Arabs participated. A regiment of cavalry and a regiment of infantry were ordered to reinforce the gar rison. Cairo, Juno 12. The following roport of the riot has bften received from Alexandria: Cookson, the Eng lish Consul, says when he was ramm ing from the great square to the Governor's residence lie saw two Europeans respectfully dressed, ap parently naval officers in plain cldlhes, knocked lown. A Greek was shot and killed by soldiers five yards from Cookson's carriage, and others even closer were knocked down anubbed. A soldier cut at the cow' "the kavass with a sword. Tho carriage of tho Greek consul was stopped by a number of soldiers and tho occupants dragged out. The con sul was severely beaten. Cookson escaped severe maltreatment by his coachman lashing the horses, but he was struck on tho head and &d one of his arms broken. The Italian consul was wounded by a fitone. The wifo of Austion, the Consul-General, was attacked and insulted. Accounts of the origin of the riot aro conflict ing. A Fierce Storm. Denver, Col., June 11. Ono of the heaviest rain storms ever known in this section, accompanied by water spouts, swept over Denver last night, doing thousands of dollars worth of damage in the city' and surrounding country. Several houses near the Platte river wero swept away. Two men and threo children wer.e drow.ned and it is feared other lives wero lost. At Golden several houses wesre washed awav. At Cambrion fire brick walls were struck by ligbntning' and completely destroyed. Uope of Adjournment. Wa&wngton, Juno 11. Repre-sentatives-of both parties are begin ning to talk hopefully of adjourn ment within tho next thirty days. The ways and means and commerce committees will meet Tuesday to consider tho subject, and somo of its members think it possible to.- get away by Friday, July 7th. Served Itlm Might. St. Louis, Juno -12. A special from Jackson, Miss., to tho Post Dispatch says: George Beckett, a negro, attempted to outrage the seven year old daughter of a man named Agnew, in Monroe county, yester duy. A party of citizens with shot guns and bloodhounds started in 1 ursuit of tho brute, and he was run down near the Tombigbee nver. He refused to surrender and defied his pursuers, who opened firo on him, wounding him seriously. He was then taken to jail and a guard placed oer him. At night a crowd over powered the jailor, broke into Beck ett's cell, dragged bun out and hung him to a limb of a tree. The Irish IHsliop". Dublin, June 11. Tho Irish bishops have issued an important ad dress promising the support of the clergy to tho people in peacefully agitating for their rights, but con demning as the woist enemies of their couniry men who recommend illegal courses, particularizing those be longing to secret societies. The ( bishops condemn the recent horrible inuraers out ucjiovo uioy neio uuc to evictions, which it is the duty of tho Government to stop at any cost. Probably n Wreck. St. JoriNS, N. F., June 12. A dispatch from Cape Race says that portions of a ship's long boat was picked up near there yesterday. Saturday evening, during a thick fojr, three shrill blasts of a steamer's whistle was heard in the vicinity of Shingle's Head, near where the wreck of the boat was discovered. A search party is out since daylight. Lynch taV.'' -Lawredcb, Ks., June 11. Peter Vinegar', George Robinson and Ike King were taken from jail this morn ing at one o'clock by vigilantes and hanged fjom' the bridge for tho mur der of Bondsman. There is talk of revenge on the part of colored peo ple, though most of them say the punishment was deserved. A Coal Merchant. Chicago, June 12. The Inter Ocean's Washington special, says the roport which again. comes from Maine that Blaine will run for Governor is discredited hero. Last week Blaine told your correspondent that he was out of politics and that ho was a coal merchant. Troaenry Department Notes. . "Washington, June 12. Secretary Folger states he has not quite com pleted his examination of the bond plate loft inhis custody by detective Folker, as representee of counter feiter Doyle, but so far as he himself was concerned he was satisfied it was not a genuine plate. It will, how evea, bo subjected to further tests. Hcnvy Mtoriu. Chicago, June 12. Specials from Southeastern Iowa, .Western Mis souri and Central Illinois reports widespread And very heavy rain storms, in places assuming the form of waterspouts, and doing much dam age to property, washing away bridges, railroad tracks.elc. No lives reported lost. jfcillroads Pooling their Issn'H. W,a9INGTON, June 10. Senator Jones introduced in the Senate to day, a bill now in the judicial com mittee of the house, iu which body it was introduced by Representative Ellis, which he proposes to allow Mexican Pacifio railroad companies of New Mexico', Arizona, Los Ange les and San Diego railroad'compau iefl of California, and Southern Pa cific railroad company of California, to consolidate and under one name and style of Southern Pacific railroad company, and confers upon the three first named companies or consoli dated companies, all franchises and rights allowed authority granted to, and privileges conferred upon Texas Pacific railroad company by the act of March, '71, relating to that part of the Texas Paoifio railroad situated west of the Rio Grande and con forming to them the grant of public land. The condition attached, is, that the whole of the railroad com-' panies shall be, operated as one con tinuous Hue. Trying; to Milk na Insurance Com pany. San Francisco, June 10. The dismissal of the suit brought by Tul ly R. Wise, a lawyer or this city, against the Manhattan Insurance company, to recover tho policy on the life of Mariano Rubio, to the amount of $15,000, brings out an interesting plot to swindle the com pany by a set of sharpers who fur nished proofs of Rubio's death. A half interest in the policy had been assigned to Wise by Miguel Noe, a creditor of Rubio's, for whose bene fit the policy was originally made. A searching investigation resulted in finding Rubio alive in Mexico and he was brought to this city. Noe and Wise appear to have been im posed upon as to the proofs of death, and on being satisfied of Rubio's existence moved a dismissal. The Khedive in Hot Water. Cairo, June 12. At a meeting of military leaders it was decided to petition the Khedive to abdicate. It- was declared that it he did not he would be massaoreed. It is rumored the cavalry and artillery will not join any conspiracy against tho Khe dive. The Army JI1I1 Passed. Washington, Juno 12. The House has concurred in the Senate amendment to the army appropria tion bill fixing compulsory retirement iu the army at tho age of sixty four yeas. Speedy Justice. Charleston, S. C, June 12. The nego, John Johnson, who outraged Miss McDowell at Polk Hill yester day, was lynched this morning. A Fnrnare Kxplosion. Braddock, Pa., June 12. The fur nace of the Edgar Thompson steel works exploded this morning, fatally injuring assistant superintendent Al len and three other men. Specie Kxports. New York, June 10. Specie ex ports to-day amount to $75,000 in silver bars. Hpeculatlncs About the Next House. Washington, June 13. Since the Republican majority in the House of Representatives unseated three southern Democrats who claimed to have been elected, reports have been received that the Democratic managers hear of great discourage ment among tho Southern Democrats. Tho feeling seemed to be that if the Republicans obtained the major ity in the next House they would proceed to unseat every Southern Democrat whose seat was contested, and in consequence tho wonld-bo candidates in the close districts could see very little encouragement for them to make a Congressional race. These reports excited no little ap prehension hero, and after conferring together the Southern members de termined to make a thorough canvass for the purpose or ascertaining, if possible, what the po)itioal complex ion "5f' the next House would.prcb ably be. Two of the members have rnado this canvass within a few days, and as the resulf of their inquiries have figured out a Democratic ma jority of ten iu the next House. They reached this conclusion by counting on sure gains as follows: In Con necticut, South Carolina, Illinois, West Virginia, Mississippi arjd Cali fornia, one each. In Texus and Pennsylvanian five each; Indiana and Ohio three each; New York two and Missouri four, They expect to make other gains in such States as Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire, but these do not enter into the figures on which they base a probable majority. The only state, in which they expect less is Nevada, and they think the chances are that ihey will lose ono Represen tative there. The result as reached by these gentlemen with the figures as given above have been sent to various State Executive Committees in the South in the hope of restoring confidence in that section. Maine Republican Contention. Portland, Maine, June 13. The Republican State Convention met this morning and was called to order by Senator Frye." The resolutions adopted by the convention include the usual platitudes, and declare that American industry should be pro tected against unjust competition of cheap foreign labor ; that American ship building should be encouraged ; deprecating the effort to overthrow the present system as damaging tn tho country ; opposing the abolition or reduction of the internal revenue tax on liquors ; advocating gold and silver only lor legal tender ; favor ing a constitutional prohibition of the sale of liquor ; opposing polyg amy ; deploring the death of Gar field and tendering assurances of confidence to Arthur. The conven tion they procccdod to vote for Con gressional candidates, and Thomas D. Read, Nelson Dingloy, Charles A. Boutelle, and Seth D. Miller were nominated. Col. Robio was nominated for Governor on the first ballot, receiving 32 majority. The JHan u ho Tried tofeteal Tuppers liiturt-ls. Chicago, Juno 13. George A. Forsyth is here. In an interview on the baud of Apaches, ho says Secretary" Teller's polioy in unarm ing the Indians, meets with the warm' approval of all officers, and will do much toward preventing out breaks and raids in the future. The rapid development of railroads in Mexico and. portions of Arizona, is also doing much to settle the vexed Indian question. The proclamation of the President to the cow-boys while somewhat sneered at, has real ly been productive of much good, althi ugh the best citizens of the two Territories had combined to put them down in a great many instances. With Indians and cow-boys out of the way the mining and grazing in terests of these Territories will ap preciate rapidly. Blackmailing Government Employes Washington, June 3. The cir cular issued from the headquarters of the Republican Congressional Committee, appealing for contribu tions for campaign purposes, is being circulated in every department of the government in this city, among all classes of employes apprentices, laborers and mechanics at the navy yard, employes at the capital and messengers in the departments, are all asked to p.iy an assessment amounting to from $G to $22. The circular sets forth that the committee is organized in the interest of the Republican party, and that funds aro needed for preparing, printing and circulating documents in the coming Congressional election. The c)pilnu Situation, London, June 13. A dispatch from Cairo says: At a meeting of tho foreign consuls with Dervisch Pasha, the Khedive and Arabi Pasha, a solemn engagement was entered into that the Khedive should under take to maintain order, and that Arabi Pasha should strictly obey the Khedive's commands, Dervisch Pasha has agreed to accept joint responsibility with Arabi Pasha for the preservation of order. The project of carrying off the Khedive, Dervisch Pasha, and the British and French Consuls to tho citadel is freely discussed. An Immortalized Jury. CniCAtto, June 13. An Atchison, Kansas, special says : James .Mo Hahn, a section hand, working thirty miles below Las Vegas, being con sidered a half -wilted fellow, was I mercilessly tantalized and ridiculed by his companions. He threatened, unless the abuse ceased, to kill some body, and eventually did shoot John Grooves, the leader, killing him in stantly. The section men thereupon seized McHahn, and, taking him to the station, hoisted him on a cross beam with a rope about his neck and let him drop twelve feet. Tho cor oner's jury exonerated all parties. The Arabs at Work. Cairo, June 13. Dervisch Pasha and Arabi Pasha did not go to Al exandria as announced, but only sent orders, because there has been numerous assaults on Europeans by Arabs in Cairo. Alexandria, June 13. Euro peans are lcavine as fast as they can. The consuls have issued a proclamation exhorting Europeans to remain tranquil, and expressing confidence that the army will be able to maintain order. One hun dred persons were killed in4sVariots Sunday, The position is a terrible one, and any small force the fleet could land would only suffice to ex cite the Arabs to a general mas sacre. Republican Barals"ou Trial. Washington, June 13. In the star routo trial, Merrick said ho pro posed to take up tho routes, seriatim and completely dispose of one route before taking up another. Merrick put in evidence, various certifi cates and other papers from the audi tor of the post office department. Senator Saunders of Nebraska was sworn and testified at some length. cf A Premature Blast. San Francisco, June -13. A Vir ginia City, Nov. Dispatch says a pre mature explosion blast at the Union Consolidated mine this evening, in stantly killed JohnBlack and JamesF. Brown. John B cargo was fatally injured and R. Hicks, seriously. No other men in the drift at the time of the explosion. The cause of the ex plosion is not known. Brown was blown all to pieces. The Hnir-Krccds Kick. New York, June 13. The anti machine Republican General Com mittee organized to-night, 147 del egates present, representing sixteen districts. Resolutions were adopted denounciug the party in this" city as being under the control of ten men, whose candidates they will not vote for. A BtenuiKhlp C'nekd. San Francisco, June 12. The steamer "Stra'thairly" was libelled in the U. S. District Court to day.for $22,800. this beinc the aWnre'irate penalty for excess of'passengers over the lawful number carried by the vessel during the recent voyage from China and for other violations of law. A Strike Ended. Teere Haute, Ind., June 13. I he strike at the Wabash Iron Com pany's rolling mill in this city has ended ana the men went to work this morning, the word "forever" be ing stricken from the contract. Pitts burg prices will govern. Republican Allies. Nashville, June 13. Tho con vention of Greenbackers, in session here to-day, nominated J. R. Bens- ley for Governor. The platform of IsoO, adopted at Chicago, was re affirmed. The Khedive's- Benlm. London, June 13. Tho Times' Cairo special says: Unless there is an overwhelming Turkish force tt Alexandria before bunday, there will be a worse outbreak than last Sunday. Happy Utolwarts. Washington, June 13. The President nominated Samuel B. Ax toll, of Ohio, Chief Justice of the Su preme court of New Mexico, and Rollin M. Daggett, of Nevada, U. S. Minister to the Hawaii Islands. The Plumed Knicht on the Stand. Washington, Juno 13. The ex amination of ex' Secretary Blaine was resumed this morning before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in relation to Shiphcrd and Peruvian matters. Ominous JCeports. St Johns, N. F., June 13. The schooner "Alhambra" arrived last night, and reports passing a quantity of wreckage near Cape Bullard. Poor Comfort. Dowagiac, Mich, June 13. An entire block of wooden buildings was burned this morning. Loss heavy and insurance small. A Card from Mr. Hole. Editor Epitaph. Dear Sir: In regard to L. W. Blinn's team being stopped on the road between here and Contention, I being the driver of said team, have been in the habit of leaving here before daylight, in the morning and have seen Jackass rab its in all their glory at sunrise, but never have I. anticipated Any trouble on the road. I know full well from where this Jackass business came from. They are of the stripe that cover up their head with a blanket when in bed, afraid of the dark. If any of them think I am a rag baby, under the bed, and won't dance at any racket they can make, give me anequal show, and see. I was shot at, wholly unarmed. Hoping you will give this a place in your paper, I am Yours truly, . L. Dole, THE MEETING LAST NIGHT. Hon. Patrick Hamilton Elected Com missioner. An immense concourse of people as sembled at the Court House last evening to nominate and appoint a Commissioner to the Denver Exposition from Cochise county. The building was crowded to its utmost limits, some of the leading mining and business men ot the city being present. Hon. W.'K. Meade was called to the chair and Wm. Cory was elected secretary. The cliairmnn said tho object of the meeting was to appoint a Commissioner from Co chise county to the Denver Exposition. Judge Southard said that in order that the tense of the meeting might be tested, he would propose that the meeting proceed to elect a suitable person to represent the county at the Denver Exposition. Prof. Church opposed the motion, and thought that it would not be advisable to appoint a county commissioner, the best plan being for each district to appoint its own commissioner. Judge Murphy supported the motion, and thought that a commis sioner to look after the mineral interests of the county at large' should be appointed, as some o4he districts would doubtless go unrepresented otherwise. Judge Peel spoae In opposition to the moticr; anUOudge Southard warmly ,in favor of it. There being loud calls tor Judge Drum, that gentleman advanced to the tronl and spoke at length on the advisability of a commis sioner being appointed to represent the county at large.- There were wveral di. tticts in the county, he said, not developed extensively that would neglect sending a commissioner or ore specimens to the x positlou, and it was of the utmost conse quence that the entire mineral resources of the cousty should be represented. Prof. Church again took the floor in opposition to the motion, and stateJ that the financial question would be tho most vital; that mere would be some difficulty experienced in collecting money, and that the more commissioners appointed the greater would be the expense. In the course of his re marks the Professor announced that he was paying Mr. Burin's expenses out of his own pocket ; also, that be would have to pay the expenses attendant on the chief commissionership and trust to the Legis lature to repay it when that body as sembled. The motion was then put by the chair and carried by a large majority. Judge Southard then nominated Hun. Patrick Hamilton as Commissioner from Cochise county, and Judge Peel nominated Thomas R. Sorin. At this ooint the greatest excite ment prevailed and the chair experienced much difficulty in maintaining order. Gentlemen whose age and position in society would lead to the belief that they were capable of properly conducting them selves, made the place hideous with yells, cheers and groans. Both gentlemen had many warm partizans, but the great heart ot the meeting was early demonstrated to be with Hamilton. On a Vive voce vole being taken Hamilton was elected by an overwhelming majority. Being loudly called for, Mr. Hamilton ascended the platform and returned thanks for the honor conferred and promised to attend to the business for which he was appointed with all the ability he was possessed of. The meeting then adjourned. Bailroad .Gossip. A well-known and prominent railroad official arrived in town yesterday, and being taken in hand by an Epitatu man yielded up a little information-concerning the progress and purpose ot the rail. This gentleman is of the opinion that Tomb stone will'beon the main line of the Atch ison, Topeka and Santa Fe before very long. A survey has been completed from San Diego to Calabasas, by the California Southern Company, and our informant is of the opinion that ere long tnework of grading will commence. This line will pass through the Tia-Juana Pass in Lower Calitornia, skirt the borders of the Gulf, cross into Sonora, driving south easterly to San Domingo and Sonoita, and thence easterly to Calabasas. In conse quence of a row between the owners of the Calabasas town-site and the railroad com pany, the city on the raging Santa Cruz will doubtless be left out in the cold. The , town-site company refused to give depot grounds to the railroad without two or three prices being paid, and then would allow the erection of nothing but solid brick buildings. Under these restrictions, the railroad tolks became sour, and have decided to give' Calabasas the go by, not going within twelve or fourteen miles of it. The gentleman from whom this in formation is gleaned fuithcr informs us that the California Southern and Atchison) Topeka and Santa Fe roads arc almost the same thing. Mr. Rodgers. the foremost man of the California road, is a ssn-in-law of Tom Nickerson, the President of the Santa Fe, and both companies are closely allied. It is the intention of the Santa Fe to build a through route to the Pacific, and under the charters of Arizona and California, and concessions lrom the Mexican authorities of Sonora and Lower California, there is no binderance to the scheme. The proposed route of the road passes some of the best mineral, agricul tural and grazing lauds in Sonora. Since the row with the Calabasas folks, it is the Intention of the managers to connect with the Sonora railroad at a point twenty-five miles southeast of Calabasas, and tollow the line of the Arizona & New Mexico to the "Y" about three miles from Contention, where the main line will take a straight shoot to Deming, taking in Tombstone on the route. It is also understood that the Santa Fe folks contemplate building a road from Tombstone along the Sonora valley to Ures, where It will tap a branch "lino run from the Sonora railroad. A survey U now being made from Ures to a point on the Mexican Central about fifty miles north of the city of Chihuahua. If tho proposed line from this city to Ures takes practical shape, there is hardly a doubt but Tombstone will become the chief supply-depot for the important settlements and mining camps along the Sonora val ley. The point is of sufficient interest to be taken into the consideratirn of business men, as the vast mining Industries of So nora and the influx of Americacl will make the business interests of suLiient consequence lo be cultivated. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Bob Small was declared entitled to a seat in Congress from the Fifth District of South Carolina. Trescott will be examined by the Foreign Affairs Committee today. General Tyner was thrown from a buggy in Washington yesterday and seriously bruised. A terrible hail storm swept over Indian -Territory yesterday, doing much damage. The striking iron workers at Cleve land, Ohio, are returning to work. Tho Empress of Russia was deliv ered of a daughter yesterday. A negro named George Beckett was lvnohed near Jackson, Miss., yesterday, for an attempted outrage on a seven-year-old girl.