Newspaper Page Text
' the Evening news. Thb Sc.ixdixa.viax Mill Compact. ? This Company are now busily engaged in grading a lot which they lately purchased in American City, as a site for their new mill. In about two or three weeks they will commence the work of building their mill, which is to be on a plan totally dif ferent from anything of the kind ever seen in the Territory. It will contain 120 stamps, standing in a circle around a wheel twenty-two feet in diameter, with the whole of the amalgamating apparatus inside the circle of stamps. The machine ry will be driven by steam generated in a boiler of a very peculiar pattern. The boiler is to stand upright and within it is a furnace for roasting the rock to be crushed. The same fire that roasts the ore for crushing heats the boiler, and once the rock in the furnace is thoroughly heated a verv small amount of fuel will be necessary to keep up steam ; in fact, the mass of red hot rock inside of the boiler will serve to make the heat the same at all times, and would e^en keep up heat for some time after all the fuel placed in the lire chambers was consumed. The whole arrangement of the mill and motive power is exceedingly economical and startlingly novel, and will either prove a grand fail ure or completely revolutionize the style of our reduction works. Mr. Phillip Wilkins is the inventor of both the mill and the boiler ? or rather boiler and fur nace compounded. St. John's Church. ? This beautifal Gothic pile U rapidly approaching comple tion, and U even now so nearly finished, externally, as to give an idea of its final appearance. There will be no handsomer Church edifice of its size on the Pacific coast, and it will prove an ornament to the town, of which our citizens may be justly proud. The tower is now at the height of the dials of the town-clock with which the Church will be furnished, and we can now see that they will be in sight from every part of the town. ? The fine bell, of over eight hundred pounds weight, will give forth a pleasing sound on the Sabbath, and will furnish the further useful purpose of a fire-alarm that w ill be unmistakeable. The whistles of the steam- works, which we now rely on for that purpose, are blowing at all sort of odd times and in all eccentric ways, so that it is impossible to tell whether they mean u fire " or not. The church is to be completely finished one month from to-day. Indian Troubles. ? We learn from Mr. Gridley, the famous " Sanitary flour sack man." just arrived from Austin, en route for the Bay. that a telegraph operator from Salt Lake had reached Austin, who stated that the Indians were rising and consoli dating their forces on the plains. Gen. Connor sends word for the people to be prepared for a big Indian fight. There seems to be a combination of the Indian tribes for an onslaught. Let it come! There are fighting men enough in Nevada Territory alone to clean out the red skins. Without provocation they are now in arms, and have committed many murders and outrages. We are an advocate of mercy, but it seems that nothing less than an exteimination of the savages who slaughter our people indiscriminately will secure peace to-this section of the country. ? Virginia L'nion. Hcxrao tor Voters. ? Nearly all the : nominees on the Buzzard-roost ticket of ; Storey county were down in Gold Will the other day, hunting for Democratic con stituents. They visited every grog and beer shop from the Divide to the Devil's Gate ; and they succeeded to find every Democrat who will vote their ticket. These candidates are evidently " up to snuff," and know exactly where to find the Democracy. Of course, they didn't visit any of our mines, mills and mechan ics' shops ; they are not the places to find Democrats : Union men occupy those places. New Mn.iT.utT Company. ? We are in- j formed that the members, of Engine Com- | pany No. 2 have in contemplation the organization of a military company, to be known as the Young America Zouaves. This company proposes to be drilled un der Ellsworth's tactics, and as soon as they learn the drill we may expect to see some tall exhibitions of military gymnas tics. The uniform of the Zoo-zoos is of a very peculiar cut, and a company dressed in the genuine Zouave style would create a decided sensation. ? Enterprise. Tub Pioneer Stages. ? These splendid coaches, the finest stage line ever estab lished on the coast, continue to arrive regularly every evening, with passengers from San Francisco in 28 hours ! The energy and unequalled enterprise of this line, certainly ments, as it evidently re ceives, the largest patronage of any stage line from and to California. It takes six of these stages to accommodate the travel ing public daily, going and coming. Con tinued success to the Pioneer Line. Post Mortem Examination. ? Day be fore yesterday, a post mortem examina tion was held on the body of Sam Wells, by Doctors Tucker and Briarly. They discovered as they expected, that the base of the brain was much injured. The strongest man could not have survived such fractures and injuries, and it is only wonderful that Mr. Wells was not killed outright. Cheap Clothino. ? Now is certainly the time to buy clothing cheap. Look at the list of prices in Harris' new advertise ment to-day. He is closing out his busi ness in the Territory, and for the next few weeks will sell goods lower than they have ever been sold in the Territory. Go early and take your pick. Bcijjon Skipped. ? Wells, Fargo & Co. shipped, yesterday, 17 bars of bullion, weighing 1.211 pounds, worth, according to assay, $33,171 91. Or errill-13 Cafxcxxd. ? The Denver Xnct of the 16lh ult. my* : Wilber F. Stone arrived here yesterday with that rascally guerrilla, Thomas Holman, who smashed McClellan's safe and cut the wheels of -his mail coach at McLaughlin's Ranch. C. H. Jerome and C. M. Burr, . who lired at the~18 mile ranch, near Canon Cttv, and an be lieved to have harbored these robbers, and identified themselves on their side, were brought down here at the same time, to gether with Dan McLaughlin and Guiraud, both of whom are mixed up with the guer rilla matter in an unenviable but perhaps in nocent relation. Marshal Hunt and Lieul Shoup are reported to have caught or killed a few of the guerrilla party near Canon City. Soldiers who came as " express " from Port Lyon, and arrived here last evening, informed us that when within a few miles of Bent's Old Fort he was " addressed" by a lot of In dians numbering altogether perhaps thirty, bat before they could get his scalp, he put spurs to his horse and made for the Old Fort and^avcd himself. When he arrived at Pu eblo, he says a ranchman, who resides ? couple of miles down the Arkansas, came into town and told that a party of nine horse men, supposed to be guerrillas, had eome to his house for grub, and afterwards camped in the brush near the river. At three o'clock (before daylight) on Saturday morning-last, three of Co. H and three of Co C who hap pened to be in transitu and on furlough at rneblo, together with our informant, rode quietly down to the guerrilla camp, and hav ing surrounded them unawares while they were sleeping, charged upon them, causing them to surrender unconditiooallT, to save ttasr life. He says those nine will be hen to-fey or to-morrow, in charge of a military and citim guard. If this turns oat to be the remnant of that robber band, we shall all re joice aad raise oar voice for giving then and Am* already here as lively a turn aa they British Trttpi 1b ?u?I>. Pending the Mann and Slidell negotia tions, England lent a large military farce to Canada, the bulk of which, 'we believe, still remains there, though we are under the impreiaion that a portion of them hare been sent to India. At anjr rate, our Canadian friends hare a large body of troops in their midst, who, howerer, peaceably inclined they may be, appear at present to be the passive cause of considerable excitement, both y home and in the Colony itself. The CoU?> Dial press and Parliament are both busily discussing the best method of putting the Colour in a state of defense, differing as to the point, whether the troops shall be scat tered as they are at present, orer an extent of country, or concentrated at the points most liable to attack, in case of war. While on the other hand the Times considers the presence of these troops as a constant threat and source of annoyance to their American cousins, which of itself may lead to hostili ties on our part, in a moment of resentment, and therefore it adrises that they be called home, and thus all cause of unnecessary ex asperation and perhaps war, be avoided.? We thank the Thunderer. The suggestion is both considerate and timely. We don't beliere England wants a war with America. Unfortunately for herself she has advocated principles, in her course relative to the re bellion, which will be certain to lead her into difficulties, should become inrolved in a seri ous war ; and though we are not so silly as to doubt her courage, or her strength, we can very well understand her objections to hos tilities, and especially, at this time, with the North. England is the last nation that has anything to gain by shouldering the musket. France needs the cement of military glory. America required the development as well as the knowledge of her gigantic strength and resources. But England, though she holds her possessions well in hand, needs an enor mous expenditure of time anil ability, of men and means, to guide the wheels of her vast empire, and a serious and protracted strug gle would be a different thing with her, from what it would be with a nation well poised, and concentrated in itself, with its strength at home and easily massed. And as the En glish are not warriors, nor, as a nation, par ticularly gifted with imagination and enthu siam, too practical to war for an idea, too commercial to sacrifice {gain for principle, though ready for any sacrifice on a point of honor, they will always, as long as possible, avoid the appeal which can win them nothing they desire, and mar cost them a portion of their extended provinces. What will be the result of the two poli cies presented, with regard to the Canadian imbroglio, remains to be seen. The colo nists ought best to understand their own in terests ? but from her exalted height, the home Government takes a more sweeping and comprehensive view of the field, and is governed by political considerations not to be appreciated by the leaders of a narrow province ? and so we suspect the Times will be heard and the troops withdrawn. ? R. R. RereiUe. ? Thb Strike at Empire ? Mr. Jos. Spar row, of Empire Citj, called on us to-dav and made the following statement by way of cor rection of an article that appeared in the first number of the Post. I am the man. referred to as the leader of the strike, am a laboring man. as were all who took part in the pro ceedings, either miners or mill hands. We called on the Silver State Reduction Works, Capt. Meade's Mill, the Merrimac Mill ana Johnson & Co.'s Mill, at all of which places we were respectfully treated and onr demands fully complied with, raising every man's wage* to four dollars per day, the rate estab lished by the Miner's Union at Virginia and elsewhere throughout the Territory. In all our proceedings" we conducted ourselves as good citizens, securing by lawful means the recognition of our just rights. ? Carson Pott. Thb rebel loss in killed, wounded and pris oners in their demonstration on Washing ton, will ntceed two thousand. The prison ers represent sixty-three different regiments, and belong to five different divisions. ASSESSMENT AND SAT.K LIST OF ALL CLAIM IX VIRGINIA, GOLD HILL BLUX SVLPHt'R, I devil's gate, palmyra, IX d I ax springs, argen tine AND FLOW El T DISTRICTS ? ALPHABET1 CALLT arranged and corrected DAILT. AMewmeats Lfrlcd Within Tkirty Days. Aster Augl0..1 Confidence QMT Co Aug. 4 2 Crystal Peak.. A a* 9..5 Comet Aug o.. Dayton Aug. 4.1 David Law.. Aug. 15 30 DardaneUe Ang 20.3 Falrview Augl23 Green Aug 5?1 Gold Canon Cons J? Aug22. .2 Hull Aug 1..1 Independent (L S.)? Aug13. Jewett Aug 17.1 ..) Name. DateLevy. Amt Jackson Aug. 11 ? 34 Lincoln Augl?.. 50 .. Monte Crii<to.Aug24..1 00 2^ North Poto?i..Aug 6.12 30 001 Palo Alto Aug 2. 50 .. PrinceM Aug. 4.1 00 0U Peyton La Aug S..I .. ..[RappahannockAug 2.2 00 .. Roxby -Aug 17. 30 'aanta Fe Aug29..3 00 00* United States. Aug 10.. 1 .. .J Utah Aug 6. .5 .. Uncle Sam...Aug25,100 00 23' White & Murphy? 00 Au(17.7 30 Delia<aent Sales. Name. Date Sale. Plact^Name. Date Sale. Place Adriatic Sept 3 U. F Latrobe Sept 13 S. F Am. Flat Nevada? Lincoln Oct. I Vlrg Sepl3 Vlrg Midas Sep. 6U. U Adriatic Sep 3 8. F. Michigan SeptlOG. H Atlantic Sept27 Vlrg Monitor .Sept 13 Vlrg Atlantic Sept 3 VlrgiMurpby Sep 20 Vlrg Alpha O J?Mary Ann ....Sep 23 G. H Bullion Sept 1 Mrs Branch Mint. Sept 2 Vlrg Baltic Sep 2t> Vlrg Crown Point Rnvlne Sept 14 Vlrg ChrysopoUs ..Sept 20 S.r. [Major Septl2G. H Monte Cristo.Oct. 14 S. F Morning Star .Oct. 1 Vlrg Milton Sept26 Vlrg Napoleon Concept 2 Vlrg I North Potoei..Sept2D S. F | Clio...". .Sep Lib Vlnr North American Cedar Hill T. Septl2 8. FJ Sep U Vlrg California Sept 14 S. F Nevada, J G.Sep 24 "Vlrg Dardanelie ...SeptlO G. H New Orison .Septl2 G. H Davton Sept 12 Vlrg'Oakland Sept 3 Vlrg Daniel Webster? lOrtaabn Sep 6 Dt'n Septl9 Vlrg'Oneoto Sep 6 Vlrg Daniel Webster? Orizaba Septl4 Com Sept26 VlrgU>rlon Sep20 Vlrg Eureka Sep <* VirglOriginal Hawkeye ? Franklin & German? Sept26 G. H Sept 13 Dt'n Overman .... Sept 1 G. H George Law. .Sept 1 Vlrg PoncedeLeonSept12 Vlrg Gllltnore Sept 3 VirglPeytoola Sept30 8. F tireen Sept24 S. F [Potomac SeptlO G. H Golden Eagle.Septl3 G.HIHoxby Oct 3 8. F George Law ..Sep 1 Vlr* Rock Island ..SeptlO Vlrg GoM Canon.. Oct. 8 S. F Rock Island.. 8ept20 Vlrg Granada Septl2 Vlr* Seneca Sept 1 6 S. F HaleftNorcrosSept 7 ST F Sweesy 8epl9 Vlrg Honduras Sept 3 Vlrg Santa Rosa.. -Sep 13 Vlrg Harold St ArgoSept 1 G JH Hills, Chapin A Bennett? Sep 3VH* Iowa Sept 3 S. F Jackson Sept 6 G. H Jeirett 6 Shepard? Sepl9 G. H Jewett Oct 6 S. F Keystone & Nebraska Septl2 Vlrg' Knickerbocker? I Sept 3 G. H; Keystone SeptlO Vtrgi Sweiy Cent'l.Sep 17 Vlrg Sutro Sep 3 Vlnr Sunrise Oct. I G. H United Sutes8ept24 S. F Utah Sept 9 Vlrg Union (Peavlne)? Sept29 Vlrg Virginia (R. R.> SeptM Vlrg Wm. Penn ...Sept 2 Vlrg White 6 Murphy? Oct 4 8. F. ? . ...Wide A wake. SeptlOG. H La Plata Ooro.Oct. 3 Virg'Yolo 8ept 1 Vhw Lady Bryon.. SeptlO S. F14J0 Sept 6 8. F COMPANY BTKBTIN OS or ALL OOXPAXIB WHOSE OFFICES AAX I* GOLD HILL, I ? IRGIXIA, AMERICAN CXTT, SILVER CITY, DAYTOX OR COMO. Chollar Virginia ....Sept. 7, 11 AM I Original Hawkeye Gold Hill... Sept. 10 3 p.m i MISCELLAXEOCS ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Pnbllc. UrE. THE UXDKSSIO.MD. HAVE HAD OCR attention called to certain charges preferred asalnat the Integrity and competency of Mr. CHAS. W. TOZEK for the position be now Mvki, which c hirers are set forth In the Territorial SmlmprU*. and are baled upon Mr. Toier's course u Secretary of the State Senate of California at Its twelfth ses sion. We are pained to notice tboae charge*, aiwebe Heve. a* Senator* during that acaalou, that In the opinion of that Senate, after a full and lair Investi gation of the whole matter, that no blame whatever attached itaelf to Mr. Toier. lie waa fully and lalrly exonerated, aa we think ; and we know that he waa .uniformly at hla poet of itoty during that session. and at the adjoarnment of that body held Its undivided confidence anil respect, bath aa regard ed hla competency and Integrity. He aim at that day hail the undivided confidence of all Union men In that body regarding Ms trae and steadfast loyalty to the Union. We take pleasure In affirming theae (acta, and doubt not but that In thna averring we reiterate the opinions of every gentle man that was then a member of that body, C. E. Dfe LONG. The forego! i* 1* according to my recollection and belief. C. BURBANK. Virginia. Augnst g. 1 afti. Miners. Attention ! W*. TUB U.NDIB8IG.VKD, HAVING BEEN H in the UmM Mlnini District. and la the Tunnel reforred lo In the cant of Theodora Clmlotti, published la the Enterprise of this date, with to my that CUnkXtl came to (iennewee fiiatrtct alter Mr. Toner left there ; that Mr. Toier waa repreaented In the claim by a man by the name of Howard, who performed aa much. If not more labor on the claim for Mr. Toier than any other person Interested therein ; that Mr. Toier not only kept up hU own Interest, bat he paid a portion of the warns of other workmen; that he fully paid all his aatnmenu on ?aid claim ; that he did not employ Mr. Clmlotti ; that Clmlotti w?a employed by John Spltier; that Mr. Tteer acted ffcWy, punctually and honorably with all. WM. 0. BBOW.N. au3l tf BOBIBT PAXToV. Miner*, Attention! MT CABD IX THIS MORNING'S ENTKB prtae Matea that I hind out to M?w> Brown, Paxtoa and Tomt. and that 0. W. Toier wv the dead-head partner In the Arm, having never paid a cent of hta awenemeot*. I wlah to make thla correction : I hired oat to John Spttier, who wu employed by Piston to wort Pax ton i interval In aaid claim for flrty feet thereof. Mr. Spltier repreaenied hlmaelf to me aa the em ployer of aald company. I never knew or law Mr. rawpenomlly In tbe matter. I waaonly Manned that Mr. To*r never paid hta ??<!?? aieoU. lam atnee Informed and believe dlflferaatly. TbeperaoM In town raftered to aa cognisant of the &Ma aa Waled In my former card, I now team ware only In f| - I M L- n||)-, . 1VIIKU SO Dy UlDPTS. THKODOBI CIMIOTTI. ? *MA>Hak r.< ** a.n? I Ui-|_- Til .1.1 . i ? eecoracroi wnewee xuniif j ?fegM* CRy, ASfut 31, 1*4, MUtf rwwaawa? taawwigi MISCELLANEOtS ADVEETISMEKTS. AMERICAN CITY. 1 LL PIB80H3 DK&IR0C8 OF XMT?BOfO J\. Into business In a new and rapidly growing town, or aoch as wuh to bulla private realdences and se cure a homestead In a quiet and healthy location, are advised to ride or walk oat to A AMEBIC AN t'IT? Before purchasing elsewhere, aud the following In- I ducements and advantages will praaent themselves | to recommend this beautiful town alte to their favor. It Is level and fertile, and au abundance of Pn? and Wholeoome Water Can be easily obtained on any put of H by dining from ten to thirty feet, or from the numerals natu ral springs and mining tunnels In It and the hills that surround It. It Is surrounded by hills which protect and render It comparatively free from the tornadoes so frequent In most of our mountain towns. It Is In the midst of a Mining District KNOWN TO BE BICH, And which Is being rapidly developed by lane and well organised mining companies, some of them erecting co*tly machinery now, and all of them pros ecuting the vgtt on their numerous shafts and tun nets with vigO. And the proprietors, THOMAS HARDY & (30, (late Norton, Hanly 4 Co..) are selling lots at a VERY LOW RATE, And on terms that cannot fall to prove satisfactory. Apply to K. V. GLOVES, At the American City Land Office, at American , IIIC AUiCIKMl VIU IHIIW uiuvc, ?v auisiiv City, or to JOSEPH LORYJEA, No 17 South C street, Virginia City. N. B.? Liberal donations made for Church and I School purposes. THOMAS HARDY, 1 E. K. 0L0VEB. FRED. A. BENJAMIN, In223m CHARLES HOSMKR. REM 0_V ^ L.| MAX LEVY, Having removed his entire stock of I Goods to No. U South C Street, between Union and Taylor Streets, Virginia, Will be pleased to receive a call from Uls old friends I and customers In Gold HIU and vicinity, feeling as sured that ho will be able to suit them, both In price and qflality, with JIWELBY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, | SILVER AND PLATED WABB, AND CLOCKS, | Equal If not superior to any store in Virginia City. J0~Bemember the Number? 13. MAX LEVI'. Virginia, August li. lSftt. aug!2 3m EXPRESS FRKIOHT, | Ten Cents Per Pound. BY WELLS, FARGO & CO. | TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, OCR CHARGE U on Freight from San Francisco BT FAST 1TAGB LIRE, W1I! be TKX CENTS per pound. WELLS, FABGO & CO., Per P. D. Hedley, Agent. Gold Hill. June 11, 1(64. Jnlltf stTcharlks MARKET. Main Street, opposite fbe Ecllpoe Mill, (Jold HIU( i : 1 1 1 1 : Nevada Territory. AT THIS MARKET CAN AL ways be fonnd the choicest Meats, Spring Lamb, Mutton, "Veal and Pork. Also, pork sausage and spice meats, | constantly ouharnl ami, and held at the Lowest Market Price. Particular attention paid to Hotels and Private I Families*. Jal-ntf SNYDER & HAYES. FAST FREIGHT ? AND ? EXPRESS COMPANY, I REDUCED RATES. ON AND AFTER JUNE TEHTH, FREIGHT TO I and from San Francisco will be Ei|hl (8) Cent* per Pauul. H. D. SMITH, Agent. Virginia. Jane 9. 1864. Jn?tf GOLD HILL POST OFFICE. | ARRIVAL AND~~ DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Arrive? California Malls, per Pioneer Stages, at 4 o'clock A. M.j Overland and Territorial Malls, per Lang ton's, at 3 p. m. Close? All Malls close at 8 o'clock p. m. Office Open? From 8 o'clock a, m. to 8 o'clock p.m. Jytttf 0. H. PLAIT, P. M. 1 THRIVE Y, O'BRIEN ft BILLET, | . (Post Office Bnlldlng Gold HIU,) GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND BROKERS. ?^Partlcular attention given to assessment sales. ?u3 tf PIONEER WINE ANO LIQUOR STORE. C. LEICHTER &. CO., Fireproof bnildlngs, Uaiu street, opposite the I Union Quartz Mill, Gold Hill. deU lm SAM UEL ARNOLD, TOWN MARSHAL, OFFICE? With Judge Robinson. f Caution. The public are cautioned against purchasing any lots, or parcels of land. In what is known as Conley fc Warren's tract, on the Amer ican Flat, except from the undersigned, as convey ance* not made by tbem are void. CONLKY k WARREN. American Flat, April 2o. 18<l*. aprtotf Lout. ON THE NIGHT OF THE THIRTEENTH, A Black Pocket Book containing some papers Id fltvor of B. Z. Clements, a license to sell fruit. Any one finding tit above described Book sod leaving It at this office will be liberally rewarded. X. S. MOORE. Oold Hill. Anson 14. IdM. auglSSt* Engineers, Attention. THE NEVADA TERRITORY ENGINEER'S Association, No. 1. meets every 8ATURDAY EVENING at 7H o'clock, at Turn-Vereln Hall. Oold Hill. Member* are requested to be punctual In at tendance. I). C. MORRIS, President. Jso. B. Moaaow. Secretary. jy30 U Music! Miuio!! Moaiclll The oold hill brass and string band Is dow prepared to famish Music for Balls, Parties, Serenades, Funerals, and on public occa sions, at the shortest notice. Orders to be left at the Metropolitan Saloon. Main Street, Gold Hill. Jy? tf HENRY VKTTE, Director. * Notice. xrorrcE is hebeby given to all whom It may concern, that I will not be responsible for any contracts, except those made by-myself per sonally or by my order in writing. A. MONTMINY. Gold HIU. August in. 1K6*.' anglOiw Crockery sand G-lasawore. TUST RECEIVED, A MOST 8PLBNDID STOCK O of Crockery and Glassware of the latest English and French manufacture. Housekeepers and others are Invltad to examine oar new wares. KOBN BROTHERS. Gold Hill. Jane 17, HW4. jn!7 Pioneer Omnibus JL.ine. rvN AND AFTER APRIL FIFTEENTH, TICK \J ets can be purchased from either of the Drivers, or at the office of the Line In Gold Hill. Three for One Dollar. Passengers not purchasing Tickets win be charged Fllty Cents. GEO. P. JONES, apl5td General Superintendent. Groceries. TEST BECETVED, FIFTY TONS OF FRESH V GB0CKR1ES, direct from San Francisco, which we will tell Oetper for Cub tlun the same kind of goods can be bought In the Territory. AO our Groceries and Provlalona are freah. Gooda de livered Free of Charge. KORN BROTHERS. Gold HIU. Jnne 17. 1DM. Jnl7 Wines and Liqnow. WE HATE JUST KiX'KIVTD FROM THE Bay. a new and choice atock of Foreign and American Wines. BranUlea and other Liquor*, which we offer at maarkahly Low Kate* For Caah. ? KORN B BOTHERS. Gold Hlfl. June 17. MM. Jnl7 Chemical*, max 8UB8CBIBKRSW0CLD INFORM MILL X man that tber bare Just received a complete atock of Chemicals for Quaru-mllllM pnrpowa. Win be wld cheaper than v e>&oM h'i J?W?T. 19M- K0KX A te? ? Oofi Hill, jane 17. ia?4. W? William Kvana Y WBgtra ? and lata lumwru. Jyiw R. H. MC DON AT J ft CO.' b. a. k'doxau). J. c, srtsowT R. H. IcDOSALD & Co., S Rtred, r h. Mcdonald & co., Oomt u' Pi? Streets, SAN VBANCIWO, ^IMPOBTING WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. WE RESPECTFULLY BEG LEAVE TO IN forra our customers and the public generally that we have opened & House In the city of 8an Francisco, where we will bo pleased to see as many of our old friends and customers as can mate It con venient to call upon us. We shall keep at both places a large and well selected stock of Druas asd Medicine" Solid and Fluid Ex tract*. Eclectic Prepara-I tlonitf Patent Medicines, Trusses and Should er Braces, Faacy Goods, Abdominal Sappsrt ers, Asaayera' Materials, j Retort* Bad CracU bles, Draff l?ts' Glass- I ware, Brewers' Stock, Soda Water Materl* I a Is, Paints aad Oils, Kerosene and Coal I Oils, Chemleals, all klads,;Canipliene and Barn | Ins Fluid, Shakers' Herbs, 'Alcohol la Tin, Together with a complete assortment of all articles In the Drug line. We ao not Intend to be undersold by any house In California. Orders respectfully so licited and goods forwarded to all parts or the Pacific coast and country. b. h. Mcdonald * co., Importing Druggists, Sacramento. B. II. MCDONALD k CO., San Francisco. TBVMB8 AND SUPPORTERS, Gum Stockings, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Suspansarv Bandages, Silk Elastic Bandages for Ladles. A very larg^ assortment of articles In this line. For sale by R. H. McDONALD 4 CO./ Sacramento. R. H. McDON'ALD & CO., San Francisco. BBEWBR1' STOCK. Fresh Hops, Irish Moss, Burgundy Pitch, Keg I Corks. Everything In this line or the best quality, for sale upon reasonable terms. N. B.? Ten bales Hops Just received by Express. R. H. McDONALD ft CO. ASSAYERS' MATERIAL. Crucibles, Retorts, Acids, and a general supply of all articles in this line. ^T^SosaLD A OO. ECLECTIC MEDICINES. We are constantly receiving, per express, supplies I from the manufiictorles. For sale by R. H. MrDOSALD A CO. TILDEN'S SUGAR - COATED PILLS. Of nearly all the Concentrate(I4tfedlclnes, put up In bottles. For sale by R. H. McDONALD A CO. / PERFl'MEHY. We are constantly receiving articles In thli line, direct from Foreign and American manufactories For sale by R. H. McDONALD A CO. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Brushes, Feather Dusters, Zinc White, Fire-Proof Paint, Linseed Oil, boiled and raw. For sale by R. n. McDONALD A 00. PATENT MEDICINES. We are Agents for nearly all valuable article* In I use, and our stock Is unusually large. For sale by R. H. McDONALD A CO., Sacramento. R. H. McDONALD A CO., San Francisco. 40,000 lbs. Blue Vitriol | 3,000 lbs. Sulphate Iron | 000 lbs. Sal Ammoniac ; - 250 carboys Eastern Sulph. Arid | 100 " California " " 100 " Eastern Nitrie " 100 " Eastern Martatie Acid. Arctic Acid i Chemically Pare Acids t Iron lie torts) Glass Retorts ; Black Lead Crucibles ; Sand Cracibles ; Test Glasses t Mattresses, Etc.; Together with a complete assortment of Chem icals, and articles used In Quarts Mining for the sep aration of Metals. Kor sale Ifr K. H. McDONALD A CO.. San Francisco and Sacramento. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Dissecting Instruments, (Stethoscopes, Eye Instruments, [Syringes, Obstetrical Instruments, iTonsel Instruments, Polypus Forceps, Amputating Instruments Probangs, Breast pumps. Post Mortem Instrumental Bougies, Pocket Instruments, Cathetars, Trepanning Instraments,ICupplng Instruments, Speculums, Electro Magnetic Battuns R. H. McDONALD A CO., sacratnento. B. H. McDONALD A CO., San Francisco. ? TARTARIC ACID. 3nnn LBS. TARTAR C ACID, IN TIN ? vmJV/ cases. Of the best quality. For Bale by R. H. McDONALD A CO., Importing Druggists. DENTAL IMPORTING HOUSM. B. H. McDONALD A CO, | SACRAMENTO, Ft. U. 5TDONALD & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. TtrX BESPECTFULLY INVITE YV the attention of the Dental Profession to our large ami complete assortment of Dental Goods, the following comprising a part only : Plain and Pivot Teeth. Oum Teeth, large aasor't, Teeth for Vulcanite work, gum and plain , great va riety, I Jones A White's gold foil. Wait's Cn-?tal Foil andl Sponge Gold, Tin Foil and Platlna plate. Gold Plate and Solder, , Dental Ghalrs and Headl Beats, Forceps, a large variety, Files of all kinds, i patterns. Ivory Bandied Plugger* and Scale?, Steel and Wire Bandied Pluggers and Scalers, Excavators, Dorrs and Drt"?: ? _ Screws Puncheg, Hooks, Brashes and Carundum Wheels [Grind Stones and Polish Powders, Lathes, Mouth Mirrors, different ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS, Conslatlngof Upper and Lower Maxlllarle*, carved, exhibiting Nerves on one side and Artery and Vein on the other. Bead, with carved Jaw, exposing tangs of Teeth, S2 In number. Vulcan Hem, Vulcanite Teeth, Rubber and every thing for doing vulcanite work in the Meat ayl most approved styles, together with nearly every thing used by Dentists, all of which we shall sell at very low prices, and respectfully solicit Dentists to call and examine and price our gooda. Goods packed with care, and forwarded, by ex press or otherwise, to all parts of the Pacific coast. R. B. McDONALD A CO., Wholesale Druggist*, Sacramento. B. B. McDONALD A CO., San Francisco. PLASTER PARIS. A large bat of Plaster Paris. Marble Dttat. Cement and Whiting. For sale by B. B. McDONALD A CO.. Wholesale Druggists. nucHnrs oil. Winter gtndaed UrJ Oil, Fare Sperm OU, laulnllenunl PeUr OU, Patent Labricatias Oil, Tor sale by R. H. McDOHALD A CO.. OIL? FOB Bl'HniNfi. A superior article of Downer's Kerosene Oil, Lamp I Oil, and others for thin purpose we offer ?t the lowest market rales. E?"F? have trite* aiek palu I" the Mlecttaa ?f Ckeice Artie lee, u< tu nuuMa wthheilu, B. H. MCDONALD * CO, toLiaui ravmmi. ' ]m?tf] VT8CdjXjJOn$OU8 ADVBRTISMWT8. KORN BROTHERS, KADI STREET ^GOLD HILL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Oroceriew, Provlilon*, "Wines, Liqnon, Clotting. Crockery, Olutwu*. Boot*, WlBM. Powder, BWi ? Ftcka, Shovels, Phted W are, fijtCii JHJtc >, Etc. OUR groceries! Are Selected EXPRESSLY FOR TRIS MARKET, And can be Boti(ht -A.T LOWER PRICKS Than anywhere In thli Territory KORN BROTHERS,! MAIN STREET ...GOLD HILL. foeia-tf] M. FRAN KFNHEIMER . . FRANKENi S. XAR1UCW1TZ * & CO., DEALERS PR STAPLE AND FANCY DRY B000S, CARPETS, OH. CLOTHS, MLLUrEBT AJTD QEHT'8 1UJUIHHU8 GOODS, LADIES' Aim OHUSSES'a SHOES, ETC., HnhPrwf BuiHiug , Main Street, - - - - Gold Hill, TSt. T. JUST RECEIVED ! A LARGE and HOST SPLENDID Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER Silks, Satins, Delaines, Calicos, Embroideries, Lace*, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, etc., elc., direct from the Eastern markets, and of the latest and most fkahlon abie European and American stylet? to which we specially Invite the attention of the Ladles of Gold Hill, American Flat and Silver City. Also? Perfumery, Head Dresses and Ornaments, Combs, Ladles' and Chlldrens' Boots and 8hoes, and every description of Uoods for Ladles Spring and Summer Wear. Also? A large stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linens, Sheetings, etc., etc. jarThe above Goods will be sold at prices, FOB CASH, cheaper than any stock of Goods ever brought to Gold Hill. Ladles are particularly Invited to call and examine our new Goods before going elsewhere, as we feel confident of being able to suit them. E. CUSHING & CO., Mala Street, 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gold Hill, N. T. Gold Hill, Mil' 12. 1864 may'iatf HARDWARE, STOVES, ft IRON AND STEEL. Belting, Hose, Packins, Rivet. Lead and Iron Pipe. ' ? MUH'FACTCHIM OF ? TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL kinds of Job Work In our line ti~ Air Pipe made at the >Url?t 1 ble notice, CU8HING ? CO, fvl2 tf Gold Hill. EVOEKrE BITT2VER & CO., A Main St., Go id Hill, CjK DIALtRJ IN HARDWARE, Iron. Steel, Stores, Tinware, Crockery* Glass, Coal Oil, Lamps, Lard Oil, PAINTS, BELTING, BRASS GOODS, GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES ; MANUFACTURERS OP TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. . rfriatf] s BERNHABD FRANZ, No. 42 Sooth 0 Street, Virginia N. X. BOOKS, STATIONERY and MUBIC, Circulating Library. Dentuche Buchkandlung. LIBRAIRIK FRANCA18B. LAW BLANKS. / LEGAL BLANKS, SCHOOL BOOKS -AWD W rapping' Paper*. OLE AGENT FOR THE TERRITORY OP 1 Nevada of H. H. Bancroft & Co.'s Law Pub lications and Importation!, and their hand-made Linen Paper. Also for W. B. Cook's Law Blank*. jy A full assortment of Staple and Fancy Stationer; always on hnnd. Subscriptions and advertisements received for J. Silversmith's Boy el Quarto Work, entitled th* "MlTAUC AMD^eRI CULTURAL Wealth or TBI PAOtnc 8TATM," 1,500 page*, 1,000 illustration*; In English, French, Spanish and German. Ja30t( BERNHARD FRANZ. Patrick White, An order for mo key, payable to you. It at this office. Can and get It. Gold Hill, August 22, 1864. au2> HOTELS, SALOONS, ETC. FINCH'S SALOON, (Mala ?treet, belaw the Sfewa Oflce,) COLD HILL. THE PROPRIETOR WOULD INFORM THE public that his BAB Is supplied with as good Brandiea, Gin, Wlnea, And other Reft?ehnjent*. aa any in Sold Hill and he soHclta a continuance of the very liberal patron Age bestowed upon It. * All kinds of FRUIT. In seaaon, can alao he obtained at bla saloon. L AOEB BEER, From the best Brewery In the Territory (Blx-m!le : Canon), can be obtained here By the Olaaa, Qaartar Oallaa, at all hour*. Also? TOBACCO, CIGARS, and a lot of YANKEE NOTIONS. THOMAS E. FINCH, Proprietor. Oold Hill, August 29. 18M. an2?tf GLENBROOK, Lake Takes, Ssiaia Territory. A S. BEATTT (OF THE MANSION ^ A, Bouse. San Jose,) wlshe* to Inform fflJB hi* Mends and the public generally, that he XJm, has taken this new and elegantly furnished hosae, built by Messrs. Winter* JrColbath. No pains will be snared to make thU one of the duett Bummer Heaorta on the PaclBc Coast. Let the friend* of Iiaak Walton come along-plenty of water and P' jarThetrpioneer Line of Stagea stop dally at the House. tf A. 8. BJSATYY. BARRY'S OLD PVjAOK, No. 30 Sooth B Street. 1 1 1 Vtritnta* N. *. The Beet Wine* and Liquori IX THK HAIXXT. JyJDm B. V. BAREY. Ptop'r. CHULET WHITEt EXCHANSE AND BILLIARD SALOON, Brick Bulldln^op^te Police Court, p'roprletor Vrin be happy to meet bis Mends at all times. ~ JZ5JL Turn Vteroin H?U, above. the public in general tint he uraln leaaed the above-named building, the which ls_now the most sutubte one In Qojd HK l i > U fJW 1U? *1' nvwasa/ ??' ? many ftleudi thepubttc tjj again leaaed the above-nam?3 laUdlM, ttj i-hlch la now the most suitable one In Gold ir Balls, Public Meetings, etc., and which wIB SA^FKANClicO R^BTAVKAN^ Sudor * Schae^, Propnrtorg, Ilia atreet, Gold Hill. Meals sbbvbd in bybby Style. , Fiah, Kgga, ' T_?f?h?l 1 " ? TOTaggomBCTPMBtr THOS. J. TAYLOR'S ' ? GRAND GIFT ENTERTAINMENT TO BE OITJUV AT . . ... HAcwnw m opeba mriBt VIRGINIA CITY, m . < ' -ror? THUB8DA Y, SEPTEMBER 8, 1864, ? ? THI? LABOB Aim KA6NIVICBNT THHKK-8TORY BRICK BUILDING, Ctnur if C ant TayUr Until, TAYLOR'S BUILDING, ' valued at ?IX TV THOUSAND D?.UUi| THE RENTAL rATXNO A IHratkly OlrMcm ?f Throe Per Coat | ON VALUATION OP PROPERTY, WILL BE GIVEN AWAY | ?TO TBI? LUCKY INDIVIDUAL | WHO HOLDS THE right mnniB of ticket. rpHIfl BUILDING 18 CENTRALLY LOCA ted, being la tb? Immediate vicinity of the Tari ou Expree* Offlcel, Poetoffiee, ate., In the dtj? la new and hard-flnlxhed throughout, inpplled with pare, freah water, brought in pipe* direct from the fountain bead, tbe tupplj being un limited. The Building eon taint Sixteen Large and finely-apportioned Offioea WELL LIGHTED AND VENTILATED. ? AND? TWO LARGE STORES ? Oh the DreoMI Fleer, With a (rootage of TVSm-HTI VEST BACH. mmm aeiolp & blauvelt ? HOLD A NWU or AXTOBKIT From m? and will glTa a Deed of tbe Property ?TO THE? iy LUCKY ONE J) tuo .avi >??!?. !<? ' u.t . .. , uuwina m ?tn. ?..* i ? AN INSURANCE POLICY WILL ACCOMPANY THE OF ?HVf TO THE PEOFEETY. * will to wUr fct M it* nuT ov avovit, iwMdnwUl ka |hw (fttoM ? iha mmim i/ fkfcila ? ? v I THOU. J. TAYLOB. . pin ca .am ? . ' THE DBAWINO. Haw Ike KrawUf b Mk ?? M TAYLOR'? QEAHD GIFT ENTX&TAfflKHT, ?to u ofw? lUSnBI? OPIKA BOVM, ? em ? THURSDAY Sevtmkn- B?M, UN. TH* CHECKS BIPEI8BHTIK0 TBB HUM X ben upon the Tlclteu mrt to be MtMtBi each Marble be trim; a number corrwpoDdlB* with the number on the Ticket. The Marbiee will he placed within a wheel and rerolred until the aadl ence are folly aatUOed that the numbera are thor oughly mixed before the drawlnf commencea. The drawing will be done by a little (rtrl, who will draw the Marble from the wheel, paaa It to the Com mittee appointed tor the examination, who wtB an nounce the number to the audience. The MarMe Win then be placed In the Indent of an Incline, the Incline containing twelve thooaand Indents, the number of Marble* drawn (Tom the wheel. The ticket with the number corrapoodlnf with the number on the laat Marble to draw the bond ing, TH08. J. TAYLOR. Virginia, AnauW 4. MM. tuMf IBPOBTAPTT M THE HOLDl ? or ? V. 8. TREASURY NOTES. that the Ute flm of F. 4. P. BEICHLI.N 0. pn reiued of Johm Schjuie, ofi?cr?in?nto ClUr one of TUton * McFsrland'l Iron yiBtPBOOrlATra; naft ni in their i tore at Jackson, on the Bd day of August, 1862, when a large portion of the atore ?u destroyed by flre-the Cut *u m Inumathatft melted the brass knobs on the M ?r door of nM safe, the content! In add safe it the time being f ., d. Treasury notes and other combustablo material* , t^nj^d remaining entirely ? Subscribed and iworn to before me this 11th day of October, u>. ISM. H. COOK, Justice of the PMC*. TILTON & M^FARLAND'i PATENT FIBI'PBOOF Ufl. rpms IS THE ONLY SECURE SAFE IX THE X world, It being secure from burglar*, as w*U as Ore, ahd the Combination Lock Is beyond the power of man to pick. jar They are exclusively used by tbe Treasury and War Departments at Washington, W e bar* constantly on hand and uf receiving bv tvtnr dip per ship from New Tort, a large assortment or thaao celebrated Bafts. F. TILLMAN, Jeiasm 31? Battery Street, Ban Francisco. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNK ?, MM, until farther notice, the trains of the Central Pacific Railroad will ran aa follows: t'P TRAIN# LEAVE Sacramento at S:15 a.x., arrive at N ewcaatle 730 a. a Sacramento at 1 p.*., arrive at Newcastle san r.a Sacramento at s r.a., arrive at Newcaatle fcto rjl DOWN T&AINS LEAVE Newcaatle at 6; ii a.*., arrive at Sacramento fttta.a Newcaatle at lO-JO AJt., arrive at Sacramento at 12 a Newcaatle at 5 rjL, arrive at Sacramento fcMr.a The 6:15 a.m. and 5 p.m. op trains connect at the Junction with the cars of the California Central Rail road for Lincoln; and the Mi a.m. train connects at the same place with the cars to t Folsom. The MS am. down train connects at the Junction with the cars for Lincoln, and receive passengers from Folsom for Sacramento; and the 1030 a.m. train connects at the ume place with the cars tor Folsom, and at Sacramento with the steamers tor San Fran cisco. On Bandar one train only will he run, leavinc Sac ramento at 6:15 JUL, and Newcastle at lM0a.ll. Stages tor Virginia City, Dutch Flat, Nevada and intermediate places connect with the ears al New castle at 7 JO a.m. Stages tor Marysvllle and other points north connect at Lincoln at 7 JO ajf. V- LELAND STANFORD, Jn? President C. P. RTR-Cq. PIONEER STAGES. Great Express Line ?BETWEEN ? SAI FRANCISCO AMD VIR6IHIA CITY It TBBOE6H Iff 94 H?OU! Vka&N,( f\S AND AFTER MONDAY, 22D INST., PAB U scngers leaving 8an Francisco by boat at 4 r. a? will take cars at Freeport on arrival of boat, chance to stage at Latrohe (3a miles from Sacramento). awl arrive at Virginia City In M hours from San Fxaft. Cisco ? trotiinff Ike laowtfaias bv daylight I Returning? will leave Virginia City by afternoon stages, take cars at Latrobe next day. steamboat at Freeport, and arrive at San Francisco In M hours from Virginia City? connecting with can tor Sacra mento. ACC?.iraODATIO* LINE. The usual stage connections will be made between Sacramento and Virginia City, aa follows: Leave Sacramento by 8acraa>ento Valley Railroad at 6* a. a.. connecting with stage tor Virginia City at IaUrobe* Leave Virginia City at* a. M? connecting with the 6>k train next morning at Lauobe for Sacramento, arriving In Sacramento at a a. a. aug m To the Public* ILANDBB REFUTED ! Editor Pirn My attention has been called to an article In the Dally Enterprise, which, without explanation from me la calculated to do my friend, Mr. C. W. Toier, Injustice. In the iprlnjl of IMD, I was employed by that gentleman to take a load of freight from Canon eity to the camp of some of the volunteer troopi en route for Pyramid Late, on the Carson river, belojv Dayton. The price agreed upon waa MO. A packer with a amall train loaded for the name deatlnaiton, about the same time, employed for the same party. Upon my return I waa aated to sign a receipt for the ram of f75, and my Impression la that Mr. Toser Informed me at the time that the receipt waa intended to cover the amount paid both the packer and myaelf. Nothing In the above trans action. nor In my Intercourse with Mr. Toier aim*, has lett any but the moat favorable Impreadon on my mind ofhla character Ibr fktr dealing. ? W. W. 8HK.LT. Auguat 28, 1864. angtf r>. B. WOOLF, COLLECTOR, orncK, At " Territorial Enterprise" Ma* < VIRGINIA. D. B.W. will attend to the Collecting of Beats and Accounts hi Virginia and Gold HUL iirua sr rsajmaioK to Meaara. Goodman * McCarthy. Jerrttortal totefprtaa Messrs. Paxton * Tbornburgh. Bankers,. ..Virginia Meaara. Arnold * Blauvelt, Bankers Virginia Meaara. Mitchell A Adama Virginia J . H. La' ham. Ksq. , Agent Walla, Fargo * Co., iyMtf "- a- yt}ftnl> Notice. rpiCKir No. H. IN TUX uml FOE TBI In the Wott-Box, and Ticket No. t? la the JUMskr the Gold Watch, warn the onea that won the tlve priaea. The pittas have not yet ail baai for. Peisona holding the lucky neatly reqneated to. caU on n priaea. [an? w) Ai To Citiaena of Gold Hill. At A MERINO or THE BOARD OP TKPf teea of the Town af Gold HU1, held JUrtt, ieM, the Clerk reported, that owing to the AfttfcsZ the Treasurer had bean unable to negotiate Cor the aale of bonda to complete the Reservoir and lay tha water pipe, It woeM be neceaaary to atop thswofk until such time aa the bonds can be sold. Is ao cocdance with aald report, the President araa 1? atnicted to solicit the citlsena of the Town to take a sufficient amount of bonda to complete the water works. By order of the Board . au3 tf 8. H. ROBINSON, OletlL To tike Public. Takes, gus4 Corr Flltaf Up la GrsMkMka! PORT HAS 8XST GREENBACKS TO 1. 8. L' CROSSMAN, of Como, late Superintendent sT the Rock Point Company. In Palmyra, to par off tha hands for work dose last winter. Now, Mr. Cory, through his very efficient tool (CrasMnaa), can hay In the orders on the Company with his (ran and then turn in the orders at Ikce on hla (tfO Indebted neaa to the Company. All right? evwy dof will have hla dev. OBADIAH JON**. Palmira, August 1J, 1864. aiu iw* Greenbacks!? Hotioe to the Public 1 TBI PBOPKIITOBS OT THE TXDXXAL J. iMMtnOoMllflibupftM gattetr imefrtrt aaaa; WI1, In erambacka at par. Ttuioada waaoM them wan to be In Coin u euatooan. VFtOn Ibre cantton the marchanta and (Hk?r? of thlapteee not to tnut iaM proprietor* nopt tkejare wUStaf to ba wertfi In Bke maimer. Tia boandenor the Oraanbackal OrMnbackal! iy-K^sysfMritgE'^s In Greenback!. nnder tbe fodowtu ctrraoMlMMfc Tba Occidental Mlnln* Company owa< ma ttWMfe done In aaM claim and I UeUered there wae ? par albla ihowlbf my par wltbeoti RMtMh M> eordtn(ly I rm3; the property ?aa aoM and C. A. known u drwnbacka. THOI flaM Hill. Anmat II. IM4 MMOdle Nod* WWR* sd^fe^g^sstrsrsA's "quit ywjjntjW. +*r. ' Miner'a IK THS SOUTH