Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS. PHII.II» LYNCH, Kdltor nnd Proprlrlor AU. ΡΟΠΗ, A—octote Editer QOLD HILL, NEVADA: Moada) Kvrnlae Jaa. 'J?· IS4N I» Providence, R. I., last year, there were 134 deaths of persons over seventy years of age. Eioht Fenton Clnbs have been organ ized in New York city. Several prom inent Democrats in the city have joined Grant Clubs. In connection with the various places mentioned for the meeting of the Dem ocratic National Convention, somebody has suggested that Libby Warehouse, in Richmond, or the site of the old prison-pen at Audersonville,be designa ted for the purpose. Λ new insurance company is to be started in New York, called the Homoe pathic Mutual Insurance Company, with $200,000 capital. Its charter provides that persons who adopt the Uoimrpa thic treatment of diseases will be in sured at "judiciously reduced rates," as compared with those adhering to the Allopathic method. The London TtUjra/>h thinks that if General Grant were made President, he would probably " look at the facts " in regard to all questions brought before him, and restrain his action within the limits of his legitimate authority ; and it describes bim as a man who respects both equity and law, who never departs from solid ground, and who is probably one of tho least prejudiced persons throughout the length and breadth of the Vnion. The Telegraph has got at the Americau idea of the case exactly. I* Search ok a Brother.—Λ woman writes from Pawtucket, Rhode Island, regarding her brother Napoleon Bona parte Band, who is supposed to have been in California for the last twelve years. She says : " I am told he is in California some where, and is a miner. We are orphans —the only children, lie is about thirty four years of age. Wo have never seen each other, and it is only within a few months I learned that I had a brother. I am very anxious to find him, if possi ble. There was a man by the name of John Maguire along with bim, and if 1 could find Mr. Maguire, I might possibly succted in finding my brother also." The first horse dinner in England has been held. The beast was eighteen years old and thirteen hands high, and after being butchered was served up to a select company in a great variety of modes of cooking. It was pronounced most excellant food, fine in texture, tender in quality and unimpeachable in flavor, with such a remarkable resem blance to beef that it would be dfficult to tell the difference between the two. It va· further pronounced to be thor oughly wholesome, nutritious and sat isfying—which is more that can be said for some other sorts of popular flesh. It can also be procured at a chcap price, which is another great advantage in England, the land of dear meat. As to the moral justice of eating horse, one of the guests argued that if the horse ia really the friend of man, eating him seemed the most innocent way of living upon one's friends. Exigkatiox to California.—"S. B. Α.," whom we take to be Axtell, M. C., writing from Washington to the San Francisco Call, says whilo referring to railroad matters : 14 You may all stand from under. The people are coming out to see you when the road is finished ; and when it is fin ished yon will want two more lines— the Northern and Southern—and you will have them ; and they will be full of business ; and in less than twenty years San Francisco will probably contain a population of five hundred thousand. People here are more excited and inter ested over your wheat than they were over your gold. They were not a min ing people, and feared to experiment. They thought the gold would soon be dug out. But they can understand wheat. I was through the West, among my old acquaintances, and I could fttl the population moving toward the Pa cific State^. Now, as the good women say, ' Mark ray words." Population of the right sort, carrying with it sufficient to set itself to work, not seeking situa tions, will set in upon yon within thrr< ytart in such numbers as never before Hooded any portion ofthe United States. I have talked with the people. 1 have occasionally lectured in Western villa ges on California, and I know whereof I speak." "Staogkrs."—The Chicago Tribune, of January 3d. republishes the follow ing rich card from the Kingstree (S. C.) Star. It is certainly the richest card of the season : " To the Respectable White Citizens of the State : Drs. J. W. Staggers and J. G. Staggers hare concluded to change their names to that of Standard, of Grand Maternal descent on paternal side—of Virginia in years gone by— from the fact that the larger number of their former slaves have assumed their names ; and as it is likely that it will be Africanized in time to come they are determined not to be on equality with them socially, since their original posi tion from slaves to freemen has been changed by no agency of theirs, but by the domagogues of the country—and from the fact that in the scale of crea tion their rank is inferior, even descend ing to the beast—as per Ariel—of which I am convinced. (Signed) J. W. Staogkrs, J. ε. Staookrs." Where is N'asby ? There's a fino sub ject for bis pointed pen. Poor Staggcr ses ! M. Du Chaillc, the Africnn explorer, who is now lecturing in various parts of the country, in one part of his lecture, after describing the laborious process by which native Africans obtain fire by rubbing pieces of dry wood together, depicts their terror and astonishment at seeing him ignite a phosphorous fusee, upon which the Sew York Commercial Advertiser comments that " It is not to wondered at that the savage mind should be appalled at thus Grtt meeting its match." Graxt Exdorskd dy τπν: Ormsby Cooktt Chios Lkaooi.—At a meeting of the Union League of Ormsby County, held last evening, a resolution endorsing General U. S. Grant as a candidate for the Presidential nomination was unani mously adopted.—Cartvn Appeal. THE BLACK BOCK MYSTERY. None of the scientific metallurgists, minerttlogical savans, or others thor oughly initiated into the mysteries of working ores containing the precious metals, are, ns yet, fully settled in their minds relative to the Black Kock mines. The San Francisco Mining Pres.s speaks of a Hour sack full of specimens of the ore recently received as a sample through a gentleman who had been induced to invest a considerable amount of money, besides somo labor and time, in Black liock. on the faith of Isenbeck and other "secret process" men; these specimens he had collected himself from more than twenty claims in that district. Here is what tho Press says about it : " A brief examination of the contents of the sack satisfied us at onco that so far as those samples weut to illustrate the value of the Black Uock mines, they were the veriest humbugs that were ever palmed off upon a credulous pub lic. Only two samples out of the entire number presented were such as could for α moment be considered ns coming from a vein carrviug either silver or gold, and each of these (the Snow Storm and tirccn Series) were of an extremely doubtful character. All the others were unmistakably volcanic debris, such as were never known to yield any of the pre cious metals: and we venture tho asser tion, that not even the color of either gold or silver was ever found in any such rock, notwithstanding the oft-re peated assertions to the contrary by preteaded experts and assayers." The Carson Appeal spoaks of it as "black wax," and in support of the idea that it contains traces of silvor, quotes from α letter received from Pro fessor A. K. Verrill, of the Sheffield Scientific Institute, Yale College, who, having examined a specimen, save: "It coutains α little silver, but not nearly so much as you say it is reported to. It is a sort of clay, containing some chloride of silver, salt, bitumen, etc.,— the result of the decomposition of rocks and minerals containing ores of silver, etc." Henry Van Horn, well known in this State as an old, experienced operator in mines and ia the reduction of ores con taining tho precious metals, in view of the conflicting stories relative to whether the Black Rock ore is really worthless in that respect or not, gives the following cheap and simple process for ascertaining : 14 p:—· «Ann am until fin# as Hour; then make it moist with potash ami water: mix in equal bulk with $*»· ilust and place in a retort, adding for every pound of ore four ounces of quicksilver and half an ounce of salt: close the retort, and retort the quick silver off in the same way as for amal gam; allow your retort to cool; then take it off and add fresh quicksilver, with barely the color of blucstone; stir it well in an iron or wooden vessel. The pulp is now to be worked in the usual way, when the quicksilver is to be strained through tine muslin. If the above process is strictly followed, I will wager my head on getting the precious metals if they are in the ore. In this mercury sweat or bath the mercury is in this way fused or sublimated through the whole mass of pulverized ore, and, coming in direct contact with all the metallic substance in the same, will give, if properly conducted, a result equal to a tire assay." Whether this queer mineral is really silver ore, " volcanic debris," " black wax," or coke, is not by any means decided as yet ; indeed, according to the latest information we have relative thereto, Black Rock is all tin ore. This latest story is almost too good to ho true, although we certainly wish it might be. The " traces of silver" and existing difficulties in the way ot' ex tracting precious metals from it, would thus be explained, and Black Rock turn out the richest mines in the world, for there are billions of tons of the ore piled up there naturally, waiting to bo used. Let it be tin, by all means. No one could ask any thing better in the way of mineral wealth. Tho tin mines of Cornwall or anywhero else in the world might sell out at half price, for Xevada could supply tho universe with an exhnustlesa profusion of that useful and important metal. Tin. or not tin, is now the question. Meanwhile, Black Rock still remains a mystery. Good Advic* to Men and Bacuilors.—Rev. Henry Morgan, of Boston, preachcd some time «go, to a crowded house, in tlic Continental Theater, Philadelphia, on the subject, " Young men and early marriagt." Text: " Whoso findeth a wife findctha good thing and obtaineth the favor of the Lord."—Prov. xviii. 22. The speaker said nature, history and revela tion declare " It is not good for α mon to be alone." Every man should have a help-mate, a boaom friend to co-oper ate with him in the battlo of life. A wife is th· balance-wheel of α mn'i character, the regulator of his morals, tho guardian angel of a husband's trust, confidence and prospeiity. Man is but a single blade of shears, useless, with out a wife bound to him by a matri monial rivet. A wife is the magnetic needle pointing to tho star of hope on the voyage of life. Her shadow is the wing of his protection ; her genius the palladium of his morals ; her smile the inspiration of his great achievements. Better live in an attic under the hal lowed influence of a wife than to revel In a palace in what is called single blessodnes9. "A virtuous woman is α crown to her husband." In all your seekings, seek the favor of the fair. In all your gettings, get a wife; and never cease from getting until you get mar ried. You say, " I cannot afford a wife." I say you cannot afford to be without one; that ii, if character is to be taken into account. "But woman is extravagant in dress." Very well ; there are enough who are not; don't marry a milliner's shop. Marriage is supposed to be uncongenial with literary pursuits. Opinions havo changed sine· tho time of Michael Angelo and Sir Joshua Reynolds. The wives of Walter Scott, Fennimore Cooper, Jonathan Edwards, and Edmund Burke, were in stanced as help-mates. Tns Boston Journal says that people in that city nre writing to the newspa pers to kaow what is the difforenco be tween the Garibaldians in Rome and tho Fenians in England? And if th· former derived their support from Eng land, as they did notoriously, why should not the Fenians receive their* from America ? Mr. E. S. Ciiishhoc···!, the engineer who had charge of the great lake tun nel at Chicago, received a Christmas present from that city of $11,000 in water loan bonds. Garibaldi isrsaid to be of German descent. Tbr Lmchlnc of a Nrcro In Ceorila-De U Horribly Mutilated nad thon llaroed Alive. Tho S&vaunah (Gb.) Xtwt and Utrald of the 31st ult. bas the following : Wo learned on Saturday tbat news bad been received hero of the capture of α negro who had committed a heinous offense upon η young white girl, near Louisville, in Jefferson county, but the reports were then very indefinite. We have since obtaiued some further par ticulars, which enable us to givo the principal circumstances. As nearly as we can ascertain, a no gro waylaid a young white girl in α secludod spot on a road lending from Louisville, and committed a rapo upon her, using much violence. As soon as tho fact became known, an excited crowd, white and black, assembled, and arrested the negro, who confessed his guilt. Ho was tied to a tree and burned alive. According to one account his ears were first burned off, and his face cut with a knife. The crowd was very excited, and ft. violent disposition for vengeance was manifested by the negroes and whites, although many of the people of the county earnestly disapproved of and protested against the illegal course of the lynchers as unjustifiable nnd less effective for the public good than the ordinary course of the law. Ono state ment is, that the I'reedmen's liurcuu officer was prevented from interfering by threats against his life, and that thoso who were opposed to tho move ment were also threatened at their bouses. But the majority of the people, both white and black, regard tho act, though unsanctioned by law, ns warranted in the emergency of so heinous an offense, and as sustained by precedents North and South. Tho Kreodmen's Bureau Agent has written to general Sibley for troops, who have been sent, and it is very probable that parties implicated in the affair will be arrested. Λ Tplllne Arsuinrut. Λ man on trial for murder was suc cessfully defended by bis counsel in tbo following argument : "Thou sbalt not kill." Now if you hang my client, you transgress the com mand as slick as grease, and plump as a goose's egg in a loafer's face. Gen tlemen, murder is murder, whotber committed by twelve jurymen or an bumble individual liko my client. Gen tlemen, I do not deny the fact of my client having killed a man. No such thing, gentlemen. You may bring the prisoner in "gusty," the hangman may do his work, but will that exouerato you? No such thing. In that caso you will be the murderer. Who among you is prepared for the brand of Cain to be stamped upon his brow to-day? Who, freemen? Who in this land of liberty and light? Gentlemen, I will pledge my word not one of you has a bowie knife. Xo, gentlemen, your pockets are odiferous with the fumes of cigar cases and tooacco. Yon can smoke tbo tobacco of rectitude in the pipe of a clear conscience, but bang my poor cli ent, and the scaly alligators of remorse will gallop through the internal prin ciples of your animal viscera, until the spinal vertebra· of your anatomical con struction is turned into η railroad for the grim and gory goblins of despair. Gentlomen, I adjure you, by the manu mitted ghost of temporal sanity, to do no murder. I adjure you by the name of woman, the main-spring of the tick ing time-piece of Time's theoretical transmigration, to do no murder. I adjure you by the American eagle, that whipped the universal game cock of creation, and is now roosting on the magnetic telegraph of Time's illustra tion, transmigration to do no murder. And lastly, if you ever expect freo dogs not to bark at you, if you ever expect to wear boots made of the free bide of the Rocky Mountain buffalo—and to sum up all, if you ever expect to be anybody but sneaking, low-flung, ras cally-brained small ends of humanity, whittled down into indistinctability, acquit my client and save your country. The prisoner was acquitted, of course. "Stamps in my Stockin'."—The edi tor of the Bucvrus Journal, quoting the paragraph about stockings, that is making the rounds, says : One of the gentlemen connected with this paper had rather a feeling opportu nity for experience in regard to some lady's stockings. llo was traveling in the South, un attached and unencumbered, and in order to gain admission to the superior comforts of the ladies' car, he used to assist some unencumbered lady travel ing alone, and pay her sucb respectful attentions as her helpless situation seemed to require. Once going from Jackson, Miss., to N'ew Orleans, be had assisted a very buxom woman with a quantity of small parcels, and otherwise rendered her such small services as any gontleman, having it in his power, would render to a lady traveling alone. On arriving at Xew Orleans, the same attentions caused him to find himself seated next to her in the omnibus ; pre paratory to starting, the conductor re quired our fare, and asked for our des tination. IT UVU UC1 fcUIII vnuiv} uikvi ον·ν·<·ι mysterious struggles and plunges, with her lap fall of traps, she raised her head and said to the writer: "Mister, I guess you're a preacher, beyant ye ? I guess there ain't any harm in you. When I travels I allers carries my stamps in my stockin', 'cause you see nothin can got in there, and we arc so jammed in here, that I'd thank you, old man, just to reach in for mo." Fancy our feelings ! Chinesi Tokàter.—A new Chinese Theater, in San Erancisco, was dedi cated Friday morning. The Alia says: "Inconsc was burned profusely; the leading characters of the historic drama, in gorgeous costume, wero on the stage; smoke was blown against the fourwalls, representing the four quarters of tho globe, from whenco intelligence is in voked, and other ceremonies which can not be described in the English language were performed, the whole closing with the beheading of α cock and a grand display of fireworks and a fut de joir, which consumed half a ton of fire-crack ers, more or less. The machine is now in running order, and the newly im ported company will make their debut before a California audience some time next week." He is a fool who grumbles at mis chance. Put the best foot forward, is an old maxim. Don't go about and tell acquaintances that you have been un fortunate. People do not liko unfor tunate acquaintances. Add to vigorous determination a cheerful spirit; if re verses come, bear them like a philoso pher, and get rid of them as soon as you can. Poverty is like a panther—look it earnestly in the face and it will torn from yon. O.x Christmas Day the proprietors of a mill in Minneapolis, Minn., gave to each of their married workman a tur key, to each of the unmarried a woolen scarf, and to each of the girls a calico dress. Wnahlncton Goulp. Generals Sherman and Sheridan nre both Absent for the holidays, but will return horo as they will both be engaged in Washington during the whole of January in tho duty of going over the new code of tho army regulations. Both are looking in excellent health. Sherman is a most devoted friend of Grant, for whom ho cherishes the most ardent personal affection—but on dit that he is not so well pleased with the Radicalism of Grant's Stanton letter. As I get this indirectly, it may or may not be so. The other day Sherman stated that whon, last Autumn, he was summoning the Indian chiefs to the council, they objected delaying their coming till November, as they prognos ticated an early Winter, and feared they would have difficulty in returning. Ho related this circumstauco a few days ago, during the terriblo storm, which he cited as a proof of Indian woathcr wisdom. Sheri.dan is much fatter than lie was in the 'war times, but is αβ jolly and rollicking as ever. It would bo no news to say that he is a strong radical, and I may add that he expresses the most assured belief in the triumph of Uadical principles. "Tho man who attempts to obstruct the advancing tide," said he tho other day, "might as well get ready his little gravestone." Nor docs he ssruplo to avow himself a Fenian sympathizer, though his sympa thy, as he explained it to us, is mixed up with a philosophy little dreamed of by tho Fenians. As an interesting war reminiscence, I may mention that tho official record in the War Department shows that Sheridan, during his com mand of less than a year in Virginia, captured as many flags from tho rebels us were taken by all tho other armies of the United States during the entiro courso of tho war. What a shining record! Mr. Soward woars tho appearance of better health than he has presented for years, and to visitors of an evening his speculating aud philosophizing mind shines as vivacious and elastic as ever. Sumner has gone to live again in the fine house ho bought on his marriage, lie looks worn and saddenod, and badly cut up. _ John Smith at the Ball.—The Frank fort correspondent of the Louisville Courier relates the following : At a New Year's hull nt the Capitol Hotel, Frankfort, during tho session of 18G—, a young man named John Smith became exhausted with dancing and the heat of the room, despite all the tonics he had taken to avert such an event. Be coming conscious that he needed repose he wandered into the first room lie came to. It happened to bo an apart ment set apart exclusively for the uso of the ladies. Their cloaks, bonnets, (they wore bonnets in thoso days,) and shawls wero laid upon tho bed. Combs, brushes, wash-bowls, &c., were provided for the uso of the ladies wbenevor they felt liko retiring there to re-beautify. John saw the dim outlines of α bed, and went for it. Covering himself with a pilo of things, he was soon sleeping the sleep of innocence and whisky. After awbilo he was half awakened by the chirping of two musical voices close be side him, and heard himself discussed as follows : ■■John Smith missed his set with me. I wonder where be is." " O, he's drinking or playing cards, and probably both." " I don't care. I had a better part ner. Dear me! don't I look horrid?" "No, indeed. Cousin Will said to uight that you were perfectly beautiful, and that he never saw you dance bet ter." " One couldn't help dancing well with Aim. John Brown said that you were the most graceful walt/.er he over saw, and that your curie were peculiarly be coming to your style of beauty, and ever so much more." " 0, what was it? Do tell." At this juncture John raised himself upon his elbow, and shaking his head clear of bonnets and scarfs, propounded tho following conundrum : " Girls, did you (hie) hear arryborry say (hie) anything 'bout mef" There was a dual scream, a rustling of silk, and John was again alone, sing ing— •'When shall wethr*· meet again." A Horrible (Jansihal story.—a horrible tragedy i· reporteil from the Island of Fiji, South Seas. The Rev. Thomas Baker, with an assistant mis sionary and six nntivc teachers, wont to visit somo inland tribes, nnd he and his party were brutally murdered by one of the tribes who aredeseribed as the most confirmed cannibals. The writer says : —"In this town (Longtown) there lives a notorious cannibal, with whom I had η little conversation. He pointed me to a pile of human bones in the fork of an orange tree under which we were sit ting, and assured me that he had eaten the men of which each bone there was α representative and that he had kept these bones as α memento of hie cannibalism. Many other things did this inhuman wretch make known to me; and his countennncc nnd more than ordinary worn teeth, only helped to convinco mo that be had literally been a bone-crush er. To Ίιανο listened to this man's statements, and told, too, in the pres ence of thoso who could have contra dicted them if false, would havo removed forever from tho minds of some the idea that the Fijian· are not lovers of human flesh. This vile cannibal confirmed that, ns for eating, nothing was compar able to human flesh, not even fowls or pork. »·· It appears that people down East are still digging for buried treasure, the latest phase of that mania having ap peared at Hazardvillo, Connecticut, where the digging is directed by a spiritual medium. It is said that the information about the locality of tbo treasure came in » roundabout way. Directions from a medium in California were given to consult a Boston medium, the latter rcforred to a Hartford medium, and the Hartfort one sends the searcher to Hazardville. The medium at the latter place said " go ahead; " a deposit was made to Insure the owner of the land against damages, and diggers arc working for three dollars for five bours' work. A local paper says: "Tbey hope to reach the strong boxes by Sat urday next. The only encouragement they have now, besides the statements of tho mediums, is. tbat tbo ground sonnde'hollow." NnwBfAPiiis. — In a lecture upon newspapers, delivered in Philadelphia, by Ker. DcWitt Tnlmage, ho said: " I now declare tbat I consider tho news papers to be the grand ngencv by which tho gospel is preached, ignorance cast out, oppression dethroned, crimo ex tirpated, the world raised, Heaven re joiced, and Qod glorified. In the clank ing of the printing press, as sheets fly out, I hear the Lord Almighty proclaim ing to all the dead nations of the eartb, 1 Lazarus come forth,' and to the retreat ing surges of darkness, 1 Let thero bo ligbtl ' " Bbioham Yodkq conducts his connu bial affaira on the principle of "largo business and tmallprophtU." Tb« New York indepenJrnt favors General Grant for President. FORENOON STOCK REPORT. | CORRECTED DULY 17 9HAW L· BOONE. J 8an Francisco, Jon. 27—1 r. V. SALES. Opblr, $76, 13 shares fold; Gould 6i Curry, 1475, 8 shares Hold; Bavago, $143 50, 280 iharei «old; Chollar-Potosi, $215, IK) shares Hold; Im* perla!, 6189, 43 shares sold; "Kentuck, $2GO, 30 ihares sold; Overman, $77 50, 26 uliarws sold, Sierra Nevada, $14, 185 shares Hold; Exchequer, S1H 50, Heller 30, 90 shares sold; Segregated Belcher, $9, seller 3, 5 shares sold; Bullion, $34, 13, shares sold; Yellow Jacket $745, 25 shareH sold; Crown Point, 81,170, 6 shares sold. Oold In Now York, 140. A Unit fob Grant.—Tbo Republican members of Congress aro α unit for the nomination and election of Grant to the Presidency. Forney, iu his paper of the 23d December, says : " The present Congress which, by tho Constitution, will perform the duty of counting the electors, including the House of Representatives that will de cide who is to bo President, should the people fail to elect, is almost a unit for Grant. I do not believo there are ten prominent Republican advocates of any other candidate in the two Houses ; and this fact is so patent that nobody pre tends to question it. Kven, therefore, if the Southern States did not vote in the coming election, Grant would be chosen by as large a majority as Lin coln ; nnd the theory that tho contest will ever get into tho House is quite as absurd as that, if it got thero Grant would be chcatod out of the place." What is the best romedy for "dead lock?" Why, a "skeleton key," of course. IDeathn· WHITK—In Hold Hill, Jnn.SA, of consumption nnd dropsy In the chest, Mr. W. A. White, nged about 30 yearn. (Deceased has been a resident of Oold ΠΙ1Ι idnco 1861; was a most excellent, Industrious, houest and klnd*hearted young man; and was respected and beloved by all who know him, and by whom his curly death Is deeply regretted. His ftiuvral will tako pluce from his mother's res· idencv.M rn. Melntyre, Golden Eagle Hotel, on Tuesday, Jan. 23, lit 2 o'clock, P. M., the religions exercises to he given In St. Patrick's Church. Friends of Ihe family are kindly Invited. NEW TO-DAY. A. CARD. A Τ A SPECIAL MEETING OK EAGLE A Engine Company No. 3, held on Friday evening, January 24,1868, the uademlgued were appointed a Committee to extend, In behalf of Ilie Company, a Vote of Thanks to all the mem ber* and attaches of the Opera Homo Tronpe who «ο kindly and gen«rou*lv volunteered their service* on the occasion of their benefit, on Wednesday evening, January 82, 10C8—to .Mr. John Woodnrd. Stag* Manager, c*pecially, for the interest ho mauife* ted in our behalf, hi pre· «euting η hill for the occasion which ha* already ;idd«*d new lanreln to hU well-known reputation a· a Stag·» Manager. To the η umerju· other volunteer*, both pro fessional and amateur, who hclpod *o materially to future a xuceeni on the occasion, we tender our rlneerethank·. We also deriro to expreesour kindest wlihe* to Eldrr Gibson and his Choir, and all our Broth er Firemen, for the interest they took In our be half, and last, though not leant, to Me*srs. Piper for the courtesy and klndnex* received at tbelr hand*. <311 AS. F. BICKNELL, John b. Mcintosh, GEO. c. CURRIE. Ja27 It Cominlttoe. AmcMment IVoticc.— Dayton Silver Mining Company, Devil's Gate District, Lyon County, Nevada.—At a meeting of the Trustees of *aid Company, held on tho TWENTY· FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1ΘΛ8, an as sensmeut of One Dollar was levied on eaeh and every share of the capital stock of said Com pany, payable Immediately, In Uuited Htn'.e* gold coin, to D. L. Hastings, Treasurer of said Company, at bis office in Silver City. Any stock upon which such asseismcnt shall remain unpaid on tho TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 18C?, shall be deemed delinquent and will bo advertised for sale at pnblle auction onftheT WENT Y «EIGHTH day of MARCH, 1868 tn |>ny «tt.Miiqufiit Μ«*ιιιη»η( tugolhtr with coil* of ndv.-rtiidog and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Trustees. D. L. HASTINGS. Secretary. Silver City, January 27, 1868, Jy.27 lui WATER-PROOF BLASTING FUSE. 'ΓΗΕ BOSTON FUSE COMPANY ARE * selling on this Coast the SUPERIOR ARTICLE HI A DE BY THEM. It is preferred by all who nse It. FKKKMAN, SMITH & CO., Aient·, HO California etreef, Snn Francisco. January 27, 1868. Jy27-lm2p UNION M All Κ ET, (Opposite tha Golden EaglelIotel.J WILSOX & CO., Proprietor». KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND iiml for Sale— FRVtnn BKKP, IIVTTO», PORK, VRAI., 9# Corned Beet Ac Suun«(t« ty Famille» and Hotolawlll flndlt to their advantage to patronize thin Market. Gold Hill. Jan. 96,1868. Jy26-tf^ GRAND BENEFIT — OF — Nevada Hook & Ladder COMPANY No, 1. -TO I1E0IVEN ΛΤ Piper's Opera House, — o* — Wednesday Evening Jan. *29 LOOK OUT For the moat Attractive Hill of the Season. Λ Π··ι of Volnalrcra will Appear. Jy27-ti THE PUREST DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. ON HAND TUB LARGEST STOCK OF Drug» In Neviida! FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. All at priera nu low and lowtr than nny other home In tho Htate. Call and we. C.KOKOK P. M0RRIM,, No 16 8mith C atreet, Virginia Nevada. Jannnry 4,186K-tf. NEVADA FOUNDRY SILVER CITY, JOHN McCONE . . Proprietor. Manufacturer of castings of every dencription. Machine work done at the ahorteat notice, and all order* promptly filled. JylOtf. WANTED! Board and lodging in a private family, for α gentleman and hi· wife, In the vicinity of the l'uatofBc· preferred. Addreaa— W.. thla office. Gold Hill. Jan. 25,18C8. · jytt-lt AM178EMENTS. FOURTH AMIIAL^BALL, Liberty Hose Co. No. 1, Of Gold Hill, — AT — Fort Homeetead Hall, Monday Evening, Feb. 24. Committee of Arrancemeiii·! A A Putnam Τ J MeClellao W H Isaao W H U Leo John Miller Invitation Committee ι ο old KILL Hon J D Winter· Hon J Η Mill· Hon A Κ Potter II L I>»y Jno IUordcn Jno Lnmbort A Hnguet W D dray II Mercer W II Armstrong W ICummlag» W II Beegan J Ο Mayer Rami North Cliai Koreinun M Btroaie F Ο Kerrlngton Τ Hanbridgo R Ν Grave· Ρ BuckmtniHer WE Hale Jno Piper J Ν Cartter J Ε Parker D Ο Aiiklion It Ο Sandier W II Dlcauv. lt Τ Ο Taylor H Smith J J Hay· II C Blauelmrd Κ C Cook W I) C Glbiioji 6 W Ander·"» C Miller Jno Hlggln· Abe Jone· A C Hay Chaa Bonemot J W Wright Ed Wright. viroiki*: J V Β Perry Hugb KerrlD J Eddlngtou J W Hemlnwny J Τ Goodman Ρ Mnlcaby J Ο Wlllock J Young AAib W V Warren A Pennley. Reception Committee ι Ε A Gamble J A Wlnterbancr J Κ Imiiuc QeoStockle Floor Manacenii J II Mill· C L Booth W Η II ΐΛβ Henry Smith. Floor Director! A A PUTNAM. TICKET*. 9.1 00 I Gold mil Jan. lfi. lfcCH. |y 16-td SUCOND annual (;u\\n hall — or THE— Fenian Brotherhood I TO BE GIVEN AT ATHLETIC HALL, On tlie Evening of March IT, Invitation Committee ι J G Fair C C Thoma» Tho· Cordlell J C Hampton H Kelly S Ρ Ferçl.on M Daley M Lynch Τ Ρ Adam· C Baker Τ Stanton W Skyrme C 0 Warner Ε J Comerford Ε Monnot Η It Hammer» J C Clark Capt DeShleld· J Snow W Woodbnm Ρ II Lannan Ρ Murray yf f ay S Delnenger O Mon ugh nn J Hartneti Τ Coleman C Motlngo Τ Thornton Ρ Bell J 8 Clanccy Ρ Donnelly J D Meagher D Beardon Ρ Molcahy W Mooney Dr S A Me Menue Ρ EnnU Β W Key· Β Coljton J Spring 8 Keller P Mtuwu J Β Mailon II Summer· Ε Vender ρ J Kennedy M Stronie J Hanraban D Dlicoll Κ Fredrick» Ο Sherlock ρ Fitzgerald R Henneuy D Ilenne«»y M Kelleher r O'Sell Ο Downey RO Hardy M Martin Ρ Ε Moore D Lyon» J Kaleen M Lahano D Uulnlln 1 Bradley R Arnold J ST0·??1 Ε Dwyer Ρ Ne.dale J Hollaran Ρ Fahey Ρ Ford Ρ Mellody J Harrington Τ Meehan Ε Mnrphy ,L1m1tny W F Ander«on M Tubegg J McCarthy JTr»cey J M Crowley J JPendy ji Laffrue Reynold M Feeny H W Gllle»ple J Cunnlnghan M Ο Connell Τ Η Wall T Lannan Ρ O'Connor J C J J Cooper Ν Onlplna II Korrin J Steele A Anrlch JBMelntwh A F Mackay J A Moch A Dai a; a» Ρ Hobon OOLD HILL. Τ Gallagher J Camming» C I. Marpby MKçllly 1» H Burke J Kaleen Ε Doghonny JJ Hay·· M Breen Τ> Inch W Scanlon Τ Kelley Τ Sullivan Ρ McNamara J C White WI Camming» S Owen Τ Moore It McCarty McCay 9ILVKK CITY. J McCone ? VS*' η M Fittpnlrlck A J,.T^.rc , Τ Wogan Dr W Bunchar DATTOH. W Norton Ρ OToole J Cronln J Β Dillon I D Crou Hrrrpllon Committee· R Arnold Ο Snlllran Τ CordlHl Ρ McElroy J Β Halloa Τ Ρ Wall Β Colgan Τ Sadler J Leech Β W Koy· Floor Muaftni J Buckley S Qnlnn Κ Monnot J M Crowley J S Clancey Τ Sullivan Ρ Ennli Ε J Comcrford λ F Mackay "toor Dlreciort O. J. MAHONEY. |y Muilc by tlie belt Band lo Town TICKETS ....THREE 1)01.LARS l|ylt-td] Piper's Opera House ! Propr lo torn.. Meura. JOB Ν and HENRY PIPES Stage Manager John Woodard Mailcal Director E.ZImnwr TUB BBST TBOVJRK OF Male & Female Minstrels ON TUB PACIFIC COAST! The Performance will comlit of 80NQS, DANCES. GLEES, CHORUSES. BUR LESQUES, FARCES, IRISH COMEDY, Etc. Tbe Company comprit·· the following well known Talented Performer·: mien FANNY ΠΑΝΚ·. The Popular Actrea·, 1MIN* A 71 AI* I» A I. EE, MIKS LIZZY WO Κ RE LI,, MISS JKNNY LEWIS, ηΐΜ KLI.A STANLEY, JOHN WOODARD, TOMMY FAR RON, FRED. HPBDNfl, JOHNNY EDWARDS, OEO. Π. FORTES, HARRY ίΐρακία», T. Β. BARN WEI.I., Κ. ΖΙΠΒΙΒΒ, ingi.bbkrcut, And a Splendid Bru· Bud Outride ET«ry Evening. PRICE* OB ADSIIRSIONi To all Part· of tb· Ilonio » Cent. Prlrnte Boxe. ta 30 Mid « . Ç^FÎÎ.y·!7 Bm1 of LIQUORS, WINES I and CIGARS alway· on hind at isi eent·. Iot»tt) TYPE METAL PRY GOODS A!ÎD CLOTHISfl. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS!! Fall and Winter Cioo«!s!! Tlie Latest Fnnliioii* ... FORTHK.... LADIES As Cheap as the Cheapest! NOTV OPENINfl AT FRA!VKEi\HEini:R'S. Gold Hill, January 2. I8«8.-If JyS WITNEY'S CHOLIC MEDICINE (For ΙΙοι-Ηβκ and Mule*.) NEVER FAILS TO CURE SPASMODIC ( OMC, GR-IPEJS AND BELLY ACHE, It» action being qnck nnrt relief «Horded Im mediate and reliable. Sold l>y Drugnln». PRICE ... 73 CBNTM. E.EDINGTON & CO.. San Francisco, wholesale Agents. KINO Λ CO., Carson. 'dH-tf.J j. τ. WEi/roiv, {Practical Watchmaker,! ; JO Flaoo's Dank, ITIoleKtrort,—G·lit ·ΙΙΙΙ.'| Β HA8 0N HAND A PINK STOCK OfJ Watche·, Clock·, Jewelry And Fancy ![ JOoodi. Alao alargeaiteortinent of 8PKCTACLKH, jfjewelry made to order. Watchen, Clock· '•and Jewelrycarefally repaired and War granted. ρο(!Ιι·Γ«· for llccnlnlDi!W«(flira.|| Oold IIIll,Dec. 30,18(57. dr30tf Union State Central Committee Τ«ΠΒ MEMBERS OP ΤΠΕ UNION 8TATE Central Committee ire hereby notified that a meeting of gald Commltteo will be held at the office of Aldrlch 6c DeLong, corner of Β and Union atrecta Virginia city, Storey county, Ne· ▼Ada, on the 10th day of February, a. D. 1868, to mako arrangcmenU for calling and holding ν 8tate Convention of the Party. A full and punc tual attendance la reapectfnlly rrqneated. C. E. DkLONO, Cbnlnnnu. C. C. Βαττγ.Λ.μαϊι, Secretary. Virginia. Jan. SO, 1868. JjrSMd Cirant Club, Gold Hill. REOI8TRY BOOKS FOU SIGNATURES can bo found It the office of Jndgv Hull, ami »t the office of lh· Crown Point Company RTTh. Clnb will mi mry WEDNK8PAY EVENING, at Odd Follow'· 11*11,7 o'clock. By order of th« Clnb. JAMES W. WRIGHT, S*c'y. Oold ΠΙΙ), Ju. 10, 1(J68. lyiti td OAKLAND SEMINARY, FOR VODNfl I.ADIKI. THE CURRENT TERM ΟΓ THISINSTITU· Hon commenced on JULY 22, 1(β7. Com petent and experienced Teacher· fill rath de partment of study. Thla School afford· all the advantages of a THOROUGH ENGLISH COUR8E, the ANCIENT end MODERN LAN. OUAOE8, CALISTHENICS. GYMNASTICS MUSIC, and all the Ornamental Branebei. PorCatalognes, containing full Information, pleaaeaddress MRS. Ο. M. BLAKE. Principal, Oakland, California. RirnXKCM:— Be*. Samel H. Wiley, Oak land ; Hon.Sherman Day,Oakland; Rev. Α. Κ White,Canon City. anlMm-Sp Great Reduction in Prices m WENTWOETH, HOBAET & CO.'8 California Manufoclnr«d BOOTH AND S HO 10* or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 310 Ρ lee Ht. (Commercial Ualldlnsa), Nan Froacleco. vr AU Oooda Warranted aa Represented -AI Hnlearoam, 313 California Hlrrel. Jye-4ra3p.) IIOBART, DUNBAR ft CO. For Chief Enginoer. AT A REGULAR MF.KTINO OK KNICK· erbocker Kngine Company N->. 5. Ja>·. IS. J. C. W11,LOCK waa nonilimted tat Chief Eoglneer of the Virginia Wr» Depart, meat, and S.D. WRIOHT wa· unanln.<.usiy en doned for Pint Aialslant Engineer HUOH KELLY Fnrvman. P.J. JOCiLTK. Secrewry. . Virginia, Jan. SO, I«8 J»»·' bfy Masonic ffotlcc. SILVER STAR LODGE NO. S. P. k A. M., meet· at their Lodge-room._ eorner Main and Blanchard streets. Gold 1 Hill, every Saturday evening at 7o'clock. ' Stated Commanieatlon·, first Saturday In each month. All Brethren In good Handing areoor dlally Invited. By order of the W.M. W.N. HALL. Secretary. QoldHIll, Jan. 1.1W8. Jyl-tf