Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXIL GOLD HILL. STOREY CO., NEVADA: TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1879. NO. 4844. THE EVENING NEWS Pabllabad arat» daj (HuiiJtj* axeaptad). ■* *««* MKWra rVUMHMU CO. _ TKBMI. Om mi, kf Mail or Kxpraaa «• 00 •tz Moatt* ft oo tfctaa Month* a uo (hMUIBIMtld.) Mlmd la Uol4 UIU, V uyiaia, dtJTarOlty Oaraoa, Dajloa, »otro. etc., at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER WEEK, rirtkit to tha i«mM. OUR ADVFRTISINR ARENTS. 0. W. CBANE : ; Boom 10. Safe Dapoall BoUdlng. San Praaelaoo. BAXT7XL BAKEB, : : Caraoa Oily W. M. LANO. . Empire Cite 8. M. JAMISON. s : B«ao 0.0HEN0WETU, : : Wioaamaooa NKW YOKK S. M. Prrrnrotu. A Co.,::: IT Park Bow tiao. P. Bownx, A Co.. ::: 41 Park Boa THE UtIBM. "Oiai lain iba rardm, Maud." For u« black bat, ni*tu. baa Sown. ▲ad tba cau (bat dan cod oa tba oaloa bad. Han latt it. at fb»t. alone; Bat tbera laat an oaloa l»ft la tba M'ch a That 1 would raiv tn ova. • •• For tba brmaa of mora n« mo*#." Aad tba ana ia cllaiWa* hlab. And 1 look at iba garden patch 1 lova, and I iblak 1 ahvull Ilk* todir; I could kick arary cat la tba neighborhood Claar ap to tba uura aky. All alffct tba oakona hare heard Brtadla. aad Tabtiv. aad T»a: Aad tha track patch luoka aa It bad twao atlrrad Bj aa alcht-lnch Erlraron hoiu'i, If Ton uaatloaad llw pane* bml la a word, Toa would bava calUl It a -(low.' Thaj have mada ooe long, wild laar. frocu tba porch to tba alley gale. They ara cotolaa a«ain. I awaar. Aad 1 collar tba «botfuo and wall. Aad brtndle cat wau« " la ba b»rr * la ha bara 1" . Aad tba ftajr aal waula on tha gala. Aad tba blaak cat yowla at tba otaer la faar, Aad tba /allow tai walla In bata. Thryaracomlna. I baar their feet; Urn tba roof and tba putcb tba/ tread. *bay ara cumin to wrett'e aad brat Down Iba earth In my om ti bed. Bat 1 hari tbaat back tn ratraat With a handful of powder and I aad. Aad 1 laa«h at their walla atd ^rambling laat Oa thereof ol mj nelgnbor e ehrd. — lturiiHQtOH JUwtrf4. June Bugs. Ob a quiet day in leafy June, when baaa and birds wera all in tune, two lovera walked beneath the moon. The night waa lair, ao waa the maid; they walked and talked beneath the ahade, with none to harm or make afraid. Her name waa Sue, and hi* Jim ; and he waa (at and aha waa alim. He took to her, and aha to him. Saya Jim to 8na, "By all the anakea that aquirm among the bnah and brakoe, I lore von bctter'n buckwheat cakea." Saya Sue to Jim, "Bine* you're begun it, and been and come and gona and dona it, 1 like yon sail to a new bonnet." Saya Jim to Soe, "My heart you've buatrd, but I alwaya gale mietraated." Maya Sue to Jim. "1 will be tree; if you love oie ae I love you, no knife can cut our love in two." Saya Jim to Hue, "Through thick and thin, for your true love juit count ma in; I'll court no other gal ag'in." Jim leaned to Sue, Sue leantd to Jim; hie noeo juat touched hrr jockey brim; four lipa met— went ahem I ahem! And then—and then—and then—then! And than—then! O gala, beware of men ia June, and underneath the ailver uioon, whan froga and cricketa are in tune, leat you gat your namea in the paper toon. "So von are going to kaep a acbool," aald a yonng lady to an old maiden aunt. " Well, for my part, eooner than that I would marry a widower with nine children." " I would pre fer that mfaelf, but where ia tha wid ower T" A Ntcw You doctor aaya that men catch colde through their anklea; but tha Chicago Thlnin* thinka they woaldn'i if ihey looked after their own aa anxiously at they looked after a pretty girl'e. Ax old bachelor who particularly liated literary women, aaktd an author eaa If aba oould throw any light on kiae lBg." "I could." aaid aha, looking archly at him; "hut 1 think it'abetteria tha dark." "I* choosing a wife," aaya the Phren ological Journal, "l>a governed by her chin." Tha wnrat of that 1«, that aftar having choaen a wife, uue i* apt to keep on being governed in tha auuie »»y " Yor want a dogging— tbat'a what you want," aaid a part lit to an nnruly ion. " I know it, dad, but I'll try to get along without it, aaid the independent hopeful. ftorKMlMAL CAE PS. i7 a . BlfWSTIR. n«7T, DENTIST, |UM of Cum, Nntlii). Has ofenki> a* oruet in vikoimia City, u; mm Wliklai aupar lor L ruttl ovrrattuiM an ica» IWMI of obuinlun IhJ MM M bU oflier. Wbol# cruwn* vf Urib bnltl up 4Dj«h«ra lu lha ilouiIi aaJ toatasiatd lu —nl lk« IMl of tin*. lrrri(aUriii«« corraoud h4 all ktaUt of plala w»r» rxccaldl In IM yrrj UtMt uJ baai UjW. 'J IMtt-IN'. HOLT11 T W, VIRGINIA. j. II. HALL M. D.. f\rrtci and M*ro«NO« U lha Km olln, Mala atiaat,OWd BUI. OR. A. CHAPMAN. IIIROIOH'DINTIIT, PROM NIV AD A 01TT, OA LITt) S-Mk * ate PtnauMBtlT located at Vlr-WfW naia aty. ufflo*. ilo sotmi o mm. DIVIDIMP HOTICE. AniCI Of OONMOUDATXO TIHOIHH U MIMlNu COMPACT. Koon 5*. Karaite Mtek. tea Fiaaateeo. Aw. ». MW.-Ai a m«i tag of tka Hoard of Twtaca of tba abora aanad Coaipaaj, batd Ul* day. a dtTtdaad (No. Ml of Tlfty CMta par abaia waa iMaml yajabla no nUOAT, tea 1Mb Oar of Aacnat, 1»J». Traaafa* book* doaad until tha Ittb laaUai. A. W. HAVKNB, Baerrtarr. dividers mtice nrnoi or oalipouu hwino com. V FA NT. M Narada Steak. Ma Inacliw. *WW*4eel*ed.W o. r yiW.-At a •arlla*al u« hartol tn. par ^nbU»AT0bD«Y.Aarut jBMBUWWB. MACHINERY FOR SALE. FOR SALE, —▲ix rah Machinery and MldlngB Woodville G. & S. M. Co., *1U»M fa «*M Hill lltlH irtM, Fomt-orr coMtLira friction. (•and IMrttng NmUm, eouMJtlng at m direct acting titaaa Kaglaa, with *iaf», Uixm (ad, iweaaa j tM boifllng <lntai* for round rope «tU bow. nhpltUa and c*Baa* tlag Tabalar Boiler*, enokeateck. hraechtag. IMP eoeka, fred puape. boiler front*, (nb ban*. btclc DIalee aad doom. com plete UHlip; Including nil the brick wtrk, foaadallea boll* and timbers, tlao two Manilla nu belonging to boiat. Hwuad-UM puppet T*)Te-g«arrd l*u raping Rngtaa <W|1«I». vllb all aurteca eoaaaeuon*. Including aarfaoa bob aad four hundred feet of ID hr 10 Inch pomp rod*, with strapping plat**; four Planter l*uap*. t-lach diajorttr, 7foot rtroke. and on* 10-Inch Backet Pump; alio. 4S0 r**t a Inch eolnaa ; two Plaa BoUara com pMa. with lha Mraa p'po beloagtag to pamp ruglne. and brick wotk aronnd bolUra. Tt>lr»l—Ooa dtrrot-actlng Air Coapreaeoe Cotuplvto (dcv.) Kimrtb-Fnur Mining Car*, a lot of old pick*, •hnTrta aad ilrtlle ; una aaht; cag* aad chair* for *am«. H-<b—The Holding and PnnpJng Xaglne Building (known *a tba aaw holding work*). Inrla'lng tba galiowa (tum, building bolt*, door* aad window* ; alao earpaatar (hop aad M piece* of It by IS-In eh It-foot alnlng Urn Sixth-Una Blacksalth abop building, with tool* and malarial* la *aiaa. AM*, tka r*llawla« Kaaaa aa tka old Warka. Pint—One Knglna coaplete. two tabalar boll«r* and bntktlng cntrtaf &v jnd - Ona (juarta Mill, a>-atiatlng of tan *Uuii>i. two munar*. Utrca pana, two aatilara, oua clean up pau, ooa retort, rhafllog, boxaa, two new unrtara, choc* and dle«. and building covering mtll aachlnery. I*u'<-ha*rr* to ba at eiptnee of tearing down and •«moving. BUW for lb* abort pnptn; la lot* u *p«<>|. fle I will to racrtved it the Sapartnteudeat'* Office, Juit'ee Mining Ooapany. ouktl "Bld< Wo<Uvlli* Machin*ry." ap to (to ICtfa of Jua*. 1«7V. Tb* Tratteee ol tto Wood Till* (laid and Hll v*r Mining Company mini Ux ri|M to reject alt ud anj bid The property may to teen by api'lyl*. at lb* office ot th* Superintendent off the jutilec Mlulog Oompaur inn day froca 11a.m. to J r. m. ap 10 im una of advertUemeat. HAM. T. CURTIS. Bapt Woidvllle u k I. M. Co. Gold Bill, Reveda, May UU, lf!». inylt NOTICE OF SUITS COMMENCED. T°m . THE rOLLOWINO-NAMBD DIFKWD aula, and to all owner* of ur elalnuntt iu tba ra.l pa ai* aad Improvement* thereon, ar Improvement* wbaa a*»aa*id eeparately, la tba Towu i.f Gold HI I, Storav county. kevad*. brreieafter deacrtb<d. known tad nnkuown: You an berebv notified that aalia have iwn cowatenoed In lb* Joatlca'aOoart of Tuwuablp No. S. Storey county, Nevada, by (he Stat* nf Nevada plaintllf. tgalu't ea-"h of the defendant* beretuafivr named, and each el iha lull w. liig-d*»cril>ed tract* or parccle of land, with the imoiovemeata Itoreon. and Improvement* 'wi.i ii separately a<a**anl, and *11 o«n*re of or Claimant* to tba urn*, known or unkuoan. to recover tbe tax and delinquency lam ed to •aid d'ftudanta again.* Mid property, lor tbe a.. *1 year commencing tbe lit d«v of January, A. II. IB*, and ending December St. A. I>. ItTH. and that a aummona baa been du y l<ened In each caa*. And yoa are forth*r noilUed Uai onleaa yoa appearand antwer tbe cemplalnt Died la *ald court on or before tbe fob <i*y off Augu»t, A. D. l«7t. at tto bow of 11 o cloak a. M. of Mid day. Judgment will to takes against jou and tto real aetata and Improve ment! therein deecribed. for tto amoont off Us an 1 daliayaeney tpeclOed aad coata of ealt : .Varna. Tto ami Mhtgymey. D. Heagerty—Tax and delinquency on part of lot So. 41. blook no. 1. range u.and InipmvaaMata. .....flOOO Oca l.eo—Tax and dellnqaeacy <n ft feet of kx No S. Mock Nu.1. ran^e C. aad Imurova mania 1*10 Bark* k Hamilton Mlalag Oo . a corpora U«»—Tax aad delinquency on lot No. ST, block No. 1, rang* H, and Improve ment* $i ft) J. P. AJaa*—Tax aod delinquency on Rirt of lot U. bfcvk 1. tang* K, tad iprovamanu $1M B. 1. ttamll on—Tax and rtallnqaeacy ea lote lljf and 1». block g, range 0. and Improvement*.HI 00 Dennl* Canill—Tax aad delinquency on tae north part of lot ». bloek I. range 0. and Improvement* |l to Cboat* M<nlng 0* —Tag aad delinqaracy »a land ai d Improvement* watt Of lot M. bloek S. raaga O f«0Q J. B. MABBI8. Plelrtot Attorney. Mom Co.. Xev. Virginia. Nov.. July H. UK*. Iy» td ORDINANCE NO. 113. AMOBDIMANCK I* Aiikertn the If ea.aea of Baade far tba firicc* at Meeartag tlmi la wedeom aad Can. ral ll.ndNe. 00 of tbe Tawa afOald Hilt. (I'uaad AufOtl I.IRI.I TltK BOARD 0V TRC8TBU OK OULD Hilt d« oida:a: I'lo. 1. Tb# PrMld'Bt lad Clark of lb* Board of Tru»t»M of tb» Towo of Gold Hill ara li*r« by iutborU<d and reqnlftd to Uhi Bonds of the Town of OoM Bill la lb* Ma of Ta Thau nnd Dollar*. I'mud HUtr# (OH evil. M#e. «. Tlx Mid Honda (tell b* la »urh Item m lb# Pr*«W«tl Md UUrk of Mid H.i»ru ixar imtoUw, and dull b* lo Ibo rftcl that tba Town uf (Sold Hill la bound ami holdaa and will pay to tba b<>ld*rof Mid bjud*. iba aum of monry Dame J ibttulu. on tb« 14th day of Aufuit. A. D imi, with lutw*.l thcraon. it the ritf of OB* pi r raot. p*r month, Unltod btalM gold rolu: lolrrcat Dayibla uoartttly. the. 3. Tba iiioety r*r*lT*d from tbe ta!a of Mid Bond# iball ba u»#d for thaparpo** of i» dn-mln.- Bund No. W of lb# Tow* of UOld UUI « Thl# Ordinate# to tak* #«frct and b# Is lorn from and aft#r Its pataaaa and om w#*k'a publication la tba Gold Hill Daat Km. l t. rox. Kr«*ld«at of U>« Board of Tra*t#M of tba Town of OoM Bill. AitMt: V. 0. Htm, Clark of tba Board. On motion Ordlaaaca >o. 111. u read, vis pancd by tba to.lowing vota: Ay**—'Traat#M Wooll#r. Dancbry, Lamary. and Pr«#td*ot Fob. Aba#at -TraitM Kmrr. ■J W. 0. STUB. Clark of Ura Board. WOOD AND GOAL MOT! wrr fin*, wkiaoi limb, split pinb ll tad otbar vartrtlM of Wood, aad a full aupplyof 10CRT MOUNTAIN CO*!, On band aad (or Mia at tba LOWMT.GABH hdobl BULL WB10HT AND MBABUKB flOABArtTBBD. Wood M««dalMart —Mat aad allow rat**. OVFIOB—Baar Batfraad Dapo*. OoM BUI. Ua #if.iBi«T»iiinmit yersinia aid lion wms. FELTOfl FOPWDEL IRON AND HAM FOUNDERS TUT AltUPACTCBKBI OP ITDI D» MViyUMOf MILL. MINING A HYDRAULIC MAOHINKRY. Bpla HWIlMllllll Of ll> KoALLBW FATHNT CAR WHZRLS. Drawl n*a, latlmataa and Spaeldcatlooa pa» pand laaUtnactMa of Hathaulc»l bM» Inland aapadally rn tha courtractloo oMMaa* Englaaa for all porpoaaa l •ppUc.tta* of haat in tiw ana; Staam Boiiata of lUWMMi appUoatlca of aoapiaaaid air; th» oaMen andttraacthof material ta ilrao, . JMl and wood* Wlia Hop* tnuumlaal©^ Hkaplnf Our war'ka ba»a Utaly bw modalad, which, with tha addition of WW ^"SSST ^.'SKCJSSS all Uadaof warkt aad la tha ba*t Umtuj lowatt rmtaa. W. R. SOKART, SnpartnuidanL A. i. Rauw*. Tnutaa. 11 a COLD HILL FOUNDRY AND ttACBINK WORK#, lala ItfMt, Liwir Uald II111, Ha*« IKON AND BKAIM OAKTIMUC Of arary wM; nada to ocdar. f HAW JUST ADDED TO HT OLD I aatafcUabad Machlaa Work* U» LaKOUt'l 8LCKD LATHS. 1'LANKR and HTKAN BAHHKB, all of tha lalaat and moat luiptovud cunitiuctlon, and aa> now praparad to Mat* and Hapalr all klada and all alaaa of MILL A MINING MAOHINKRY At tha abortaai aotlra and on tha Boat nana abla tanaa. lrtta 810101 1HH1T. Proprietor VIRGINIA FOUNDrT, Oa tha Railroad, tooth of Julia Hlaa, VIRGINIA CITY. nrnoK-sooii 1 black's bdilduo. cvroar of C aad Tajlor ftrmla. KANUrAOTUBEU MILL AND MINK 0A8YINQ8 Of avary dtacnpilon la Iroa aad Braaa. CaaUaia af Kvarjr Vrad* Baaliai PurnUbad Promptly at tba Lowaat Rata*. • tf AfDHIW PBA8KR, Proprietor. GOLD HILL NEWS OEPOT MAIN NTRK8T MOLD HILL, Opposite Fox's Maat Harkat. MATT. M. QILLESPIE. PROPRIETOR LI AVI O PURCHABRD FROM O.W.HAU ilk %. all lb air riant, 11U* ud taUrMt la and tot bor* MUblli^iment, 1 aball continue th« butlBMi, uiJ sotlalt a (air tkara oI public yMWPb AOSNOT OP TBI SAW FBAKOIBOO MP«at,'» "Call" and "Ixaalnar.' ALL TBS LATEST XA8TKHM PERIODICALS. MAQAZINES, ETC'. Tofatfcar Witt a Laifa Variaty of GINKBAL RSADLNU MATOCK, novkixttba, no, m«»mil> ob hand W d.Ur«r*d dally to all parta oi Ooul BUI and HUt«t Clljr, ft*a d afcaifa. Ifffl - iy SHEET MUSIO. "*■ AO KNOT OF TBI GOLD MILL DAILY NEW* SnhacrtbMa naatrad and lb* pap«r projjjK'j rrsd wbararar daalrad. Qlva Ma sail »m« MATT. M. QILLMPHL VIRGINIA&JWKEE &. R, AKUIVAL AND DKPARTUH1 OP PANMtiia TRAIN*. LKAVI <»OLD HILL. Laaal Paaaeear t:tf a. a. Local raaaapr Ml p. ■. nau Franolaca Biynaa IllMl. ARSrviC AT OOLO BILL. Baa Fran<-t*eo Expraaa lOJO a.«. Local Paimgii till r. ■ Local PuiMf r TDO p.m. Tbiooik Paaaanaar Train for lu Fnnolaoo taaiaa Yb|taia daily at S p. m. «•») ««id Hill ai «tllr. and wnacta DAILY (aieapt Sato* daya) with Lifhtintig Xxprtaa UaTlac Be do at I r.a , arrlTtad at Ran Francisco Via Vallate at 11:10 a. M.oatba fbilowiuf day. On PAT. PKDATB coaaacta oaly will Oralaad Paa aaaaar laaHad Bno at l<M a. arrl v l v.g at Ban Praaelaeo via Stockton at hM r. a. on Um foliowto* d>y. ■LBKrlNu OAR laataa Oarroa for Baa Fran cisco via Vallajo dally (stcapt PatuMaya) at T:S8 p. x. katarnltur, laarw Kan Pranctaoo fat Canon tU Vattajo dally (sxcapt Baaaays) at « * *' B. M. TUtlWoB. Oanl Hapt. X. Ktua. Oeu'l Tk'ket Afcat. SOU niTCIITC obtalnsd for tnecbaalcal d» r A I r N I O rlcee, medics! Of other com i m i k.n i w ^ ornunt.nUi dfie,.i trad* marks aad lebele. Cartels. amIrhdmuI*, lnterferenoee, Apt* >1*. InlU for tad *U fUf iriiiBi uudor Ui* PATENT LAWK prompt!j to. 1NVENTI0NN THAT HAVE BKKN rejected aaar-KSK sated by as. Mag oppo •Ito the Paleal Office. w« can Mln sfeaar HtrckM, and Mctn iwiili more promptly, ud with broader elatma, than thsss wbo art remote tram Weahington. INVENTORS of jour dertos 5 w« I eiamlnattas raaa or ckami,udadtlssa* ispaisaublllty. Prtaay to*. aai NO UBASUE DNLSBa PATINT IS BMoan. We rtfer to oScUli la the Patoat Office, to oar cUeats la «rn Htata or the Cnloa, and to jom Senators and Hepreeentatlre la Ooogreae. SpeoUl rateaocM given when desired. Address 0. A. SNOW k 00., Opposite Patent Office. Washlnftoo, D. 0. mr HO PATEKT, NO PAY. PATENTS OBTAINED FOB MICHANIOAL DBVIOSS. v medical or other compounds, ornamental designs. trade marks aad labels. Csrseta. it lulerftreoces, IaMa|w»tt aad ■MBto Patsata promptly attend I lmlnaty eumloatloaa i famish | charge,d Ito Waauksprtilmlaatyexaminationsaad iralsh opinions as to patentability, °< targe,aad all who are la teres ted la oewlnrSa Uoaa aad Palaati us lnrtted to Mad for a ton I of oar "Oalde for Obtalalag PatenU," which ] 1* seat free to any address, aad coatalaa ( »lato iasttaeuoaa how to obtain M .Dartaftta Tears we bare obtahwd Merit tkrse psteata tot latwlnaa anil Amiga Inventors,aad caa give satisfactory lafsraaces la almost rmj conatjr la thsUaloa. Id/ilMi LOUIS BAOOBB fc 00, Solicitors of Patents aad Alto mere at Urn, La Droit Boltdinj. Washington. D. a PIANOS AND OROANS TO RENT. T*oi fcsButa. All at B.B.] 1 BEBT PIANOS AND^M^_ iROANS s»er offered rorflM3E3f IhsBUts. All nearly new.g 0 f ^ D HOTKLB ill II8TAUEAIT8. LAKE TAHOE. IrffBt SUGAR PIIB POUT. JOHN W. M°KIHNEY'8 OLD FLACK. HEALTH! HCUUHII-RSMEATlON! mHE ABOVE TIBT FOPPLAB RSHORT A U again thrown opaa to ibapablin I* lit .Minn It U rilliM on Dm WaHTJfBM SHORN or TUB LAM. nine mtlaa from Tahoa Oily, Mid th* u«*t BOMiNTIO AMD HKaLTHVUL ttORBOUMDIllOHi ui Mt THE BIST FISHING GROUNDS. A Sm Whirf ran. oat to d«*p wiUr la th* Lite, »uJ pl.utr uf boata aro farm»bc4 lr« rot Ui. pmmm •rtb. ru.iu. Th. .uuun loach at tli. wharf a.lly to land paa»<uir.r. aad mall. Paaaaofar. from OM Bill or Tlrflnta ran go by war of True*«a and Tahoa Uity or Oaraon aad (iUnbrook, taking tha auaoiar aoroa. th* Un RATIS OP OHAROCS. Board aad Lodalai. par waak Ill DO ttoirtl iud LudHof. imt div I 00 Olilldraa froa> ■ to II jaara 0f tialf prtaa. SSHnralld., a. v«U aa bail dm. m«a or fkalllM, a«ahlaf raeraauoa aad pUa.nrr, will lad thla th. Ttry plao*. Joi in MOLD HILL BAKERY —AW— RESTAURANT MAIN NTHKKT.... .GOLD HILL, Oppoaita Ua Icllpaa Urary BtaWaa, J. P. HCtlK Proprietor. TJTBC8H UUO, PIK8, OAEIS, AMD HOI X Bolls orsry day, dallTarad H M Ml diocca of eutlomara. ET PIm tod Qakaa at radncod prtoas. rtaoj or assorted Oakos naada U» older M ftboct DOtlCA. TL« Haetaarant Do porta •£> U tba Aneat If ttu BUM. All kind* of Uum. Poallry tad Tnth Fish raoalvad ud aerv«d bp dally. MM ~~THi CITtBAKERY, RE8TAURANT. CAifBCtloaery C«nij Be*®!, No. M North O Htr*«ti Vlrctala, APriRI AN RLXOAMT ABMO RTMI ITT OI V/ HOLIDAY GOODS Toy«. Oandloa, OlM B«U for Table, Ornamental. Fro«l»<l tod Plain OakMof all kinds, descriptions aad do signs, Mid at prlc«o 10 toll everybody. A* we Import *11 oui goods dlraot from tU Cat I, «( can offer Utoffl at. prices the mm m charged to Now lork, tad at 1«M than 8a» Fraaelsco ralao. tW umamenta tar Oahsa a specialty. rirZMBUH • ABKSftUST. Proprietor CHr BMi >•. ST North 0 atreet, Virginia. Nmdl H In CORRESPONDENCE. * TO THl 0PFICKR8 AND KXMBXR8 OF Liberty Knglae and Bom OoupaaM of Oald Hill. Nrradai QenUesoea-We, the on derslgoeU ladlee, frleaua oi the abort aaxod Compulse, besting of jro«r doetro to thprore jour Hall, von Id tako thl» opportunity cf ton. d«rlnc 7»a a Fair aad rtatlral, to bo hoM la Gold mil at snob lima aad place at yom Bay daaln. Mr*. X.. E. Sawyw, Mm. D. L. Don. Mr*. 4. H. WtnU»l>inrr, Mr*. W. D. 0. Qlb*>a, Mr*. W. ht. Dots*, Mr*. J10. Hill, Mr*. Tho*. 0*ll*«h*r. Mr*. 0 T XtllQM, Mr*. ■. fchw»l*». Mr*. D. 0. BbMbu, Mr*, i. D. BieM, Mr*. W. H. M***m, Mr*. J Nobl\ Mr* 0 Baub, Mr*. F W. Pottom, Mr*. B. H. Otrrlck, Mr*. Ooo. Dapiay, Mr*. J. 0. Dnulop, Mr*. M. h. 0**too, Mr*. Ob*-. Htlltbom, UoldHUl. July 1Mb. mim MidcU Pohi, MIm Lao Ewmv, mim 1 Uchuob«ci(«r, mim Hut o'Oosmu, mim Mtry Dtfri*. MIm MU7 Korfis, mim Hiuib Kuril, MIm La07 Murphy. UlMXaU-HUI. mim KMl* Oaotaart, MIM fUrah Cama. MIM Lo» Oil'M, MIM VIctOTlM UnpMJ. , MIM Kom CtrroU, MIM Itfdl* Bui MIM Hum B MIm K*U* PolUrJ. mim oim rota. MtM r»DBU 0*rroM, MIM N«IU* OOfl*. Rl. Gold Hat, Bar., Jely tU, IBT9. To MsniMM itwrn, Ooaihi. Wnrniina. and lb* Miaaaa Poai Kuraur and Lies*, uiusu, aad otl*r Ladle*: Your kind Under of aaalataoea in (Ivloi • Fair aad PaatWal to aid na lo proourlsi tn« ci.nt fond* to auka tho (iwtly a*adad rapatra to our XnglM Houm bll bMU NOtlTtd. Wa mo«t tbankfally arcopt jour Modi/ proffand aaalataoea, and would soot raapoctfaUy an(t*al II ba bald tbo IIOOBD WCIK 111 IKPTIM 111, it Ulnar'• Ualon Ball, QoM Bill. By or da or UBXBTT BBOINl 00.. No. 1, W*. Hi Doain, Secretary. UbIBT V VOtUJITKBg SOU CO., H». 1. t>wlw«w W. t. Hill. ImiWi. FREIBHT DELIVERY I GOLD HILL NEVADA. of FHBIQBT edtlaf orar tbaVj TBUClUUt BAILB0AD to tto COLD MILL DEPOT tnm Ua Ufbtaat PARCBLB 0V OOOM im QBHBBAL HBBSbaKDIBB To tha BEAVIB8T MACHIMBUT, BOIL BRB, BTC., KTC., I «a prepared to acownwodala all who daalra my aarrteaa la Uat Una, apoa Partlaa wlahlnc m to raealra tad dallm ^^wHattsr C. WIEBAND k CO.'I VIRGINIA A88AY OFPICB -u> 0H1MI0AL LABORATORY. OONBAD WUOAND...m Aaiaw OOlUmLT KBLTBB A KB BITOTO, * and lata Baparrleln* A wayac of tba UnllS ■tataa Mlat. Baa naodaoo. Mm SiLOOKB. COLUMBUS BMKWEBY, MAIM ITEIIT GOLD HULL, OwmHi i>« finMin. I. K. IAYIS, • • • Proprietor. han francisco. T TON'S ZZZ ALB AND POHT Li IK—Atoo&Upfor fSS trad* anppllaw oe the thoueaiHH ■Midi tm qaantltlaa to salt BOTTLIU Alii AND POK iBHi Kf Bu Una atochad with Cfcclca HTm, IUM mt BtiMlMi Old iMrkM WlUaklaa, OIi.OUTm,^ Of tha ttrj baal and*da »a "qmuty!*** A aplandld JINNT UNO TABLEU la tha Tha natronata oft ha poMle lajaaaraUr In fltad. 11 ml D. H. DAVIE. SENATE SALOON. ha in itkiit GOLD IIILL. OwhIm Ubartr Killii llaaaa, SAM. tOUTHWOWTH - Pfopriator TBK C'HOICKMT WINES. LIOUORS, ALBS AHP PORTKR. THK BIMT BttANQM OW t'lUAIf. Eta. mns NBW AND ILXOANT HALOOK 1 la flttad ap at a lavUh axpaoaa, with •plendld workaofart adorning tha walla,and at tha taar ara two of tba lateat-atjla •REOIAN-CURVE BILLIARD TABLES, Tha ONLY NEW ONI8 that ara or arar wara la tha town. Thta Haloon la tha Bnaat aad aioaieommodloaa In Gold 11111. OT* FREE LUNCH DALLY. Opan at all and nlfht. Call and proapaet. U a FASHI0N_SAL00N. CHRIS. WEIDEMANN PROPRIETOR. Mala Street. • • • • Gold Hill, Ovpoelta tha Miwa oAm. rpuu 0 L D- E8T A BLIHBED AND POPULAB A raaort la aatll tha ttroril*. Oomfort and apori couibniKd. lb* |ialroa« uf iha bona* will alwaja dad tha baat brand* uf B'(ANDY, WHISKY, ALB, FOETKE, LAOBK, WINKS Of ALL KINDS, TOBACCO, CI OA KM, KTC. TWO FIRE BILLIARD TAILES. CAPITAL BILLIARD 8ALOON, MAIN 4TRBBT. UOLD (1IL.L Jul abort ibt Yenj Boom, C. KIOS rroirleUr. I C1B0I0MT WINKS, UQUOR8, C1QAJU. J etc. oio. A niWMlUM BATING NTANU. Aad IV* eoa/oTUbl* Olob-Roomi. . ftoMt aad Bo«t popnlar ttaloea la Oold Bill, I Call and lafet tb« horpltallUo*. »■ Bank Kichtnge, MAM KTHKR«-......~...«OI.O HILL, | In Bajaud'i Bioek. AFIRfT-VLAM BALOOB IB BVBBT IWpOCt,M W»ll HMMl IWKl lor barf. mmom, A cunlortabU asd quUl At tha war of lb* (Uloon. (applied with lb* priadpal mwm And pariodlrah ol tfe* [ A CHOICE f.ONCB tarnd IP dally at dom, fro* to tho osftoaM ol tba Saloon. lfea QIBSON'S saloon, MAIN BTB.BBT 4WLD HILL. piBB WUtf. LIQUORS. BTO„ BTO. OLD BOURBON, dMAMPAOBB, \ port and \ WHITE WINKS' ABD OTB CR Of If OIK I UQCORB. i w. D. a aiMOff. Provrloter. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS 11 NIW YORK AND BOSTON 8TAND YOUR CLIMATE | THE BE8T ! WARRANTED FOR TCN YEAR AMD BOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICES !| No Ageifi, No ttrnnneri, No SelF-Stjled Prefwiort, Or Hair-Wkr VnlcUai, | -B1IVLOTED TO- . ECTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC. Smith's Pianos and Organs At! ntDORSID IT TBI BUT MO B10IANB UPOM TSXU MJUUT8. M4 — tM tboM mt *•"> hat* BWTH'o PUhOI-lfl } owaidrf ob tbU OomC 8«»« 70VT mocwtj and bull FlfcST HANDS. Dool b* bnabvopd. bit md tor OU*lofna •ad mrtmmn yevselrw.ef tb* tnrtfc of my mmKMb. Abt MtU of HAWO ttOROAW tfot om rirTZXN DAT8 OTST TRIAL, bf lai-iUblnx Bukw'i, XipiM or MUfMd OotapuT^ cw» tlAeau of iepiStftt ibwiL Al*o 8H£KTMUB10 »t a»»k*ir nurk*l prico. JAMES JS« SMITH, RlMtllmt, • •*«V<- < »• .tiir nuKBioo, BAVKIKS MV IMUK8. THE NEVADA BANK OP SAN MANOIIOO. SAM nUBOISOO. OAMFOBW PaU •» Capital «mrw (V.«. Mil....flald DiRMOTOU i LOUIS MoLAMB Piaaldaat i. a wood ttwitMMMi . JOHN W. J. L. WOOD, JaMJU o. FAIR. CuUm.... w. QtWVT t|W It vinrlaU. **T*d». On. A. Kara A«MU it Hwm Tort 10. T. Ooiit w> tu wall umu (urn. u uhaji»ui a45S!?U?anj72t MMkltmSu*°5ak** MMbn at diomt hjr utocntffe aad eabia, m4 dnm'«uku|i u cMtooMj nmukkMi»MUi nitiiiiNite la MIIm. EXOHANOB a th* prioelpal cltiaa throo#hoot Lb* Celled State*. Karat*. J»paa. Ohio* amd the tut Indim, Um AnaUalUu Coluaiaa 1*4 N*w Z*a laud, aad oa Muaolala (Hawaii). Xaw You Biwn* Th» Baak of N*w Tart, N. B. A. i l***rtmn Kxcbiac* Natloaai Baak. Lomimmi ImiM-Mmn. Batth, PkjM A Bmltka; tk> Uttioa Baak of Loodon. «tf VIRQINIA SAVINBS BANK. JyJ-O. M MIITI C ITIUTi OAPITAL. taOO.OOO PMtidMt J. 0. HAMFTOM rtnt VIM Piwiilaat W. 0. VATTON tUcood Vic* frwIdMt D. B. LYMAJI Manager i. M. KLDBIuai Attorney C. H. HKIXNA? t. 0. Hampton, W. H. Pattoo, O. U. Lruao. Z. B. BtdrU«*, J. B. Halloa, W. H. **»>«, Q*or(* fltol. lnl*r**t paid *a Ordtaary aad T*m D*po*tta. Depoalta tacalMd la auaa of 91 tad upward. £&. £Si tod told* jiif t. B. BLDHIDOB, Bacratary. BANK OF mmiL D. H. JACUOR PutiDunr C. DANUtLB Ouium rflHIS BAMS DOES A OUUOL BAHINO, ■A block uwl Kxchaof* BqiIum. —— HMki ■•affclMMttoM Md CurM m liktnl Suiiu. EZOBAMUa lor h>« on ft] I tb* principal •IUm of Karop* ftMl lb« OM. itf A. w. warn. K—nif. L. B. FRANKIL, OVFIOM — Mala atraat* OaM UIII, Jaal •k*«i iba Baak af OaJIferal*. ITOOM BOL'UIIT, SOLO AND (UB* BIBB ON >UBOUn. 11 It eofrMpcMMU la San maclaao ara 1. OLA MM A 00., II mq ban of tba lu rrtaclftco Butcb ud Xxchanfa Board. l* T. H. RALSTON, COMMISSION STOCK MOKIR. MAIN MTKKKT, .HOLD BU.L —AM9— (IABIUIO ON MA Ml IN. Hum adtaxoxu on aoti v> aocoust* MTKIUTI.Y OUMMIMUON NOMNRM. Mb w. a. TioxMoa. f. m. ""U OOUOUSS * THOMPSON. omcii M WIDTH V HTBin. VIMINI (Oppoaiu Hijtr'i BalkUaa.) QTOOKI BOUGBT AWD BOLD ON 00* O BtMloa lod aairted on mirgtM. OorrMpootUnU, LiTUlIt A KINO, Bat Fraacltoo. BILVKlt BODOBT Aid) BOLD. IB •to. ruu. Im f< L. P. DRKILER * CO., STOCK BROKERS* ovno • OM FaUawa' IiIMIUi o nun riiemiA cm Black* u4 CtrtM ^Oam^oadMU la Bu Piueuao, LA THAN T. K. IcWM, STOCK AMI MONEY IIOKtft. . Ml loth 0 IL, Yirglala, TtrtU BUT AND BILL BTOCKS OB 0011 M&SZZtXfSJSZS' • a 6I00KRI28, PROVISIONS, Ite. FAMILY STOBB. ALP. CAHSN, MAIN STRUCT GOLD HILL, Oppotit* U« K«rMrt Inn. Groceries, Provisions, Etc., WHOLKMLK AND RKTA1L. ■AKI.BVi HAY, OATN AND BRAN VON NA 1.11. FLOUR AND mTalT CROCKERY AND QLAttWAIL Tht Tery lftoMt Breoda Of IMPORTED WINC8 * LIQUORS^ WHISKIES, BRANDItR. ALE. »Tp. CIGARS AND TOBACCO., FRESH FISH AND POULTRY, Fresh Frail and Vegetables or ALL DESCRIPTIONS W ALWAYS ON HARD.**! IniTiklNi Nl UwmI CMk Prlw*. AU oidm IIIM promptly, Md icodtdNI*. •nd frwof ebMf*. , .... tea A. OAEER. 6R0GERJT_ ST0«. RICHARD MKRC1R, FAMILY & FANCY 6E00ERIB8 NOW ON HAND AND FOK BALK CHEAT FOB OAtM. A Lwm Awortaul el GBOCRRIES AMD PtOVlluONH direct (turn U. OklUortito M» k«U, eomprlalag la part i teas, hvraiw, cnmK, urirn, CAN FRUIT, DR1RD VRVIT •YRVM, OYHTBRM, RICH VLOUM, RIPE, CAN UI.Bf, BL'TTKR. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF WINES AND LIOUORS AT WBOLESALE AND KIT AIL. HTOoodi Delivered Tnt of Ohua*. 1 m K1CHASD KXBCSB. F. W. FOLSOM, Umlm *lre«l 8*M|UU, (Saeceeior to Hoblntoo * Poleon,) WtaolcMle ud Retail Dealer U FAMILY QROCKRIISi PROVISIONS, Btc. sou aout in oou> mix rou tuu. MILLS' CHAXTAQXE BAKING POWOBIIf • ipHK BIST IN TQI MAHKST — ONLY rtqulree belt the quality of ear otte* Uod. £VL riRTin IH3XBTKD TO TIB LATS arm of BOB1NBON M POLflOM are reqqeeted to CALL AND SETTLE ipBEIR ACCOUNTS WITHOUT DILAt, and rare ooeie. I J. 4 J. ft HALLOA, O Street, lext to tie Baak of Call* (brala Billdlig, tiboiku crrr, nkvada, y^KOUSAL1 AMD BIT AIL DBAXJUM Groceries And Provisions, OiMktn lM WH4*|war«i Cklaa Ml aad fNMk Cat OliM) Oil 1*4 UlllMi Mear u4 Faad, Hi,, pi- | w. WINKS AnTuOUOIII Of tit im «atHo Mir. ■BANDY, NUuTunKV WINS kr mMIm) in< Wacall Ifca tpoeui ittanlloa of (flat Hi MUI HaHrtaltadwtt lo o«r Uif* tod con platt (lock of Oil* and Candle* (or mill M mining narpoaaa. Wa oCar lhat alaaa of (0M* ataaCOW rlUUREa ta thay eaa bt laadad from ur part of tta United Malta. Uaa •oabilnf alllt tad mintt oa ik* Ooaatoak at pankaaa OUa, Caadlat. ale., at ehaap la YB? rinliu they can tttbar la laa >rtattaco at tta Ktrt, wltk a gvaraatta of oMatakw I* alua food#, dtllTtrad frta of chart* at ika Blaat la VlrslnU or Oold Dill. J. A 4. a. MALLOM. M Vlnrlala, Nmda. V. LEMBRY, Wktlttal> tad ■atall Dtalar la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOOM OOLD HILL* ALWATB°K Hills A BKLSOTASfOMk Groceries and Provisions WlNBNaad UQDOBti % OBAOOO aad OlflABH, VIJOVB aad GRAIN, ■ABOWABB tti CBOCBBB*. •BT BOOBS dk TANKBB NOTION*.