Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS MO T BIT, : : : AUGUST 18, !*?•. assessments lktiko. SBttBKWATKR KIROPA ■ IXin«i Gompauy - Location of principal place ol baslne**. !mo KrmnclKo. California. Location of work*, storey county, Slate of Nevada. Notice t* hereby irleen. that at a meeting of tbe Board of Director*, held on the 41b day of April, luff, as aumnni 'No. 1) ol Twenty Ire Oenta per *hare wae levied upon I be capital Mock ol the corporation, payable Immediately, ta United State* void coin, to tbe Secretary, at the offlce of tbe Company, Koom It. >o. MO Montgomery •tnet. ««n Kraocieco. California. Any atock upou which tbla aaeeeamcnt •(.all remain unpaid on the Rib day of May, lam, will be delinquent, and adrertlaed for •aleat public auction, and nnleee payment le made before wlU be told oa TUESDAY. tbe STth day of May, WW, to pay tbe dellnqnaat aeneiment. together with coeta of adrerUemg and ezpetuee of tale. By cfiler of the B*rd of Director*. R1CUAKD It. NUTKM. Secretary. OBce—Poom IS, No MO Montgomery *treet. Ban trancteco, California. tod PO*TPUNK.WKNT. At a meetloir of tbe Director* of lb* above Ooupan>. held oa tbe lib day of May. WJV. tbe data of deeming it. ck d* laqnent for mum meat No. I waa poetpooed 10 mATUKi AT. MA* TWENTY.*.UhTS. 1«7».and tbe day of ■ala to Monday. Jane •. UT9. Bf order of the Board of LI rector*. M H.Cli UU> a. NO YKj, Secretary. POHTrONKSlENT. AtamratlDK if ib* direct** of tba above oompanr. held on tbe iweaty-lourth day ol MAI. ia"'J 'be data in dermtng atork delta qaent for a«*e»emeot No I, wa« furtrnr loet posed to WiOMrDil, June eleven h, and tbe day of «al* to SaTUhDaT, June tw*aty-«Uhih. 1S7S. By order of ih* Board of D.rue toe* rf BIOUaKO B. NUYKB. secretary. rOSTPtixuiKlT. At a meeting of tha Board of Director* of th> aboe* Oompant held «n the lltb day of Jiin MOt. tba dale of deeming aiock delinquent lo ameaim nt No. 1 waa furtoer poeip.ned N FK11MY. Jif e tweatreev-nlb. I*T». and tbe day of aale lo Ml) »DAT, July fourteenth. UT» By order of tne B «r I of • •Irvctor*. M HlCdaKD B NjYU, secretary. FOSTWIMOIKNT. At a meeting of th- It. aril of Director* of th< ab >e* Company i >• I on tbe fl b day • f Jan 1H79. tie date of ilreuiltu elock demon n' foi a**e *mcn »u I «r*. |>o»tpou«d t> til DA» tbe sfteentl d iy of JuU, ItfTi a d the dale ol aale to itTliltfiV, the aecoud day of Auguat itn My ocdar of th« B ard of Director*. 1 HCUiK'U sUTaJt, keeretary. P.mTfo.Ni: 'IKNT. At • meeting tbu Uo«r<l ui Director* of th* •bo** QHaat. bei< on tba uiu d.yoi Jaij 1<T>. the Ua'e o( ueemlng .twk dell, qn-nt loi MH».ni No. i «w (► atpnued la tBCKi*. 1'Ai. Um tbirty Ant Jar of Jul;. 1*7). cut tbr dij or nkw UvSuAl, tb« eighteenth day ol AagU-t l»J». U» order of lb* Hoard ofDlrectore. JjlT U »KU tnL> it. .">UYK\ Secretary. pOI'LD * CI MKT ULVKB MIX. U INii cOUPANt.- Location of principal pUo* of lMi*ine»a, San ► r*x. t-. ■ > California. Location ol work*. Vlr.luU, a ton/ county. Mii Notice it hereby given, thai at a meetlnr of the 11 anl ol Director*. hal l on tba lutb da) of Jul?. lgTH, au Hmwmrt <No. «4i oi Um Dollar llli per »har* waa levl.d upon tb« cautal «tock of th« eorpo ration, payable immediately. to Cnttad Stale* ■old co n, to tba Secretary, at tba oflca of tb< Company. Uuom 69, >e«ada Block. No. SUV Monigixuerji at eat, fan fraaclaco. California Any a tuck up n wbicb t»U *»»c«*...*ui abali remtiu unpaid ou tba 14 b day of Annual. US*, will be delinquent, and adteilla- d lor aalt at public anctio >, and uuieaa laytuent U Uiau will be aold on WKUbkAuAY, tba So day of eepumb.r lfTS.10 pay tba drllnqu-m aeeeeem-ot, t-cr with coata of advarUataK And aiMniri o! mIo. By order of tba Uoard of Dlieaf-n. ALPKKU K. DI'KBHOW. Secretary. OOoe—ltooiu No. (9. Nevada Block. Mo. Mr Montgomery •treat, >a . Krauclaco. Calliorula frtttd PionccK msitu (unpam Location of ptlocpal place of barlueee, baa Praacleco.Cilifonil*. Location of work*. Vliglnla Umlng Dlalrtct, aturey euanty, Nevada. Wotlce la Hereby given. thai at a mertltt* ol tba Hoard ol beld on tba 11th day of Jniy, 187», an a*»eeement I No. ti of T>i (10) CenU par fbare waa levied upon the capital ■lock of tba corporation, payable Immediately. ) i U • gold coin, to the Secretary, ai tba oflW*o of tba Compan*. 310 1'lna atreat. Boom IS, Saa Prandaco. California. Any atock apon wnicb thl* a>-eftm*nt thai (•main unpaid oa the Twei.ty recced dat ol Aagnat, lint, w'U be delinquent, and adeertlaed fOr tale at pabue auction, aad nnlcaa payment la nude before will he aold nn WguNaHOAT. tba lOtbuayol September. 187V, to pay the del In qaeot aaeraemrct. together wltb coal* ol ad vertlelnv aad expeaaee of *ala. By order of Ua Hoard of Director*. J. W. PJCW, Hecretary. Otce 310 Pna alreet. Kooa It, satihran el*co, 0>lliornla l> >t7I.I.IOS IIJIIXU COX PA NT Location of principal plana ol butlaeaa. ». California. B1 Saa rranctaco. I Location of work*. Ovid Hill, Storey county, WmiH None* la hmb; drra. that at a meeting of Ihe Board of Director*. bald oo tba litb <la» ol Aokt»I. 1ST*, an Mmsifil (No. Ill of rift; Ceota oar ahare waa MM upon lb* aapltal a«o>'k ol the ro porailon. payaMc imme dlalely. la Called Hlala* *>kl cola, lo tba Hacre ury. al tba ■ fflee of tba Company, Koom Mo. I, alt Oalllorala atmt. Han Xranciero. California Any atock npoo which thla avmimrnt tbali remain uupal I on the hlxte»utb day of ttoptem bar, 1ST», will be dellnqQi-nt, and ad»ertl*ed lor M.< at public auction, and anleea |<ayment la made before. will ba Mild on Tl'tftDAT. tba Tib day ol October, l*7V, lo pay tba delln qa*nt aaaaaenx-nt. t>*«-tluT wttb cuau ol ad eertlalnc and expetiaee of «la. My order of tba Hoard of Ihictora J. M. UKAZHIL. Secretary. OfBca -Hoom No. I Union Insurance H ilkllnin. 4 it* California iu«*t!iaa KrancWo. California. 14 ACrlDMTAL MIJUxarOIPANT. V/ Location cf i>rlurlpa> plac* of bualaee*. Baa fniitltco. Ctliitroit. Location of work*, tulvrr Stir Mining Dl» Met, rttorey county, Nevada. Node# la hereby atom. ibat at a maa'lnr of tba Board or Director*, held oa tba 1Mb day of Atwu-t. im, an UHHnmi {No. ») ol FUty Cemt per •bare »ai levied npo tba capital aioca of tba corpora. Uoo, payable Immediately, In I'nlted Mate* fold coin, to tba secretary. at tba office of the Ooapuy. Ho m No. ft. Ne«d« Kloek. aoa Ugaw Di«ry HM'.ltii 'ranelec", C lifornu Air atock upon which tbU ameaainent shall remain nnpald oa tba iSin day of 9>|>ie>u' tar. 1879. will ba dellnaaeiit. tad advertised tor Mia at public aneiion. and nnle»» pay arat la made before will ba *old nt> X >nDAY. tba «th dar of Ocober 197V, to pay tbe dellninent aa»e**meot. loretber with coat* of ad*ertl*lrr and evpenaea of aale Uf oMer of tie B<«r<l of Director*. 4LHUD K I'lTKItKOW. Secretary. Offlca—Kooui No «9 N- veda Bl«k. No 30* lhal|iiuMT atr*ei. San Kraada o, California .an 14 HO PATKST^ X 0 PA I. PATIENTS ("IBTAINKD POK MhCBaNIOtL DtVICKH. V —Jif I or other ciimpiQtxl*. ornamental ■ *ai«B* emir mark* and l*b»l*. Cintla *» t'flMU. Interference*. lnlrmirrmMO too kll matter* relating to l"atcnt* promptly attend •4 to Wa make preilmlnaty examination* ud furalab opinion* a* to patentability, trre of cb*rf«. uJ all who are latcreeled In saw In ran llooa aad Patent* *ra Invited to md for a copj ot oar "UoUl< for Uhtalutn* rural*," which U Mst flea lo any addrr**. and contain* com piata ln«trnctlou« how In obtain Patent*, aad otfcer Taloanle matter. Darin* the pa*t Br» yaara we hay obtained t»arlr lLrea tboa*tn<l paieala lor ifcerlean and foreign Inventor*, and can fir# aa'lafacturj i«;cr*ooa* in almoal arcry •out) la the Union. LOCIS BAQOIR k CO.. — of Patenta and Attoraejf at Lam, Droit BttildWe Waahlajton. 0. a l»l> PIANOS AMD ORQANS, Lwann, ocural aobmt for kob LWi CBwx Sau KrancUco haa i.k>n an oSna with * J| B. AVB. corurr T»jlor ai d 0 ft feat •» Vli*ti la i lt», wh r ha offer* for • Je HAS09 rmui the beat mann'acturera In ta* world among whom are DICKER WioTBEKJ*. IMI .30N. »I»UKM a.d Ut'MUM. ah of which are noara lead by Kohlar ft Chaia. Baa Fiaaclrco Mr. Vana effm lo **11 Pt*nua at mil* raductd prica* : *V- food* Piano Tor fiOO aa haa • era fold t eta for pOO Pay cao "-a m>de In tnatallment* If "relred. Mr Vann alao < ffvra for rale MASON k Hi*. LUTS FALAOK OUOAN9. which aland with M( a r**L A» *' Vann -i -. piaaoa aad Unana cm be ki|kl of him at Baa fnacif* Rflcea. aa»_ gLAgKS US STATIC rill. 1879. _ 1879. 8IXTH ANNUAL PAIR .... or thi .... Nevada State Agricultural, MINING, And Meehanieal Society! TOBIBXLDAT RENO, NEVADA OCTOBKB SIXTH TO ILITKHTI, (INOLU3IYK.) TRIALS OW 8FEBD TO BB CO>DCCT ID DMOKB TBI AD8PICCS Of TUB ftOCIBTY. NuJir-VIrM Par. Ho. I-Stake for I rw o'di which hare ner»r •'artad In a im»: (33 each, 110 forfait, $1W add ad. A*« furlong* Mi 3 - Puree $IS0:$12SU> Artt. (U to aacoad; thrae quarter* of a mil*. No 3—Balltoetta "take. toT Ihoroughbr d t year old nilla«. 8 >cl-ty to add *100; daah »f una and a ha.f mde*; entrance $J0. Aay Ally that bas pnelonaly w n a ra<*a ahall carry A»» .wands e itra; and any Al'y that baa woo two racre elgbt poanda eitra; any Ally that ha* won three racaa tan pound* extra. Second Ally to »a»e entrance. No. 4 — eurae $130; (1M to Ant. (70 to aao nd, IV to third; baata of a mtla. fr e for all. N J- 5 -Hurdle race. itaka of (S3each, 110 for feit. $100 tdded; one and a quarter mike over Sro hnrJlee, three I eel ale tachee high; waiter •eights. Taeadar-Hecead Dir. No. •—Trottlnr. 110 due; free for all hone* In Nnrada; alio lor all borate from elerra, Lae wen. Plume* and Mod>« oonutlee. California, an 1 Oram and Lake conntlee, Oregon; threelu flee; para* (JuO. nret boree (JOO. eecond bone #100 No. T - Trotting, free for all. three ml lee and repeat; pine $v«>; A-at bore* (400. eecood uorae $123, third horee $'&. Wrdeeedi-y-Thlrd Dnr. No. (—Stake* for all Veear oldt, tliree-quar tare of a mile. $30 each; (IS forfeit; $100 added No. •—Ht ke fn>e lor a I carrying luO pouud»; |Hp.p; (130 addeone and'-ua-elthin mllee No. 10—l>*.h of a half mile, fiae for all h >r**e la *eeada and coauttaanamrd InOatl and Oregon. Pone (ISO, Aral hor.a $1U0, second UOPa# #50. N «. II S'aket of (33 rack, p. p; gold medal, »alu» $100, added: one mile f. r am tear ildere, «el<ht 160 pound* Tub rldera •• am be mem ber* of the maie Agricultural Society, of the I'aclAc Coa-I bio. d Uor»e Aaeoclat.oii. or loue regnlar Jockey Club, aud no one who make* a »u ine-i of training boreea, or who baa ever rldd-o oo» for money, or la engaged In the em !>l -jmetit of training to any capacity, will teal ilglble. Nnmluatloue mnet be n.ade In the name of the pareon who l« to ride, the boree named to the t ternary mi Monday, the Arat da> of tilt Filr. No. IJ—Hord e ra-e, pare* $J°0; Ar<t bone (133. aecoud boiee $> . third bo aa $il; La t« of a mile; winner oi the hordle race ou t Ant day to carry 13 poonda extra, »econd ( potuida »*ira. welter welgbte NKVADA CCr-No IS HiSdletp Bwtep etak», (SI eaob; (IS fori ell; $10 declaration: UUJ added; teo aud a quarter ml e ; eecond horee to receive $100, third to Bare etake Weight* announced August 33th, deolaiatloo to be made September 1st. Tkin4si>rMiik Day. No. It - Trotting, mile sad repeat, free for all Syear old* in Nevada aod CJUotlee a bore named to California aad Oregou; pu*ee (100; Ant bom $lto, second horse $100, thlrJ horse $30. >o. IS -Tro'.tng, 138 clae«. free for all; best three in A<«; puree $U00. Ant hone $100, aeo old botm 9J00. No. 1»—Trotting, Ave miles oat. free for all; puree (SMI: Arat bone $JS0, eecond horse $1(0. Frlday—Flfta Dtr> No. 17—Stake for 1-vear old*, duh rf a rail*, 130 eacb. $H lorfalt, $100 added; the winner of ibe 1 tear old rata on Wedoea lay to carry 1 poaoda. the eecoad in that race • pound*, tad lb* third S pound* above their ml* weight Ho. lfl-Fr*« handicap, pan* $110; 11(0 to fl'tt. $30 to eecond, $10 lo third, one and three quarter* milM. kntriva to be mad* Auguit 20(b; welghia a- noanctd Aaguet J3lb. No. l»-8t*k« for S tkU, $V> each, $JS forfait, 1100 added; oqe and fiva-elgbtbe mllra. Tba wlurr of Wrdneiday'- race to carry mtiu pound*, tba aacood In that day% race S piuuoa, and tba third 11 ound* ovar tba rul* aalfbt. No »- Pnraa |U0. 1160 to flrat, r.O to M« ood. $90 to tblrd; ooa and ooe*lgbtb Bile*. No. II—I'onaoUiloD purae. entrance flte, ItW; $U» to flrat, M0 to aacond, 110 to third; no and Ot a quarter rail, a; hortea beaten onca to carry tbelr weight; If beaten twica al'owed I poaoda; thr»e tlmea, 10 pconda. lotrlet to ba mad* wlihln lira m'nnte« after tba cloaa of No. 10 Tno»a who bare h»en baatan bafora Friday moat ba cnterad on Wednatday. Matarday—I.aat Ray. No. M Trot log. fraa for all double fan*; mlla and rap-at; purao >400, flrat taain $800, MCQPd (Mm 91(H). No. iJ— Trotting. tU c!a»*. frra for all; puree UOU. flrat boiaa $*.0, aacood bona IIM. tblrd boraa $(0 No. M—Trot*lo|. frea for all; oil* bea'i, tbreo In Are; puraa $700; flrat boraa $100, aao oad boraa 1100. Baaiarka and Caadltlaaa. Nomination* In atakea moat ba mad* to tba secretary on or bef»r» tba 101b da 1 if annnat, ikTi Initio, for tba pon*« ni'iat ba made ; • or Monday'a raeaa. on tb- Batnrday prac< dine for w-dur*d*)'a raeaa, en Mot day; and for rri<l«y'a ia aa rn Wrdnreday, at tba regnlir tloM for cloalng •ntrlra.aa daeignatad bt tba rulea. Tboea who bare i.onilna ion- I • *Hke* muat nam 10 tba fc-ctaiary. In writing. wh cb •bay will a art. tba day ba'vr- iba raca, atflr II llora * antarad In pnt*a* can oaly be draws ny iba ooaeant of tba -lodge*. Tba rulea. f the faclflc Ulood Boraa Aaaocla tlon will bo earn running raeaa. Tba winner of tba *iake for 1-ya-r olda lo ba ran at aa ramento. Sept 10. to carry t poaoda extra, and ol Mday'a 3 year old. tb»n I poaoda etlra. nbonld ti.a aama c dt win botb ot tliaaa atakaa It aball carry 10 poatid* axtra All borree . Dterlnjr tor State puiaea mn»t ba owned and kepi in Nevada and Cat lornla aaal •f tba Murra Navadaa tor alx mcutba prior to day of race Hiitrlra to all trotting pnraaa will cloaa Sep tember 1't wltb tba l?ecra<ary. »l*a or mora to enter, and tbraa or mora to atart to all raraa f»r pnraaa. N.t tonal Trotting Aa«oclatloa mlea to JO Tern trotting raeaa Pacific Ooaat Wood llorae Aaao clatlon rulea to goreni running race*, except ai abora. lacb day'e raeaa will coounenoe promptly at 1 o'clock r. m. All anlrlaa mnat ba directed to P. B. Con Hock. aacratary of tba Boslety. NPKCIAL PKXMIIS8. K«aootrlaa»hly. Ladle*' Gr*oH Toon>«m»nl. I"* Um bmi kv rompll»h*d tad rr»coiul lady rldon, Wcdaoo dot.octoborS. 10o'clock i. u tbo Society o(fcr» tour pmnlo«», which will cootlrt of tbo Rocl»t»V nilror Pitie, vtluod ro •p ctlT«ljr »t $100. |1V Nou4t«. Tbo l»dy "ho U odjodgod «r»t. •till h«r» btr ch lcooi oil pnmlum* eff<rod Tho oooood tarty aboil ban record cbotco. tad to no. li U oipoeiod that olbrrrptclal pitmlani wilt bo tddad 10 IhU lilt by prlvata coolribo Hob. Kooo but lad to o/ tho hlfboat rrrpoclabUlty •III bo ailoood to coapoto lor pri»*a Lodtco within* to coapm for prim will plra*> Mod aavoa to tMcrtuqr, ladortod by two member* of tho Kocioty. .miliary Toarao»»atFriday, It o'clock 4. M. rmrlum flto. aad tpoclal pronlom of cold nodal, y»l«o $IC0 ((Id of Pio»ld« nt Btmaooo) lor th< boot drilled MlllUry Oomponj—no (hoo«lB«. t ho Ccmpany coaipotior •bill ro port with not laoa than fort* mea and will bo repaired to drUi In accoidoaeo with -CptOM'* U. A. Amy Tactlft," la tho "School of the Coax ^l'aim,u C.C.lTITCMaON.PN«liML f, B. 001flTO0K« Itavtery. jjU DKLIWQUIXT MLKB. SHBHWOOD COIWUMTKD MINING COMPaNT^—Location of prtacl pal place of bnaineee, Ban Pranclaco, Oahfur. cU. Location of work*. Gold HU1 Stony county, Notice.—There are deUnqneatnpon tba fol lowln^ 'leacrtbad etock. on account of aeaeea mcnt (No. I) lerled oa the liu day ofJaly, 1879, the ecreral amount* aat oppodte the namea or the reepectlTe •hareholaere, aa fal low! i Mam*. No. Oertlf. Shi. Aat. Van Bokkelln W A M. Trus....l 6... Ills Van Bokkelln W a M do....» ..100....* .. Van B kkal.n WASI do...10...100 ...15 .. Van Hokkelln W A M do...11...loo ...14 .. Van B 'kkrllo W A M do...13... 100....IB .. Van H- kkalln * AM do...13...100....* .. Vaa Bokkeila W a M to Vu Bokk-lln W A U do. .18...100 .. * .. Vaa HokkalU W A M do...lT...10u ...» .. Vaa Bokkelln WaM do...18...100....*.. VaaBokktla W A H do...11.........llfiO Van »'kt»lia W A M do....... 10....1110 Van Bokkelln WAX do.. M...100....*.. Van Bokkelta W A M do...*........13 to Vaa BokkeUaW aK to Vaa Bokkalla W aM do...aa...loo....St.. Vaa Bokktla W A M do...ST...100....M .. V «a Bokkalla VAX do...*...810....8310 Vaa Bokkalla W A M do.,.ai...«t0....«100 VaaBoktaila W a M to Van Bokk.lU W A M do...33...840....83 to Van Bokktlln W A M do...*.. J80....S3 10 Vaa Bokkelia W A X to Van Dokkelin VAH do.. .*.. ..a 10 Van D.kkclln WAV do. ..87...830....8310 Van Bokkelta W A M do.. .*...880.;..* to Van Bokkelia WaM do...88. ..at0....«a to Vaa Bokkeila W A M do...40...100....*.. Van Bokkelln WAM do. .41.. .100....M .. Van Bo»k«ila W tM do...43...100....33 .. Vaa VAX Vaa B- kk 11a W a M .. V»n Bokkelln W A M do...48...100....39.. Van Bokkolla W A ki <i »...4«...ioo. . as .. Vaa Bokkeila WAM do...4T...li0....3S .. V«a Bokkelln W A M do...«...l00....». Vaa B< kkella W A M do...41... .. VaaBukkkll i W A M OO...U...100....M .. Vaa B»kk lln W a M do...81...100.. .88 .. Vaa fokk-lla » A M do. 1I...100....K .. Van Bkk.I ■ W A M do...U....W (St VaaB-kkeinWAM do.. .81... .88 a 38 v.n nvkkil a w a K do...«4....*o....iato Van B.k.elin W A 14 do...88...100....88 .. Vaa Bokkeila W A M do...88...100....*.. **u ho'k lln W < M do...11...100....* .. Van B kk In W A M do...13..l7uO ..lit.. Van "( kk lio W A M do..l71...1n0 ...31 .. Van B kiolln W a M do..lit...100....80 .. v.n B .k.ella W A M do..ITI .1000...180 .. '■u B.ik'rlln W tM do.. ITS. 1110 vau M kk -III W A M do. ,118... .40 ...1110 V.n Bokkelln W A M do .U1..IMS...SII U* J k.Tmeuo u..toi«o uso.. Mlildlrni'M J H do 18. .. Middlemen J H do 18. ..I00....31.. MdrtUalaJK do 17... 100.... 18 .. xlddlcmlee J K do 18...100....* .. M'ddle ul.e J K do 7a...100 ...» .. MddemiMJH do 8.1. .100....31.. M d llfuaaJK do .. MlddealeeJR do aa.. ,li 0....M .. U'dil-mlee J R do M ddleuilti t K do It...100....41.. Miildl«ml*« J K do 84. ..IU0....33 .. M ddlenile* i R do M...100....ts .. Mlddlemlea J U do H7...1U0....2J .. Ml Jill ul-a J K do 88,..100....38 .. Mld.llau.lae J R do W...100....33 .. MlddlemNe * U di 90...100....* .. M'ddlemlee J H do 91. ..100... 33 .. Mlddleaiao t B di H...100....* .. Mlddlealei J K do VS... 100. ...34 .. Mlddlrmlae 1 R do 14...101....33 .. Mlddlemlee J M do M...1MI....31 .. SliddltmU* i R do *...100....83 .. Sfiddleolie J K do 97...100....11 .. Middlemlae J R do M.. 100....31 .. MlddleaUeJK do 99...100... 31.. MiddlealatJR do 100...100... * .. Mlddle-iilta J 11 do H:i...KW....M .. Mi'idlnnl-e J R do I01..,lu0....33 M ddUmiaa J R do 108...IB*....* .. Mldd'cuilte J K do 104...100....11.. M ddiealat J R do 101... 100....It.. Middle . Ire J H do 101.. 100....It . M ddl.-ia Ml H de 107. ..1,0.. ..31.. Mirt<j|rml*« J H do ... .114...lOu ...38 .. Ml I lealat 1 R do 108...100....* .. M ddlrm ea J It do II Mi"d emlee i B do HI. ..100....11.. M d II* tt 84 J H do . . .111.. .10d ...*.. Mld1l-Ble< J R do 118. ,ln0....M .. M ddlrm lee J It do ... .114...100....* .. M'd.l eml«e J R do III...100 . U .. M dd aune< J M do Il«...loo....ll.. MddemleeJK do I17...|iu....3I .. Midditml e J t do 118 . .100....* .. Mi i.lle.i le. J It do 118...100....* .. M'drtl»ml*< J K do I 0...H0....M .. Middl.alH J K do ... .131...ino..„* .. M ddenilee t It it IM...100 ...» . M odlealee I R do 131.« ...» .. M ddle.i l*a i R do 111...100....II. MldJlem<e« J M do ... .I'll...100....81.. Mldd eal*a 1 R do 1U...100....M .. Mlddlamlee i K do .... Ii7...10....u .. M ddlemlea J R d> 1M...100... II.. M dJ ealM 1 K do 1J9 .100....M .. Mldillrialea J B do 1W...100....M .. • Iddleaile. J H do 1II...I00....U .. Mlddleulae i R do III... 100....81 .. Mlddlemlea J R do 1* ..100....* .. UiddlenlM i R do 114.. .100... 38 .. M ddleule* J H do 1*.. 100....* ., Mlddlea'es J U do IM ..100....* .. Mlddlcml»8 J R do 181...100....V .. Mlddlealee J M do 181...IOO....M .. Mlddleniiee J R do .. .I89...10U....18 .. M.odlraUa J R do 1I0...100....U .. MldJlemiee J R do 111...100....88 .. MtddUaleo J R do 148.. .100... M .. MiddltmUa J ■« do 141...100...*.. MddlealaeJR do 114...100....U .. MlddleoilaaJ R do 141...1U0....U , Mlodleaiat J H do IM. .100... * .. Mid I'emlie J R do 147..,100....* X ddleinl** J K ai IW...1UU... S3 .. Mlddlrmt** J tt do 149...100....19 .. Mlddleml** i K do 180...1UO....I8 .. Uiddleml** J H do 111...100....99 .. MiddUml ■ J R do 111...100....** .. Mlddlsml.s J B do 191. .100....11.. Mlddlemls* J R do ... .1M...100... M .. Mlddtoalf* J H do » -Mlddleml** i R do 60 Mldd:*iul*t J H do 1IT ...SO....1160 Mldd'amls* i R do 1U....B0....11 B0 MUidlauttt J tt do IN....80....1110 Ui.ldlemUe J It do 110....Ml....1110 Uidlltmlsa J R do 111....10....ItBO Mlridlsuiln J K do 191....B0....11 SO XliddlainiM J K do 189....10....II 10 Mlfldlwulo J R do 1M....60....11 80 Midillrmtse J H do 169....80....IIB0 Uiddleml*. J R do . ...189....10....II10 UlddltmlM J tt do 117... 10....11B0 Middlnnlw J H do 189....80....1180 uiddxuiinJR do m..r«o...iss.. MuoeDH, TmftM 94....10....1210 Stone 11 H do ...........19.«• 100....3A . Stone II 8 do S4...1U0....19 .. mono II rt do 17...100....11.. (•tone B S do 89.. .100....II.. Stone H H do SB. .100....28 .. "lone M 8 do TO 80....11 80 9 oo- RS do IN. 18070..HOI 80 ntnellM do 191...100,...IS .. Stone H S do KM....18 ... .9 IS 8!one U H do 109..9911..1110 *0 Uroaae W T. Trnetee M....I0 ...1190 Drown* W T d(i ........ 19....91.....9IS oiecklnridi* k Toil, T>uU.I99....80....1iS0 Hr*rklnrld«* k Yoet do .170....89....1910 Bofflngton J U TiOftee lm.ll7uo..«879 .. Oartl. runnel T. Ime**....179.19791'.. SC97 10 t d«r*rd* (!• o H. Trustee 110 .100....M .. Fdwsru* W H.Traale* 197....10....1110 Foley John 9.... 9 199 tl.rnra », Iru-lee 19...100. ...19 .. Her Ire F c'o Hale ft nch'ro. Trade** 09 ...90 7 90 Murphy n >. Trastt* 99.. S0...80. Muido«n M. Trent* 191....19 8M rlitraood hobrrt 1 9 ....113 rbe vs ihI i 191.. .49....11 ts stnltb J W.Trn.t** W9 11999.. 1909 19 Tuurtioo ueoP 4 9 119 Oiey r IM...900....80 .. Turner Fntnol* 191 ...t0....119u Au<1 in accordance with lev. and *n urdsr of Ue Board of Director*, mad* on the twelfth da* ol Jul J, 1874. eo man; ah ana of eack par eel of *a*a stock as may b* m oeeeary will b* sold st pnhllc melon. St tbe office ol the 0-in,, pan? Mo 419 California street, t-an Fraacl»co, on BiTUItlUY, be tblrtlsib day of Aoftut, 1<». st tbe boor of 12:SO o'clock r. if of ss'd day, to (.sy said Sallnqnmt usisimsm tbertoo, to««i bar with ooata o< adrertlalnf and expects* of the tale. H. 8. HTOMk. Secretary. OIBce—Room* 8 and 7,419 Oallforals street, San KtanclMTO. California. . 14 OlTCNTC oMalaad tor *a*b*alcal dc I A I CR I g Tlco», madlcal or olb*r com trada mark* tod U^I^OmSmSS^mSS^SbhC Iuurfanooaa, Appeal*, Suit* tor ItWumiU ■ad *11eaaaa ariata | ondar tha f ATIKT LAW! prompt!; attandad to. INTINTIOIM THAT HATK HEN DC ICPTrn bT M«t Offloa may ntJtU I tU aMlllamoat w^btpS «IU tb« FaUnt Offlc*. ti out auk! 35Z aaarebaa, and tacora Patau ti bom promptly, aad with troadar claim*, than tboaa who an ruartorrom Waahla«ton. HIUCMTflQC ""d aa »modal or *katck INlCR I Uno of yoardartca; w*maka CUOlOltttBI VMS Qf oiiMl, aad adalaa a* to pat ratability. Prloaa low. *2 MO CHAHQI OHLna PATXNT 11 8100 SAO. W* rrf*r to ofldaU tn tbt Patact Offica, la oar dlaoU la aran Biau or tba Doloo, aad to jov Saaston aad Repraaratatlv* ta Ooocraaa. Bpaelal tafwaooaa ftraa whan daaliad. Addraaa a A. now * 00., SPECIAL NOTICE. Tk. sawtbr dksibkd to ihfohm J. tk* public that b* Will Cloaab"«lD»>a 8*a tembar lat. aad tkat U tka aaaattlaaha will tall lamb«r aad bu'Mloj maurui at l«* tb.n c m prloa. All parma ladabtad to ktam ■asrSStim DILIITQUIKT SALES. WA»n SOLO AID ULTBI | MiMINu OOUPANT—Lofatlonor prin clp*l pleoe of boftiMM, tan Fr*ncl»co. Cali fornia. Location of work*. Gold Bill, Stony county, Nrrada. Noiloe.—Ybcre are delinquent upon lb* fol lowing dMcrlbod uock, on accoant of i>mi ment (No. 4) levied on the 2d day oi July, 16T9, the eererai »m rnnti eet oppuelie th-name* of the reepectlTe ehareboldere. u follow*: Name*. No.Cortlf. She. Am't. AhernRU.bal Its... 3.01 ft 00 Ademt.J D, Tru.tee 843....18 V. .9 ST AtkUeon, Doud A Co, Trus tee* 3333...100....60 00 Atkinson. Ooud A Co. Tru» toe* 6915....33....12 10 Boyd ft Dnli, Truate**.bil...6T. .. 2 11. 100 Boyd k Davla do U 1 TV. f Brook* ALe*.Trotleee WW...MO....SO , Bates D 0. TruMee •••••*••ae 6387...100 ...N .. Belle* Wm .. 1 Breckinridge A Toet, True — .J00...1UO .. | Breckinridge * Toet, True tm««ieeeee<• •• ••••*•••• •• ion...too...ioo„ Brecklmldge 4 Yoet, True tow Br*c<tlaridg* A Yoet, True reee 8384. ...80... *».. Breckinridge * Yoet, True toee 4969 ... I*.. 1 » I Breckinridge it Toet, True tee* 8330....20....10 .. Brecklnrldg* * Yoet, Trai led 3301....SO....23 .. Bourne J B.Trnetee 1081. ...II 30.10 76 Bourse J B do 0313... Su. ..13 .. Burllog Fred, Truetee 8714..1000...600.. BnrUng 1'red do 678»..100o...soo , Bu'llng Fr«d do 8788..MOO... 800 . Burling Kred do 87«T.. 1000.. 800 .. Bartlng Fred do 8788.1000...8(0 .. tfurllogFred do 67W..iu«...St».. Burling Fred do 0790..1000. ..60).. Bnrllug Fred do 671)1..1000 ..600 .. Burling Fred do 67W..10U0...600 .. Barling Fred do .6793..10i0...sou , Berinde B B, Vrnotee. 8801..luuti...800 . Hatted* B K do 8302.. 800...330.. Baring* B B d* 6808...480...*16 .. Oope. Uhler ft Oo.Tra-tee*..3331....4.01. 201 Dope, llbler ft Ce do .3841...10 86. 618 1 C .p«, Cnler fc Oo do .8J41....20....I0 .. Urecdill W O, Tnutoe M36 ..300...100 .. Cran dill W O do 6W8....30....10 .. Ut ill K A Co. Ttu-tee* tlol... 4lg.. 2 12 OibUIKfcOo do 48)1....SO,...36 Uibltl B ft Co do 3.WI 6 2 60 Coegr .teJohn tai..l808"".BU. ..4 81 Ol« ■dlinoC M Ul.JSoS 3.31..116 Ooflu Jam**, Trnxee ..bel..2U3 4.... 2 .. (MlaJeiuee do 8*10....10 8.. Ooi.g-r o C. Traeue 6t*>....36. ...12 SO I iTockerft Bu>d»m Trutiee 4IIT.... 0.7'..8*7 Cook ftSaadrr*oo,Tru-t»*.89i7...iOo....So . Oook ft Henucrton do .SM1...H0 ...SO. Oiute ft Lovelnd. Traet*e*..429J...l0J....8O . Oofflu. Sendsreon A Oook, Tiueto*,...26.. Donelly Tbomee 48U4....23....13S0 j Duncan W L. Trunin 638....SO....10.. 1 urlMoll L> ftOo.Tmeteee.... KM....10 6. Dolen J W. Trnetee 6274.........10 . kppeteln ft Oo.Tnut*** S3SI....18.36..6 63 I Sppylrlu ft Co do 6890. ..60....38 .. 1 kppeteln <t Co do .. ..Se91....S0....3S .. tinter A W. Trnetee 319....10 6 .. FoeterAW do 10* 3.16..It4| FoetorAW do 2400....80....I8 .. 1 Fey P 8,Truetee 4T31....20 ...10.. Fiy, Neil ft C>, Tru'U-ce. ..8111 6 2 60 I Flatl U J. Tniite* 4381....80.64.18 37 Flett C J do 4771....20....10 .. 1 Olaaltr I ft Co. Traetce* 80BS....30....I0 .. Ore«netuuin, Helblng ft Co, Traetoee *334.. 1000...800 .. Qreonrbeum, llrlbiug ft Oo, Trultree 5373 20... .10 Oreeneneum, dolblng ft Co. Trueteee S931 .80 33 .. Oarnett A UA Oo, Trnetee* 6498....10 6 .. Qolly A Uhl, Truitec* HS6....50....26 .. Uollyft Ubl 00 4889. ...80....40 ,, Ureene* On,Traiteee ,, Ortree W W, Trueuo 4810....30....10 .. u re Tee w w do 47c,T....30....t0 .. Hre e» WT do 3126....10 8 .. Hoffmen H, Trnetee 891.. .100. ...60 .. HoftntnH Tot....60 ...33.. Hlckoxft j-p*«r,Tni»..Ntl...l3H....16..1(.T 83 Bickox ft i«i>«ar,>..1344 4.1...303 Heinb In J bel.. 1936 3.08. 1 83 BerrJ J, Truetee 2S7V....3TI*. 18 78 Ho«mer A B •urnc. Trustee*. .1133 .. 100 80 .. □ in-left Htrt. Truetme.bel.9388 1.2S..1 IS llerrieftllert do btl..23vl 8 8.. Hmchlnron John. 26 .. Hoemer It M, Tiuetee,bel...4f3l.... 3.11..1 03 Ho-merDM do 443*....60. .18 .. llot.trbM oo 4708 2 28..1 13 lloem.rDM do 8110....16.88 8 88 Ho>uierUSI do 6144.. .10 6., Hj»lu*r n M ..10O....SO .. li.Kliftedirr ft Co B. Trns...Mt2...100....AI .. Hlclox ft O. O O. Tnt<te**..G8 JI... II*).... SO .. Btwke U II, Tn>*te* 0907....SO....IS . llewkeHD do 6181....10 6. igleoeri*. intetee *870.. .1(0....SO , Igisuern do 8o»#.. lou....60 .. Jickcn B, Truetee 6I0J....H 48 Keni R F, Truetee .........4720 ...,6 S80 He ley A Pollock. Trn«, b*1.17«9 8 6S..1 77 Ktlley ft Bofer, Truttcee... .881... 87.80.18 78 K*nne) ft Ujer, Tnutee*....8633....81.... 17 So Ktafinen H.Trn»t»e 6146... 60....IS .. Lengiend B F. Tru»t*e 8IV3....I0.. .,8.. M*golroJo*.Trn.t«* 1110. ..113.60.88 38 I Megulre Joe. Trnetee, b»l...i478 2.M. 1 IS Kegalre JniJTraetee 1878 3.i0..116 Me-t n M8,Tiu«le* SOU ..100....60. Miry* (too T ft Son, True t*ee, bel *897 1.11. .1 63 I M*ry*Oro r ft Hon. Trn*.. .4876....SJ....10 . Merr* Geo T ft Bon, Irns I***, bel 4733 ...IS.10..6 63 | HlIrT n K, ITDIIM, Oil 0"O I IS I Moller W J, Trail** .. 1 Muller W J da •**...100.... 80 .. Mailer W J do MC7....8<I....1S .. Murray w D Traata* ft«7. ..100....W .. Mum; WD do Mi#...loo....W .. Maikt k Relnbudt. Tra*.. .4481.. .luu... .80 . Mark*ft Helnbanlt do ..80* .. tfUtrl II. TlUtla* 4»«...100....80 .. Maepb*r*oo Jobs, Truet**..809i ■ 1 80 I Mecpereobn Jebn do ..Bliw.. aw... 100 , 1 Mo**«r, Haoon ft Oo, Trai...83»...100....8u.. NublnH HA Co,Tra»toee...>07....10 1.. Noble II B ft Oo do ..MM 8 S CO I NobleBllftOj do ..343!....-.0....10, Noble B II ft 0> do ..81SU...I00....80 . Neaetetter I,Trwte* *«:»....80....18 . Neu Hatter I do 87S9....MI... 18 . Hta il trr I do HIS 8 -J60| Noel A. TrntU* I4H....1U 8. Noel A do 1891. ..100. ..80.. O'Connor Thoi,Tia*t**,t*l 4887 1 1 fcO I Oil* k Co, Tiueteee 8>M.r..8o....33 .. PUti B a. Trustee S4U....M .. 28.. Piatt kO.TruMee .. Plait B C, Tnutoe V.40....Co....18 .. Piatt k C. Truitee Mil . ...80....88 .. P.att, X O.TruHee 8716....80....18 .. fletl * 0, Traete* ST7T....10....38 .. Pateleoo Jim*, Trueteo SOW.. .1U0.... to .. Hlebardeon K A, I'm*. bal..l708 4.81. IN I Blehaitlaon K A,l'ru«tee 881(1... 100....80 .. UlrhanUooKA do ...4181...100....CO .. Blebardeon I A do ...«'«3.,.lui....eo .. Rlcb It, intftc*. 80J8....M....10 .. Blchl) do A1U....W....IT 80 Bleb D do *1M 1.. . CO H004U*o B,TraHM, tel....4818 8.M 148 Root Ueo K. Truetee 8188......... 10 .. (thaw T W, Trade*, hel <w„ .1.10. 111 lb<*T W. TrnMM. bel 009 1.18. 119 Bcbml*d*ll, Boeb*udi*r k Oo, Truatre*. bal 18T0 1.M. 1 13 I ■cotiB BAOo.TiUI. bal.. 3188 l.u. | 1| | Broil m U A Oo, Tru«. bel. 8Jtf)....B«....l» .. **ol< B U A Oo. Tr >e. b*I..UM....I8.TS..817 B adtf Id Jeoob Jr. Trneto*..4d«o X.... 0 •'(•UrtldJ»<«bJr do ,.4>PJ.„.io... A.. BisdtlrM J»e b J r do ..8IM....18....H 80 rltln Nlf, TraelM 1788.. .|i0,,,.B0 ., W K.T Ui*-. 88IT...S*i...I2S euwrwick John. Trtet** tail • 180 Tailor artkor O, Tmlw ..nil....10....18 .. Voootlo*' M btl..111*8 ......81..4 83 W. 1*011 A UaUhlBM'O. Tro* I'M..., .8^31.1,100....87 *, Wtkeflelrf n B, fr-ite*. 8(84... .1 ....3 80 WlkiltMlt do ....M47....M....18 .. W(k*a*idHB do ....4TM....1N ■„ Wak*8eld H H do ....8008.........10.. Wiktfleld»B do .8.. Weill** J B A Co, TrtiM** 4400... 100 .. ?edl| A Weill. Tnuleee. ...8111....10 8. ZinneOT, Trail** 8074... 80.,..18 .. ZlnueOT do 8804....40 ...» .. And Id Accordinc* with Uw, And an oraer ol tbe board ol Director*, made on tb* iccond d«T of Joly. 187*. *0 many ebAree of e*eb parcel of eocb etock u mar b* neceeeary will b* *old *t public taction, at tb* auction room* or Parker Clttrndon, Iloom 18 Mer cbtoli' El chance Bolklln(. Ho 481 California street, Sao f rancteco, California, »* WK0NK8 DAT. th* TWENTY-tilVIN TB day of Aafnd, 1879, at lb* b< nr or 1 o'clock P. a. ol tald day,. to pay Mid delinquent aeietiment thereon, to gather with coeta ol advertising and axpro*** or JACOB BTADTPILD. J»,B*r*lary. Oflre—Boom *8 No. 418 California itrret, Sad Praocleoo, California. aut TVirricB ■urine loaPAxr. 0 Location of principal place of bnilnraa, Ban Franclrro. California. Location of worba. Gold BUI Storay cooBty, Notlea la brraby jrlTen, that at a dmUm of Ik* Board of Otraeton, bald on the TUI day of An*ntt. im. an aomuoml (No. 29) of Osa Dollar pm akarc waa upon tba capital itoek of tM corporation, payable ImmnlUiaty. la Dal tad Staua «nid oola, to tba Barratary. at tba office of Ua Company. Hoom 1, Bajvard'a midlnff. «U California mm, Baa maclaco California. Any Mock apoa wMcb tbl» wawawl abafl ra mtUBarald on tba alaraatb day of frpumbar l*7«, wlU bo dfllnQUfnt. and advcrtiird foraala at pnbllc aoctlon, and bbi»< parmont la mad* b^fir*. will ba aoid na TCkS&aT. tba W)b day of Bfptaabar. 1Mb. to pay tba dallnomnt aaaratmaat. toaatbar vllb eorU of adrarnalng and axpaima or Mia. By order of tba Bnard of Dtrrctora. B X. Bkllt. Bacretary. 0®ea—Boom, a. Bay*ard"a BaUdia*, 41» Orimralaifeaat, BaaTtydaoo. California. I DELI5QCIJTT BALKS. rjtmriN con w iuK Company.—I of buelneta, Hug Fra CONSOLIDATED MR* Location of principal plaeo Franelaeo, Oellforula. Location of work*, Gold Hill, Storey county, State of Norada. Notice —There an delinquent upon thefol lowln^-ileicrlbed atock, on account of aeeeaa taeot (No. 1) lerled on tbelltbday of July, WW, tie MTeral amounts act upponlle tne naroee of the rwpectlre ehareholdere, as follow*: Name*. Ho. Cartlf. She. Ain't. Van nokkelln W AM. Trot.. 8 8 SO Van Bokkelin W A 11 do.. 9...I00....10 .. Vau Bokkelin Vtll do .. 10 100 ...10 .. Van Bokkelin W a M do .. It...100....10 .. Van Uotke'ln W a M do .. 13...100....10 .. V.n Dokkelln W A M do .. 13... 100.... 10 .. Van Bokkelin W AM do .. 14.. .10 3.. Van Bokkelin W A M do .. 13...100... 10 .. Van Hokkelln W AM do .. 17...100....10 .. Van B kkrlln W A M do .. 13...100 ...10 .. Van Bokkelin W A M do .. 31....BO ....3 .. Van Bokkelin WAV do .. SI...80 3.. Van Bokkelin W A M do . 2.1...100....10 .. Van Bokkelin W A M do .. 31....30 • .. Van Bokkelin WAX do .. as....30 3.. Van Bokkelin VH do .. 33...100....10 .. Van Bokkelin W A X do .. 3T...I00....10 .. V.n Bokkelin W A M do .. *0 ISO ..43 .. Van Bokkelin W A X do .. 31...MO....14 . Ven bokk llnWAl do .. 33...330....33 .. Van Bokkelin WAV do .. SI...310....33 .. Van Bokkelin W A X do .. St...330....33 .. Van Bokkelin WAX do .. 33 ..330 ...33 .. Van Bokkelin W A X do .. 30...330....30 .. Van Bokkelin WAX do .. ST...<30....33 .. Van Bokkelin W A M do .. S1.. S30....3S .. Van Bokkelin W A X do .. 30...S40....3S.. Van Bokkelin WAX do .. M...100....10 .. Van Bokkelin W A M do .. 41...100....10 .. Van Bokkelin W A 14 do .. 43...100.... 10 . V.n Bokkello W AH do .. 43...100....10 .. Van hokktlm WAX do .. 44. ..100.. ..10 .. Vau Bokaellu f AX do ..]0 .. Van B kkeitn W A M do .. 43...100... 10 .. Van B 'kkeitn W Ah do .. 47...100....10 .. Van Bokkilln WAX do .. 43...100....10 .. Van Bokkailn WAX do .. 41... 100 ...10 .. Van Mokkoila WAX do .. 30...100 .. Van B-.klnlln WAX do .. 31 ..100....10 .. Van Hokkelln WAX do .. 33...10U....10.. Van Bokkelin WAX do .. Van Bokk-ilo W A X do .. .. Van Botkalln WAX do .. S3....33 a30 Van i-okuiln WW A X do .. 34....30 s .. V«u Bukkelli w A M do .. C3...100....10 .. Van Hokkelln WAX do .. 86...100....10 .. V.nBikkelmW AX do .. 71...ICO....IO .. Vau Bokkelin WAX do .. 7| .. Van H Ikelln WAX do . 1T1....U ....3.. ■an B>ik-lm W a X do ..1T1....S1 1.. Vaa ook.eln WtX di ..173...100....10 ,. Van Bokkelin W A X do ,.1'4...300 ... *0.. Van Bokk llu W A X do ..US..MM...300 .. v.n tSukk I n * A X do ..301....H ....3 .. Van B kkenn W a X do ,.V0J...330....33 .. Van b-kk. Iin WAX di ..*01. ..330 ...33 .. Van Boki* In W A M do ..303...300....30 .. Van n.kkel n W A X do ..307...800....30 .. Vau Bokktlm WAX to ..303 S.. Van bokkeilo W A X do ..313..1341...13130 Mlddieiulae J K,Trnetee.... 140...100....10 .. Mljdie i>i«a J R do U1...100....10 .. XlddlemUeJK «0 Ul...114)....10 .. MlddlemliaJ K do 143...100....10 .. Mlddlemlee J K do 144...1UO....IO .. Mlddlemlee J K di 143...100....10 .. Mlddleuilea J H do 1M...1U0....10.. Mtdilctnla. J H do 147...100 ...10 . MlddleuilaaJ H do 113. ..100....10 . MlddlemlaaJ K do 140.. 100.. ..10 .. Mlddlemiaa J U do ISO... 100....10 .. Mlddleuilea J B do 131...100....10 .. Mlddlemlee J B do 181...103....10 .. MlddlemlaaJ K do 153...100.... 10 .. MlddlemlaaJ B do 134. ..1(0.. ..10 .. Mlddlemlee J It do .. ..133....30 3 .. Mlddlemlee J H do ISA....30 3.. M dJIruil.e J U do 137....SO 6 .. Mlddlemlee J R do 138.. ..80 S,. Mlddleml.eJU do .... loo .. 30 ....8 .. Mlddlemlee J U do 101. ...SO 8.. MlddlemlaaJ J( do 183....SO S .. M ddleailea 1 H do 164....80.... 8 .. Mlddlemtae J B do 1G3....S0 8.. Mlddlemlee J R do 107....30 8.. MldJk-mla. J it do;...8.. Mlddlemlee J K do 131.. .330... .33 .. Mlddlemlee JX do 33J 3 80 Mlddlemlee J K do 114. ..100....10 .. MlddlemlaaJ It do US...100....10 .. MlddlemlaaJ R do 113...100....10 . Mlddlemlee J K do 1U...100....U .. Mlddl.mla.JH do 111. .,100.. ..10.. Mlddlemiaa J R do 111... W0....10 .. Mlddleml.a J R do 130...100....10 .. Middiemie* J H do 111...10U....10 .. MlddlemlaaJ K do 1*3. .110....10 .. Ml' dleml-e J It do 111.. .1(43....10 .. Mldd emlae J K do 134...IU0....10 .. Mlddlemlee 4 B do 133...100....10 .. M dillemUa J R do Irt... 100.... 10 .. MUdi-miaa J K de 117...104....10 .. Mlddlemlee J x do 13d.. .1U0....10 .. Mlddlemlee J R do 134...100....10 .. Mlddlemlee J M do 130...100....10 . J It do 131...HO....10 .. Midd emlae J H do 133...100....10 .. MUdemleeJR do 131...100....10 .. MidJlrmleeJ K do 1*4...100....10 .. MddlemUe J It do 133...100....10 .. Mlddlemlee JK de 113...100....10 .. Middl.mleeJM do 137...100....10 .. Mlddlemlee J It do 133,..100.... 10 .. Mldd emlea J R do IS*...101... 10 .. Mlidlcmlia J R do 1K3...760....V8.. M.ddlrmiee J R do I84...3M....3S .. MddemleeJK do 13S...3M ...» . MlddlemlaaJ R do 118...300....30 .. Mlddlem>aa J U do 1x7...300....30 .. Middloai eaJ it do 1*8...300....*1 .. Mlddlemlee J n do 1M...300....30 .. Mtddlemlta J R do 110...300....10 .. Middle^lee J D do 1DI. ..101.... 0 .. XlddiraileeJR do in., loo.... 10 .. Middle * K do 1W...10U....10 .. MidJIemlit J K Do 1M...1 0....10 .. MlddlemUa J K do IBS...100....10 .. MlJjleml.eJ K do 1M...100 ...1U.. Mlddl-mUa J R do m...ioo...:io.. MlddlouilM J * do 1M.. .100....10 ., M.ddlemleaJR do 199...100....10 .. Mlddlemlre • B do 300...100.... 10 .. Middle sla* J R do eT.l«87*..l«H7 M Middl.m:ia i K do 76...luO....10 .. MlddleiuUa J R do 76. ..100....10 .. MlddUmlfiJR do 17..100....10.. M.ddlemlaeJH do 71.,.100.,,.10 ., Mlddlemlre J K do 7\(...100....10 .. MlddlcmUeJR do 80.. .100.. ..10.. Middlimlo i tt do II...100.,..10 .. Mlddleiblae J K do M...100....10 .. Mtddlemla«JR do M.. .100....10 .. MldulumlaaJK do M...loo...,lu .. Mldd!eiulee J R do 84... 100... 10 .. MlddUtnlre J K do W...100....10 .. Mldd'tmU J R do «... 100.. ..10.. MMdlemlae J B do 8*...100.... 10 .. Middletnlee J H do NO...100....10 .. UUdlriuiih J R do to...100....10.. MUldlrmlM J R do II...100.... 10 .. Mlddlemlea 1 R do W... 100.. ..10.. Middleml.eJ K do W...100....10. Mid ' J R do II. .100....10. MlddlamieeJ K do I9...100....10 . , Mldd t uil«. 4 H do V0...100....10 .. Uldd'euiie* J R do 07.. .100....10 . Mid.ilemiee J B do M.. .100....10 .. M ddluulM J It to W...100 ...10 .. MdMletnei J R do 103...100....10 . Mlddlemla*JK do ICS...100.... 10 , Midd.emlre J K do 104...100....10 . Mlddl. nil-a i R do 108. ..100....10 . Mldd rmlee J R do 100...100....10 .. | Mlddl.micei R do 107...100.... 10 . Mldd!ewl»«JR do 101...100....10 ,, Mlodleoilaa J H d> 100...100....10 . MlddlemieeJK do 110...100....10 .. Mldlleml.eJR do 111.. .100.. ..10.. Mlddlemlae J B do 111...100.... 10.. Mlddleibltai It do .. ..1U.. 100....10 , btOi.eU8, Truatee 311..1740...174 . •lone US do M...100....10 . hlCBaUH do M...1MI....10 Si lit II H do 67...100....10 ,. StooeHS do W...100.... 10 .. MooeHH di W...100....10 .. | BIobv H d do ••.70... to i , MO • II 8 do III.18070..1107 .. Kioto Hrt do »«...WO....60 00 Utono II 8 do Ma....40 I.. hi Out U II do 3W... .J M BWillH do 111... 16... .8 60 cbtou Tboinaa I ....« to Br-mm W r, TruMM W....40 1 .. Urooue W T oo 18... 31 110 Broiklorldte k Tuet.True a..l68....M 8.. Breckinridge ft Tort do ..170....80 ....8.. BiiOTiigion * M.Trail* 108.11700 .1870 .. Curtl» Ban/I T, Truatee 17«.187.10..1876 CUT Fred...... «8. .H0....70.. Kdwa-deUeo H.Tnutee 340. ..100. ...10 . Edward w 8, Truatee J17....60 8.. Edwarda W H, do 330 8 50 llerrtrm F, Trnttee 18...100....10 .. OMrlrm F, do 30...100....10 .. Halek l'acheco, TrukteM M....80 8 .. Mnrpby H H, Truatee «... 100....30 .. Muldo >n M, Truatee 334....10 140 MuMoon 11 8 10 •herwood Robcil t 8 80 Bbrrwood Robert 110....48 410 Smith i W. Troalee in....88 160 Hmlth J W.... •.........•••. .881. *• .8 10 Tburaion, Geo P 4 8 40 Turner Kriocli.Truatee 131....60 8 .. And In accordance with law, tad «n order of the Board of Director*, nude 00 the eleventh day of Jnlf, 1878, to many Hum ol Met oaroel of inch Hoc* u nay N neceeaary will be eold »t public auction. ai the offlce of the eompau/. No. 411 California etrret. Hu Franclaco. Out fornu. on haTUIDAY. the ihlnlfih day of Anmat, 1871, at the boar of II o'clock m. of Mid day, to pay aald delinquent a-eeeemeet thereon, together with ooatt of adTettMac and upanaea of the eale. B. B. HTONI. 8ocratary. Offlce—Room* I and T, No. 411 California ••net (II ay ward'* building). tot Francl'eo, California. 11 1 OWNERS OF DOQS IN TH* TOWN or GOLD HILL. Till NOTICE I Tb»l rur»a»nt to i rdiuior* ho. W, t h. iDDDtl Ui or $3 on rtrb (lid IW 4oj krptlo tbe town of «otd Bill U do* aia p«j ibid piocnr* lifrft Imncdutrljr from lb* on Itftlgntd, m 1 thall ptorted forthwith to llrloU; rnfbrc* tb* Mid (JrdlmDCf. F. W. fOLSOK. JnnaK. tnf. Minhtl of Oold BUL £66, A WMk M^jrour OWD town. flOBtff) tm. N»rtrt. Rtftdv, u yoo *ut • m. whUh IKWM f Mtbm — mm Um Um uay wo*. is&Td B.IULLKTT « 00. f«U«d. U*. DELINQUENT 84118. CIMU HIIXMINIMe compa. C» NT.—loettlon of rrtnclpei piece of bail M«. 8*a rmnekeo, (iillorii.. V ^ Uettlon of worU. Gold HOI. Storey eonnty, But* of Nevtdt. . Notice.—There are delinquent npon the foj. lowing deecribrd *tock. on -<■— meot (No. 7i levlnl oo It* tenth (lKh> <1»» o| July. 1879, the terml mount* ret oppoUte the »*me* of the reepcrtlve tharvboldere ** ful low*: N*mee. No.Oertlf. 8h«. Am't. Atkinmn, Dond A Co, Tree. 4T11....S0....1# .. Atkloeon, Uond k Co. Trne..MU....»....M.. Atkinson. Doq l A Co. Tra«..(llt4...M0...100 .. DC. Tra« tee...... .. m ,|i«...ioo .. BreckeorliiReft Toot, Tro«. ...M .. Brecketiriilfc k >o*t. Tru*„ M7».. .10I....BO . B.eckenrldg* k Yoit, Tnu..#3«.. .1C0....80 j n E?'"" .10 .. Bourne J B, Trnitee MM....*> 52?* iA. ST'Si!! .. ®'°W A W A Oo. Trn*teee..,.«Mj...,io....jj Blov A W Ai Co, TrarUci.. .MM 91 1o bo {j*"?" * Wnker, Tractee*.mot.'.']iuo.'".so .. BiWbridjie J K.Trnitee.... Hl|.........10 . OojBn Juae*. Trnitee *»0....»o.. «j Co«n Jsmee, Trnttre 1070....10...." " CoBn Jim**, Trnitee, b*l...iOM....,| J» C jffln J*me*, Tra.tee 31MJ «o i* 0°On J*«*«. Ti o*tee. b»l.. .«TI i i i i .7" jo £>«■ Jkmee Traite* 0711 J.".! « Codta June*. Trnitee «T18... 10 io Oehlll B A Co, TruteM.,"iB 5" 1 " OlBto* I«*eUnd.Trn»te*e.fI»..;, ]o;""» " Crowley A Qwdmtn, Tmi .««! "1 " SaSv a Gookk Wkleott, Traiteee...MlN..,,io V OuimUII W O. T««e*... ll7t i5,,"i5 " Oe«aWB.Truetee..... ....IS 2) * " De»nwi, do ....::::1im fo::::S - w5 ft is-.*)"::":: 25 ?° "w....«o.; DwnJJ* do IM7 • 1 so g?"** *> :5. do 4KB... .10... .10.. DeuWI do WIS.. 10) bo p.»uwi| do b*i Stm.: ft mm.... i...:: £ RSSwf ft 21s—L* dSwJ £ g KISwk do Dune in W I* Trortt*.. .«!».'!!!»;; "S10 DunwoWL do W76.. 1 Si 1 ...SO.. I- Oyly N. Tratte* SOW....JO.... 10 Tro,u**—-iW10....10 •;; *'rt*:TTTm p^p!' 2° -■•••- "v.v^;i5 ud° M8I....10 ft"**1.V u'Tn?J'* ..10.. IraakelLU do bil..„nn 1 3 ~ f"JL do Slos 8 ago rlmitnf'W «10l I «M w Sir, °m MW...100....I0.. *°* 0 "• oil • 1 to fejton W B. M ITll,„.iu ...40 • Oreenebiom, Helblug k Co, Troitwi 4148 mn irwi 0»*en.b*nin, Uelblnc fcOo.""1™ " Trnitee* 4UI. 100 so Or oou* beam, Halblny * Oo, _Trnetee* •••••...C7M....60...*S8 .. OreeoetMnm, Helblng M Co. " Trnitee* M#7...100....«0 &HH2". in «SSn,"rS 4I70....10..,. 1.. Ort**log*r It do »7M.10 .. Oerdlner B*|d«rln. Trnit..SOM......... 0 .. Uirdlner Bildw n do OarnttlAUk Oo,Trnitee*.. .. 10* ufiSJfj il5r° do 10... union J. Trnitee •U7...lui Onot K B, Truitee MH....00. . is " OmIkm la! 2" !* MSI....40....10 .. Oram KI{ do b*l this....40... 10 allntfn 2" 5'! MM....40....10!. U ft lit K R do bal 0157. to 40 Oolly k Uhl, Trnitee* <K»l.'.iioo""w * MM....40 Hoeb«t»dcr K k Co Tru»l«e*447B....M....v|.. Hoebiudter K k Co do 4eul...ioo....EO Boebei*4ter B * Co do 4W1. . M....15 " BoekittdUrKkCo do frM. ,.M...,M " Boch.tidter B k Co d>* S7TI. .JJ 1] in BooLtladler K k Co do S7M ' 10 I Uocbiudur B k Cj do eo.,.s..'..'ao""jj " Hoch*Udtrr * kOo do (kill *1 in" uocbit«ii*r s k Co do o." Uoelutsdier K ft Oo do C7;i.. 100 »o Uo'^n utS"'• •' HOfU-r 1) II kOi do 47m....iu s Botuier II M k Oo do C741..,iiO SO " Bill Ut-oB. Trnrtee ««! B*»k*B U.Trnrtee M17....60....1# .. Iifiglu i u. Tru« e. 4.«...loo . tr) Hu cbineon Jubn.Trn^ie*. 4» .'. Hotcblutoo John do fcilt 20 10 Hutchln»o& John da ' M ' M " uuj k cunt#. muifM... SSI: ;; H'TO1"* k Conklli B.Tre»tce»43io. .100.'.'.'.« ." Heudrie llrxe.Trnxrre 4M4....M 10 Hooker It O. Tra.tee.,.bAl..l94S 14* " f " Bant J L. T.o.i.o 4IM.".".'lo.'.'.'.' a " urBdrreon Jimee im iun to ' J™ *'*<> {. Trueloe lMS.'...lo! 'TreOeol do OrtJ.. IS 'iiso j*ck*on B,Trnitee Hwi.l.M.'"!## Jiciun K do JI97I in ' * " Jtckion B do 4tiii0 ' '11 K!n°®y t n,*r' ^.ru"ow • • • ••WO.'.'.'.'lO.'~.'i» .. Benney k Dier. Tru* «**....6ift4....flu....M A«nt K r. TrutUe >jk it An Ueb»ri^na'jJieo.,rrne.b.l.sa74...: s.«; 170 mHiw"?' Tro,,»*«....IO. Hallar W J do HI5... .ao!" £ " •JuiMr w * do usa....iu •.. Mailer W J do 14X3...100....*0 .. Mailer Wi do .1 .. Mailer Wi ..407*...100....50 .. Mailer W J do 80*1....80....1ft .. Mailer W J da 4150...100....M .. Mailer W J do 4730.. .100....M .. Mailer W J do 4711....60....18 .. Mailer W J do 5718...100....50 .. Mailer W1 do M1S....M....M .. Mailer W J do 807*..,.8f....31*0 Mailer W J do 81*8...100....80 .. MarjeQeo Tft Sen Truiteee.l478....:0....10 .. Mam Oco T ft Hoo.Trut.bal.143S 1.10. « Mine Geo T A Bon True....lWJ....7u....l0 .. M«rj<i Geo T k 8on,Trui....4l00....30....10 ., Macpbrreoa Jobc, TfUi:ee..»M... .. Mecphereon John do 81*8...108....80 .. Macphtrton Jobn do 4788....80....18 .. Murray W B, 1 rut lee 1788....80....83 .. Murray V B do 3UV1... 30....I0 .. Murray W B .do ... tw 1.30*1. ..14.... T .. Murrty W B do 4WT....I0....U .. Mitkt ft Kelnhardt,TratUc«MI4 ...W....10 .. Mil L W, Trmtee 8T08....80....M . Mix L W do IM>....I0 ..8.. etcConoangbey Alex Jr MM).. ..11... .11M Noble II H k C'o,Ttu»teee...0ii39.. ..40....30 .. OToonorT do 4K3J....M... XI .. O'Connor T.Truttee 55(7....SO....10 ., OtltftOo, Trutteee 1154....10....10 ., Pa>teieou Jamie, Truttee.. .3SJS....80....38 .. Ilicbardiwu X A, Truttee....3140....60....*3 .. KIcherd'OaKA do ..SSB8....N0....4II .. Blcbudioo K A do ..8484...100....80 .. lUndolpb, Mackintosh k Co, Trtutee* 4750...100....50, Bend iph, Mackintosh ft Co, Trnatee* 4700...100....(0 .. Randolph. Matklntoeh A 01, Trutteae 4701...100....10 .. Rlr hard too, HU1 ft Co. Traitsee BfTl....t0....M .. Root OeorgaB. Truttee. 41M...lou....tO . Keel Frederick 8481....10....*8 .. Bcbmiedell, Bocbetadter ft Oo.TrueUee 1114....60....W.. Bcbmiedell. lloclutadter ft Co, Traetoee Mil...*00...100 .. 8t*ln Net,Trnetee Mm... 100... *0 .. Sleln *»l, do •••••••••• 0701... 50....38 .. Wcott H II * Oo, True! ere.. .3533...100....80 .. Bco'tUHftCo do .. .4*08.. .100... .10.. ►colt II B ft Co do ...•111....50 ...18 .. Bfdwtck John,Truetee.... 5171....BO....W .. Hhotwell 1 M. Truetee 4I44....50....U .. Hwret H A,Truetee 1018....10 8 .. Stone ft rowner, Trutteee .8717. ..100... 80 .. Bhawban W 1). Truetee 88/10.... 80....18 .. Trttlo FA ft CO, Trutteee. . 335....10 ...10 .. Trltle r A ft Co do ...1148....10....10 .. Telb t W B I8BT...4M). .*41.. Wood* k tterlxirn.Traeteee.tail. ...80....*8 .. White, A W Truetee 8443. .100....50 .. White AW do 878*........ .18.. Weketteld 81) A Oo,Trutteee 8717,...38 ..1110 W,bb A n.TrutUe 818T.........10 .. Weller ft S'eeeoe.Truelee». 4M*....40....10 .. Zlnne o T, Tiiitee .4414 ...10 8.. And la accordance with law and on order of the board or Dlneton.made on tke tenth (10(h) daj of July, lttTO.eomany ebareeof each parcel of each ttock m may be neceaeary will bo told at public aaeUoa. at the office of the Company, Boom 8, No. 104 B»'hitr»et Ban Frenctaeo, CM Horn la, on TUUMlDAf, the FOURTH (4t») day of Hepttmber, lffTB. at the h jar of 1 o'clock r.m. of (aid day, to pay aald delinquent men megl thereon, tncether with coeta of ad recti ela# and expeoeee of the tale. W. K. DBAN, Secretary. Office-Room I, No. 10* Both itreet. Baa Fraudeco, California. ail* DIVIDEND NOTICE, Omot or OONHOLIOATKO TIROIHU MININU CO II PA NT, Boom M. >«n« Block. Han Fraudico. An*. «. 187».-At i»«' li>« of lb* Board of Trait*** of tb* a bora namad Coopui, bald tblf (tar, • dlvMrad (Ho. MB of rtftj Owt* m (bar* n< daetarad p»T»bl« on FBI DAI. th* 1Mb dar of Ao)m»«, 1IT». Trtuiln book* elo»«d natll tb* Itth UHtat t A. W. HAVENS, Bcer*Ury. DIVIDENDJjOTICL nrnox or California mining com. W Pa NT. n HmJi Block, ru rriHliw. ADfttfl T.lDTt.-At • mtvtlnr Ol tb# Board of IM, rvcior* of lb* aboTa-aamad Oo- r*ny. btld IbU dtjr. ■ dlridrad (No. UK) of Ft t» C*at* per ■bar* wa*d*eUr*d.najabl* BATU fc DAT.Aanat 1Mb. Ttaaafar book* elcaad natll 1Mb laciaaL ■tim_ a r. ooboob, a*cr«**rT. DKLIJVQUIXT 811*8. SOVrll CONNTUCK IJOLD «5D HILVKK MININO tOMPANT.-Locatlon of principal plica of btuloaee. Han Frauclaco, Oallltoruta. Location or work*. Oold 11111 Mining Dia trlct. Storey County. Narad*. Notice—Tner* are delinquent upon the fol lowing daecrlkcd nock, uu account of aaeeaa ■jjjt (No. ») It vied on tbe »i(b day January, 1877, tbe aeveral amount* act oupoalt* tbe ntmaaof tba rcapectWe abateboldere, aa lot low*: No. Old Few - . _ On. aha. She. Ami. Oopa, ITbler k Oo.Tr* 1TI sou i'tt.. Ojp*. Ubierk Co, do 1?| Joo *i.. Oopa UhlerftOo, do I7t ico 13 And In accordance with law and an ordarof the Board or Director*, made on iba 30th day of January, 1877. ao many ebaree of each parcel or aacti atock aa may be neceeaary will be (old at public anciioo. at the office of ibe Company, si 1 California atrial, rcoma 8 and 4. aecood floor, over Jttna luaaraocc office, antranoe *», California atreet, Han franclaco, California. on TUESDAY, the »T1h day or MABCB, 1877. at the hour of 1 o'clock r. u. of aald day. to nay aald delinquent aaaeaament thereon, together with coeta of advert lain* and expenaee of the J. M. BCFFiNOTOH. Secretary. Office—nil 0*1 Ifomla atreet, rooma 1 and *, aecond floor over -£ina Ioanranee O-mpeny, entranoe 8U# Oallfornla atreet. Han Fraucl.ce, Oallfornla. POHTPON BMBNT. At a meeting of tbe Troiteea of the abore O'fmpany, the day of aale of delinquent Mock waa portpouod nntll APBlL lltta. liTT, at the ame honr and place. J. M. V0FF1N0T0N, Secretary. P.WTPONBMRNT. The eale of delinquent atock la poatponid to APUILKth, at iba aama hour and plaoe. By order ol Ue Beard of Trailer* J. M. BUFP1HUT0S, Secretary. POftTPONBUBNT. The *ala of delinquent atock la poetpooed to AUUUsT lt'h, left, at the aame hur tad Ci. tbe Injunction on tbe above atock having dUmlMCd. J. M. BUPFINGTON, Secretary. Office-No. Ill California ilnet. Booma I ano l.iecondfljoa. orrriEina InanrauceCom pany. entrance 109 California ■ treat, San Fran* cl»«o. Oalimrnla. 1 BBILtlA.VT MINING CO* PAST — Location of principal place of LoaUieta, baa Kfibcucu. Caiif> ruU. Locauon or worka, Oold UUL Storey comity, Nevada. Notice U hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Dirtctore, held on the ltttb day of July, 187V, an aaeeiament (No.4)of Ten Genu per (bare wa* levied upon the capital atock of the corporation, payable immediately. In United Suwa gold corn, to the secretary, at the office of the Company. No. 41* California etrcet. itooma • and 7, Hay ward • Building. can Fran claco, California. Any atock upon which thl* aaaeaamant ahall remain unpaid on tbe Uftu day of Augnet, U79. will be delinquent, and advertltu. lor aale at public auction, and unleaa payment la mada belore. will be aold on Wal>.>KaD*Y. tbe Third day or bepietnb r. 1878, lo pay the delinquent aareatmeul. together with coeta of advertising and expenea oi *ate. Br order of the uoard of Dlrictor*. 11. S M i UNK, Hccretary. Office—Room* B and 7, Bay eanl'e Building. No. 41* California aueet. Can Pranc,eoo, Oall fornla, It • UK OKil'INAI. HKYMIOftK NIL _ VB* MI'INU CiiUPaNV.-Location of principal place of buitnaee. nan FraucUco, Cal IloiDta. . Location of work), Virginia Mining DUMct, Storey county, Nevada. Notice l» hereby given, that at a meeting of the board of Director*, held on tbe 2Mb day of July, 1871, an aaaeaament (>o. II of Twenty. Ave Ceuta per (bare waa levied upon tbe capital atock ot tbe corporation, p«yab<« IrcmelUtely, in United ntatca go.d lOln, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, ltoom », Mo. UU fine atrvet. Ban Franclaej. California. Any atock upon which thl* aaaeaamant (hall remain unpaid on the flrat day oi teptiu bar, 1879, will bo delinquent, and adver tlaed lor vale at public auction, and nnleeej ay ment la made before, will be *old on SAT I'ltDAY, the totb nay of roulember, l«7t. to pay tbe delinquent aaaeaament, together with coeta of advertlalng and eipenaea of aale. By order oi the Board of Director*. F. k. tUTV, secretary. Office-Boom I, 310 Fine I treat, San k'ranaia. co, Calif' rn a. W 1 Union coxrolidaicu kilvu Mining Cumpaoy.-Location of p lorl|tl piacc of buelnraa. Sau Prauclrco, Oillfurnu. Location of worka, virglLla Mining Dlaulct, Bturey county, Itevada. Nutica U iiareb/ t-tT«u, that at a meeUng of tha Board ol liltectora. hi Id on the glat day of J air. im, an aa-eeament (No. 14) u Two Dollara par aUara was levied opto tba capital (tock of tba rorpoiatlon, pajaUe immediately. lu CnlUd Btaue gold cotn, to tha Becr«tary, at tba office of tlia Company, Kooma 3 at u 4, fecund floor. Kt Callloraia (irc t, ran Frandico, California. An* atoek upon which tbla aaacaament thai! ramain unpaid on tb« fjurtb da; of September, int. will b« delinquent, and adrertlead for •ala at publlo auction, and unltee paymant la mada before, will ba aold oa TUkBbAY, tba twcntj tblrd day of September. 1«». to pay tba delinquent aeaceemeut, together with cuau of advertfelne and aipaua< a «,i aaia. By order of tba Board ol Diractore. J. it BUKFlNuTuN, recreUnr, Office—Room* 3 »i.d 4. lecond floor. MM Cali fornia atreet, Ban Franciicu. cailtornla. 1 / iosi^oi.i i»a tki> mrKUML HIV* y 1NU COMPANY.—Location of principal place of boalna.i, Ban Franciaco, California, location of wotlu, Uold Hnl, Moray couuty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given. tbat at a matting of tba Board of Dlrcctora, bald on tba 4U- day'of Auituit, 1879, an aaeea>ment No. 91 ol Twenty Cente (30.) par abara w.e levied upob tba capital »tock of tba corporation, pejaue lame dlataly. In United »t»u» gold com. to tha Ike ratary, at tba omca of tha Company, Boon a, Ooanopoiuan Hotel, No. KW Buab atraat, Ban Franciaco. California. Any atock opon which aald aaaaaamaet ahall ramain unpaid on thaTkNTU DAY OF HKi* TBVBKK. 1V79, will ba d«llnqnant, and ad vertlaed for ulaat public auction, and unleaa payment la mada barora will ba aold on wKDMKSDAY, tna >lr»t (lit) day of October, Isnv. to par tna delinquent aaeuerment, to* gather w'th coetr or advertlalng and expenrca Of aale. By ordtr of tha B aid of Dlrcctora. W. B DkAN, Bacrriair. Ofice—Rotm 8, No. 301 Buab atra.t. Baa FraocUco, California. 9 T EVIATII AN MINING < OMt'ANY. AJ i ooatlon of pr.ndpal plaoa of tiualcrea. ton Irene aco, Oalllotnla. Location of worka. Gold Dill Mlnlag Dlatrlct, 8t"i>y County, Nevada. Novice la hereby given, that at • meeting of IhaBnaidofDlrectore.beldon the alith day of Auguat. 1819, an aaacaament (No. 9) of Taet.iy fi»- Orate per ehare waa levied npoa t..e capital atock of tee corporation, payable Immediately, In United Btatee gold coin, to tha Secretary,at the offlce of tbe Company, Boom No. I, No. kJU Fine atrtat. Ban franciaco, Cali fornia. Any atock upon which thla aaaeaement ahall remain unpaid on the Niiitb day of B ptem ber, 1819, will be delinquent, and advert lied for tale at public auction, and anleee payment la made befti* will ba aold on Tl X-HjaT. tba Tklrtletb oay of September, 1819, to pay tha da llnqaeot aaaeeement. together with coeta of advertising and ekpenece of aale. By order ol the Board of Oirratoea. F. k. LL'TT, Secretary. Office—Rnnm 8. No. 830 Pine elxeet. Baa Franrleco, Calltornla. 9 AlPHACUXMOLIDATEn MLKIM1 fl COMPANY • Location of woika, Gold BUI. Hiorry county. mat* of Krt«d» L/tcstlon of (Mo. lpal placa of bulla •• a. ha Franrl'CO. California. . . ' Notlca la her* b that at a »••»!»« oMta Board of Dlrretora.bald on the ia»cnth (lib) day ol Aajn't. I STB. an araearnrnt (No lOi 01 Ona (II) parthara wa* kvird npoo tU capl tal alock or tba eorporailon pa»abl« im mediately. In Pnltad Btatae coM coin, to lba Secretary, at lb* nfflca of tba CVmpany, Jtoem No. » Mfada Block, ho. KM Moutf.mary 8U*». San Fnuclrco. Call'rrnla Aar stock npoo which tbl* aM*»»»tnt (ball remain unpaid on THOkNDAY, tbr tletrtnth (11th) daT of Septan btr. IpTV, will b« dellu quant. aLd adeartlead for »ala at public auc tion, and Bl>le»a psymen I U rradt before. will ba aoldon WIDNkBDAY. the 6iM (let) day of October, I8t», to pay tba delli.qnent aseeea mant, together with coau 0/ adiartulaf and "P-^CfltmU WILLIS. Secretary. Orrci-Room No. 19 • avada Block. No. BOB InlMHR •tmt, »an FiancUco, C«ltfornU. anBtd . . rpvoiAN ■n»a company.— X location of a>rtuclp«.l place of bualnaaa, Ban mscltco, California Location of works, Oold HID, Btoaay county, Nevada. Notlca la bmby glean, that at a amis* of tba Board of Directors, bald oa tba ltib day of Jaly,»>araamaai (No. Ill of Twtnn Btr* Casts par aban waa .tried open tba capital stock of tba corporation, pajable Uamadlauly, In Untied Bute* told coin, to tba SfBwUrr. at tbs office of tba Company, Koom Monifumarj street, Ban rraadaoo, (JI'uQVDU, Aay atock apon wblcb tbla aaaaaawant aball "pald oo tba 18th day of attest. Mil. will ba dal In quant, and adfanUad tor Bala at public anctlon. and nnlcaa pay man t la made balora will ba told on MUKD7t. tbeSthtf»y of Bepuaber. 18TB, to pay tha dellnasent neeeenent, together with coau of BdvarUftnc Bad azpanasB ot sal*. , By ordai of tba Director*. . • .0^,0.