Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS 7KIBAY* AMBIT St. 181t. ■TtCK ■■rtiv. uit «T**mo. 900 Raymond A El*. 70c, Mo 233 Eoreka Con., 1C\ 43 Belmont, 73c 170 K. K. Cod.. 1 300 Leopard. 30a 330 OUt. 33c 1080 Hum*?. So 100 Northern Belb. 3H. 3% 200 Manhattan. ]»,] S3 43 Grand Priae, 3>» 1130 Argenta. KOc. 73c 320 Narajo, 23c 300 Independence, 9 13 200 Morning Star, 40c 400 Tueoarora, 3c 1170 Belb bio. 4 20. 4 30. 41 <00 Endowment. 30c 173 BilUido. 1 40. 1H 70 PindiM. 2 93 100 Keal l>ol Montr. 2 300 Albion. 13o 73 Walee, Vl 1420 North Belt* ItU. 4So. SOo 4000 Big Prlso i Humboldt), 30c 100 Bodie. 10',. 11 133 MoCUnton. 1. 03c 430 Tioga. 3 60. 3 63. 3 «0 30 Bammit, 1 70 33 Balwer, 8% SOO Oriental, 40c 230 Belvidere, 80c 180 Champion. 43o 100 Bbckbawk. 1 03 330 Bookor. 1 20.1 * 200 Queen Boo, 30c 370 Mono, 7V 7H 380 Con. Pactllo. 7 SO Unlveraity. 23c 60 Dudloj, 1 03 80 Jupiter. 2 10 730 South Bulwer. 33o. 60c 1290 Addenda. 30c 393 Noonday. 3H SO Double Standard, 40c 100 Mammoth, H\ 100 Boa ton Con., 1 33 #40 Martin White. 2 30. 2 33 SOO Bodie Chief, 33c 100 Leeda. 70c 230 Tiptop, 90c, 83c 10 Qianl and Old Abe. 3 H 30 Vortex, 63c Till MOMIMO. 133 Ophlr, 36*. 3* aw Mexican, 34. 34*4 140 Ooaltl A Carry. 11H. US l»3 100 Beet A Uelchcr. is* 443 California. 4 Hi. 4 93 290 Savage. 1«H. 14S. 14H 790 Poto*l. 3. 4 90 303 Con. Virginia. 4 S3, 4 SO 330 Cbollar, 340 Hal* A NorcroM. 14*4. US 403 Crown Point. 3 HO. 3 V 100 Yellow Jackal. 13 V. 13H 2343 Imperial, 1 <4 173 Ken tack, 4. 4 20. 4* 20 Alpha, 24>* 230 Belcher, 4 60. 4 33 100 Conldene*. 10<% 123 Hierra Nevada. 41V 42 20 Utah, 18 1210 Bnllion, 7*4. 7* CO Exchequer. OSi. 6H 10 Overman. 230 JoaUce. 3. 2 93 10 Beg. Belcher, 24 900 Succor. 10c 73 Union Con.. H. 34* 233 All*. 6S 130 Lady Bryan, 33c 300 J alia. 4 20, 4* 90 Caledonia. 1 90. 1 Si 100 Silver Hill. 1 33 1S00 New York. 70c, SOc 3C0 Occidental, Bto. 73c 80 Wood*ille. 40c 210 Lady Waehingtoo Con.. 1 13. 1 20 130 Crown Point Ravin*, 23c 300 Baltimore, 30c 110 Andee. 93c. »)c 173 Ward. 1 83 370 Scorpion. 3*4 200 Leviathan, 23c. 30c 110 Benton Con.. 3 s3. 3 90 270 North Con. Virginia. 8 280 Cos. Dorado. 1 70 270 North Bonanza, 1 40, 1 45 30 Oeo. Doaglau. 40c 830 Flowery. 33c, toe 800 Pluto*. 1 90 233 Mackay. 1 1330 Soath Utah. 3c AmvaM MM leralai. A W Pray. Sam Adam*. J E McDonald. Mr* P Coleman. F B Lyle. T J Hunalon. Bo hex I Ande, Thoe Bar km, Mr* ltenaon, Tho* Smith. 0 M Stewart. W H Long. D S Croaaman. J William*. B J Clark. J a* Kelly. L B Murphy. Dr Brierly, Clinton Collier. P F Boyce. Mre McCloud. Mr* J H Whitehead and children, F Da via, Mr* Hadaon, E S D*vU. ffepanar** LmI Kvtelai. O M Stewart. C J Pollard. J Buahard. J Brown, B Thomaa, J W Boberta, J Brigga. Tho* I Wed. J L CallUon, D U Whyland and wife, S U Marietta. M C Sullivau, J £ Uammond, J D French. ripeCa Oinra Hwm. Manager Piper ha* concluded arrange menu with Manager Maguire of San Franciaco (or the appearaon* here next Ta**d*y of Mrears. O'Niel and Morri son. Mia* Jeffrey-Lewi* and a fall dr* statu company. Tb* company will play "Diplomacy," "The Banker'a Daughter," and all the piecM which have been ao eiMcraalul at Baldwin'a recently. Oar people are ready for * Mule of tb* legitimate and tb* foregoing will aait them. Scttlxi>.—ThedilBcuItiee ao long sun rounding the Succor Mining Company b«T«, mti the San Francisco JW. st lti< bwu satialaotorily imsgti), and it ia propoeed to reeume work in the mine. For this pnrpoaa a small aaaaaamanl will ba levied. tba entire procerds ol which will b« deeoUtl lo lha development ol the niina, in tha hopa that eomething favorable will place tbr property on a better footing. Fuar 8*0 w.—The mouotaiue of tha Coao rang* warn whit* with enow yea terday morning. Paaaengera who ar rived by yeaterday morning's train atata that Mount Iioae and moat ol tha moan Uiua to tha wcat ol Waaboa * allay wara blankatad with uow, and that a oold rain tall at Lake Tahoa nearly all day laat Wednesday. Ektcbtaimxixt.—Thar* will ba a lit erary entartainmant and dance at Na tional Goanl Hall, Virginia, nest Tbura day evening, at which a prise ia offered lor tha moat elegant calico dreea worn by any lady present. Musioby Varney'a band; ticketa. $1. C. W. Matthewa ia 41reetor ol tba entertainment. Ticketa bave baeo forwarded to the News. Maxt. OiLuaru, over the way, baa all the lata papere and periodicals. lie baa acbool book* alao, and the new •pellera which have been introduced by order ol the tttate Board. Tba children w 11 need one ol theaa new apellera Monday when acbool opena. Get aoae ol hie new music, etc. CsiiLts Tioxreox has attached the Vandarbilt Con. for 9144, and Tbomaa Fitzgerald haa dittoed lor a like amount. The mina adjoins tha Hayward Con., tb* Melbourne, Tucker, South Call lank, tba Alao, Coamopolitan, tba |*we*7 and Prospect. PRITCHMD'S EXAMINATION. to r«MllM WllkMl Ml-ll lUr«*M to lik* • ItoiMMl ItalMN rrlutort Dm* Id Km* Aajiktoi The examination ot J. T. Pritobard (or the murder of Officer Symona, July SI, on the Divide, waa bald before Jus tice Flannlngham today. The priaonar appeared vithont eoanael, but his rights vera carefully guarded by the Court, who informed him of hia privilege* at each atep ot tha proceedings. The priaonar appeared pale, nervoua and emaciated, and haa in hia right arm a conaUnt reminder that " tha way of tba tranagreaaor ia bard." Miitreaa Pritobard waa preaent and waa called on to testify. 8ha still plaja tba nimble wench admirably, but today waa narrona; ao nervoua, in fact, that aha oould not at flrat aign tha taatimony aha had given. That teatimony ia peculiar, and a direct contradiction, in many eeeential particu lar*, of that whieh aba gave at the Cor oner's inqneet and at her own examina tion. No wonder aba could cot algn it. The only wonder ia that aha could give it. The circnmatanoea ot the murder were detailed as they have already appeared in fnll in thee* oolnmna, by J. A. 0. Moore, A. J. Littell, D. D, Donovan • ft ft Hnnnar Following ia Miatreea Pritchard'e tes timony: My lawful una* ia Mra. Wood worth*; I know defendant; I waa living with him July 91; waa in Mra. Caaey'a honaa at tha lima Offloer Symona waa abot, but not in tba room; Bymona waa in tba bouaa several minntaa; I beard aoma word* and than abota; I waa in I front bedroom at tba tima; I aaw Officer Symona fall; 1 waa tben going from tba bedroom to tba kitchen; it waa in the kitchen that ho waa abot; I waa on tha porch in front of tha honaa when Officer Folaom came; I went in the hooae when Foleom did; don't know where Pritch ard was when Folaom came in; never aaw Pritchard after I apoke to him in the kitchen; I aaid at that time, "My Ood! John, aae what you have done;" he replied that he had to do it to aave bia own life; I waa not in the room when Foleom fired at Pritchard; I waa not on the porch before any officer* arrived; Foltom arreeted me; I did not aay on the etreet that Johnny ahot Symona and I waa glad of it and hoped he would die; I did not aee a piatol in the banda of Symon*; when Folaom came in I do not know where Pritchard waa; I am aa pos itive of that aa I am of anything elae I have teelifled to; I have written to Pritchard and be baaalao written to me; I do not know who ahot Pritchard'a arm. The foregoing ia aigned "Mra. Pritch ard," and the aignatnre look* aa if mad* by an octogenarian. It teatiflea to the fearful *tate of mind wbiob ia preying upon thia woman and the terrible oondi tiouof ber nervea. Tba defendant refnaed to make a statement, and waa oommitWd without bail to anawer the charge of mnrder. MHHNtT MOTH. ■*it*n of latere** All tleei Ik* l,*le. New York will commenoe croeacutting the 1400 level next week. At the Julia the aircompreaeor foun dation ia nearing completion and ia be ing drtaeid down for the aola platea which will be put ou tomorrow. The pit tor the new eet of boilera ia al*o wall under way. The Ward building ie getting Ita ven tilator ou, and the whole worka are be ing painted. At the Yellow Jacket the foundations for the new double hoiating engine are tnakiug good progreea. The work of laying the rubble waa commenced July 16th, and today aoue of the worka are ready for the cut atone which ia to un derlie the coping. The immenae yawn ing chaam baa been filled and wall filled. Four car-load* of big timber* are to day being unloaded at the Ward grounda and being hauled to the Forman eh a It. Tbeae timber* are for the brace*, filling, etc., of the gallowa frame, and vary in length from 15 to 60 feet, and are 22 by 28 generally, while aoma are 24 by 30. The Con. Imperial baa aet a full length trestle bent over the south aide of tho railroad track, and ia extending ita dump track- When completed the rock will land 250 feet down the ravine between the two tunnele. The croaacul* which are being ran on the several levela of the North Bonanza and Flowery mines are now just entering the ore body. The cap rock formation of the eastern part of the vein baa been very bard, and the prog re** made in it has been very alow, aa all the drilling baa been done by hand. At last, however, they are begin ning to cut the ore. Yeaterday the croeecut on the 300 level of the North Bonanza, at a point 300 feet north of the abaft, and that 80 feet further north, both cat into the ore. Specimens brought up I eat evening present a better appearance than any yet brought from the mine. Opbir continue* ita favorable develop ment aa the *ump ia carried on below the 24C0 level. Belcher'* big wheel i* in place and ia being tamed down. It ia a beauty. TM Nwik rati. Tlrclala Ml. The bearing of the matter of tba djs solutiou of lb* incorporation of the North Consolidated Virginia* Mining Company, say* tba San Francisco Chronicle of the 38th, *u muotil in the County Court yesterday morning. The plea set up by tba defense is that a cor poration cannot be dissolved while it baa outstanding liabilities. Tba claim of tba gbamo Mining Company was sub mitted in evidence. they alleging that tba North Consolidated Virginia Compa ny hare failed to fulfill a certain con tract, for vbich a valuable consideration has been paid, and for the enfotoement of which claim a anit baa reoently been commenced in the Nineteenth District Court. J. P. Garvey is alao an objector, and claima to be a creditor and stock bolder of the North Consolidated Vir ginia Mining Company. The oase was continued until Saturday, whsa U will come np for flnsl argument. Auatu* tub>.—The railroad company baa done a good work near the Julia works in abating a nuiaanoe there. Tba aewer which caused the ac cumulation of filth baa been run along the edge of the cut and made to empty into the ravine to the north. Every thing is nice there now. ScraumnoxMT McKzvzu, of the Sierra Nevada, is rapidly reooverftg from bia late severe illneee. He waa so much better yesterday that it ia thought be will be able to be out ia two or three days. ▲ ass-tub near Hoffaker's ranch, ia Waahoe Valley, yielded 100 poonda of homy, DISTRICT COURT. ■MM f Ik* JMmm Which WUI Onm Up llmr Owil Cmimn. Caaes have bean placed oa the calen dar and aat for trial at tha naxt aeaaion o( tha Diatriot Court aa follows : caixiMAL CAata. Stata tb. Ah King—aaaaolt and bat tarr. Stata ra. Oao. Mann—malioioua mi* ohiaf. , State ti. Albert Mann—maliciuoa ml a ohiaf. State ra. Al. Yeoman—aaaault and battery. Tha foregoing caaaa are pending on appeal from Jnatica'a oourta. The crim inal calendar will ha extended alter the aeeaion of tha Qrand Jury. CI TIL C4LXXDA*. Sierra Nevada Ta. Allen Con.—Sept. 1; jury trial. Sierra Nevada Ta. North Ophir—Sapt. 2; jury trial. Sierra Nevada Ta. 8olid Silver—Sept. 3; jury trial. Sierra Nerada Ta. Oold Lead Gold and SUTer Mining Company—Sept 4; jury trial. C. Derby Ta. Wm. N. Laata—Sept. 8; jury trial. A, J. Welch Ta. Eii Kica—Sept 8; jury trial. Sag. Belcher Ta. Robert Apple at al.— Sept. i>; court trial. Milee Goodman at al. Ta. North Ophir —Sept. 'J; jury trial. American Miniog Co. tb. Europa— Sept. 10; jury trial. Janette Lynch tb. Sierra NeTada— Sept. 11; jury trial. Thornaa Smith tb. L. T. Fox—Sept. 12; jury trial. Bartholomew til nan vs. onanio aim ing Co. -Sept. IS; jury trial. Narad* Bank of Sau Franoiaoo t». Joaapb F. Aude—Sept. 15; oonrt trial. B T. Brodek, Adminiatralor, v*. J. W. Wilaonat al.—Sept. 16; court trial. John Steel at al *». Gold Lead O. k 8. M. Co.—Sept. 17; jury trial. Oaorga llaofarlane va. E. J, l'aamora —S«pt. 18; Conrt trial. Louis Branaou va. Jamea Cumniinga -Sept- 22; jury trial. Joaeph F. And* va. KnUrprm Publiah ing Co.—Sapt. 23; jury trial. Thaddeua B. Boyoo va. J. C. Hamp ton—Sept. 29; jury trial. In addition to the foregoing oaaea are aeveral wbioh have been reoeotly placed on the calendar* which will ba taken up in their order or aet (or trial aa reached. VICTORY! Tk« Tlnkm or Ik* moo iiailM ml Ik* Mai* 4k Itrtnw llikMil Tka flood riaalljr Ua^luwI. Thlf forenoon the top timber* of the itktion on the 2300 level of the Hale Jk Norcroiui were eeen tor the flrat time in over three and a half year*. The die tance on the incline from the 3100 level of the 11 ale St Norcroaa to the 2200 level la 135 feet, tha iodine haviug an angle of 44 degreea. The atation aet la 10 feet higher, and thia forenoon the water itood 125 feet below the 2100 level. Thia la a virtual victory of the pampa over the flood, and worthy of a general rejoioing. At the Savage the angle of depreaaion of tbo incline ia 3d';. Thia aoconnta for the different measurement* given week after week in the official lettera and reporta of the two minea. The water in the Savage waa at the time above mentioned 140 feet on the alope below the 2100 level and the water would have to be lowered aome 15 feet more before the 2200 atation would be dry. In oar mining report of Wednee day mention waa made of the raiae el iding in the connection drift of the two mince and it waa cited aa a reason why the Hale k Norcroaa would be drained flrat, the water coming originally from the Savage. Both minea will almoat certainly be drained oast week. There fa great curi oaity to aee the fountain head of all thia immenae flood of hot water and doubt leea all will want to take a look at the ledge. The Nawa repreeentative haa already been invited to do ao and baa accepted Superintendent Qillette'a invi tation. John Qiluo haa deeded to the Oooi dental Mill and Mining Company, in oonaideralion of $1, an undivided in terval of 31 feel in that certain mining ground on the Branawick lode koowo aa tha Occidental, embracing ] .700 feet, located by Lewia Bey no Ida March 37, 1803. A bpecial tbain took the Haverly Minatrela from Virginia City to Bono in one hour and twenty minutee, the quick eel time ever made over the Virginia and Truckee Bailroad. So aaya the Beno Journal. The Sad Frauciico Stock Report says: It la thought th« bonuuxa mints will pay no dividends nest month, aa both car ried over a smaller aurploa than lor eome time. A Urmia a J J reused aa (ollova la held for postage in tha Qold Hill Postofflce : John Barry, Ballino, Kellia Island, Ca hirciveeu, County Kerry, Ireland. The Court-house haa been renovated Iron) top to bottom and looka better now than when tnrned over to the County Ooniuisaionera by Peter Burke. Stephen J. Field, of tha Supreme Bench of the United States, will hold Court at Caraon City next Monday. The Chollar and Potoal have each lev led an aaaeaament ol fifty cents par ahare. The Crown Point aaaeeitmeut of $1 la delinquent October 1. County Clerk McDonald haa re turned. She waa really charming, and aeemed to enjoy very much the quail on toast, until her pearly teeth atrnck a couple of ahot; then her countenance ohanged, her expreaaion became wratby, and aba aaid : "It la too mean to leave thoaa nasty ahot in tha birda." "Why," re marked he, "they are good for the di Cation," "Yea," aaid aba, "that may , but I don't want to die jeat in that way." ____________ ▲ clerk in Holyoke spent six boon in a refrigerator tha other day, having been impriaoned by miatake. He felt on coming out aa tbongh he had juat been entertained at a fashionable eh<U0h aoolabla. Tei London newspapara tell of a belle who paid W to have the initlala of her lover tattooed on bar arm, and later, having quarreled with him, waa offering $500 for a meaoa of obliteration. km individual who called hia first daughter Kate, when hia wife mrpriaad him with another girl, promptly ohiit teoad bar Duplicate. EASTERN DISPATCHES. [ancui «o t«i mlb aut daily nwi] Yleva of the lew York Freu. N*w You, Aug. 29.—The jEWlny Et prtu od the ■booting says : Undoubt edly Kalloch i« uo better than ha onght to b«. Ha ia paying tha penalty of methods which no good dtizan ahould have adopted. Hia oonduct ia indefen aibia, yat his rankling words and axoiting appeala to popular prajadioa and paa aion, do not juatify aaaaaaination, and bia aaaailant acted tha donbla part of a ooward and would-be murderer. Il dtea the caae of Dixon in Miaaiaaippl, and andeavora to ahow tha parallela of tha two oocurrancM. It ooncludaa that neither the Democrats nor BepubUcana can afford to juatify aota of violenoe, and neither party doea attempt to juatify tbem, 8outb, Weat, nor anywhere. Tha Comtntreial Advtriltr aaya: Im agine the condition of affairs that muat exist in a oommunity whiob oan be ao moved over auch a quarrel. Two vul gar, indeoeut wretches who have ex bauatad everything vila they oould aay of aaoh other, turn to their parenta. One digs the otber'a father from the grave in which ha ba^ lain for over thir ty years, and tbs other aaaaila tha purity of the mother now over aeventy yeara of age. Waa there ever auch a hideoua apectaole ? Yat it ia aaid that tbla quar rel ia to decide the polltioal daetiny of San Franciaoo. The people of Califor nir muat bluah for their State. The ntnua s»ys: u any iirmir or planter bu dona ao wall tbia year that when be bu told bia crops be finds him self with money to epajre, let bim buy land. That ia a till oheap almoat every where, and it U alwaya aafo to own real eatate bought cheaply or at a fair prioe in a well settled and law respecting com munity. We ahoald not adviae anyone to bay laud either in Uiaaisaippi or Cal ifornia at thia time. The people of thoae Statea do not aeem to think muoh of lawa or of the righta of othera, and it la well to keep away from there nntil they get done shooting. The Commtrciai Bulletin uy>: Until a different order of things ia established iu California, one of the finest Utatea of the Union muat be regarded aa having reached ita culmination. Until a change oocues Han Franciaoo can oniv be re garded aa a way atatioa on tne route from the Pacifllo to the Atlantic, and all hopea of buildiug on oor western fron tier a great and wealthy empire must be poetpoued. Capital and enterprise look upon that State with profound distrust, and it cannot be long before the preeem atate of things develops into acriaia. Bitting Ball and Otker IndUn Trouble*. Niw You, Aug. 29.—A WorUi special from Winnepeg, Manitoba, m;i: Tb» aituation Id the Canadian Northwest ia grave, and daily becoming mora critical and oomplicaUd. The Creeae, a power ful tribe, who have repeatedly proteated against Sitting Bull's bonting buffalo on tbeir ground, and have been paoifled with aaaarancM tbat he would soon re turn to tbe United Statea, are reitive under tbe rapid extinction of the game, and 2,000 warriors an in a threatening attitude. Tbe American Indiana have slaughtered all the buffalo south of Bat tle river, and the buffalo have fled south, or to tbe limits of Ath abaaka District. The deatitntion of tbe Canadian Indiaua ia extreme. Many caaea of cannibaliam have been reported, and one or two of the Hudaon Bay poata have been plun dered by tha eurving aavages. Lient. Oov. Laird, whoa* seat of government is at Battleford. has aant bia family into Winnepeg, and his position ia very crit ioal. Three weeka ugo Chief Indian Commieaioner Dawdney endeavored to arrange mattera with Great Bear, who consented to keep qniet till tha Govern ment had Anally decided on tha oonrss to pursue. Bitting Bull's band waa re moved north of Wood Mountain, bat iaolated oonfliots were going on between them and tb* Canadian Cress and San teanx. A dispatch arrived from tha po lice at Fort Walah today, aaylng that they anticipated very serioua trouble. Colonel Osborne Smith, in oommand of tbe Canadian foroca, leavea for the scene of trouble on Friday. Tha polios fotoe number 450 men, and tbe Canadian Government ia haatily organizing aix companion of mounted infantry. No Particulars have been received of what as happened, but tb* meaaage from Fort Walsh wss most argent. Thsrs are tbre* companies of infantry troops, ons of osvalry and a field battery bar*, all volunteers. Tb* Dominion force wer* disbanded a year ago. Thia ac count represents Bitting Bull's following ss 6,000 men, women and obildron, which ia probably too high an eatimate. The (omlng Ceniai. WAIUtMOTOM, Aug, 29.—-Preparation* for the enumeration of the inhaMtanta of the United State* in 1680, and for the collection of valuable atatiitloa it going forward aa rapidly aa poaalbl*. The law under wbioh tbia work la to b« oarried on providea that tba Seoretary of tbt In terior, on or before tba flrat day of March, 1880, aball appoint one or mora Superviaora of Cenana of each State, but the whole namber in tbeBtatee and Ter ritorial aball not exceed 150. Tbeae Superviaora aball appoint the enumera tor* for the T&riou» counties of tba State. Any oounty eioeeding 4,000 in popula tion aball be divided into diitricte, eo that no diatriot aball oontain mora than 4,000 inhabitant*. Thaae enumerator* aball begin tbair dntieaon tba flrat Mon day in June, 1880, tbaa requiring the work to be done in leea than thirty daya. Tba oompenaation will be two oenta for each inhabitant, two oenta for each death reported, ten oenta for each farm and fifteen oenta for each eetabliahment of. productive induatry. Application for appointment aa enumerator* muat be addreaaed to the Snperriaora of the State whan appointed. Conkllnf Advised to So Blow. Nsw Yob*, Aug. 20.—A Tinut Utica special criticisea the appointment mad* by the Republieana of Roaooe Conkliug aa a delegate (o the BUU Convention. The correspondent uja bit object in going to the convention is to (bow to the oonntry that tba recant evente in the home of bis Bbode Island oonnection do not compel him to keep aloof from public affairs. In thia relation it will not be amlaa to say that the prevailing Sublic aentiment in thia part of tha lata is, that until the Senator has made some aatlafaetory explanation of tbat oonnection it will hardly do for him to aaanm* the rols of absolute dictator, which bs performed with anch sredit to himaelf and disaster to the party in tha Rochester Convention of 1877. That ho will have tha good sens* to take a modsst position wfcloh would become him under the drcumstanoss is, by a majority of the wall-informed psppte hers, regarded as sxtmoaly doubtful, Tke Tel low Ferer. UiMraii, Aug. 29.—The Howard A» eociation yeaterday aaelgntd twenty none* to duty. Edward Keating, for many yean the keeper of Court Square, died of the fever lut night. Two more oaaee were reported, aod ten additional deatba occurred. The thermometer yea terday atood at from 85 to 83 degreea. Three children of John Spretige hare been ill the paat two weeka, bat for pri vate reaaona their namea were not officially announced by the Board of Health. Nrw Oauixe, Auguit 29.—Of aix caaee of yellow fever reported yeeterday from the quarantine atation on the bark Black Prince, from Havana, three died laat nigbt. The others are getting along well. Jim Keeie Blackballed. N«w Yobk, Aug. 29.—Jim Keene re cently applied for memberablp to the Newport Club and waa black-balled. The Evening Commercial eaya: It doea not appear that Keene did anything to offend anybody. He paya bia debts, whioh ia more than can be eaid of aome membera of the Newport Club. He makee money, and that puta him on a par with men whoee eole dietlnction ie their money. We don't euppoae Keene will die of a broken heart, beoauae the Newport Club deniea bim the privilege of putting bia lega nnder Ita mahogany. MlicelUheoni Telefrtmi. New You, Auguat 29.—The Sun't Washington special eays : " Congress man Springer left this city tbii evening (or bis home in Springfield, Oblo., He tbinka Tiiden ie very strong in New York, and if be oarriea tbat State in tbe coming oouteet will bare tbe beet oall (or tbe Democratic Presidential nomina tion. In oaae tbe Demoorata (ail to carry Ohio and New York be tbinka David Davia will be tbe nominee." Tbe Sun aaya : There exists no donbt of tbe (at* of Talmagewben be gate back into tbe banda of bia (allow Preebytera, (or a counting of beada now abowe a majority tbat ia implacably anti-Tal mage, and ready to dtolare bim gollty, and either oenaore bim or to enapend bim from tbe mlnietry o( tbe Preeby terian denomination. WiaaiNQTON, Aug. 89.—Tbe Treaa ory Department baa purchased 070,000 ouncoa of eilver bullion (or tbe mint at Philadelphia. Offera (or delivery at tbe Western ininta were above the market ratee, and all were deolined. Bobtok, Ang. 29.—Tbe ecbooner 8te phen Bennett, (rom thia port (or Balti more, capeized. Captain Bannatt and crew o( five peraona and three paaaen gera are supposed to be loat. Chioaoo, Ang. 29.—All tbe (relght bandlera and truckmen o( tbe Lake Shore Railroad in thia city, numbering abont 300, atrnck yeetorday. The griev ance ia overwork and email pay. Columbus, Ohio, Ang. 29.— At the State Fair yesterday 30,000 whole and 10,000 bal( tickets were aold, making the whole number of people on the grounds nearly CO,000. San Franeitoo Item. Receiving do later new* today regard ing the condition of Kallooh and the aUtaa of Do Young, «r« extract'tbe fol lowing from the San Francisco Pott of yeeterday: Kallocb's Ufa oannot rtally ba aaid to ba oat of danger tor some days yat, bat under lb# moat favorable circumstance* ba mny manage to poll through, and euffer but little from tbe bullet in the future. Tbero may, however, be condi tiona forming where tbe ball is, wbiob, if known, woald present tba com in a very different light from that in whioh it now appear*. Noceeaarily mora or leaa pus baa formed and is still forming around the bullet, and there is no way for it to escape, as tbe bole from tbe aurfaoe is already blocked. Whether the pua exists in • largo or email quan tity cannot ba ascertained, but it is feared that if no outlet is found for it by natural or other channels, inflammation and necessarily pyemia, or blood poison ing, will ensue. This, in fact, is the great danger of the oase, because, if any deoided change for the worse abould take plaoe, there will be no safe means to reach the locality of tba ballet to re lieve tbe patient. At present the most unfavorable symptom in the esse is a fseling of aiokness at Ibe stomach every svening at about 0 o'clock. That is • sign which tbe physicians do not like. Mr. Kallocb aaya that he fears it is pro duced by the agitation to his nerves pro dqoed by the preseuoe of tbe physicians at about that time, and they have de cided to aee him for tbe present only each forenoon, nnless there should be unexpected reaaona for their presenoe st sny other time. In thst caae they will be promptly oalled and aa promptly re spond. De Young, tbe would-be homicide, still remains in hia tank o«ll at the City Prison, which baa been for tbe time converted into a brsuch editorial room of the Chronicle, and baaiea himself with revising the argument* dally launched in hia defense. The prisoner's brother, M. H. De Young, attenda to busineaa as usual, without other protection than that afforded by the carrying of a amali armory in his hip pocket. The Mayor and Chief of PoUoe have determined to continue tbe State militia at the City Hall until Kallooh ia pronounced for a oertainty oat of all danger. The oon elnsion is reached on tbe ground that tbe city bad better inaure itself, by psy ing for tbe militia, agalnat any mob that might sndeavor to wrsak vengeanoe on the oonflned man ia case his viotim disd. ' The Touoheit Boy. Xtcadii (6W.) Trnutcrijjl. Nevada City alill oontinuea oa top of the b«ap. We bo ait the wickedeat and beat men; the bomelieat and bandaomeat women; the biggeet babiea and tbe lit tlest onea; tbe pnreet air; tbe beat whia ky; tba richest minea; the moat inepir ing ecentry—in fact if any other town preenmee to brag about anything It po» aeeaea, we oan alwayi find tbe material right here to go it one better. Oar lateet claim to pre-eminenoe la In the way of unlucky boye. One twelve-year old Broad atreet youngater baa during the paat eighteen montba been tba Tio* tim of a chapter of aooidenta that would make a dime novel writer'a hair atand on end. Within the apeoifled time be haa been thrown from • runaway borae twioe, ooee. being bruiaed almoat beyond the recognition of hie parenta; been kicked in the hand by a borae ao bard that if any peraon double it forty year henoe he oan ahow • gbaatly aoar to prove It; run a pitchfork clear through on* of bia feet, and narrowly eacaped having the lockjaw; and leal but not leaat, let a abovel fall on him day before yeetenUy in aucb a manner that there la a big valley extending right aoroaa the top of hla head. If he keepa on in tbla way a few year* longer he will wake a flrat'daaa newapapar editor. Taxi tout ear o( groan ooro in on* hand or both—the main point la to gal away with the «ora.—Mroif Fm Jim. FOREIGN DISPATCHES l*noui to tu 0'>u> mu. dao.t am.) Kitfaad Paylaf Trihnle. London, Aagut 29.—The Flnandrr U]fi: " One hundred and eeventy-eight tboound pound* in gold ia expected by • eteamer doe at Son than pt on on lha 1st of S«ptamb«r. The balk of tba amount, together with £100,000 recently arrived, will probably go to meet the American demand. A great deal mora bullion will nndonbtedly go to America. It la believed that within a comparative* ly brief epace £3,000,000 will be eent there. Notwithstanding recent expree aiona of opinion to the oontrary, we at firm that the ahipmenta of bonda and iron, or any other commodity, will be quite Inadequate to aettle, for a time, Uie enormoua balanoe which mmt be accumulating on aooonnt of Amerioan food. One hundred thousand pound* eterling were withdrawn from the Bank of England yesterdey, and goea to America." Cabas Insurrection. Havana, Aug, 39.—Two bande of in •urgent! have made their appearance, one in the Holqnin dietrict and the other in the district of Santiago de Cuba. The band at the former plaoe is about 100 atrong. The etrengtb of that at the lat ter place la not known. Neither are beaded by chief* of any importance. Captain-Oeneral Dlanoo has taken ener getic meaaures to put down the insur rection. All the available troop* are pursuing the insurgents. Blotoii Chllenos. Kro Janhbo, Aug. 37.—A diipatcj} from Santiago, the capital of Chill,dated July 31, ssys that serions riots oocurred in that city in ooneequenoe of popular diaoontent at the conduct of the war. The people made a barrioande.ehoutiug, "Death to the traitor Ministry!" Two pereone were killed in the oonfliot with the troope and aeveral wounded. It la reported that the Chilian President has fled to Vina del Mar. MUcellaneooi. London, Aug. 29.—The farmere who sailed from Liverpool yesterdey for New York are from Northern Yorkshire tod Durham. Several of them cen oom msnd a oipiUl of from £500 to £600, while other* here entered into partner* •hip, one group having raised a capital of £1,200. The reporta of tha harvest are daily mora deplorable. At aaveral piacea there have been 30 hours' steady rain. Pabis, August 29.—Tha eleotion at Bordesus will be hsld on 8anday. The Republicans of Bordeaux have resented the proeenee of Kiog Alfonso at Area chon by placarding the town with insult ing referenoe to the King. The police tore them down immediately, and an inquiry has been instituted. Constantinople, Aug. 29.—Tha Rus sian authorities at Odeasa had preparad a grand reception for Haynard, United Statea Minister, and offlcera and orew of tha United Statea ataamer Wyoming, and ordered that the pnblio establish menta ahonld not aocept any payment for expenses'for Americana. Maynard, however, waa obliged to leave Odeasa before the principal feta took place. Zulu Baya and Glrla. Biahop Colenso has rmotived from two Zulu warriors torn* facts about the fighting habits of their nation. Zulus, tboy say, learn to fight at home at their fathers' huts when they are very little; for whou they ara out henlinn cattle two boy* will have a quarrel and fight It ont, or boya of one hut will divide into two partiea and fight with their sticks, or those of one hot will fight with those of another, and eo they learn. They have no idea of potting one foot forward all togethsr like the whit* soldiers; thay just go. The girls lira at homo and work for their fathers only. They may not marry until the king givee them leave. When ha aaaenta they may marry any man they like. But he does not aasent until they have reached a certain age. They are all of thsm en rolled into regimenta. Bo ara the boya. Sometimes the king givea permission to a regiment of young men and to a regi ment of girls at the aama time to get marcl'd; but it do«a not follow that tha men all aecure wivee, as the girls may prefer men of other (previously per mitted) regiments, or the young men msy not possess any oattle, in which osse, of oourse, tha fathers will not give them their girls. New Patbhts.—Dawey ic Co.'a Scitn t[fie Prttt Patent Agency baa received official notice of tha Issue of the follow ing patents to Faciflo ooaat Inventors for ths week ending August 10: J. D. Bruner, San Francisco, safe apindle; B. W. Eaton, WaUouvilla. Oil., spoke tenon auger; J. F. Qeaner, San Fran ciaoo, manufacture of ethyl-chloride; A. Ifonnler, San Franoiaoo, explosive com pound; H. J. Norton and J. Edgar, Sao ramento, feeder for thraahers; P. H. Parsons, Ban Franciaoo, hub-mortising machine attachment; J. J. Verokler, San Leandro, California, pomp operating mechanlam. MISCELLANEOUS^ . m a m a mm ■ aDo )f*i hlVI A Pll'l "OH! w " lay. but trr at ooca IMINM It CM. BACK!" I?I PHRHMLY for DImuh of Um KHniii, Bladdar. ilrtr And Urinary Uffana. Dropay. Oraval. lMa brin. Brt»hf« W«<" of tfca Kldnaya. iBQMUoaact or lUlnuton of I i1n», tod female W«lin»i«. HUNTW UKMKOV baa hw boaa lUMiri !• full. Mqoiutowv, Hurtlnftun 0*.. N. J.,8*pl. U, W». Wm. it. f*T,AMWTi Utor £ArKlgbtWa mootba mo I bad Dropay around lk« laart. Mjr phTfleliM aod maadt daapalrad of myarar gatlidc wall. Tba lift botUa of HUNTS KB MkDY cava ma (raal rallaf. I faal laiaa; rtrj axlaUneo to HUNT'S RBMBDT.and I am daaply tbankfol. ABIGAIL B. OOLBB. Iraiauriho. Efflofham Co.. Oao„ Mar 17,117*. Wm B. Oulbki. Dur iAr: -» praocrlbad HUBrS RtMIDY la a oompllcaUd mm of Dropay wblek I had baan traaUac for rifkt I jearT and I And HUNT S RBMBDT la tba baal madletoa for Dropar aad tba Kldaar* ( kara •rer uaad. WM B. WILBuN. U. D. HIHONT'S clcauaaa, parilaa ffiREMEDY furTamphlet to WM. R. CLAXKK, PaoTtaaci.lL I. HOLD BY *1.1. DRUUUUTM. i lUtud ir i sSKSja.-"5^'-' Mbfi»* M. BALL1TT a 00. ~ 1 illla i ■INIKS' UNIONS PICNIC. GRAND ANNUAL PICNIC AND EXCURSION —orrmm— MINERS' UNIONS STOREY ANO LYON COUNTIES. -wot iaa rtioa *» Tread way's Ranch, Carson, SATURDAY, MPT. «, 1879. CmbIiih mf IWIIMIHl •ILTlrn OITT. Albert WlUUBt. A. UuMll, J. B. Anb.a, Robot Andrawa, Juum Bmp, H. I. UcMaha, W.U. Atkiotoo, T. R. Iter. tiuuu orrr. Rafro* D. Salllrto, Btrt Colfu, J.Tairritjr. H. H. Worruon, r. D Imtu, X. 0. Loftu, W. W. Dunne, 0*0. HAwkM. BOLD BILL. John Wbiu, K. BUwtbmrt. Kdwud KicbuA, D. M-.0*rtbr, D. MePbmoa. A. 0 Pimm, E. O. Lwroo, Tbonua K*Uf. PrHraaai mt Uiaii ii4 Prtsaa. MEWS RiOl (MO yarde).—Plret prlM. • Silver Jewel Ctaket, OMtly lined with till; eea oad prUe for the dm, • Mild BUver Mitck M. BOTH' BACK (110 yarda). — Vint prlM. • Bitot-dill MUm-wlndlng Watck; aecoad pelM, • •olid Silver Fruit Kali*. OIEL8' BACK (14 TMtt and under). 100 ytrde. — Pint prlM, • Silver Cud SmIw, ltocd with (old; Mooed prlu, two abated Sil ver Napkin Bloc*. LADIES' ABCBKBY (thna trrcwe Met; dletance, 40 feet) —Flr»t prlu. • pair of Gold Ou IT Pine la Um form of bb arrow, mounted with Niria; eeeond prlM, a «llver I'lckU stand, with Piekle Knife. WHEELBARROW BACK (blledfolded). 100 jirda.-PrtM, hiixlwxrit lllw Weter PltehM. OLD MEN'S BACK |M yeart Md ovei), 100 yarda.—PrlM, Solid Sllvrrhraded Out. LADIES' RACK (10 ;hii aad otm), 100 Tarda.—Prlu. Silver Cake Bwkti. LADIRV BACK (10 ;mi< aad urtrj, 100 yaitia.—Priaa, Toilet Set. MEOtWIA FBOOTIKQ CLUB — Pint PHee, Pine Cervine Set (Knl'e. Pork aad StMl). Sea ood PrUa, Silver loe Pitcher. THBRK STANDIJUMPS.-PrlM. Solid Balllou Ring, with bMvy gold moaailng. MIUTABT TOURNAMENT.—Te the Mili tary Team making the ho»t econ, |100 la fold coin will be twarded. Teame to coaMat of >0 o-eo. • ehote each. Op« n to all military coupe nlM lo the State. Saoottac to be eoodaeted according to rnlee drclded upon by the Uaptaiae of Ua varlooe coatMtlac Teame. Ta tbe leiiiii Tram of 10 men. • efeota each, making tbe bMt ecore, a bandeome Swing Pitcher and Oobleu. Babject to above ralM. OBAND FlBKMKRft TOUBNAMKRT wllh Bom Omlate.-To be conUated by Team* from the TarloD* Are com pan Im of the State. Km* Team to eoaeUt of 11 mea, dlitance 400 yarda. PrlM, ooe maguiheeat Engraved Holld Silver Trnmprt. Plramen'e eeeond race with J on per; PrUa, plain SUvm Trumpet. DOIIKT UAOK.—DUtanee. 000 varde. iMt donkey la to wla. No man to ride kit owa donkey. Tea doakeya to ester or ao ibm. Pint PrlM, tao gold coin; second PrlM, Toa of Bay, presented b* Mat. BoIibm of Bowen' Maneloa. pinner satctt.m u>« tr*u ia chart* of ra:iabl* coodactora. Xo Improper cbaraota/a will ba aJlowad !a Uw cart or oa tba groaada. Music by Professor Cora's Washington futrd Band, -AND BY PROF. HOSKINO't BOLD HIU BANS. • Tha Daaea Ball will ba fraa to all.ja « of tha floor diractor ail aaatttasi floor Partia* boldln# tzmnlooa tlekau vtll baad* aitta* fra* la all paria of tha groaada km* ■ taaaa. rarUaa not boldJa* trcaraloa will hachariad ft admlaaloa to tba Tba UtlnwiU laara Virginia City hi 1:4$. a. Mm had Gold HUl lilitifc : Mi*, -j.*