Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS I TUI8IAT, : 8EPTEXBIB It, 1879. T1M1M1A * TRUCKS* tilUOAD TIM* TABLK. FOE IU r*AJtCISCO. Tkrnn-jk /W«j»r Mail and Rrpn— Train —Lmtm Virginia ilallj at 6 r. x. and Oold H1U at 8:13 r. x.; Mound House, 8:43; Carton, 7:33; 8 team boat. 8:37. On svsry day except Saturday connects with Li-jki nimg Bxpr—, leaving Iteoo at 9 t. m., arriving in Ban Francisco at 11:10 a. M. on following day. On . Saturdays oonnecta only with OnrUnii Train, leaving Beno at 13:03 a. v., arriving in fen Fran sisco via Stuokloo at 3:13 r. K. on tbs fol lowing day. Htunimg, leaves San Franeiaeo at 4 r.x., arriving in Carson at 9:03 a. m.. Oold HU1 at 10-J0. and Virginia at 10:40 a. K. on Uw following day. Local, runcrau nun. for Cam* **<i Krtut (ifumima)—LmtW Virginia at 7 JO a. and Oold HU1 at 7:43 a. v., arriving In Reno at 13:18 r. *. far Cartun ( Afllrnoon) — Leaves Virginia at 3:30 r. u.. and Oold Hill at 3:43 v. K. Rttaraiaa, leavts Beno at 7:43 A. K., arriving In Chdd Hill at 1:13 r. and Virginia at 1:301. a. Leavs Benj at 1:30 r. x., arriving in Oold Bill at 7:00 r. K.. and Virginia at 7.1ft ML SUtpinj Car leaves Carson for San Fran •isoo, via Valklo, daily sxospt Saturdays, at 7:33 r. v.; ttaturning. lsavss San Fran •Lsoo for Carson, via Yallejo, daily sxospt Bondsys. at 4 r. at. OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. WIDE 4W4KI ADTUTHItt was TMitri tuuut. Advsrtlalsc Msni Cuatss Baa*. ■>— frslw as4 fmntlti r«l tow-That hi Iks gaysrtsass si All Wis* nsvs fried Ik axusekents. Plpera' Oper* Hou**. Virgin!* City. BANKERS. Agency V-rula B ink of S*n Franciaoo, I 0 lUMl, Vtrgiula City. Bank of Virginia. 74 South 0 atwat. Virginia Oily. BROKERS. L. P. Drexler A Co.. offlc* la Odd Fel low*' Building. Virginia City. L. B. Frankel A Co., Xain street. Oold | Bill. T. n Ralston, M*in street. Oold Hill. T. U. XcOurn, 100 South C street. Vir ginia City. Douglasa A Thompson. S3 South C street. Virginia City. W. U. Clark* A Co.. 31 South C atraal. Virginia City. CLOTHINO AND FURNISHINO OOODS. | 8. Aronaon. Main street, Oold Hill. Bannar Urn*., Corner 0 and Taylor | ilmu, Virginia. DRY OOODS. A1«X. Cohn, Odd Fallow*' Building. | Oold Hill. ClOARS AND TOBACCO. O. H. 0*11 up. in Maynard Block, Main street. Oold Hill. X. X. OiUeepia, oppoalta Nivs offloa, Main * treat, Oold Hill. DENTIST. E. A. Bra water. No. 1 South C *tre*t, Virginia. A. Chapman. 130 South 0 street, Vir ginia City. FANCY OOODS. X. X. Qilleeple, Xain itreet. Oold H1U. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Oold HU1. | Qaorg* Emmet, proprietor. Fulton Foundry, on the Divide, W. B. Eckhart. Superintendent. Virginia Foundry, on Railroad, near Julia mine. Virginia City. Fraaar A Cum Ming*, propria tor*. FREIOHT DELIVERY. Thomaa Oall*gb*r, office near railroad depot, Oold HilL OROCERIES. PROVISIONS. ETC. Alt. Cahan, Xain street, Oold Hill, opposite X*ynard Block. V. Lemary, Xain • treat. Lower Oold Bill. F. W. Folsom, Xain street, Oold Hill. Kiohard • Xeroer, Xain street, Oold BUI. J. A J. B. Xallon, C (treat, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Oold Hill Bakery and Restaurant, Xain atrasl, Oold HiU; J. P. Becker. Pro prietor. City Bakery, 97 North C street, Virginia City; Ftumeier A Armbrust, Propria loft. HARDWARE. 0*U*tln A Folaom, Xain (treat. Oold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioneer Laundry, north of Virginia City; O. W. Hall. Proprietor. X ARRET. L. T. Fox. Xalu itreet, Oold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. Xatt. X. Gillespie, opposite Nrwaoffloe, Xain street, Oold Uill. PHYSICIANS. Dr. J. U. Hall. Xain street. Oold HiU. RAILROAD. Virginia and Truckee, from Virginia and Oold HiU to Carson snd Reno. SALOONS. Fashion, Xain street, Oold Hill; Chris. VTsldsmsnn. proprietor. Capital, Xstn street, Oold HiU; C. Enos, proprietor. Bank Exobange. X vin street, Oold HIU; F. W. XoKenury, proprietor. Oibaoa's, Xain street, Oold HU1; W. D. C. Oibeon, proprietor. Columbus Brewvry. Xain street, Oold Bill; D. H. Davis, proprietor. Sensla. Xain strvet, Oold HIU ; 8am Boutbworth. proprietor. RHAVINO AND HAIR DRESSING. Pioneer 8liaving and Hair Dreaaing Sa loon ; C. Pohl, Proprietor, Xain straat, Oold HiU. WOOD AND COAL. Thomas O alias her, near railroad depot, Oold HU1. ORDINANCE NO. 113. AN OSDINtXCK I* Ai'kwli. tbe Is. •• Bra af far ill* fariea* el SHUtal Nm«< M " r4r»m n4 fae cal U-ad.Me. M *T Km Tawa af Geld MU| (pMMd Angnat t, ir»] rpai board or thcstibs or oou> " UUI d • oid»n: ••■a I Tbe Preeli] at tad Clerk Of the Board •f Traet-ee uf tb • Town of «<ol« Bill in here MtbarU d an it reqilivd to laMe Bowie of the Towu of Ouid Bill In tb* earn ofTea tboo ■Md Dollar* r nit. d n»t-. gal i t Jlo. •ae. I roe eald Hood, .ball bo la (Mb tana ao tbe rreetdeai and Clerk of eald Board iV". T 10 ,a* •**« «»•* «*• Town of I told U ill Is b .Bad tad boldea aad will p«j to Iba Solder ur «Ud b>iid». be wa of ■oaaj aaaal ibtreis. ou tba lttb dsf *' Aagaet. A. U. Ml. wttti iut«re.t thereon, el Ibe ratr of DOS per coot, per month. t'nlted statee gold cola • murret oayablo quarterly. *~a. (. tba leooej receleed from tb* es'e of said Boads (ball be a«ed for ibe p .rpoae of i*. dtiialnr Bsiud .to. M of tba Town of Uold UUI Boa. 4 This Ordinance to take effect an! be la roroe fwa aad after lu paeaam and oaa week's pabUcauoa la tba Oou> Mil I Dallt L T. rox. PreeUeat of tba Board of TrasUaa of tbe Town of Mold Bill. Altaat: W. O. Htm. dark of lb* Board oa BMtlna Ordltaace ho read, vas passed by tba fo low in* vote: A yea—Trwstue WooUer. Usncbey. Itnary. sad PreeIdeal Tot. Abaeat—Traetee Mercer. ajl W. 0. HTUB. Clerk of tba Board FlUTIie. GOLD ITTT.T. "DAILY NEW8" NEWSPAPER • •••AD.i** JOB PRINTING % ESTABLISHMENT. lain Street, Gold Hill NEVADA B—kSj Pupkkls, Receipt Books, BUI Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blasks, Brokers' Blaslts, Election Tickets, 411 Kinds of Card Work, Mlllll STOCI CERTIFICATES. ELECTION 0& THEATRICAL POSTERS Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Circulars, Ball Tiokets* Wedding Cards, Baaineaa Cards, Labels, Tags, Eto. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy;' Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS AND OISPATCI tl»*UVOI* MOST REASONABLE TERMS LOWEST CASH RATES. Gold Hill Daily News, (ESTABLISHED » IMS). It poblUbed rrery maiif iicipt Saaday. aad lU circa latloa being »«ry general aM extenilve udooc bIdIsc aad bUlllMN poop.#, SfcmlirH, etc., make* tt TDE BEST AND atom unaiNT medium MINING. BUSINESS. AND ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUSINESS MKN. PROFESSIONAL MM, PRACTICAL Mill, An reepectlfcltr tartted to a carefai imapecUoa aad crtudam of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Kaaki for Advertlalaa Faralefced Free THE GOLD HILL NEWS, rmST-OLASS DAILY paper b thoroogklT Identified with tke beat ta Ure»U of the coaatqr, ana all cli«a»« of EVERYBODY READS IT. ...onit tn THE aad OUR Weekly Mining Suunary CiblliM irtrj Wadwday la Um Viva, it caiafally pnparad bom tba mmt Aoraaa tm sotraeaa, private sad otbrrwtM, oa ih« day of publication, anptoylac aa abb aad afflclaot carp* of rrportm. It t« uolrertaJlT r«c»<cDiM<i •• official, aad la* ■oil AuacT aad »■«».■>■ aa roar of Um eoadltlaa of tbo biIdm of tka Ooaaroc* or "Wuni" taction. Wa alao gtaa tka Utaat slain* tafcxaatioa obuiaabla trom otter part* of tka coaatrj THE Gold Hill Dally News la dattvatad by cantata tkioagkoat Oold BUI. Vbttala City. Caraaa. Bthrar City. Daytoa, aad coetif*oailoca&UM, aad la Mat by mall to all parts of tka ooaatiy aad tka world. Hooaatafttlly poatad.or ay ta tka Omm wkodoaa —traadtksQacalni Phit«hw». LMAL SHERIFF'S MIL BT TIKTUX or AH KXtCUTIOIf IBS USD oat of tha OUtrlet Ooart or tb« Plrel la dlcUl DUuiot. la ud for the oounty of Btoiey, Stat* of Ntndi, duly tlleeted, on the M day of September, A. 0. 18T9, to me directedIM delivered. la a eaitala action to Mid Coart. wherein K B. MltcbalL plaintiff. recovered lodgment agalntt South Oomatock Gold and ■Uver Mlalag Company, a oorporailon. dafend aal, on tha lit day of September, A 1>. 1879, for tba mm of 1*89 SO. with IntarMt thereon at the rat* of ten par oaoL per jaar from Anrn t Bib. 1874, until paid, toolbar wltb coata of aatt taxed at <141 M, and Clark'* aecmlag ooata nov amounting to tba torn of fl, and all accru ing coata and exp*aaee of ial«. By virtue of •aid writ of eiecatlon and In punnaoce of tba atatata In aocb eaaa mada and provided, I bate, oa tba M day of September. 1«79, levied upon aad takan la ex»eutlon, all tba rtfbt, ittla aad later at wklab tba aald defendant baa la aad to tba following dead 1 bed quart* ledge or mining claim or recti part thereof aa Bay be found to 11a within tba I mlia ot Storey ooonly, Bute ol Narad*, to wit: Tbat certain Mining claim aad real property d-elanated by tha 8 array or Men eni aa lot Mo. SB. embracing a portion of tha aaat halt of Oectioo eight if). la Tow nab I p tlx taan (16). north of Baage Tweaty-oae t*l), aaat Mount Dlabio meildlaa, In tha Devll'i Qtte Mining Dletrlct, la tha coo ot lea of Lyon aad Slurry, aad Stale of Nevada, la tha Dtatrlct of landa aubiect to eata at Oaraoa City, ambraelag t air teen (11) acrea aad three hBadredtha (1-100) of an aor* of land mora or laaa, tad a cording to tha rotaraa on «le ta tha General Lead Uffloa, boaodad and deacrtbad and platted aa follow* with magnetic variation at alxteea (18 degreee, thirty (*>) mlautea aaat. ta wit: Beglanlog at Poet No. 1 located oj the weat aide of Gold Canyon, about three hundred (100) feet aoath of Plooeer mill, trom which quarter eectlon oor ner oa weat boundary of boctloa Nine (•), la Towuablp Sixtaeu (II). north ol Mai ga Twenty one (II), ea>t Mount Diablo meridian, bear* north eighty two |U) degree* aatt at tha <Ua taace of eight handnd aad tan (BIO) IW. Tbenca from aald Poet No. 1 north Btty BT* (44) degree*, eaat three hundred and thirty-eight (BSD) iart to Poet Mo. a. Thenoe north forty atae (it) degreee weal one hundred aad fifty eight (US) reat aloog the eootUweeterly bnaad ar> of eurvey Mo. 41. latanted to Twin Mlalag Oampany. with their clalin upon tba Twin No. 1. north lode, to poet No. I. Tben.-e noitb for ty-three (43) degreee, thirty (10) mlnuue waet fourteen handled and eevrnty eight (14TI) feel to poat No. 4. Thence aoath forty-els (««) de grace, thirty (BO) mlnntea, weat four hand red and twenty 4JU) feet to poet No. 4 Iheeame belui; at the aouihweetail' corner of aarvey No. 10, patented to the Kobo Hold and Silver Min ing Company with claim a poo the Kobo lode. Tuenoe aoath lorty-tbrae (41) deg'ea*. thirty (BU) mlnntea, eaat, eight band red and thirty-four aad oae-hair (MIX) '*•' to poat No. I. 1 benca north elgl'tr-ooe (SI) degreee eaat, two hundred aad Arty (MO) feet aloog the northerly boundary o' aarvey No. 4B, patented to the Kmlgraut Jr. Company with their claim apon the Twin No. 1 or Ohadder lode, to poet No. 7. Tbenca aoath thlny-threa .11) degreee, thirty (10) mlnntea, eaat til huudred aad nine laen (HID) teet along i he eaaUrly boundary of aald tarrey No. 44, to llie place of beginning—con taining thirteen (II) acreeaad three bandmdthi (11U0) of an acre mora or leea, aad embracing two thousand (l.OiO) linear teat ol eald Com a lock Kda, tog-ihrr with the tenamenta aad ap purtenance* thereto belonging. N t Ice 1* here by given that on HATUKD4T. tha twenty aeventb day of September, A. D. 1B7B, between the bou>* otB o'elock *. a and 1 o'clock r «•. via., at 11 o'clock noon, I will *al> all the right, tl'le claim aad lntereet 't the eald defendant. BOOTH UOMSIOCK GOLD AMD SILVKM MINING company, of. ta and to tha above deeenbed p'opcrty, or eo much thereof ta may be neceeetry, lying within the limita of Storey county, la t rent of the Court Ilouee door* in Virginia. Storey coualy, Nevada, at pabltc ano llon. for caah la hand, to tba hl*beet aad beat bidder, to tatiaiy ttld n ecu lion aad all coata, la United St*tea gold ooln. C. WILLIAMSON. Sheriff of Storey county, Nevada. Rv M. J. MoCuTcaaa. Deputy Bberlff. Virginia, September 4, llnV. 4 SHERIFF'* SALE, far Dflliimi Tun far tfca Flaeal TTHnitR AND BY VIRTDI OF BIX Dlf. U PKKKMr KXK0DT1ONS luued ont of tba Ju«tlc«'e Oouriof Gold UlU Townablp Mo. S. of the Town of Gold Hill, conoty of Storey, BUM of Nevada, to me duly directed tad do liv*red. daird Anguat 18. A. D. 18711, upon all different indumenta recovered In itld Ooort on the llth day of Auguat, «. D. 1878, and on re eord In »ald Ooort, In fa»or of the Htata of NtYbti. plain.Iff. and agaln»t thu following baaed defvodanta and real ••taia, and paaaua 017 claim* and Improvemrnt* tbereon. together with coata and axp*na*« of tala. And In pur •oatic- »f law 1 thai) czpOM tor aala at public auction. In front or th> Court houaa <jo >ra. In tba city of VIrilala. S to ray eonnty, Stat* of Nevada, batwtan tba boon of • o'clock a. a. and S o'clock r. u.. via. at 11 o'ol<y.k noon, on THUH*i>AY.tba8ROOND DAT of OOTuBKB. A. O. laTt. *0 tnocb of a*cb parol of land heretnaiter deecrlbed. ttt*tber with tba 1m provemmta tberean, aa aball be nao*a*ary to aatlafy tba (aid exacntlona and all co(t(. In add • olo of the Unlied Mat**. All of (aid property being altaaia In Storey county, Htata of Narad a, and la aeparatrly deacrltxd aa fol ow>, to wit: Uaa La* a d tba following drurlbtd real ratal* and Improrament* therein, altu a t In Oold Bill, Storey eonnty, Nevada, to wit: tl feat of Lot N >. S, Block No. J, Banna C; amount $30 S3 J. P. Adam* and tba following real ratal* and lmprovemeute thereon. (Ilnataln Oold lllll, Blurry county, Nevada, to wit: Lot No. U, B ock No.l, HangeE; amount • 17 BO TboCbowtaa Mining Company and th» fol lowing i*»l .data and improvemcnta thereon. (lluat* In Oold llill, Hiorry county, Nevada, to wit: Tba wa*t of Lot *0. M, B ock No. 8, Banna D ; amount U II Tba Buike * Ilamlltou Mining Company and tba following deecrlbed real ratal* and Improvement* tharvon, (Itnata la (J"Id lllll, 8tor*v county, N> v«da, to wit: Lot Mo. 87. block Mo. 1, Kanga 11; amount 10 10 0. Bagrrty and tbe following real ratate and improtemrnta thereon, alluate In Uold »iM, blor*y county, Nevada, to wit: Lot Mo. 41, Block No. 1, Manga O; amount 31 TO Drnnla Cahill and tbe following-deecrlbed real eetata and Imp-on mania thereon, ■Ituat* la Uold Hill. Storey county, Nevada, to wit 1 Lot No. M. Block No. •, Bang* D; amount 30 80 C. W1LL1AM80M. Sheriff rf Storey Ooaniy. Nevada. By M.J. McCuicaax, llrpcty Sheriff. Virginia, Mar.. Auguat 30. l«7tt. 10 Id SHERIFF'S SALE. TST VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION IMUID JD oni of the District 0 art of lb* FirsI Ju dicial HI-til t, id tad lor tb* roomy or Btorey. State of Nevada, daly stteeted, oo tb* lit d«y of September. A D. IsTI, to m* directed and delivered, la a certa-n act on In Mid Ooart. wherein K. B. MICchell. plaintiff recovered judgment against Booth Ojm'tock Hold and Silver Mli.lug Company, a corporation, dated ant, oa tb* lat day ot September, A. D. lITt, tor tb* aom of $33# (0, with lntsrat thereon at tha rata of ten per o»ot. i er >ear frm Augu-t Mth 18T». until paid. together with coaia of autt, taz*d at till SB. and Clark's accrulnir ooata bo* amounting to ths mm of $J,atidall accrains costs and eipense* of aal*. By vlrtoa of raid writ of execution and In pnrsoanoe of tb* statute In rnch case aade aad provided. 1 have, on the 3d d»y of September. lgT8 l»vled upon aad taken lo execution tha following de*cri>d p*r*ooal property. to wit: 1 onrd wood aboat, S case t*r. 1 table, I s«ove aad pipe, t stand mirror. 1 chair t saw back, 1 ax, 1 Wkaaw, a oil etas, 1 piece rubber, 1 broom, 1 lot old tooia, 1 life 1 la. rope. 1 grindstone, tsaw. bosses. 1 carpao'sr'a box. 1 ear. 1 tub, I abovals, I wheelbarrow I anvil, 1 lot blark.mitb tools 4 ear wheels, I bar* Iron, i stocks aad dies. I lot glaat powder, 1 lot pipe fltticg , 1 eossla, 1 Jack-plao*, I lot Use. t caulking Irons I cold cbleels, n i r tongs. 1 lot old iron • avsll b<m mare, i picks. 1 lamp and refhetor. 1 square, 1 hand saw. | lot old rope. 1 backet (oldj, 1 lad der. 1 plec* timber 8x8x20. I lot boa* 1 Iron ahsave. 1 sledf*. • drills. 1 lot 1 la. rope. 1 lot H la. rope, • orllla. 1 adae. 1 aaw blade. 1 baad rimp, l bunk. 1 straw mattress, 1 pillow (batri, piece trat k Iron U bx giant powder cap*, 1 steel win hoist cable. Notice la hereby given that oa WI'NEJ DAY. TUK TENTH I)at Of BtPTtMBKB, a. D lilt, between tbe boors ol t o'clock a. u. aad I o'clock r M —via i at II o'clock, boob—1 wllleell all lb* risbt, title. cla>m aadtatereet of tt* said Mtadant, BOITU OOM8rOCK OOLD AND BILVtt MININU OOMPaMY. of. IB and to u* above described property, at tbe pretnlee* known aa th. HOISTING WOHSH OF BAID euUTH OOMBTOCK UOH> AND B1LVKR If lit I NO COMPANY, oa tb* hlU la tb* rear or to tb* watwaM of lb* Or Plus OF TBE DkVlL'S GATE TOLL ROAD COM PAXY. la aald * to ray county. State of Xrrada, at public auction. forca»b In band, lo tha high est aod beet bidder, to satisfy aald execution „d aU coats, I. ^RguSSbll. Sheriff ot Storey eosaty, Nevada. By M. J. McCCTOUB. Deputy ihsrlff. Virginia. September 4th, lift. 4 POnTFONBfftNT. Tb* above *al* I* hereby postponed to BAT. URDAY. SEPTf MBEJt J7th. A. D. IT*, at the •an* hour aad plac*. 0. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff of 8lor*y county. Nevada. Br M.McCuttba*. D puty nbtriff. Virginia City. Sept. 10. ICT. 10 #CC A weak tavow own town. |$oattt JlbD free. No rtak. Reader. If yoa wast a beatnse* at which p*t*noa of *ltb*r aex caa make great pay ail Us* tlaM tfcay week, Witt* B^BAJXrrT * 00. PerUABd. K*. innrtmr salib. flORMUDATIO IIPKBIAL III. 1MO 00 UPAKY.—Location of principal place of baalneee, 8*0 Fr*nci»eo, Oallfornle. Location of work*. OoM Bill, oiorej count/, Mmdti Motlce.—There art delinquent opoo tha fol lowing eecri bed itock. on account of aaeeea mint (Mo. I) Larlad on the 4th day of Aacaat, Itlf, tha amnl amoonu act oppotlta tha namaa of Uta reepactlre ehareholdere. aa foi. Iowa 1 Naaaee. Ho. Oertlf. Bfce. AaX Atklnaon, Doad k Oo, Tree uu |io.. Atklnaon, Lycn k Oo. Traa teen. bal tOtns.. ,.l 1 JO I AnnMroni. J I, Traa aa.....MI0....10 » . Armaironf. J L do ...0ril3....l0 3. Bataa D 0, Tnutee 8TM8...100.. Bandar, D AOo, Traataee..8tH1....10 8 . Brook* * Laa.Truiteee bal.9ti08....14... .3(0 Barrett* Walker. Traeteea.889W... 100....3u .. Uamti * Walker do 14401 IU 4 , Barry. WolfaMll k Oo.Trm. bal..15641....11 *10 Bird A Klcooraay 1KS1....51... 10 .. Booker LO M114...190....80 .. Ooffln Jim. True lee 8J498....80....10 .. Ooffln Jaaea do .... 81811....10 t.. Cofflii Jam«t do MM...100....10 Jaaaa do mm... 100.... 30. Jam do 88843... M....10.. Jaaea do 8*108...100....80 . Ooffla Jaaaa do t»408...loo....*). OoOn Jaaea do 8*488....40....10 , Ooffln Jaaaa do 88844... 60....10 . Cone Jantae do fr«41...1(D....I0 . Ooffln JaoMa do 388T8...100....30 . Ooffln Jaaea do MM...too....10 Ooffla Jaaaa do 38141...100....» .. Ooffla Jamea do M03....00....10 „ [ Ooffln Jamea do S9J0S ...H....I0.. Ooffla Jamea do »ns.10.. Ooffla Jaaaa do MM...MO....40 . Ooffla Jaaea do 10.. Ooffla Jaaea do wmn .to....10.. OoiBaJaaee do 008^ ...60 ... 10 .. Ooffla laaaa do JH5I...100....30 .. Coffla J.mea do 40188...100....30 . Ooffla Janaa do 401(0...100....10 .. O'ffl Jamra do aoiai...100....10 .. Oofflu Jaaaa do 40193...100....30 .. Ooffla Jaaaa do 40IM.. 1C0....30 .. Ooffla Jaaea do 40818....10 1. Oofflo Jamae do 4067T....10 3.. Oeklll A Oo E Traa. bel... J8879....S9 T 80 -Croekerk8aydaa,Traa...l&ii8t....t0....I0 , Orocker 6 onydaa do 37884....10,...10 . Crocker k Snydam do l7M*... i0....10 .. Oro kerkttotdam do aaf1M....10 4. Crocker k Baydam do M848......... 10 . Crocker k wqjdain do S1U1...100... 10 .. Clarke W D k Oo, Tro.teee. tflol.........10 , Cloke k l.oveland, Trnaleee.14884....14,... 1. Clota k Loveluid do 81440....40....10 .. Cope. Uhler k Oo, Tra, bal. 49.10....14 6 to Cop., UbierkOo do bal..488l....8t ....840 Oope,UhlerkOo do bal.mot ...10 a.. Cope. Ubkr k Co do bal.U104....10 1.. Oope. Uhler k Co do ....30844....30 4.. OopekDa*l*,Tniateea 14849....SO....10 .. Copeffl Uavl* do ....41/749,..!»»....30 .. Cook J £ k Oo, Tnntee*. ..ltatt.,.,10 1.. 0 >nlee Mr* r tf ..bel..<8411 3 40 Ohlld B F,TraaUa J4*9. 100....30 .. ChildBT, Traatre 38*41....II I.. DoOtflaJeaTbonpaoo,Tre.MIll ...lo 3 .. Dean W K. Trustee 318....44 8 80 Daan VI do bal 410 3 40 DeenWK do 1193...881...17130 Drlecoll O k Oo. Trua, bal.. .3418 8 110 Dtlacoil D k Oo do 3414 4 80 OtaaBonlea M Hill... 100.... 10 .. Dana kaalce M W13...100....*) .. Dana Eunice l( 8TSII...1UO....10 .. Dana aualee If *7114...100....30 .. Dana Eunice M 8111t.,.100....30 .. Olaaad W 11, Traatae 14171... 40 8 .. ► ppatoink Co, Truateee....18000. ..100 ..80.. Beer 8. Traetee mil.. .100....30 .. Friederlcho,Tnutee 41349... It*... 30.. Krlederlch G do 88* 4...100....30.. Krledrrlch O do SMM ..1U0....30 .. PosCW, Traitee 306;J 8 1.. FoxC W do 11913...100....»>.. Fin 0W do 1*143....«)....Id .. Frankel L B. TraaUe 18488....80....10 .. Fry. Naal k Oo, Ta.teoe 9180... .30 4 .. fry. Deal k Oo do 91*1....*1 4.. Fry.Heel k Oo do ,...11483...loo....10 . Fay P 8, Trmtee 84*44...H«l....10.. FlattOJ do nil...100....10 .. FlacaB H, Tnutee ..bal..71414 1... .140 « M IliKMl HA in GUliark OoI,TrUitaaa....l844#...ll«....30 . ulaxlrr 4 Co I do bal..1*918 1 40 Qlailer k Oo I do ...31881....10 t.. Glailer 4 Oo I do ...3tttK>....10 t.. GlaaiarkOol do ...90881...110....90 .. Olaxlar * Co I do ...8n8M...100....90 .. MlaalerkCol do bal. 11114.... 10 3.. Qlulcr 4 Co I do ....9*884....40 • .. Oluer * Oo I do ...97019...100....90 .. Oi'il r k Oo I dJ .. .88193....10....10 .. UlaxlerkOoI do . ..40873....10 » ., Grant B H.Tro»U« 8.WC8....35 8|.. Grant B R do SMUT....I* r„ GrantBB do MM..M Grant■ K do MM# ...31 ».. Grant kR do *?i«0....fci....lo.. a rut x u do r»5« .. OrantKH do 97414....90 4.. uruiiR do nan....10 Grant BR 878*1 B J .. Qrant IB do rm s 1.. Greet In do i;m« g 1 Gnat * R do 97tOI • 1.. Grant IR do S71M8....30 4.. urutIK do Stool I....].. Grant B B da SM70.. .10....10. Grant RM do 88B7I....80....10 .. Grant KR do sun.. 10.. Grant RR do Grant UK di MTV3....M... 10 .! GrantBB do SM0....M....10. Oram B K do 8*841....W....10 .. Gn:<t B R do 88*78...100....30 . Grant BK do 88878..,.30 4.. Grant B R do 3*879... 3* 4.. Grant B R do MOM....30 1.. Grant BR do . Grant BH do 89174.........10 .. Grant BR do 99i79...l00...,30 .. Grant B R do 90381....99 Grant BR do 9M44....38 » Grant BH do smns ....34 8 .! Grant BR do »4V7.... S 1 .. Gram BR do a#«4....j» 5 Grant KR do 99717...loo....30 . uraenebaam. Balblng k Oo. TrliltMl........ ■...... 18738 ...10.....3. Orwobaum, Belblng k Oo, Tm.U« ...-1WW....10... .3 .. Qmnrbanm, elbluj k Oo. Tfi'tm .90011.., 100. • ■ .90 Grernebaam, Belblng k Oo. Trasteva 94950...1C0... 90 Qrwtirb*um, Bribing k 0 >, Tiuitwa...... ..........88888.,0000.. 1000 Orecuabaum, ttalblng k Oo. Truataaa 83813....19 4 .. Omnebaum, llalb j| k Oo. Traatea* 97830..9000.. .000 .. OrMorbaom, Bribing k Oo. Truataaa ..... ...........407^9,...60.,,,10 ,, Garnett A G k Oo.lroataM ST#S4... 100....30 Oardlntr k llooker. Trns...1IU48....80....10 .'. Oautbler k HcbmlU. Trua.. .SII1....10 j •■♦oily * Uhl, Traataea " Grtcnbaom L k Oo, Traa....l6U..,.ao ... 1 , Qard Bar Baldwin. TratUa.JMH..4 , Crrane a Co, Truataaa. HUM... m g Grwno A Oo do *4113....10 3 Oreane k Co do 8*198 ....9 go Oatamana B B. TrnaUe....89)41.. .100....99 llocbitadtar r k Oo, Trerta 94179....80....I0 . HocliatadtarBkOo do 9I19S....10.... 3 . Bochttadter K kCo do 84T7B...100....9O Bocbatadtar B kOo do ank*...^... 1" Hoch>tadterBkOa do 99979....40...1 g' HochatadterBkOo do 9*848....80....10 ' Bo> baiadtcr B k Oo do 8M9A. ..100....30 Bocbatadlar B M Oo do,..lo . B«wr8 uoarna,Tra.bal,l(7iM....78....uii6 I Boanar k Boarna. Tv. bal. 970S7....79... .is 00 Boomer* noaraa,Tra*l*aa.l7ta0.. .Mo... ao Boenar k Bourne do 97484...too,..,90 Ho*m»r k Hoarse. Tra, bal 900M....90....I8 .V Bawk* B U, Traataa 97799...100. ..90 , Ilotcblnixin Joba, Tniataa. 186*0....80....10 Uutcblnaon John do 84887...8C0....80 ! Ulekox k Oo Q C. Tnuteee S'lff*. 9190.. .838 .. Banker* I.Troatw. 1«01...100....30 .. Be ibarg I do 9T8M...1U0....30 .. I B--r*b*rgI do 90*89...100....90 . 1 Beat** ferryman.Trne...370*1.., •ffWWa, bal 18398... .9 40 I 94898.. .90....10 . 1 Bardi Benjamin r. Tree.. .88099....19 3 , Untbardk 10.Trot. Hal....18348 ...94 4 80 I iordat r ». irvatee iar«1....10 3 , Benney k Dyer, Tro.teea..91013....98 8 t BenneykDer do M1T...K0....J0.. Kli jr Joe {• k us. Trneta»a.liM4....10 .. 10. KlngJiiaLkOo do 18798....10 ....9 . ^"•JojLkCo do 8*8*4....10 9.. ^i^O**;TrilHaa 98S99... .90 4 .. XlngBHkOo.rtnataa....4(1887 4 1.. Kaaiman H k Oo.Traatea*. 99449....90 8 . Ball., KlmaaBk Co, Trneteae...99814...100....JO.. Sr'W-ar . US48....80....10. ^iS5 S wdSfc^hdi., Si&'J V -SS-.-S:::::f: Latbamkllng do ..841U9...100... 90 Latham J B k Co, Tr., bai.^S...!"::: " ! P V. Traataa 9aw« g .. Tma.....39Tg....3U I f*.1* W..11091 8 1 80 Ulng 0 D. Trauea BUW....10 3 .. m?1* S !£■ !• •80M-"-10 9.. *!?°°T. 9888... 10 i.. '»«•••..«o 9.. U**7* * 25® 0*° T do bal 99781.. ..3 40 Btila k tia 0«o T do 93849 ..luo... 90 2s: 2$' T2?u#- ^••.io3ii.:;~i;::;"« J"'' * 2 do bal..,10897... 91 4 40 S {'!! U909...100....30 .. Mtrki W h do bat...Dm t ja aurki W 8 do w . Sro t In Marki W B do «M»....10.<>..9.. I Matkx W a ff — ».. MarkaWS do ««"",8""',J" ' is':*: fo S"5!' bal...89741....91 990 JJEKI" J® 98919 9 1 go lfukaWS do 94798... J0....18.. 1 1 a i° ITJT9....ID «. W»S!«S. -40 tl»98....79....U .. 5«fcw«8,T2wu* w"m » « KS!I "*r....8i 8n 97t9T....7g....l«go ^35 f? sua- »... .«4o m ■? 40t«ip(W94».v,,»»)4l9 lILIHQniT BlllB. Ui. iMHftal-CMlIu Nam a*. Ho. 0*rt. 8ba. Ant. | Maepberaon John, Treataa.HUT....10 1. Maop«r*obn Jabn do 11880....10 J. Maepberaon Jobs do 10788...100....10.. Maepberaon John do 11041 ...10 9.. Maepberaon John do Mill....10 » .. Mli aaabelmar Ck Oo, Tri. J948Q ( 1.. MtniaahelmarOk Co do 89407....10 1.. Minaeahalmer 0 k Co do 40049... .00....10 .. MitiiMbelmar 0 k Co do 40080....80....10 .. MlDzeabalmarO k Oo do 40111...100....30 .. Murphy B P. Treataa M88....I0 4 .. Murphy EP do ... 88311 4 10 Momgr W B Treataa 18*89....10 4 . Murray W B do 11091....10 », Monjenatern M. Tnutaa ...10140....*> 4 Mark* Jo*. Treataa. 11410....10 S .. Mitchell. Sao H. Treat**. .18080....30.... 4 .. MoDoaald J ITrHm, bal..41»l • 1 80 Merabasb Jnliua. Treataa. ..11840... .10 1.. Moor* k Montgomery, Tr*.40olT 8 1 M> Nobl. H H k Co, Traata«a.»»47....B0....10 .. Nobl* U HiCo do 808&8...100....80.. Nobl* B B k Oo do 8MIO...U0....K.. Nonro. d W *. Trait** mw.. « .. Norwood WB do ... 81818....4* 8.. Mwauttcr I. Treat** 08080...100.. Ntllion H Treat**..'. 88885... 81....It.. O'Connor T, Treat** 84180,...80.... 10 .. utla k Co. Treataa* 183M....80 .10.. O'Oonnor k Oook, Tre*....81'84....10 4.. O'Ooonor Jamra ...88888....40 8 . O'O null Jamaa, Traataa..88180....80 4 , O'Brien Win MaMabcn, Treataa. 10084 ...80....10 .. 1 Phlppa A B, Treataa, b*l.,.S8S88....14 8 80 Palmar OTroaU*..........18*41...100....10 .. Plummar B W k Oo. TreaU0081...100....*J.. FtraooaH B.Truai** 80818...100....80 .. ParaOOaHB, 00 ....40]T3...1U0....30 .. Parker k Barntt, Treat***, bU 4388....10 t.. Philip Martin F, Trail**. .1880R ...80... 10 .. Pbillp Mirtln P. do ..80148...100....10 .. Ptaraon Iradk....bal 88411....81 8 80 Rlch*rdaon K A, Treat**.. .18408 8 1 ,. Kicbard-on ■ A do bal.18984 8 00 Klcbtrdaon IA do .8M0...380....80 .. Hlcbardaon B A do .83870....IT T 40 RlrbardaonBA do .80077...100....30 .. Randolph.MacMntnth k Oo. Treau** 3899T....30 4 , Randolph,Mac J: In to*b k Oo, TrmatM*. 88888....10 8.. Rich O, Treat** 11814....10 ...8.. Rlebl) do 880M....30 4.. Rork* B B. Treat** 88888....80....10.. Kobwon Henry 8 40481... .10 3 Schmieden. Uocbatadtar * Oo, Treat*** 10180....10 1.. Bobml'dall. HoabatadMTk Co, Treat*** 14T88....10 3 .. Bcbmladall Hocbatadtar k Oo, Traalaea 11813 8 1 , Bcbmladrll, Hocbatadterk Oo, Treataa* 18843...100....30 .. | Bchml* tell, HocbaUdtar k Oo, Treat*** 18148...100 .. 30 . Schmieden. Hocbatadtar k Oo. Treat*** 38313....30 4 .. | Schmieden, Ilocbatadter k Oo, Truate*a 34478.... 10 3.. ScbmWdell, Hochatadter k Co. Trualeaa 88C03. ..80....10 . Rum Mat, Treataa 14484..0814.. 114180 B »tn Ml do 81011...100 ...80 .. HU'JtNat do 88/W...100....80.. Stain Nat d> bal 80811....80 ....4 .. Bielit Nat do M8I8....10 4.. Htiln Hat do 88814....30 4 . Sbotwail J M, Treat** 10*1... 10 3.. Bbotwall J U do 13741... 100....30 .. (tchmltt 0 A, Truate*. bal. 848T1....11 8 00 ttcott HIU Oo, Truata.baLIMM 8 1 30 Hcolt H H k Go do ..81388....30 4.. Htawart W J. Treat** 84198....80 ...10 .. Mm* W K, Treat** 40(18..3100...140 .. Trltlo P A k Co, Treat*,bal «X • I 80 Trill* IT A k Co do ..*7070...100... » .. Trill* P A k Ou do ..17871...100....10 .. Tolilo RC,Treat** 84119....80....10 .. ToblnUO. do 84889. ...18 8.. Taj lor A O. Truataa UN ...10 1.. Toid A H, Truate* 18074. ...10 1 .. Wood* k iTaab. rn, TruaU..7747.. .101 ....*).. Woodak rreobora, do .1M4....80....10 .. Woodak rraabore, do .18800....10....10 .. Wuoda k Fieaborn, do .MM...100....10 .. WtkaflaldBBkOo.TraaU..87188...800....00 .. WakoOeld S Bk Co do 80344.. .100....80 .. null* A mil .. WhlteAW do 1MB. .ICO....110 .. WhlteAW do MIW....I0 1.. White AW do MIST... .10 1.. White AW do Mitt....10... .a.. Whit" AW do MM*....10 «.. White AW do Mm • I .. White AW do MJ9M....10 » .. White A W do MM ..100....40 .. White AW do M1M...3U0....40 .. Wilton A Hutcblnron, Trot *3333... 100....» .. Wakrfleld H b.Tru«, b*l...lMtt...;.« 130 Wrlfbi W H, Traete*. IMU....10... .1.. Wood W BACo. Trus, bal.ttttl....4* • .. Webb A B. Truetee 3M73... IS I.. Wood U V, Truitee 33«N1...1<0....M .. Wilton F it ftCo.Tru»te*el*3iu....l0... .1.. And in tocurau.o« with Uv, and an ord«r of lbs Board or Directors, um on lb* tlh day of aufust. 1871#, *0 mm) ahares of each mt o*l of such nook m bat be nrceesarjr will be •old At public auction. At the offlce ol the Com pany, Moon I, No. 3o» Both iiimi, tan Fran cisco. California, on WKUKK80AT, lbs K1KST (1st) OAT ur OCT0BKH, LSTt, At tbs how of one o'clock r. » of »d day. to uay said delln quant sssiasmsm then-on, together with ooate of adratlalii« and expeosee of Mia wTm DBAN. Secretary, street, Had Offlce—Room S, Mo. 30* Bush street. Pranclfco, California. II ll'ITICK ■INI MM COM S* AN If .— 0 Location of principal piece of buelneee, Has Kntncleco, Calllurula. Location of works, Qold BUI, Storey const;, Nevada. Notice.—There are dellaqasot apon lbs fol lowingdescribed stock, on accoant of ssssss msnt (No. *>) levied on the 1th da; of Anfoet, 1(79, the several Amounts set opposite the nsmee of the respective shArsholders, as fol lows: Name*. No. Cert It Bhs. Ant. Coffin J antes. Trustee esttts IM «....$& .. 1 UlAslrr ft Oi, Trustees.,,. .. Bosuier A Bourne, Trunts.. 1700....10....10 . KOward* k Irvine, frntts.. MSJ....10....I0 . K B Dxwev.Trnstee M?9....10....I0 .. I oiaslerft Co,Trnateea... 8#*i. ..10I...100 .. I Ol- tier A Co, do M10....1U....10 .. Wlieon k Hotchlnton.Trus. W7S....10....10 .. F A Trills k Co. Tiustess.. 3781... 80....SO .. Latham A Klof, Trustees., ttil 5 *.. echmledill. Bochsiadtsr A Ou, Trustees 484S....10....10 .. a»>L Bradley, Trustee.... MMQ...1S0...130 . T B Vslsntlie, Truitee BOX)....33 ...St.. kppetelu ft Oo.TruaUee... 6069 ...(0....So . IUIsilerftCo, Trustees... *179...100...100 .. I Ulazier ft Oo, do SMS....30 30 .. I I Ol'Sler A Oo, do MIV....M....W .. 1 I master « Oo, do B38S....10... 30 .. I Olaalrr ft Co do *«I3 • I.. 8 B Wakefield ft Oo. Trusts. UN....30....30 .. B A nirhardsoa.Trustee... MM....30....30 .. IQIaxierftCo, Trustees... BUM....80....10 .. Or. wley ft Goodmsa, True. 6779....10.,.. 10 .. A W White, Trustee MM....10.. .10.. B A Hlchardaon. Tract**... ISM....10....60 .. H B Waki fl'ld A Co, Truate. S0M i • .. OeoT Mans ft Hon, Trusts *390. . 10....10.. bchmledell, Utebsiadter ft uu, •• Coffln, BaniUreon ft Oook, TmhN MM....10....10.. lOlailerft Oo.Traita**... MU .. to....10. t attum ft King,TruiUea.. MAS....10....10 .. Oeo B Hoot. Trattee M1I....M....M .. 0'OCkt-r ft tlnrdam, Tro»U. MM....10,...10 .. * K»a'm«n ft Co. Tro>t*«*. MM > • .. J U Mbutwell. TnilU* BBSS....10 ...1U .. Plate ft Lorelaod, Tru-t*.. MM. ..100. ..100 .. Ooffln, Sabdenon ft Cook. Tiunt<*c............. . . 6W0....IO....80 .. Jdo UulchlDfOD, Iroitr*.. (9T3....10 ..10.. Kaodoipb, Macklntoab k Co. Traita** T423....10....10 .. Randolph, Mack In toe a k Oo. Trustee* TOM t I. BO Hooker. rroetee TOO ..10....10. HKXelljr Truetee T0TT... 10....10.. Mark* k lUlDhwdt.Tnuu. TM4....M....M .. Bro klnrldiie ft Yoet, Tro*. Tttl . ..M....M.. UeoTIUrreftHoa. Truata. TIM....TO....TO .. WI Norwood. Trnataa TIM... 100...100.. Urecku-ridg* ft Yoat, Tin*. TMA....10....10.. JC A Ulcbardeoo, Trtuue... T81T...100...100. TBDIiod, Treat** TMl. Jdo H .tci.lMon, Tro«t*e.. 7154....JO....» .. Jdo Maepheraoo. Trade* . T7M... 10....10.. Barrett ft Walker, Tin*!*.. 7771....10.... 10 .. Jamei Wharton, Troat**... TITT....10....10 .. Jdo llaepbereo*. TrniUe.. 7M0....10....10 .. 1 Qliiler ft Oo. Traneea... T6T4....M....M .. KH'icbitadUr ft 0>. Traa.. TVQS....M....M ., O'Ceoe ft Oo, Tnuteee TMl....10....10 .. AtklsroD.Dood ft Co, Troa. TMl. .......60 .. a Kiufmasft Oo,Tioateea. MM....10....10 .. Oeo B Child*, Trntta* WT4 .. 10....10.. XanDrr ft tycr. Trait***.. SOW....S0....M.. a. CablH ft Oo, Traataaa.... MIT I. ...» . HUftD'ftCopkliaf,Traa.. B1T1 1 1.. D Bleb, Truataa 8308....M....SO .. J MShot veil.Truftee MM....M....M .. Oeo B Hoot. Tro»tee 8X1....10... 10 .. Kraut; ft Djer. TrneUa*.. WM...100...100 .. Kenuej ft Dj»r, do SIM ...C0....M .. P 8 Fay, Trnataa MM....10....10.. At kin eon, Bond ft Oo, Traa. M17...M....M .. ()*oB Hoot. Trnataa 8110....10....10 .. Kpp»ulu ft Oo.Trnrteee.... Bill.........10 .. Zaaurft Weill, Traataaa... 84*.... Oeo W Kalay. Tnuta* 84c4....IO....M .. Joo UutcblDiOD, Trnataa.. MM....10....10 .. K V Keot.TrntU*. MM....III....10 .. P (■ Far,Trnataa MM....*>.... 10 .. Jdo Bntcblnton, Traaua.. M18....10....1U.. R H MloUter, Tinatta.... 1701.10 .. Jam** Patanon.lnutaa... 87M...100...100 Jama* fatrrtoo, do RM...100...100 .. Jno Bnleblaaaa. Trnataa.. MM....M....M .. W L Cancan. Trnataa SHI....10....10 .. Orteatbanm, Balblna ft Oo, Traataaa MM.. 1000..1000 .. ■dwarda ft Irrlae. Trnati.. 8SM • • .. HCTobln. Trnataa MM....It....10 .. D M Hoamar ft Co. Trn*ta..MM....l»....ll.. O A Bcbmltt, TrnMaa MM....10....10 .. n B Noble ft Oe, Traatcaa..MM....M....M .. J B Bonroa. Trnataa MOT....40....40.. J LKini A Oo. Traataaa....Mil....M....18.. ■ Hocn»t*dt*rft Oo.TnuU.90H.... 10.. 10.. DMBoaaarftCo. TraaU,.»oa....M....10.. B Oardlaar Traate* WOO... Oeo W Kallr.T>aet«* .. a I PtlppeJTrasNe JUI....M... *0 .. W W Ormrea, Trnataa •1M....1I....10.. WJwa # BatiHuw, Traa.IlM,....» I.. X DILIIQPEW 8A1I8. laiUw-CtaUa imam. No. Oertif. Bha. Ami. PBPar, Treiu* WTO....10....10 .. RCTool#.TraatM M01....10....10 .. Or*eo* * Co. Treat*** Nit....10 ...10 .. Wood* ft Praeborn, Treat*. .BSM......... 10 . Jaa Oottn, Treat** H H Noble k Oo, Treat***. MM ..'.( • . KOTcbln. TraitM MM....10... 10 , Jdo 8*df wick, TraatM MM....10....10 . Block k D*rahara,Traet*a*.MW....M....10 . W L Dorean, TnuUe wto. ...I I. OiMubtia. B*lMnf ft Oo, Treat*** ................. 9T0B....M....M , 1> M Boemer k Oo, TraaUeeMM......... 10 .. I A Q (laroett k On M17....30....30 .. D1IH vmerk 0.),TraetM*.*BM....10....M.. OtMMbNO, Belblng * Co, Tresuw .BBBB... .M. ...BO .. I Hwibrrg. TraitM M0I....M....M .. J do Malon*?, TraitM MN....K....H .. l. Barattlal, Treat** MN....M....D .. Clatek Loraland. TraatM*. 10001....10... lu .. Crocker k Hajdam, Treat*.I00BT....M....M .. B Gardiner. TraatM 10081....18....18 .. iaoWalla Treat** MOM....10....10.. OrwMbaam, Htlblnf k Oo. TraatM* ...7" 10071... 100... 100 .. Zailf ft Weill. Treat***....lOllB....lB....iB.. BCablil*Oo.TrmatMa....lOU...100...XM .. H B NobU ft 0>.Tra*t*a*. 10W1....10 ...10 .. BOTobln. TraatM 1MTT....10....IO .. I Waiter * Oo, TraatM*...10)11....M....10 .. I Qlaaler k Oo, TniateM....10*14....10....10 .. Joo Bedawlck. TraetM 1MM... .1 5.. Adolpb Barnbaimar. Treat.10IM....M....M.. Stuau ft Downar, TraatM*. icn«i...loo...ioo .. luMa Oofflo, TraatM 10M* Hrt B Oulmlr,TmrtM... 1M11....M....M.. ! B uaothler ft Oo.!».... 10 .. B B Hcotl ft Oo, TraatM'..108M....M....M .. Randolph. Mackintosh k Co. TraatM* 10053....10....10 .. Bdwarda k Irrloe,Tra*tM*.IUM....10....IO .. I Ulaaiar * Oo. TreataM.... MHM... ,M... .M. D K doamer * Oo. Treat... 10TM....M .. R K Kellj, Treat** 1MM....M....M.. I Qlaaler k ru.TraaUM ...IIWI....10... 10.. Jaa Oofflo, Tree'** 100M....M....M . B Bochatadtar ft Oo, Trea ts* 1DM7....M....50 .. Nat Mala. Treat*. 11040....10....10 . D M Hoemerk On.Tniete**.lll(a....M....M , IOlaaerk Oo. Treataaa...11111...1M...1M .. O Blrabfeld. TraatM U1M....40....M .. 0 Utrebfeld, TniatM 111*1... 10....10.. JamM Onffla, Tio»tM 11188...M....80 . A <> Oara*tt ft 0o.Tre*t***.llM4 T.»T..T IT OraetMb«nn>, Balblac k Co. Tfudw ,.113T*.... 1ft.... 1* . D Z Yoat * Oo. TraatMa.,.lltM....M....M.. Ooffln, Baoderaon * Cook. TrnaUM lUlf #••••.« . 1 P favallUr, TraatM......114M...100...100 . J POaralllar do ....114M...IM...1M . J P OaTaliler do ....1IU1...100...100 . J P Ctvalller do ....II4M...W0...1M.. RKKellr, TraatM lit**....10....10.. L (iraaobaain k Co, Traat. .1UTS....M....M . K Dlnamnre, Treau* .. .1MM....M....M , Michael flown. Troalee.. ..11880. ...80.,. M .. Crocker* Havdam, Traat..1IIM...BOO...BOO .. Greene k Co, TraaUe*. 11111....10....10 . K BocbatadurkOo, Treat..II87B....M....18 . Thomaa Tbomeen, TreiU*. 11878....M....40 . J POaealllar,Traau* 11041... J O Better. T.uaU* 11*11...ICO...100 . 8 Rlmoo, TraatM I17M.. .100. ..100.. DX Merlin. TraatM 11AM .. M... M. Mock k Bern bard .Traateea.118M... 100... 100 . P 8 Far. Treat** 11(40 S B. TWa'deler, Treat** 11M1....*>....JO . 8 Prank Tra-tM 11BTB....1B....1B .. Oeo B Hoot, TraaUa 11SM S B .. ClaUk Lor*Uod. TraatM*.11013....10....10 .. Wro Oadlcan, Truxee 1IM0....8B....M .. It Oai III k 09, Treat***....l»'i«....80....»0 .. Oouk <t Weleott. TmateM.. 1*04*...100... 1U) , II B Wakefield k Oo, Traa tM* 1*004...100. .100 .. J P Caea'ller, TraaU* 1MM... M....10.. J P Caralller do ....1MM. ..10....10 .. J P i'a«alller do ....12180....10....10 .. 0 If Boaver k Co.Treateea 11 .. (lerolamo Qaelrolo,TrnatMll/T1...100...100 .. J P Caralller, TraatM 1M1*....... .10 .. 1 OlaaUrk Co.Tra»t*M... 12314....60....80 Tbeo l.lebermann. TraatM. 11394 80....80 .. 8 B Wakefield * Co, Tree i— .. D K BOMNTk 0o.TraatMa.123M....10.. T Bnibtnt, Truat»« 11404....10....10 ., 8 B Wakafleld k Co, Trait..11447....10....10 .. Homer (i King k Oo, Trad.13471....80....30 .. Kenney k Dyer. Trail***. 1141I....H... 00 .. -«B Wakefield fcO->.Tm»t.lMO#.........10 .. Jno M.cpberaoti. Traete*..12*47....V....30 .. H D Bawke, Traite* 1-674 & • .. W L Dao>to, Traatfle IMS I • .. B r Uo(liad. TnuUe 1VM....3O....I0 .. 1 Qltilcr k Oo, Trail***...1268( .. a D Biwkl, Tra»h» 1 MM....36....11 .. W R Norwood.Traate* 136M....39... 36 .. I BocbiUdwr k Co, Trea Ue R I Kelly, Tidim 138M....33... 38 .. K Hocbatadterk Oo. Tra»4.l*4»1...100...100 .. (1 B Barley. Tru)!M 1*744...100. .100.. It K Kelly Tfuale* IfTll... 10....10 .. 1 Olultt k Oo.Traate**... 127(0.. 100...100.. Jae P»tt*r»-n, TlUlw 13783...800...000 .. Wood* * Preeborn. Traa IM 12*18....10....10 .. Oope k Dull. Traete**....1WM....80....30 .. H 4 Noble kCo.Traatee«..U818....3G....30 .. Qreenebeora, Helblai k Oo, Tram**.. 11840...600. .800 .. H U Kelley,Traitee 110*4....10....10 .. Crocker k Hayden. Trn*ta.l291(....20....20 .. U wd baum, Belblngk Co, TtB^M* ,*«■ .... 11993. *.30...,30. RKhimi, Trad** 18209....26....26 .. R K Kel.'ey,Tiuete* 11027....10....10 .. RKKdUr. do 18020....10....10 . U n Noble kOo. Trnil***.11060....B0...,80 .. 1> M Bo.mer k Co,Tm*kMl30t8....10.,..10 .. T B Ulxoo, Tra-tr* l*n..\100...100 .. It K 1*11*7. Truate* 11100....10....10 .. Coffin, Handeraon k Cook, TrailMi, bal 00» 7H..TH B B Nobl* k Oo. Traate*a.18118. * «..» *1 I Glillir k Co, T'Ukil .13120 3 23..3 32 I niacin k 0 >, Trn«l». 1*1.184*3 03... It J L Bunt, Trait**, bal 3078 t.17.,187 Ketn*y k hi*' Truateee.bal Mil 3.33..3 33 HBKtlley.Tireelaee, bil,.1003J 3.30..3 30 P N Llllenlbil, Tru.ti e.bal 174(1 ....0.13..103 behmledell. HochitadWr k Oo.TnutMf.btl 20M0....16.01.1(03 B Bailsman, Trait**. bal....3400.... 4.01..401 Zadlgk W-IU Traateae bal..S»I....M .80. (lolly k Ubl. Trait*** 11120. ...3.31..3 31 I R K Kelly, Tra*U*. b*l 113(0 7.M..T 88 | UaoTBary* k boo. Iru IH*. b«l 13310.... 1.10..3 SO Latbim k Klnr.lraita.bal.. 1414 3.31..331 UBaligmao.Tra*!**. bal. ..8173.. .10.73.1071 R Moobitadtprk 0o,Tra>U.lll(l....60....(0 . Macpbenoa k Bblno, Traa. tee*................... *..131(0....30....(0 ., B B Brook*. Tram* 13134....30....30 .. B Iloebetadterk Co,Traita.l3iM....30....2t.. nib It. TruitM 1J»0....10....10 .. B 1)Hawke,Tnutee.......l*t0tI...l0....t0 .. Ilale k Pacbeco. Trail***. 11214....10....20 .. Crowiey*Uo.>dmtB, Trait*. 13223....10....10 .. H B Roike, Trait** 11203... 30....30 .. 0 W res. Trait** tilt t t.. w H Clark* k Oo. Tmt*M.741t .. ,t 6 .. RCihtil kOo,Traalaaa. .. 12707. ...I t.. a A Ouaraao. Trait** 11790....10....10 .. John Maopbinua. Tra«t**.l4747....l0,...l0 .. fop*. Ublark Oo,Trait***.17(i(....10....10 .. A w Wbll*, Trait** ;. 17031... 10... 10.. O W tot, Tnul** 17927....36....38 .. Bchmladall, Boobatadtar k Oo,Tmatnra 13133 .160...100 .. 0 0 Bo tier. Truitaa 30380...330.. .830 .. Bo*<r*rkBoanM,Tnit***.21T70....S0....30.. And la aecoKUaea with law and an order of lb* Board of Director*, madi oa tba una lb (7tb) da v ot An* nit. 1873. ao many abara* o f each parcel ot aoeb a lock aa mar o* aicnaary will b* aold at pa one aactloa at tb* offle* of tb* Company, boon 2, Ha;ward'i Balldtna, 418 Caltfo Dla *tr**t, Ban Pranelieo. California, on TUK8DAT. tb* tblrtlatb (30th) day of ttoptaat brr. 1873. at Us* boar of oi* o'clock p.m.of aald day, to pay laid delinquent aana*a>*i tbareoa, together with ooata of adrartlalnf and eipeaaeeof theaal* B K. KELLY, Secretary. , Office—Room 3. Bayward'a BaUdlaa, 413 Callltornla a treat, Baa Praadaco, OalUornla. 13 T KTUTHil IIIMfl COMPAIT. ■Li LooUlou o< principal plao* of hmliuM, tea frmno'ioo. California. Locslloa of worki, Oold Hill Blalo| District, I St■nrj Oouniy. Ntrada. Wotlo*.—Tbtr* W delinquent apos th* tol k>»lajr-d**er1b*d Mock, on aeconnt of uhm neat (Mo. I> l*»lad on lb* rtiih day of Aacatt. 187». tb* MTtral umili t«t oppodt* U* OHM of the r**p*ctlr* tkartholdara. u follow*: Mum*. *o. C*rtlf. Bhi. Am't. W A Knipp. Tnwtaa U»....«0...|l0 F X Laty. Tra»t** 15M...100....15 . OCOoBger, TnutM 1W....50....1110 A Holirw M Oo. TrB»U**...ll*T....10 ( .. F «Laty,Traet** MM....10 J L AnnMroof. Trntu* MH....10 tM Crock* k Qarnit.Tiutm.nH.... 10....»m F X Laty, Tra*t<* MW...100....M .. IraOBuItt Traat** Mil....XI I.. B B HcoU * Oo, Traat***...M6I....N....1I to 0 W Hoar*,Tnuua S1M...100....M .. FI Laty, Trartt* 4M1...M0...15.. I< Bsady * Dyar. Treat***.. .4701.. .HO... .50 .. Henry Akkra, Tnutca U41..-100....M .. Hanry Akkra, Trnataa U41.. .100 ...M .. F X Loty,Tniitaa 111!.. 100....U .. Atkloioo, Dood A Oo,True .1447....10... 11M FBLaty,Treat** MTt... M....UM F I Loty do M0T....M «M A<kloaoa, Dood k Co,Tre<..t5ii...i00....15 .. OCConnr,Tratta* MIT... M....1IM F K Laty.Treata* 0011...100....M .. 0 C Ooocar, Treat*** • ••••••• •oca «• • • 0 0 Cob g*r do •TOO....IO... 1150 r B Laty.Trart** 00H....M....U6O FX Laty do ( 1M F B Laty do •«# ii»»illX.i.tXi..nll5 FX Laty do (ITI....15 «M F X Laty do OM FX Laty. Trad** dl»T....M....lJM F B Laty do M....1IM FX Laty do tCT...10q....M. FBLaty do MM...100 ...M . F BLaty do MM.,,.11..,».175 FBLaiy do •••• .•••^MSieee86**e« WW SJLSUiS-S>"dC"i " i, Btiblag k Co, —^ .#i*#»m»**»*»»miWP,m100*.»iII . tOfcj«Tili>w>, 10 •• It 101 II I BILIIQUMT 8ALU8. UrlMkM- C»«U«i«4 NimM. AmI. FRUtly.TnuMe MM... IJ....MJO nut; do •*2—'!5""!!!2 FX Loty do MTO.........MM FX Laly do MM....M....HM F R Loty do W8..ii36 Ill f ILotf do IM....1S ® U Atklnioo, Dood k Co, Tr*...UOI...lM....M .. r X Loty do CMT...I00....W .. fx Loty do mm....itm r I Luty do Ml.,. 10....It W PXLaly do MOO....10...,If M F E Loty do MIV....M I JS F X Loty do IK X R Ormot. TraitM MM... 10....1110 I K Grant do MIT....M....MM Nat Btela, TraitM M71...100....M.. F X Luty. TraitM MM. 100....1B .. FX Luty do 0OT9...I00....3B .. FRLaty do ITM....M....MM FX LotT do ..........WW. ...tO... .It to Juki dofflo, Tnuto* 6TT»...N«....t» .. Kicbtrd'OD, HiU A Oo. Tn..MM. .100....M .. Riebirdioo. HI'I k Oo, Tri. #A>9. ..100....M .V F ■ Laly, TnutM .. F ■ Luty do tttO HRFwklat tW» to Thaw* W KalUtt. TnMM.tlM...IM....MM ThoiaM W Moltoct, do JOoffli,TnutM MT4...1t0....M .. - - do tVTt ..100....It.. do MTT...W0....M .. do do ttJt...ioo, do tut... 100....*.. Oofflo do MM... M....JM X KOrut. TrutM .TOO....00....UtO Nil 8Mo,TnutM. 1*91...too....» .. F X Lotj, TnutM TMl ...10 ttO FXLaly.TiBJlM.bkl TSU....M ...llff FI Loty do TtM t 1M F X Loir do Tttr 1M..JTM PR Laly do TtM....It IN FX Loty do *»!....M ...T.. F I Luty do .TMl... J 1M FX Loty do TtM....M t .. FX Loty do TtM l»..JTIt FX Loty do I.. FX l.uty do TtM... .4 1 .. F B Laly do TttT I Tt FX Loty do TIM ....» M OT aoald Tom., .loo....M .. OT aoald VX4...100....M .. O C B«rt> IMt... M ...MM D* aroitom tojt.. ioo... m .. H XPerklBl TOM....60....11M NltBUIo. Tro.tM Till.. .100....11 .. Rlebardroe. 11111 A Oo.Tn.WO.. M IX A 1) MCCUIUb TI0T...100....M A D McOWIIu TIM. .100....II .. Mil Stela TrartM TlM...10n....M .. JtmM Cofflo, TratlM T1M...M0...1M .. A J Lord I TIM... 100.... U .. OrNMOtiia. Bilblo| k Co. TraitM* Till... 100....M .. W M May sard. T1TI...IM....M .. W X Mayoard TITt...1M....M .. U*o H Mayoard TITt.. .1M....M .. Oto H Maynard TIT4...100....M .. Oro R Mayoard TITS... L B Adaoii 117 ., X.....I1I Rudolph. MackUtoih A Co. TnutM* ••••••••••••••a*** Tin. .M....UM Raado'ph, Mackintosh k Co. TMWt............ •••• ..TtM... .to.... It 10 Raodolph, Mackintosh k Oj, Trail*** .TM1....M....MM Rudolph. Mackintosh k Co. TnutM*. TMJ....M....1IM Rudolph, HMktoUMh * Oo. TraitM* TIM... M....1IM Randolph. Mackintosh k Oo, TnutM* M O*o A Xsrlsr Till Ill A O Oarartt A0o,TnutM*.7IM...lU0....M .. R II Oraat, TnutM. TMI....H....I1 to KB Grant, do ItM NatBulo, Tru» TtM....It IM F X Lnty. TrorM THI....I0....10 .. Grssnthaum, Hslblajc k Oo, TnutM* Tito... 100....It.. Jm *» OolBo. Tra»tM Till.. .100,.. .11.. Nat Btsln TnutM TIM... 10....11M RRGraat,TraitM T<ts...ioo....ia .. XK Grant da TIM...100....SS .. XK Grant do T4M...II0....M .. B LBrMM TWO...100....M .. XROrut, TnutM RHOraot do ... TIM...MO... M .. X It Grant do TH0...1M....M.. R R Grant do TtM....M....It M B K Orut do TtM....M....MM B R Grant do TSM....M....M M R R Orut do TMT....M....MM RROraot do M R K Orut du TtM....M....It M Atkloaoa, Dood k Co, Tnu J a Pardeaaoa 1870....«)... .7 M Jamee Coffin, TruaUe 1871....flu....11 80 Jama* Oomn da 7874....80... 1180 JimM Coffin do 7AT4....M 4M Jemee Coffin do 767S....M... .IH Jtaui Ooffin do 7IN....M 4M Junta Coffin do 7877.... 38 IN Nat Stain, Trnatee 80 F B Latjr, Treat**.. TMi • 78 F B Loir do TMI • If FBLnty do 7644....14 IH r ■ Loir d no FBLaty do 7(70. _.M 4 80 ri Luty do 7TI....U IH F B Luly do T(71 1 7» F B l.nty do 7671 • 1 M P B Lttlr do 78T4 1 71 P B Luty do 7911 S 7* r B La y do 7«7T 4....1A0 Jam** Ouffln, Trutt** TIM....AO....II80 Jubm Coffin do 78W... 80....UM J •met Coffin do 7700.. .,*>.... It M JimM Coffin do 7711... 100.. J unci Ouffin do 77M...100... 33 .. H bPinooi. Trnatee 77*... 100....34 .. L Ortenebeam A Co.Trutte 7881... .M 1 . Klckan) eon. Hill * Co, Trat.T8ll....»•....II <0 Jtmee Ooffla, Tru»tM TIM.. 1U0....14 .. Jamre Coffin do THM.. 100....M .. JameeOoffln do TIM...100....II .. Rlckardeoo, Hill k Co, True 7878...100....14 .. IKUfUt. Trnatee 78*8....80... 1110 Oope k Davta. Treat**e TM7...I0O...K .. Halak Packeco.Trueta**., 7M8...10O....78 .. UMKuUACa, Trust***. ..7MO..10OO...ltO.. And In accordance with law. and an onMr oi Ik* board ot Director!, made on tb* tilth day of Aogoat. ltRl, ao many a&area of aack pareel or inch atock aa may be neceeeary will be (old at pnbllc anctlon. al the offict of Manrlce Dor* k Oo , Mo 410 Pin* »treat, San »renciaco, California, do 7 C BAD AY, tk* TBIHTlk rB day of September, U7I, at tbe bonr of I o'clock p. >. ot aald day. to pay aald delinquent aeaeeement thereon, toyatbar wltk coata ol adTtrtl*In* and exp*na*e of tka aala. P. B. LUTY, Secretary. Offlc*—Room I, No. m Pine atraat, Baa Pnmdaeo, California. 11 A LPHA COSAOUDATKn IIR1RS »* COMPANY -Location of principal placa of bnalnaaa, van Pranrlxo. California. Location of worka, Gold Bill, Moray county. Slat* Of NeTada. Motice.—Tbere are dellnqnant npon tka flat* lowing deacrlbed atock, on account of aa iMimtnt (No. 10) levied on tk* tcrcnik (Tiki day of August, 187S, tk* nwii amoanta Mt oppoalla tk* nam** of tk* r**p*ctlr* akare boldara, aa follow*: Namaa. No. Oartlf. lb*. Ami. William*, Blanc hard A 0*. Truat** 8478.... 10...$10 .. Wood* A Freeborn, True Ufa TIM .100...1M .. Wood* A Freeborn, Trna lac* .TITO.. Wood* A Freeborn. Troa teee.■..,.,,, ,.,* • ■TM«,,,I8.,,,I0,, MaomaO, Trnatee INI...M .. PoiC W.Truatrea MM... 30....M .. Wood* A Freeborn, Tma te* 10777....10....10 .. Murray William 11004 1 1 .. Wood* A Freeborn, Trua taee DIM. .,11 .. M .. Holmee A Co A.Trnabee AWN t i .. Holme* A Oo A, Truatcoe.. 11440 • & .. Hoimer ACoDM.Irnitrea 14DC0....S0....M.. Frlederlck O, Trnatee 18031....M....M .. Blme W K. Truatxe 14881 . .110.. . Orrrnebanm, Helbln* A Oo, ftWWM,... JINT I.....B .. Ban My A Dyer, Trustee*... I81M I • .. And la accordance with law, tad an older of Ike Board of Direct re, made oa the ****atk (7 tk) day of Aofuat, U7I, to many abtree of each parcel of task ttock aa may b* a*ce*aary will be *»ld at public taction, tt tb* auction boot* of John MiddMt n A Boo. Mo. 41* Fin* mart. Ban Prancteeo. California, on WlDNBBDaY. tka tret (lat) day of October, 1OT. to pay aald delinquent aamimint t< ereoa. toaether wltk ooata of adTtrtlalaf and fipmn of tka sal*. «2sssS|? }32S3r AtSEttMENT JESCINDED. N'OTIC* 18 HIUBY OITBW TBAT AT ■ martin* of tie Board of Dirtctol* of BHKKWOOD OOlWOUDATB) MWlkQ COBPAfcY Ikli day bald at tba ofica of tba COBMT HMIIMIl Ho. OM M) Of !»»■!» S?e Enta P" tbaia, torlad July If. llW.ti birtbj rMciBMfl. Ban FraacUeo, Aojrett M. 1BTI H. H. bTOHB. ftacrtlary. 0Sir*-Room* ( and f. ill California itml, (Us Fraactaao. California. *0 NOTICE TO DEHORS. A LL FART 1X8 WHO AEB INDfBTBDTO J\ man notltctf tbat I an ektln* oat uj. boalaaaa and that t heir arrooata airtbi Mt> ltd bytba KIOBTUENTB DAT 0» 80. TtMBta, UN. UtbarwU* nwir*- will ba takaa to raforaa a aattlaaiant. Do aot fall to coaia aad Ma ma. L. B. SiWTkB, anfTtf Dunbar Daalar. AtSIBNETt SALE. HOTTCIII HIRIBT orVtM, THAT TBI aadamgaad. Aaabrnaa of tba Batata of i. Hall, baakrapt, vtfl aall at vabltaaartlM, on SATURDAY, Uttobar Ilk, MT9, at M o'alockr booo, In frrat of bla xtora on Mala atnat.ta OoM Bill, Borate, to tba biflhart Mddar for caab. tba booba aad aacoaata of aald baakrapt. It BIOBABD MBBOBB. Aa^»_ fUNKS